🚨Big News! Renaming: TW Elements is the new name of the game, TWE for short! 🚨


TW Elements is the new name of the game, TWE for short

After our first Stable Version and its success, Tailwind Elements is transitioning from adolescence into adulthood. Hence, from this day on, You should address it as Mr. Tailwind Elements… kidding of course – The new name is TW Elements or TWE for short.
It’s quite catchy, ain’t it? So please spread the word among fellow programmers, webdevs and family & friends. And of course; Use the new names, so you will easily get used to them!

There are numerous other changes, that stem from it, so be advised:

  1. Obviously TW Elements is the new name of the game, TWE for short
  2. Domain changed to https://tw-elements.com
  3. GitHub domain changed to https://github.com/mdbootstrap/TW-Elements
  4. NPM link was already https://www.npmjs.com/package/tw-elements so no change here
  5. Wherever you have linked us: We have of course redirected everything to new domains, but we would appreciate it a lot, if you could update the links, because of SEO.

Of course If you bump into any mistakes, inconsistencies or omissions on our part don’t hesitate to give us heads up. Generally any feedback will be much appreciated 🙂

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