GIT – It can be fun.


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It appears to be all geeky, terrifying heavy coding, but if I explained what it was, you may believe that anyone could learn it.So in my journey of web-dev my 1st task was to learn Git.
Git makes collaboration easy.Git a powerful SMC(supply management chain) to manage the codebase by many companies, developers, students making pet projects.

Let’s Recap….

Git started with the Linux kernel, and then they started using DVCS called Bitkeeper(2002).Then since 2005 it became paid version so to escape this Git was built.Git is a popular version control system(VCS) since then.

It is simple, fast, multiple branches(come to that later), supports linux/terminal/vs and importantly FREE.
How it got its name? called as ‘stupid content tracker’. So they got a name which was lazy and also not a UNIX command.
GIT- ‘global information tracker’

How does it work?

Before knowing any of it – make sure git package is downloaded in your system

  1. Local directory:mkdir filename->cd filename(to access in)
    create git-init and voila ! .git is created and now lets divide it

     a.the working directory
     b.the staging area
     c.local repo
  2. Create a file(example-index.html)
    git status to check if the file is part of the repo.
    Now Git is aware of the file, but has not added it to our repository!

  3. git add index.html now it is staged *!
    Now file is added to the Staging Environment, and we are ready to do our first commit,
    (git commit -m “First release of Hello World!”)

  4. git log( to view the history of commits for a repository).

  5. git help(if u get stuck in the lines and codes)

  6. git branch (branch name)

let’s elaborate

a.Branches allow you to work on different parts of a project without impacting the main branch.

b.When the work is complete, a branch can be merged with the main project.

c.You can even switch between branches and work on different projects without them interfering with each other.

In other words faster and lighter***

  1. git checkout master(switching between branches)
    a. git checkout -b emergency-fix(emergency branch fro our imaginary error in this case!!)

  2. git merge emergency-fix(want to merge problem).

There you go….you know more than 70 percent of population in world already and you are already among those *100 million developers. *

Wasn’t that easy?
But of course its just a introduction, there’s a lot more to go in depth and learn about it and it will get easier with time for you and for me as well, so don’t sweat.

Thanks Mr. Torvalds for git.
That is all. Remember to always have*fun and create.*

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