Google Translate API in a React.js


Google Translate API in a React.js application to translate text between languages, you can follow these steps:

Set Up Google Cloud Project:

  • Go to the Google Cloud Console (
  • Create a new project or use an existing one.
  • Enable the “Cloud Translation API” for your project.

Obtain API Key:

  • In the Cloud Console, navigate to “APIs & Services” > “Credentials.”
  • Create a new API Key.
  • Keep this API Key handy as you’ll need it to make API requests.

Install Dependencies:

  • Open your React.js project’s terminal and install the necessary packages:
npm install axios

Create API Request:

  • Create a new file, e.g., GoogleTranslate.js, to handle API requests.
  • Inside this file, you can use Axios to send requests to the Google Translate API:
import axios from 'axios';

const API_URL = '';

const translateText = async (text, targetLanguage) => {
  const response = await
      q: text,
      target: targetLanguage,


export default translateText;

Integrate into React Component:

  • Now you can use the translateText function in your React components.
  • Let’s assume you have an input field for the text and a dropdown to select the target language.
  • When the user enters text and selects a language, you can trigger the translation:
import React, { useState } from 'react';
import translateText from './GoogleTranslate';

function App() {
  const [inputText, setInputText] = useState('');
  const [targetLanguage, setTargetLanguage] = useState('es'); // Default: Spanish

  const handleTranslate = async () => {
    if (inputText) {
      const translatedText = await translateText(inputText, targetLanguage);
      // Do something with the translatedText, e.g., display it on the page.

  return (
setInputText(} />
); } export default App;

Remember to replace ‘YOUR_GOOGLE_TRANSLATE_API_KEY‘ with your actual API Key in the GoogleTranslate.js file.

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