Trending Discussions of the Week – 9/12/23


Each week, we curate the most popular #discuss posts on DEV to bring them to you in one comprehensive list. From coding tips to career advice, you’ll find a range of topics that are buzzing in the DEV community.

Sharing your dev journey will certainly inspire others, so @soumyadeepdey asks, how did you start your craft?

There’s so much knowledge out there to learn that you have to know at least one niche or esoteric bit. Here’s where to drop that strange trivia — share it with @shricodev!

A lot of people, younger @jimmymcbride included, came into programming with the promises of huge six-figure salaries. So, the question is: what do you find valuable from coding outside of the pay?

@gregorojstersek normally looks for engineers that can reasonably articulate things and can demonstrate drive, motivation for learning, as well as being a good team player. Tell us more about your team’s hiring standards in the comments below!

@apetryla shares some great ways to turn interactions into opportunities with conflict resolution! Share some strategies you use to navigate conflicts in the comments of this discussion!

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