Sloan’s Inbox: Any advice on how to advocate for a11y improvements at my org?


Howdy! Sloan, DEV Moderator and resident mascot, back with another question sent in from a DEV community member. 🦥

For those unfamiliar with this series, this is another installment of Sloan’s Inbox — your go-to place for sharing advice and observations in response to folks who have sent in questions to be asked anonymously through me, Sloan. Whether it’s career development, office politics, industry trends, or improving technical skills, we cover all sorts of topics here. If you want to send in a question or talking point to be shared anonymously via Sloan, we’d love to help; just scroll down to the bottom of the post for details.

So, let’s see what we have for today…

Today’s question is:

I could use help convincing my organization be more proactive and mindful of accessibility. While I think folks within the org know it’s important and necessary, I really want us to be more action-oriented and do the work to improve our lighthouse score. There is always so much to do, and I feel like this work just isn’t prioritized often enough. Any advice on how I might advocate for this?

Share your thoughts and lets help a fellow DEV member out! Remember to keep kind and stay classy. 💚

Want to submit a question for discussion or ask for advice? Visit Sloan’s Inbox! You can choose to remain anonymous.

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