Built a Conversational AI Chatbot Using Amazon Lex


First, What is Amazon Lex?

Amazon Lex is a aws service that used to build conversational AI chatbot application using speech or text interface powered by the same technology that powers Amazon Alexa.

What you will learn here?

I will learn step by step to build AI chatbot using amazon lex.


  • Basic knowledge of amazon web service and aws free tier account.
  • Fundamentals of AI and AWS concepts.

Amazon lex underlying topics:

Amazon Lex Topics

Intent: An Intent is an action that the user wants to perform.
Utterance: Utterance are textual representation of what a user has to type or says on order to trigger an intent.
Slots: Slots are input data requirement to fulfil the inputs.
Fulfilment: Fulfilment is to complete the users intent.

Let’s start step by step to build conversational AI chatbot for order pizza:

Step 1: Go to aws lex page and create chatbot for OrderPizza.
Create chatbot

Step 2: Fill the Intent details as OrderPizza(Heading) and Utterance as Hello,Hii (start).

Image description

Step 3: Add a slot types
– First name (BuiltIn)
– PizzaType
– Pizza crust
– Appetizers
– Time for pizza delivery(BuildIn)
Add more slot types as we needed.
Slot types

Image description

Step 4: Fill the slot type value as Thin and Thick.

Step 5: Active the confirmation and type “Confirmation {Pizzatype} pizza with {Pizzacrust}. Appetizers {Appetisers}

Step 6: Active the closing response and type “Thank you {Name}. Your order was confirmed and will be delivered by {DeliveryTime}.”

Image description

Step 7: Slot prompt to add a buttons in advance options.
Advance Option–>slot prompts–>more prompt option–>Add card group.

Image description

Step 8: Click the build and test.

Here is the link for Orderpizza conversational AI chatbot demo video : LINK

** Thank you for reading and If this is more informative. Share with your friend and follow me **

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