Bandit Level 7 Level 8



Bandit level 8 is all about finding a specific word in a file and extracting its value. In this level, we are given a file called data.txt and are tasked with finding the value of a specific word.


  1. Connect to the Bandit server using SSH with the following command:
ssh -p 2220
  1. Enter the password for Bandit level 8 when prompted: z7WtoNQU2XfjmMtWA8u5rN4vzqu4v99S.
  2. We are given a file called data.txt. Use the cat command to view the contents of the file:
cat data.txt
  1. We are tasked with finding the value of the word “millionth” in the file. To accomplish this, we can use the grep command to search for the word, and then use the awk command to extract its value. The command to do this is as follows:
cat data.txt | grep millionth | awk -F " " '{print $2}'
  1. After running the command, the value of the word “millionth” will be displayed in the terminal.


In this level, we learned how to search for a specific word in a file using the grep command and how to extract its value using the awk command. With this knowledge, we were able to successfully complete the level and obtain the password for the next level.

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