How to Save the Data in IPFS Using the Pinata(2023)


Hello Everyone! Thank you for your interest in my article.
This is Crypto Ninja‘s first article.
And I hope my experience will help you.

In this guide you’ll learn how to create Pinata public and private Api keys and secret keys. We’ll also look at how to use these keys in NFT Marketplace.

Generally, developers save data in IPFS using the Infura.
But we can save the data using the Piñata.
If we use Piñata API, first we have to create account in Piñata Cloud.
If you create a piñata cloud account, you can see a screen as follows.
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And then let’s create API Keys.
First click “Api keys” button on left slider bar and then click “New Key” button on right top.
You can see a screen as follows.

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Type key name in “Key Name” field and then click “Create Key” button.
Now is important.
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You can see three keys.(API Key, API Secret, JWT).
You have to copy and save these!

We just created piñata cloud account and API key, Secret key and JWT.
To be next, let’s see how to use these.

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This is the Pinata.ts file.

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This is the part that use Pinata API Key, Secret Key and JWT.

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Until here, we saw how to create piñata cloud account and API Key, Secret Key and JWT and then how to use these.
Thank you again for your time to read my article.

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