Top 7 Featured DEV Posts from the Past Week


Every Tuesday we round up the previous week’s top posts based on traffic, engagement, and a hint of editorial curation. The typical week starts on Monday and ends on Sunday, but don’t worry, we take into account posts that are published later in the week.

Is Lighthouse a misleading performance tool?

If you have tried to attain a top score in Lighthouse — it may have made you doubt yourself, the tool, or both! Is Lighthouse misleading, or is it a misunderstanding? Find out more with @robole!

Building a Real-Time Analytics Dashboard with Next.js, Tinybird, and Tremor: A Comprehensive Guide

In this post, we are going to explore how we can create a real-time analytics dashboard for page views with @mfts using Tinybird,, and Next.js!

Re-creating a Japanese Fireworks Catalog from 1883 in CSS

After seeing some beautiful old pages from a Japanese fireworks catalog from 1883, @madsstoumann got to work recreating them in CSS!

Understanding JWTs: A Simple Guide for Beginners

In this post, @philip-ainberger explains JWTs. Short for JSON Web Tokens, they are a compact, URL-safe way of representing claims (information) to be transferred between two parties, the client and server. Read on to learn more about their structure, how they work, and why we use them!

How I Got Hired Contributing to Open Source Projects

In the tech space, getting a job is not totally based on how good you are at the technical side of things, but rather your positioning. Learn more about how to get seen as a developer from @og_dev here!

How to Prevent Unnecessary React Component Re-Rendering

After reading this post from @femi_dev, you’ll better understand how to make React applications faster and more responsive using these handy React hooks.

Let’s Learn Godot 4 by Making an RPG

@christinec_dev has been running an awesome series on DEV dedicated to teaching you how to build your own games using Godot! Check this post out for a sneak peek into what you’ll be working on as you follow along.

That’s it for our weekly Top 7 for this Tuesday! Keep an eye on this week for daily content and discussions…and be sure to keep an eye on this series in the future. You might just be in it!

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