Google Dev Library Letters: 21st Edition


Posted by Swathi Dharshna Subbaraj, Google Dev Library

In this newsletter, we highlight the best projects developed with Google technologies that have been contributed to the Google Dev Library platform. We hope this will spark some inspiration for your next project!

Highlights of the Month

In the past two months, we asked contributors to look back, revisit, and update their older Dev Library contributions as a best practice. Most contributors took the time to revise their content and incorporate recent releases. This campaign encourages developers to update their repositories with the latest Google technologies, which is advantageous to users and the broader developer community.

Here are some of the standout up-to-date projects:

  • Sheets Compose Dialogs by Maximilian Keppeler

See how an Android library that offers dialogs and views for various use cases – built with Jetpack Compose for Compose projects. All dialogs and views are easy and quick to implement. 


  • Round Corner Progress Bar by Somkiat Khitwongwattana

Progress Bar Animation
Use this extensive “Rounded Corner progress bar” library for your own Android projects. 

During the campaign, we noticed that some new projects were submitted. Here are some of the new projects from our contributors:

  • Android TV sample projects by Ademir Queiroga

Android TV Project
See some of the Android TV sample projects on the main topics around Android TV development, and the project follows Google’s best practices with a few experience-based insights.  

  • Storage provisioning with Cloud SQL using Workload Identity by Fermin Blanco

Learn how to create a production ready GKE cluster in a matter of seconds. 


Using Android’s new Credential Manager API by Priya Sindkar

Dive into this blog on how Android’s new Credential Manager API provides a seamless way for your app’s users to log in with one-click solutions.  

KStore by Isuru Rajapakse

Learn how the tiny Kotlin multiplatform library that assists in saving and restoring objects to and from disk using kotlinx.coroutines, kotlinx.serialisation and okio.  

DevBricksX by Nan YE

Discover how DevBricksX is a remarkable remake and extended version of DevBricks, this project covers various aspects of daily development, from low-level database tasks to user interface design, as it eliminates the need for repetitive work.  

Dose app by Waseef Akhtar

Learn how Dose, a reminder app for people to take their medications on time, was built using Kotlin and Jetpack Compose with MVVM + clean architecture.  

Compose_adaptive_scaffold by Thomas Künneth

Explore how to write Jetpack Compose apps that support large screens and foldables.  


Troubleshooting reachability with a Network Intelligence Center connectivity test by Gaurav Madan

Learn how network troubleshooting processes become crucial when time is of the essence, and how to do so efficiently.  

From data chaos to data insights with Google Cloud and GitLab CI: A cutting-edge solution by Gursimar Singh

Take a look at a streamlined, effective approach to acquire important insights from data and learn how to deal with the turmoil of manual data deployment and analysis easily.  

Machine Learning

Client-side in-decent content checking

Discover a JavaScript library to help you quickly identify unseemly images; all in the client’s browser.  

YoloV7 in Tensorflow.js by Hugo Zanini

Learn object detection using Yolov7 in tensorflow.js, and how it’s trained on the MS COCO dataset to recognizes up to 80 different classes  


Exploring Inherited Widget: The powerful state management solution by Muhammad Salman

Take a deep dive into the backstory of state management in Flutter and explore one of the most important concepts in Flutter state management, the Inherited Widget.  

Control your Flutter app on the fly with Firebase Remote Config by Mangirdas Kazlauskas

Flutter Forward agenda app

Learn the overview of Firebase Remote Config and how to use it to enable real-time features in your Flutter application.  

The ultimate Flutter Navigator 2.0 series using AutoRoute by Cavin Macwan

Explore the differences between Navigator 1.0 and 2.0 and why you need Navigator 2.0. You’ll also learn how you can implement Navigator 2.0 using the Auto Route package in Flutter.  


Papanasi (UI library) by Quique Fdez Guerra

Learn to use this frontend UI library across frameworks.  

How to manage complex forms in Angular by Roland Tubongye Wabubindja

See how to save and modify data from a form containing several FormArray.  

Community Updates

🚀 Announcing Google Maps Platform added to Dev Library

Progress Bar AnimationGoogle Maps platform in Dev Library

Google Maps Platform has now been officially added to the Dev Library! With these resources, developers can create applications that enable them to visualize geospatial data and build projects ranging from hyperlocal logistics to location-driven app development, and have access to even more resources to take their projects to the next level.

Dev Library contributors will be better able to write and create innovative and useful applications that utilize Google’s mapping, places, and routing data and features.

Visit the Google Maps Platform product page in Dev Library

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