Laravel 10 & Next.js 13 JWT open-source boilerplate


Dear developers,

We are excited to announce the release of a new open-source project: a Laravel 10 JWT REST API boilerplate, accompanied by a fully functional Next.js 13 (App Router) frontend. This comprehensive boilerplate aims to simplify the development of modern web applications by providing a solid foundation with essential features.

One of the most important features of this boilerplate is the integration of JWT (JSON Web Tokens). JWT provides a secure and stateless authentication mechanism, enabling developers to handle user authentication and authorization seamlessly.

By combining Laravel & Next.js, the boilerplate offers a cohesive and efficient development stack, enabling you to create feature-rich web applications swiftly. Whether you are building a small-scale project or a complex enterprise-level application, this boilerplate will jumpstart your development process and save you valuable time.

You can find the repositories on GitHub:

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