Streamlining Database Connectivity and Oracle Compatibility with EDB Postgres Advanced Server



In today’s digital landscape, seamless database connectivity and compatibility are crucial for organizations. EDB Postgres Advanced Server v15 emerges as a comprehensive solution that simplifies the process of connecting to databases and achieving Oracle compatibility. This article explores the key aspects of database connectivity and highlights how EDB Postgres Advanced Server v15 streamlines the process while ensuring compatibility with Oracle databases.

Enhanced Components for Seamless Database Connectivity:

EDB Postgres Advanced Server v15 provides a diverse range of specialized components that enhance database connectivity. These components, such as the EDB JDBC Connector, the EDB .NET Connector, the EDB OCL Connector, and the EDB ODBC Connector, establish reliable communication channels between applications and the Postgres database server.
For instance, the EDB JDBC Connector empowers Java applications to seamlessly connect to Postgres databases, while the EDB .NET Connector simplifies connectivity for .NET client applications. The EDB OCL Connector offers Oracle developers a familiar API similar to the Oracle Call Interface, enabling smooth interaction with Postgres databases. Additionally, the EDB ODBC Connector facilitates connectivity for ODBC-compliant client applications. By leveraging these enhanced components, organizations can establish efficient and dependable connections with EDB Postgres Advanced Server.

Integration with External Data Sources:

EDB Postgres Advanced Server v15 goes beyond traditional connectivity by offering specialized components for integrating external data sources.
The EDB Hadoop Foreign Data Wrapper allows the Postgres database server to seamlessly access and interact with data residing on Hadoop file systems. This feature opens up opportunities for organizations to leverage the power of Big Data stored in Hadoop clusters. Furthermore, the MongoDB Foreign Data Wrapper facilitates seamless integration with MongoDB databases, enabling organizations to combine and analyze data from both Postgres and MongoDB sources within a single database environment. Additionally, the MySQL Foreign Data Wrapper enables easy retrieval of data from MySQL databases, providing a unified view of data across different platforms. These components expand the capabilities of EDB Postgres Advanced Server, empowering organizations to integrate and analyze diverse data sources efficiently.

Oracle Compatibility for Smooth Migration:

Migrating from Oracle databases to EDB Postgres Advanced Server is a seamless process with EDB Postgres Advanced Server v15. It offers a comprehensive set of Oracle compatibility features that minimize code rewriting and disruption.

Developers can leverage Oracle-compatible system and built-in functions, enabling the use of familiar SQL statements and procedural logic in EDB Postgres Advanced Server. The stored procedure language (SPL) supports the creation of server-side application logic, including stored procedures, functions, triggers, and packages, facilitating a smooth transition for Oracle developers.

EDB Postgres Advanced Server v15 also ensures compatibility with Oracle data types, enabling organizations to migrate their data seamlessly. SQL statements in EDB Postgres Advanced Server are fully compatible with Oracle SQL, allowing organizations to execute their existing SQL code without extensive modifications. Moreover, EDB provides system catalog views that align with Oracle’s data dictionary, making it easier for Oracle developers to access and query database metadata within the Postgres environment.


EDB Postgres Advanced Server simplifies database connectivity, enhances compatibility, and enables seamless integration with external data sources. Its enhanced components facilitate reliable connections with the Postgres database server, while specialized components extend data analysis capabilities. With comprehensive Oracle compatibility, organizations can smoothly migrate and leverage familiar SQL and procedural logic. By leveraging EDB Postgres Advanced Server, organizations optimize connectivity, enhance productivity, and unlock new data integration opportunities, gaining a competitive edge.

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