Vercel forms


Vercel is a cloud platform for static websites and serverless functions. While Vercel itself does not provide native form handling or form submission capabilities, you can integrate third-party form services or implement your own form handling solution within your Vercel project.

Here’s a general approach you can take to handle forms in a Vercel project:

  1. Create your HTML form: Design and structure your form using HTML, including input fields, labels, and a submit button. You can define the form directly in your HTML file or use a frontend framework like React or Vue.js.

  2. Choose a form handling service: There are several third-party form handling services available that you can integrate with your Vercel project. Some popular options include:

Fabform Vercel forms

These services typically provide an endpoint or a way to handle form submissions, validate input, and send you the form data via email or store it in a database.

  1. Configure form submission: Depending on the form handling service you choose, you’ll need to configure your form to submit data to the appropriate endpoint. This usually involves specifying the action URL or endpoint in the form’s action attribute.

  2. Implement form submission handling: After submitting the form, you’ll need to handle the form data on the server side. With Vercel, you can use serverless functions to handle form submissions. Create an API endpoint or serverless function that receives the form data and performs the necessary processing. You can use Node.js or any other supported serverless function runtime.

  3. Deploy your project: Once you have implemented the form handling functionality and tested it locally, you can deploy your Vercel project. Vercel provides a seamless deployment process and integrates well with Git repositories, making it easy to deploy your static site and serverless functions.

Remember to review the documentation of your chosen form handling service and the Vercel documentation for more specific implementation details and best practices.

Please note that the availability and features of third-party form handling services may change over time, so it’s always a good idea to check their documentation for the most up-to-date information.

About the author. Geoffrey Callaghan is a programmer at working on the form backend service team.

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