#DEVDiscuss: WWDC 2023


Hey Devs, happy Friday 🦥💚

As always, it’s been an eventful week in the tech industry. We’ve got a lot to talk about! And today I want to discuss…Apple’s Worldwide Developer Conference (WWDC) 2023.

This year’s conference came with one big, exciting announcement: Apple Vision Pro 🤯

Our community members @ben, @thorstenhirsch, and @theklr had some interesting initial reactions to the groundbreaking news…

It feels like so many of Apple’s last decade lead up pretty seamlessly to Vision Pro.

It’s not clear whether this product will ultimately matter much, at least in the near future, due to some clunkiness like external battery and lack of obvious utility with some of the experiences they demo’d.

However, it’s pretty clear that they have a really consistent strategy — with Apple Silicon at the center.

Who’s paying that amount of money for an entertainment device? So I guess Apple wants people to use it for work… but I haven’t seen any reason why I should want to work with such a device on my head.

Unless Apple releases an SE edition for $1000 (for entertainment – their Disney deal is genius!) they will lose big against Meta with this device… I guess.

Feels like the apple watch all over again. Limited market testing, but confident in experience to finally release. I think its something we’ll have to wait 3-5 years to see the results. Happy to see though Apple marketing still refuses to use “tech specs” when introducing products however. All the hype stuff is still there, it just doesn’t matter to most consumers when going to a store. At the end of the day this will live and die by the adoption rate on both ends and wondering if Apple is going to look away at that one market that would probably push this thing forward (that industry always has).

But Vision Pro wasn’t the only news from the conference (even if the feed was acting like it 👀) — check out this very good point from @sebastian_wessel.

So, what did you think of WWDC 2023?

  • Have your thoughts on Apple Vision Pro changed over the past few days?
  • Are there other bits of news from the conference we ought to be talking about?
  • Is the whole conference overhyped anyway? (Team Android, anyone?)

Share your thoughts in the comments and let’s discuss!

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