Business Analysis Services: What, When, and Why


In todayโ€™s rapidly evolving business landscape, organizations face a multitude of challenges that demand strategic decision-making, operational efficiency, and adaptability.

To successfully navigate this dynamic environment, companies increasingly turn to business analysis as a valuable tool.

In this article, we will explore what business analysis entails, the phases it includes, the reasons why it is essential for software projects, and when to use business analysis services to ensure a projectโ€™s success.

What is business analysis?

Business analysis is a discipline that focuses on understanding business requirements, objectives, and processes to recommend appropriate solutions.

It involves gathering and analyzing data, identifying problems or areas for improvement, and defining the scope of a project.

Business analysts, in turn, act as intermediaries between the stakeholders, such as project managers, product owners, and product managers, ensuring that the software solution aligns with all business goals.

What phases does business analysis include?

Business analysis as a service comprises several stages that provide a systematic approach to understanding and addressing business needs. Letโ€™s explore some of the key phases:

Project discovery

During the project discovery phase, business analysts work closely with stakeholders to gain a deep understanding of the business objectives, challenges, and requirements.

This involves conducting interviews, workshops, and research to get relevant information and establish a clear project scope.

Requirements management

Requirements management involves documenting and organizing the gathered data in a structured manner.

Business analysts ensure that all requirements are captured accurately, prioritize them based on their importance, and manage any changes or updates throughout the project lifecycle.

One of the techniques widely used by business analysts during this stage is the creation of user stories.

User stories are concise, user-focused descriptions of desired functionality that capture the requirements from the userโ€™s perspective. They help in clearly defining the features and functionalities that the software solution should deliver.

Software requirement audit

In the software requirement audit phase, business analysts review the existing software requirements to identify any gaps, inconsistencies, or redundancies.

This step helps ensure the requirements are complete, feasible, and aligned with the business objectives.

Enterprise business processes analysis

Analyzing the enterprise business processes involves understanding the current workflows and identifying areas for improvement.

Business analysts collaborate with stakeholders to document the existing processes, spot any bottlenecks, and propose streamlined solutions that enhance efficiency and productivity.

Product-market fit analysis

A product-market fit analysis is focused on understanding the target market, user needs, and competitive landscape.

Business analysts conduct market research, gather user feedback, and analyze market trends to ensure that the software solution meets the needs of the target audience and aligns with the market demands.

Why do you need business analysis for your software projects?

Business analysis plays a critical role in the success of software projects for several reasons:

  • Requirements understanding: Business analysts help bridge the gap between the business owners and the development team by accurately understanding and documenting the requirements. This ensures that the software solution meets the desired objectives and provides value to the business.
  • Risk mitigation: By conducting thorough analysis and gathering requirements, business analysts can identify potential risks and challenges early in the project. This allows for proactive risk mitigation strategies, reducing the chances of costly delays or failures.
  • Efficient resource allocation: Business analysis helps in optimizing resource allocation by identifying the most critical requirements and focusing efforts on them. This ensures that resources such as time, budget, and personnel are utilized effectively.
  • Alignment with business goals: Business analysts ensure that the software solution aligns with the overall business goals and objectives. They facilitate communication between stakeholders, ensuring that the project remains on track and delivers the desired outcomes.
  • Improved user experience: By analyzing user needs and market trends, business analysts contribute to the development of user-centric software solutions. This leads to enhanced user experiences and increased customer satisfaction.

When to use BA services?

Business analysis as a service is beneficial in various scenarios, including:

  • New software development: When starting a new software development project, business analysis services can help define the project scope, gather requirements, and ensure a clear understanding of the objectives.
  • Software enhancement or upgrade: When planning to enhance or upgrade an existing software system, business analysis services can identify areas for improvement and define the necessary changes to meet the evolving business needs.
  • Business process optimization: If a business wants to streamline its processes and improve efficiency, business analysis can help identify any bottlenecks, propose optimized workflows, and recommend appropriate technology solutions.
  • Change management: When implementing significant changes within an organization, such as adopting new software systems or restructuring business processes, business analysis can provide valuable insights and guidance to manage the change effectively.

The list of some valuable BA tools

Business analysts rely on various tools and techniques to perform their tasks effectively. Some commonly used tools include:

  • Requirements management software: These tools help in capturing, organizing, and managing requirements throughout the project lifecycle. Examples include JIRA, Redmine, Trello, and Confluence.
  • Process modeling tools: Business analysts use process modeling tools to visually represent and analyze business processes. Popular tools include Microsoft Visio, Lucidchart, and Bizagi.
  • Data analysis tools: To analyze and interpret data, business analysts utilize tools like Microsoft Excel, Tableau, and Power BI.
  • Collaboration and communication tools: Business analysts rely on collaboration tools such as Slack, Microsoft Teams, and Google Workspace to facilitate communication and coordination with stakeholders and development teams.


Business analysis consulting services play a vital role in software projects, enabling businesses to align their software solutions with their goals and objectives.

By understanding and documenting requirements, identifying risks, optimizing resources, and improving user experiences, business analysts can lead to more efficient outcomes for organizations and contribute to the overall success of any project.

Need to start a new software development initiative, enhance existing systems, or optimize your current business processes?

SCAND business analysis services can provide you with the groundbreaking expertise and tools needed to achieve sustainable success in todayโ€™s dynamic business environment.

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