Introducing MediaPipe Solutions for On-Device Machine Learning


Posted by Paul Ruiz, Developer Relations Engineer & Kris Tonthat, Technical Writer

MediaPipe Solutions is available in preview today

This week at Google I/O 2023, we introduced MediaPipe Solutions, a new collection of on-device machine learning tools to simplify the developer process. This is made up of MediaPipe Studio, MediaPipe Tasks, and MediaPipe Model Maker. These tools provide no-code to low-code solutions to common on-device machine learning tasks, such as audio classification, segmentation, and text embedding, for mobile, web, desktop, and IoT developers.

image showing a 4 x 2 grid of solutions via MediaPipe Tools

New solutions

In December 2022, we launched the MediaPipe preview with five tasks: gesture recognition, hand landmarker, image classification, object detection, and text classification. Today we’re happy to announce that we have launched an additional nine tasks for Google I/O, with many more to come. Some of these new tasks include:

  • Face Landmarker, which detects facial landmarks and blendshapes to determine human facial expressions, such as smiling, raised eyebrows, and blinking. Additionally, this task is useful for applying effects to a face in three dimensions that matches the user’s actions.
moving image showing a human with a racoon face filter tracking a range of accurate movements and facial expressions
  • Image Segmenter, which lets you divide images into regions based on predefined categories. You can use this functionality to identify humans or multiple objects, then apply visual effects like background blurring.
moving image of two panels showing a person on the left and how the image of that person is segmented into rergions on the right
  • Interactive Segmenter, which takes the region of interest in an image, estimates the boundaries of an object at that location, and returns the segmentation for the object as image data.
moving image of a dog  moving around as the interactive segmenter identifies boundaries and segments

Coming soon

  • Image Generator, which enables developers to apply a diffusion model within their apps to create visual content.
moving image showing the rendering of an image of a puppy among an array of white and pink wildflowers in MediaPipe from a prompt that reads, 'a photo realistic and high resolution image of a cute puppy with surrounding flowers'
  • Face Stylizer, which lets you take an existing style reference and apply it to a user’s face.
image of a 4 x 3 grid showing varying iterations of a known female and male face acrosss four different art styles

MediaPipe Studio

Our first MediaPipe tool lets you view and test MediaPipe-compatible models on the web, rather than having to create your own custom testing applications. You can even use MediaPipe Studio in preview right now to try out the new tasks mentioned here, and all the extras, by visiting the MediaPipe Studio page.

In addition, we have plans to expand MediaPipe Studio to provide a no-code model training solution so you can create brand new models without a lot of overhead.

moving image showing Gesture Recognition in MediaPipe Studio

MediaPipe Tasks

MediaPipe Tasks simplifies on-device ML deployment for web, mobile, IoT, and desktop developers with low-code libraries. You can easily integrate on-device machine learning solutions, like the examples above, into your applications in a few lines of code without having to learn all the implementation details behind those solutions. These currently include tools for three categories: vision, audio, and text.

To give you a better idea of how to use MediaPipe Tasks, let’s take a look at an Android app that performs gesture recognition.

moving image showing Gesture Recognition across a series of hand gestures in MediaPipe Studio including closed fist, victory, thumb up, thumb down, open palm and i love you.

The following code will create a GestureRecognizer object using a built-in machine learning model, then that object can be used repeatedly to return a list of recognition results based on an input image:

// STEP 1: Create a gesture recognizer
val baseOptions = BaseOptions.builder()
val gestureRecognizerOptions = GestureRecognizerOptions.builder()
val gestureRecognizer = GestureRecognizer.createFromOptions(
context, gestureRecognizerOptions)

// STEP 2: Prepare the image
val mpImage = BitmapImageBuilder(bitmap).build()

// STEP 3: Run inference
val result = gestureRecognizer.recognize(mpImage)

As you can see, with just a few lines of code you can implement seemingly complex features in your applications. Combined with other Android features, like CameraX, you can provide delightful experiences for your users.

Along with simplicity, one of the other major advantages to using MediaPipe Tasks is that your code will look similar across multiple platforms, regardless of the task you’re using. This will help you develop even faster as you can reuse the same logic for each application.

MediaPipe Model Maker

While being able to recognize and use gestures in your apps is great, what if you have a situation where you need to recognize custom gestures outside of the ones provided by the built-in model? That’s where MediaPipe Model Maker comes in. With Model Maker, you can retrain the built-in model on a dataset with only a few hundred examples of new hand gestures, and quickly create a brand new model specific to your needs. For example, with just a few lines of code you can customize a model to play Rock, Paper, Scissors.

image showing 5 examples of the 'paper' hand gesture in the top row and 5 exaples of the 'rock' hand gesture on the bottom row

from mediapipe_model_maker import gesture_recognizer

# STEP 1: Load the dataset.
data = gesture_recognizer.Dataset.from_folder(dirname='images')
train_data, validation_data = data.split(0.8)

# STEP 2: Train the custom model.
model = gesture_recognizer.GestureRecognizer.create(

# STEP 3: Evaluate using unseen data.
metric = model.evaluate(test_data)

# STEP 4: Export as a model asset bundle.

After retraining your model, you can use it in your apps with MediaPipe Tasks for an even more versatile experience.

moving image showing Gesture Recognition in MediaPipe Studio recognizing rock, paper, and scissiors hand gestures

Getting started

To learn more, watch our I/O 2023 sessions: Easy on-device ML with MediaPipe, Supercharge your web app with machine learning and MediaPipe, and What’s new in machine learning, and check out the official documentation over on

What’s next?

We will continue to improve and provide new features for MediaPipe Solutions, including new MediaPipe Tasks and no-code training through MediaPipe Studio. You can also keep up to date by joining the MediaPipe Solutions announcement group, where we send out announcements as new features are available.

We look forward to all the exciting things you make, so be sure to share them with @googledevs and your developer communities!

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