Take It Slow & Say Hello: A Sloth’s Guide to Making Friends Online


Introducing yourself to a new online community is exciting, but it can also be intimidating. Here are some ideas for intros that will help you connect with other members of the DEV and CodeNewbie communities:

  1. Share your background and interests. This can help others get to know you and find common ground for conversation.
  2. Talk about why you joined the community and what you hope to gain from being a part of it. This can help you find others who have similar goals or interests.
  3. Ask for advice or recommendations. This can help you build relationships and learn more about the community.
  4. Share a fun fact about yourself. It’s a great ice-breaker and conversation starter.
  5. Talk about your favorite hobby or activity. This can help you find common ground and build relationships.
  6. Say Hi! to others in the thread. If you see somebody introducing themselves, consider dropping a like or a response to show them some appreciation. Enthusiasm is contagious!

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  1. Participate in discussions and leave comments. This can help you start on a positive note and build enthusiasm for future interactions. Check out these recent posts and get involved:

And don’t forget to follow our CodeNewbie and DEVteam Orgs for more convos and content like this.

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