6 Flutter/Dart Projects from Google Dev Library to Kickstart Your Next Project


Posted by Swathi Dharshna Subbaraj, Project Coordinator, Google Dev Library

Developers can build, test, and deploy any application from a single codebase in Flutter. With high performance and code reusability, it has transformed the app development process. Flutter has become the go-to framework for developers as it streamlines the development process, allowing applications to be built on multi-platform with ease and efficiency.

In this blog, we will explore 6 Flutter/Dart projects from Google Dev Library from building weather apps to Tetris games. These projects will help you grow as a developer, and inspire you to build your first open source project. Let’s dive in!

Flutter Design Patterns by Mangirdas Kazlauskas

screen grab of Flutter design patterns by Mangirdas Kazlauskas

Design patterns are reusable solutions to common software development problems. They help you create software that is easier to maintain, extend, and refactor. Written in Dart, this repository showcases all 23 design patterns, as described in Design Patterns: Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented Software, to help you learn and apply design patterns in your own projects, improving the quality and maintainability of your code. 

Check out Flutter design patterns

Smart Home App by Lakhan Kumawat

A mobile application (developed using Flutter and Dart) designed to control various smart home devices. The app also allows users to create custom scenes to automate device actions based on certain conditions or events. 

Check out the Smart Home App

Photo Manager by Alex Li

Learn about an easy-to-use package for accessing a device’s photo library, including operations like retrieving images, videos, and albums, as well as deleting, creating, and updating files in the photo library. This package is built using the Flutter plugin architecture, which enables it to interact with native platform APIs for accessing photos and videos on iOS and Android devices. 

Check out photo_manager

Tetris Flutter Game by Mouaz M. Al-Shahmeh

This project implements the classic Tetris game using the Flutter framework. It’s structured into several classes that handle different aspects of the game. 

Check out Tetris Flutter game

FlutterGen by Daichi Furiya

FlutterGen is a code generator tool that helps you automate the process of generating boilerplate code for assets and fonts, making it easier to use them in Flutter projects. It works by scanning a project directory for specified assets and font files and generates code that can be easily used within a Flutter application. Overall, FlutterGen can save you time and effort in managing assets and fonts in your Flutter projects. 

Check out the FlutterGen package

Flutter Maps by Souvik Biswas

This app uses the Google Maps SDK & Directions API when coding with Flutter. It offers several location-based functions, including the ability to detect the user’s current location. It also uses Geocoding to convert addresses into coordinates and vice versa, and allows users to add markers to the map view. 

Check out the Flutter Maps package

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