Sloan’s Top 4 Newbie Memes of the Week


Over at the CodeNewbie Team, we have been trying to kickstart a little weekly CodeNewbie Meme Monday of newbie-related memes. We decided recently that we wanted to spice things up and try something new out to keep things fresh on the CodeNewbie team. We landed on a Sloan’s Newbie Memes of the Week!

Here are some of our favorites from this week:

Beginner Coder: I need help making a certain mechanic. Experienced Coder: have you tried doing said thing that I will not explain to you?

Person kissing another person's hand:

Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime. What are some other examples for this? "Give a man a program, frustrate him for a day. Teach a man to program, frustrate him for a lifetime"

The pupil of your eye can expand over 45% when you see something you love. "Code compiled successfully"

If you’d like to join in— drop your beginner-related, job-related, starting-a-new-career-related memes down below!

Happy coding y’all!

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