What Is an MVP and Why You Should Use It in 2023


In today’s fast-pacing business world, it’s more important than ever to get your product to the market quickly and efficiently. One of the ways to do it is through a Minimum Viable Product or MVP. In this blog post, we will explore what an MVP is, why you should use it in 2023, and how to build one for your own product.

What is an MVP?

Minimum Viable Product (MVP) is a concept that has been around for a long time, but has gained more attention in recent years. It is a strategy used to bring a product or service to market fast and with minimal resources engaged.

An MVP is a product that has main features to satisfy early customers and provide feedback for future product development. The goal of an MVP is to get your product to the market as fast as possible while minimizing project risks and total cost of the product.

MVPs are often used by start-ups where time and money are limited, however they can also be used in larger companies and organizations to test drive some product idea. The key is to focus on the development of the most important features of your product and then to test them on real customers to get feedback on the product as soon as possible.

Why Use an MVP in 2023?

In 2023, the business landscape is likely to be more competitive than ever. With advances in technology and changes in consumer behavior, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to stand out from the crowd.

By using an MVP, you can get your product to market faster than your competitors and start getting feedback from real customers. This allows you to make improvements and iterate on your product in a way that’s faster and more efficient than traditional product development methods.

By focusing on the most important features of your product, you can avoid spending time and money on features that may not be important to your customers.

Types of MVPs in Software Development

When it comes to software development, building an MVP is a great way to test your product idea, validate assumptions, and get feedback from early users. There are several types of MVPs that can be used in software development, depending on your product and your goals. Here are some of the most common types:

Wizard of Oz MVP

In a Wizard of Oz MVP, the product appears to be fully functional, but behind the scenes, there are humans performing the tasks that the product is supposed to do. This type of MVP is useful when the product idea is complex and it’s not a product, a chat bot. You could start by having a team of people manually respond to users’ messages, while testing the chatbot’s user interface and overall user experience.

Landing Page MVP

A landing page MVP is a simple web page that communicates the basic idea of your product and collects contact information from potential users. This type of MVP is useful when you want to test the demand for your product before investing time and money into building it.

For example, if you’re building a new productivity app, you could create a landing page that explains the app’s features and benefits, and ask users to sign up for early access.

Concierge MVP

A concierge MVP presupposes manually providing the service that your product is supposed to provide. This type of MVP is useful when you want to test the market demand for your product, but you’re not yet ready to build a full-scale product.

Piecemeal MVP

In a piecemeal MVP, you build a series of small, single-function features that are tested and validated with early users. This type of MVP is useful when you want to gradually build up your product’s functionality over time, while getting feedback from early users.

Prototype MVP

A prototype MVP is a basic version of your product that’s used to test the user experience and overall functionality. This type of MVP is useful when you want to test the usability of your product before investing time and money into building a full-scale product.

What is the difference between prototype and MVP?

A prototype and an MVP are both used in the early stages of product development. However, there are some key differences between the two.

A prototype is a preliminary version of a product that is created to test and validate design concepts and functionality. A prototype can be a physical or digital representation of a product, and it can be used to gather feedback from stakeholders and potential users. A prototype is typically not a fully functional product, but rather a simulated version that can be used to test the viability of the product idea.

On the other hand, an MVP is a product that has the minimum set of features required to satisfy early adopters and gather feedback for future development. An MVP is designed to be functional and usable, but it may lack some of the features that will be included in the final product. The goal of an MVP is to validate the product idea and gather feedback from real users, so that the development team can iterate and improve the product based on that feedback.

In short, a prototype is used to validate design concepts and functionality, while an MVP is used to validate the product idea and gather feedback from real users. A prototype is typically not a fully functional product, while an MVP is designed to be functional and usable, but may lack some features.

How to Build an MVP

Developing an MVP can be a multi-step process, and it can vary depending on the product and the development team. Read more on how to develop an MVP for a banking app.

Yet, there are some common steps involved in developing an MVP:

  • Identify the problem: Determine the problem that your product is trying to solve and define the target audience.
  • Develop the concept: Create a concept for the product and identify the key features that are necessary to solve the problem.
  • Prioritize features: Prioritize the features according to their importance and feasibility.
  • Build the MVP: Develop the MVP using the prioritized features and design the user interface.
  • Test and gather feedback: Test the MVP with early adopters and gather feedback to refine the product.
  • Iterate: Based on the feedback, iterate the product and add new features to improve the product.

What factors contribute to the cost of MVP?

Factors that contribute to the cost of an MVP can vary depending on the product and the development team. Some factors that can contribute to the cost of an MVP include:

  • Complexity of the product: the more complex the product, the more time and resources it will take to develop.
  • Number of features: the more features the product has, the more time and resources it will take to develop.
  • Technology used: the cost can vary depending on the technology used to develop the product.
  • Development team: the cost can vary depending on the size and location of the development team.
  • Timeframe: the longer the timeframe for development, the more it will cost.


An MVP is a powerful tool for getting your product to market quickly and efficiently. By focusing on the most essential features of your product and testing it with real customers, you can gather feedback and make improvements in a way that’s faster and more efficient than traditional product development methods.

In 2023, the business landscape is likely to be more competitive than ever before. By using an MVP, you can give yourself a competitive edge and increase your chances of success. So why not give it a try? SCAND will help you create your own MVP and see how it can help you get your product to market faster and more efficiently than ever before.

The post What Is an MVP and Why You Should Use It in 2023 appeared first on SCAND.

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