Install jupyter notebook


Jupyter Notebook is an open-source web application which runs on python that allows you to create and share documents. It contains code, equations, graph visualizations, markdown text. It is a very popular tool among programmers, data scientists, researchers as it provides an interactive environment for data analysis and visualization.

Steps mentoned here will work in Linux, Max and Windows systems.

Jupyter Notebook allows you to share your code, data, and analysis with others. You can easily export your notebooks to HTML, PDF, and other formats, and even GitHub supports this ipybn format.

To install Jupyter Notebook

pip install jupyter

Jupyter Notebook Extensions

You can add additional features to jupyter notebook by using Jupyter Notebook extensions. Features like Autopep8, ExecuteTime, Code Wrap, etc are avaiable.

To install Jupyter Notebook Extensions run below command one by one

pip install jupyter_contrib_nbextensions

This command will move the javascript and css files to jupyter server search directory.

jupyter contrib nbextension install 

In the screenshot you can see the list of available extensions.
Jupyter Notebook Extensions

How to run the Jupyter Notebook?

Open terminal or command prompt, go to the directory where you want to work on, then type this command, it trigger jupyter server and will open in a browser tab.

jupyter notebook

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