5 Web Extension for Web Developers


This extension helps you see what technologies a website uses, what frameworks, languages, video players, etc…

This extension will help you quickly test a web page, in a matter of seconds it will tell you that it is also in SEO, optimization, Good Practices, Accessibility… in addition to giving you advice on how to fix the problems you have.

This extension will give you tools so that you can do much more complex tests, since it will give you options such as remove CSS, removing javascript, see image alts…

This extension will give you many tools for a more profound test of the page, it contains tools like removing CSS, showing alt attributes, remove Javascript among other things.

Image description

This is a search engine designed for programmers that you can add as an extension to google. When you are looking for something, it highlights pages like stack Overflow, as well as gives you some code examples of what you are looking for.

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