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WASM + Flutter Web —Let’s understand it! It’s time to improve your knowledge and use WASM with your…

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WASM + Flutter Web —Let’s understand it!

It’s time to improve your knowledge and use WASM with your Flutter Web App!

What is WebAssembly (WASM) & how does it work?

WebAssembly (abbreviated Wasm) is a binary instruction format for a stack-based virtual machine. Wasm is designed as a portable compilation target for programming languages, enabling deployment on the web for client and server applications.

In simple words, WebAssembly (WASM) is a technology that allows websites to run high-performance code, almost as fast as programs installed on your computer. It helps web applications work more efficiently by letting them use code written in different languages, which is then converted into a special format that web browsers can understand and execute quickly. This makes web apps faster and more powerful, especially for complex tasks like games, video editing, and data processing.

Flutter + WASM

To be clear, WASM is NOT a rendering engine for Flutter in the way that HTML and CanvasKit are. Instead, WASM is a compilation target for code that needs to be run efficiently in the web environment.

Role of WebAssembly (WASM) in Flutter Web

As we discussed, WASM is a compilation target for Flutter Web. It is a binary instruction format that allows our Flutter Web to run almost at a native speed in web browsers. It is mainly used to compile web apps that have performance-critical features so that they run faster in the browser!
Because WASM is not itself a renderer, which means, your Web App will be using the default web renderer or the one that you specified.

PS: Now, the Flutter team has changed the –web-renderer=auto to canvaskit, which means, if you don’t specify a web renderer, it will automatically use canvaskit. Earlier, it used to use the HTML renderer when the app is running in a mobile browser, and the CanvasKit renderer when the app is running in a desktop browser. (Issue Link)

How to use WASM with Flutter?

Before you use WASM with Flutter, it should be noted that as of today (14th June 2024), many packages don’t support WASM. When a package is using web-based dependencies/packages/libraries (imports of dart:html, dart:js, etc), your app won’t be able to compile on WASM.

Now, to use WASM with Flutter Web App, the first thing you need to do is upgrade your Flutter SDK to 3.22 or a newer version.

Once you have your Flutter SDK in place, run the following command to build your Flutter Web App to WASM flutter build web –wasm.

Noticeable Improvements when using Flutter + WASM

When we use WASM with Flutter, there can be some noticeable improvements, especially on the performance side:

  • Faster Execution: Parts of your app that are computationally intensive, such as complex calculations, animations, or data processing tasks, will run much faster due to WASM’s near-native execution speed.
  • Smooth Animations: With WASM, animations and transitions can become smoother, especially in graphics-intensive applications. You might also notice that the scroll would be smoother.
  • Reduced Load Times: The initial load time for the web app might be faster because WASM modules are compact and optimized for efficient execution.

Disadvantages of WASM

While WASM can be helpful for performance issues and scroll issues, there are still some disadvantages of WASM in general:

  • WASM does not include a built-in garbage collector, which means languages that rely heavily on garbage collection (like JavaScript or Dart) need additional handling for memory management when compiled to WASM.
  • Not all packages are supported for WASM yet.
  • WASM modules can increase the overall memory footprint of the application, which may impact performance on devices with limited resources.
  • There are still a lot of issues with Flutter + WASM. Keep a track here.

Hope you enjoyed this article!

Doubts? Feel free to drop a message @AbhishekDoshi26
Checkout abhishekdoshi.dev for more info 💙

Don’t stop, until you are breathing!💙
– Abhishek Doshi

WASM + Flutter Web — Things you need to know! was originally published in Google Developer Experts on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

The post WASM + Flutter Web — Things you need to know! appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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Java App Development: Reasons and Benefits of Using https://prodsens.live/2024/06/10/java-app-development-reasons-and-benefits-of-using/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=java-app-development-reasons-and-benefits-of-using https://prodsens.live/2024/06/10/java-app-development-reasons-and-benefits-of-using/#respond Mon, 10 Jun 2024 13:20:42 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2024/06/10/java-app-development-reasons-and-benefits-of-using/ java-app-development:-reasons-and-benefits-of-using

Java is one of the most wide-spread programming languages used for making software. It can work on any…

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Java is one of the most wide-spread programming languages used for making software. It can work on any system, has a large community of people who can help each other, and offers lots of tools to make a project a success.

In this guide, we’ll explain why Java is still a great pick for making different applications, what perks it brings to developers and users, what types of programs you can make with it, and technologies that go well with it.

Why Java?

Java is a programming language created by Sun Microsystems (now owned by Oracle) back in the mid-1990s. It refers to an object-oriented type, which means it organizes code into reusable parts called objects.

Besides, it has a large community and ecosystem of libraries, frameworks, and other instruments, making it suitable for a wide range of Java application development services.

Benefits of Java for App Development

The first advantage of Java is its ability to run on any device. This capability means you don’t need to change your code for different operating systems, which simplifies the building process and saves time.

Benefits of Java development

Another thing is dependability. The language has strong memory management, error handling, and checks at both compile-time and runtime, which helps prevent crashes and bugs.

Third, its rich set of APIs covers everything from data structures and networking to user interfaces and XML parsing, which allows engineers to build complex projects.

Lastly, the programming language is designed to handle projects of any size, from small solutions to large enterprise products. With this language, you can build:

  • Enterprise software
  • Web programs
  • Mobile apps
  • Desktop solutions
  • Embedded systems
  • Big Data tools
  • Science and research programs

On top of that, it can manage huge workloads and user demands, making it suitable for growing systems.

Cross-Platform Development

Java’s ability to run on any platform with a JVM makes it a powerful instrument for cross-platform development, which is made possible by tools like Xamarin and Codename One.

They let Java app developers write code once and use it on different platforms like iOS and Android. The big advantage of this approach is that it saves money since you don’t need separate code for each platform.

Plus, it guarantees that your product looks and works the same no matter what device someone is using.

Overall, it’s a smart choice for programmers who want to reach a wide audience without spending extra time and money on separate creation for each platform.

Key Technologies and Frameworks

Java app development relies on important tools and frameworks that make building software easier and faster. Some key ones include:

Key Technologies of Java

  • Spring Framework: Spring helps build programs by managing dependencies and offering features for enterprise-level development.
  • Hibernate: Hibernate helps with databases by letting programmers work with objects instead of SQL queries.
  • JavaServer Faces (JSF): JavaServer Faces is a web framework that optimizes building user screens for Java web applications.
  • Apache Struts: Apache Struts is another framework that helps organize code for web application development using Java.
  • Apache Maven: Apache Maven simplifies the build process by managing dependencies and project configurations.
  • JUnit: JUnit is an outstanding testing framework that confirms code quality.
  • Log4j: Log4j is a logging framework that records important messages and events.
  • JavaFX: JavaFX helps build interactive graphical user interfaces (GUIs).
  • JDBC: JDBC lets Java apps link to and work with databases.
  • Apache Kafka: Apache Kafka is great for setting up real-time data pipelines and event-driven apps.

Examples of Successful Products Made with Java

Many high-profile applications and platforms have been built with Java, highlighting its versatility and power:


Minecraft is a super popular game from Mojang Studios where you can explore, build, and hang out in a blocky world. Since it’s written in Java, you can play it on Windows, macOS, Linux, and gaming consoles.

Plus, people who play Minecraft can also use the language to create their own custom mods and add-ons, which makes the game even more fun and exciting.


Twitter is a famous social media platform where people share short updates and messages.

It uses Java mainly for its backend development, like handling user accounts, storing data, and managing real-time messaging, as well as to control the huge number of tweets and interactions happening every single day.

Amazon Prime Video

Amazon Prime Video is a go-to streaming service for watching movies and TV shows. It uses Java behind the scenes for things like playing videos, suggesting what to watch next, handling signing in and paying for subscriptions, and giving millions of people a great streaming experience on all sorts of devices.

The Bottom Line

Java is still a top choice for making software solutions because it’s strong, can handle a lot of users, and works on different platforms.

Java app developers

Plus, there are lots of tools and guiding materials, so programmers can make good products in different areas like the web, mobile, business, or desktop.

So, whether you’re building something big or small, Java has what you need to get it done well.

Custom Android app development involves building applications for the Android OS. Java was the original language used to create software for this platform, and many apps are still written in it.

What are Java libraries and frameworks?

Java libraries are collections of pre-written code that you can apply to speed up development, while frameworks provide a structured way to build solutions.

How to hire Java developers?

To hire Java developers, define your needs and use job portals or agencies. For a reliable option, contact SCAND. Our company is experienced in providing skilled staff for a variety of tasks and projects.

The post Java App Development: Reasons and Benefits of Using appeared first on SCAND.

The post Java App Development: Reasons and Benefits of Using appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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How to Enhance Performance and User Engagement in E-commerce with Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) https://prodsens.live/2024/03/22/how-to-enhance-performance-and-user-engagement-in-e-commerce-with-pwa/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-enhance-performance-and-user-engagement-in-e-commerce-with-pwa https://prodsens.live/2024/03/22/how-to-enhance-performance-and-user-engagement-in-e-commerce-with-pwa/#respond Fri, 22 Mar 2024 15:20:41 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2024/03/22/how-to-enhance-performance-and-user-engagement-in-e-commerce-with-pwa/ how-to-enhance-performance-and-user-engagement-in-e-commerce-with-progressive-web-apps-(pwas)

In a crowded online shopping world, companies always look for ways to make their websites more enjoyable and…

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In a crowded online shopping world, companies always look for ways to make their websites more enjoyable and interactive for customers.

One of the most effective tools they use is progressive web apps (PWAs), which combine the convenience of websites with the functionality of mobile apps.

This article examines all the ins and outs of progressive web applications, discussing their main features, advantages, difficulties, strategies to put them into action, and future potential.

What Are Progressive Web Apps

Progressive web apps are web solutions that act and feel like regular mobile apps you’d download from a store.

They’re made using standard web tools like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. But what sets them apart is they can do things usually reserved for mobile apps, like working offline, sending push notifications, and accessing your device’s hardware.

Key Features of PWAs for E-commerce

Progressive apps in e-commerce have special features that make them different from regular websites. They are:


  • Offline Functionality: PWAs let users browse and buy products even when they’re not connected to the internet. Simply put, they can keep shopping without any interruptions, especially if they are in an area with a bad internet connection.
  • Fast Loading: PWAs are made to load fast, so users can browse without waiting around. They use techniques like lazy loading, which means they only load stuff when you need it.
  • Responsive Design: PWA-enabled software works well on different devices and screen sizes, so people always get the same experience, whether they’re using a phone, tablet, or computer to shop online.
  • Push Notifications: PWAs can send push notifications to users, informing them of promotions, discounts, and personalized offers, thereby increasing user engagement and driving sales.
  • Home Screen: Users can add progressive websites to their device’s home screen with a single tap, which adds to easy access and enhances brand visibility.

Benefits of PWAs for E-commerce

Progressive software offers many advantages that make shopping faster, smoother, and more reliable.

The first big plus is speed. PWAs load quickly, even on slow connections, ensuring users can browse products without frustrating waits.

Another advantage is that web solutions with native features also work across different devices, whether a phone, tablet, or computer. They adapt to fit various screens perfectly, making it easy to shop no matter what gadgets buyers are on.

Thirdly, PWAs can work offline, so it’s possible to continue browsing and purchasing without an internet connection.

From a business perspective, progressive websites are budget-friendly. Unlike traditional apps, they use the same code for all platforms, saving time and money on custom software product development services.

Plus, users don’t need to go through app stores to download, which adds to faster app discovery and access.

PWAs also come with handy features like push notifications, which businesses can use to send you updates and special offers. And they make it easy to add the app to your home screen for quick access, increasing brand visibility.

Finally, PWAs provide valuable insights into user behavior through analytics tools. This capability helps companies understand what customers want and how to improve their experience.

And because PWAs are flexible and scalable, businesses can adapt to changes in the market quickly.

Challenges and Considerations

While progressive web apps offer many benefits for e-commerce, there are some challenges to consider when implementing them.

PWAs for E-commerce

The first problem is that they don’t perform as smoothly on iPhones and iPads. This is because Apple’s guidelines restrict certain features, like sending notifications or functioning offline, which are available on other devices.

Another issue is that building browser-based software is hard. It takes a lot of skill and knowledge about new web technologies to do it right.

Security is also a big concern. Just like with any online system, PWAs need to be safe for users to use, especially when it comes to things like paying for goods and services.

Getting people to use something new is one more challenge to overcome.

Even though they’re great, people might not know about them or prefer regular mobile apps instead. So, businesses might need to do some marketing or offer incentives to get people to try them out.

Lastly, PWAs need to be updated regularly to keep them working well. This means businesses need to spend time and money on fixing bugs and adding new features to keep people interested.

How to Successfully Implement PWAs in an E-commerce Business

To successfully implement software for any business, it’s vital to find and partner with a software development company that follows a consistent approach. This is what our progressive web application development looks like:

Benefits of PWAs

Evaluating Business Goals

During the first step, we identify specific business objectives and user requirements that PWAs can address, such as improving conversion rates or enhancing user engagement.

Ensuring Responsive Design

Next, we design your solution, ensuring that it’s responsive and accessible across various devices and screen sizes. We use responsive design principles and CSS media queries to adapt the layout and content presentation based on the user’s device.

Development Iterations

After that, we proceed to the development itself, which follows an iterative approach with frequent feedback loops and continuous integration.

Thorough Testing

When the development is over, we conduct comprehensive testing across various devices, browsers, and network conditions to ensure the reliability and functionality of the project.

Deploying and Monitoring

Once the PWA is ready and checked, we deploy it to a production environment and monitor its performance and user engagement metrics. We use analytics tools to track user behavior, conversion rates, and other key performance indicators.

Looking forward, the future of mobile web apps in e-commerce looks bright, with many upcoming trends and opportunities:

Implement PWAs in an E-commerce

  • Improvements in Web Technologies: As web technologies like WebAssembly and WebRTC keep getting better, progressive programs will become even more capable and faster.
  • Connecting with New Technologies: Progressive solutions are expected to start working together with new tech like augmented reality (AR) and voice assistants. This means users will get to try out exciting, innovative ways of shopping.
  • Personalized Shopping with AI: By using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, PWAs will be able to provide shopping suggestions and experiences that match what users like.
  • Cross-Platform Compatibility: With improvements in cross-platform compatibility, next-gen web apps will become more accessible across a wide range of devices and operating systems, including desktops, tablets, and smart TVs.


Progressive web apps represent a paradigm shift in the way e-commerce businesses engage with their customers.

By using the key features and benefits of app-like web experiences, businesses can enhance performance, drive user engagement, and stay ahead of the competition in today’s digital landscape.

And even though there are some challenges to overcome, the future of PWAs in e-commerce looks promising, with opportunities for innovation and growth on the horizon.

Need high-quality e-commerce software development services? Contact SCAND. We specialize in creating tailored solutions that meet your specific business needs and help you succeed in the online marketplace.

The post How to Enhance Performance and User Engagement in E-commerce with Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) appeared first on SCAND.

The post How to Enhance Performance and User Engagement in E-commerce with Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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The Rise of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) https://prodsens.live/2023/11/30/the-rise-of-progressive-web-apps-pwas/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-rise-of-progressive-web-apps-pwas https://prodsens.live/2023/11/30/the-rise-of-progressive-web-apps-pwas/#respond Thu, 30 Nov 2023 13:25:22 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/11/30/the-rise-of-progressive-web-apps-pwas/ the-rise-of-progressive-web-apps-(pwas)

Over the last decade, the mobile app sector has undergone a significant move, with the rise of Progressive…

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Over the last decade, the mobile app sector has undergone a significant move, with the rise of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) taking center stage.

PWAs comprise the best features of web and mobile applications, providing a smooth and engaging user experience.

Below, we’ll comprehensively explore the nature of Progressive Web Apps, including their key features, benefits, and the impact they are having on the digital experience.

Benefits of Progressive Web Apps

PWAs offer a range of advantages over traditional mobile apps, changing the way users interact with digital content. Here are key benefits that highlight the strengths of PWAs compared to their conventional counterparts

Cross-Platform Compatibility

PWAs are designed to work across various platforms and devices, eliminating the need for developers to create separate versions for different operating systems. This universality ensures a consistent user experience regardless of whether the user is accessing the app on a desktop, tablet, or smartphone.

Accessibility without Installation

Unlike traditional apps that need to be downloaded and installed, PWAs can be opened instantly through a web browser. This not only simplifies the user onboarding process but also reduces friction, making it more likely for users to engage with the application.

Search Engine Visibility

PWAs benefit from improved search engine optimization (SEO) as they are essentially websites. This means they can be indexed by search engines and become more discoverable to users. The enhanced visibility contributes to increased traffic and potential user acquisition.

Offline Functionality

One of the prominent features of PWAs is their ability to operate offline. Through service workers, PWAs can cache content and allow users to view certain features even when they switch off the Internet. This offline functionality enriches user experience, particularly in areas with inconsistent network connectivity.

Push Notifications

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) provide the benefit of push notifications, enabling businesses to reconnect with users and provide timely updates, promotions, or essential event information. This direct communication channel enhances user engagement and retention, creating a more dynamic relationship between the app and its users.

Benefits of Progressive Web Apps

Reduced Data Usage

Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) are developed with data efficiency in mind. Their streamlined architecture and use of caching mechanisms result in faster loading times and reduced data consumption. This is particularly beneficial for users in areas with limited data connectivity or those on metered data plans.

How to Develop Progressive Web Apps

Developing a PWA involves using modern web technologies and adhering to several best practices. Here’s a detailed overview of you might need to create robust Progressive Web Apps:

Tools and Technologies for Progressive Web Development

To create a PWA developers need a range of tools and technologies aimed at delivering a seamless and feature-rich user experience.

Front-end frameworks such as React, Angular, and Vue.js provide the foundation for building dynamic interfaces, while service worker management tools like Workbox enable offline functionality.

Performance analysis tools like Lighthouse assess various aspects of PWAs, and build tools such as Webpack and Parcel optimize code bundling.

Testing frameworks like Jest and Cypress ensure the reliability of PWAs, and PWA-specific libraries like PWACompat extend support to older browsers.

Git facilitates version control, and hosting services like Netlify and Firebase Hosting streamline deployment.

Continuous integration platforms like Travis CI and CircleCI automate testing and deployment processes, and content management systems like Contentful allow for efficient content handling in PWAs.

The comprehensive use of these tools and technologies contributes to the development of cross-platform, efficient, and accessible PWAs.

Steps for Building Feature-Rich PWAs

Building feature-rich Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) involves a series of steps encompassing both the frontend and backend development aspects. Here’s a step-by-step instruction to help you build a feature-rich PWA:

Benefits of Progressive Web Apps

Step 1: Define Your PWA’s Purpose and Features

Clearly outline the purpose of your PWA and identify the key features you want to include. Knowing your target audience and their behavior is crucial for designing a user-centric PWA.

Step 2: Create a Responsive Design

Design your PWA to be responsive, making it look and open well on various devices and screen sizes. Think of using CSS frameworks for a responsive layout.

Step 3: Implement HTTPS for Security

Use HTTPS to protect data transmission between the user’s device and your server. This is a prerequisite for using service workers, which are a fundamental component of PWAs.

Step 4: Develop the App Shell

The application shell consists of essential HTML, CSS, and JavaScript needed for initializing the user interface. It provides a basic structure and ensures a fast initial load time.

Step 5: Implement Service Workers

Service workers are JavaScript files that run in the background, enabling features like caching and offline functionality. Implement service workers to enhance the performance and offline capabilities of your PWA.

Step 6: Create a Web App Manifest

Build a web app manifest, a JSON file that provides metadata about your PWA. This includes details like the app’s name, icons, and colors. The manifest is essential for a seamless installation experience.

Step 7: Enable Offline Support

Leverage service workers to cache static assets and data, allowing your PWA to function offline. Implement strategies for updating the cache and handling offline scenarios gracefully.

Step 8: Optimize Performance

Implement performance optimization techniques such as lazy loading, code splitting, and image compression to ensure your PWA loads quickly and efficiently.

Step 9: Add Push Notification Support

Implement push notifications to re-engage users and keep them informed about updates or relevant content. Use the Push API and Notification API to handle push notifications.

Step 10: Test Across Browsers and Devices

Thoroughly test your PWA on various browsers and devices to ensure a consistent and reliable user experience. Use tools like Lighthouse for performance and best practice assessments.

Step 11: Deploy Your PWA

Deploy your PWA on a web server. Ensure that your server is configured to serve content over HTTPS to enable service worker functionality.

Step 12: Monitor and Iterate

Continuously monitor the performance and user engagement of your PWA. Gather user feedback and iterate on your PWA to introduce new features, improve existing ones, and address any issues that arise.

If navigating the complexities of Progressive Web App (PWA) development seems daunting, an alternative approach is to enlist the expertise of a reputable web development company.

Professional development teams possess the experience and skill set needed to streamline the process, ensuring the creation of a feature-rich and robust PWA.

Real-World Examples of PWAs

Progressive web app development services have gained popularity across various industries, with many companies adopting this technology to provide users with enhanced web experiences. Here are some real-world examples of PWAs:


Uber, the ride-sharing giant, utilizes a PWA for its Uber app on mobile devices. The PWA version is significantly smaller in size compared to its native counterpart, enabling faster load times. Users can book rides, track drivers, and access essential features without the need for a dedicated app installation.


Starbucks, the global coffeehouse chain, has leveraged PWA technology to create a progressive web app. The Starbucks PWA allows users to browse the menu, customize their orders, and locate nearby stores.

The PWA is optimized for mobile devices and offers offline functionality, ensuring a smooth user experience even in areas with intermittent internet connectivity.


Trivago, a hotel search and booking platform, adopted PWA to improve user engagement and experience. The Trivago PWA enables users to search for hotels, compare prices, and view hotel details, even when offline. The PWA’s ability to load quickly and provide a seamless experience contributes to its success.

The Future of PWAs and Their Role in the Mobile App Landscape

The future of PWAs looks promising, with an increasing number of businesses recognizing their potential.

As web technologies continue to advance, PWAs are likely to become even more powerful, blurring the lines between web and mobile experiences.

Benefits of Progressive Web Apps

Read our recent article about JAMStack as a powerful alternative to PWA here.

The convenience of direct access through browsers and improved offline capabilities positions PWAs as a compelling choice for businesses aiming to reach a wider audience.


Progressive Web Apps leverage the strengths of both web and mobile applications, providing a compelling alternative to traditional mobile apps.

The combination of offline capabilities, cross-platform compatibility, and improved user experience positions PWAs as a valuable choice for businesses looking to reach a broader audience while delivering a high-quality mobile experience.

Looking for PWA development? Contact us and we will transform your project idea into a high-performing web solution.

The post The Rise of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) appeared first on SCAND.

The post The Rise of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs) appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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How AI Is Revolutionizing Web Development: Unveiling Benefits and the Future Landscape https://prodsens.live/2023/11/09/how-ai-is-revolutionizing-web-development-unveiling-benefits-and-the-future-landscape/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-ai-is-revolutionizing-web-development-unveiling-benefits-and-the-future-landscape https://prodsens.live/2023/11/09/how-ai-is-revolutionizing-web-development-unveiling-benefits-and-the-future-landscape/#respond Thu, 09 Nov 2023 14:24:41 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/11/09/how-ai-is-revolutionizing-web-development-unveiling-benefits-and-the-future-landscape/ how-ai-is-revolutionizing-web-development:-unveiling-benefits-and-the-future-landscape

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a revolutionary force across multiple industries. One area that has seen undoubted progress…

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Artificial intelligence (AI) has become a revolutionary force across multiple industries. One area that has seen undoubted progress due to AI is web development.

AI is shaking up the web development scene by offering new strategies, better user experiences, and a myriad of promising software solutions.

In this article, we’ll delve deeper into the role of AI in web development, learn its benefits and limitations and find out whether it has a chance to replace web developers in the near future.

How to Use AI in Web Development?

AI provides a wide range of tools that simplify and improve various aspects of the web development process. Here’s a brief overview of how AI is used in web development:

Chatbots and Virtual Assistants

Chatbots and virtual assistants represent a significant stride in AI-powered web development.

These smart applications, driven by natural language processing and machine learning, can interact with visitors in conversations that resemble human ones.

They can address inquiries, guide users through websites, and even assist with tasks such as form submissions and appointment scheduling, which not only improves user engagement but also provides efficient customer support.

Content Generation

AI-driven content generation tools have made a significant impact, particularly in industries that demand a high volume of content production.

These tools employ algorithms that can generate human-like text, including articles, product descriptions, and even code snippets.

While they may not replace human creativity and editorial skills, they already can serve as helpful assistants in swiftly and accurately generating content, saving time for web developers and content creators.

Predictive Analytics

AI is used for predictive analytics, helping web developers understand user behavior more effectively. By analyzing past user activity, AI algorithms can predict what a visitor is likely to do next.

In e-commerce, for instance, predictive analytics allows websites to offer personalized product recommendations, which can drive sales and promote customer satisfaction.

Testing and Debugging

Web development projects often involve extensive testing and debugging phases. AI-driven tools optimize this process by automating the detection and resolution of errors.

They can identify issues such as broken links, slow-loading elements, and security vulnerabilities, making websites more reliable and secure.


AI is used for web security by detecting and resisting threats in real time. It can analyze patterns of suspicious behavior, detect potential vulnerabilities, and protect websites from cyberattacks, including DDoS attacks and data breaches.

Benefits of AI Web Development

AI web development offers lots of benefits that contribute to more efficient, user-friendly, and cost-effective web development. Here are some of the major advantages:

Benefits of AI Web Development

Better Performance

One of the most impactful advantages of AI in web development is the automation of repetitive and labor-intensive tasks.

AI can handle tasks such as content generation, testing, and data analysis, allowing developers to focus on more creative and strategic aspects of web development, complete projects faster, and adequately respond to market demands.

Rich User Experience

AI-driven personalization features and chatbots greatly improve the user experience.

Personalization suggests content and recommendations per individual user preferences, while chatbots provide immediate assistance and support.

As a result, users have a smoother and more engaging experience on websites, which leads to higher satisfaction and increased engagement.

Data-Driven Insights

AI systems gather and analyze vast layers of data, providing helpful insights into user preferences, website performance, and other relevant indicators.

These data-driven insights help developers make the right decisions about web design, content, and functionality, improving website performance and increasing its conversion rates.

Cost Reduction

Automating various aspects of web development through AI reduces costs. On top of that, it saves time, cuts down on staff expenses, and minimizes the chance of errors.

This cost efficiency makes web development more accessible to businesses with limited budgets and allows smaller enterprises to compete fairly in the dense digital market.

Top Tools for Web Development

Web development is a dynamic field with a wide spectrum of technologies available to developers. Here are some of the top AI-powered and AI-enhanced tools that are currently making waves in the web development industry:

Top Tools for Web Development


Created by OpenAI, GPT-3 is an advanced language model capable of generating text that closely resembles human writing. Normally, it is used for content generation and chatbots, but it can also auto-respond to frequently asked questions.

Its natural language understanding competence makes it a versatile tool for different web development tasks.


Wix ADI is a web design AI tool that can automatically generate websites. It collects user preferences, content, and design elements to create websites tailored to individual needs. This saves time and effort in the web design and development process.


Lighthouse is an AI-powered auditing tool and part of Chrome DevTools. It is used for assessing web page performance. Lighthouse analyzes websites and provides suggestions for improvements related to speed, accessibility, SEO, and more. This tool is invaluable for optimizing websites for better user experiences.


Dialogflow by Google, is a popular platform for creating chatbots and virtual assistants for websites and applications. It uses natural language processing to understand and reply to user queries, which makes it an important tool for improving user interactions.


TensorFlow.js is a JavaScript library that allows web developers to integrate machine learning models and AI directly into web applications. It enables the development of real-time AI applications within web browsers, making it a powerful tool for AI-powered web development.

Amazon Lex

Amazon Lex is a service provided by Amazon Web Services to assist developers in creating chatbots and conversational interfaces. Amazon Lex is highly scalable and can merge with web and mobile apps to provide them with AI-powered chat capabilities.

Limitations of AI in Web Development

AI brings notable benefits to web development, but it also comes with limitations and challenges. Recognizing these drawbacks is essential for web developers and businesses when deciding how to employ AI in their projects. Here are some primary limitations of AI in web development:

Limitations of AI in Web Development

Lack of Creativity

AI lacks the creative and innovative capabilities of humans. While it can automate routine tasks and generate content, it doesn’t possess the ability to think outside the box, come up with unique design concepts, or create entirely novel solutions.

Complex Problem Solving

AI systems, particularly narrow AI or machine learning models, are good at solving specific, well-defined tasks. However, they may struggle with complex, multi-faceted problems that require a deep understanding of context, reasoning, and human judgment.

Security Concerns

Relying heavily on AI for web development introduces security concerns. AI-powered systems can be exploited by fraudsters, especially if not properly secured. Vulnerabilities in AI systems may expose websites to cyberattacks and data breaches.

Resource Intensive

Some AI applications in web development can be extremely resource-consuming and require substantial computational power and memory. This fact may pose additional challenges for starting businesses or those on a tight budget.

Future of Web Development: Can AI Replace Software Engineers?

The dispute over whether AI will replace software engineers is controversial.

While AI is advancing and automating parts of web development, it’s unlikely to completely replace human software engineers.

Instead, it’s more probable that AI will work alongside developers, enhancing their capabilities.

In the future, we can imagine a close cooperation between AI and software engineers. AI will manage routine tasks, helping developers concentrate on high-level web development strategy.

Software engineers will remain vital for creative problem-solving, innovative design, and ethical considerations.

They will also play a critical role in the design, implementation, and oversight of AI systems to ensure they align with their organizations’ values ​​and goals.


AI in web development represents a robust instrument with significant advantages, but it is not a panacea.

Developers and businesses need to be aware of these limitations and take a balanced approach to using AI, where it can deliver the most benefit while understanding its limitations.

Combining AI with human expertise and oversight is often the most effective way to maximize the benefits of AI in web development.

Want to leverage AI for your web development projects? Reach out to SCAND for expert web services that fit your goals.

The post How AI Is Revolutionizing Web Development: Unveiling Benefits and the Future Landscape appeared first on SCAND.

The post How AI Is Revolutionizing Web Development: Unveiling Benefits and the Future Landscape appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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7 dos and don’ts of using ML on the web with MediaPipe https://prodsens.live/2023/10/05/7-dos-and-donts-of-using-ml-on-web-with-mediapipe-html/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=7-dos-and-donts-of-using-ml-on-web-with-mediapipe-html https://prodsens.live/2023/10/05/7-dos-and-donts-of-using-ml-on-web-with-mediapipe-html/#respond Thu, 05 Oct 2023 20:24:36 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/10/05/7-dos-and-donts-of-using-ml-on-web-with-mediapipe-html/ 7-dos-and-don’ts-of-using-ml-on-the-web-with-mediapipe

Posted by Jen Person, Developer Relations Engineer If you’re a web developer looking to bring the power of…

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Posted by Jen Person, Developer Relations Engineer

If you’re a web developer looking to bring the power of machine learning (ML) to your web apps, then check out MediaPipe Solutions! With MediaPipe Solutions, you can deploy custom tasks to solve common ML problems in just a few lines of code. View the guides in the docs and try out the web demos on Codepen to see how simple it is to get started. While MediaPipe Solutions handles a lot of the complexity of ML on the web, there are still a few things to keep in mind that go beyond the usual JavaScript best practices. I’ve compiled them here in this list of seven dos and don’ts. Do read on to get some good tips!

❌ DON’T bundle your model in your app

As a web developer, you’re accustomed to making your apps as lightweight as possible to ensure the best user experience. When you have larger items to load, you already know that you want to download them in a thoughtful way that allows the user to interact with the content quickly rather than having to wait for a long download. Strategies like quantization have made ML models smaller and accessible to edge devices, but they’re still large enough that you don’t want to bundle them in your web app. Store your models in the cloud storage solution of your choice. Then, when you initialize your task, the model and WebAssembly binary will be downloaded and initialized. After the first page load, use local storage or IndexedDB to cache the model and binary so future page loads run even faster. You can see an example of this in this touchless ATM sample app on GitHub.

✅ DO initialize your task early

Task initialization can take a bit of time depending on model size, connection speed, and device type. Therefore, it’s a good idea to initialize the solution before user interaction. In the majority of the code samples on Codepen, initialization takes place on page load. Keep in mind that these samples are meant to be as simple as possible so you can understand the code and apply it to your own use case. Initializing your model on page load might not make sense for you. Just focus on finding the right place to spin up the task so that processing is hidden from the user.

After initialization, you should warm up the task by passing a placeholder image through the model. This example shows a function for running a 1×1 pixel canvas through the Pose Landmarker task:

function dummyDetection(poseLandmarker: PoseLandmarker) {
const width = 1;
const height = 1;
const canvas = document.createElement('canvas');
canvas.width = width;
canvas.height = height;

const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
ctx.fillStyle = 'rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)';
ctx.fillRect(0, 0, width, height);

✅ DO clean up resources

One of my favorite parts of JavaScript is automatic garbage collection. In fact, I can’t remember the last time memory management crossed my mind. Hopefully you’ve cached a little information about memory in your own memory, as you’ll need just a bit of it to make the most of your MediaPipe task. MediaPipe Solutions for web uses WebAssembly (WASM) to run C++ code in-browser. You don’t need to know C++, but it helps to know that C++ makes you take out your own garbage. If you don’t free up unused memory, you will find that your web page uses more and more memory over time. It can have performance issues or even crash.

When you’re done with your solution, free up resources using the .close() method.

For example, I can create a gesture recognizer using the following code:

const createGestureRecognizer = async () => {
const vision = await FilesetResolver.forVisionTasks(
gestureRecognizer = await GestureRecognizer.createFromOptions(vision, {
baseOptions: {
delegate: "GPU"

Once I’m done recognizing gestures, I dispose of the gesture recognizer using the close() method:


Each task has a close method, so be sure to use it where relevant! Some tasks have close() methods for the returned results, so refer to the API docs for details.

✅ DO try out tasks in MediaPipe Studio

When deciding on or customizing your solution, it’s a good idea to try it out in MediaPipe Studio before writing your own code. MediaPipe Studio is a web-based application for evaluating and customizing on-device ML models and pipelines for your applications. The app lets you quickly test MediaPipe solutions in your browser with your own data, and your own customized ML models. Each solution demo also lets you experiment with model settings for the total number of results, minimum confidence threshold for reporting results, and more. You’ll find this especially useful when customizing solutions so you can see how your model performs without needing to create a test web page.

Screenshot of Image Classification page in MediaPipe Studio

✅ DO test on different devices

It’s always important to test your web apps on various devices and browsers to ensure they work as expected, but I think it’s worth adding a reminder here to test early and often on a variety of platforms. You can use MediaPipe Studio to test devices as well so you know right away that a solution will work on your users’ devices.

❌ DON’T default to the biggest model

Each task lists one or more recommended models. For example, the Object Detection task lists three different models, each with benefits and drawbacks based on speed, size and accuracy. It can be tempting to think that the most important thing is to choose the model with the very highest accuracy, but if you do so, you will be sacrificing speed and increasing the size of your model. Depending on your use case, your users might benefit from a faster result rather than a more accurate one. The best way to compare model options is in MediaPipe Studio. I realize that this is starting to sound like an advertisement for MediaPipe Studio, but it really does come in handy here!

photo of a whale breeching against a background of clouds in a deep, vibrant blue sky

✅ DO reach out!

Do you have any dos or don’ts of ML on the web that you think I missed? Do you have questions about how to get started? Or do you have a cool project you want to share? Reach out to me on LinkedIn and tell me all about it!

The post 7 dos and don’ts of using ML on the web with MediaPipe appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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Java Web Development: Building Dynamic and Responsive Web Applications https://prodsens.live/2023/07/25/java-web-development-building-dynamic-and-responsive-web-applications/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=java-web-development-building-dynamic-and-responsive-web-applications https://prodsens.live/2023/07/25/java-web-development-building-dynamic-and-responsive-web-applications/#respond Tue, 25 Jul 2023 13:24:51 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/07/25/java-web-development-building-dynamic-and-responsive-web-applications/ java-web-development:-building-dynamic-and-responsive-web-applications

In web development, creating dynamic and responsive web apps is crucial for delivering a smooth and captivating online…

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In web development, creating dynamic and responsive web apps is crucial for delivering a smooth and captivating online experience to users.

One of the technologies that has proved its reliability in this area is Java. Due to its versatility and power, Java has established itself over time as a technology for building robust and high-performance web applications.

In this article, we’ll take a look at the ins and outs of Java web development and how it can help you create dynamic and responsive web applications.

What Are Dynamic Web Applications?

A dynamic web application is a website that provides an interactive and personalized experience to users.

Why Choose Java Web Applications?

Unlike static websites, where the content remains the same for all visitors, dynamic web applications generate content dynamically based on user input, database queries, or real-time data.

Dynamic web applications can update content on the fly, making them highly flexible and adaptable.

Benefits of Dynamic Web Applications over Static Ones

Dynamic web applications offer numerous advantages over static ones. Let’s go over some of them:

  • Interactivity: Dynamic web applications allow users to actively engage with the content and interact with various elements of the website. Users can submit forms, take part in discussions, perform searches, and access personalized features. This interactivity boosts user engagement and provides a more immersive experience.
  • Personalization: Dynamic web applications can tailor content based on user tastes and behavior. By using user data, these applications can provide exclusive recommendations, customized dashboards, and targeted ads. This approach improves user satisfaction, boosts retention rates, and positively influences conversion rates.
  • Real-time Updates: Unlike static websites, dynamic web applications can update content in real time. This is particularly helpful for apps that require up-to-date information, such as news websites, social media networks, or collaborative tools. Users can receive the latest data and updates without manually refreshing the page. This improves the user experience by making it more streamlined and efficient.
  • Flexibility: Dynamic web applications offer better content management and customization. Website administrators can easily update and modify the application’s content, structure, and design. This benefit allows businesses to swiftly adjust to dynamic market conditions, update product information, and launch targeted campaigns.
  • Scalability: Dynamic web applications are built to handle high traffic and growing user numbers. Due to scalable architectures and efficient database management, they efficiently manage large data volumes and concurrent user requests. This ensures the application remains responsive and performs well, even during heavy usage.
  • Integration with Databases and APIs: Dynamic web applications can easily connect with different databases and external APIs. Thanks to this capability, applications can dynamically retrieve and display data, ensuring users receive the latest and most accurate information.
  • Better Content Management: Dynamic web applications usually have a content management system that simplifies updating and managing website content. Website administrators can easily add, edit, and delete content through a user-friendly interface without special technical skills.
  • SEO Opportunities: Dynamic web applications can take advantage of dynamic URLs, metadata customization, and other SEO techniques. This helps improve search engine visibility and makes it easier for users to discover the website through organic search results.

Why Choose Java Web Applications?

Java is a versatile and mature programming language that offers numerous advantages for web development. Here’s why Java web development is a perfect option for creating dynamic web applications:

  1. Versatility: Java’s “write once, run anywhere” principle allows developers to build web applications that can work on different platforms without any changes. On top of that, the Java Virtual Machine provides cross-platform portability. Overall, this makes Java the go-to language for web development.
  2. Scalability and Performance: Java’s scalability features, such as multithreading and memory management, enable developers to build highly scalable and efficient web applications. Java Just-In-Time (JIT) compilation also optimizes performance, providing a fast and responsive web experience.
  3. Well-settled and consistent: Java has been around for over two decades, which makes it a mature and stable language. It features a large community of developers, comprehensive documentation, and established best practices. Moreover, this ecosystem provides reliable support, continuous improvement, and tons of resources for developers.
  4. Rich Libraries and Frameworks: Java has a diverse collection of libraries and frameworks for web development. Frameworks like Spring provide powerful tools for building robust and scalable web applications, while libraries like Hibernate simplify database interactions and object-relational mapping.
  5. Security: Java provides built-in security features and has a strong focus on secure coding practices. The Java Security Manager allows developers to set detailed rules about who can access different parts of a program written in Java, protecting the application from unauthorized access and potential weaknesses.

Click here to hire skilled Java developers who can bring your ideas to life with 100% accuracy.

How to Create Java Web Applications

To create dynamic web applications, developers apply various technologies, frameworks, and other tools. Below you can find a detailed guide on how to develop dynamic web applications.

Configure a Development Environment

First, install the Java Development Kit. Then set in place an Integrated Development Environment. This can be Eclipse or IntelliJ IDEA. All these instruments provide a complete development environment and help in code writing, debugging, and testing.

Choose a Web Framework

Select a Java web framework to simplify development and improve performance. Popular frameworks include Spring, JavaServer Faces (JSF), and Play Framework. These frameworks offer a structure for creating web applications and offer various features, such as dependency injection, MVC architecture, and data binding.

Design the Database

Define the data structure and create a database schema for storing and retrieving dynamic content. Employ a relational database management system, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL, or alternatively, NoSQL databases like MongoDB for flexible data storage.

Implement Business Logic

Develop the backend logic of your web application using Java and the chosen web framework. This involves handling user requests, processing data, interacting with the database, and creating dynamic content.

Design the User Interface:

Create the frontend components using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Implement responsive designs and ensure a user-friendly interface. Integrate frontend and backend components to enable dynamic interactions.

Test and Debug

Thoroughly test your dynamic web application to guarantee its functionality, performance, and security. Use automated test frameworks, such as JUnit, to check the behavior of your application and resolve any problems or bugs that can occur.

Deploy and Maintain

Choose a hosting provider or deploy your application on a server. Configure the necessary infrastructure and monitor the application’s performance. Update and service your app to keep it protected and in line with the latest technologies.


Dynamic web applications have transformed the online landscape by providing personalized and interactive user experiences.

And Java, with its libraries, power, scalability, and security features, is a perfect choice for building such applications.

By using Java’s capabilities, developers can create responsive and feature-rich applications that can cater to the growing needs of any modern business.

Looking for top-notch Java web development services? Request SCAND’s expertise today and bring your dynamic and responsive web application ideas to life.

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The post Java Web Development: Building Dynamic and Responsive Web Applications appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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How Web GDE Martine Dowden approaches web design from an accessibility perspective https://prodsens.live/2023/05/29/how-web-gde-martine-dowden-approaches-web-design-from-an-accessibility-perspective/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-web-gde-martine-dowden-approaches-web-design-from-an-accessibility-perspective https://prodsens.live/2023/05/29/how-web-gde-martine-dowden-approaches-web-design-from-an-accessibility-perspective/#respond Mon, 29 May 2023 13:25:53 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/05/29/how-web-gde-martine-dowden-approaches-web-design-from-an-accessibility-perspective/ how-web-gde-martine-dowden-approaches-web-design-from-an-accessibility-perspective

To celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we interviewed Martine Dowden, Web GDE. Martine Dowden, Web GDE Today’s websites follow certain…

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To celebrate Global Accessibility Awareness Day, we interviewed Martine Dowden, Web GDE.

Martine Dowden, Web GDE

Today’s websites follow certain principles for good web design. Some of these principles include simplicity, F-shaped patterned layouts (how we read content on a page), great content, loading times, color palettes, and more. One principle that might not be top of mind when looking at our favorite sites is accessibility and when applying it to web design, its purpose is to make sites available to everyone. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), about 16% of the population lives with some kind of disability. In web design, accessibility is about making sure you have enough color contrast, a lower resolution screen, different button sizes, alt text, navigation that can be accessed with your keyboard, descriptive text, and so on. For Web GDE, Martine Dowden, this is something she thinks about everyday. Martine is the CTO of Andromeda Galactic Solutions where she builds sites for her clients with an accessibility approach. Martine is also the co-author of Approachable Accessibility: Planning for Success, which landed her on Book Authority’s 20 Best Accessibility Books of All Time list, and has given numerous talks on the subject.

When asked about why accessibility is important to her, Martine shares, “It affects everybody. I want to make sure that when I’m creating something, it doesn’t matter who you are, what device you’re on, or what your needs are, you’re gonna be able to access it. I don’t want to exclude people.” To achieve accessibility, Martine urges designers and developers to think about accessibility principles as early as possible. She goes on to say that if your mockups are already inaccessible, you’re setting yourself up for failure. She compares accessibility to security and explains, “I like to parallel it to security because you can’t accidentally do security correctly. Accessibility is the same way. You have to actually think about it and test for it.” For testing accessibility early on, Martine recommends using automated tools such as Lighthouse, which has an accessibility checker. However, while automated tools are helpful, it only catches a small subset of what is accessible on your site. Martine explains that automated tools don’t really understand context. “The automated tooling will tell me if I have alt text or not but it won’t tell me if that alt text is relevant or helpful. If I’m showing a picture of cats and my alt text says it’s a picture of dogs, the automated tooling will say it’s good to go,” she points out. While it’s helpful to have this automation, Martine recommends coupling these tools with a manual review in order to be thorough while testing for accessibility.

Martine also recommends Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), which is the international standard. This resource provides specs and a lot of supporting documentation that explains why the specs exist, but it is an exhaustive resource that Martine doesn’t recommend reading from beginning to end. Instead, Martine suggests using it when you have a certain question and looking up the specific specs. Another technology that assists her in her work is Angular since the UI library includes the accessibility notes.

The importance of accessibility is clear when it comes to giving everyone access to web sites and with 71% of users with disabilities clicking away from sites due to inaccessibility, an accessibility approach is vital. Accessibility might be something new to you as a designer or developer but as with everything else, Martine suggests, “It’s just like learning any other skill, take it bit by bit and you’ll eventually get there. Everybody has to start somewhere.”

You can find Martine online on her personal site.

The Google Developer Experts (GDE) program is a global network of highly experienced technology experts, influencers, and thought leaders who actively support developers, companies, and tech communities by speaking at events and publishing content.

How Web GDE Martine Dowden approaches web design from an accessibility perspective was originally published in Google Developer Experts on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

The post How Web GDE Martine Dowden approaches web design from an accessibility perspective appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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Better two factor authentication experiences with WebOTP https://prodsens.live/2022/12/08/better-two-factor-authentication-experiences-with-webotp/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=better-two-factor-authentication-experiences-with-webotp https://prodsens.live/2022/12/08/better-two-factor-authentication-experiences-with-webotp/#respond Thu, 08 Dec 2022 19:12:15 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2022/12/08/better-two-factor-authentication-experiences-with-webotp/ better-two-factor-authentication-experiences-with-webotp

Two factor authentication (2FA) is a great way to improve the security of user accounts in an application.…

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Two factor authentication (2FA) is a great way to improve the security of user accounts in an application. It helps protect against common…

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From a personal notebook to 100k YouTube subscriptions: How Carlos Azaustre turned his notes into a… https://prodsens.live/2022/11/04/from-a-personal-notebook-to-100k-youtube-subscriptions-how-carlos-azaustre-turned-his-notes-into-a/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=from-a-personal-notebook-to-100k-youtube-subscriptions-how-carlos-azaustre-turned-his-notes-into-a https://prodsens.live/2022/11/04/from-a-personal-notebook-to-100k-youtube-subscriptions-how-carlos-azaustre-turned-his-notes-into-a/#respond Fri, 04 Nov 2022 05:05:43 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2022/11/04/from-a-personal-notebook-to-100k-youtube-subscriptions-how-carlos-azaustre-turned-his-notes-into-a/ from-a-personal-notebook-to-100k-youtube-subscriptions:-how-carlos-azaustre-turned-his-notes-into-a…

From a personal notebook to 100k YouTube subscriptions: How Carlos Azaustre turned his notes into a YouTube channel Carlos…

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From a personal notebook to 100k YouTube subscriptions: How Carlos Azaustre turned his notes into a YouTube channel

Carlos Azaustre with his Silver Button Creator Award from YouTube

When Carlos Azaustre, Web Technologies GDE, finished university, he started a blog to share his personal notes and learnings to teach others about Angular and JavaScript. These personal notes later evolved into tutorials that then turned into a blossoming YouTube channel with 105k subscriptions at the time of this writing. With his 10 years of experience as a Telecommunications Engineer focused on front end development, he has a breadth of experience that he shares with his viewers in a sea of competing content currently on YouTube. Carlos has successfully created a channel focused on technical topics related to JavaScript and has some valuable advice for those looking to educate on the platform.

How he got started with his channel

Carlos started his blog with the primary mission of using it as a personal notebook that he could reference in the future. As he wrote increasingly, he started to notice that people were coming across his notebooks and sharing with others. This inspired him to record tutorials based on the topics of his blogs, but when he was beginning to record these tutorials, a secondary mission came to fruition: he wanted to make technical content accessible to the Spanish-speaking community. He reflects, “In the Spanish community, English is difficult for some people, so I started to create content in Spanish to eliminate barriers for people who are interested in learning new technologies. Learning new things is hard, but it’s easier when it’s in your natural language.”

In the beginning of his YouTube journey, he used the platform for side projects and would post irregularly. Then, 2 years ago, he started putting more effort into creating new content and started to post one video a week while promoting on social media. This change sparked more comments, and his view and total subscribers increased in tandem.

Tips and tricks he’s applied to his channel

Carlos leverages analytics data to adjust his strategy. He explains, “YouTube provides a lot of analytics tools to see if people are engaging and when they leave the video. So you can adjust your content and the timing (video length) because the timing is important.” The data taught Carlos that longer videos generally don’t do as well. He learned the ideal video length for lecture videos where he’s primarily speaking is about 6–8 minutes. But when it comes to tutorials, videos that are about 40–60 minutes in length tend to get more views.

Carlos has also taken advantage of YouTube Shorts, a short-form video-sharing platform. “I started to see that Shorts are great to increase your reach because the algorithm pushes your content to people who aren’t subscribed to your channel,” he pointed out. He recommends using YouTube Shorts as an effective way of getting started. When asked about other resources, Carlos mentioned that he primarily draws from his own experience but also turns to books and blogs to help with his channel and to stay up to date with technology.

Choosing video topics

Creating fresh weekly content can be a challenge. To address this, Carlos keeps a notebook of ideas and inspiration for his next videos. For example, he may come across a problem that lacks a clear solution at work and will jot this down. He also keeps track of articles or other tutorials that he feels can either be explained in a more straightforward way or can be translated into Spanish.

Carlos also draws inspiration from the comment section of his videos. He engages with his audience to show there is a real person behind the videos that can guide them. He adds, “this is one of the parts I like the most. They propose new ideas for content that I might’ve missed”.

Advice for starting a channel on technical topics

Carlos’ advice for people looking to start a channel based on technical content is simple: just get started. “If you’re creating great content, people will eventually reach you,” he comments. When he first started his channel, Carlos wasn’t preoccupied with the number of views, comments, or subscriptions. He started his content with himself in mind and would ask himself what kind of content he would want to see. He says, “As long as you’re engaged with the community, you’ll have a great channel. If you try to optimize the content for the algorithm, you’re going to go crazy.” He recommends new content creators start with YouTube Shorts, and once they gain an audience they can create more detailed videos.

It’s also necessary to spark conversation in the comments, and one way you can achieve this is through the title and description of your video. A great title that catches the attention of the viewer, sparks conversation, and implements keywords is essential. A simple way to do this is by asking a question in the title. For example, one of his videos is titled, “How do Promises and Async / Await function in JavaScript?” and also asks a question in the description. This video alone has 250+ comments with viewers answering the question posed by the title and the description. He’s also mindful of what keywords he’s including in his title and finds these keywords by looking at the most popular content with similar topics.

When asked about gear and equipment recommendations, he states that the most important piece of equipment is your microphone, since your voice can be more important than the image, especially if you’re filming a tutorial video. He goes on, “With time, you can update your setup. Maybe your camera is next and then the lighting. Start with your phone or your regular laptop — just start!”

So remember to just get started, and maybe in time, you’ll become the next big content creator for Machine Learning, Google Cloud, Android, or Web Technologies.

You can check out Carlos’ YouTube Channel, find him live on Twitch, or follow him on Twitter or Instagram.

The Google Developer Experts (GDE) program is a global network of highly experienced technology experts, influencers, and thought leaders who actively support developers, companies, and tech communities by speaking at events and publishing content.

From a personal notebook to 100k YouTube subscriptions: How Carlos Azaustre turned his notes into a… was originally published in Google Developers Experts on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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