Tools Archives - News for Project Managers - PMI Fri, 24 May 2024 16:20:27 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Tools Archives - 32 32 Enhancing Business Efficiency: A Comprehensive Guide to Choosing and Implementing Process Mapping Software Fri, 24 May 2024 16:20:27 +0000 enhancing-business-efficiency:-a-comprehensive-guide-to-choosing-and-implementing-process-mapping-software

In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficiency and streamlined operations are critical for success. One tool that has proven…

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In today’s fast-paced business environment, efficiency and streamlined operations are critical for success. One tool that has proven to be invaluable in achieving these goals is process mapping software. This comprehensive guide will explore the benefits of process mapping software, how to choose the right one for your business, the key features to look for, and a step-by-step approach to implementing it effectively to improve workflow and efficiency.

Understanding Process Mapping Software

Process mapping software is designed to create visual representations of a business’s processes and workflows. These diagrams, or process maps, help organizations understand, analyze, and improve their processes. By providing a clear visual representation of how tasks flow through the system, process mapping software enables businesses to identify bottlenecks, redundancies, and opportunities for optimization.

Benefits of Process Mapping Software

1. Improved Clarity and Communication

One of the primary benefits of process mapping software is that it enhances clarity and communication within an organization. By providing a visual representation of processes, all team members can easily understand their roles and responsibilities. This shared understanding helps to eliminate confusion and ensures that everyone is on the same page.

2. Increased Efficiency

It helps to identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks within workflows. By analyzing these process maps, organizations can pinpoint areas where time and resources are being wasted. This insight allows businesses to make informed decisions about how to streamline operations and improve efficiency.

3. Enhanced Collaboration

Process mapping software facilitates collaboration among team members by providing a common platform for discussing and refining processes. This collaborative approach ensures that all stakeholders have a voice in process improvement efforts, leading to more effective and sustainable changes.

4. Better Compliance and Quality Control

For industries that require strict adherence to regulations and quality standards, process mapping software is an invaluable tool. It helps ensure that all processes are documented and followed consistently, reducing the risk of non-compliance and improving overall quality control.

5. Data-Driven Decision Making

By using process mapping software, businesses can gather data on their workflows and processes. This data can be analyzed to identify trends, measure performance, and make data-driven decisions. This approach leads to more accurate and effective process improvements.

Choosing the Right Process Mapping Software

Selecting the right process mapping software for your business is crucial to reaping the benefits outlined above. Below are several factors to take into account when deciding:

1. User-Friendliness

The software should be intuitive and easy to use, even for those with little to no technical expertise. A user-friendly interface will encourage adoption and ensure that all team members can effectively utilize the tool.

2. Customizability

Each business possesses its own distinctiveness, reflected in its processes. Choose software that offers customization options to tailor process maps to your specific needs. This flexibility will enable you to create accurate and relevant representations of your workflows.

3. Integration Capabilities

Ensure that the process mapping software can integrate with other tools and systems used within your organization. This integration will allow for seamless data flow and collaboration across different platforms, enhancing overall efficiency.

4. Collaboration Features

Look for software that supports real-time collaboration, allowing team members to work together on process maps simultaneously. Features such as commenting, version control, and shared access are essential for effective collaboration.

5. Reporting and Analytics

The ability to generate reports and analyze data is crucial for continuous improvement. Choose software that offers robust reporting and analytics features to track performance metrics and identify areas for enhancement.

6. Scalability

As your business grows, your process mapping needs may evolve. Select software that can scale with your organization and accommodate increasing complexity and volume of processes.

7. Cost

Consider your budget when choosing process mapping software. While it’s important to invest in a quality tool, there are options available at various price points. Evaluate the features and benefits to determine the best value for your investment.

Incorporating Incident Management Software

While selecting process mapping software, it’s essential to consider integration with the best incident management software. Incident management software plays a crucial role in swiftly addressing and resolving unexpected disruptions in business processes. By seamlessly integrating incident management capabilities into your process mapping solution, you can enhance operational resilience and minimize downtime.

Key Features to Look for in Process Mapping Software

To ensure you choose the best process mapping software for your needs, look for the following key features:

1. Drag-and-Drop Interface

A drag-and-drop interface simplifies the process of creating and editing process maps. This feature allows users to easily add, remove, and rearrange elements within the map, making it accessible for all team members.

2. Templates and Pre-Built Elements

Templates and pre-built elements can significantly speed up the process of creating process maps. Look for software that offers a variety of templates and elements that can be customized to fit your specific workflows.

3. Process Simulation

Process simulation allows you to test and analyze different scenarios within your process maps. This feature helps you understand the potential impact of changes before implementing them, reducing the risk of disruptions.

4. Automated Documentation

Automated documentation features can save time and ensure consistency in process documentation. This capability allows you to generate detailed reports and manuals based on your process maps, which can be useful for training and compliance purposes.

5. Mobile Accessibility

In today’s mobile-centric world, it’s important to have access to process mapping software on the go. Choose software that offers mobile accessibility, allowing you to view and edit process maps from any device.

6. Security and Permissions

Ensure that the software provides robust security features to protect sensitive information. Additionally, look for tools that offer customizable permissions to control access and editing rights for different team members.

7. Customer Support and Training

Good customer support and training resources are essential for getting the most out of your process mapping software. Choose a provider that offers comprehensive support and training options to help you and your team effectively utilize the tool.

Implementing Process Mapping Software: A Step-by-Step Guide

Once you’ve selected the right process mapping software for your business, it’s time to implement it. Follow these steps to ensure a smooth and successful implementation:

1. Define Your Objectives

Before you begin, clearly define your objectives for using process mapping software. What specific problems are you trying to solve? What goals do you hope to achieve? Having clear objectives will guide your implementation and help you measure success.

2. Assemble a Team

Identify key stakeholders and assemble a team to oversee the implementation process. This team should include representatives from different departments who will use the software and contribute to process improvement efforts.

3. Conduct Training

Ensure that all team members receive training on how to use the process mapping software. This training should cover basic functionality, as well as any specific features that are relevant to your business needs.

4. Map Existing Processes

Start by mapping your existing processes to establish a baseline. This step will help you understand your current workflows and identify areas for improvement. Involve team members who are familiar with these processes to ensure accuracy.

5. Identify Improvement Opportunities

Analyze your process maps to identify inefficiencies, bottlenecks, and areas for improvement. Use the insights gained from this analysis to develop a plan for optimizing your workflows.

6. Redesign and Test Processes

Based on your analysis, redesign your processes to address identified issues. Use the process simulation feature to test different scenarios and evaluate the potential impact of changes. Make adjustments as needed before implementing the new processes.

7. Implement Changes

Once you’re confident in your redesigned processes, implement the changes within your organization. Communicate the changes to all affected team members and provide any necessary training to ensure a smooth transition.

8. Monitor and Adjust

After implementing the changes, continuously monitor the performance of your processes. Use the reporting and analytics features of your process mapping software to track key metrics and identify any new issues that arise. Be prepared to make adjustments as needed to maintain efficiency and effectiveness.

9. Foster a Culture of Continuous Improvement

Process improvement is an ongoing effort. Encourage a culture of continuous improvement within your organization by regularly reviewing and updating your process maps. Involve team members in these efforts and celebrate successes to maintain momentum.


Process mapping software is a powerful tool for enhancing business efficiency and streamlining operations. By choosing the right software, leveraging key features, and following a structured implementation process, organizations can achieve significant improvements in clarity, communication, collaboration, compliance, and overall performance. Embracing process mapping as part of a culture of continuous improvement will ensure that your business remains agile and competitive in today’s dynamic environment.

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Free Google Sheets Timeline Template: Create Plans Online Thu, 18 Apr 2024 19:20:37 +0000 free-google-sheets-timeline-template:-create-plans-online

When managing teams, it’s essential to create timelines to track their progress as they execute their tasks. Project…

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When managing teams, it’s essential to create timelines to track their progress as they execute their tasks. Project management software is the most efficient way to create timelines to plan, assign and track their tasks. Other tools can be used to create timelines, though, such as Excel spreadsheets or Google Sheets.

This Google Sheets timeline template can create a timeline in just four simple steps that won’t require any formulas or any advanced settings.

Why Use This Google Sheets Timeline Template?

This timeline template allows organizations to visualize the duration of projects or activities over time, identify who will be executing them and track milestones and deliverables. Google Sheets is a cloud-based spreadsheet tool that can share timelines with teams and let them collaborate online. Unlike Excel, there’s no need to download any files. They’re stored online. Ang change to the timeline is automatically saved in real time so everyone sees the latest version of the timeline.

More powerful than Google Sheets is project management software. ProjectManager is award-winning project and portfolio management software with Gantt charts that have timelines that do much more than static templates. First, there are multiple planning and scheduling tool such as kanban boards, task lists and project calendars which allow you to create timelines, assign tasks to your team members, monitor resource utilization, track progress and much more. The robust Gantt chart links dependencies, filters for the critical path and can set a baseline to track variance in real time. Google Sheets can’t do that. Get started with ProjectManager for free today.

Gantt chart in ProjectManager
ProjectManager’s Gantt chart can make timelines and monitor the progress of your projects. Learn more

Google Sheets Timeline: Pros & Cons

Let’s take a closer look at Google Sheets timelines to better establish the pros and cons of using them. This can provide your organization with an idea of use cases and when they’re beneficial.

Pros of Making a Timeline in Google Sheets

A Google Sheets timeline is ideal for users who are just getting started with project management. It offers a simple interface that’s easy to understand. Here are some of the main benefits of using Google Sheets to make a timeline.

  • Free alternative to project management software
  • Many people already understand Google Sheets’ interface
  • Easier to understand than Excel
  • Cloud-based timelines that don’t require downloading or saving files

Cons of Making a Timeline in Google Sheets

Even though you can make a timeline in Google Sheets, it doesn’t have the same project management features you can find in alternative software options. Here are some disadvantages of using Google Sheets for timelines.

  • Labor-intensive and time-consuming process
  • Prone to human error as manual edits are required
  • Doesn’t pair well with complementary project management tools such as Gantt charts, project dashboards, calendars and kanban boards
  • No workflow automation features

Timeline Template for Google Sheets

The best way to learn about Google Sheets timelines is to use one. Download this free timeline template for Google Sheets and use its pre-made milestones and deliverables to add relevant details to your project. Below, we’ve outlined the steps to edit and customize this template as needed.

ProjectManager's timeline template for Google Sheets

ProjectManager’s Timeline Is Better Than a Google Sheets Timeline

Google Sheets can make a timeline, but it wasn’t designed for project management and therefore lacks many of the features needed to manage a team’s workload. Instead, use ProjectManager, a tool designed to help create visual, interactive timelines for any type of project. Let’s review some of the reasons why ProjectManager is much better than a Google Sheets timeline template.

Make & Track Timelines With Multiple Project Views

ProjectManager can make and track timelines by using a variety of planning and scheduling tools including Gantt charts, kanban boards, task lists, project calendars and much more. Each of these tools can assign tasks to team members, allocate resources, track their progress and manage all the key areas of projects. Use the powerful Gantt chart to set a baseline, link all four types of dependencies and collaborate with your team.

Monitor Resources and Costs In Real-Time

ProjectManager can also schedule resources and track their utilization as project tasks are completed, estimate the cost of these resources and compare them against the actual costs of projects using various tools including real-time project dashboards, timesheets, workload management charts and reports. Resources can be balanced easily to keep teams working at capacity. Dashboards provide a high-level overview of projects, programs and portfolios without time-consuming or complicated setup.

Still want to know how to make a Google Sheets timeline? Let’s go over how to visualize the duration of any task or project that needs to be executed. The Google Sheet timeline template covers one year. It can zoom into the weeks for each month to track the progress of the tasks and identify project milestones and deliverables every week.

How to Use This Timeline Template for Google Sheets

The first thing to do is to open this timeline template for Google Sheets and then make a copy to edit it. Once that’s done, follow the steps below.


1. Identify Who Will Execute Tasks

Like a Gantt chart, this timeline template uses a stacked bar graph to represent tasks and has different colors to identify each party responsible for executing them, whether an individual or a team, such as a business department in a company.

For example, this Google Sheets timeline template is meant to help plan the operations of an organization. It’s prefilled with sample tasks for four departments of a company: product development, sales, marketing and human resources, but the Google Sheet timeline can be edited as needed.


2. List Tasks

Once it has been determined who will be executing the work, the next step is to identify the individual tasks that will be included in the timeline. In this case, we’ve identified some tasks that each business department will execute over six months, but this timeline is fully customizable and can be used to map activities for shorter or longer periods. For example, this timeline template can create a yearly strategic roadmap.

3. Adjust the Bar Sizes to Represent the Duration of Tasks

To create a bar to show the duration of the tasks, simply edit the fill color of the cells in that row. For example, the task “develop and launch a website” is expected to start in the first week of January and be completed in the fourth week of May, so we’ve selected those cells and filled them with the color that’s been assigned to the marketing team. To edit the timeline task bars, simply edit their fill color as needed.


4. Mark Milestones and Deliverables in the Timeline

Use this template to identify any milestones or deliverables. A milestone is any key event or accomplishment that’s related to a task and a deliverable is a tangible or intangible outcome that’s gained from it.

In our timeline template example, a live website is both the milestone and the deliverable for the task “develop and launch a website,” which is why we’ve marked it down using the milestones and deliverables row. This timeline template has a milestones and deliverables row for each team.

By following these simple steps a timeline template can be created to estimate the duration of projects and visualize the team’s workload.

More Project Management Templates for Google Sheets

We’ve created dozens of Google Sheets project management templates to help plan, schedule and track projects across many industries. Here are some related templates that can be used with this Google Sheets timeline template.

Google Sheets Calendar Template

This Google Sheets calendar template can help visualize the duration of tasks and color-code them in a calendar format. It’s one of the best project management templates for sharing timelines with team members and stakeholders alike due to the familiarity that most people have with this tool.

Google Sheets Budget Template

This Google Sheets budget template helps estimate the costs of the resources needed to execute the tasks in a timeline and then compare the estimates with the actual costs of the project tasks.

Google Sheets Gantt Chart Template

This Google Sheets Gantt chart template is similar to this timeline template, but it automatically generates a Gantt chart timeline based on a list of tasks, their estimated duration and due dates.

These templates are helpful but they’re limited compared to a project timeline tool like ProjectManager, which is equipped with the planning, scheduling and tracking features that are needed to create and manage timelines to manage a team’s work.

ProjectManager Is Better Than a Google Sheets Timeline Template

As we’ve previously stated, even though you can use Google Sheets templates to make a timeline, this tool wasn’t designed for this and therefore it lacks many of the features that you need to create any type of timeline, especially if you’re looking for a tool that can help you manage your team’s workload.

Instead, you should use ProjectManager, a software that was designed to help you make interactive timelines for any type of project. Let’s review some of the reasons why ProjectManager is much better than a Google Sheets timeline template.

Make & Track Timelines with Multiple Project Views

ProjectManager allows you to plan and track your timelines by using a variety of planning and scheduling tools including Gantt charts, kanban boards, task lists, project calendars and much more. Each of these tools allow you to assign tasks to your team members, allocate resources, track their progress and manage all the key areas of your projects.

ProjectManager's Gantt chart view

Monitor Resources and Costs In Real-Time

ProjectManager allows you to schedule resources and track their utilization as project tasks are completed, estimate the cost of these resources and compare them against the actual costs of your projects by using various tools including real-time project dashboards, timesheets, workload management charts and reports.

ProjectManager's real-time dashboards showing project costs and resource utilization

There are many other reasons why ProjectManager is a much better tool than Google Sheets when it comes to timelines and task management. If you’d like to learn more, get started with a free trial today.

We’ve created dozens of blogs, templates and guides to help master the process of creating timelines to manage projects or business operations. Here are some of them.

ProjectManager is online project management software that delivers real-time data to help you better monitor and track your project timelines. Choose between a variety of tools to schedule your projects such as Gantt charts, kanban boards, task lists and project calendars and then use live dashboards and dynamic reporting to keep stakeholders informed. If you want to streamline your processes and work more efficiently, try ProjectManager for free today.

The post Free Google Sheets Timeline Template: Create Plans Online appeared first on ProjectManager.

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Ferramentas que não podem faltar no setup de um(a) dev Wed, 17 Apr 2024 02:21:04 +0000 ferramentas-que-nao-podem-faltar-no-setup-de-um(a)-dev

Olá devs! Este artigo é resultado de um dos bate-papos que fizemos lá na nossa comunidade no Discord,…

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Olá devs! Este artigo é resultado de um dos bate-papos que fizemos lá na nossa comunidade no Discord, onde conversamos sobre algumas ferramentas que são “uma mão na roda” para uma pessoa dev no processo de desenvolvimento de algum projeto.

Aqui vamos listar várias ferramentas que os devs da comunidade usam no dia a dia ou já utilizaram por um tempo. Nesta lista existem tanto ferramentas para dev front-end quanto para dev back-end ou dev de qualquer outra área que considere algumas dessas ferramentas úteis.


  • Desktop
  • Terminal
  • Extensões do Chrome
  • REST Clients
  • Extensões do VSCode


Aqui vão alguns softwares Desktop que incluem diversas ferramentas internamente as quais você geralmente precisa utilizar no dia a dia como dev.


O DevToys contém ferramentas como geração de QRCode, geração de UUIDs, formatação para base64, transformação de JSON para Yaml, etc.

Raycast (usuários MacOS)

O Raycast é como o Sotlight do Mac, mas que permite instalar vários plugins diferentes que incluem ferramentas como chat com o ChatGPT da OpenAI, geração de UUIDs, transformações de strings, color picker, dentre várias outras. Você pode encontrar os plugins disponíveis na loja deles.


Algumas ferramentas que customizam o seu terminal para ficar mais agradável e trazer mais algumas funcionalidades como, por exemplo, integração com Git sendo possível visualizar a branch a qual você está trabalhando.

Oh My Zsh

Muito utilizado por usuários Linux ou MacOS. Se você for utilizar no Windows, você vai precisar utilizar o WSL ou se você quer utilizar o PowerShell, você pode utilizar a próxima opção.

Oh My Posh

Pode ser utilizado tanto por usuários Linux, MacOS ou PowerShell no Windows.

Extensões do Chrome

Color picker

Uma extensão que permite você capturar cores de componentes do site que está acessando. Muito utilizado por devs front-end. Este é só um exemplo, existem vários outros semelhantes dentro da loja do Chrome, escolha o que mais você se adequa.

JSON Viewer

Sabe quando você vai rodar uma rota GET da sua API no navegador e ela retorna um JSON todo misturado e sem condições de leitura? O JSON Viewer resolve esse problema para você indentando o JSON retornado na página.

React Developer Tools

Adiciona algumas ferramentas de debugs no “inspect” do navegador que facilita quando você for inspecionar componentes do react pelo navegador.

Web Apps by 123apps

Uma extensão que você pode não precisar no seu projeto como dev, mas pode precisar no seu dia a dia. Esta extensão e também o side do 123Apps apresenta ferramentas de edição de vídeo, edição de áudio, formatação de PDF (transformar imagens em PDF, dividir PDF, mesclar PDF, PDF to Word, etc), e mais alguns outros utilitários.

REST Clients

Quando você está construindo APIs, você provavelmente vai precisar de um cliente REST para executar suas rotas não é mesmo? Aqui vão alguns muito utilizados pela comunidade.


Um dos mais utilizados. Nele além de você gerenciar suas rotas, você consegue criar workspaces, compartilhar com outras pessoas e criar uma documentação dentro da própria ferramenta.


O Insomnia é um pouco mais simples do que o Postman, mas também permite criar workspaces, criar times, etc.


O Hoppscotch é bem prático pois ao acessar o site, você já pode passar a utilizar a ferramenta sem precisar realizar login ou instalar a ferramenta como no Postman e Insomnia.


Bem semelhante ao Insomnia, mas traz algumas diferenças como armazenar as suas collections das rotas diretamente numa pasta do seu sistema de arquivos, utiliza o Git para versionamento, e algumas outras funcionalidades.

REST Client (VSCode extension)

Esse é na verdade uma extensão do VSCode que permite você pode criar seu cliente REST apenas criando um arquivo na pasta do seu projeto que vai conter todas as chamadas das suas rotas utilizando uma formatação específica da ferramenta.

Extensões do VSCode

Better Comments

Permite você inserir comentários destacados com cores específicas, assim, você pode destacar, por exemplo, algum ponto no código que você precisa voltar em algum momento e revisar.


O Intellicode utiliza IA para te ajudar com alguns insights de código enquanto você está codando.

IntelliCode API Usage Examples

Inclui exemplos de código dentro das documentações de funções no VSCode de alguma lib que você está utilizando.

Path Intellisense

Te ajuda a encontrar os arquivos que você está importando dentro do código quando você está fazendo aquele famoso "../../......." para encontrar o arquivo.


O ESLint é utilizado para ajudar na formatação automática do seu código JavaScript. Você pode customizar como quiser a formatação que você quer fazer no seu código, com ou sem ;, com aspas simples ' ou aspas duplas ", etc.

Prettier – Code Formatter

Funciona como o ESLint, mas pode ser utilizado para várias outras linguagens como JavaScript, TypeScript, JSON, CSS, HTML, Vue, Angular, etc.

Markdown All in One

Te ajuda na formatação de arquivos .md, como, por exemplo, os arquivos que você cria para colocar no GitHub.

Markdown Preview Github Styling

Permite você visualizar seu arquivo .md dentro do VSCode na forma como vai aparecer no GitHub. É bem útil para você verificar se você não errou em alguma formatação no Markdown ou quer melhorar alguma informação antes de subir para o GitHub, por exemplo.


Sabe quando você quer tirar uma foto do seu código para postar em algum lugar? O polacode te ajuda a fazer isso de forma rápida, sem precisar sair do VSCode ou lembrar o comando para dar screenshot. Você só seleciona o código que deve ser fotografado e manda o Polacode tirar a foto, que inclusive já sai formatada do jeito que você quer.

Rainbow CSV

Formata os arquivos CSV que você abrir no VSCode.

Regex Previewer

Permite você testar o regex que você criou. Ele abre uma tela de preview onde você pode ir escrevendo palavras diferentes a fim de testar seu regex selecionado.

DotENV (for .env environment variables)

Algumas linguagens utilizam o arquivo .env para guardar variáveis de ambiente. Esta extensão do VSCode te ajuda na formatação desses arquivos.


Algumas extensões para a galera front-end.

Auto Rename Tag

Quando você troca o nome de uma tag HTML, essa extensão já altera automaticamente o nome na tag de abertura e na tag de fechamento.

Auto Close Tag

Quando você abre uma tag HTML, essa extensão já cria também uma tag de fechamento automaticamente para você não esquecer.

Color Picker

Mostra um ícone para abrir um color picker em cada cor hexadecimal que você inserir no seu HTML ou CSS. Assim, você pode abrir o color picker, selecionar a cor que você quer e ele vai alterar automaticamente o hexadecimal da cor selecionada.

Customização de ícones de arquivos

Algumas extensões que formatam os ícones das pastas e arquivos do seu projeto dentro do VSCode.

Nos dois exemplos abaixo você consegue personalizar os ícones da forma que você quiser utilizando sua configuração de usuário do VSCode, basta olhar a documentação da ferramenta para verificar como fazer isso.


Material Icon Theme

Spell Checker

O Spell Checker te corrige quando você digita qualquer palavra de forma errada. Quando você digita uma palavra errada, a extensão passa um traço azul abaixo da palavra e você também pode pedir dicas de correções. Isso é bem útil para quando vamos nomear variáveis ou funções, com essa ferramenta podemos sempre ficar atentos(as) para escrever a palavra da forma correta e evitar erros mais tarde.

Code Spell Checker

Corrige palavras escritas em inglês.

Brazilian Portuguese – Code Spell Checker

Corrige palavras escritas em Português Brasileiro. Existem Spell Checkers para várias outras linguagens, caso precise para alguma outra, é só pesquisar nas extensões do VSCode que você acha.

Bom, essas foram algumas ferramentas que listamos na comunidade do Discord. E você tem alguma que você utiliza muito e não está listada aqui? Então comenta aqui e compartilha com a gente!

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How to Create a Timeline in Excel (Free Templates Included) Tue, 16 Apr 2024 19:20:37 +0000 how-to-create-a-timeline-in-excel-(free-templates-included)

Excel is a versatile spreadsheet tool that can create a variety of graphs, charts and forms, including timelines…

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Excel is a versatile spreadsheet tool that can create a variety of graphs, charts and forms, including timelines for projects. In this blog, we’ll go through each step needed to create a timeline in Excel and explain the advantages and disadvantages of doing so.

Why Should You Create a Project Timeline in Excel?

Learn how to create a timeline that can be used to visualize how tasks or projects will be executed over time, identify who will be responsible for completing them and identify milestones and deliverables. The best part is that it’s helpful for any type of team or organization that’s executing a plan regardless of its industry.

Once you create this Excel project timeline, you can use this template to estimate future project timelines using project tasks and due dates. Templates are extremely helpful in creating and executing a successful project, so we encourage you to download our free Excel timeline template below.

Get your free

Timeline Template

Use this free Timeline Template for Excel to manage your projects better.


Even though Excel can be helpful in some scenarios, the platform can only do so much. Static timelines are only a weaker version of a collaborative Gantt chart which is an integral project management tool. If you’re looking for best-in-class timelines, ProjectManager has award-winning Gantt charts that populate data in real time.

Use ProjectManager’s Gantt chart to plan projects, define phases, link tasks, build a WBS, set a baseline and link all four types of task dependencies. Since everything is online, it’s easy to collaborate with your team as the project progresses. You can import an Excel file and get started in a matter of minutes. Get started with ProjectManager today for free and build a better timeline.

Project timeline in Excel imported into ProjectManager
ProjectManger is free to use and more powerful than Excel. Get started

How to Create a Project Timeline in Excel

Creating a timeline in Excel using this method takes only five simple formatting steps and doesn’t require any formulas or complicated Excel features. This Excel timeline was created using Excel for Microsoft 365.

1. Define the Length of the Timeline

First, think about the best scale for the timeline. For this example, we’ll make a timeline that spans over one year. To start, list all the months of the year horizontally as shown below. Then merge all the cells above them and write the year for your timeline. Then select all the cells that were just edited and add a border to them.


Writing down the time scale, the first step to create a timeline in Excel


2. Create Rows for Assigning Work to the Team

Now, edit the column on the left side of the monthly timeline, which will be used to list tasks or projects and indicate who will execute them.

In this case, we’re creating a timeline for a business that needs to map the projects that each of its business departments will execute over a year, but instead of business departments, one can write the names of their team members, too.


Create a task list column in your Excel timeline template


Next, format all the cells on the right side of the column that was just created. To do so, start by merging the columns next to the first row and then merge them by clicking the “Merge & Center” button at the top of the screen.


merge cells to create the rows where you'll place the task bars of your Excel timeline template



Now, select the merged cell, click the format painter button and then select all the cells as directed below. This automatically formats the cells as the one above.


Repeat the last step for all the rows that make part of the timeline template for Excel


Edit the borders and after completing those steps, the timeline should look like this.


Excel timeline template without tasks


3. Add a Row for Tracking Milestones and Deliverables

Now create a row for tracking milestones and deliverables by right-clicking the top cell in the work assignment column, clicking insert and selecting “Entire row.”


This insert pop up allows you to add a row for milestones and deliverables in this timeline template for Excel


Once you insert this new row, adjust its height. We suggest using a cell height of at least 100 pixels so you can add a marker for each milestone and deliverable and write a description.


This timeline template contains a milestone and deliverables rows for each team member


4. Make a Task List and Add Task Bars

Once done formatting the timeline, it’s time to start mapping tasks or project plans. In the example below, we’ll use the Excel timeline to visualize a project that the product team will execute, which is to develop the new product called “XYZ.”



That project is intended to start at the beginning of January and should be completed in mid-May. So, we’ll need to create a bar that shows the project duration in the Excel timeline by inserting a shape and then adjusting its size by holding the left-click button.



Repeat this process to add all the projects or tasks to the timeline. Then, identify milestones and deliverables to get a summarized view of all the key events from all the projects or tasks in the timeline.

5. Mark Milestones and Deliverables

We’ll use shapes again to identify when milestones and deliverables will be delivered, but instead of bars, we’ll need a marker like an arrow. For our example, we’ve used the pentagon arrow.



Then add some text to explain what the deliverable or milestone is. In this case, the milestone is that the new product has gone through all the stages of product development and testing and is ready to be launched into the market.


Excel timeline template has been created successfully


Continue to edit the timeline in Excel by color coding projects or tasks, such as assigning a different color for each team or individual who will be executing the work.

Excel Timeline Template

As stated above, you can also download a free Excel timeline template. It was created using the same process we’ve just gone through. On top of that, this template offers six-month, one-year, three-year and five-year Excel timelines that can be used for planning short, medium and long-term projects for a team or organization.

Excel timeline template

Advantages of Making a Timeline in Excel

As we’ve explained, the main reasons for using Excel to make a timeline are that it only takes a few steps and Excel is a software that most people are familiar with. But there are some other advantages of learning how to make a timeline in Excel using our method.

  • Create a timeline that works similarly to a Gantt chart or a milestone chart
  • Make a timeline in Excel from scratch and it can be customized to fit the particular characteristics of a project
  • Excel timelines are simple to understand, which makes them a good addition to project documentation such as project plans or project proposals

However, while Excel templates can be helpful for project and business management, they have their limitations, too.

Disadvantages of Making a Timeline in Excel

The main disadvantage of making a timeline in Excel is that Excel isn’t a project planning or time management tool and therefore lacks the features needed to create and track a timeline for professional purposes such as managing your business operations or managing a project.

  • Excel files don’t allow for online collaboration with team members
  • When changes are made to the timeline an updated copy of that timeline must be sent to all team members, which makes them hard to share
  • Lacks features that Gantt chart software like ProjectManager offer, such as task dependency mapping, critical path analysis or cost tracking
  • Any changes to the project timeline require a labor-intensive process

More Free Project Scheduling Templates for Excel

Other tools can be used to create a timeline, which is why we’ve created dozens of free project scheduling templates for Excel and Word to help with the process of creating a timeline.

Gantt Chart Template

This free Gantt chart template for Excel automatically generates a visual timeline with a stacked bar chart based on a list of project tasks, their estimated duration and due dates.

Project Calendar Template

Project calendars are familiar to most people and offer another popular way of making a timeline. Our free project calendar template helps visualize how tasks and projects span over time and can be color-coded.

Resource Plan Template

Creating a timeline for a project or business requires estimating the time it will take to complete tasks and achieve objectives. In addition, knowing resources, such as raw materials, people and equipment, is necessary to execute that work. This free resource plan template can list all project resources and specify when they’re needed.

Using ProjectManager Is Better Than Creating a Timeline in Excel

ProjectManager is award-winning project management software equipped with all the tools needed to create a project timeline. These features include Gantt charts, kanban boards, project calendars, dashboards and much more. Here are some reasons why ProjectManager is better than making timelines in Excel.

Plan, Schedule and Track Timelines With Powerful Gantt Charts

Gantt charts are the most important project management tool because they can be used for planning, scheduling and tracking the timeline of any type of project or process. They map tasks in a visually stacked bar chart that shows the whole project on one screen. However, not all Gantt chart makers offer the same features as ProjectManager, which combines a user-friendly interface with advanced project planning features such as critical path analysis, task dependency mapping, resource monitoring, cost tracking and timesheet management.

Manage All Key Areas of Projects

The main advantage of using ProjectManager over a simple Excel timeline is that it allows organizations to manage other areas of plans besides timelines. For example, use ProjectManager to estimate the progress of projects, identify risks, estimate the costs of project resources and then use online project dashboards to compare those estimates against the actual cost of your project in real time. In addition, it’s easy to make a variety of project management reports and timesheets in minutes.

Making a timeline is very important for the success of a project, no matter how big or small. For this reason, we’ve created dozens of blogs, templates and guides to help anyone master this process. Here are some of them.

ProjectManager is online project management software that delivers real-time data to help you better monitor and track your project timelines. Choose between a variety of tools to schedule your projects such as Gantt charts, kanban boards, task lists and project calendars and then use live dashboards and dynamic reporting to keep stakeholders informed. If you want to streamline your processes and work more efficiently, try ProjectManager for free today

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Why backend engineers should make CLI’s Mon, 25 Mar 2024 23:20:46 +0000 why-backend-engineers-should-make-cli’s

In this article, I am going to focus on why I think people are missing out by not…

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In this article, I am going to focus on why I think people are missing out by not making CLIs. Almost everyone I know starts with web development because it is one of the things that gives results fast, which makes us go “me best, me genius,” and that’s exactly why I am still learning about web development. But there comes a point where you just want to be a developer rather than a web developer.

It takes too much time

I wanted to be able to zip my files without using 7zip because I didn’t want to learn about their CLI, which is complicated for no reason, and because of this, I always had to open the GUI. 

Now if I made a website, that would just be too excessive because I am making a server with Go, having my UI with HTMX, containerizing my application in a docker, using nginx, and let’s encrypt to have https, and finally using docker-compose to have them in one container to run on my Linux server on the digital ocean.

Or I can think about the functionality that I wanted, the kind of input I wanted to support, learning about how to read a file, and later how to walk a whole directory with Go recursively, and figure out that there is a small thing about using backslashes with the zip.Writer() function. 

In the latter case, I was focused on the thing I wanted to learn rather than all the other junk that stopped me from actually getting into the thing that I wanted to learn. 

Making an entire website with all the bells and whistles for a little feature that you want to develop and figure out is too much. Just make a CLI. 

Reusable code

Another benefit of making a CLI is that you can reuse your code, i.e., if you decide to make a CLI that takes a video and converts it into different formats, something that YouTube does to deal with the varying internet bandwidth of its users. 

After making the CLI, that part of the puzzle is now demystified, which means you can use it in a project that has videos; it almost acts as a microservice. 

The Bliss of Finishing

Everyone has a lot of unfinished projects, which is completely fine, but sometimes your resume needs to have some complete projects that have the appropriate readme, which people can either install or see because that gives you credibility.

Remember, sometimes you have to finish the thing that you start. CLIs, in my perspective, make the probability of finishing higher because the problem you are going to tackle is by nature going to be small in scale. This also has the byproduct of giving you confidence, which is rather helpful, especially when you are starting. 

It is cool

My favorite thing about making a CLI is that any time you use the thing that you made and it just works, it makes everything you work for seem worth it.

My advice is that when you feel overwhelmed by the things that you feel like you have to do or just feel like programming is losing its spark, just make something. It doesn’t have to be grand; it only needs to be something that you want. It is by far the quickest way to feel the fire again, and CLIs are just a nice little middle-ground thing that you will use and will need. 

Final Thoughts

If you haven’t made a CLI yet, I would like to say just try it, or maybe start by customizing your command line to look the way you want to. You spend a lot of time there, so having ownership over the things you use is important. Having fun is also important. 

Note: I got this idea from the video about Getting a job It is a great video, and you should check it out if you are trying to get a job. 

If anyone wants to have a conversation about tech in general or talk about some of the cool CLI they’ve made for themselves, I’d love to talk about it. My information is on my profile.

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Google Sheets Calendar Template (2024): Manage Business Schedules Online Tue, 05 Mar 2024 20:20:35 +0000 google-sheets-calendar-template-(2024):-manage-business-schedules-online

A calendar is a great planning tool for tracking tasks and deliverables’ due dates, especially when executing large…

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A calendar is a great planning tool for tracking tasks and deliverables’ due dates, especially when executing large projects that span across months. They’re useful throughout the project scheduling process and are easy to use. Plus, most people understand them, which makes them a fundamental tool for project managers.

Another advantage of calendars is that they can be used in most project management methodologies, unlike other tools like Gantt charts or kanban boards, which are better for waterfall and agile teams respectively.

Why Should You Use This Google Sheets Calendar Template?

There are hundreds of analog and software tools you can use to create a calendar, such as your phone’s calendar or the Google Calendar that you’ve probably used to schedule work meetings. So why should you create this Google Sheets template?

Without a doubt, the main reason to use this Google Sheets calendar template is the ability to collaborate with your team online. It allows your team members to visualize the calendar and make changes to it simultaneously, or if you wish, you can configure the sharing settings to specify which members of your team are allowed to view, edit or share your Google Sheets calendar template.

However, if you’re managing projects or teams, a calendar is only one of many tools you’ll need and it’s not enough to have a thorough understanding of your tasks, timelines and schedules. Instead, you should use a project management software like ProjectManager.

ProjectManager has robust tools such as Gantt charts, kanban boards and task lists that allow you to create project timelines, assign tasks to your team members and track their progress. Plus, we have a calendar view that’s more dynamic than Google’s. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.

ProjectManager’s project calendars are ideal for tracking your team’s progress. Learn more

While this Google Sheets calendar template is created with project teams in mind, any individual or team that needs to map tasks in a calendar can use it. Simply follow the steps below to learn how to use it for scheduling your project.

How to Use This Calendar Template for Google Sheets

First, open the Google Sheets calendar template in a new tab by clicking the image below. By default, the template will only be available in read-only mode, which means you’ll need to make a copy of your own before you can edit it.

Google Sheets calendar template ProjectManager

This Google Sheets calendar template has the traditional format you’d expect from a calendar, but it will be used to map the tasks in your project plan. Customize it by adding extra rows and columns, adjusting their size or anything else you need to do to adjust it to the particular needs of your team.

Here are some simple steps for using this Google Sheets calendar template to manage your team’s work.

1. Create a Task List

Before you can use the calendar template for Google Sheets, you’ll need to have a list of tasks and their due dates. Here’s an example of a typical task list with due dates and task durations. You can use our Google Sheets Gantt chart template to create one.

List of tasks and due dates in Google Sheets calendar template

2. Add Tasks to the Calendar

To add the first task to your calendar, identify its start date. Then go to that date in your Google Sheets calendar template and write down the task name. For this example, let’s use the task “Create Budget,” which is scheduled to start on June 3rd and end on June 6th. So first, add the task name to the corresponding start date as the image shows below.

Add tasks to Google Sheets Calendar template ProjectManager

3. Visualize Task Duration

Now we’ll extend this task over the calendar from its start date to its end date, so you can use the calendar to measure its duration. To do so, click on the bottom right corner of the cell where you entered the task name and hold your left-click. Then drag the selected cell up to the June 6th cell, and then release the left click. Once you do so, your calendar should look like this.

Google Sheets calendar template screenshot ProjectManager

4. Color-Code Tasks

As you can see, the task now extends from Monday, June 3rd to July 6th, which are its due dates. Now you might want to add some color to these cells, so it’s easier to identify each task from one another. You might also color-code your tasks to help you identify who’s assigned to them, or to what project or department within your organization it belongs to.

Color-code tasks Google Sheets Calendar template ProjectManager

5. Add Extra Rows

By default, this Google Sheets calendar template has five rows for each day of the month. If you need to add more tasks, click the last row of a day and click “insert row above.” You might add as many spaces as you need.

Google Sheets calendar template ProjectManager add rows

We’ve created dozens of project management templates for Google Sheets, Excel and Word to facilitate the process of planning, scheduling and monitoring your projects. Here are some related Google Sheets templates you can use with your Google Sheets calendar template.

Gantt Chart Template for Google Sheets

Gantt charts are the most important tool in project management, as they can help with project planning, scheduling and tracking. This Google Sheets Gantt chart template helps you make a visual project timeline based on project task names, due dates and duration. Simply fill out the task list and the Gantt chart template will create a stacked bar chart that shows the order in which tasks will be executed.

ProjectManager Gantt chart template

Timesheet Template for Google Sheets

This free timesheet template for Google Sheets is ideal for tracking the work hours of all your employees for cost tracking, payroll processing, or invoicing your project clients. It automatically calculates the pay rate for your employees based on their hourly rate, regular work hours and overtime work hours.

ProjectManager timesheet template

ProjectManager Is Better Than a Calendar Template for Google Sheets

While this calendar template for Google Sheets is an easy-to-use tool that can help you map your team’s tasks, it can’t compete with the project management features that ProjectManager project calendars offer.

ProjectManager’s calendar view does much more than just document basic task information like task name, due dates and duration. It also allows you to assign tasks to your team members, add priority levels, allocate resources and track costs. In terms of team collaboration, ProjectManager allows your team members to leave messages and share files on each task on the calendar.

But the biggest advantage of ProjectManager’s calendar is that it syncs with other ProjectManager features such as Gantt charts, kanban boards, dashboards and timesheets to let you manage your projects from different perspectives.

Plan, Schedule and Track With Gantt Charts

ProjectManager’s Gantt charts allow you to create a project timeline where you can visualize your project tasks, assign them to your team members and track their progress. It has advanced project management features that let you link task dependencies, identify the critical path of your project and track the resources and costs for each task.

ProjectManager Gantt chart light mode

Cost, Resource and Budget Tracking

ProjectManager has advanced cost, resource and budget tracking features that help you ensure your projects are profitable. Simply use one of its project management views such as Gantt charts, kanban boards, task lists or project calendars to add all your project tasks. Each of these views allows you to enter cost and resource information for each task and can calculate labor costs based on the hourly rate of your employees. Then, you can make a budget and track costs with real-time dashboards and budget management reports.

Dashboard image light mode

ProjectManager is online project and portfolio management software that connects teams in the office, out in the field and anywhere in the world. Share files, comment at the task level and stay updated with email and in-app notifications. Join teams at Avis, Nestle and Siemens who use our software to deliver successful projects. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.

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Why use Obsidian for software development? Fri, 09 Feb 2024 02:20:06 +0000 why-use-obsidian-for-software-development?

I’ve been using Obsidian for studying for a long time. As I read or watch a video lesson…

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I’ve been using Obsidian for studying for a long time. As I read or watch a video lesson I add my notes, links, images……. and much more. But I had never used it for software development in my day-to-day work, so I decided to use it for work tasks for a week, writing down my observations to bring this post.

First of all, what is Obsidian?

I like to use Obsidian as a super notebook that is also quite simple. To get started with Obsidian you need to download the software from their official website. After installation you can start, Obsidian uses the markdown file format. It’s similar to a text file, but it has features such as tags where you can organize the texts. I don’t know about you, but I think it’s really useful to use Markdown because it’s simple to use and helps you focus on developing texts without needing a lot of configuration. To further improve Obsidian, it has extensions that are not official to Obsidian where developers can bring new features to further enrich the software. But the most interesting thing is its second brain feature, where you can connect files via hyperlinks and see relationships between different subjects.

Returning to the post, I decided to divide my observations into two themes:

  • Obsidian in teams
  • Individual Obsidian

Obsidian in teams

For those familiar with software development, you know very well that we have to document everything, everything and everything. Even more so for us software developers focused on AI, where we need to evaluate models, compare results and create reports. Having all this well documented is a difficult task.

Using Obsidian brought me benefits in this first point, during that week I created a directory outside the software’s documentation, to focus solely on writing what was in the week’s task. It was quite useful, as I was able to first place everything I needed on the documentation and then filter what was really necessary. I noticed that I spent less time in the browser and was just writing what I developed and putting in the necessary examples.

Next, I also needed to generate a report on some model metrics. Obsidian has the tables feature, so I added the results, of course you also have to be realistic that the tables feature is not the same as Google Sheets, but to use it as a presentation it makes it much easier.. With the hyperlinks feature you can connect documentation with reporting. This makes it easier to direct what was described in that file.

After all this development in the directory, I added GIT where I could start versioning and then send it to Github. This is very good, why?

If you work in a team, your card or task doesn’t always go to done. It goes to re-view first. Your manager or someone else will evaluate your task if you are in agreement with it. Taking an example of a report that you developed, whoever evaluates it will be able to view it before going to the main branch, mark improvements in certain lines or add comments. If there are any changes, redo the cycle, if it has passed approval, this report, documentation or other situation can be controlled by versioning. Whenever it needs to be updated, it will have previous versions.

Bringing another resource, you can use Obsidian Publish. With it you can publish your content. In the case of documentation, you can provide access or in the case of AI models, you can provide development tutorials, obtained metrics, dataset reports.

Individual Obsidian

I won’t talk about this part as I use it for personal things, about books, studies or other things. Focus and use for work. In the question above, teams were discussed. At this point we will talk about the case that you have Obsidian separate from the projects.

Starting with day-to-day tasks, I use Obsidian with another tool called Pomodoro. I have two files at root, a file called Pomodoro Today and Pomodoro 2024. Both have tables, with a column for date, name, number of pomodoros and observations.

When my work schedule starts, the first pomodoro. It’s for organizing the day, where I check emails, check the task board, check chat messages and organize the table in the Pomodoro Today file, this file I update every day with the tasks I’ve been looking for at this moment, throughout of the day I run it and at the end of the day I take the progress from the Pomodoro Today file and transfer it to Pomodoro 2024, where the entire record for the year is kept. Leaving the organization pomodoro, the rest of the office pomodoros are focused on development and meetings, every time one ends, I go to the task of the day and mark a pomodoro. The pomodoro helps a lot in controlling time, time is our greatest and most precious resource, so there is always time to try to improve the use of it. When it comes to how long I should spend on the pomodoro, I recommend finding the time that is most comfortable for you.

To help with focus pomodoros, within Obsidian I leave files with references to documentation links, articles and projects, leaving something already ready in Obsidian as links, it helps to avoid accessing other sites that cause distraction, leaving us with no focus for development . One that I always leave in the root and notes of the day, whenever we are focused our mind brings some reminder of something we are forgetting or an idea that came up, this file is used to add quick notes so as not to conflict with something that you are focused on and end up distracting from the main focus.


This was my perspective using Obsidian that I wanted to share using for work. Remembering that everyone has their own way of working, you will not always adapt. So we should always look for resources that help us and also test to see if we like it. I hope you liked these examples. Thank you for reading this far.

About the author:

A little more about me…

Graduated in Bachelor of Information Systems, in college I had contact with different technologies. Along the way, I took the Artificial Intelligence course, where I had my first contact with machine learning and Python. From this it became my passion to learn about this area. Today I work with machine learning and deep learning developing communication software. Along the way, I created a blog where I create some posts about subjects that I am studying and share them to help other users.

I’m currently learning TensorFlow and Computer Vision

Curiosity: I love coffee

My Latest Posts

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Why I Built a Vscode Extension Fri, 12 Jan 2024 01:23:59 +0000 why-i-built-a-vscode-extension

A couple of times, we spend time tweaking VScode themes. It could be fun but sometimes tiring and…

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A couple of times, we spend time tweaking VScode themes. It could be fun but sometimes tiring and time-consuming. I have travelled this road many times but went a little over the board this time, and why would I do that?

The need for a suitable theme

I have had the pleasure of using wonderful themes from Material theme to Monokai and on. I always wanted to change something in every theme, especially the colours to resonate with me and the comfort of my eyes.

A little adventure wouldn’t hurt

During the close of the year, 2023 I decided to do something a little different from my usual development. I considered doing some design tasks, colour combinations and colour effects. It was nice to put it into practice.

The need to give back to the community

The tech community has always been awesome in open-source and sacrificial endeavours. Almost everyone has it in mind to give back to this wonderful community of love.

Final note

I enjoyed designing the theme. Some other time I will write about the process.
Thanks for reading and hope you enjoyed this episode 🙂. To install on Vscode, search for Dukana.
Or check the marketplace.
Be kind to support my endeavours.

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Best ClickUp Alternatives: Free and Paid Options Ranked (2024) Mon, 11 Dec 2023 20:25:12 +0000 best-clickup-alternatives:-free-and-paid-options-ranked-(2024)

ClickUp is project management software that promotes itself as “the one app to replace them all.” It’s a…

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ClickUp is project management software that promotes itself as “the one app to replace them all.” It’s a cloud-based tool that integrates with Zoom, Google Drive and GitHub and offers tools that foster collaboration and provide analytical insights.

It’s true that ClickUp offers many features including a Gantt chart in addition to a dashboard, list and calendar view. Its customizable features make it a good fit for agile project management, and it’s well-suited for distributed teams who are not working side-by-side in an office. Despite its upsides, there are holes in ClickUp’s offerings that leave many users seeking a ClickUp alternative.

Why Seek a ClickUp Alternative?

Does ClickUp really live up to its tagline of being “the one app to replace them all?” In reality, it doesn’t, especially when it comes to its project management software functionality. While there are many features, they’re not as robust as most users prefer.

  • Underwhelming project planning features: ClickUp project planning features are basic and focus mostly on task management and collaboration. However, project planning involves more than just assigning tasks to your team members and collaborating with them. We’ll explore ClickUp alternatives that offer more robust resource, cost, and budget management features.
  • Steep learning curve: One of the main drawbacks of ClickUp is its cluttered interface and complicated set up process which makes the software hard to use, unlike some of the ClickUp alternatives in this list which offer a better user experience.
  • No free trial: Without a free trial, users aren’t able to see what ClickUp is like without committing. Although there is a free version, it has limited features. Most ClickUp alternatives we picked let users try a fully featured version of their software.
  • Non project management related features: Some ClickUp tools aren’t really designed for project management, but rather for team productivity such as text editing tools, form makers, or whiteboards. While they might be helpful, there are other ClickUp alternatives that are better suited for project management.

2024 Best ClickUp Alternatives Software Rankings

In this blog, we’ll focus on the best Clickup alternatives for project management to help you find the best option for you and your team.

1. ProjectManagerProjectManager, the best ClickUp alternative

ProjectManager is work and project management software known for its ease of use, multiple project views and collaborative features. Like ClickUp, it’s a feature-rich tool with a clean design with no learning curve. It provides the collaboration features of Clickup, with in-depth project and task management features for keeping your projects and programs on track. There’s dedicated customer service and an online knowledge base if there are any questions, and unlike Clickup, it offers a free 30-day trial.

Plan and Execute Projects Across Multiple Views

ProjectManager is a ClickUp alternative that allows teams to create plans on traditional Gantt charts or the sheet view (like a Gantt but without the visual timeline) in addition to the list or calendar view. Cross-functional teams and managers get transparency into processes through the visual workflow of the kanban board. Managers can allocate resources to avoid bottlenecks and manage backlogs with real-time collaborative tools such as commenting and file-sharing.

Project management training video (jkia3g5co9)


Keep Track of Projects in Real Time with Dashboards and Reports

Another reason to use this ClickUp alternative is real-time data access that connects teams and helps managers make insightful decisions. Unlike other ClickUp alternatives that require manual data compilation, ProjectManager has a live dashboard that automatically calculates and displays live data in six project metrics. It’s clear that ProjectManager prioritizes data and ease of use for its customers.

ProjectManager’s dashboard view, a Clickup alternative

Another area where ProjectManager stands out is its time-tracking features. For example, secure timesheets provide a real-time view of team progress. Teams can generate reports with one click and access detailed information on status, projects and portfolios, time, costs and more. In a few clicks, users can filter and share these reports with stakeholders. If you want to try this ClickUp alternative for yourself, get started today for free.

ProjectManager Pros & Key Features

  • Best ClickUp alternative for project management
  • Offers a wide variety of project management tools
  • Robust resource management features
  • Cloud-based software with unlimited file storage
  • Free trial 30-day trial
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS

ProjectManager Cons & Limitations

  • Limited customization
  • Few native integrations
  • Lacks invoicing functionality, unlike some of the ClickUp alternatives in this list
  • No free plan

ProjectManager Pricing

  • Team: $13.00 user/month
  • Business: $24.00 user/month
  • Enterprise: contact sales for a custom quote

ProjectManager Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.4 / 5
  • Capterra review: 4.1 / 5

2. SmartsheetSmartsheet, a ClickUp alternative

Smartsheet calls itself a workplace to manage projects and automate workflows. This combined with its ease of use makes it attractive to project managers. As its name suggests, the software uses spreadsheets as its springboard, though it also has calendar views and a timeline, the closest this tool gets to a Gantt chart.

Smartsheet screenshot, a Clickup alternative

While the Gantt chart is a fundamental tool for managing projects, the Smartsheet version isn’t nearly as robust as the Gantt charts featured in other ClickUp alternatives. It can’t filter for the critical path, for example. Less powerful features combined with the lack of time tracking is going to sour the software to most potential users. Any time tracking and budgeting you want to do will have to be pieced together with additional software.

Smartsheet Pros & Key Features

  • Best ClickUp alternative for project spreadsheets and templates
  • Ideal for transitioning from Excel or Google Sheets to project management software
  • Workflow automation tools
  • Free trial
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS

Smartsheet Cons & Limitations

  • Its project management tools are basic and lack the functionality needed for advanced users
  • Users need to manually enter spreadsheet formulas to use its project views
  • Limited resource planning tools
  • Project dashboards and reports have an outdated user interface
  • No free plan

Smartsheet Pricing

  • Pro plan: $7 user/month
  • Business plan: $25 user/month

Smartsheet Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.4/5
  • Capterra review: 4.5/5

3. Microsoft ProjectMicrosoft Project, a ClickUp alternative

You can’t complete a ranking of ClickUp alternatives without including Microsoft Project. It’s a project and portfolio management platform that’s been around since 1984, allowing teams to manage one or multiple projects through either a cloud-based or on-premise solution. Microsoft Project includes scheduling features with Gantt charts and board views for teams to visualize their workflow. Timesheets help to capture project and non-project time and they’re linked to payroll or invoicing. Microsoft Project offers resource management features that predict bottlenecks and manage utilization.

Microsoft Project, a Clickup alternative

Of course, Microsoft Project offers seamless integration with its Office suite and other tools, but there are many downsides that have MS Project users looking for alternatives. For example, if you or anyone on your team uses Apple products, you’ll need to find an alternative as it doesn’t work on Mac devices. Even if you’re all on PC, Microsoft Project is a clunky and uncollaborative platform. One problem with this ClickUp alternative is the expense. Microsoft Project is costly, and even more so as you add user licenses. If you’re working in a methodology other than waterfall, you’ll also find the tool frustrating and cumbersome, leading you to seek a different ClickUp alternative on this list.

Microsoft Project Pros & Key Features

  • Best ClickUp alternative for managing complex projects
  • Robust project management feature set
  • Compatibility with Microsoft products
  • Has both a desktop-based and online versions

Microsoft Project Cons & Limitations

  • User interface is difficult to navigate for new users which is not ideal for team onboarding
  • It’s a complex software that’s hard to use compared to most ClickUp alternatives
  • Expensive monthly license
  • Microsoft Project files can’t be viewed, shared or edited by users without a license
  • No free plan
  • No free trial
  • Doesn’t have a mobile app

Microsoft Project Pricing

  • Project Plan 1: $10 user/month
  • Project Plan 3: $30 user/month
  • Project Plan 5: $55 user/month

Microsoft Project Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.0/5
  • Capterra review: 4.4/5

4. WrikeWrike logo, a ClickUp alternative

Another ClickUp alternative is Wrike, a project management software with many frequently used features. It has planning tools, activity tracking and an activity dashboard for a high-level view of the project. There are special account types for marketing and creative teams as well as professional services teams. Wrike is a collaborative platform that has intelligent features that can provide insights as to when your project is in danger of failing.

Wrike screenshot, a Clickup alternative

That said, this is one of the more expensive ClickUp alternatives we’ve highlighted. It’s not easy to onboard new users, either. There are complaints about the software being slow, particularly when uploading or downloading files. The UI is confusing and navigating from task to task is clunky. Even something as important as task management is lacking in task prioritization features, which can make directing teams less efficient.

Wrike Pros & Key Features

  • Best ClickUp alternative for third-party integrations
  • Excels at everyday task and workflow management
  • Ideal for team management across industries
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS
  • Free trial
  • Free plan

Wrike Project Cons & Limitations

  • Gantt chart user interface is outdated compared to ClickUp
  • There are no project management reports such as status or variance reports
  • Few resource, cost and budget tracking features

Wrike Pricing

  • Professional plan: $9.80 user/month
  • Business plan: $24.80 user/month

Wrike Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.2 / 5
  • Capterra review: 4.3 / 5

5. Zoho ProjectsZoho logo, a ClickUp alternative

Zoho Projects is a cloud-based project management software that works for both small and large projects. It provides task scheduling and budget creation in addition to helping users assign work to their team. This is one of the few ClickUp alternatives that offer automation for its document processes including revision tracking. Teams can share files and there are dashboard and reporting features with stakeholder presentations.

Zoho Projects screenshot, a Clickup alternative

However, while Zoho Projects can be a popular choice, it’s not the best project management software. For one thing, the search functionality is clunky. When you’re in a project, you can only search for tasks within that project. Some of the features could be better, too. Take the dashboard, which doesn’t let users add clients’ contact information or list client names alphabetically. These downsides combined with the high learning curve mean you’re going to have to spend a good deal of time and effort just to know how to use the tool before managing a project.

Zoho Projects Pros & Key Features

  • The best ClickUp alternative for teams on a budget
  • Good fit for beginner project management software users
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS
  • Free trial
  • Free plan

Zoho Projects Cons & Limitations

  • Users interface and usability are lacking compared to most ClickUp alternatives
  • Gantt charts don’t have cost tracking features
  • Limited resource management tools for monitoring utilization and availability
  • Hard to integrate with

Zoho Projects Pricing

  • Premium: $4/user/month, billed annually
  • Enterprise: $9/user/month, billed annually

Zoho Projects Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.3/5
  • Capterra review: 4.4/5

6. logo, one of the best ClickUp alternatives

A popular ClickUp alternative is This project management software automates workflows and manages different projects. It’s also good at getting teams to collaborate and gives managers features to plan and track work. It mostly uses kanban boards, checklists for task management and integrations with other apps to pick up the slack, including Slack. There are multiple project views, including a timeline, which is not quite a Gantt, but it’s something. screenshot, a Clickup alternative

In fact, there are a lot of limitations to It might look pleasing, but its features fall short. For example, it tracks project goals, but not easily. You can’t assign comments to team members, which is going to get in the way of any collaboration effort. It lacks powerful task dependencies, and that can mean bottlenecks and delays that will cost you time and money. Pros & Key Features

  • Best ClickUp alternative for managing small teams
  • Effective team collaboration tools, ideal for team leaders getting started with project management platforms
  • Simple-to-use task management features
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS
  • Free trial Cons & Limitations

  • Not robust enough for project, program or project portfolio management
  • Project reports and dashboards are not detailed enough for advanced project management users
  • Most of its project management views require a manual-intensive setup due to its customization features
  • Limited project budgeting and resource management tools Pricing

  • Basic: $8/user/month, billed annually
  • Standard: $10/user/month, billed annually
  • Pro: $16/user/month, billed annually
  • 3-seat minimum Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.7/5
  • Capterra review: 4.6/5

7. Trellotrello logo, a ClickUp alternative

Some of the ClickUp alternatives in this ranking use a spreadsheet as their main feature. Before people upgrade to project management software, they’re likely managing projects on a spreadsheet. But Trello is different because its DNA comes from the kanban board. Kanban boards are customizable and are great for managing work and workflows for teams and others outside of the project. Like most kanban boards, it’s also easy to use, which is a plus.

Trello screenshot, a Clickup alternative

But what makes it stand apart is also what makes it a poor ClickUp alternative. For one thing, kanban boards are great for workflow, but managers need more tools to manage projects. If they want those added features, it’s going to cost them. Time tracking, billing and more are only available as add-ons. You can’t really make a Gantt out of a kanban board, which is going to alienate many. But even its kanban boards are not all they can be. For example, there are no swimlanes. But, if you like kanban boards, this tool is for you.

Trello Pros & Key Features

  • Best ClickUp alternative for kanban project management
  • Good fit for agile and scrum teams
  • Can be customized for different work styles using integrations
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS
  • Free plan
  • Free trial

Trello Cons & Limitations

  • Poor offer of project management tools, limited to kanban boards and project calendars
  • Relies on add-ons and third-party integrations to make up for its missing features, unlike other more well-rounded ClickUp alternatives
  • Not ideal for managing larger projects
  • There are no Gantt charts, a critical project management tool

Trello Pricing

  • Standard: $5/user/month, billed annually
  • Premium: $10/user/month, billed annually
  • Enterprise: $17.50/user/month, billed annually

Trello Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.4/5
  • Capterra review: 4.5/5

8. nTask

If you’re looking for a task management ClickUp alternative, then you could do worse than nTask, an online tool that manages tasks, projects, meetings and more on an agile platform. The software offers timesheets, issue tracking and other features at a price point that’s not going to derail your budget. It’s an especially attractive option for businesses with small teams, startups or entrepreneurs trying to get off the ground.

nTask screenshot, a Clickup alternative

However, there are some omissions that might have you looking elsewhere. If you need to attach a lot of files, you’ll be frustrated by the length of time it takes to upload them. We noted that the tool excels for small teams, but if you’re working with larger teams, you’ll find that nTask doesn’t scale well. There aren’t advanced reporting features to help you better track progress and update stakeholders which can sometimes make you feel like you’re managing blindly.

nTask Pros & Key Features

  • Best ClickUp alternative for task scheduling and tracking
  • Multilingual project management platform
  • Meeting management features
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS
  • Free trial

nTask Cons & Limitations

  • Gantt charts lack advanced project management features such as cost tracking or resource planning
  • Doesn’t offer project management dashboards or reports like other ClickUp alternatives
  • Not ideal for program or project portfolio management

nTask Pricing

  • Premium: $3/user/month, billed annually
  • Business: $8/user/month, billed annually

nTask Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.3/5
  • Capterra review: 4.5/5

9. TeamworkTeamwork logo, one of the best ClickUp alternatives

Teamwork is project management software that’s user-friendly. It offers reporting features, time tracking, Gantt charts, task management and more to help users manage work and enhance productivity. It’s helpful when organizing projects, teams and resources, offering collaborative tools that facilitate communications between teams. It’s an excellent ClickUp alternative for smaller or growing teams.

Teamwork screenshot, a Clickup alternative

Even though the user experience is positive, customizing can be complicated. There’s a bit of a learning curve and users will have to do research to implement the customization. There have also been complaints about the mobile app, which doesn’t work well. There are some limitations in the feature set such as task management: there is no function that allows users to move multiple tasks at once.

Teamwork Pros & Key Features

  • Best ClickUp alternative for service providers
  • Great for everyday task management
  • Timesheet and invoicing features
  • Free trial
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS

Teamwork Cons & Limitations

  • Gantt charts features might be enough for basic task management for not ideal for project tracking
  • Limited project management reporting features
  • Focuses mostly on creative teams, unlike other ClickUp alternatives that are suitable for teams across industries
  • There are no project calendars
  • Paid versions have a 3-user minimum

Teamwork Pricing

  • Starter $5.99/user/month, billed annually
  • Deliver $9.99/user/month, billed annually
  • Grow $19.99/user/month, billed annually

Teamwork Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.4/5
  • Capterra review: 4.4/5

10. ActiveCollabActiveCollab logo, a ClickUp alternative

Finally, we have ActiveCollab, project management software that features task management, email integration, team collaboration and scheduling features. It helps users organize their work with workload tools that boost productivity. Time tracking keeps projects on schedule and third-party integrations fill in the gaps in the software.

ActiveCollab screenshot, a Clickup alternative

There’s room for improvement, though. For example, ActiveCollab needs a main project dashboard with visuals that represent project data. The collaboration tools could also use updates such as commenting, which cannot be linked. Having many features is great unless you don’t need all of them; this ClickUp alternative should have an off-button to remove unwanted tools from your view.

ActiveCollab & Key Features

  • Best ClickUp alternative for invoicing and client management
  • Workload allocation features
  • Project estimating tools
  • Free trial
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS

ActiveCollab Cons & Limitations

  • Only one type of task dependency
  • Limited Gantt chart functionality compared to ClickUp and other ClickUp alternatives
  • Lacks project management reports

ActiveCollab Pricing

  • Plus: $7.50 user/month
  • Pro: $6.25 user/month

ActiveCollab Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.2 / 5
  • Capterra review: 4.5 / 5

11. HiveHive logo, a Clickup alternative

Hive is a ClickUp alternative that offers project management tools like Gantt charts, kanban boards, task lists and calendars. Like ClickUp, it’s a platform that mainly focuses on workflow management and team collaboration thanks to features like instant messaging, forms, video calls and meeting notes. In addition, it offers productivity features such as AI-writing assistant which helps with email marketing and text translation.

Hive screenshot, a Clickup alternative

The main disadvantage of this ClickUp alternative is that while it does have project management tools, most of their features only scratch the surface of what’s needed by project managers. For example, its Gantt chart lacks resource planning or cost tracking features, which make them only useful for assigning tasks to team members and setting due dates. Its kanban cards only allow users to add a task name and nothing else, lacking features like task prioritization and file attachments. There’s no way to add details, priority levels or notes at the task level. These drawbacks and the lack of project reports make this a very limited tool in terms of project management functionality.

Hive Pros & Key Features

  • Best ClickUp alternative for team collaboration
  • Video calling features
  • Multiple project management views
  • Good fit for marketing teams
  • Mobile app for Android and iOS
  • Free trial
  • Free plan

Hive Cons & Limitations

  • Gantt charts functionality is very limited compared to most ClickUp alternatives in this list
  • There are no project management reports such as status or variance reports
  • Project portfolio management views and dashboards lack budget tracking features

Hive Pricing

  • Teams: $12 user/month
  • Enterprise: contact the sales team

Hive Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.6/5
  • Capterra review: 4.5/5

12. AirtableAirtable logo, a Clickup alternative

Airtable is a work management platform that’s geared towards managing product planning, software development, sales and marketing workflows and projects. It offers features like product roadmaps, objectives and key results (OKR) tracking, customer relationship management tools and process automation. It allows you to track deliverables, budgets and tasks on tools like Gantt charts, kanban boards and calendars while collaborating with your team using features such as instant messaging and file sharing.

Airtable software screenshot, a Clickup alternative

However, if you plan on using Airtable for project, program or portfolio management you’ll need integrations with other tools like Asana, Basecamp, Jira and Trello. So if you’re looking for a project management tool, you’ll find other ClickUp alternatives to be a better fit for your needs.

Airtable Pros & Key Features

  • Best ClickUp alternative for product planning
  • AI workflow management features
  • Customer relationship management (CRM) tools
  • Offers a wide variety of integrations
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS
  • Free plan
  • Free trial

Airtable Cons & Limitations

  • Focuses heavily on product planning, not designed for managing projects
  • Its Gantt chart features are limited compared to other ClickUp alternatives in this list
  • There are no project management reports

Airtable Pricing

  • Team: $20 user/month
  • Business: $45 user/month

Airtable Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.6/5
  • Capterra review: 4.7/5

It’s clear to see that, while there are many ClickUp alternatives, only one gives you everything ClickUp does and more. ProjectManager is award-winning, collaborative-to-the-core software that’s easy to use and boosts productivity. ProjectManager has a single source of truth, so no matter where or when you work, it’s with the most current data. Join teams at NASA, Siemens and Nestle who use our tool to deliver success. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.

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Best Alternatives: Free & Paid Options Ranked (2024) Wed, 06 Dec 2023 17:24:24 +0000 is a popular project management software that targets both seasoned and novice project management professionals and team…

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]]> is a popular project management software that targets both seasoned and novice project management professionals and team leaders. This broad approach introduces problems, as not everyone’s needs are the same, forcing many consumers to look for a alternative. But before we discuss the best alternatives, let’s take a closer look at how works.

Monday is a work operating system, and it’s intuitive and easy-to-use for those new to managing projects. The tool offers features to help shape workflows and add efficiencies, while being flexible enough to adapt to change as the work unfolds. Transparency provides visibility into processes and collaborative tools help teams work together. Monday excels at centralizing communication and file storage to help cross-functional teams.

Why People Seek an Alternative to Monday is a great software for task management, collaboration and even lightweight planning, but it’s far from a perfect tool. That’s probably why you’re here seeking Monday alternatives. Thankfully, there are a number of project management solutions available that can do everything can do, and then some. We’ll share our alternative rankings in a moment, but first, let’s dig into some specific downsides of Monday.

  • Software features lack depth: Users may seek a alternative as the tool spreads itself too thin without offering the depth of features to help teams work more productively. In reality, doesn’t offer anything unique and many alternatives offer the same features with more in-depth functionality.
  • Overly focused on task management: Even though the software is beneficial for task management, it seems to be its only focus. It offers task management views such as a table, timeline, kanban, calendar, chart and map, but many of these views act as glorified task lists and are woefully inadequate for managing a project. A simple checklist isn’t powerful enough to successfully deliver your project.
  • Lack of reporting features: There’s also a weakness in its reporting tools. Project management requires robust reporting features to monitor progress and performance while keeping stakeholders updated;’s bulleted lists are not going to cut it. Getting more out of its reporting features requires more money for a higher-tier subscription. Why spend more when other alternatives have robust reporting features readily available?
  • Surprisingly expensive: Speaking of pricing, it can get expensive to use this tool. For one, you have to buy licenses in blocks rather than buying as many licenses as you need. That’s money spent for no reason. Now you’re paying a significant amount of money for a tool with poor reporting and a Gantt that you have to build into a board.

Best Alternatives Software Rankings in 2024

Because shopping for project management software that suits your needs can be overwhelming, we’ve researched, tested and ranked the best alternatives. You can see their pros and cons, as well as how much they’ll impact your bottom line. After reading through our list of alternatives, you’ll surely find the software that can help all week long.

1. ProjectManagerProjectManager, the best alternative

The best alternative on our list is ProjectManager. Like it’s easy to use, but ProjectManager has a full suite of robust project management tools, multiple project views and access to real-time data for more informed project decisions. ProjectManager makes it easy to manage tasks, monitor progress, track time, create reports and more. All features are fully collaborative and powerful enough for a whole portfolio of projects.

Share Plans Made on Interactive Gantt Charts

ProjectManager has an award-winning Gantt chart to help you set goals that you can actually meet. Use the Gantt to share project timelines where you can closely track resources and make changes as details evolve. Unlike many alternatives, you can also track your project plan against your actual progress to improve resource visibility and accuracy.

Since the Gantt shares data with all other project views, cross-functional teams can use kanban boards or the list view to execute plans. ProjectManager is great for managing multiple types of projects and it’s one of the more flexible alternatives on our list. Plus, all data updates in real time across the software; whether your teams are distributed or in the office, they’re all working with the same information.

ProjectManager's Gantt chart, the best Monday alternative
Track Projects With Real-Time Dashboards & Workload Charts

What really sets this alternative apart is the great reporting features it offers. Its real-time dashboard delivers a high-level view of the project to help you make fast, informed decisions to save time and money. While the Gantt tracks real-time progress, the live dashboard delves deeper into the data, automatically collecting it and displaying it on colorful graphs that track six metrics.

Plus, you can manage resources alongside your project plans with ease. Assign hours to your team, reallocate assignments and even track labor costs. Managers can also track the time their team spends on tasks by examining secure timesheets to determine. promises this same level of productivity but fails to deliver.

Resource management features

On top of everything, the impressive collaboration tools that ProjectManager offers make it easy to comment and share files while notifications keep you updated along the way. If you’re working on the go or in the field, take advantage of the mobile app so you don’t miss a beat.

Its subscription model is competitive, its feature suite is expansive and its customer service is receptive to suggestions on improvements. ProjectManager is an evolving tool that continues to elevate functionality and offerings. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.

ProjectManager Pros & Key Features

  • Planning and scheduling features are world-class
  • Dashboards work right out of the box and update in real time
  • Time tracking and resource management features are included at a low price
  • Project portfolio management features are easy-to-use
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS
  • Free trial

ProjectManager Cons & Limitations

  • Limited native integrations
  • Poor mobile experience unless you have the mobile app
  • Defaults to dark mode

ProjectManager Pricing

  • Team: $13.00 user/month
  • Business: $24.00 user/month
  • Enterprise: contact sales for a custom quote

ProjectManager Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.4 / 5
  • Capterra review: 4.1 / 5

2. AsanaAsana, one of the best alternatives

Next on our alternative list is Asana, an easy-to-use project management tool. It’s a collaborative software that lets you invite others into the workspace, notifies users of changes to tasks and allows comments at the task level. In fact, Asana’s task management is all well-done as it offers prioritization and real-time information for superior task management.

Asana, the best alternative for team management

But other features are missing or lacking. For example, there are no time tracking capabilities, an essential tool for keeping projects on schedule. Without time management, you have no visibility into workload and can quickly find yourself sidelined. While the software is easy to use, those looking for a alternative that’s as intuitive will be disappointed. Asana’s interface is more familiar to seasoned project managers than novices. Even with a focus on task management, there are problems. The biggest among them is that assignments are limited and that only one user can be assigned to a task at a time. Anyone with experience working on a project knows this is unrealistic, especially for a tool that cites itself as a collaborative platform.

Asana Pros & Key Features

  • Best alternative for team management
  • User-friendly interface
  • Integrations with third-party apps such as Google Drive, Microsoft Teams and Slack
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS
  • Free plan
  • Free trial

Asana Cons & Limitations

  • Not ideal for managing multiple projects, programs or portfolios
  • Limited project management features
  • Gantt chart lacks advanced features such as cost tracking
  • Workload management tools are easy to use but can be limited for some users

Asana Pricing

  • Premium plan: $10.99/user/month, billed annually
  • Business plan: $24.99/user/month, billed annually

Asana Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.3/5
  • Capterra review: 4.5/5

3. ClickUpClickUp, one of the best alternatives

ClickUp is a work management platform that prides itself on offering a variety of tools such as Gantt charts, kanban boards, dashboards and task lists which help you plan projects and manage work while allowing your team members to better communicate and collaborate. Its main advantage is its flexibility, offering work and project management tools for waterfall, agile or scrum teams. It’s a relatively new software that offers a modern user interface and a variety of integrations so you can customize it to fit your work style.

ClickUp, the best alternative for productivity tools

However, many users complain about the overwhelming amount of tools that are available, which adds an unnecessary level of complexity to the learning curve of this software. Another disadvantage of this alternative is that some of its tools aren’t necessarily designed for project or work management such as whiteboards, form generators, or document editing. Not only that, but its project management tools such as Gantt charts or time tracking features are too basic for advanced project management users. ClickUp also lacks project management reports, so if you’re looking for a robust project management software, ClickUp might fall short in key areas such as resource management or project portfolio management.

ClickUp Pros & Key Features

  • Best alternative for team productivity
  • Various team collaboration tools
  • Flexible for teams across industries
  • Works for scrum and agile teams
  • Mobile project planning app for Android and iOS

ClickUp Cons & Limitations

  • The software can be hard to navigate due to its cluttered user interface
  • Some of its features are not relevant for project or work management
  • Files can be exported in PDF format only, which makes it hard to view, edit and share them outside of ClickUp
  • Lacks project management reports and advanced features
  • No free trial

Clickup Pricing

  • Unlimited: $5/user/month, billed annually
  • Business: $12/user/month, billed annually

Clickup Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.7/5
  • Capterra review: 4.7/5

4. SmartsheetSmartsheet, one of the best alternatives

Smartsheet is a project management software that uses spreadsheets and built-in templates to help you save time when managing your team’s work. One of its main advantages is that its spreadsheet-like user interface facilitates team onboarding because of the familiarity most users have with spreadsheet tools like Excel or Google Sheets. Besides spreadsheets, it also offers team collaboration tools, customizable reports and workflow automation features which make it a good alternative.

Smartsheet, the best for project management spreadsheets

However, as with most alternatives in this list, there are drawbacks too. The main disadvantage of Smartsheet is that most of its project management tools’ functionality is limited when it comes to project planning, scheduling and tracking. For example, its Gantt charts lack cost tracking features, kanban boards don’t have any workflow automation features and the grid view requires you to manually enter formulas to populate it, which is far from ideal. On top of that, the reports are limited and have a very outdated user interface.

Smartsheet Pros & Key Features

  • Best alternative for project spreadsheets
  • Good for users transitioning from Excel to project management software
  • Work management and reporting tools
  • Workflow automation features
  • Free trial
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS

Smartsheet Cons & Limitations

  • Most of its tools are spreadsheet-based
  • Gantt charts, spreadsheets and kanban cards lack some advanced project management features
  • The software requires the use of complicated formulas
  • Limited resource management tools
  • Project reports have an outdated look and feel compared to other alternatives

Smartsheet Pricing

  • Pro plan: $7/user/month, billed annually
  • Business plan: $25/user/month, billed annually

Smartsheet Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.4/5
  • Capterra review: 4.5/5

5. AirtableAirtable, one of the best alternatives

Airtable is another alternative for managing projects that offer more features. This project management tool has team collaboration, task management and resource management features. It has a customizable interface and a calendar with form and stacked card views. Airtable works on a spreadsheet-like structure which makes it familiar to those who have been managing projects on Excel. There are multiple views, though, including a kanban board.

Airtable, the best alternative for product planning

There’s also a Gantt but it’s not as powerful as other Gantts featured in this alternatives list. Airtable offers limited automation and integrations, none of which fill in the holes of the software. If you’re planning to scale, the pricing structure isn’t ideal; it charges per user but not every user is going to require as much of the software. This means you’re paying top dollar for those who might only need data access instead of the tools.

Airtable Pros & Key Features

  • Best alternative for product planning
  • AI-powered workflow management
  • Can be used as a customer relationship management tool
  • Offers a variety of integrations with productivity software
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS
  • Free plan
  • Free trial

Airtable Cons & Limitations

  • Focuses on product planning, not the best alternative for project management
  • Limited Gantt chart functionality
  • Lacks project management reports

Airtable Pricing

  • Team: $20 user/month
  • Business: $45 user/month

Airtable Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.6/5
  • Capterra review: 4.7/5

6. TrelloTrello, one of the best alternatives

If you’re looking for a alternative that revolves around kanban boards, then Trello is going to interest you. It bases its project management on boards and cards, which are particularly appealing for newcomers in the project management space. Trello has tracking lists that prioritize tasks and allow you to follow the progress and status of your team. There are communication tools such as a private channel for teams to chat in real time while notifications keep everyone on the same page.

Trello, the best alternative for kanban boards

However, this is also one of the narrower alternatives on our list as there’s a huge gap in features: no Gantt charts. Instead, Trello offers a bar chart that tries to be a Gantt chart but fails to link dependencies, set a baseline or track progress in real time. Even the board view is limited to only one board per project, which can lead to complicated boards that quickly get confusing. Smaller teams might still benefit from this tool, but if you’re working with larger teams, you’ll undoubtedly want to look elsewhere.

Trello Pros & Key Features

  • Best alternative for kanban boards
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS
  • Free plan
  • Free trial

Trello Cons & Limitations

  • Limited variety of project management tools, only offers kanban boards and project calendars
  • Most users need to purchase a variety of add-ons and integrations
  • Not ideal for managing complex projects
  • Doesn’t offer Gantt charts

Trello Pricing

  • Standard: $5/user/month, billed annually
  • Premium: $10/user/month, billed annually
  • Enterprise: $17.50/user/month, billed annually

Trello Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.4/5
  • Capterra review: 4.5/5

7. TaskworldTaskworld logo, one of the best alternatives

Taskworld is a collaborative task management and planning software that’s ideal for distributed teams. This alternative features advanced security, project analytics and burnup and burndown charts. It uses boards and lists for task and workflow management and has collaborative features to connect teams. You can also set recurring tasks so you’re not always starting from scratch. The software offers file sharing and chat features to help teams work better together. Tasks can be updated anywhere, even from mobile devices, and there are tracking tools that can be filtered by assignee, dates and status.

Taskworld, the best alternative for task management

While these are necessary features, Taskworld might not be the best project management software. For example, the app can be slow to refresh on your browser, especially if you use Safari, and the mobile version feels more like a work in progress than a useful accessory. Users report that sharing projects with other team members for visibility can be difficult and needs improvements. Others have complained about the need for additional training compared to other alternatives. There has also been some chatter about its confusing layout that requires training and tutorials to clear up. Finally, the cost is more expensive than many of its competitors.

Taskworld Pros & Key Features

  • Best alternative for task management
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS
  • Free plan
  • Free trial

Taskworld Cons & Limitations

  • Limited Gantt chart functionality
  • Focuses heavily on task management, but lacks features for other key areas of project management such as resource planning and cost tracking
  • No project management reports

Taskworld Pricing

  • Premium: $8 user/month, billed annually
  • Business: $15 user/month, billed annually
  • Enterprise: contact sales

Taskworld Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.4/5
  • Capterra review: 4.5/5

8. Microsoft ProjectMicrosoft Project, one of the best alternatives

On the opposite side of the spectrum of our alternatives is Microsoft Project. Where is trying to be a one-size-fits-all solution that simplifies processes, Microsoft Project is targeting professional project managers with a complex and powerful tool that likely alienates anyone who isn’t PMP certified. If you’re managing big projects, Microsoft Project offers multiple project views and it integrates with a suite of other Mircosoft apps such as Teamwork and provides visibility to users.

Microsoft Project, the best for large projects

A lot of the pros are also cons, though, as the software requires significant training even if you’re a seasoned professional. It’s also expensive, and the more licenses you buy, the more it’ll cost. Since you’re paying so much, the proprietary files it uses can be frustrating. You can’t share them unless you use one of the workaround apps that have sprung up in Microsoft Project’s wake. If all of this isn’t frustrating enough, there’s the fact that Microsoft is only available on PCs. That’s right, there are no compatible iOS versions. That means if you work with any Apple product, you’re locked out of the software. There’s little sense that we can find in the business approach of this alternative, but when you’re the 800-pound gorilla in the project management room, it’s easier to get away with more shortcomings.

Microsoft Project Pros & Key Features

  • Best alternative for large projects
  • Has a robust project management feature set
  • Good choice for users that are familiar with Microsoft products

Microsoft Project Cons & Limitations

  • User interface is not intuitive
  • Complex software with a steep learning curve
  • Microsoft Project is expensive
  • Not ideal for beginner project managers or most team leaders
  • Microsoft Project files can’t be shared with users that don’t have a license
  • No free plan
  • No free trial
  • Doesn’t have a mobile app

Microsoft Pricing

  • Project Plan 1: $10 user/month
  • Project Plan 3: $30 user/month
  • Business plan: $55 user/month

Microsoft Project Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.0/5
  • Capterra review: 4.4/5

9. KantataKantata, one of the best alternatives

Kantata is another alternative that’s used to foster better project management. It’s especially useful for service organizations, which make up about 80 percent of the US economy. The tool not only hosts projects but helps with financials, collaboration, resource management and business intelligence. It has Gantt charts, automation for business processes and accounting features with timesheets and expense reports.

Kantata, the best alternative for resource planning

The problem is that many in the services industry work with tight margins. Although this alternative is expensive, smaller businesses are likely going to find themselves priced out. Another difficulty for people in service organizations is the lack of a mobile app. The software might be great in the office but that’s limiting. There’s no chat app, either, which reduces collaboration. Finally, Kantata’s website hub isn’t the easiest to navigate. Until Kantata can clear up these roadblocks, you’re stuck with its current offerings.

Kantata Pros & Key Features

  • Best alternative for resource management
  • Multiple workload management views
  • Time and expense tracking tools

Kantata Cons & Limitations

  • Steep learning curve and hard-to-use interface
  • Not ideal for everyday task or workflow management
  • Focuses on resource management, limited project management tools and functionality
  • No free trial
  • No free plan
  • Doesn’t have a mobile project planning app

Kantata Pricing

  • Enter your company info to see custom pricing

Kantata Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.1/5
  • Capterra review: 4.2/5

10. WrikeWrike one of the best alternatives

One of the better-known alternatives is Wrike, a cloud-based project management software. Some feature that makes it stand apart from others on this list is time tracking. With timesheets and resource management tools, managers are able to stay on schedule. Of course, there are Gantt charts, which do the basics of organizing and assigning tasks. It also has kanban boards for agile teams to manage their workflow in a visual tool.

Wrike, the best alternative for integrations

That sounds appealing, but a closer look shows a few chinks in the armor. For instance, Wrike’s Gantt charts can’t filter for the critical path. Instead, you have to take the time to make those complicated calculations. Its Gantt charts also don’t show you the percentage of completion for tasks, which can delay projects if you can’t stay on top of what your team is doing. Unlike other alternatives which are intuitive and quick to pick up, users have complained about the time it takes to understand how to use the tool.

Wrike Pros & Key Features

  • Best alternative for integrations
  • Designed for basic task and workflow management
  • Ideal for project management beginners
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS
  • Free trial
  • Free plan

Wrike Project Cons & Limitations

  • The Gantt chart functionality is limited
  • Lacks project management reports
  • Limited cost and budget tracking features
  • The user interface is hard to navigate

Wrike Pricing

  • Professional plan: $9.80 user/month
  • Business plan: $24.80 user/month

Wrike Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.2 / 5
  • Capterra review: 4.3 / 5

11. Adobe WorkfrontAdobe Workfront, one of the best alternatives

Adobe Workfront is a alternative with popular features including task management, team collaboration, resource management and document management. Users can set project scope, prioritize and assign tasks, automate workflows and use reporting tools to view project status. It also integrates with third-party apps, which expands the breadth of its features. It uses real-time data to help with more insightful decision-making and is great for larger, more complex organizations.

Adobe Workfront, the best alternative for strategic planning

Smaller businesses might not be as happy with the pricing and many have complained that the layout isn’t easy to use. Setting up a project is both confusing and time-confusing. It can take a big chunk of your time to get up to speed, which is time you’re not devoting to the project. Even the Gantt charts aren’t as robust as you’d want in project management software as they’re hard to use and modify. Search functionality is also a problem, especially if you’re looking for a task among a portfolio of projects.

Adobe Workfront Pros & Key Features

  • Best alternative for strategic planning
  • Workflow management tools
  • Can be used to create and track a strategic roadmap
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS

Adobe Workfront Cons & Limitations

  • Outdated user interface, hard to use and navigate
  • Limited project management feature set
  • Lacks team communication and collaboration tools
  • No free trial

Adobe Workfront Pricing

  • Enterprise, business and pro license types available, pricing upon request

Adobe Workfront Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.1 / 5
  • Capterra review: 4.4 / 5

12. QuickbaseQuickBase, one of the best alternatives

The last of our alternatives is Quickbase, a project management software that’s especially helpful for those in software development. It has features that help with platform security, platform scalability, reusability and platform user management. Yes, this is a long way from the general use of, but that’s one of the reasons people are seeking an alternative. Add real-time analytics and filtering information and you can see why Quickbase is the preferred choice in the software development industry.

QuickBase, the best alternative for software security

Quickbase is not great with large data sets—if that’s what you’re looking for, then you’ll likely be looking elsewhere. There’s not a great deal of customization available, but this software likely chose speed over customization. The UI is dated, but that’s probably not a deal-breaker for the type of customer it’s going after. The software’s cost is more of a problem, however, which is almost equal to all of the other alternatives on this list combined. That sticker shock is sure to send many potential customers packing.

Quickbase Pros & Key Features

  • Best alternative for software security
  • Basic workflow diagramming tools
  • Mobile project management app for Android and iOS
  • Free trial

Quickbase Cons & Limitations

  • Quickbase is expensive compared to and most alternatives
  • While it offers project management features such as Gantt charts, the software wasn’t designed for project management
  • No project management reports

Quickbase Pricing

  • Team: $700 per month, priced annually
  • Business: $1,100 per month, priced annually

Quickbase Reviews

  • G2 review: 4.5 / 5
  • Capterra review: 4.4 / 5

Features to Consider When Evaluating Alternatives

Now, let’s zoom into some of the key tools and features that any alternative should offer to be a suitable replacement for managing work and teams across industries.

  • Task management: At a minimum, any alternative should offer task management tools such as task lists, calendars, spreadsheets and dashboards to track task completion. These are the most fundamental elements of any project management software.
  • Time tracking: Time tracking features allow project managers and team leaders to create timelines, schedules and track the time their team members spend on tasks. Timesheets for example are ideal for tracking labor costs and are one of the time-tracking features you should look for in a alternative.
  • Team collaboration: Most competitors offer team collaboration tools such as instant messaging, chat, file sharing and email notifications.
  • Work management: Work management involves automating recurring tasks, tracking the workload of a team and managing workflows. Some work management features include workload charts, resource utilization reports and kanban boards equipped with workflow automation features.
  • Project management: alternatives should offer must-have project management tools such as Gantt charts, which are key to planning, scheduling and tracking projects.
  • Resource management: Resource management features are usually built into tools like Gantt charts, dashboards and spreadsheets. They allow you to track costs, resource availability and resource utilization as you plan your projects.
  • Project reporting: Reporting is an important part of managing projects and teams. A good alternative should offer cost, progress and resource tracking reports.
  • User-friendly interface: A user-friendly interface helps you get the most out of your project management software. You should choose a alternative that is easy to use for you and your team.

Which Monday Alternative Is Right For You?

There are a lot of project management software options out there with different specialities. You need to consider what matters most to your organization and how your team operates. Do you have a lot of deadline-driven projects? Better find something with Gantt charts and dashboards. But if you’re more of an easy-going, collaborative office, you may just need a Monday alternative that’s fairly light weight. Fortunately, many of these options have free trials so you can find out for yourself which is truly the best alternative.

In our opinion, ProjectManager is the best alternative. It has all the features that has and then some, and it’s even easier to onboard and use. Add automation, resource management, planning, scheduling and reporting features and integrations to the package and you finally have all your work under one digital roof. Get started with our collaborative-to-the-core software for free today.

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