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7 posts
Google Cloud Generative AI Image Approver for Student Workshop
Asking students to create a free Google Cloud Platform account to try Imagen on Vertex AI is impractical…
Google Cloud Voice Activated Chatbot for Student Workshop
Introduction It is not practical to ask students to create a free Google Cloud Platform account in order…
AWS Cloud Club C3 Captains Cohort Opens for Applications on Feb 5
Hey folks! AWS Cloud Clubs will start accepting applications for Captains for their 3rd cohort (C3) on February…
Celebrate Google’s Coding Competitions with a final round of programming fun
Posted by the Coding Competitions team After 20 years, Google’s Coding Competitions come to a close with a…
Celebrate Google’s Coding Competitions with a final round of programming fun
After 20 years, Google’s Coding Competitions come to a close with a final round. By: The Coding Competitions…
Announcing the Launch of AWS Cloud Clubs!
This article was written by Tracy Wang and Jen Looper As a student, it’s very important to explore…
8 Top MacBook Apps for College Students
Technological advancements have eased human life to a great extent. The digital trend has also ruled over the…