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8 posts
Building an Admin Console With Minimum Code Using React-Admin, Prisma, and Zenstack
Building a customer-facing application is exciting. But it’s not much fun when it comes to the admin console…
Establishing PostgreSQL Connection with Prisma in NestJS: A Comprehensive Guide with Bookmark API Example
In modern web development, setting up a robust and efficient database connection is crucial for building scalable and…
What is ZenStack?
Video or Text This is my initial video publication introducing ZenStack: an open-source full-stack development toolkit that supercharges…
Chat Indexing with
Would you like to grow your chat community? indexes chat messages and make them searchable for search…
Soft delete: Implementation issues in Prisma and solution in ZenStack
Soft delete is a common requirement for SaaS products. But the current solution in Prisma has certain issues.…
Using ES6 Proxy for Cross-cut Concerns – A Real-world Example
Proxy is not a new thing; it was released as part of the ECMAScript 6 spec in 2015.…
Building a website directory with Next.js, Tailwind CSS, and Prisma
I am seeking a good stack I can switch to for my new projects. So, I decided to…
Authentification avec Express et PrismaDB
Ce qu’on va utiliser Express C’est une librairie NodeJS qui rend le fait de créer un serveur REST…