postgres Archives - News for Project Managers - PMI Sun, 30 Jun 2024 03:20:56 +0000 en-US hourly 1 postgres Archives - 32 32 Using JSONB in PostgreSQL Sun, 30 Jun 2024 03:20:56 +0000 using-jsonb-in-postgresql

Introduction JSONB, short for JSON Binary, is a data type developed from the JSON data type and supported…

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JSONB, short for JSON Binary, is a data type developed from the JSON data type and supported by PostgreSQL since version 9.2.

The key difference between JSON and JSONB lies in how they are stored. JSONB supports binary storage and resolves the limitations of the JSON data type by optimizing the insert process and supporting indexing.

If you want to know how to install PostgreSQL and learn some basic knowledge about it, check out this article.

Defining a Column

The query below will create a table with a column of the JSONB data type, which is very simple:

CREATE TABLE table_name (
  id int,
  name text,
  info jsonb

Inserting Data

To insert data into a table with a JSONB column, enclose the content within single quotes (”) like this:

INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (1, 'name', '{"text": "text value", "boolean_vaule": true, "array_value": [1, 2, 3]}');

We can also insert into an array of objects in a similar way:

INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (1, 'name', '[1, "text", false]');

Query data

To query data from a column with the JSONB data type, there are a few ways:

-- get all field data
SELECT info FROM table_name;

-- get specific field for json object
SELECT info->>'field_name' AS field FROM table_name;

-- select element from array (start from 1)
SELECT info[2] FROM table_name

-- compare value must be inside ''
SELECT * FROM table_name WHERE info->>'field_name' >= '20';

-- get rows have field exists value
SELECT count(*) FROM table_name WHERE info ? 'field_name';

Creating an Index

As mentioned earlier, one of the key differences between JSON and JSONB is that JSONB supports creating indexes, which allows for faster data access when dealing with large amounts of data. Here’s how you can create an index:

-- create index for info with field 'value'
CREATE INDEX index_name ON table_name ((info->>'value'));

To check the effectiveness of the Index, you should insert a large amount of data (around 10,000 records) to see the improvement in query speed before and after indexing.


Through this article, I hope you have gained more understanding about JSONB and how to create, insert, and query JSONB data in PostgreSQL. 

See you again in the next articles. Happy coding!

If you found this content helpful, please visit the original article on my blog to support the author and explore more interesting content.


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Leveraging PostgreSQL CAST for Data Type Conversions Mon, 24 Jun 2024 07:20:28 +0000 leveraging-postgresql-cast-for-data-type-conversions

Converting data types is essential in database management. PostgreSQL’s CAST function helps achieve this efficiently. This article covers…

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Converting data types is essential in database management. PostgreSQL’s CAST function helps achieve this efficiently. This article covers how to use CAST for effective data type conversions.

Using CAST in PostgreSQL

Some practical examples of CAST include;

Convert Salary to Integer

SELECT CAST(salary AS INTEGER) AS salary_int
FROM employees;

Converts salary to an integer.

Convert String to Date:

SELECT order_id, CAST(order_date AS DATE), total_cost
FROM orders;

Converts order_date to a date format.


What is PostgreSQL CAST?
It’s a function to convert data from one type to another, like strings to dates.

How do I use PostgreSQL CAST?
Syntax: CAST(value AS target_data_type).

What if PostgreSQL CAST fails?
Ensure the source data is correctly formatted for conversion.


PostgreSQL’s CAST function is essential for data type conversions. For a comprehensive guide, visit our the article Casting in PostgreSQL: Handling Data Type Conversions Effectively.

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Docker Compose for a Full-Stack Application with React, Node.js, and PostgreSQL Fri, 14 Jun 2024 18:20:09 +0000 docker-compose-for-a-full-stack-application-with-react,-node.js,-and-postgresql

The Premise So you’ve built a Full Stack application that you got working as you wanted, and want…

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The Premise

So you’ve built a Full Stack application that you got working as you wanted, and want to show it off. However, dependencies and environments make it so that it only runs on your device. Well, as you already may know that Docker Compose can take care of that. Let’s start going through how this can be done without further ado. This tutorial is for those who have some idea on creating applications and servers, and some basic knowledge of Docker as well.


The source code can be found here on Github. To get this project up and running, follow these steps

  1. Make sure you have Docker installed in your system. For installation steps, follow the following steps:
    1. For Mac
    2. For Ubuntu
    3. For Windows
  2. Clone the repository into your device
  3. Open a terminal from the cloned project’s directory (Where the docker-compose.yml file is present)
  4. Run the command: docker compose up

That’s all! That should get the project up and running. To see the output, you can access from the browser and you should find a web page with a list of users. This entire system with the client, server & database are running inside of docker and being accessible from your machine.

Here is a detailed explanation on what is going on.

1. Introduction

Docker at its core is a platform as a service that uses OS-level virtualization to deploy/deliver software in packages called containers. It is done for various advantages, such as cross platform consistency and flexibility and scalability.

Docker Compose is a tool for defining and running multi-container applications. It is the key to unlocking a streamlined and efficient development and deployment experience.

2. Using Docker and Docker Compose

When it comes to working with Full Stack Applications, i.e. ones that will involve more than one set of technology to integrate it into one fully fledged system, Docker can be fairly overwhelming to configure from scratch. It is not made any easier by the fact that there are various types of environment dependencies for each particular technology, and it only leads to the risk of errors at a deployment level.

Note: The .env file adjacent in the directory with docker-compose.yml will contain certain variables that will be used in the docker compose file. They will be accessed whenever the ${} notation is used.

This example will work with PostgreSQL as the database, a very minimal Node/Express JS server and React JS as the client side application.

3. Individual Containers

The following section goes into a breakdown of how the docker-compose.yml file works with the individual Dockerfile. Let’s take a look at the docker-compose file first. We have a key called services at the very top, which defines the different applications/services we want to get running. As this is a .yml file, it is important to remember that indentations are crucial. Lets dive into the first service defined in this docker compose file, the database.

1. Database

First of all, the database needs to be set up and running in order for the server to be able to connect to it. The database does not need any Dockerfile in this particular instance, however, it can be done with a Dockerfile too. Lets go through the configurations.


    container_name: database
        - "5431:5432"
    image: postgres
            - ./docker_test_db:/var/lib/postgresql/data
            test: ["CMD-SHELL", "sh -c 'pg_isready -U ${POSTGRES_USER} -d ${POSTGRES_DB}'"]
            interval: 5s
            timeout: 60s
            retries: 5
            start_period: 80s


  • postgres: used to identify the service that the section of the compose file is for
  • container_name: the name of the service/container that we have chosen
  • ports: maps the host port (making it accessible from outside) to the port being used by the application in Docker.
  • image: defines the Docker image that will be required to make this container functional and running
  • environment: defined variables for the environment of this particular service. For example, for this PostgreSQL service, we will be defining a POSTGRES_USER,POSTGRES_PASSWORD and POSTGRES_DB. They’re all being assigned with the values in the .env.
  • volumes: This particular key is for we want to create a container that can persist data. This means that ordinarily, when a Docker container goes down, so does any updated data on it. Using volumes, we are mapping a particular directory of our local machine with a directory of the container. In this case, that’s the directory where postgres is reading the data from for this database.
  • heathcheck: when required, certain services will need to check if their state is functional or not. For example, PostgreSQL, has a behavior of turning itself on and off a few instances at launch, before finally being functional. For this reason, healthcheck allows Docker Compose to allow other services to know when it is fully functional.
    The few properties below healthcheck are doing the following:

    • test: runs particular commands for the service to run checks
    • interval: amount of time docker compose will wait before running a check again
    • timeout: amount of time that the a single check will go on for, before it times out without any response or fails
    • retries: total number of tries that docker compose will try to get the healthcheck for a positive response, otherwise fail and declare it as a failed check
    • start_period: specifies the amount of time to wait before starting health checks

2. Server


FROM node:18
WORKDIR /server
COPY src/ /server/src
COPY prisma/ /server/prisma
COPY package.json /server
RUN npm install
RUN npx prisma generate

FROM – tells Docker what image is going to be required to build the container. For this example, its the Node JS (version 18)
WORKDIR – sets the current working directory for subsequent instructions in the Dockerfile. The server directory will be created for this container in Docker’s environment
COPY – separated by a space, this command tells Docker to copy files/folders from local environment to the Docker environment. The code above is saying that all the contents in the src and prisma folders need to be copied to the /server/src & /srver/prisma folders in Docker, and package.json to be copied to the server directory’s root.
RUN – executes commands in the terminal. The commands in the code above will install the necessary node modules, and also generate a prisma client for interacting with the database (it will be needed for seeding the database initially).


    container_name: server
        context: ./server
        dockerfile: Dockerfile
        - "7999:8000"
    command: bash -c "npx prisma migrate reset --force && npm start"
        PORT: "${SERVER_PORT}"
            condition: service_healthy

build: defines the build context for the container. This can contain steps to build the container, or contain path to Dockerfiles that have the instructions written. The context key directs the path, and the dockerfile key contains the name of the Dockerfile.
command: executes commands according to the instructions that are given. This particular command is executed to first make migrations to the database and seed it, and then start the server.
environment: contains the key-value pairs for the environment, which are available in the .env file at the root directory. DATABASE_URL and PORT both contain corresponding values in the .env file.
depends_on: checks if the dependent container is up, running and functional or not. This has various properties, but in this example, it is checking if the service_healthy flag of our postgres container is up and functional or not. The server container will only start if this flag is returned being true from the healthcheck from the PostgreSQL

3. Client


FROM node:18
WORKDIR /client
COPY public/ /client/public
COPY src/ /client/src
COPY index.html /client/
COPY package.json /client/
COPY vite.config.js /client/
RUN npm install
RUN npm run build

Note: The commands for client are very similar to the already explained above for server
ARG: defines a variable that is later passed to the ENV instruction
ENV: Assigns a key value pair into the context of the Docker environment for the container to run. This essentially contains the domain of the API that will be fired from the client later.


    container_name: client
        context: ./client
        dockerfile: Dockerfile
    command: bash -c "npm run preview"
        - "4172:4173"
        - server

Note: The commands for client are very similar to the already explained above for server and postgres

This tutorial provides a basic understanding of using Docker Compose to manage a full-stack application. Explore the code and docker-compose.yml file for further details. The source code can be found here on Github.

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Introducing usage monitoring in Xata Thu, 18 Apr 2024 12:20:50 +0000 introducing-usage-monitoring-in-xata

We’re excited to announce a brand new feature to monitor what you’re using in your Xata workspace! Understandably…

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We’re excited to announce a brand new feature to monitor what you’re using in your Xata workspace! Understandably so, our users have wanted this visibility for both planning and billing purposes. This beta release lets users explore the data of their usage metrics at a workspace level for the first time. This is just the starting point, we have a fun roadmap ahead for how we can improve visibility and provide actionable insights on top of these metrics.

With this release, Xata tracks and displays the following metrics so that customers can gain insight into their usage of Xata:

  • Data storage: The storage on disk consumed by Postgres
  • Search storage: The storage on disk for dedicated search indexing
  • File storage: The storage on disk consumed by file attachments
  • AI questions: The number of questions sent to the Xata AI ask endpoint
  • Total branches: The current total number of of database branches

We are actively working on enhancements to the usage monitoring feature. We will soon expose these metrics on a database branch level as well, and we plan to release further metric insights in time.

Feature description

The usage monitoring feature introduces a new Usage page showing detailed metrics over a number of time ranges to choose from. This new page is exclusively available to our pro plan workspaces.

Pro workspace Usage page

Additionally, pro plan workspaces receive a metrics summary for the current calendar month on the workspace landing page. This gives users an up-to-date, high level overview of the workspace usage at a glance.

Pro workspace overview

Free plan workspaces can also get a glimpse into their usage on the workspace landing page. This concisely shows the percentage of available free tier resources that have been used in the current calendar month.

Free workspace usage overview

Technical details

As you would expect, the data we track comes from a variety of sources and we wanted to collect it all into a single place.

In order to power this feature we had to choose a database that is well-suited to collecting and reporting time series data and meeting our usage requirements:

  • Fast inserts
  • Fast and flexible querying (ideally using SQL)
  • Support for rollup and eviction of old date
  • Efficient on disk storage
  • Support for high cardinality metrics

After investigating and experimenting with many different databases we eventually landed on Clickhouse because it meets all of the above requirements on paper and after some real world experimentation they all held up in practice.


In order to collect the data in (near) real time, we have two collection strategies:

  1. Poll usage data from existing backends (Postgres, Search, Attachments)
  2. React to real time usage events (AI questions, branch changes)


We have an existing task scheduler and background job processor which we use to periodically spawn collection jobs in each region. These jobs then concurrently fan out to all databases within their region, collecting usage data, collating it and then storing it in Clickhouse using their bulk insert mechanism.

Event processing

For events caused by user actions we rely on the fact we store metadata about these events in DynamoDB. AWS provides a number of mechanisms for reacting to changes in Dynamo data and in our case we send change events to Kinesis which in turn spawns a lambda function which writes the event into Clickhouse. Although there are a more moving parts, it allows us to record these events almost instantaneously as well as providing a level of resilience in the face of failures since events can build up in the queue until Clickhouse is ready to receive them.

On disk compression

One of the most impressive aspects of Clickhouse in practice is how well data is compressed on disk which is thanks in a large part to its decision to store data by column. If values in a column don’t change that frequently over time, which is often the case, then the column data can be very easily compressed.

For example, let’s take the case of tracking Postgres disk usage over time. We’re tracking four pieces of data each time we take a snapshot:

  • User workspace id
  • User branch id
  • Disk used in bytes
  • Timestamp

Because we take snapshots of this data, each row in a single snapshot will all contain the same timestamp. In practice this means that Clickhouse only needs to store the value once as well as a corresponding counter to indicate how many rows it applies to.

Also, because we have chosen to use the Merge Tree backend on Clickhouse, it will occasionally merge snapshots together allowing it to further combine rows for the same workspace or branch together. This allows Clickhouse to efficiently store data that has a relatively low cardinality, but at the same time doesn’t stop it from being able to also store high cardinality data.

Clickhouse stores data in what it calls “parts”, which equate in practice to a set of files on disk. Here’s a snapshot from a real part showing the number of rows and space consumed – both compressed and uncompressed:

rows:                        300.25 million
data_uncompressed_bytes:     12.86 GiB
data_compressed_bytes:       1.13 GiB
primary_key_bytes_in_memory: 2.03 MiB
bytes_on_disk:               1.13 GiB

You can see here that data has been compressed by around 12x. Additionally, because we include the workspace as part of our primary key, the number of actual rows we need to scan when querying is relatively low.

SELECT count(*)
FROM postgres_disk
WHERE workspace_id = 'abc'
1 row in set. Elapsed: 0.355 sec. Processed 45.69 thousand rows, 685.32 KB (128.57 thousand rows/s., 1.93 MB/s.)

Note here that instead of scanning approximately 300 million rows, we only needed to scan around 45k.

Learn more and try it out today

Learn more about the development of this feature from the folks that built it, and watch a quick demo to see it in action. Check out our latest meet the makers session here:

Pop into Discord and say hi if you’d like to dig in further 👋

Interested in trying out for yourself? Sign up today! Happy building 🦋

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Express Mon, 15 Apr 2024 14:21:00 +0000 express

What is an Express Server? Express is a node js web application framework for building web and mobile…

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Art for Express.Js

What is an Express Server?
Express is a node js web application framework for building web and mobile applications. It is used to build a single page, multipage, and hybrid web application. It’s a layer built on top of the Node js that helps manage servers and routes.

It also provides a command-line interface tool (CLI) called Node Package Manager (NPM), where developers can source for developed packages. It also forces developers to follow the Don’t Repeat Yourself (DRY) principle.

The DRY principle is aimed at reducing the repetition of software patterns, replacing it with abstractions, or using data normalizations to avoid redundancy.

Art for Express

Why use Express Js?
Was created to make APIs and web applications with ease.
It saves a lot of coding time almost by half and still makes web and mobile applications are efficient.

  • High performance
  • Fast
  • Unopinionated
  • Lightweight

Middle Ware
Middleware is a request handler that has access to the application’s request-response cycle.

It refers to how an application’s endpoint’s URLs respond to client requests.

Creates a html template file with less code and render HTML Pages

Express makes it easier as it identifies the exact part where bugs are

Advantages of using Express with Node.js?

  • Express is Unopinionated, and we can customize it.
  • For request handling, we can use Middleware.
  • A single language is used for frontend and backend development.
  • Express is fast to link it with databases like MySQL, MongoDB, etc.
  • ​​Express allows dynamic rendering of HTML Pages based on passing arguments to templates.
    it is the backend part of something known as the MEVN stack.

The MEVN is a free and open-source JavaScript software stack for building dynamic websites and web applications that has the following components:

MongoDB: MongoDB is the standard NoSQL database
Express.js: The default web applications framework for building web apps
Vue.js: The JavaScript progressive framework used for building front-end web applications
Node.js: JavaScript engine used for scalable server-side and networking applications.

Art of servers

What is it used for?
Express.js is used for a wide range of things in the JavaScript/Node.js ecosystem — you can develop applications, API endpoints, routing systems, and frameworks with it.

Single-Page Applications
Real-Time Collaboration Tools
Streaming Applications
Fintech Applications

Limitations of Express Js
Sometimes, there is no structural way to organize things, and the code becomes non-understandable.

  • There are so many issues with callbacks.
  • The error messages that will come are challenging to understand.

Companies That Are Using Express JS

  •  Netflix 
  •  IBM 
  •  ebay
  •  Uber


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PostgreSQL or MySQL: What Should I Choose for My Full-Stack Project? Tue, 09 Apr 2024 23:20:29 +0000 postgresql-or-mysql:-what-should-i-choose-for-my-full-stack-project?

Choosing the right database is a pivotal decision for full-stack developers, impacting everything from application performance to scalability.…

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Choosing the right database is a pivotal decision for full-stack developers, impacting everything from application performance to scalability. PostgreSQL and MySQL stand out as two of the most popular open-source relational database management systems. Each brings its own set of strengths to the table, tailored to different development needs. Let’s explore these differences, dive into installation on Linux, and discuss security and backup strategies, to help you make an informed decision for your next project.

Transactional Support and ACID Compliance

PostgreSQL and MySQL both support the ACID (Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, Durability) principles, crucial for reliable transaction management. PostgreSQL is celebrated for its robust support for complex transactions and strict ACID compliance. It’s especially suited for applications that demand reliable transactions, such as financial or medical records management. MySQL, with its InnoDB storage engine, offers strong ACID compliance as well, but its default transaction isolation level is “Repeatable Read,” balancing performance and consistency.

Consider these transaction examples to appreciate the SQL syntax nuances between PostgreSQL and MySQL:

  • In PostgreSQL, to insert a new employee and assign them to a project, you might use a transaction block with a serial ID:
INSERT INTO employees (name, role, hire_date) VALUES ('Jane Doe', 'Developer', '2023-01-10');
UPDATE project_assignments SET project_id = 2 WHERE employee_id = CURRVAL('employees_id_seq');
  • In MySQL, a similar operation could look like this, leveraging LAST_INSERT_ID():
INSERT INTO employees (name, role, hire_date) VALUES ('John Smith', 'Project Manager', '2023-02-15');
UPDATE projects SET status = 'Active' WHERE id = LAST_INSERT_ID();

Performance and Scalability

When evaluating the performance and scalability of PostgreSQL and MySQL, it’s essential to consider the specific use case of your application. MySQL is traditionally favored for its high-speed read operations, making it an excellent choice for read-heavy applications such as content management systems or blogging platforms. PostgreSQL, on the other hand, excels in scenarios requiring heavy writes and complex queries, like analytics applications or systems with complex data relationships.


  • MySQL for Read-Heavy Scenarios: Consider a blogging platform where the majority of the database operations are reads (fetching posts, comments, etc.). MySQL’s default storage engine, InnoDB, is highly optimized for read operations, providing fast data retrieval.
SELECT post_title, post_content FROM blog_posts WHERE post_date > '2023-01-01';

This query, running on a MySQL database, would efficiently fetch blog posts from the beginning of the year, benefiting from MySQL’s read optimizations.

  • PostgreSQL for Write-Heavy Scenarios: In an application processing financial transactions, where data integrity and complex writes are crucial, PostgreSQL’s advanced transaction management shines.
INSERT INTO transactions (user_id, amount, transaction_date) VALUES (1, -100.00, '2023-04-05');
UPDATE accounts SET balance = balance - 100.00 WHERE user_id = 1;

This transaction, ensuring atomicity and consistency, demonstrates PostgreSQL’s strength in handling complex, write-heavy operations.

Extensibility and Advanced Features


PostgreSQL is highly extensible, supporting a vast array of advanced features out of the box, including:

  • Advanced Data Types: PostgreSQL supports geometric data types, custom types, and even allows for complex types like JSONB, enabling developers to store and query JSON-formatted data efficiently.
SELECT * FROM orders WHERE customer_details->>'city' = 'San Francisco';

This query utilizes the JSONB data type to efficiently query JSON data stored in the orders table, looking for orders from customers in San Francisco.

  • Full Text Search: PostgreSQL provides powerful text search capabilities that can search through large volumes of text data quickly.
SELECT * FROM articles WHERE to_tsvector('english', content) @@ to_tsquery('english', 'PostgreSQL & databases');

This example demonstrates searching articles that contain both “PostgreSQL” and “databases”, showcasing PostgreSQL’s full-text search functionality.


MySQL’s extensibility includes features such as:

  • JSON Support: While not as advanced as PostgreSQL’s JSONB, MySQL’s JSON data type allows for efficient storage and querying of JSON documents.
SELECT * FROM products WHERE JSON_EXTRACT(info, '$.manufacturer') = 'Acme';

This query searches for products in the products table where the info column (stored as JSON) contains ‘Acme’ as the manufacturer.

Developer Tools and Ecosystem

PostgreSQL Tools:

  • pgAdmin: The most popular and feature-rich open-source administration and development tool for PostgreSQL. pgAdmin Download
  • PostGIS: An extension that adds support for geographic objects to PostgreSQL, turning it into a spatial database. PostGIS Documentation

MySQL Tools:

  • MySQL Workbench: An integrated tools environment for database design, SQL development, administrative tasks, and more. MySQL Workbench Download
  • phpMyAdmin: A free software tool written in PHP, intended to handle the administration of MySQL over the Web. phpMyAdmin Download

Security and Backups

Security and backup strategies are crucial for any database management system, ensuring data integrity and availability.

Both PostgreSQL and MySQL support SSL encryption for data in transit, role-based access control for fine-grained permission management, and the ability to enhance security through “chroot” jails.

  • PostgreSQL Backup with Compression and Encryption:
pg_dump mydatabase | gzip | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -e > mydatabase_backup.sql.gz.enc

This command creates a compressed and encrypted backup of the mydatabase PostgreSQL database, utilizing gzip for compression and openssl for encryption.

  • MySQL Backup with Compression and Encryption:
mysqldump -u user -p mydatabase | gzip | openssl enc -aes-256-cbc -e > mydatabase_backup.sql.gz.enc

Similar to the PostgreSQL example, this command performs a backup of the mydatabase MySQL database, with compression and encryption applied for security and efficiency.

For in-depth security and backup strategies, consult the official documentation:

Installation on Linux


On Ubuntu or Debian-based systems, installing PostgreSQL is straightforward:

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib

Refer to the official PostgreSQL installation guide for more details.


Similarly, for MySQL:

sudo apt update
sudo apt-get install mysql-server

The MySQL installation documentation provides comprehensive instructions.


The choice between PostgreSQL and MySQL for full-stack development hinges on the specific requirements of your project, the nature of your data, and the complexity of the operations you intend to perform. PostgreSQL offers unparalleled extensibility and advanced features, making it ideal for projects that require robust data integrity, complex queries, and extensive data types. Its ability to handle write-heavy applications and support for advanced data structures and full-text search makes it a powerhouse for analytics and applications dealing with complex data relationships.

On the other hand, MySQL shines in scenarios requiring high-speed read operations and straightforward scalability, making it a go-to for web applications, content management systems, and blogging platforms where performance and simplicity are key. Its widespread adoption, coupled with strong community support and a plethora of development tools, ensures a reliable and efficient development experience.

Both databases come equipped with comprehensive security features and flexible backup options, ensuring that data integrity and disaster recovery capabilities are built into your application from the ground up. The rich ecosystems surrounding PostgreSQL and MySQL provide developers with an array of tools and resources, further enhancing the development experience and offering paths to solve virtually any database challenge.

Ultimately, the decision between PostgreSQL and MySQL should be made with careful consideration of your project’s current needs and future growth. Both databases have proven their reliability and performance in the hands of startups and tech giants alike, showcasing their ability to support the most demanding applications and the most innovative projects. By understanding the strengths and capabilities of each, developers can make informed decisions that best suit the requirements of their full-stack projects, laying a solid foundation for success.

Stay Connected

If you enjoyed this article and want to explore more about web development, feel free to connect with me on various platforms:

personal portfolio v1

Your feedback and questions are always welcome.
Keep learning, coding, and creating amazing web applications.

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My binary vector search is better than your FP32 vectors Tue, 26 Mar 2024 02:21:27 +0000 my-binary-vector-search-is-better-than-your-fp32-vectors

Within the field of vector search, an intriguing development has arisen: binary vector search. This approach shows promise…

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Within the field of vector search, an intriguing development has arisen: binary vector search. This approach shows promise in tackling the long-standing issue of memory consumption by achieving a remarkable 30x reduction. However, a critical aspect that sparks debate is its effect on accuracy.

We believe that using binary vector search, along with specific optimization techniques, can maintain similar accuracy. To provide clarity on this subject, we showcase a series of experiments that will demonstrate the effects and implications of this approach.

What is a binary vector?

A binary vector is a representation of a vector where each element in the vector is encoded as a binary value, typically either 0 or 1. This encoding scheme transforms the original vector, which may contain real-valued or high-dimensional data, into a binary format.

Binary vectors require only one bit of memory to store each element, while the original float32 vectors need 4 bytes for each element. This means that using binary vectors can reduce memory usage by up to 32 times. Additionally, this reduction in memory requirements corresponds to a notable increase in Requests Per Second (RPS) for binary vector operations.

Let’s consider an example where we have 1 million vectors, and each vector is represented by float32 values in a 3072-dimensional space. In this scenario, the original float32 vector index would require around 20 gigabytes (GB) of memory to store all the vectors.

Now, if we were to use binary vectors instead, the memory usage would be significantly reduced. In this case, the binary vector index would take approximately 600 megabytes (MB) to store all 1 million vectors.

However, it was expected that this reduction in memory would lead to a significant decrease in accuracy because binary vectors lose a lot of the original information.

Surprisingly, our experiments showed that the decrease in accuracy was not as big as expected. Even though binary vectors lose some specific details, they can still capture important patterns and similarities that allow them to maintain a reasonable level of accuracy.


To evaluate the performance metrics in comparison to the original vector approach, we conducted benchmarking using the dbpedia-entities-openai3-text-embedding-3-large-3072-1M dataset. The benchmark was performed on a Google Cloud virtual machine (VM) with specifications of n2-standard-8, which includes 8 virtual CPUs and 32GB of memory. We used v0.2.1 as the vector database.

After inserting 1 million vectors into the database table, we built indexes for both the original float32 vectors and the binary vectors.

CREATE TABLE openai3072 (
  id bigserial PRIMARY KEY,
  text_embedding_3_large_3072_embedding vector(3072),
  text_embedding_3_large_3072_bvector bvector(3072)

CREATE INDEX openai_vector_index on openai3072 using vectors(text_embedding_3_large_3072_embedding vector_l2_ops);

CREATE INDEX openai_vector_index_bvector ON public.openai3072 USING vectors (text_embedding_3_large_3072_bvector bvector_l2_ops);

After building the indexes, we conducted vector search queries to assess the performance. These queries were executed with varying limits, indicating the number of search results to be retrieved (limit 5, 10, 50, 100).

We observed that the Requests Per Second (RPS) for binary vector search was approximately 3000, whereas the RPS for the original vector search was only around 300.

The RPS metric indicates the number of requests or queries that can be processed by the system per second. A higher RPS value signifies a higher throughput and faster response time.

However, the accuracy of the binary vector search was reduced to about 80% compared to the original vector search. While this decrease may not be seen as significant in some cases, it can be considered unacceptable in certain situations where achieving high accuracy is crucial.

Optimization: adaptive retrieval

Luckily, we have a simple and effective method called adaptive retrieval, which we learned from the Matryoshka Representation Learning, to improve the accuracy.

The name is complex but the idea behind adaptive retrieval is straightforward. Let’s say we want to find the best 100 candidates. We can follow these steps:

  1. Query the binary vector index to retrieve a larger set (e.g. 200 candidates) from the 1 million embeddings. This is a fast operation.

  2. Rerank the candidates using a KNN query to retrieve the top 100 candidates. Please notice that we are running KNN instead of ANN. KNN is well-suited for scenarios where we need to work with smaller sets and perform accurate similarity search, making it an excellent choice for reranking in this case.

By incorporating this reranking step, we can achieve a notable increase in accuracy, potentially reaching up to 95%. Additionally, the system maintains a high Requests Per Second (RPS), approximately 1700. Furthermore, despite these improvements, the memory usage of the index remains significantly smaller, around 30 times less, compared to the original vector representation.

Below is the SQL code that can be used to execute the adaptive retrieval:

CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION match_documents_adaptive(
  query_embedding vector(3072),
  match_count int
RETURNS SETOF openai3072
AS $$
-- Step 1: Query binary vector index to retrieve match_count * 2 candidates
WITH shortlist AS (
  FROM openai3072
  ORDER BY text_embedding_3_large_3072_bvector <-> binarize(query_embedding)
  LIMIT match_count * 2
-- Step 2: Rerank the candidates using a KNN query to retrieve the top candidates
FROM shortlist
ORDER BY text_embedding_3_large_3072_embedding <-> query_embedding
LIMIT match_count;

Comparison with shortening vectors

OpenAI latest embedding model text-embedding-3-large has a feature that allows you to shorten vectors.

It produces embeddings with 3072 dimensions by default. But you could safely remove some numbers from the end of the sequence and still maintain a valid representation for the text. For example, you could shorten the embeddings to 1024 dimensions.

This feature can help you save memory and make your requests faster, just like binary vectors. It would be a good idea to compare the performance and see which one works better for your needs.

Based on what we discovered, the conclusion is clear: Binary vectors significantly outperform shortened vectors.

We performed similar benchmarks to compare with binary vectors. We created indexes using the same dataset and machine type, but with varying dimensionalities. One index had 256 dimensions, while the other had 1024 dimensions.

The 1024-dimensional index achieved an accuracy of approximately 85% with a request rate of 1000 requests per second (RPS). On the other hand, the 256-dimensional index had around 60% accuracy with a higher request rate of 1200 RPS.

The 1024-dimensional index required approximately 8GB of memory, while the 256-dimensional index used around 2GB. In comparison, the binary vector approach achieved an accuracy of around 80% with a request rate of 3000 RPS, and its memory usage was approximately 600MB.

We implemented adaptive retrieval with lower-dimensional indexes. The binary vector index still outperformed the 256-dimensional index in terms of both request rate (RPS) and accuracy, while also exhibiting lower memory usage. On the other hand, the adaptive retrieval with the 1024-dimensional index achieved a higher accuracy of 99%; however, it had a relatively lower request rate and consumed 12 times more memory compared to the other indexes.

adaptive retrieval benchmark


By utilizing adaptive retrieval techniques, binary vectors can maintain a high level of accuracy while significantly reducing memory usage by 30 times. We have presented benchmark metrics in a table to showcase the results. It is important to note that these outcomes are specific to the openai text-embedding-3-large model, which possesses this particular property.


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Mastering Dynamic Task Scheduling with Redis: How We Actually Solved Our SAAS Problem? Mon, 25 Mar 2024 05:20:44 +0000 mastering-dynamic-task-scheduling-with-redis:-how-we-actually-solved-our-saas-problem?

I am thrilled to share my journey learning about and eventually solving intricate challenges using Redis’s powerful sorted…

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I am thrilled to share my journey learning about and eventually solving intricate challenges using Redis’s powerful sorted set data structure to manage dynamic task scheduling effectively. Let’s get started!

Table of Contents

  1. Background

    • Real-world challenge
    • Technology stack
  2. Problem Statement
  3. Redis to the Rescue: Sorted Set Data Structure

    • Why choose Redis?
    • Basic concepts
    • Benefits and tradeoffs
  4. Scoring Algorithms and Prioritization Techniques

    • Combining execution time and priority
    • Updating task priority
  5. Producer-Consumer Pattern with Redis
  6. Leveraging RQ-Scheduler Library
  7. Architectural Design Decisions

    • Multiple producers
    • Monitoring and alerting mechanisms
    • Error handling and fault tolerance
  8. Performance Optimizations

    • Time-bound retries
    • Periodical cleanup of stale records
  9. Lessons Learned


I worked on a fascinating project recently, developing a real-time dashboard displaying analytics gathered from numerous IoT devices deployed worldwide. One key requirement included syncing device information periodically from external sources, leading to interesting technical hurdles and exciting solutions.

Real-World Challenge

My initial plan consisted of syncing data from third-party APIs regularly and updating the internal cache accordingly. Soon, however, I realized that scaling up the frequency and volume of updates led to considerable difficulties:

  • Third-party rate limiting: Most services imposed strict request quotas and throttle policies, making frequent calls challenging without proper planning and pacing.
  • Resource utilization: Continuous requests could consume valuable computing power, bandwidth, and other resources.

These obstacles compelled me to develop an ingenious yet elegant solution incorporating dynamic task scheduling backed by Redis’s sorted set data structure.

Technology Stack

Here’s a quick rundown of the technology stack employed:

  • Backend programming languages: TypeScript (Node.js v14+) and Python (v3.x)
  • Web frameworks: Express.js and Flask
  • Database: Postgres and Redis
  • Cloud provider: Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Problem Statement

Design and implement a highly flexible and responsive dynamic task scheduling system capable of accommodating arbitrary user preferences regarding job frequencies and granularities. For instance, some users may prefer near-real-time updates, whereas others might settle for less frequent, periodic refreshes.

Additionally, consider the following constraints and conditions:

  • Handle varying volumes of data influx and egress ranging from tens to thousands per second
  • Ensure resource efficiency, minimizing redundant computational cycles and preventing wasteful repetition
  • Adhere to third-party rate limit restrictions and avoid triggering unnecessary safeguards

Redis to the Rescue: Sorted Set Data Structure

Redis offers many compelling data structures worth investigating. Among them, I found the sorted set particularly appealing for implementing dynamic task scheduling. Here’s why I went ahead with Redis and explored its sorted set data structure further.

Why Choose Redis?

Redis boasts impressive characteristics that make it a fantastic candidate for dynamic task scheduling:

  • Extremely high read and write speeds
  • Robustness and durability
  • Minimalistic footprint, consuming modest amounts of RAM
  • Flexible licensing model
  • Friendly ecosystem and community contributions

Moreover, Redis supports pub/sub messaging patterns natively, simplifying interprocess communications and notifications.

Basic Concepts

At first glance, Redis’s sorted set appears similar to standard sets. However, you soon notice subtle differences:

  • Each member in the sorted set sports a dedicated “score” attribute
  • Members remain ordered according to their corresponding scores
  • Duplicate members aren’t allowed

An excellent analogy likens Redis’s sorted sets to telephone books, wherein entries possess names and phone numbers. Names serve as the actual keys, whereas phone numbers act as relative weights dictating entry ordering.

Benefits and Tradeoffs

Using Redis’s sorted sets brings significant benefits alongside inevitable compromises. On the positive side, you gain:

  • Efficient insertion, removal, and modification of items regardless of dataset size
  • Logarithmic search complexity (O(logN)) despite maintaining natural sort orders
  • Ability to enforce range queries effortlessly

On the flip side, note the following caveats:

  • Score attributes must be double-precision floating-point numbers
  • Range queries do not guarantee constant time complexity
  • Maximum cardinality stands at approximately 2^32 – 1 (~4.3 billion)

Scoring Algorithms and Prioritization Techniques

Next, let’s discuss essential scoring algorithms and methods for prioritizing tasks intelligently.

Combining Execution Time and Priority

One popular technique consists of blending execution time and priority into a composite score. You accomplish this feat by applying weightage factors tailored to reflect personal preference and desired behavior. Below lies an exemplary formula encompassing fundamental aspects:

effectiveScore = basePriority × (1 / delayTime)^k, where k > 0

delayTime denotes the elapsed duration since last invocation, and basePriority refers to raw priority levels. Noticeably, increasing k amplifies the effect of delayed execution times compared to static priority ratings.

Adjust parameters cautiously to strike optimal balances aligning with business objectives and operational constraints.

Updating Task Priority

Over time, circumstances evolve, and previously defined priorities lose relevance. Therefore, revise and adjust scores appropriately based on updated criteria or fresh metrics. When recalculating scores, ensure fairness and maintain equitable treatment of tasks sharing common traits or origins. Otherwise, introduce biases favoring newer arrivals, jeopardizing overall system stability.

Producer-Consumer Pattern with Redis

Employing the producer-consumer pattern helps streamline development efforts considerably. At the core of this paradigm lie two primary entities:

  • Producers: Entities generating jobs, usually injecting them directly into Redis
  • Consumers: Agents pulling tasks from Redis and carrying out relevant actions

When designing your producer-consumer pipeline, keep the following points in mind:

  • Orchestrate smooth interactions between actors operating independently
  • Allow consumers to signal completion status back to producers
  • Enable graceful shutdowns whenever necessary

Leveraging RQ-Scheduler Library

Harnessing prebuilt libraries reduces the burden of reinventing wheels. Enter RQ-Scheduler, a remarkable toolkit developed explicitly for task queuing and dispatching purposes. Its standout features include:

  • Simplicity and ease of integration
  • Support for customizable plugins
  • Interactive web interface showcasing queue statistics
  • Reliable background processing powered by Redis

By adhering to well-defined conventions and standards outlined by RQ-Scheduler, developers enjoy hassle-free transitions between production and maintenance phases.

Architectural Design Decisions

Every decision counts when crafting solid software. Be prepared to weigh pros and cons meticulously, considering possible ramifications and future growth prospects.

Multiple Producers

Accepting input from multiple producers opens doors to unprecedented flexibility and extensibility. Nevertheless, juggling competing demands entails careful coordination and synchronization. Use mutual exclusion primitives judiciously to prevent race conditions and collateral damage caused by ill-timed updates.

Monitoring and Alerting Mechanisms

Monitoring and alerting tools provide indispensable assistance in detecting irregularities early and pinpointing root causes swiftly. Establish thresholds defining acceptable ranges for crucial indicators, then configure alarm bells sounding off once boundaries breach occurs.

Error Handling and Fault Tolerance

Errors happen. Equip yourself with adequate error detection and recovery strategies to mitigate negative consequences stemming from unexpected disruptions. Introduce retry logic wherever applicable and feasible, keeping track of transient errors versus persistent ones.

Performance Optimizations

Optimizing code snippets pays dividends handsomely, especially when catering to demanding audiences expecting flawless experiences. Explore creative ways to reduce overhead, minimize latency, and maximize resource utilization.

Time-Bound Retries

Retry mechanisms prove instrumental in enhancing reliability and recoverability. Imposing reasonable upper bounds prevents infinite loops from spiraling out of control, causing undesirable cascading failures.

Periodical Cleanup of Stale Records

Expired records accumulate gradually, cluttering precious storage space and hindering peak performance. Regular purges eliminate vestiges no longer serving useful functions, preserving optimal efficiency levels.

Lessons Learned

Lastly, allow room for experimentation and continuous improvement. Embrace mistakes as stepping stones toward wisdom and sharpen skills iteratively.

  • Investigate novel approaches mercilessly
  • Test hypotheses rigorously
  • Reflect critically on outcomes and implications

Remember always to strive for excellence, never settling for mediocrity. Happy coding!

You can read a detailed post about how we implemented this solution for our actual SAAS product triggering 100 million events.
How Redis Solved Our Challenges with Dynamic Task Scheduling and Concurrent Execution? [Developer’s Guide]

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Demystifying Materialized Views in PostgreSQL Tue, 07 Nov 2023 01:24:50 +0000 demystifying-materialized-views-in-postgresql

Welcome back, dear readers! It’s been a while since I last shared my thoughts and insights through my…

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Welcome back, dear readers! It’s been a while since I last shared my thoughts and insights through my writing. Life took me on a bit of a detour, but I’m thrilled to be back, more passionate than ever, to share the knowledge I’ve gained during my absence. Writing has always been my way of distilling and sharing what I learn, and I’m excited to continue that journey with you.

In this blog, I’m diving into a fascinating topic: materialized views in PostgreSQL. It’s a powerful tool for optimizing database performance and streamlining data analysis. So, let’s pick up where we left off and explore this topic together.


In the realm of database management, performance optimization is a perpetual quest. Every byte of data and every query’s response time matter. And in this pursuit of efficiency, materialized views emerge as a potent solution.

Materialized views are more than just a database concept; they are a performance-enhancing wizardry. They provide a way to store the results of a complex query as a physical table, effectively precomputing and caching data. The relevance of materialized views lies in their ability to improve query performance drastically, streamline data access, and unlock a world of possibilities for data analysis.

In this blog, we’ll delve deep into the fascinating realm of materialized views in PostgreSQL. We’ll uncover their inner workings, learn how to create them and explore their benefits and use cases. Whether you’re a seasoned database administrator or just venturing into the world of databases, this journey promises to be enlightening.

What is a Materialized View?

A materialized view is a database object that serves as a powerful tool for improving query performance and data analysis. It’s essentially a snapshot of the result set of a query that is stored as a physical table. This table, often referred to as the “materialized” table, contains the actual data computed by the query, and it can be indexed, searched, and queried just like any other table in your database.

Contrasting Materialized Views with Regular (Non-Materialized) Views:

To understand the power of materialized views, let’s contrast them with regular views. A regular view, also known as a virtual view, is a saved SQL query that acts as a logical window into your data. It doesn’t store data itself but retrieves it on the fly every time you query the view. This can be quite efficient for simple queries or when you need to maintain a consistent and up-to-date view of your data. However, for complex and time-consuming queries, the performance can suffer.

Consider a scenario where you have a database containing tables for customers, orders, and products. Now, you want to generate a report that joins these tables to calculate the total sales for each customer, including their name and the products they’ve ordered. The SQL query might look something like this:

SQL Query
While this query provides the desired information, it involves multiple table joins, aggregations, and calculations, which can be time-consuming, especially as the data grows.

This is where materialized views come into play. You can create a materialized view that stores the result of this complex query as a table, updating it periodically to reflect changes in the source data. Now, when you need the total sales for each customer, you can simply query the materialized view, which offers a substantial performance boost, as the data is precomputed and readily available for analysis.

In essence, materialized views give you the best of both worlds—complex query results stored as physical tables for quick and efficient access, making them a valuable asset in your database management toolkit.

Creating a Materialized View in PostgreSQL

Creating a materialized view in PostgreSQL is a straightforward process. You define the view using a SQL query, and PostgreSQL handles the rest. Here’s a step-by-step guide with code examples:

  1. Create the Materialized View:
    To create a materialized view, you use the CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW statement followed by the view’s name and the query that defines it. Here’s an example:

Replace my_materialized_view with your desired name and customize the SELECT statement to fetch the data you need from your source tables. This query defines the content of your materialized view.

  1. Initial Data Population:
    Once you create the materialized view, it’s empty. You need to populate it with data by running a REFRESH command, like this:
REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW my_materialized_view;

This command executes the query defined in the materialized view to populate it with the initial data.

  1. Query the Materialized View:
    You can now query the materialized view just like any other table:
SELECT * FROM my_materialized_view;

Refreshing the Materialized View:
Materialized views store data at a specific point in time. To keep them up to date, you need to periodically refresh them, especially when the underlying data changes. PostgreSQL provides several options for refreshing materialized views:

  • Manually: You can manually refresh a materialized view using the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command, as shown earlier.

  • Automatically: PostgreSQL allows you to schedule automatic refreshes using the REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW command in combination with a scheduler such as cron for Linux-based systems or Task Scheduler for Windows.

  • On Data Changes: You can configure your materialized view to automatically refresh when specific tables it depends on are modified. This can be achieved using triggers or rules, ensuring that the materialized view stays up to date with the source data.

  • Refresh Methods: PostgreSQL offers options for choosing how the materialized view is refreshed. You can use CONCURRENTLY to allow queries on the view to continue during the refresh process or use REFRESH without CONCURRENTLY for a lock-based refresh.

Here’s an example of scheduling an automatic refresh using a cron job:

0 3 * * * psql -d your_database_name -c "REFRESH MATERIALIZED VIEW my_materialized_view"

This cron job refreshes the materialized view my_materialized_view every day at 3:00 AM.

With these steps and options, you can create, populate, and maintain materialized views in PostgreSQL, ensuring that they provide up-to-date information for your queries and analysis.

Benefits of Materialized Views in PostgreSQL

Materialized views are a powerful feature in PostgreSQL that offers several advantages for database administrators and analysts. Let’s explore these benefits in detail:

  • Performance Improvement:

Materialized views significantly enhance query performance, especially for complex and time-consuming queries. By precomputing and storing the results of a query, subsequent queries can access the data quickly without the need to recompute the same results repeatedly.

This performance improvement is especially noticeable in scenarios involving large datasets and intricate aggregations or joins.

  • Reduced Overhead:

Materialized views reduce computational overhead on the database server. Since the results are precomputed and stored in a table, the database doesn’t need to re-evaluate the query logic each time it’s executed.

This reduction in computational load can lead to more efficient resource utilization, freeing up database resources for other tasks.

  • Aggregation and Reporting:

Materialized views are particularly useful for data aggregation, reporting, and data warehousing. They enable you to generate complex reports or perform aggregations on large datasets quickly.

Data warehousing scenarios, where historical data is stored and queried for business intelligence and analysis, benefit greatly from materialized views as they facilitate high-performance access to large volumes of data.

Use Cases

  • Business Intelligence (BI) and Reporting:

Use Case: A company needs to generate daily, weekly, and monthly sales reports from a large transactional database. These reports involve complex aggregations, such as summing sales by region, product, and time period.

Benefit: Materialized views can precompute and store aggregated data, making it much faster to generate reports. Users can access the latest figures without waiting for long-running queries.

  • E-commerce Product Recommendations:

Use Case: An e-commerce website needs to provide personalized product recommendations to its users based on their purchase history and browsing behavior. Recommender systems involve complex data analysis.

Benefit: Materialized views can store and update user-product interaction data, allowing the system to quickly generate personalized recommendations without querying the entire user history each time.

  • Data Warehousing:

Use Case: A large enterprise maintains a data warehouse for historical data analysis. This data warehouse accumulates data from various sources, and analysts need to run complex queries to gain insights.

Benefit: Materialized views can store pre-computed aggregations and subsets of data, reducing query response times and facilitating historical analysis.

  • Geospatial Data Analysis:

Use Case: A mapping application needs to provide users with near real-time traffic updates and route recommendations based on live geospatial data.

Benefit: Materialized views can store geospatial data indexed for quick retrieval. This ensures that traffic updates and route recommendations are generated quickly, even when dealing with vast amounts of dynamic location data.

  • Financial Analysis and Risk Management:

Use Case: Financial institutions require efficient ways to analyze trading data, assess risk, and generate financial reports.

Benefit: Materialized views can store and aggregate trading data, enabling rapid risk assessment and financial analysis, which is crucial in fast-paced financial markets.

  • Content Recommendation in Media Streaming:

Use Case: A streaming platform wants to provide personalized content recommendations to its users based on their viewing history, preferences, and trending content.

Benefit: Materialized views can store user interaction data and content metadata, speeding up the content recommendation engine, and enhancing the user experience.

  • Social Media Analytics:

Use Case: A social media analytics platform needs to process and analyze vast amounts of social media data to track trends, sentiment, and engagement metrics.

Benefit: Materialized views can precompute and store metrics, allowing analysts to perform real-time and historical social media analysis efficiently.

  • Inventory Management and Supply Chain Optimization:

Use Case: A company managing a large inventory needs to optimize stock levels, demand forecasting, and supply chain operations.

Benefit: Materialized views can store inventory data and demand forecasting results, enabling quick decision-making in inventory management and supply chain optimization.


In this blog post, we embarked on a journey to explore the fascinating world of materialized views in PostgreSQL. We began by understanding what materialized views are and how they differ from regular views, emphasizing that materialized views are physical copies of query results that can significantly improve query performance.

We then delved into the process of creating materialized views, covering the steps to define and populate them with data. Additionally, we discussed the various methods to refresh or update materialized views as the underlying data changes, ensuring they remain up to date.

Thank you for reading! If you have any questions or feedback about this article, please don’t hesitate to leave a comment. I’m always looking to improve and would love to hear from you.

Also, if you enjoyed this content and would like to stay updated on future posts, feel free to connect with me on LinkedIn or check out my Github profile. I’ll be sharing more tips and tricks on Django and other technologies, so don’t miss out!

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Demystifying Apache AGE and PostgreSQL: Your Guide to Understanding Database Systems Sun, 17 Sep 2023 19:25:01 +0000 demystifying-apache-age-and-postgresql:-your-guide-to-understanding-database-systems

Introduction: Navigating the world of database systems can be a daunting task, especially when faced with terms like…

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Navigating the world of database systems can be a daunting task, especially when faced with terms like Apache AGE and PostgreSQL. In this article, we’ll demystify these database systems, offering you a clear and concise explanation of what they are, how they work, and their unique strengths. Whether you’re new to the world of databases or seeking to clarify your understanding, this article is going to shed light on Apache AGE and PostgreSQL.

Key Sections:
1. What Is PostgreSQL?
Introduction to PostgreSQL: PostgreSQL is a powerful, open-source relational database management system (RDBMS) known for its robustness, extensibility, and reliability.

Explanation: PostgreSQL, often referred to simply as “Postgres,” is a mature RDBMS that excels in handling structured data. It offers features like ACID compliance, complex data types, and support for various programming languages.

2. What Is Apache AGE?
Introducing Apache AGE: Apache AGE is an exciting extension of PostgreSQL that adds support for graph data. It allows you to work with graph databases within the familiar PostgreSQL environment.

Explanation: Apache AGE stands for “A Graph Extension,” and it seamlessly integrates graph database capabilities into PostgreSQL. This means you can leverage the power of both relational and graph databases in a single system.

3. How PostgreSQL Works
Relational Database Model: PostgreSQL uses a traditional relational database model, organizing data into tables with rows and columns.

Code Snippet (Creating a Table in PostgreSQL):

Image description
Explanation: This code snippet demonstrates how to create a table called “mytable” with columns “id,” “name,” and “age” in PostgreSQL, following the relational database model.

4. How Apache AGE Works
Graph Database Model: Apache AGE extends PostgreSQL to support a graph database model. It introduces nodes, relationships, and properties for managing complex graph data.

Code Snippet (Creating a Node and Relationship in Apache AGE):

Image description

Explanation: This code snippet showcases how to create nodes labeled as “Person” and a “FRIEND” relationship between them in Apache AGE, representing a simple social network graph.

In the realm of database systems, PostgreSQL and Apache AGE are formidable players, each with its own strengths and applications. PostgreSQL excels in managing structured data and is a trusted choice for a wide range of applications, from small projects to enterprise-level solutions. On the other hand, Apache AGE extends PostgreSQL’s capabilities to embrace the world of graph databases, making it an excellent choice for scenarios where relationships and connections are paramount.

As you continue your journey in the world of databases, understanding the core concepts of PostgreSQL and the unique features of Apache AGE will empower you to make informed decisions about the right database system for your specific needs. Whether you’re building a traditional relational database or diving into the complexities of graph data, these systems have you covered.

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