Pinterest Marketing Archives - News for Project Managers - PMI Wed, 13 Dec 2023 12:24:37 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Pinterest Marketing Archives - 32 32 SEO For Pinterest: 20 Pinterest Tips To Drive Discovery and Clicks Wed, 13 Dec 2023 12:24:37 +0000 seo-for-pinterest:-20-pinterest-tips-to-drive-discovery-and-clicks

In the fiercely competitive landscape of online lifestyle and e-commerce brands, where promoting numerous products puts you in…

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In the fiercely competitive landscape of online lifestyle and e-commerce brands, where promoting numerous products puts you in direct competition with retail giants like Amazon and Walmart, small businesses often face a daunting challenge.

Enter SEO for Pinterest, an underrated yet effective strategy that empowers consumer brands to connect with customers and boost revenue through social selling.

Why Pinterest? Though underrated next to TikTok or Instagram, Pinterest has 465 million active monthly users. Women comprise 60% of the audience, but men and Gen Z are fast-growing segments.

80% of weekly “Pinners” have discovered a new brand or product on Pinterest, making it a prime place for passive and active shoppers.

  • What is Pinterest SEO?
  • Beginner Tips for Pinterest SEO
  • Advanced Tips for Pinterest SEO
  • Pinterest: The Underrated Platform to Drive Traffic and Social Sales

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Pinterest SEO is the process of optimizing your content to make it discoverable on the platform. Most people associate SEO (search engine optimization) with Google search.

The truth is, there are two ways you can optimize your Pinterest content for discoverability: first, on search engines and also on Pinterest. Fortunately, I’ll show you many tactics and best practices to boost visibility in both places.

With search engines, you use traditional SEO techniques to optimize your page titles, descriptions, and images to boost your content’s rankings in Google search, including Google Shopping and Google Images.

In the second, which I like to call social engine optimization, you implement practices to give your content a better chance of appearing on Pinterest.

This is smart because consumers are shifting their behavior to shop within social media platforms — skipping the search engine altogether.

What is social selling?

Social selling is the practice of marketing and selling goods and services directly on social media platforms.

36% of Gen Z and 22% of millennials search for brands on social media more often than through search engines.

And this is translating into sales: One in five Gen Z, Millennial, and Gen X social media users bought a product directly in a social media app in the past three months.

10 Beginner Tips for Pinterest SEO

Just getting started? Begin with these basic tips to set a solid foundation for Pinterest SEO.

Research your top keywords.

Landing content in front of your ideal customer is challenging unless you know what they’re searching for. 97% of the top Pinterest searches are unbranded, which means you need to use keywords other than your brand name.

To compete on SEO, research which keywords your audience uses to browse online. First, make a list of keywords used in your business.

Then, use a keyword research tool to see how much search volume those have and look for related ideas.

You can start with free tools like Keyword Surfer or Google Ads Keyword Planner. For more tips, check out HubSpot’s keyword research for beginners guide and competitor research tutorial.

Set up a business account.

You can’t use a personal account to set up your Pinterest content for commerce. Instead, create a business account that’s linked to a personal account.

A business account gives you access to the Pinterest Business Hub and Pinterest Analytics (more on measurement later).

After registering, you can take a few more steps to authenticate your business.

First, claim your website to access analytics and other features. Register as a merchant if you intend to sell on Pinterest and connect your store catalog for pinning and advertising.

Registered merchants can access advanced features like tagging products in a lifestyle photo.

seo for pinterest tips; Better Homes & Gardens Company Profile

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Optimize your company name and username.

To optimize your Pinterest business account for search, you should first choose a recognizable company name and username.

Your company name has no character limit, but the challenge often comes with your username, which is limited to 30 characters.

Lesser-known brands or solopreneurs can find success by adding keywords after their name, like “Sara Smith | Interior Designer, Stager, and Home Decorator.”

If your business name doesn’t fit or is cumbersome for the username, choose something memorable, keyword-conscious, and easy to spell that is also clearly associated with your business.

Some examples include @KateSpadeNY for Kate Spade New York, @makeupdotcom for by L’Oreal, and @bhg for Better Homes & Gardens.

Vessi Sneakers’ Pinterest bio is optimized for SEO

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Optimize your page’s about section.

The Pinterest About section provides 500 prime keyword real estate characters, so use this space wisely. In addition to being descriptive and keyword-sensitive, your bio should be simple, concise, and specific.

Five hundred characters is plenty of space for a keyword-rich overview that covers the who, what, and where of what you do, so use it smartly — and don’t forget to add your website URL in the space provided. Take a look at the example above from Vessi sneakers.

Pin Title and Bio Tips for Pinterest

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Include keywords in pin titles.

Your pin title is one of the most significant opportunities for text-based content on Pinterest. You have 100 characters to play with here, but Pinners will usually only see the first 40.

Take this example from the outdoors brand REI. They cleverly use an excellent title (“best hammocks”), matching the search phrasing people use.

REI Best Hammocks Pin on Pinterest

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Write killer pin descriptions

Another goldmine for Pinterest SEO is your pin description.

When describing your pins, include terms that your audience will relate to and use on their own, add links to the original product or content, and consider adding instructions on product usage or care.

Be sure to include the brand name in the first line. Descriptive terms like “new” and relevant keywords in the preview area can also drive more clicks.

Pinterest gives you 500 characters to work with, but take caution that Pinners typically only see the first 50 as a preview. Make the start of your pin description irresistible if you want them to read it all.

Even when they don’t, the keywords will still help to signal your pin’s relevance to their algorithm.

Don’t try anything gimmicky, like repeating keywords or linking to irrelevant content. Instead, focus on creating remarkable descriptions that help you stand out.

Include a call to action.

Verbs like “discover,” “sign up,” or “save for later” can boost engagement with your pins. Pinterest recommends including a CTA in your pin description or title for users to share your pin or follow your board.

After all, the more engagement your pins and profile receive, the more your content will populate across the site.

Create descriptive Pinterest boards.

On Pinterest, you shouldn’t just be pinning your content — you should also be curating it. Creating boards around common search topics important to your audience can make your boards (and your products within them) easy to find.

You can boost visibility and engagement by updating timely boards with a mix of your own and others’ content.

seo for Pinterest example; Real Simple Magazine

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Take Real Simple magazine on Pinterest, for example, whose boards cover topics ranging from skincare to fall recipes to small-space decorating.

The titles you give your Pinterest boards are essential for SEO. Move beyond default names like “For the Home” and “My Style” that don’t stand out.

Break through the pinboard name clutter and be specific and keyword-conscious in selecting your board names.

If you’re an interior designer, replace “For the Home” with “Modern Kitchens” or “Children’s Bedrooms” to align with search terms and increase the likelihood of standing out.

Pin content consistently.

The more high-quality pins you create, the more likely the platform will display your content across feeds and searches.

When one of your pins does well, it signals to the algorithm that similar content from your profile may also do well and can boost your older pins. Pinterest recommends publishing content at least weekly to keep your account fresh.

10 Advanced Tips for Pinterest SEO

If you’ve aced all the beginner tips, let’s move on to more advanced tactics. Some of these are more technical, but they won’t take much time to manage once they’re set up.

advanced tips for pinterest SEO: how to use the visual search engine on Pinterest

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Pinterest is a visual search engine where people can browse, discover, and shop by image. With that in mind, you must change your approach to match how Pinners primarily experience the platform. They come to use their right brain and look, not read.

The quality of your images matters far more than your descriptions or formatting. However, these tactics will give your beautiful images a better chance of being seen and enjoyed.

Size your videos and images for Pinterest.

To give your images the most real estate and better engagement, design or crop them for the platform.

Portrait orientation works best for Pinterest, and the optimal image size for Pinterest is 735 x 1102 pixels. Pins display at a maximum width of 238 pixels, so the taller your image is, the more space it will take up.

Videos should also be in portrait mode to fill the screen area of a phone.

In the era of user-friendly graphics tools like Canva and VEED, you don’t need to crop images manually or hire a video production company.

Social media templates can resize images for you, easily edit videos, and give you tools and ideas for stunning visuals.

Hot tip: The Canva app for HubSpot lets you create, resize, and publish your social images in one place — no exporting and importing.

Give descriptive image names.

Many companies make the mistake of uploading photos using their default names. After all, I can’t think of a much more boring task than retitling images.

But an image named 1.13.23ShootImage722.jpg won’t perform as well in search as “Boston-townhouse.jpg.”

Create an internal naming convention that includes important keywords, the product name, and the date.

Use alt text for your images.

Image alt text is another area where you can signal your content’s relevance to the algorithm. Alt text is less potent than your pin description, but still matters.

Alt text is used for accessibility for users with vision impairments, but it also helps with SEO– particularly on Google Images. Keep alt text below 125 characters and use natural language with descriptive keywords.

Within each pin, you have the option to add a destination link. Like other social networks, Pinterest designates these as “nofollow” links.

In other words, these links do not pass on any SEO authority. But even while these links won’t give you extra oomph in terms of SEO, you should still add them to drive Pinners to your website.

After all, what good is SEO for your Pinterest presence if you’re not ultimately driving sales?

Beautiful Embroidery Florals Backlinks example from Etsy

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Etsy is an excellent example of a Pinterest account that does this well. Etsy always includes a direct link to purchase the merchant’s shop or a curated collection of items featured on social media.

Adding a specific landing page or product page is better than adding your generic site address. Be sure to use the entire link, as shortened links can be flagged as spam.

Create rich pins.

Speaking of links, in the old days of Pinterest, I remember being disappointed when I pinned a product only to discover that it was out of stock or discontinued. Now, you can update your products in real time with rich pins.

Rich pins extract information from a web page and sync updates automatically. The three types of rich pins are product, recipe, and article.

These stand out by providing extra information like author or product information and include your photo or icon at the bottom of the pin.

ModCloth Rich Pins Example

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Take this example from retailer ModCloth. You can see the product details populating below the regular pin info. To set up rich pins, you must have a merchant account, and the products must be in stock.

Make your website content pinnable with “Save to Pinterest” buttons.

While part of your SEO efforts will focus on optimizing content within Pinterest, another focus should be optimizing content outside of Pinterest. This includes search engines and, of course, your website.

Since users pinning your content is the best way to boost discoverability in feeds, make this easy by adding a “Save to Pinterest” button to website pages or blog posts with visuals.

Leverage long-tail keywords.

Long-tail keywords are longer keywords that capture a more specific search intent. These are typically a phrase or string of descriptive words and can even be an entire sentence.

Optimizing your boards and pins for long-term keywords helps you compete in popular topics.

For instance, searching for “birthday party” will generate thousands of results, including for kids and adults.

Search for “birthday party five-year-old boy” or “kids birthday party games,” and you’ll generate much more relevant results with lower competition.

If you have a local business, you can leverage geographical search by adding your city after the initial keyword.

birthday party ideas on Pinterest, long-tail keywords, SEO

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Here’s a research tip: Use Pinterest’s search autocomplete to discover long-tail keywords your audience may use.

When we typed in “bookshelves,” some of the top choices that popped up were “bookshelves in small spaces,” “bookshelves in living room,” and “bookshelves in bedroom.”

Pinjack relevant search terms and images.

“Pinjacking”(think newsjacking, but for Pinterest!) is another excellent way to capitalize on trends and capture search traffic. This means creating a pin or board based on trends you see happening.

For instance, when the Barbie movie started gaining traction, online store Shoplook created a board of Barbie-inspired outfits that had been pinned over 200 times.

Shoplook added backlinks, so it’s easy for Pinners to buy the entire look on their online store.

Pinjacking example, Shoplook Barbie Movie board

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This type of campaign takes effort and must be very timely, as trends can die down within a few days. If you don’t have that time to invest, take the tried-and-true method of tweaking your boards based on predictable seasons and holidays.

You can create lifestyle collections for each season or recycle the same boards by changing the title and description.

For instance, create a board for “gift ideas for men.” During the holiday season, change the name to “Christmas gifts for men,” then “Valentine’s gifts for men,” and so on.

Measure and readjust with Pinterest tags.

You’re on the right track if you’ve made it this far and implemented a few of these tactics. Now, switch from strategy mode to content creation, monitoring, and adjustment.

If you’ve signed up for a business account, you can track and analyze your engagement with Pinterest Analytics. You can track how Pinners interact with your content and gain insight into your audience’s interests.

One crucial step is to add a Pinterest tag to your website, an invisible piece of code that lets you track conversions, segment your audience, and report reliably on your performance.

This crucial step will let you analyze not only what engagement and traffic you’re driving — but who’s buying as a result of what content.

Take a look at these reports at least monthly so you can optimize underperforming pins and tweak your future content for success.

Pinterest: The Underrated Platform to Drive Traffic and Social Sales

The role Pinterest plays for businesses is growing every day. The platform provides a unique opportunity for companies to connect with audiences, rank on visual search, and grow their social selling.

As with any website, your business focus should be creating remarkable content and a strong community around your product, services, and brand. Happy pinning!

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The Ultimate Guide to Pinterest Analytics Wed, 08 Nov 2023 12:25:13 +0000 the-ultimate-guide-to-pinterest-analytics

What’s the best way to increase your reach on Pinterest? Meet Pinterest Analytics — Pinterest’s free tool lets…

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What’s the best way to increase your reach on Pinterest?

Meet Pinterest Analytics — Pinterest’s free tool lets you analyze metrics like impressions, saves, clicks, and pin clicks. Using these analytics, you can better understand how your pins perform, figure out what resonates with your audience, and make data-driven decisions to get more people to see your content.

Free Resource: 12 Pinterest Templates for Business

To help you measure your Pinterest efforts, we’ve put together this comprehensive guide. Here’s what we’ll cover:

What is Pinterest Analytics?

Pinterest Analytics is a free yet powerful, built-in tool provided by Pinterest to help users measure their performance on the platform.

Pinterest Analytics lets you measure a variety of metrics, including but not limited to impressions, saves, pin clicks, and many more. This way, you can modify your strategy to better meet your users’ needs.

To access Pinterest Analytics, you’ll need a business account, which unlocks the ability to create advertisements and promote Pins.

Why does Pinterest Analytics matter?

Pinterest Analytics gives you the ability to sort data from any time period.

Whether you’re doing monthly, bi-yearly, or yearly reporting, you can use Pinterest Analytics to identify patterns, analyze trends, and track the progress of your Pinterest efforts over time.

You can also sort the data by device, which can be helpful when figuring out how you should optimize for mobile versus desktop.

Last but not least, Pinterest Analytics gives you the ability to export your stats in a CSV file, which will come in handy for your next report or audit.

Now that we know more, let’s see what tools you can use to track your Pinterest performance.

3 Pinterest Analytics Tools to Smartly Track Your Performance

Here’s a list of three Pinterest Analytics tools that you can try to smartly measure your performance on the platform:

Let’s dive into these tools one by one.

1. Pinterest Analytics

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As mentioned before, Pinterest Analytics is Pinterest’s free built-in tool that you can use to measure the performance of your Pinterest efforts. To access Pinterest Analytics, you’ll need a business account.

When you head over to Pinterest Analytics on mobile, you’ll see the following four metrics at the top:

  • Impressions — the number of times your Pins have been viewed. This could be through a user’s home feed, category feed, or search.
  • Engagements — the total number of engagements on your Pins, including clicks and saves.
  • Total audience — the total number of people who have seen or engaged with your Pins.
  • Engaged audience — the number of people who have engaged with your Pins.

You can either measure analytics for your whole account or for individual pins or boards.

2. Tailwind

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Another great tool you can use to analyze your Pinterest metrics is Tailwind. Tailwind is a social media scheduling tool for Pinterest and Instagram that includes analytics.

The tool goes beyond vanity metrics and tracks followers, engagement, and even virality. You can even track your ROI by looking at visits, transactions, and revenue down to the specific pin.

Additionally, there are powerful filtering tools so you can uncover insights by board, interest heatmaps to verify that you‘re focusing on the right content, and trending reports to see what’s trending right now, even if it was pinned months ago.

If you’re looking for a detailed tool with lots of insights, Tailwind might be worth exploring.

3. Olapic

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Olapic is an all-in-one, user-generated, influencer, short-form video enterprise content platform that helps brands drive engagement.

With its scheduling and analytics tool, you can track ROI, influencer interactions, and engagement.

That being said, let’s learn which metrics you should track to measure the effectiveness of your Pinterest marketing efforts.

18 Important Pinterest Metrics to Track

Here are seventeen important Pinterest metrics you should keep an eye on.

1. Impressions

As with any other social media network, impressions measure the number of times your content is displayed.

Pinterest impressions include the number of times your content appears in a user’s feed, search results, or a different category feed. You can track this metric either for a specific pin or for your overall Pinterest account.

To get a sense of what your audience is searching for, look for patterns within your content to see which categories and keywords gain the most impressions.

For instance, if you notice your “Quotes from impressive marketing leaders” post performs exceptionally well, you might want to lean more heavily into thought leadership content on Pinterest.

2. Pin Clicks

Pinterest defines pin clicks as the total number of clicks on your ad or pin such that it opens in closeup.

Your Pins can have thousands of impressions, but if they are not driving any clicks, it’s important to reassess your strategy. Maybe the Pins with low impressions are not visually appealing. Or maybe they don’t resonate with your target audience.

This metric gives you an indication of how your audience is interacting with your Pins. You can track this metric either for a specific pin or for your overall Pinterest account.

To increase the chances of your audience clicking through, you can consider implementing these tactics:

  • Create visually appealing pins that resonate with your target audience.
  • Write compelling descriptions.
  • A/B test different pin variations to understand what works for your business.
  • Add keywords to your Pin title and description.

3. Saves

The saves metric (formerly repins) helps you understand what type of content your audience resonates with and is loving enough to save for future reference.

If people are saving your content, it’s a good sign. This means they care about your content and will save it for future reference. You can track this metric either for a specific pin or for your overall Pinterest account.

You can analyze what kind of content people are saving the most. Based on that information, we highly recommend finding the reason behind it. Try to understand why. And if it aligns with your content strategy, make more of that content.

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4. Outbound Clicks

Many people confuse pin clicks with outbound clicks. Pin clicks refer to the total number of clicks on your ad or Pin that enlarges the image.

On the other hand, outbound clicks is the total number of clicks to the destination URL associated with your pin. You can track this metric either for a specific pin or for your overall Pinterest account.

When someone opens one of your pins close up, that’s counted as one pin click. But if that same person takes it one step forward by clicking on the destination URL associated with that pin, that’s counted as one outbound click.

Measure link clicks against outbound clicks to understand the effectiveness of your Pinterest strategy and the engagement rate.

5. Top Pins

Pinterest content has a long lifespan. This means that your content can accumulate metrics over a longer period of time than they do on other platforms.

Your Top Pins will be useful in determining your best content over time. If you launched an extremely popular campaign that resonated with your audience a year ago, you’ll be able to go back and see the actions taken on that content.

You can use that information to inform the strategy of your next campaign. You can sort your top pins by impressions, engagements, pin clicks, outbound clicks, or saves, depending on your goals.

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6. Profile Visits

The profile visits metric allows you to understand the number of times people visited your profile after viewing your idea pin.

Note that we have used the term “idea pin” in the definition. An idea pin is different from a regular pin. It’s similar to Instagram stories. You can’t upload videos to regular pins. However, in the case of idea pins, it’s possible to do so.

Idea pins are meant to increase brand awareness and grow your Pinterest presence, as you can’t add a destination URL to them.

That’s one of the reasons Pinterest allows you to track the number of profile visits for your idea pins (you can’t track this metric for regular pins).

7. Follows

The follows metric allows you to track the number of followers attributed to your idea pin. In simple words, it’s the number of people who have followed your account after interacting with your idea pin.

You can’t track this metric for a regular pin. Instead, it is only possible in the case of idea pins, similar to the profile visits metric.

8. Engagements

There’s no point in having thousands of people following your account if there’s little to no engagement on your pins.

If you’re spending your time and effort on Pinterest marketing, you need to make sure that people are engaging with your posts.

Pinterest’s engagement metric allows you to do that. The engagements metric shows you the total number of engagements on your Pins, including saves and clicks.

You can find the engagement metrics by heading over to your account, clicking on the analytics metric in the top-left corner, and selecting analytics under Business tools.

9. Total Audience

The total audience is the total number of people who have seen or engaged with your pins. This metric gives you an understanding of the number of unique users who have seen or interacted with your Pins.

Don’t confuse it with impressions. The impressions metric measures how many times your Pins were displayed.

On the other hand, the total audience metric signifies the unique individuals who have been exposed to your pin. This metric allows you to see how many unique people you’re reaching out to.

10. Engaged Audience

Unlike total audience, the engaged audience metric takes into account the total number of unique people who have engaged with your pins. This metric tells you how many people commented, saved, reacted to, or clicked on your pin.

You can track this metric to see how many unique people are engaging with your pins, allowing you to gauge the level of engagement and interaction on Pinterest.

11. Engagement Rate

Engagement rate is the percentage of total engagements (clicks and saves) with your pins divided by the number of times your pins were seen. Basically, you’re dividing engagements with impressions.

This metric can help you understand how well your audience is connected with your content.

We highly recommend tracking this metric month-over-month along with other metrics to see how your Pins are performing and measure the effectiveness of your Pinterest strategy.

12. Pin Click Rate

Pinterest defines pin click rate as the percentage of the total number of clicks on your pin to content on or off Pinterest (user’s feed, search engine, or any other place) divided by the number of times your pins were on screen.

Here’s the formula to calculate pin click rate:

By tracking this metric, you can gain an understanding of how effective your Pins are in driving user engagement and click-throughs to your content, both within and outside of Pinterest.

13. Outbound Click Rate

Outbound click rate is the percentage of the total number of clicks to the destination URL of your pins divided by the number of times your pins were on screen.

To increase your outbound click rate, take these tips into consideration:

  • Create attractive and clickable pins — you can try an easy-to-use tool like Canva or pin templates.
  • Don’t give away all the information on your pin – this will increase the chances of your audience clicking through.
  • Experiment with different call-to-action variations.
  • Do more of what’s working.

14. Save Rate

Save rate is the percentage of the total number of saves of your pins divided by the number of times your pins were on screen.

Here’s the formula used to calculate save rate.

We believe that this metric is even more important than outbound clicks or outbound click rate.

That’s because when people are saving your content, this means they are connecting with what you’re putting in front of them. They’re either saving it for reference or to share it with someone they know.

15. Monthly Total Audience

Monthly total audience is the total number of people who have either seen or engaged with your pins in the last 30 days. It’s the same as the total audience metric but calculated specifically for the duration of one month (last 30 days).

Tracking this metric every month can help you gain insights into your monthly growth, identify seasonal trends, set future goals, optimize content planning, and assess the effectiveness of your campaign.

16. Monthly Engaged Audience

Monthly engaged audience is the total number of people who have engaged with your pins in the last 30 days.

Just like in the case of monthly total audience, monthly engaged audience is the same as the engaged audience but calculated specifically for the duration of one month (last 30 days).

We encourage tracking this metric to understand your engagement each month, assess the level of interaction and engagement your content receives within a specific timeframe, and identify trends in user engagement.

17. Audience Demographics

You can learn more about your audience (total and/or engaged) by viewing their demographics, which include age, gender, location, and device.

Using the Compare feature, you can also compare data for two audiences side-by-side to identify notable differences and similarities.

Based on this data, you can make informed decisions and tailor your Pinterest marketing strategy to maximize engagement and reach your target audience effectively.

18. Audience Affinities

In this section, you will see a breakdown of the categories your followers engage with and the top boards to which your content is pinned. This will help you understand your audience and what attracts them to your content.

Now that we know which metrics to track, let’s understand how to check your Pinterest analytics.

How to Check Your Pinterest Analytics

First of all, you need to make sure that you have a Pinterest Business account.

Otherwise, you won’t be able to access the analytics. If you don’t have a Pinterest Business account, you can learn how to create one for yourself here.

Once you create your Pinterest business account or if you already have one, you can measure Pinterest Analytics across both mobile and desktop. Whether you’re looking to track analytics on your mobile or desktop, we’ve got you covered.

Let’s understand how to access Pinterest analytics on both devices one by one.

We’ll start with desktop.

How to Check Pinterest Analytics on Desktop

To check Pinterest Analytics on desktop, follow these steps:

1. Head over to and log in to your business account.

2. Once logged in, hover your mouse over to the Analytics tab on the top left-hand corner.

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3. Hovering over Analytics, you’ll see these options:

  • Overview to track the performance of your boards and pins.
  • Conversion insights to measure the impact of both your paid and organic performance on Pinterest.
  • Audience insights to track audience data. You can also compare different audiences.
  • Trends to see what’s popular on Pinterest.

Note: You can access more metrics on the Pinterest desktop application vs. metrics on mobile. So we highly recommend accessing Pinterest Analytics on Desktop.

That being said, if you’re looking to access analytics on mobile, we’ve got that covered next.

How to Check Pinterest Analytics on Mobile

To access Pinterest Analytics on mobile (Android and iOS), follow these steps:

1. Launch your Pinterest mobile application.

2. Log in to your business account.

3. Click on your profile picture in the bottom-right corner.

4. Next, click on audience analytics in the top-left corner.

5. This will launch Business Tools, under which you can find:

  • Analytics: to measure overall Pinterest account analytics.
  • Audience insights: to track audience data.

Note: You can also track metrics like saves, clicks, and impressions for individual pins or boards.

Take a look at The Ultimate Guide to Pinterest Marketing to learn more about how to use Pinterest for your business.

Excited to track your Pinterest performance?

There are plenty of metrics that Pinterest provides that will be helpful for your business. However, it’s important to note that what works for one business‘s Pinterest strategy may not work for your company’s unique voice and positioning.

Using Analytics can allow you to test different content formats, which will ultimately add value to your customers’ overall experience with your brand.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in April 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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How 10 Brands Use Pinterest Idea Pins for Marketing Sat, 24 Sep 2022 10:04:00 +0000 how-10-brands-use-pinterest-idea-pins-for-marketing

Back in 2021, Pinterest introduced a new feature called Idea Pins. Pinterest’s Idea Pins consist of videos or…

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Back in 2021, Pinterest introduced a new feature called Idea Pins. Pinterest’s Idea Pins consist of videos or photos grouped together in a format similar to Instagram Stories. These pins appear in the Watch feed of the Pinterest app, almost like the For Your Page on TikTok. Idea Pins are also displayed in the Create section of a brand’s Pinterest profile.

In a press release, Pinterest said Idea Pins make publishing “high-quality, long-lasting, and savable content” simple for content creators.

“With these updates, we’re highlighting the people behind the content and encouraging Pinners to follow creators and engage with the ideas they find,” the press release said.

As you’ll see with the brands below, Idea Pins can be used to tell a story, promote products, give tutorials, and engage with users. Here’s how these 10 brands are using Idea Pins.

Free Resource: 12 Pinterest Templates for Business

10 Brands Using Pinterest Idea Pins

1. Fenty Beauty

Cosmetics brand Fenty Beauty uses Idea Pins to promote the brand’s products and showcase the brand’s inclusivity. The company does this by showing photos of the products and how they look on different skin tones. Fenty also includes videos on its pins of people of color applying makeup and creating different looks.

Fenty Beauty uses Pinterest Idea Pins for marketingImage source

One of the biggest concerns facing the cosmetics industry is a lack of inclusivity. Many people of color with darker complexions often struggle to find makeup that matches or complements their skin tone. By using Idea Pins to show variety and how POC look in Fenty products, the company sets itself apart from other cosmetic companies and presents itself as a solution.

2. Oh Joy

Lifestyle brand and design company Oh Joy is the most followed account on Pinterest with 15.2 million followers. Its founder, Joy Cho, uses Idea Pins as a way to speak directly to the company’s audience and give advice on fashion and home decor. For example, in one pin Cho promotes jewelry from Jared. She speaks directly into the camera and tells her audience how she was able to coordinate the jewelry with her outfit.

Joy Cho uses Pinterest Idea Pins for MarketingImage source

Cho then encourages the audience to click through her pins to see more of her favorite Jared pieces and the outfits she matched them with. In other Idea Pins, Cho gives her audience a tour of her home and explains the thought process behind her decor. This is a great way to build audience engagement and to form a bond with viewers.

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3. Food My Muse

Food My Muse is a foodie account that posts recipes and restaurant reviews. The account is run by former restaurant owner Nadia Aidi. While Aidi posts a variety of food-related content, she uses Idea Pins specifically to post videos with step-by-step instructions for different recipes.

Food My Muse uses Pinterest Idea Pins for marketingImage source

She also includes the full recipe in the description of each pin. This kind of content is great for visual learners and it shows off her expertise as a chef — establishing her credibility as an expert foodie.

4. Mejuri Jewelry

Mejuri Jewelry uses Idea Pins to post photos of its jewelry pieces and categorize its content by theme. In a way, Mejuri uses Idea Pins to create different lookbooks. In one Idea Pin, for instance, Mejuri creates a lookbook showing Pinterest users the different ways they can stack bracelets. Another lookbook consists of Fall 2021 trends, and another Idea Pin uses photos to show how gold and silver jewelry can be styled together.

This method of using pins shows the jewelry Mejuri offers and gives potential buyers practical information about how to style them for any occasion.

Mejuri uses Pinterest Idea Pins for marketingImage source

5. Etsy

For its Idea Pins. Etsy leans heavily into video content that gives a behind-the-scenes look into small businesses on Etsy’s website. One Idea Pin includes a sequence of clips showing how one Etsy seller named Tori Lynn paints and glazes a ceramic mug. Another pin is a time-lapse video of another seller named Veruschka converting parts of their home into a workspace where they handmake and ship out their products.

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This type of content doesn’t just promote the products found on Etsy, it also highlights the many businesses and artists selling their wares on the site. In doing so, Etsy attracts both potential buyers and business owners looking for a platform.

Etsy uses Pinterest Idea Pins for marketingImage source

6. Vogue Magazine

Vogue Magazine uses Idea Pins to promote its magazine cover stars via candid videos from the photoshoots. The magazine’s latest Idea Pin, for example, features photos and footage of Serena Williams and her daughter, posing for the magazine’s cover and playing on a beach. Other pins feature celebrities like Rihanna showing her baby bump as well as photos from the Met Gala.

Vogue uses Pinterest Idea Pins for marketingImage source

Vogue’s Idea Pins appeal to its audience’s love of celebrities and fashion, and the pins establish Vogue as being at the center of pop culture.

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7. Bustle

Most of Bustle’s Idea Pins consist of repurposed content from other platforms like YouTube, Instagram, and TikTok. This method is helpful because it gives older content a second life on Pinterest. TikToks of celebrity interviews and short anecdotes from YouTube are frequently uploaded as Idea Pins, showing off Bustle’s variety of pop-culture content.

Bustle uses Pinterest Idea Pins for marketingImage source

8. Free People

Most of Free People’s pins start with a video of a model wearing the fashion retailer’s clothes and demonstrating the different ways the clothing items can be styled. The video is then followed by photos of the products in different colors and in different outfits. This method makes all the Idea Pins similar and uniform, so followers know what to expect.

Similar to Mejuri Jewelry, Free People also organizes its pins by style and creates a digital lookbook that showcases its clothing and accessories.

Free People uses Pinterest Idea Pins for marketingImage source

9. The Little Bazaar

The Little Bazaar is an online store selling boho-style clothing. Like most fashion accounts on Pinterest, all of The Little Bazaar’s Idea Pins consist of photos of models wearing their clothes. However, some models are also customers who submitted photos and videos of them wearing the products.

This form of user-generated content is great because it shows Pinterest users how the clothes look on real people and it would encourage people to submit their own content as well.

The Little Bazaar uses Pinterest Idea Pins for marketingImage source

10. Lulu’s

Almost all of Lulu’s Idea Pins consist of fashion and lifestyle how-to’s, such as “How to Style a Corset Top” and “How To: Macha Gin Fizz.” However, what I enjoy most about Lulu’s Idea Pins is the cover images. Each cover image includes Lulu’s logo as well as large texts giving a quick explanation of what the pin is about.

This use of Idea Pins is aesthetically pleasing, organized, and helps Pinterest users navigate to the kind of content they’re looking for.

Lulu's uses Pinterest Idea Pins for marketingImage source

Idea Pins present more opportunities for brands to get their content on Pinterest users’ feeds, expanding brand awareness. However, brands should also see these pins as a chance to create engaging content that tells a story and provides value.

How-to’s, lookbooks, behind-the-scenes footage, and user-generated content are just a few examples of the many ways you can incorporate Idea Pins into your marketing strategy.

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