Instagram Followers Archives - News for Project Managers - PMI Fri, 22 Sep 2023 11:24:40 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Instagram Followers Archives - 32 32 Referral Traffic: 7 Ways to Drive It (And Get More Leads!) Fri, 22 Sep 2023 11:24:40 +0000 referral-traffic:-7-ways-to-drive-it-(and-get-more-leads!)

Referral traffic is a powerful and often overlooked way to give your website a competitive edge. In the…

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Referral traffic is a powerful and often overlooked way to give your website a competitive edge.

In the never-ending quest for more traffic, marketers turn to search engine optimization (SEO), pay-per-click advertising (PPC), blogging, and social media marketing.

The problem is that SEO takes time to work, PPC is expensive, Google is oversaturated with blog content, and it’s tricky to prove ROI with social media. That’s where referral traffic comes in.

So, what is referral traffic, and how can you use it to generate more leads? Today, we’ll walk you through everything you need to know — why it’s important and seven steps you can take to improve yours.

What is referral traffic?

Why is referral traffic important?

7 Steps to Generate More Referral Traffic

1. Publish Your Website To Online Directories

2. Get Published On Review Websites

3. Publish Guest Blog Posts

4. Leverage Social Media

5. Comment On Blogs

6. Be Active On Industry Forums

7. Publish Infographics

Next Steps


What is referral traffic?

When visitors land on your website from sites other than the major search engines, that’s referral traffic.

When someone clicks a link on a website or social network, and it takes them to another site, tracking software, such as Google Analytics or HubSpot, counts that visitor as referral traffic.

The originating website is the “referrer” since it refers to traffic from one website to the other.

HubSpot’s marketing analytics tools can provide you with insight into your referral traffic. You can isolate this traffic from other categories and determine your best referral sources.

With this information, you can measure the effectiveness of your strategies to boost referral traffic.

what is referral traffic

Get started with HubSpot’s traffic analytics.

Why is referral traffic important?

Referral traffic is valuable to inbound marketers because it sends potentially qualified visitors to your website. This, in turn, gets your content in front of new people, giving your website the opportunity to convert that visitor into a lead.

Your sales team will take it from there, as they then have the opportunity to convert that lead into a new customer.

That’s not the only reason referral traffic is helpful, however. Referral traffic also has SEO benefits. When someone visits your website from another site, they are usually clicking on a link or completing some type of social activity.

Google and other search engines consider these links and social signals as positive ranking factors — as long as they are coming from trusted websites.

why is referral traffic important for marketers

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Sounds pretty good, right? Well, let’s get started on getting you some juicy referral traffic so you can brag about all the hot leads you have rolling in.

7 Steps to Generate More Referral Traffic

Ready to increase your referral traffic? Start with these seven tricks.

1. Publish Your Website To Online Directories

Submitting your website to online directories is one of the easiest ways to get referral traffic, but you don’t want to publish your website to every directory out there.

Instead, focus on the ones that are most relevant to your industry or generate the most traffic. Whether you’re a veterinarian in St. Louis or an assisted living facility in Daytona Beach, Moz has you covered.

It offers a free resource for finding the top directories by category and city.

Once you’ve submitted your website to the top directories for your city and industry, focus on finding directories that can generate some serious traffic. How do you know which directories will accomplish this?

It’s as simple as performing a Google search.

The directories that appear at the top of the search results should, in theory, generate the most traffic.

For example, if you do a search for “personal trainer in Los Angeles,” there are three directories that show up on the first scroll of the search results: Thumbtack, Yelp, and FitnessTrainer. Focus your efforts there to start.

what is referral traffic? top google search results for “personal trainer in los angeles”

You can’t use SEO to pass up these directories in the search results overnight. What you can do, however, is use these directories to your advantage.

List your website on these directories in order to generate quality traffic and get some free SEO juice.

After all, if someone is looking for a personal trainer in Los Angeles and finds your website via Yelp, that referred visitor is just as valuable to you as them landing directly on your website.

2. Get Published on Review Websites

Review websites are another tried and true tool you can use to increase referral traffic. These visitors have already completed the awareness and consideration stages of the buyer’s journey.

They’ve now reached the decision stage and are comparing vendors or products. What better time to get your product or service in front of them for consideration?

Getting listed on a review website can vary depending on whether you are a B2B or B2C company.

If you perform a search for “St. Louis roofing company reviews,” there are seven websites that you would want to be listed on if you were a roofer: AngiesList, Yelp, BBB, This Old House,, Houzz, and Porch.

referral traffic, top google search results for “st louis roofing company reviews”

By adding your website to these seven directories, you’re increasing the likelihood of your website being found during the decision phase of the buyer’s journey.

The next step, however, is getting those reviews. If you’re operating a respectable roofing company that treats customers fairly you should have no problem standing out from other roofers that have not-so-positive reviews.

B2B businesses will find that it is more difficult to get featured on review websites.

A lot of times, you have to “pay to play,” meaning you will basically have to pay to be featured toward the top of the review listings. For example, if you do a Google search for “top mobile app developers,” the first search result is

They showcase a list of mobile app development firms with reviews, but if you look closely, you’ll notice that they are “sorted by sponsor.” Essentially these companies are paying to have their website and reviews featured first.

It’s a slick way for Clutch to make money but also maintain its reputation as a respectable source for reviews.

what is referral traffic? list of mobile app development firms’ reviews

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3. Publish Guest Blog Posts

Guess what? You’re currently looking at step three of seven for increasing your site’s referral traffic. That’s right — you’re reading a guest blog post by Agile & Co, a HubSpot Partner Agency.

Guest blog posts create numerous opportunities to get referral traffic to your website. External links (like the two in this paragraph), author bios, and calls to action (like the one at the bottom of this post) are typically present on most blogs.

If you can get a post featured on a well-known industry website, you’ll benefit from the referral traffic and links coming to your site.

It’s best to focus your efforts on websites that are considered thought leaders in your industry. Since we’re an inbound marketing agency, HubSpot is the perfect place for us to contribute a guest blog post.

I mean, HubSpot literally coined the term inbound marketing.

Here are a couple of tips to keep in mind when guest blogging:

  1. Focus on websites related to your industry. No one wants to read about fall fashion trends on a blog about dogs. In most cases, the dog blog wouldn’t even give a fall fashion post an okay.
  2. Keep the target audience in mind while writing. Most blogs have strict guidelines in place for guest bloggers.
  3. Write content under your own name. You deserve to get credit for your work. Plus, with enough blogging, you can establish yourself as a thought leader in the space.
  4. Link to influencers. They will notice and might even help promote your guest blog post, which in return will increase the referral traffic it generates.

4. Leverage Social Media

According to Social Media Examiner, a whopping 86% of marketers indicated that social media generated more exposure for their business. Additionally, 76% found their website traffic increased as a result of their social media efforts.

Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok were the top six social media platforms used by B2C marketers.

However, most B2B marketers ranked LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, Twitter, and TikTok as their top social media platforms.

Being active on social media isn’t just for fun — it’s a tactic most marketers are using to get more traffic, leads, and sales. And if you’re not leveraging it, you’re seriously missing out.

benefits of social media marketing survey bar graph for referral traffic

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Every time you tweet, share, like, or pin a piece of content, you are creating an opportunity to drive referral traffic to your website. Plus, you’re increasing the likelihood of your content showing up at the top of Google.

76% of marketers using social media reported improved search traffic, and 55% reported improved sales. As mentioned before, referral traffic not only brings more potential customers to your website but also helps with SEO.

5. Comment on Blogs

A question that comes up a lot is, “Does blog commenting help SEO?” Not only can it help with SEO, but it can also generate more referral traffic for your website.

According to Neil Patel, his 240+ comments on blogs have generated close to 4,000 visitors to his website.

Commenting on blogs will definitely increase your referral traffic — just make sure you’re not filling the interwebs with more spam. Here are a couple of tips for the newbie blog commenters out there:

  1. Make sure your comments are valuable. No one likes a complainer or bragger. If your comments are negative or promotional in nature, just keep them to yourself.
  2. Focus on blogs that allow links in the comments. Remember, you’re trying to get more traffic. In order to do that, you need to add a link to your website
  3. If you aren’t first, you’re last. Just like search engines, if your link is at the top of the comments list, you’re more likely to generate more clicks and traffic.

6. Be Active on Industry Forums

Online forums are a great source of potential leads and customers but are often overlooked as a marketing tactic for generating traffic.

Similar to blog comments, you should focus your efforts on forums in your niche and always try to add value without sounding too promotional. Here are a couple of steps and tips below for getting the most out of forum marketing:

  1. Make sure the forum is active. Don’t waste your time on a forum that hasn’t had a new post for a month.
  2. Register using your brand name. You want to make sure people associate your comments with a memorable brand name.
  3. Create a signature with a call-to-action link. This is how you’re going to drive traffic to your website.
  4. Participate. You’ll want to participate in the areas of the forum where you have the most expertise.
  5. Use real-life examples, don’t just offer your advice. Try to provide value using your personal experiences.
  6. Share your resources and start a new thread with a link to a resource you think could benefit the group. If you’re proud of a particular piece of content, it’s likely others will enjoy it too.

7. Publish Infographics

When asked to select the social media platforms they want to learn more about, 68% of marketers selected YouTube and Instagram, which are heavy on visuals. The reason is pretty simple.

Humans have attention spans shorter than goldfish, and it’s easier for the brain to consume an image than a bunch of text.

Plus, you’ve probably noticed that an image of a cute puppy gets liked and shared more than a 100+ page industry report.

referral traffic, attention span of internet user infographic

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The great thing about infographics is they can help people understand complex data with simple visuals.

The goal is to get your infographic shared, liked, and pinned on social networks and have others embed it in their articles (like I’ve done above), thus creating links to your website.

In addition to your own website, there are several websites where you can post an infographic. One of my favorites is Instagram, which 37% of marketers rank, along with Facebook, as the best platform for developing loyalty.

Instagram gives you the option to link your infographic to your website and makes it easy for it to be shared on other platforms.

Next Steps

Once you start receiving additional referral traffic, you’ll want to make sure your website is ready for these new visitors.

Download the FREE eBook below to learn some best practices for ensuring your website is set up to convert visitors into leads for your business.



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601 Most Popular Instagram Hashtags in 2023 [+ Trends & Data] Fri, 08 Sep 2023 00:25:22 +0000 601-most-popular-instagram-hashtags-in-2023-[+-trends-&-data]

Instagram hashtags are powerful. They can help your posts reach a target audience, attract followers in your niche,…

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Instagram hashtags are powerful.

They can help your posts reach a target audience, attract followers in your niche, increase engagement, and develop a more positive and recognizable brand image.

Here’s the thing, though: with great power comes great responsibility (#spiderman).

New Data: Instagram Engagement Report [Free Download]

Hashtags can skyrocket your business to new heights, but if used too frequently or without a clear strategy in mind, they become pointless and inefficient.

While it can be hard to choose the right hashtags on Instagram, you don’t have to guess. Aside from this article, we’ve put together an ultimate course on using Instagram for marketing. In this course, we’ll teach you to not just attract followers, but to attract the right followers.

First, let’s go over Instagram hashtags specifically — and why they’re so important for your Instagram marketing strategy. We’ll also cover the following topics:

Instagram hashtags are unique because they’re mostly used for content discovery. Like word-of-mouth in the real world, hashtags can help users explore related posts and find new accounts, trends, or communities.

Instagram hashtags are also popular with niche audiences for posting targeted content. IG’s higher-than-average hashtag limit (30 max) and strong hashtag culture also make hashtags a powerful tool on the platform.

Why are hashtags important?

Hashtags are essentially Instagram’s sorting process. Over half of all Instagram accounts have 1,000-10,000 followers. This volume makes it tough for Instagram to efficiently deliver the right content to the right people. Hashtags help your post get discovered by viewers most interested in seeing it. This makes Instagram hashtags an essential part of any social media strategy.

Krystal Wu, former Social Media Community Manager at HubSpot, explains the importance of hashtags this way: “Hashtags are like a funnel. For instance, #marketing is incredibly broad and attracts all types of posts. We’ve found #digitalmarketing or #marketingmotivation gives us a more specific, targeted reach. The audience searching for these hashtags are also trying to narrow their search to what we offer related to marketing, so we’re actually reaching more of the right people.”

Essentially, hashtags are a better way to categorize your posts. They help you reach a target audience, and more importantly, they help your target audience find you. These users are more likely to engage with your post because it’s exactly what they were looking for.

Types of Instagram Hashtags

Hashtags are highly versatile little pieces of text. They can build a community, make your account more visible, or simply attract like-minded individuals to your account.

types of Instagram hashtags for Business accounts

Before choosing a group of hashtags for your posts, take a look at the most common ones you can use and their categorizations.

Branded Hashtags

Branded hashtags help you build a community specifically around your brand or business. This can be a slogan. It can also be the name of a specific product that you offer or even your business name.

Product or Service Hashtags

Companies use product hashtags for posts related to their product and service offerings. This will usually be general, such as #hairsalon or #knitwear. You may also want to use more niche product hashtags to share specific products and services like #blackhairsalon or #handmadeknits.

Industry Hashtags

These hashtags are commonly used within your industry or niche. They help connect your content with a broader audience interested in a particular industry or topic.

For example, if you’re a traveling food photographer, you might connect with those industries with takes like #foodie, #travelphotography, or #foodphotography.

These are popular hashtags that are currently trending on Instagram. They often relate to daily themes (#tbt, #throwbackthursday), holidays (#DiaDeLosMuertos, #Pride, or #IndependenceDay), or viral topics (#barbiemovie, #budapest23). Using these hashtags can help increase the visibility of your content.

Community Hashtags

These hashtags are great for getting more visibility among other Instagrammers who do what you do. For example, if you’re a knitter, you might post with #knittersofinstagram.

Instagram post with knitted scarf and the instagram hashtag #knittersofinstagram

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Location-Based Hashtags

These are great for targeting users in a specific area. Think #hairsalonnyc or #atlantabakery.

Campaign Hashtags

If you’re running a sponsored ad or platform-specific giveaway, you can use a unique hashtag to keep track of activity relating to the campaign.

Event Hashtags

As a company or business owner, you can use these hashtags to add to the conversation relating to a specific event or industry conference, like #SXSW2023 or #CES2023.

How Brands Are Using Hashtags in 2023 [Data]

The HubSpot Blog analyzed over 37 million Instagram posts to understand Instagram engagement in 2023. Here’s what we found:

  • Reels or videos got a mention in over half of 2022’s top hashtags.
  • Mid-sized hashtags, those that pull up 10k-200k posts often get the best engagement.
  • Hashtags, Explore, and Profile are the top Instagram impression sources.
  • 62% of marketers use between four to nine hashtags in an Instagram feed post.
  • Instagram users add an average of 7 hashtags to each post.
  • Only 1% of marketers use all 30 hashtags.
  • Posts with 11 or more hashtags have the best performance, followed by posts with four or fewer hashtags.

Instagram hashtags data graphic

  • 82% of marketers use hashtags as part of their Instagram strategy.
  • 85% of marketers have a documented hashtag strategy for Instagram.
  • 52% of social media marketers use hashtags and relevant keywords to optimize their social media accounts for search.
  • Marketers who use hashtags on Instagram are 23% more likely to say Instagram marketing was effective for their brand last year.
  • 30% of marketers with a documented hashtag strategy say it’s effective.

Instagram hashtags insights graphic from social media marketers

Best Instagram Hashtags

For practical use and inspiration, this post is packed with hundreds of interesting and useful Instagram hashtags you can use to grow your audience.

Keep reading, or jump to the Instagram hashtags you’re most interested in:

These are the most popular hashtags by volume. They’re important to know because of the volume of shares that each hashtag below grabs.

But while these hashtags draw a big audience, you might want to limit your use of the hashtags below because it’s tough to get engagement from a targeted audience with this much competition.

  1. #love (2.1B posts).
  2. #instagood (1.7B posts).
  3. #fashion (1.1B posts).
  4. #instagram (1.1B posts).
  5. #photooftheday (1B posts).
  6. #art (1B posts).
  7. #photography (1B posts).
  8. #beautiful (828M posts).
  9. #nature (790M posts).
  10. #picoftheday (723M posts)
  11. #travel (706M posts).
  12. #happy (702M posts).
  13. #cute (668M posts).
  14. #instadaily (647M posts).
  15. #style (646M posts).
  16. #tbt (584M posts).
  17. #repost (559M posts).
  18. #followme (557M posts).
  19. #summer (555M posts).
  20. #reels (538M posts).
  21. #like4like (516M posts).
  22. #beauty (532M posts).
  23. #fitness (524M posts).
  24. #food (511M posts).
  25. #instalike (508M posts).
  26. #explore (506M posts).
  27. #photo (493M posts).
  28. #me (455M posts).
  29. #selfie (452M posts).
  30. #music (445M posts).
  31. #viral (442M posts).
  32. #friends (440M posts).
  33. #life (440M posts).
  34. #fun (435M posts).
  35. #smile (437M posts).
  36. #family (437M posts).
  37. #ootd (429M posts).
  38. #girl (427M posts).
  39. #makeup (397M posts).
  40. #likeforlikes (390M posts).
  41. #dog (369M posts).
  42. #model (361M posts).
  43. #design (357M posts).
  44. #motivation (357M posts).
  45. #handmade (349M posts).
  46. #lifestyle (347M posts).
  47. #likeforlike (328M posts).
  48. #sunset (325M posts).
  49. #artist (319M posts).
  50. #dogsofinstagram (309M posts).
  51. #foodporn (302M posts).
  52. #followforfollowback (297M posts).
  53. #beach (296M posts).
  54. #drawing (288M posts).
  55. #amazing (287M posts).
  56. #nofilter (285M posts).
  57. #cat (284M posts).
  58. #instamood (281M posts).
  59. #igers (277M posts).
  60. #일상 (273M posts).
  61. #sun (271M posts).
  62. #flowers (262M posts).
  63. #sky (261M posts).
  64. #gym (258M posts).
  65. #wedding (258M posts).
  66. #moda (256M posts).
  67. #photographer (254M posts).
  68. #follow4follow (249M posts).
  69. #hair (244M posts).
  70. #foodie (244M posts).
  71. #inspiration (241M posts).
  72. #funny (239M posts).
  73. #instafood (238M posts).
  74. #memes (236M posts).
  75. #baby (234M posts).
  76. #naturephotography (234M posts).
  77. #l4l (222M posts).
  78. #nails (221M posts).
  79. #f4f (219M posts).
  80. #likeforfollow (218M posts).
  81. #workout (218M posts).
  82. #followforfollow (212M posts).
  83. #illustration (212M posts).
  84. #home (211M posts).
  85. #instapic (207M posts).
  86. #yummy (201M posts).
  87. #vsco (200M posts).
  88. #bestoftheday (200M posts).
  89. #landscape (199M posts).
  90. #catsofinstagram (199M posts).
  91. #vscocam (195M posts).
  92. #puppy (195M posts).
  93. #fit (193M posts).
  94. #party (193M posts).
  95. #tagsforlikes (191M posts).
  96. #girls (190M posts).
  97. #tattoo (189M posts).
  98. #healthy (189M posts).
  99. #instafashion (187M posts).
  100. #blackandwhite (184M posts).
  101. #architecture (183M posts).
  102. #pretty (179M posts).
  103. #happiness (178M posts).
  104. #japan (168M posts).
  105. #lol (167M posts).
  106. #cool (166M posts).
  107. #weekend (159M posts).
  108. #work (148M posts).
  109. #night (145M posts).

Best Instagram Hashtags for Reels

The above hashtags might be the definition of popular Instagram hashtags, but there are still plenty more that you can use to help new users discover your account.

Instagram Hashtags for Reels example

The following hashtags can draw people to your captivating Reels, Stories, and videos.

  • #reelsinstagram
  • #reelitfeelit
  • #igreels
  • #trendingreels
  • #instareels
  • #reelvideo
  • #reelsvideo
  • #reelsviral
  • #funnyreels
  • #birthdayreels
  • #stories
  • #instastory
  • #storiesinstagram
  • #instagramstories
  • #littlestoriesofmylife
  • #video
  • #reelvideo

Best Instagram Hashtags for Likes and Followers

Interested in building a fast list of followers on Instagram? Navigate to these hashtags to find everything from selfies to photos of food to pet pictures to vacation shots. They signal that you’re on Instagram and that you have something worth sharing.

Instagram Hashtags example, likes and follows

Users who browse the hashtags are looking to grow their follower base on Instagram too. Using these hashtags tells users you’ll engage if they do. And Instagrammers don’t just use these hashtags to connect with each other. They also use hashtags to gain visibility in IG’s Explore section or on popular accounts like @instagood.

  • #instagramers
  • #instagramer
  • #instagramanet
  • #instagramdogs
  • #instagramjapan
  • #instagramcats
  • #instalove
  • #instamood
  • #comment
  • #shoutout
  • #follow
  • #f4f
  • #followme
  • #followforfollow
  • #follow4follow
  • #teamfollowback
  • #followbackteam
  • #followall
  • #followalways
  • #followback
  • #liker
  • #likes
  • #l4l
  • #likes4likes
  • #likesforlikes
  • #liketeam
  • #likeback
  • #likeall
  • #likealways
  • #pleasefollow
  • #follows
  • #follower
  • #following
  • #instalife
  • #instalike
  • #instapic
  • #insta
  • #instacool
  • #instafollow
  • #instamoment

Best Instagram Hashtags for Companies

Most brands have one or more hashtags they use to connect. If your business is new to Instagram, create a list of popular community and industry influencers, then check out their posts and hashtags. Most industry hashtags are simple and easy to remember.

Instagram Hashtags example, companies

These examples may seem a little on the nose, but they bring millions of eyes to posts with these Instagram hashtags:

  • #manufacturing
  • #manufacturer
  • #brand
  • #brandidentity
  • #business
  • #construction
  • #career
  • #transport
  • #transportation
  • #clothingbrand
  • #finance
  • #accounting
  • #data
  • #wfh
  • #commuter
  • #coworkers
  • #corporate

Companies can also get a boost with inspiring quotes and messaging to help people start the week off right. On Instagram, the #motivation hashtag has come to caption anything from a photo of a user after a big gym session, to a computer screen right before he or she gets to work. So these hashtags are great for companies too:

  • #motivationalquotes
  • #motivational
  • #motivationmonday
  • #motivationalquote
  • #MotivationalSpeaker
  • #motivationalmonday
  • #motivations
  • #motivationquotes
  • #lovewhatyoudo

As you choose Instagram hashtags for your company, be sure to look at the most popular posts for each hashtag, especially words with more than one meaning.

For example, if you’re posting for a company that trains plumbers, the hashtag “training” sounds like a natural fit. But if you look at posts with this hashtag, most of the posts are from people in fitness, so you’re less likely to grow your audience with that hashtag.

Top Instagram Hashtags for Individuals

Instagram users build their photo galleries on good feelings. It’s a place for individuals to shine with an amazing getaway, a new hairstyle, or a breath-taking moment.

And sometimes the best part of feeling good is sharing that sunshine with others. Whether you’re using #tbt to share an old photo or #cute to record your pet’s latest antics.

Instagram Hashtags example for individuals

Individual Insta hashtags are all about the vibe or emotion your post elicits. Pretty scenery, a day at the beach, or a night out with good people are all great occasions for a hashtag. So get started tagging your personal posts. Your followers will love it and you’re almost guaranteed dozens of heart emojis in your comments.

  • #lovely
  • #loveit
  • #loveyourself
  • #lovelife
  • #loveislove
  • #lovemylife
  • #beautifulday
  • #beautifulview
  • #beautifulplace
  • #beautifulplaces
  • #beautifulnature
  • #happyday
  • #happylife
  • #happyfriday
  • #happyhour
  • #happyme
  • #happymonday
  • #happytime
  • #happydays
  • #happydog
  • #happyplace
  • #cutedog
  • #cutebaby
  • #cuteness
  • #cuteanimals
  • #cutecat
  • #cutepetclub
  • #cutenessoverload
  • #cutedogs
  • #cutecouple
  • #cutepuppy
  • #cutest
  • #throwbackthursday
  • #tbthursday
  • #tbtphoto
  • #me
  • #selfies
  • #selfietime
  • #selfiesunday
  • #selfiegram
  • #selfielove
  • #selfieaddict
  • #selfiesaturday
  • #selfiemania
  • #instalife
  • #insta
  • #instacool
  • #lifestyle
  • #lovelife
  • #luxurylifestyle
  • #lifeisgood
  • #lifestyleblogger
  • #lifequotes
  • #loveofmylife
  • #luxurylife
  • #lifeofadventure
  • #funny
  • #lol
  • #lmao
  • #hilarious
  • #laugh
  • #laughing
  • #friends
  • #wacky
  • #crazy
  • #silly
  • #witty
  • #instahappy
  • #joke
  • #jokes
  • #dogstagram
  • #dogsofinsta
  • #dogsofig
  • #dogsitting
  • #doglife
  • #dogoftheday
  • #amazingview
  • #amazingfood
  • #amazingplaces

Best Fitness Instagram Hashtags

Get in on a trending community of workout warriors with photos and videos from your best exercise sessions.

Instagram Hashtags example, fitness

Use these fitness hashtags to share the moment:

  • #fitnessmotivation
  • #workout
  • #bodybuilding
  • #instagramfitness
  • #fitnessmodel
  • #fitnessaddict
  • #gymlife
  • #nopainnogain
  • #fitnessreel
  • #fitnessjourney
  • #fitnesslife
  • #fitnesslifestyle
  • #fitnessgoals
  • #runnersofinstagram
  • #fitnessfreak
  • #strongwomen
  • #fitnessfood
  • #foodisfuel
  • #fitnessgear
  • #gymfit
  • #fitnessinspiration
  • #training
  • #healthylifestyle

Best Creative Instagram Hashtags

Artists of all kinds have always flocked to Instagram. These hashtags hold pictures or process videos of creative outputs from makers of all kinds.

Instagram Hashtags example, creative

Whether you’re creating handmade wares, clothing, or music, these hashtags are some of the most popular on the ‘Gram.

  • #artwork
  • #instaart
  • #streetart
  • #digitalart
  • #artofvisuals
  • #artistsoninstagram
  • #artoftheday
  • #artsy
  • #artistic
  • #arts
  • #artgallery
  • #modernart
  • #handmadejewelry
  • #handmadewithlove
  • #handmadeisbetter
  • #handmadefont
  • #handmadegifts
  • #handmadejewellery
  • #handmadeshoes
  • #handmadesoap
  • #handmadeaccessories
  • #musica
  • #musician
  • #musically
  • #musicvideo
  • #musical
  • #musicians
  • #musicislife
  • #musicproducer
  • #musiclife
  • #musiclover
  • #musicfestival
  • #musicphotography
  • #musicproduction

Best Fashion Instagram Hashtags

People often turn to Instagram to see what styles are “in,” looking at posts ranging from fashion week to everyday outfit inspirations. This means that a lot of the content on Instagram revolves around fashion. In fact, there are over one billion #fashion posts on Instagram.

Instagram Hashtags example, fashion

Whether you’re hashtagging images of celebrities, luxury brands, clothes, or makeup, Instagram users who want to add a little glamour to their lives will find you.

  • #fashionblogger
  • #fashionista
  • #fashionable
  • #fashionstyle
  • #fashionblog
  • #fashiongram
  • #fashionaddict
  • #fashionweek
  • #fashiondiaries
  • #styleinspo
  • #styleblogger
  • #styleinspiration
  • #styleoftheday
  • #stylefashion
  • #stylegoals
  • #stylediary
  • #stylegram
  • #styleguide
  • #styleblog
  • #beautyblog
  • #beautycare
  • #beautytips
  • #beautyaddict
  • #beautysalon
  • #beautybloggers
  • #beautyqueen
  • #beautyguru
  • #beautyproducts
  • #beautyofnature
  • #beautygram

Best Travel Instagram Hashtags

Whether you’re a professional digital nomad or taking a quick weekend vacation, use hashtags to take your followers with you.

Instagram Hashtags example, travel

Seasonal hashtags are great hashtags for travelers too. For example, summertime hashtags are full of Instagram users enjoying hours on the beach or showing off breezy outfits.

Instagram offers so many different filters to help enhance photos, it’s practically assumed that any picture on Instagram has been edited. But if you’re using Instagram to lure travelers to your destination, you want to let the world know that your posts don’t need a filter to look fabulous.

Check out these travel hashtags for more ideas:

  • #travelgram
  • #instatravel
  • #travelphotography
  • #traveling
  • #travelling
  • #travelblogger
  • #traveler
  • #traveller
  • #roamtheplanet
  • #travelingram
  • #traveltheworld
  • #travelblog
  • #travels
  • #traveladdict
  • #wanderlust
  • #traveldeeper
  • #travelmore
  • #summer
  • #summertime
  • #summervibes
  • #summerfun
  • #summernights
  • #summerdays
  • #summerstyle
  • #summerfashion
  • #summerday
  • #nofilterneeded
  • #nofilters

Best Photography Instagram Hashtags

Instagram is unique because you’ll see National Geographic and professional photos next to amateur photographers as you scroll. This makes photography hashtags especially important.

Instagram Hashtags example, photography

To generate likes, comments, and followers, you might post daily content around a common theme or offer a glimpse of your every day. Another way to stand out is to use hashtags that connect to your favorite subject matter, like #naturelovers or #portraitphotography.

Use photo hashtags like the ones below to make your place among the most noteworthy images on the platform.

  • #naturephotography
  • #streetphotography
  • #portraitphotography
  • #landscapephotography
  • #weddingphotography
  • #blackandwhitephotography
  • #photooftheday
  • #potd
  • #picoftheday
  • #photographyeveryday
  • #photographyoftheday
  • #bestoftheday
  • #instadaily
  • #instaphoto
  • #instapic
  • #nature
  • #naturelovers
  • #naturelover
  • #nature_perfection
  • #naturegram
  • #nature_brilliance
  • #natureaddict
  • #nature_shooters
  • #naturephoto
  • #naturelove
  • #sunsets
  • #sunsetlovers
  • #sunsetlover
  • #sunsetsky
  • #sunsetphotography
  • #sunsetbeach
  • #sunsethunter
  • #sunsetmadness

Best Food Instagram Hashtags

Who’s hungry? Meal pics are the bread and butter (no pun intended) of a people-oriented Instagram account. Food hashtags are brimming with mouthwatering posts of desserts, pizza, recipe video content, and so much more.

Instagram Hashtags example, food

These popular tags go with food pictures that are gorgeous, creative, and worthy of Instagram. Use food hashtags to caption your next delicious Instagram Reel or photo and post your next colorful and sumptuous dish!

  • #foodstagram
  • #foodgasm
  • #foodphotography
  • #foodiesofinstagram
  • #yummy
  • #foodblogger
  • #eathealthy
  • #eatlocal
  • #foodlover
  • #foodpics
  • #delicious
  • #instafood
  • #healthyfood
  • #foodpic
  • #foodies

For the latest trending hashtags, head to “Search” on the Instagram app. Below the search bar, there is a horizontal scrolling list of current trending topics, such as fall nails design, fantasy football, or penguin dance. Clicking into this trending content will reveal the hashtags that top accounts for these topics are using.

Instagram Hashtags example, trending

You can also look to trendsetters in your industry or niche for trending hashtags. For example, the 2023 Instagram Engagement report from HubSpot includes a list of the top 50 Instagram accounts by followers.

Trending hashtags these influencers are using include:

  • #playeverymoment
  • #hardestworkersintheroom
  • #NoPrideNoSport
  • #exploretogether
  • #comingsoon
  • #familyreunion
  • #healthiswealth
  • #thisismenow
  • #buildabiggertable
  • #foreverclassic

A glance at these accounts also shows mentions growing in popularity, where an influencer names other influencers, collaborators, or brands in their Instagram content. You can use HubSpot’s social media management software to track mentions, monitor keywords, and more.

Niche Hashtags

Think about hashtag selection the same way you approach SEO for your blog. Choose hashtags that support the themes and community that you want to connect with in your post.

Niche Instagram Hashtags example

This will help you find hashtags that support your current audience while also helping new people discover your content. Check out this post for more details if you’re new to Instagram SEO.

  • #retro
  • #nostalgia
  • #poemoftheday
  • #trustyourjourney
  • #mindsetchange
  • #lifeinthedreamhouse
  • #goldenera
  • #icon
  • #usopen2023
  • #familytime
  • #mathmemes
  • #halloweendecorations
  • #trusttheprocess

To find the best niche hashtags for your content, go from big to small in your search. For example, say you’re creating a video game inspired by Fortnite.

Start with broad hashtags like #videogames #videogame #videogamecollector #videogameart. Then, narrow to hashtags in your niche, like #horrorgame, #horrowgameplay, #fortnitecommunity. Finally, narrow into the specific topic of your post, look at other accounts in your niche, and check out the hashtags they’re using, like #upcominggames or #horrowgamesmonth.

User-Generated Hashtags

User-generated Instagram posts are some of the most powerful content there is —just ask Beyonce’s #beyhive. You may already have campaign, brand awareness, and brand loyalty hashtags, but there are a few more ways you can use hashtags to find and promote content from your users.

Instagram Hashtags example, user-generated content

Reposting is a common function on Instagram that lets you share content from other users, with credit back to the original user.

You can also use hashtags to tell followers on Instagram that a photo or video inspired you. Funny, Instagram-worthy memes are a great way to add to user conversations. Try these hashtags to share or repost user-generated content:

  • #reposted
  • #reposter
  • #meme
  • #dankmemes
  • #funnymemes
  • #memesdaily
  • #edgymemes
  • #dailymemes
  • #spicymemes
  • #memestagram
  • #memes😂
  • #memepage
  • #memelord

Emerging Hashtags

New hashtags are created every day, and staying on top of what’s new before it becomes oversaturated can put your content in front of more people.

Instagram Hashtags example, emerging

Based on our research, here are some emerging Instagram hashtags to consider using:

  • #2023
  • #brandpartnerships
  • #2023trends
  • #2024predictions
  • #igreelstips
  • #explorepages
  • #genzmarketing
  • #2023goals
  • #2023socialgoals
  • #aiartcommunity
  • #trendingsound
  • #engagementtips
  • #instagramnews

Top B2B Hashtags

If you manage an Instagram account for a company that sells products and services to other businesses, consider including these hashtags in your B2B marketing strategy.

Instagram Hashtags example, b2b

  • #entrepreneur
  • #success
  • #onlineshop
  • #smallbusiness
  • #marketing
  • #branding
  • #digital
  • #marketingdigital
  • #innovation
  • #ecommerce
  • #onlinemarketing
  • #retail
  • #contentmarketing
  • #marketingstrategy
  • #software
  • #inboundsales
  • #b2bmarketing
  • #b2bevents
  • #b2bmarketplace
  • #b2bleadgeneration
  • #b2bsales
  • #b2bbusiness
  • #b2bleads
  • #b2bemailmarketing
  • #marketingtips
  • #marketingstrategy
  • #startups
  • #management
  • #businesstips
  • #instagramforbusiness
  • #instagramstrategies

Top B2C Hashtags

Does your company sell directly to consumers? If so, the best hashtags for an Instagram post may vary depending on your target audience. Social media marketing isn’t an exact science, but the more engaged your audience is, the better chances you have for strong ROI.

Instagram Hashtags example, B2C

Here is a list of B2C hashtags that could be effective for B2C businesses:

  • #b2c
  • #b2cmarketing
  • #b2csales
  • #onlineshopping
  • #smallbusiness
  • #online
  • #marketing
  • #marketingdigital
  • #socialmedia
  • #startup
  • #digitalmarketing
  • #sales
  • #socialmediamarketing
  • #advertising
  • #networking
  • #ecommerce
  • #onlinebusiness
  • #onlinemarketing
  • #smallbiz
  • #startuplife
  • #company
  • #contentmarketing
  • #socialmediatips
  • #instahacks
  • #ugc
  • #acolorstory

Hashtags to Retire

It’s important to routinely change up and audit the hashtags you’re using. This will help make sure they stay on-brand and effective. Hashtags to retire are those that are oversaturated with content or are shadowbanned and could hurt your content reach.

  • #adulting
  • #beautyblogger
  • #dating
  • #dm
  • #humpday
  • #iphonegraphy
  • #lean
  • #mustfollow
  • #killingit
  • #desk
  • #mirrorphoto
  • #instasport
  • #direct
  • #always
  • #snapchat
  • #workflow
  • #kickoff
  • #brain
  • #tags4likes
  • #thought
  • #valentinesday

Best Practices for Using Hashtags on Instagram

Using hashtags on Instagram is a relatively simple process, but you’ll want to adhere to a few rules to get the most out of your hashtagging.

We’ve compiled best practices under the following frequently asked questions.

How many hashtags can I use on Instagram?

Thirty hashtags are the maximum number you can use.

According to HubSpot research, the average is seven, with only 1% of Instagram accounts using all 30 hashtags. You can use more or less depending on your Instagram marketing goals. More doesn’t necessarily mean better. In fact, Instagram recommends users include no more than three to five hashtags per post.

Should I add hashtags to every Instagram post?

Yes! Absolutely you should.

Try to choose hashtags that are as narrow or as niche as possible. The less volume of posts a hashtag has, the more likely you’ll be seen by people who follow them. Plus, if the subject matter is highly specific, people are more likely to engage with your post.

All of my posts are similar. Can I use the same hashtags over and over again?

No. Instagram’s algorithm may penalize you for consistently using the same hashtags, pushing your posts down so they don’t show up for those tags.

Even more, they might ban your account, because using identical hashtags could make it look like you’re spamming users — or worse — like an Instagram bot.Instagram hashtags: Instagram post with a bowl of ragu and the hashtag #homemadepasta

Image Source

Try rotating out your hashtags so that they’re highly relevant to that specific post, even if the posts are similar. Let’s say that you own a handmade pasta business. If you always use the hashtag #spaghetti but post photos of linguini, macaroni, and penne, Instagram may flag your account, and users won’t engage.

Can I hide the hashtags in a comment?

Absolutely. You can hide your hashtags in a comment. Instagram doesn’t distinguish between caption hashtags and comment hashtags.

Simply write your caption as you would. After that, navigate to the published post and leave a comment with your hashtags. They will be hidden completely until users navigate to the comment section.

How do I hide hashtags in the caption?

Don’t want to post the hashtags in a comment? No worries.

You can hide the hashtags in the caption by either 1) writing a caption that’s more than three lines long or 2) adding 3 to 5 line breaks with a punctuation mark.

To add a line break, place the text cursor at the end of your caption and hit Return. Don’t forget to add either a period, a dash, an asterisk, or a tilde to ensure that line stays there. (If there’s no punctuation, Instagram may treat it as accidental extra space, and delete those line breaks upon publication.)

Are there any hashtags I should avoid using?

Yes. Instagram maintains a list of banned hashtags. However, they don’t publish this list, and there’s no authoritative source.

Some are intuitive, such as NSFW and self-harm hashtags, while others, such as #pushups and #mustfollow, aren’t as self-evident. If you have any doubts about your hashtags, be sure to look them up using the app’s Search function.

If it doesn’t show up, it’s banned. If it does show up, navigate to the hashtag feed and check for a message like this:

Banned hashtag message on Instagram for #mustfollow hashtag

Image Source

If your prospective hashtag doesn’t have a message like this, you’re all good to go.

1. Keep your hashtags organized.

To create an efficient hashtag system, you can use Excel or an Instagram analytics tool. If you choose an Excel sheet, you’ll need to manually keep track of which hashtags you use, how often, and which ones correlate to your most popular posts. Over time, you’ll see relationships between certain hashtags and your most popular posts, and this can help you decide which hashtags work best for your brand.

If you have a more advanced social media team, you might want to consider a tool like HubSpot Social Media Management or Iconosquare. These tools store top hashtags and offer reports on which hashtags reach the most people.

For smaller businesses with limited budgets, Krystal Wu says, “An Excel sheet is the best way to start. Once you get more advanced I would highly recommend using a tool to track the data. A manual system can get overwhelming when you’re posting three times a day and using about 20 hashtags per post.”

This free social media scheduling template is a quick way to start organizing your hashtags.

2. Figure out your magic number.

Most top brands use seven or fewer hashtags per post, so it’s easy to assume that’s the magic number for everyone … right? Krystal explains that this isn’t always the case: She told me HubSpot has been more successful with hashtags ranging in the low 20s. And recent HubSpot research says that posts with 11 or more hashtags are the top performers.

The point is, you can’t know how many hashtags work best for you until you start testing. For HubSpot, it took the team several months to find a number that worked best, and during our trial period, we ranged from seven to 30. Give yourself the same flexibility for trial and error.

3. Narrow your hashtags.

There are two big reasons more specific, smaller-volume hashtags are better for your brand: first, you can compete in a smaller pool. HubSpot, for example, doesn’t typically use the hashtag #marketing because it’s too broad. If you search #marketing, you’ll find pictures of restaurants, inspirational quotes, before-and-after hairstyle pictures, and memes.

The randomness of #marketing leads me to the second reason specific hashtags are a good idea — as a user, I’m more likely to find what I need if I search for something specific, and when your business comes up for my specific search request, I’m more likely to be happy with what I found.

Krystal explains: “Keeping a hashtag close to the interests of your brand really helps. We try to use hashtags tailored for a specific topic and then narrow it down further — for instance, we’d use #SEOTips if our marketing post was mostly about SEO.”

Think of it this way: #dogs is more popular, but it has a wide demographic. If I search #goldenretrieverpuppies and I find your post, I’m more likely to engage with it because it’s exactly what I wanted.

4. Research what other people are hashtagging.

An easy way to generate hashtag ideas is to make a list of your followers or competitors and research what they’re hashtagging on their own photos. It can also be particularly helpful to research what influencers in your industry are hashtagging — by definition, influencers are people with a large social media following, so they must be doing something right.

When you type a hashtag into Instagram’s search bar, Instagram shows you related hashtags in the scroll-down menu. Instagram also delivers related hashtags on the next page after you click on a hashtag. This is a simple way to create a longer list of hashtags to try out.

6. Follow your own hashtag.

Another way to use Instagram hashtags for your marketing purposes is to follow your own hashtag. Krystal explains, “On Instagram, I actually follow the hashtag #hubspot so I can find anyone who talks about us and connect with them. As long as your account isn’t private, people will be able to find you via the hashtag.”

Following your own hashtag is an effective way to engage with other people talking about your brand and develop better relationships with them.

7. Create a brand campaign hashtag.

This is the trickiest item on the list, but if done successfully, it can pay off big time. Some businesses have successfully attracted followers by creating their own campaign hashtags. A campaign hashtag needs to be funny, clever, or at least memorable to work.

Campaign hashtags are particularly useful for promoting a new product or upcoming event, or even just inspiring people. Red Bull, for example, encouraged followers to post Red Bull pictures with a #putacanonit hashtag (see what I mean about clever?). Lululemon, rather than running a more traditional ad campaign, developed a positive connotation for their brand by asking followers to post real, active pictures of themselves with a #sweatlife hashtag.

Now that we’ve covered the importance of using Instagram hashtags for your business, you might be wondering how to search for Instagram hashtags within the app, or how to use the search function to find related ideas. If you’re unsure of the technical process for hashtag searching, here’s how:

How to Search Hashtags on Instagram

To search hashtags on Instagram, tap the magnifying glass at the bottom of your screen, then tap the search bar at the top. Selecting the “Tags” option will enable you to search hashtags and related hashtags based on the popularity of each one.

1. Open Instagram and tap the search icon.

Instagram wants you to use hashtags and has made it extremely easy to find the perfect ones for your post. To start, open the Instagram app on your mobile device and tap the magnifying glass at the bottom of your screen.

Instagram explore page

2. Tap the search bar at the top of your screen.

The search screen on your Instagram might first send you to a newsfeed-style page (the Explore page) with suggested content based on topics you’ve demonstrated an interest in on social media. To switch to a hashtag search, tap the search bar at the top of this page, as shown in the screenshot above.

3. Tap “Tags.”

Once you’ve tapped the search bar at the top of your screen, Instagram will give you four options with which to filter your search. Instagram refers to hashtags as simply “Tags,” as shown in the screenshot below. Tap this “Tags” option, then tap the search bar above it, and begin searching topics for which you want to find a trending hashtag.

You don’t have to include the pound sign (#) in your search — your results will be the same with or without it — but you will need to use this pound sign in the caption of your photo once you choose a hashtag.

Instagram search page on the "Tags" tab

4. Browse hashtags based on post count and current content.

Voila! You should see multiple options for hashtags based on your search. Browse around at each related hashtag that Instagram suggests for you — you might find that a hashtag with slightly fewer posts includes photos or videos that are more in line with the content you’re posting.

After finding the best hashtags for your account, you’ll be sure to create a winning hashtag strategy.

Use Hashtags on Instagram to Gain More Followers

Using hashtags is a critical part of a strong Instagram marketing strategy. With a little research and the right Instagram hashtags, you can increase your follower count and boost the number of leads coming from this popular social media platform. Happy hashtagging!

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in July 2019 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


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15 Apps for Instagram Posts to Make Your Content Stand Out Fri, 09 Jun 2023 11:25:34 +0000 15-apps-for-instagram-posts-to-make-your-content-stand-out

With 500 million daily active users on Instagram, it’s not enough to just rely on the 24 standard…

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With 500 million daily active users on Instagram, it’s not enough to just rely on the 24 standard filters and tools available within the app anymore.

Fortunately, there are many apps for Instagram posts that will help your content catch the attention of your target audience.

We’re not just talking about editing tools and filters. The following apps and tools for Instagram can help you gain followers, attract likes, and analyze your performance.

Best Apps for Instagram

Instagram Photo Editing Apps

Instagram Apps to Track Followers

Instagram Apps for Likes

Instagram Analytics Apps

Access Now: 22 Free Business Instagram Templates

Types of Instagram Apps

There are several kinds of Instagram Apps you can use to improve your brand’s performance on the platform. The most common and most helpful ones are:

  • Apps for photo editing 
  • Apps to track followers
  • Apps to boost likes
  • Apps to track analytics

Photo editing apps can make your photos look cleaner and more attractive by providing tools that improve color, contrast, saturation, and more. Photo editing apps also provide filters that are not available on the Instagram app.

Apps that track followers are great for learning why some Instagram users may unfollow you. They’re also excellent for ensuring your followers are legitimate and not bots. 

While an app can’t generate more likes for you, there are plenty of apps that can improve the quality of your content so that more users are compelled to like and engage.

Finally, there are various apps out there that can help you track your content’s performance so that you can optimize your posts and stay aligned with what your target audience wants to see. 

Now, let’s explore different apps within these categories that can help you reach your goals.

Instagram Photo Editing Apps

Instagram’s in-app filters leave something to be desired. If you’re looking for an easy way to make your photos look more professional and unique, try out one of these alternative photo-editing apps.

Whether you’re looking for a wider selection of filters developed by professional photographers, or just want to remove blemishes from selfies, these will do the trick.


  • Price: Free for Starter package, $29.99 for Plus, $59.99 for Pro
  • Available on: Android and iOS

VSCO provides free filters that often beat Instagram’s in-app options in terms of quality and professionalism. VSCO also offers plenty of editing tools, so you can fully tweak your photo before exporting to Instagram.

What We Like: Similar to Instagram, VSCO offers its own social capabilities: you can follow people directly on VSCO, and post and share photos from within the app.

Apps for Instagram posts

2. Priime

  • Price: $2.99
  • Available on: iOS

Priime offers a selection of over 100 filters created in collaboration with professional photographers. If you aren’t sure which filter will look best, you can even receive recommendations from Priime’s Smart Suggestions.

What We Like: Not everyone has an eye for filters or aesthetics, so being able to collaborate with professional photographers is an excellent feature for marketers struggling in that department. 

Apps for Instagram posts

Images via App Store

3. Snapseed

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: Android and iOS

Sometimes, your photo has varying degrees of darkness and brightness and you don’t want to auto-enhance all of it.

Snapseed’s brush tool allows you to selectively adjust for exposure, saturation, and color temperature, which is ideal for situations where you’d rather selectively edit.

Snapseed also gives you plenty of control and fine-tuning and even provides tools to remove small blemishes or unwanted objects.

What We Like: Snapseed makes “photoshopping” images simple for people who are unfamiliar with or don’t have Photoshop.

apps for Instagram posts

4. Pixlr

  • Price: Free, $0.75 for Plus, $4.90 for Premium, $9.91 for Team
  • Available on: Android and iOS

With Pixlr, you can build your own filters with effects, overlays, and textures. When you’re happy with a filter you’ve created, you can save that filter and use it again.

Pro Tip: This can be particularly useful if you’re trying to build a unique brand image. Pixlr also lets you selectively adjust your brightness and sharpness. It includes a red-eye fixer and an array of photo-editing tools.

Apps for Instagram posts

5. Canva

  • Price: Free, $199.99 a year for Pro, $149 a year for Teams
  • Available on: iOs and Android

Canva boasts a variety of tools to improve your Instagram photos and edit them to your liking. Furthermore, Canva allows you to edit videos for Reels and Instagram Stories.

With Canva, you can:

  • Brighten photos
  • Blur
  • Increase or decrease contrast
  • Create photo collages
  • Apply filters

What We Like: While premium options are available, the free version of Canva boasts many excellent features for photo and video editing. This makes it an economical choice for marketers on a tight budget.

Apps for Instagram posts

Image source

Instagram Apps to Track Followers

There aren’t many automated ways to gain followers, which makes the task a tedious challenge for any social media manager. Fortunately, the following tools can combat this challenge.

Although the apps won’t let you buy followers, they offer legitimate options to gain and manage followers organically.

You can decipher why people unfollow you, how to improve your social media visibility, and how to keep your followers long-term.

With the help of these tools, you can attract a larger following and ensure your current followers are happy.

6. Reports for Followers

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: Android and iOS

Reports for Followers shows you accounts that unfollowed you, accounts that haven’t followed you back, and accounts you should follow based on similar accounts you already follow.

You can use this data to strengthen weak relationships, make your followers happier, and understand the reasons an account might unfollow you.

You might find that accounts are unfollowing you for simple, fixable reasons — like posting infrequently. Hopefully, fixing these issues improves your relationship to your Instagram audience long-term.

What We Like: If you’re an account with a large following, it can be hard to notice followers trickle away before it’s too late. Reports for Followers allows you be more proactive.  

Apps for Instagram posts

Images via App Store

7. Crowdfire

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: iOS

Crowdfire identifies your inactive followers. If you know your inactive followers, you can delete them from your follower pool and fix your ratio to get better analytics.

What We Like: Crowdfire also provides automated DM messaging, recognizes when people unfollow you and helps you find new followers.

Apps for Instagram postsImages via App Store

8. GhostHunter

  • Price: $54.99 per month, $32.99 per month when paying 6 months
  • Available on: iOs and Android

GhostHunter evaluates the followers on your Instagram to determine if any of them are bots or spam accounts. The tools can remove inactive followers and commercial accounts as well as protect your accounts from scams and phishing.

What We Like: The app is great for brands and influencers, because success on social media isn’t just about the quantity of followers — it’s also about the quality.

Apps for Instagram postsImage source

Instagram Apps for Likes

On Instagram, likes are the strongest indicator we have when evaluating whether our audience is happy. Plus, the more likes your post gets, the higher it’ll appear on people’s feeds, and the more popular it’ll become.

While there are no apps that allow you to buy likes, there are apps that help you attract more likes by offering suggestions, popular hashtags, and favorable captions.

9. MagicLiker – Tags for Likes

  • Price: Free 
  • Available on: iOS 

MagicLiker helps you search multiple tags at the same time, find popular tags suggested by the app, search through daily suggested tags, or search posts by category like, “only videos,” or “only photos.”

What We Like: It also provides captions that are currently popular, for additional caption-writing inspiration.

Apps for Instagram posts

Image source

10. Hashtag Expert

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: iOS

Finding the right hashtags to boost your brand can be difficult. Fortunately, Hashtag Expert is an app offering a suite of tools to help influencers and companies boost their brand on many social media platforms — including Instagram.

Hashtag Experts has a hashtag generator to help you create custom hashtags or find existing hashtags that suit your needs.

What We Like: Hashtag Expert has a unique feature that allows users to view the top trending hashtags by country and language, so you’ll have all your bases covered.

Apps for Instagram postsImage source

11. Photerloo

  • Price: Free, $60 a year for Unlimited Yearly plan, $8 a month for Unlimited Monthly plan
  • Available on: iOS, Android, desktop

Photerloo generates hashtags and keywords to help your photos reach more people and garner more likes on Instagram. 

Pro Tip: This tool is especially helpful if you’re a professional photographer or work with professional photographers who post content on multiple photography platforms. The AI-powered app helps you upload your photos quickly and efficiently to other sites.

Apps for Instagram postsImage source

Instagram Analytics Apps

Regardless of where you are in your Instagram strategy (i.e. still creating it, or have been implementing it for years), it’s important to gather analytics to figure out how well you’re doing, and where you could be doing better.

With the right Instagram analytics tools, you’ll be able to improve your strategy, attract a larger audience, and make your existing followers happier than ever.

12. Instagram Insights

  • Price: Free
  • Available on: Android and iOS

Instagram actually does offer its own native analytics tool. Instagram Insights does require you to have a Facebook Business profile, but if you don’t have one, it’s a simple four-step process to get set up.

What We Like: The tool offers powerful insights, including how many times people use the Send Message option on your Instagram story, how many people have saved your posts, and how well your Instagram advertisements are doing.

Apps for Instagram posts

Image via Buffer Blog

13. Hootsuite Analytics

  • Price: Free 30-Day Trial, $99 a month for Professional, $249 for Team, $739 for Business
  • Available on: Android and iOS

Along with metrics like audience growth and traffic, Hootsuite gathers insights like how people react to your posts according to language or gender, and what types of action your followers are taking.

Pro Tip: You can also customize the insights you collect, which is particularly helpful if you’re testing out unique engagement factors or collecting specific data.

Apps for Instagram posts

Image via Hootsuite

14. Iconosquare

  • Price: Free 14-Day Trial, $52.91 for Pro, $85.31 for Advanced, $150.10 for Enterprise
  • Available on: Android and iOS

While the above two tools focus on your business alone, Iconosquare also examines the community (and competition) by identifying the most important Instagram influencers in your industry.

This is great if you’re interested in hiring influencers to promote your brand, but aren’t sure where to find them.

It’s also helpful if you’re just starting to build your Instagram strategy and want to see what other brands are doing for inspiration.

What We Like: Iconosquare also provides analytics on engagement and analyzes hashtag growth and popularity.

Apps for Instagram posts

Images via App Store

15. Later

  • Price: $18 per month for the Starter plan, $40 per month for the Growth plan, and $80 per month for the Advance plan
  • Available on:  iOS and Android

Later offers a variety of tools to help you track analytics, optimize performance, get more Stories views, and improve Reels performance. 

What We Like: Later’s Best Time to Post tool takes the guesswork out of figuring out when you should post to Instagram. It does this by learning when your followers are most engaged and active on the platform.

Apps for Instagram postsImage source

Making your brand stand out among a sea of account on Instagram can be daunting, but the above tools can give you a competitive edge help you achieve your goals. 

Now that you know about the best Instagram apps at your disposal, you’re ready to take your brand to the next level.

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445 Best Instagram Captions for 2022: Good, Cool, Funny, & Cute Thu, 06 Oct 2022 17:11:05 +0000 445-best-instagram-captions-for-2022:-good,-cool,-funny,-&-cute

Finding a good Instagram caption is a challenge, especially if you run the Instagram profile of a business.…

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Finding a good Instagram caption is a challenge, especially if you run the Instagram profile of a business. Why? Because if you want to build a consistent brand on Instagram, it’s important to maintain a distinctive voice on every post, video, or reel. That’s harder than it sounds.

Download Now: Free Instagram for Business Kit + Templates

If you’re tired of writing captions from scratch, there’s no need to keep searching. We’ve compiled the best Instagram captions for every type of brand and for every type of post. Whether you want to sound cool, make a funny quip, or come across as cute, you can incorporate many of these captions into an Instagram business strategy. Just make sure your audience would find your caption funny, clever, or the right amount of sassy.

Click one of the following links to jump through some of our best IG captions:

Next time you’re contemplating a witty line of text to go with your Instagram photo, take a look at our complete list of captions that suit any mood or occasion you’ll be sharing with the world. You can also customize these captions to make them perfect for your feed. First, we recommend saving some time by downloading our kit of additional IG caption examples, which you can use to inspire your caption creation process.

Short Instagram Captions

A picture is already worth a thousand words — there’s no need to go on and on in your captions. Let the photo or video speak for itself and keep it brief. Take the captions below and change them to suit your exact post. It may be enough to tag someone who’s in the photo, give credit if you’re reposting, or prompt people to check out your bio.

  1. @[account]
  2. Credit: @[account]
  3. This week’s photo dump.
  4. Photo dump sacrifice for the algorithm god.
  5. Scroll →
  6. More info in bio.
  7. Link in bio.
  8. Sneak peek →
  9. [Product] in production at our factories.
  10. @[account] x @[account]. Coming soon.
  11. Loading…
  12. [The most dominant color in your post, ie “Red,” “Blue,” etc]
  13. [Hashtag relevant to your post]
  14. [Emoji relevant to your post]
  15. [Relevant word 1] + [Relevant word 2]
  16. Happy [weekday]! [hashtag]
  17. Happy [holiday of the day]! [hashtag]
  18. You can find me at [place you most often frequent].
  19. In [place where the photo was taken].
  20. An ode to [item in the image or video].
  21. Thinking about [relevant word].
  22. Weekend.
  23. [Month].
  24. 2:38 pm. [Or time when the photo was taken]
  25. Time passing.
  26. From the archives.
  27. Mentally here.
  28. Couldn’t pick one.
  29. That’s all for now.
  30. I can’t. I simply cannot. [Emoji]
  31. Sunset.
  32. Spring.
  33. Summer.
  34. Winter.
  35. Fall.
  36. Immediately yes.
  37. Immediately no.
  38. Say more.
  39. Say less.
  40. Mood.
  41. My go-to.
  42. My favorite hour.
  43. Taking it slow.
  44. Grateful.
  45. Once upon a time…
  46. We/I/You/@[account] know(s) what’s up.
  47. The only thing stopping you is you.
  48. Good food, good mood.
  49. And the boredom award goes to…
  50. My life, my rules. At least 62% of the time.
  51. We’re all still healing.
  52. Be the type of person you want to meet.
  53. It starts with you.
  54. Call it what you want.
  55. I’ve never been a fan of change, but I’d follow you anywhere.

Business Instagram Captions

If you’re running a business account, you should use your captioning to humanize your business more than your average paid ad.

Your business Instagram captions are an opportunity to give your brand some personality while getting the word out about your product or service offering. Here are some of our go-to captions that prospects and customers will love.

business instagram caption: If you're offered a seat on a rocket ship, don't ask what seat. Just get on. -Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook

  1. Good evening, [city]! We’re in town for [event] at Booth [#]. Stop by and say hi!
  2. “If you’re offered a seat on a rocket ship, don’t ask what seat. Just get on.” -Sheryl Sandberg, COO of Facebook
  3. Our [#]-person squad completed the [road race name]! And we did it all for the post-run sneaker selfie. 👟
  4. We got product in the pipeline … check back for an exciting announcement on [date]!
  5. Diversity isn’t a recruitment metric — it’s an ingredient for success. At [company], we thrive on the unique backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives of our people.
  6. Spot the CEO. 😉
  7. At [company name], our best asset is our people.
  8. We had a great time with our customers at [meeting/event]! @[client/partner], you guys rock.
  9. Thrilled to have [customer] at our office today! Come back any time. 😊
  10. [Company name] is off for [holiday]! We hope you all have a safe long weekend.
  11. Big things have small beginnings. [Company]’s HQ began right here.
  12. “It is better to fail in originality than to succeed in imitation.” –Herman Melville
  13. How many [company name] employees does it take to spell “TEAM”?
  14. Want to work with these awesome people, working on a lot of awesome things? We’re hiring! Click the link in our bio to see our current openings.
  15. Check, check, one, two … is this thing on? [Company name] is now on Instagram! Follow us to learn about our culture, product, and (awesome) people.
  16. Tired of [customer pain point]? We’ve got good news. Click the link in our bio to learn about [product]’s latest feature.
  17. [Company] presents our latest product — made with love just for you. ❤ Link in bio to learn more.
  18. Stop wasting time with [customer pain point]. Our [product] will help you achieve [X] more efficiently — just ask our current customers. Check out our latest case study here: [Link]
  19. Handmade in [location] and delivered to your door. That’s the [Company] promise.
  20. When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade. When [company name] gives you [type of product], you make money.

Quote Instagram Captions

If you can’t find the words yourself, there’s a quote out there to help you convey that idea.

Using quotes for your Instagram caption is a great way to evoke and share your emotions. Quotes can propel people to think more open-mindedly, and optimistically — or even motivate them to do something great. Below is a list of some of our favorites.

  1. “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” –Nelson Mandela
  2. “Always remember that you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.” -Margaret Mead
  3. “You change the world by being yourself.” -Yoko Ono
  4. “In the end, it’s not the years in your life that count. It’s the life in your years.” -Abraham Lincoln
  5. “What I know for sure is that speaking your truth is the most powerful tool we all have.” – Oprah Winfrey
  6. “The purpose of our lives is to be happy.” -Dalai Lama
  7. “You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” -Mae West
  8. “Live in the sunshine, swim the sea, drink the wild air.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
  9. “I would rather die of passion than of boredom.” -Vincent van Gogh
  10. “Success isn’t about the end result, it’s about what you learn along the way.” -Vera Wang
  11. “It does not matter how slowly you go as long as you do not stop.” -Confucius
  12. “Everything you’ve ever wanted is on the other side of fear.” -George Addair
  13. You become what you believe.” -Oprah Winfrey
  14. “Believe you can and you’re halfway there.” -Theodore Roosevelt
  15. “The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing.” -Walt Disney
  16. “Love the life you live. Live the life you love.” -Bob Marley
  17. “My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style.” -Maya Angelou
  18. “Embrace what makes you unique, even if it makes others uncomfortable.” – Janelle Monae
  19. “Success is a collection of problems solved.” – I.M. Pei
  20. “To be beautiful means to be yourself. You don’t need to be accepted by others. You need to accept yourself.” -Thich Nhat Hanh
  21. “In a gentle way, you can shake the world.” -Gandhi
  22. “I dream. Sometimes I think that’s the only right thing to do.” -Haruki Murakami
  23. “We become what we think about.” -Earl Nightingale
  24. “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.” –Winston Churchill
  25. “You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream.” -C.S. Lewis
  26. “If you are depressed you are living in the past. If you are anxious you are living in the future. If you are at peace you are living in the present.” -Lao Tzu
  27. “Life is like riding a bicycle. To keep your balance, you must keep moving.” -Albert Einstein
  28. “If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” -Steve Jobs
  29. “Security is mostly a superstition. Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” – Helen Keller
  30. “Stay true to yourself and never let what somebody else says distract you from your goals.” -Michelle Obama

Funny Instagram Captions

We don’t always have to take social media so seriously, so explore some funny Instagram captions for your upcoming posts.

Instagram can be a tool to convey aesthetic picture taking or stoic model shoots, it can also be a fun place to share a laugh or lighthearted content, too. Sharing a funny caption can boost your page’s personality, and potentially brighten someone else’s day. We hope the following captions make you crack a smile.

funny instagram caption: I know the voices in my head aren't real, but sometimes their ideas are just too good to ignore.

  1. My favorite exercise is a cross between a lunge and a crunch … I call it lunch.
  2. I need a six-month holiday, twice a year.
  3. We tried to be normal once. Worst two minutes of our lives!
  4. There are 16-year-olds competing at the Olympics and some of us (me) still push on “pull” doors.
  5. That awkward moment when you’re wearing Nike’s and you can’t do it.
  6. I’m just a girl, standing in front of a salad, asking it to be a cupcake.
  7. What if we told you … you can eat without posting it on Instagram?
  8. I know the voices in my head aren’t real, but sometimes their ideas are just too good to ignore.
  9. We don’t know what’s tighter: Our jeans or our company culture.
  10. Friday … Our second-favorite F word.
  11. We don’t care what people think of us. Unless they’re our customers. We definitely care what customers think of us.
  12. All you need is love … and investors. All you need is love and investors.
  13. Hi, we’re [company name]. We build amazing apps and eat amazing apps.
  14. They say “Do what you love and money will come to you.” Let’s see what happens, I just ordered tamales.
  15. My favorite subject in school was recess.
  16. No thoughts brain empty just tacos and cats.
  17. [Food item] so good it’s got me weak in the knees.
  18. The best part about waking up is going to sleep eighteen hours later.
  19. The older you get, the better you get, unless you’re a banana.
  20. Bring the alcohol! Because no great story started with someone eating a salad.
  21. Don’t worry if plan A fails. There are 25 more letters in the alphabet.
  22. If you’re not supposed to eat at night, why is there a light bulb in the refrigerator?
  23. First rule of Sundays: If you can’t reach it from your couch, you don’t need it.
  24. If you fall, I will be there. Signed, Floor.
  25. The first thing I do after coming to work is logging off.
  26. I used to think I was indecisive, but now I am not so sure.
  27. Friends buy you lunch. Best friends eat your lunch.
  28. Darn it, just accidentally had another thought again.
  29. My goal this weekend is to move… just enough so people don’t think I’m dead.
  30. You think nothing is impossible? Try getting me out of bed before 12 PM.
  31. Looking at these pictures won’t fix all your problems, but it’s a good start.
  32. My sauce is too hot that’s why you’ll never ketchup.
  33. Google Maps said it’s MY TURN.
  34. I got my haters seasick, they see me and get sick.
  35. If there would be an award for being lazy, I would send someone to pick it up for me.

Clever Instagram Captions

Trying to come up with some clever IG captions on your own can be a lot of work, so we’ve done it for you. Below we’ve compiled a list of our favorite clever Instagram captions for all your witty caption needs.

clever instagram caption: Success is making those who believed in you look brilliant. -Dharmesh Shah

  1. Patience — what you have when there are too many witnesses.
  2. Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s the Clarendon filter.
  3. “Life is short.” False — it’s the longest thing you do.
  4. Happy Sunday! There may be no excuse for laziness, but I’m still looking.
  5. Rejection is just redirection.
  6. Better an “oops” than a “what if.”
  7. Anyone looking for a heart? Selling mine for $2. (Used, good condition)
  8. The world is changed by your example, not your opinion.
  9. Seven billion smiles and these are my favorite.
  10. Stop working hard and start working smart.
  11. I found your nose. It was in my business.
  12. Imposter complex is just a byproduct of success.
  13. Life is simple. It’s just not easy.
  14. The best times begin at the end of your comfort zone. So you can catch me on the opposite end of the end of my comfort zone.
  15. When nothing goes right, go left.
  16. “Success is making those who believed in you look brilliant.” -Dharmesh Shah
  17. “If you can’t convince them, confuse them.” -Harry Truman
  18. The world changes by your example, not your opinion. So get acting right.
  19. It’s always a good idea to be on the right side of history.
  20. When you learn, teach. When you get, give.
  21. Don’t quit your daydream.
  22. Legend has it that if you look hard enough you’ll see the weekend approaching!
  23. It’s time to make new memories. But first, five tequila shots.
  24. I’m on a seafood diet. I see food, I eat it.
  25. Sorry I didn’t get back to your text. I was too busy converting oxygen into CO2.
  26. Living on Earth is expensive, but it does include a free trip around the sun.
  27. “Arguing with a fool proves there are two.” -Doris M. Smith
  28. Well, enough about me. Let’s talk about you. What do you think about me?
  29. We’re all one more minute closer to dying. What’s one more shot going to do?
  30. There’s a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. If you find it, let me know so I can get some.

Cute Instagram Captions

If there’s one thing people on the internet love to see — it’s anything and everything that falls into the category of cute. Whether you’re posting your adorable pet, your significant other, or a picnic by the park, we’ve got all the cute Instagram captions that you need to complement them.

  1. Don’t give up on your dreams. Keep sleeping.
  2. My fave sound is you snoring next to me.
  3. Here’s to a hundred more years with you.
  4. Happiness is watching you do what you love 💗 Hopefully that’s me.
  5. I like you more than [food]. And I looove [food].
  6. Wearing a onesie to bed just in case my SO steals the covers again.
  7. Cuddle time with the pup 💞
  8. Just showing off my [item] a little. Be jealous.
  9. Always wear cute pajamas to bed; you never know who you’ll meet in your dreams.
  10. You got me like 🥴
  11. I’d move to [state] for you. And I hate [state].
  12. 🥺👉👈
  13. I have no idea what I was doing before you came around. Sleeping, probably.
  14. No one can touch my books or my tacos 😤
  15. Not me standing there like🧍
  16. Don’t mind me while I drink my tea 🍵
  17. Did someone say [something you like]? 🏃💨
  18. They say elephants have a perfect memory. So do I when it comes to you.
  19. My pup is the salsa to my whole enchilada.
  20. I hate it when I’m singing a song and the artist gets the words wrong.
  21. Being an adult is like folding a fitted sheet. No one really knows how.
  22. Here’s a🥇for being the cutest human to walk this earth.
  23. Me before you:🌱 Me after you: 🌻
  24. 🤟
  25. Just got that Friday feeling.
  26. Are you a timekeeper? ‘Cause time slows down when I’m with you.
  27. I can’t see heaven being much better than this.
  28. I’m not lazy, I’m on energy-saving mode.
  29. My pillow is my best friend (sorry, [best friend’s name])
  30. A day doing [activity] is a day well-spent.
  31. I don’t know who’s cuter, me or my reflection?
  32. Being a full-time angel is so exhausting.
  33. With you, everything is twice the fun and half the trouble.
  34. Sweeter than a cupcake.
  35. Put me on your wishlist.

Sassy Instagram Captions

Your Instagram posts are your way to express yourself, so if you’re bold, sassy, and not afraid to show it — let your caption do the talking.

For those that want to give their Instagram posts some more pizzazz, try throwing in one of these sassy captions.

sassy instagram caption: A bad attitude is like a flat tire. You can’t go anywhere until you change it.

  1. What’s a queen without her king? Historically speaking, more powerful.
  2. Be a little more you, and a lot less them.
  3. We’re an acquired taste. If you don’t like us, acquire some taste.
  4. Well-behaved people don’t make it into history books.
  5. Be sunshine mixed with a little hurricane.
  6. We got 99 problems, but an awesome marketing team ain’t one.
  7. Sometimes you just need to do a thing called “what you want.”
  8. You can’t do epic stuff with bad people. And we got the best in the biz.
  9. It’s not called being bossy, it’s called having leadership skills.
  10. You did not wake up today to be mediocre.
  11. A bad attitude is like a flat tire. You can’t go anywhere until you change it.
  12. We’re entrepreneurs. They call us dreamers, but we’re the ones who never sleep.
  13. All of us have the capacity to light up a room. Some when they enter, others when they leave it.
  14. Brains are awesome. I wish everybody would have one.
  15. Common sense is like deodorant. The people who need it most never use it.
  16. You see that? That’s my patience leaving.
  17. I’ll have you know, I’ve completed plenty of marathons. [Show 1], [Show 2], and [Show 3], to name a few.
  18. Everyone has that one annoying friend. If you don’t have one, then it’s probably you.
  19. Above: A photo of me pretending to be listening.
  20. Oh, you sent me an email? Expect a response in approximately never.
  21. Everyone is entitled to be stupid, but some abuse the privilege.
  22. If you like me, raise your hand. If not, then raise your standard.
  23. If you don’t succeed the first time, then burn all the evidence you tried.
  24. Underestimate me. That’ll be fun.
  25. I like my coffee how I like myself: Dark, bitter and too hot for you.
  26. People say I act like I don’t care. It’s not an act.
  27. They say good things take time … that’s why I’m always late.
  28. Focused. Intelligent. Motivated. Oh, and cute.
  29. “The question isn’t who is going to let me: it’s who is going to stop me.” -Ayn Rand
  30. It’s okay if you don’t like me. Not everyone has good taste.
  31. I’m a work of art, showing you the art or working.
  32. I only show up wearing my best and you shouldn’t expect less.
  33. You couldn’t even outshine my shadow.
  34. Please don’t call me, I’m out of your range.
  35. If you’re sleeping on me I hope you’re tossing and turning.

Song Lyrics for Instagram Captions

People of all different backgrounds can relate to music. Beyond the different chords and melodies are lyrics that tell a story, echo a feeling, or inspire others.

To convey the message or emotion you want in your Instagram caption, use one of these iconic song lyrics.

song lyric instagram caption: But like the sun, know you know I find my way back ‘round. — J. Cole, Crooked Smile

  1. “I’m gonna live like tomorrow doesn’t exist.” — Sia, “Chandelier”
  2. “I live for the nights that I can’t remember, with the people that I won’t forget.” — Drake, “Show Me a Good Time”
  3. “I hope you never lose your sense of wonder.” — Lee Ann Womack, “I Hope You Dance”
  4. “You may say I’m a dreamer, but I’m not the only one.” — John Lennon, “Imagine”
  5. “If you give, you begin to live.” — Dave Matthews Band, “You Might Die Trying”
  6. “Outlining my findings, using life as a stencil.” — Kero One, “In All the Wrong Places”
  7. “Feeling good living better.” — Drake, “Over My Dead Body”
  8. “Say oh, got this feeling that you can’t fight, like this city is on fire tonight.” — OneRepublic, “Good Life”
  9. “Time makes you bolder.” — Fleetwood Mac, “Landslide”
  10. “If I fail, if I succeed, at least I’ll live as I believe.” — Whitney Houston, “The Greatest Love of All”
  11. “The rest of the world was in black and white, but we were in screaming color.” — Taylor Swift, “Out of the Woods”
  12. “Lightning strikes every time she moves.” — Calvin Harris, “This Is What You Came For”
  13. “We aren’t ever getting older.” — Chainsmokers, “Closer”
  14. “Sing with me, sing for the years, sing for the laughter, sing for the tears.” — Aerosmith, “Dream On”
  15. “Life is good.” — Future & Drake, “Life is Good”
  16. “Life without dreaming is a life without meaning.” – Wale, “Aston Martin Music”
  17. “But like the sun, know you know I find my way back ‘round.” — J. Cole, “Crooked Smile”
  18. “I will overcome any hurdle or obstacle that’s in my path.” — OutKast, “Knowing”
  19. “I’m way up, I feel blessed.” — Drake, “Blessings”
  20. “Eat, sleep, and breathe it. Rehearse and repeat it.” — Dua Lipa, “New Rules”
  21. “I’d rather be dry but at least I’m alive. Rain on me.” — Lady Gaga, “Rain On Me”
  22. “And I know that I gotta be above it now. And I know that I can’t let them bring me down.” — Tame Impala, “Be Above It”
  23. “I’m on the pursuit of happiness and I know everything that shine ain’t always gonna be gold, hey, I’ll be fine once I get it, yeah, I’ll be good.” — Kid Cudi, “Pursuit of Happiness (Nightmare)”
  24. “There’s much more to life than dyin’ over your past mistakes and people who threw dirt on your name.” — Lil Nas X, “Sun Goes Down”
  25. “They say the loudest in the room is weak, that’s what they assume, but I disagree.” — Tyler the Creator, “911/Mr. Lonely”
  26. “You don’t have to be like everybody else, you don’t have to fit into the norm, you are not here to conform.” — Marina, “Ancient Dreams in a Modern Land”
  27. “Throw me in the fire, baby, I’ll survive.” — BROCKHAMPTON, “RENTAL”
  28. “When you being real, you ain’t worried ’bout who fake.” —Megan Thee Stallion, “Money Good”
  29. “We’re so young, boy, we ain’t got nothin’ to lose.” -Doja Cat, “Kiss Me More”
  30. “If someone talked to you the way you do to you, I’d put their teeth through. Love Yourself!” -IDLES, “Television”

Holiday Instagram Captions

Around the holidays, you want to post and share the memories you’ve made throughout the years. For whichever one you’re celebrating, take some inspiration from our favorite Instagram captions and spread some holiday cheer.

New Year’s Instagram Captions

  1. “Always bear in mind that your own resolution to succeed is more important than any other.” — Abraham Lincoln
  2. Didn’t make it to midnight.
  3. Resolutions are made to be broken.
  4. Ringing in the new year — like a bell.
  5. “Tomorrow is the first blank page of a 365-page book. Write a good one.” — Brad Paisley
  6. New year, same me.
  7. Time to show off my bubbly personality.
  8. Any excuse to wear glitter.
  9. Starting off the year on the right foot.
  10. There are 12 months ahead of us to make a difference.
  11. Day 1 of 365
  12. Sip, sip, hooray!
  13. All you need is a fresh start.
  14. Save water, drink champagne.
  15. The best has yet to come.

Valentine’s Day Instagram Captions

valentine's instagram caption: you can't blame gravity for falling in love. -albert einstein

  1. Roses are red. Violets are blue. Consider this post my Valentine to you.
  2. Don’t tell me you love me. Tell me you’re outside with pizza.
  3. All I need is you. (And maybe wine + chocolate too.)
  4. Cupid called, he wants his arrow back.
  5. 99% of my socks are single, and you don’t see them crying about it.
  6. I will do anything for love. Except that. And that. Or that. Or…
  7. I followed my heart and it led me to the fridge.
  8. Look at us. Hey. Look at us. Who woulda thought? Not me!
  9. In love with my best friend.
  10. I’m better when I’m with you.

Halloween Instagram Captions

  1. Creepin’ it real.
  2. I brake for Reese’s Peanut Butter Cups.
  3. Oh my gourd, Becky, look at her bat.
  4. You’re just my (blood) type.
  5. How to eat candy corn: don’t.
  6. #squadghouls
  7. Double, double toil and trouble; Fire burn and cauldron bubble.
  8. Driving me batty.
  9. “Scary hours.” — Drake
  10. Resting Witch Face


  1. I’m wearing my elastic pants.
  2. “For those of you who cannot be with family this Thanksgiving, please resist the urge to brag.” — Andy Borowitz
  3. On a veggie diet this Thanksgiving: Carrot cake and pumpkin pie.
  4. “Be thankful for what you have; you’ll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don’t have, you will never, ever have enough.” — Oprah Winfrey
  5. I think, therefore I cran.
  6. Bad day to be a turkey.
  7. Need fuel for Black Friday.
  8. “Okay, guys. I have exactly 28 minutes before I have to baste again.” — Monica
  9. Grateful. Thankful. Blessed.
  10. Who made the potato salad?
  11. There’s always something to be thankful for.
  12. To-do list: eat, drink, nap.
  13. I only have pies for you.
  14. Gobble ’til you wobble.
  15. Love at first bite.

Christmas & Hannukah Instagram Captions

  1. You sleigh me.
  2. Fa la la la llama.
  3. “O Christmas tree, O Christmas tree, your ornaments are history.” — The Cat
  4. “It’s not what’s under the Christmas tree that matters. It’s who’s around it.” — Charles M. Schulz
  5. Dear Santa, let’s not talk about this.
  6. Rebel Without a Claus
  7. Doesn’t Santa have anything better to do than watch us while we’re sleeping?
  8. All I want for Christmas is you (and wine would be nice).
  9. Say it ain’t snow.
  10. Drop it like a top.
  11. Wishing you a latke love this Hanukkah.
  12. I want to eat 8 latkes for the calories of one.
  13. One little candle can light up an entire room.
  14. Keep calm and spin that dreidel.
  15. Deck the halls with matzo balls!
  16. It’s Christmas time and I’m the gift.
  17. The best gift is to be present with the ones you love.
  18. Baby, it’s cold outside.
  19. Merry everything and happy always.
  20. Treat yo elf.

Seasonal Instagram Captions

As the seasons come and go, why not share your joy for the next one on your Instagram? Whether you love the sunshine in the Summer, or snowfall in the winter, you can share that excitement with others.

Ring in the new season with some of these witty, seasonal captions.

Spring Instagram Captions

  1. Hello, spring!
  2. “And I think to myself, what a wonderful world.” — Louis Armstrong
  3. April showers bring May flowers.
  4. I think I just experienced all the seasons in a single day.
  5. I love allergy season, said no one ever.
  6. Currently soaking up the sun and smelling the roses. Please leave a message after the beep.
  7. I owe a lot to the inventor of flip-flops.
  8. “Here comes the sun, and I say… It’s all right.” — The Beatles
  9. “Warm winds in the springtime.” — SZA, “Warm Winds”
  10. Springing into the new season.

Summer Instagram Captions

summer instagram caption: Here comes the sun, and I say... It's all right. — The Beatles, Here Comes the Sun

  1. “Live in the sunshine. Swim in the sea. Drink in the wild air.” — Ralph Waldo Emerson
  2. Life’s a beach.
  3. School’s out, sun’s out, guns out.
  4. “A little bit of summer is what the whole year is all about.” — John Mayer
  5. 90% happy, 10% burnt.
  6. Girls just want to have sun.
  7. “Summer lovin’ had me a blast, summer lovin’ happened so fast.” — Grease
  8. Happiness is a cold popsicle.
  9. Life is better by the pool.
  10. “Summertime and the livin’ is easy.” — Ella Fitzgerald, “Summertime”
  11. “Here comes the sun, and I say… It’s all right.” — The Beatles, “Here Comes the Sun”
  12. Tans, tans, tans across the board.

Fall Instagram Captions

  1. My favorite color is October.
  2. “Wild is the music of autumnal winds amongst the faded woods.” — William Wordsworth
  3. My favorite kind of weather.
  4. It’s never too early for pumpkin spice.
  5. Meet me in the corn maze.
  6. Crisp air. Apple cider. Flaming foliage.
  7. Pumpkin spice and everything nice.
  8. “Anyone who thinks fallen leaves are dead has never watched them dancing on a windy day.” — Shira Tamir
  9. Leaves are falling, and autumn is calling.
  10. “Days in the sun and nights in the rain. Summer is over, simple and plain.” — Drake & Majid Jordan, “Summer’s Over”
  11. Falling never felt so good.
  12. Painted in the colors of fall.
  13. Sweater weather.
  14. Even the leaves fall for you.
  15. Channel the flannel.

Winter Instagram Captions

  1. “In the depths of winter, I finally learned that within me there lay an invincible summer.” — Albert Camus
  2. If it’s snowing, I’m not going.
  3. Cozy nights. Good books. Hot chocolate.
  4. Do you want to build a snowman?
  5. Running on caffeine and holiday cheer.
  6. “Winter is not a season; it’s a celebration.” — Anamika Mishra
  7. Merry and brrrrrrright.
  8. Having snow much fun.
  9. ‘Tis the season to be freezin’.
  10. “Timb’ laces get tighter and parka hoods flip up.” — Drake, “Come Winter”

Selfie Instagram Captions

Selfies are a celebration of something unique, beautiful, and full of life — you! So when you share your next selfie, complement it with one of our favorite selfie Instagram captions.

selfie instagram caption: Smile! The happiness is right under your nose.

  1. Me, myself, and I.
  2. Be yourself, there’s no one better.
  3. It’s the happiness for me.
  4. Smile! The happiness is right under your nose.
  5. My favorite filter is reality.
  6. Self-care selfie!
    Conquer the world one smile at a time.
  7. It’s a great day to have a great day.
  8. The greatest gift you can give someone is a smile.
  9. Self-love is the best love.
  10. “But she looked powerful. She wore the sun like a shiny pin on the side of her hair.” –Lilian Li
  11. I don’t need a hairstylist. My pillow gives me a new hairstyle every morning.
  12. All-natural.
  13. No filter.
  14. Morning hair, don’t care.
  15. Quick #OOTD
  16. Anything but basic.
  17. Hard to be down to earth when you look out of this world.
  18. Looking like I don’t know how to lose.
  19. Beautiful from halo to toe.
  20. I’m ready for my close-up.

Vacation Instagram Captions

When you want to treat yourself, a vacation is always a great reward.

It’s a chance to experience different cultures, food, music and scenery. When you’re out exploring the world, share some of your favorite travel moments with these awesome Instagram captions.

  1. A chance to get away from the everyday.
  2. Work. Save. Travel. Repeat.
  3. Staycation loading…
  4. Collect the moments, not the materials.
  5. Another destination off the bucket list.
  6. An adventure to fill the soul.
  7. The scenic route is always better.
  8. I need a six-month vacation, twice a year.
  9. Be back never.
  10. Catch flights, not feelings.
  11. Always take the scenic route.
  12. I’ve never met a vacation I didn’t like.
  13. An adventure a day keeps the doctor away.
  14. Travel is an investment in yourself.
  15. Some call it vacation, I call it heaven.
  16. “I hate traveling.” said no traveler ever.
  17. If you need me, call me on my shell phone.
  18. I can sea clearly now.
  19. Happiness comes in waves.
  20. A change in latitude helps my attitude.

Features of Good Instagram Captions

Want to write a caption from scratch? I totally get it. If you’re anything like me, you take about four minutes choosing a filter for your Instagram photo, and about four hours deciding on a caption.

Worst of all, after much creative effort and advice from friends, I’m usually barely able to write a caption that goes beyond, “Had a fun day with friends!” And I’m a writer — go figure.

The point is, writing a good caption is hard. Whether you create one from scratch or choose a pre-written one, it should fulfill a few requirements.

1. Your caption is on-brand.

Whether your Instagram page is personal or for your business, your captions should be on-brand, or reflective of your brand identity.

This encapsulates the nature of your Instagram’s branding and tone of voice. For example, if your page is based on self-love, you should use captions that are friendly in tone, and use inclusive language to make people feel good when they scroll through your Instagram profile.

2. Your caption is simple.

Instagram captions can fit up to 2,200 characters, but you don’t have to use all of them for your caption to be considered a good one. You ideally want to keep your captions clear, short, and simple for easy readability. You also want to keep your audience’s attention enough to read it to finish.

The exception to this is if you’re making posts that champion storytelling or other lengthy formats. Ultimately, it comes down to what your audience is looking for.

3. Your caption is memorable.

While your Instagram caption doesn’t have to be a profound piece of literature, you can make it memorable in a number of ways. Depending on the type of post you’re sharing, you can make it hilarious, thought-provoking, inspiring, or anything you want it to be.

Want more inspiration? Check out our Instagram page to see how we incorporate fun, witty, and engaging captions into our social media content. The captions often complement the post itself and prompt engagement from users. Instagram Insights metrics such as comments, likes, and saves show you how well you’re engaging users and whether your captions are effective in prompting likes and comments.

Here’s one example from HubSpot with the caption “You can’t spell ‘CRM’ without ‘R’”:

business instagram caption example: hubspot

Don’t underestimate the power of a good caption. They can help you generate more engagement and turn your followers into customers.

How to Make Engaging IG Captions

Instagram captions can actually be used strategically, and in many cases help personal or business pages to increase engagement on the platform — and here’s how.

1. Ask your followers questions.

If you’re looking to entice your followers to interact or like your posts more, you could ask them for their opinion, recommendations, or even personal stories to make your page more interactive.

For example, if you’re running an Instagram page for fashion, ask your followers to comment under your newest post about their favorite designers, collections, or trends buzzing in the industry.

Or if you’re promoting a product or service, ask your followers to chime in on what they’d like to see, a problem they need solved, or even ask for a product review or testimonial on how your business has positively impacted them.

2. Add a CTA.

If you advertise your business, product, or free resource, add a clear and enticing call to action.

It doesn’t have to be the entire IG caption, but including it on the tail end of your post’s description can lead your followers from simply liking your post to visiting your online storefront or website.

3. Incorporate relevant hashtags.

You can use up to a maximum of 30 hashtags on a typical Instagram post, these give you a lot of possibilities to attract viewers based on your topic, location, industry, product, or service. Though, you shouldn’t feel pressured to use that many, just choose the ones you find essential, or even come up with your own personally branded one.

Capture the Feeling with an Instagram Caption

Even though an image is worth 1,000 words, a well-written caption couldn’t hurt. These days, the caption can make just as much of a statement as the image! For all of the occasions that are worthy of a post to your feed, use one of the quotes from this list and customize it to make it your own.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in June 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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