Google Play Developers Archives - News for Project Managers - PMI Mon, 08 Apr 2024 06:20:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Google Play Developers Archives - 32 32 #WeArePlay | Meet the founders changing women’s lives: Women’s History Month Stories Mon, 08 Apr 2024 06:20:28 +0000 #weareplay-|-meet-the-founders-changing-women’s-lives:-women’s-history-month-stories

Posted by Leticia Lago – Developer Marketing In celebration of Women’s History month, we’re celebrating the founders behind…

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Posted by Leticia Lago – Developer Marketing

In celebration of Women’s History month, we’re celebrating the founders behind groundbreaking apps and games from around the world – made by women or for women. Let’s discover four of my favorites in this latest batch of nine #WeArePlay stories.

Múkami Kinoti Kimotho

Royelles Revolution / Royelles Revolution: Gaming For Girls (USA)

Múkami Kinoti Kimotho – Royelles Revolution / Royelles- Gaming For Girls | USA

Múkami’s journey began when she noticed the lack of representation for girls in the gaming industry. Determined to change this narrative, she created Royelles, a game designed to inspire girls and non-binary people to pursue careers in STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) fields. The game is anchored in fierce female avatars like the real life NASA scientist Mara who voices a character. Royelles is revolutionizing the gaming landscape and empowering the next generation of innovators. Múkami’s excited to release more gamified stories and learning modules, and a range of extended reality and AI-powered avatars based on the game’s characters.

“If we’re going to effectively educate Gen Z and Gen Alpha, we have to meet them in the metaverse and leverage gamified play as a means of driving education, awareness, inspiration and empowerment.” 

– Múkami

Leonika Sari Njoto Boedioetomo

Reblood: Blood Services App (Indonesia)

Leonika Sari Njoto Boedioetomo – Reblood / Blood Services App | Indonesia

When her university friend needed an urgent blood transfusion but discovered there was none available in the blood bank, Leonika became aware of the blood donation shortage in Indonesia. Her mission to address this led her to create Reblood, an app connecting blood donors with those in need. With over 140,000 blood donations facilitated to date, Reblood is not only saving lives but also promoting healthier lifestyles with a recently added feature that allows people to find the most affordable medical checkups.

“Our goal is to save more lives by raising awareness of blood donation in Indonesia and promoting healthier lifestyles for blood donors.” 

– Leonika

Luciane Antunes dos Santos and Renato Hélio Rauber

CARSUL / Car Sul: Urban Mobility App (Brazil)

Luciane Antunes dos Santos and Renato Hélio Rauber – Car Sul: Urban Mobility App | Brazil

Luciane was devastated when she lost her son in a car accident. Her and her husband Renato’s loss led them to develop Carsul, an urban mobility app prioritizing safety and security. By providing safe transportation options and partnering with government health programs to chauffeur patients long distances to larger hospitals, Carsul is not only preventing accidents but also saving lives. Luciane and Renato’s dedication to protecting others from the pain they’ve experienced is ongoing and they plan to expand to more cities in Brazil.

“Carsul was born from this story of loss, inspiring me to protect other lives. Redefining myself in this way is very rewarding.” 

– Luciane

Diariata (Diata) N’Diaye

Resonantes / App-Elles: Safety App for Women (France)

Diariata (Diata) N'Diaye – Resonantes /App-Elles: Safety App for Women | France

After hearing the stories of young people who had experienced abuse that was similar to her own, Spoken word artist Diata developed App-Elles – an app that allows women to send alerts when they’re in danger. By connecting users with support networks and professional services, App-Elles is empowering women to reclaim their safety and seek help when needed.Diata also runs writing and recording workshops to help victims overcome their experiences with violence and has plans to expand her app with the introduction of a discreet wearable that sends out alerts.

“I realized from my work on the ground that there were victims of violence who needed help and support systems. This was my inspiration to create App-Elles.” 

– Diata

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#WeArePlay | How two sea turtle enthusiasts are revolutionizing marine conservation Wed, 14 Feb 2024 18:20:30 +0000 #weareplay-|-how-two-sea-turtle-enthusiasts-are-revolutionizing-marine-conservation

Posted by Leticia Lago – Developer Marketing When environmental science student Caitlin returned home from a trip monitoring…

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Posted by Leticia Lago – Developer Marketing

When environmental science student Caitlin returned home from a trip monitoring sea turtles in Western Australia, she was inspired to create a conservation tool that could improve tracking of the species. She connected with a French developer and fellow marine life enthusiast Nicolas to design their app We Spot Turtles!, allowing anyone to support tracking efforts by uploading pictures of them spotted in the wild.

Caitlin and Nicolas shared their journey in our latest film for #WeArePlay, which showcases the amazing stories behind apps and games on Google Play. We caught up with the pair to find out more about their passion and how they are making strides towards advancing sea turtle conservation.

Tell us about how you both got interested in sea turtle conservation?

Caitlin: A few years ago, I did a sea turtle monitoring program for the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions in Western Australia. It was probably one of the most magical experiences of my life. After that, I decided I only really wanted to work with sea turtles.

Nicolas: In 2010, in French Polynesia, I volunteered with a sea turtle protection project. I was moved by the experience, and when I came back to France, I knew I wanted to use my tech background to create something inspired by the trip.

How did these experiences lead you to create We Spot Turtles!?

Caitlin: There are seven species of sea turtle, and all are critically endangered. Or rather there’s not enough data on them to inform an accurate endangerment status. This means the needs of the species are going unmet and sea turtles are silently going extinct. Our inspiration is essentially to better track sea turtles so that conservation can be improved.

Nicolas: When I returned to France after monitoring sea turtles, I knew I wanted to make an app inspired by my experience. However, I had put the project on hold for a while. Then, when a friend sent me Caitlin’s social media post looking for a developer for a sea turtle conservation app, it re-ignited my inspiration, and we teamed up to make it together.

close up image of a turtle resting in a reef underwater

What does We Spot Turtles! do?

Caitlin: Essentially, members of the public upload images of sea turtles they spot – and even get to name them. Then, the app automatically geolocates, giving us a date and timestamp of when and where the sea turtle was located. This allows us to track turtles and improve our conservation efforts.

How do you use artificial intelligence in the app?

Caitlin: The advancements in AI in recent years have given us the opportunity to make a bigger impact than we would have been able to otherwise. The machine learning model that Nicolas created uses the facial scale and pigmentations of the turtles to not only identify its species, but also to give that sea turtle a unique code for tracking purposes. Then, if it is photographed by someone else in the future, we can see on the app where it’s been spotted before.

How has Google Play supported your journey?

Caitlin: Launching our app on Google Play has allowed us to reach a global audience. We now have communities in Exmouth in Western Australia, Manly Beach in Sydney, and have 6 countries in total using our app already. Without Google Play, we wouldn’t have the ability to connect on such a global scale.

Nicolas: I’m a mobile application developer and I use Google’s Flutter framework. I knew Google Play was a good place to release our title as it easily allows us to work on the platform. As a result, we’ve been able to make the app great.

Photo pf Caitlin and Nicolas on the bach in Australia at sunset. Both are kneeling in the sand. Caitlin is using her phone to identify something in the distance, and gesturing to Nicolas who is looking in the same direction

What do you hope to achieve with We Spot Turtles!?

Caitlin: We Spot Turtles! puts data collection in the hands of the people. It’s giving everyone the opportunity to make an impact in sea turtle conservation. Because of this, we believe that we can massively alter and redefine conservation efforts and enhance people’s engagement with the natural world.

What are your plans for the future?

Caitlin: Nicolas and I have some big plans. We want to branch out into other species. We’d love to do whale sharks, birds, and red pandas. Ultimately, we want to achieve our goal of improving the conservation of various species and animals around the world.

Discover other inspiring app and game founders featured in #WeArePlay.

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#WeArePlay | Learn how a childhood experience with an earthquake shaped Álvaro’s entrepreneurial journey Wed, 17 Jan 2024 17:25:07 +0000 #weareplay-|-learn-how-a-childhood-experience-with-an-earthquake-shaped-alvaro’s-entrepreneurial-journey

Posted by Leticia Lago – Developer Marketing Being trapped inside a house following a major earthquake as a…

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Posted by Leticia Lago – Developer Marketing

Being trapped inside a house following a major earthquake as a child motivated Álvaro to research and improve the outcomes of destructive, large-scale quakes in Mexico. Using SkyAlert technology, sensors detect and report warnings of incoming earthquakes, giving people valuable time to prepare and get to safety.

Álvaro shared his story in our latest film for #WeArePlay, which spotlights the founders and creatives behind inspiring apps and games on Google Play. We caught up with him to find out his motivations for SkyAlert, the impact the app’s had and what his future plans are.

What was the inspiration behind SkyAlert?

Being in Colima near the epicenter of a massive earthquake as a kid had a huge impact on me. I remember feeling powerless to nature and very vulnerable watching everything falling apart around me. I was struck by how quick and smart you had to be to get to a safe place in time. I remember hugging my family once it was over and looking towards the sea to watch out for an impending tsunami – which fortunately didn’t hit my region badly. It was at this moment that I became determined to find out what had caused this catastrophe and what could be done to prevent it being so destructive another time.

Through my research, I learned that Mexico sits on five tectonic plates and, as a result, it is particularly prone to earthquakes. In fact, there’ve been seven major quakes in the last seven years, with hundreds losing their lives. Reducing the threat of earthquakes is my number one goal and the motivation behind SkyAlert. The technology we’ve developed can detect the warning signs of an earthquake early on, deliver alerts to vulnerable people and hopefully save lives.

How does SkyAlert work exactly?

SkyAlert collects data from a network of sensors and translates that information into alerts. People can put their zip code in order to filter updates for their locality. We’re constantly investing in getting the most reliable and fast technology available so we can make the service as timely and effective as possible.

Did you always imagine you’d be an entrepreneur?

Since I was a kid I knew I wanted to be an entrepreneur. This was inspired by my grandfather who ran a large candy company with factories all over Mexico. However, what I really wanted, beyond just running my own company, was to have a positive social impact and change lives for the better: a feat I feel proud to have achieved with SkyAlert.

How is Google Play helping your app to grow?

Being on Google Play helps us to reach the maximum number of people. We’ve achieved some amazing numbers in the last 10 years through Google Play, with over 7 million downloads. With 35% of our income coming from Google Play, this reach has helped us invest in new technologies and sensors.

We also often receive advice from Google Play and they invite us to meetings to tell us how to do better and how to make the most of the platform. Google Play is a close partner that we feel really takes care of us.

What impact has SkyAlert had on the people of Mexico?

The biggest advantage of SkyAlert is that it can help them prepare for an earthquake. In 2017, we were able to notify people of a massive quake 12 seconds before it hit Mexico City. At least with those few seconds, many were able to get themselves to a safe place. Similarly, with a large earthquake in Oaxaca, we were able to give a warning of over a minute, allowing teachers to get students in schools away from infrastructure – saving kids’ lives.

Also, many find having SkyAlert on their phone gives them peace of mind, knowing they’ll have some warning before an earthquake strikes. This can be very reassuring.

What does the future look like for SkyAlert?

We’re working hard to expand our services into new risk areas like flooding, storms and wildfires. The hope is to become a global company that can deliver alerts on a variety of natural phenomena in countries around the world.

Read more about Álvaro and other inspiring app and game founders featured in #WeArePlay.

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#WeArePlay | Meet Steven from Indonesia. More stories from around the world Sat, 23 Dec 2023 20:25:05 +0000 #weareplay-|-meet-steven-from-indonesia.-more-stories-from-around-the-world

Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing As we bid farewell to 2023, we’re excited to unveil our last…

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Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing

As we bid farewell to 2023, we’re excited to unveil our last #WeArePlay blog post of the year. From Lisbon to Dubai, let’s meet the creators behind the game-changing apps supporting communities, bringing innovation and joy to people.

We’re starting off in Indonesia, where Steven remembers his pocket money quickly running out while traveling around rural areas of Indonesia with his parents. Struck by how much more expensive food items were in the villages compared to Jakarta, he was inspired to create Super, providing more affordable goods outside the capital. The app allows shop owners to buy items stored locally and supply them to their communities at lower prices. It’s helped boost the hyperlocal supply chain and raise living standards for rural populations. Steven is keen to point out that “it’s not just about entrepreneurship”, but “social impact”. He hopes to take Super even further and improve economic distribution across the whole of rural Indonesia.


Next, we’re crossing the Java Sea to Singapore, where twin brothers – and marathon runners – Jeromy and Kenny decided to turn their passion for self-care into a journaling app. On Journey, people can log their daily thoughts and work towards their mental health and self-improvement goals using prompts. With the guidance of coaches, they can practice gratitude, record their ambitions, and learn about mindfulness and building self-confidence. “People tell us it helps them find time to invest in themselves and dedicate space to self-care”, says Jeromy. In the future, the pair want to bring in additional coaches to support even more people to achieve their wellness goals.


Now we’re landing in the Middle East where former kindergarten friends Chris and Rene decided to use their experience being expats in Dubai to create a platform for connecting disparate communities across the city. On Hayi حي, locals can share information with their neighbors, find help within the community and connect with those living nearby. “Community is at the heart of everything we do and our goal is to have a positive effect”, says Chris. They’re currently working on creating groups for art and sport enthusiasts to encourage residents to bond over their interests. The pair are also dedicated to sustainability and plan on launching environmental projects, such as wide-scale city clean-ups.


And finally, we’re off to Europe where Lisbon-based university chums Rita, João and Martim saw unexpected success. Initially, the trio created a recipe-sharing platform, SaveCook. When they launched its accompaniment, Super Save, however, which compared prices of recipe ingredients across different supermarkets, it exploded in popularity. With rising inflation, people were hugely thankful to the founders “for providing a major service” at such a crucial time. Next, they’re working on a barcode scanner that tells shoppers where they can buy cheaper versions of products “to help people save as much as they can.”

Discover more founder stories from across the globe in the #WeArePlay collection.

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#WeArePlay | Meet Geraldo from Utah. More stories from around the world. Sat, 04 Nov 2023 17:25:46 +0000 #weareplay-|-meet-geraldo-from-utah-more-stories-from-around-the-world.

Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing Another month, another series of #WeArePlay stories from apps and games we…

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Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing

Another month, another series of #WeArePlay stories from apps and games we all love. From a Salt Lake City-based music editing app to successful game studios from Indonesia, Uruguay and Türkiye – discover the inspiring founders behind them.

This time we’re starting in the US with Geraldo. Inspired by his mom’s studies in computer engineering, he decided to start his own tech company at just 16 years of age. But he was also a keen musician and merged both his passions in Moises, alongside childhood friend and co-founder Eddie. The app uses artificial intelligence to remove vocals and instruments from any song. Geraldo describes the process as like “getting a smoothie and removing only the banana” – complex, to say the least, but Moises makes it easy. He hopes “to democratize access to cutting edge audio tools for everyday musicians.”

#WeArePlay Diori & Agung MINIMO South Tangerang Indonesia Google Play

Next up, we’re crossing the Pacific over to Indonesia where colleagues and game enthusiasts Diori and Agung decided to collaborate outside of the office on their own independent project. This culminated in the launch of their studio, Minimo, with their most successful game, Mini Racing Adventures, accumulating over 38 million downloads to date. The pair channeled Agung’s passion for cars and mechanics into this particular release, but next they’re shifting genres and working on a new shooter game.

#WeArePlay Pablo & Gonzalo Ironhide Game Studio Montevideo Uruguay Google Play

Now we’re heading down to Uruguay where friends Pablo, Gonzalo and Alvaro had a dream of making games for a living and created Ironhide Game Studio in 2010, learning how to code for mobiles from scratch. As Pablo puts it: “Over the years we’ve realized that what we have is special, because we have the passion, but we also work really hard. This has allowed us to create something great.” Their popular title, Kingdom Rush: Tower Defence, is a strategy game set in a medieval settlement and chock-full of action-filled battles. Looking to the future, they’re hoping to branch into multiplayer games and expand their Kingdom Rush saga.

#WeArePlay Remi, Mithat, Rina, Fuat & Barkin SPYKE GAMES Instanbul Türkiye Google Play

And finally we’re crossing over to Europe to meet Rina. While working in private equity and meeting an array of business heads, she was inspired to pursue an entrepreneurial path herself. Seeing how popular gaming was becoming, Rina delved into creating titles for a Turkish audience. She struck gold with her first studio becoming a tech unicorn, and soon followed it up with Spyke Games, launched alongside her brother Remi and friends Mithat, Barkin and Fuat. Their title Tile Busters combine social multiplayer fun and skill-based puzzle solving. Soon, they’re releasing a follow-up, Blitz Busters, keeping their goal of being “great content developers creating games that people crave more of.”

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#WeArePlay | Meet Solape and Yomi from Nigeria. More stories from around the world Thu, 05 Oct 2023 18:25:03 +0000 #weareplay-|-meet-solape-and-yomi-from-nigeria.-more-stories-from-around-the-world

Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing We continue to be inspired by the amazing #WeArePlay stories of app…

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Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing

We continue to be inspired by the amazing #WeArePlay stories of app and game creators on Google Play, from all corners of the Earth. This month, hear about a game changing financial app for women in Nigeria to an early learning platform that uses augmented reality.

First up, we’re in Nigeria where two former colleagues at an investment bank, Solape and Yomi, channeled their economic expertise into improving women’s accessibility to finance. HerVest is an app exclusively designed for farmers and small business owners, with saving and investment tips, financial education and credit options. Intent on improving gender equality in the financial sphere, the pair plan to reach a million women by the end of 2024 and “become the go-to financial platform for the financially underserved in Africa”.

#WeArePlay Juliana BLW Social Singapore Google Play

Now we’re crossing the ocean into maritime Singapore, where native Brazilian Juliana launched her baby-led weaning app, BLW Meals. When her firstborn was 6 months old, she struggled to transition her onto solid foods. Unable to find adequate resources in her mother language, Portuguese, she decided to make her own platform, sharing everything she’d learned. Today, she’s overjoyed by how much the app – also offered in Spanish and English – has supported other moms through their weaning journey. Soon, she’s launching a new feature for chatting directly with nutritionists, ensuring parents always have an expert on hand to guide them.

#WeArePlay Harry & Luke Visible London, United Kingdom Google Play

Next, we’re heading over to the UK to meet mechanical engineer Harry, who’s on a mission to revolutionize perceptions around energy-limiting health conditions. When he got sick with long Covid after a mild infection in 2020, his ability to do the wild, athletic activities he once enjoyed – like cycling across Iceland – was no longer on the cards. Disappointed by the lack of treatment options, he decided to create a health monitoring app, partnering up with friend and tech lawyer Luke to make it happen. On Visible, patients are empowered to track and monitor their symptoms and activity levels. The anonymized data is also used by medical researchers to improve understanding and treatment options, feeding into Harry’s larger goal of “working to change health policy laws to recognize these conditions”.

#WeArePlay Ilan, Nastassja & Edison Pleiq Santiago, Chile Google Play

Finally, we’re heading to Chile, South America, to meet brothers Ilan and Edison and their friend Nastassja. A veritable dream team, the trio began their tech careers running an augmented reality advertisement agency in their native Venezuela. But when they saw how much kids loved their commercials, they decided to instead use their AR skills to develop an education platform for children. After being offered a place on an accelerator program, they moved to Chile to launch PleIQ – an immersive, early learning app for kids aged 3-8. Next, they’re expanding across Latin America with the goal of “improving education quality to create a more equal society”.

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#WeArePlay | Meet Ingrid from Sweden. More stories from around the world. Wed, 30 Aug 2023 17:25:16 +0000 #weareplay-|-meet-ingrid-from-sweden-more-stories-from-around-the-world.

Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing Another month, another reason to celebrate trailblazing creators behind some of the…

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Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing

Another month, another reason to celebrate trailblazing creators behind some of the most innovative apps and games. From an equestrian training platform in Sweden to a chilled out fishing game in the Republic of Korea, let’s take a look at some of the exciting #WeArePlay stories of founders and their creations.

Ingrid is a big fan of horseback riding and has always loved the social aspect of the sport. But when she wanted to take her passion online, she was surprised to be unable to find sports platforms specifically tailored to equestrians. So, Ingrid and her co-founders, Totta and Erika, took matters into their own hands, pooling their collective experiences in marketing, programming and economics to create Ridely: a platform that aims to democratize the access to trainers and content about riding. Since then, they’ve partnered up with the US Equestrian Federation and are “constantly innovating and looking at ways to develop the app further and improve our members’ horse riding experience” – in fact, they’re currently working on creating expert programs, monthly riding challenges and adding a social feed to spark discussion and create community.

#WeArePlay Joahnes & Meiky Gaco Games Solo, Indonesia Google Play

Now to the other side of the world, Indonesia. Johanes always had a wild imagination and a head brimming with ideas, which is why he originally aspired to be an author. However, when he found himself captivated by role playing games, he decided to channel his storytelling into the gaming genre instead. Collaborating with graphic artist Meiky, the pair brainstormed their anime-inspired fantasy adventure RPG Epic Conquest. Even without conscious marketing efforts, the game proved to be a big hit, spawning the follow-up Epic Conquest 2 – with more sequels currently in the works.

#WeArePlay Young-Gon Nexelon Soengnam, Republic of Korea Google Play

Next up, Young-Gon from the Republic of Korea. An old hand in the industry, Young-Gon has been involved in gaming for over two decades. However, it was in 2017 that he decided to launch his own studio, Nexelon, with the goal of reaching audiences abroad. In his popular title, Fishing Life, he “wanted to create a fishing game that was soothing, uncomplicated to play and that really showcased the underwater world”, depicting the calming nature of angling as a hobby with gently whooshing waves and scenes of tranquil lakes and mountains. And he’s continuing this theme of serenity with his upcoming release – an eco-sci fi game where players explore other planets for resources to restore a polluted Earth.

#WeArePlay Sergej, Victoria & Michall Nordcurrent Vilnius, Lithuania Google Play

Last up, dream team Victoria, her husband Michail, and his brother Sergej from Lithuania. They had their sights set on making games since childhood. They were still at university when they released their very first title, swiftly using the revenue to form their own studio, Nordcurrent. In their popular game Cooking Fever, players are put to the test to rapidly prepare different dishes – inspired by cuisines from around the world. They recently added a pancake flipping restaurant option and also plan live culinary events around themed celebrations, such as Valentine’s Day.

Discover more of the amazing #WeArePlay stories around the world and share your favorites.

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#WeArePlay | Meet Ayushi & Nikhil from India. More stories from around the world. Wed, 02 Aug 2023 22:26:02 +0000 #weareplay-|-meet-ayushi-&-nikhil-from-india-more-stories-from-around-the-world.

Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing This month, we’re sharing new #WeArePlay stories from inspiring founders creating apps…

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Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing

This month, we’re sharing new #WeArePlay stories from inspiring founders creating apps which help people improve their quality of life. From a diabetes management tracker to an upskilling platform for women, hear the stories behind some groundbreaking apps on Google Play.

Firstly, meet Nikhil and Ayushi from Bengaluru, India. During the Covid-19 lockdowns, Nikhil watched as his mother picked up new hobbies and tried making different dishes in the kitchen. Seeing his mom researching new recipes and cooking resources, it struck him that there was a lack of educational platforms in India specifically targeted at women. This gave him and his wife, Ayushi, the idea to create Alippo: an upskilling app for women that provides classes and training materials. It also has resources to help women launch and manage their own businesses using their newly acquired expertise. In the future, they want to add more learning materials, business guides and even financing options.

Image of Ed, Ken, and Erin of Health2Sync, located in Taipei City, Taiwan Google Play

Next up we have Ed, Ken and Erin from Taiwan. Ed comes from a family with a history of diabetes. But his grandma always stayed on top of her condition thanks to her habit of regularly noting down her blood sugar levels and sharing them with her doctor. Partnering with product manager Ken, whose mother also has diabetes, and former colleague Erin, he launched Health2Sync: a digital blood sugar tracker with a range of other features for tracking and managing diets, exercise and medication. Thanks to the app’s new AI-based food recognition feature, people can now track the contents and nutrients of their meals just by uploading a picture of their food.

Image of César and Lorenzo of WeCancer, located in Sao Paulo, Brazil Google Play

Now, Lorenzo and César from Brazil. Growing up, they both had personal experiences with cancer having lost their mothers to the disease. When they met some time later, via a mutual friend, they discussed their experiences, both agreeing that the hospital visits were tiring for their moms, and often unnecessary when measures could be taken to provide care at home. This inspired them to partner up and create WeCancer, a cancer treatment support platform where patients can receive support and medical care from the comfort of their own home, with monitoring and advice from doctors. In Lorenzo’s own words, the app provides “qualified care outside of hospital walls to make life easier for patients”.

Image of John, Laura and Erich of Curable, located in Denver (CO), USA Google Play

Last but not least, Laura, Erich and John from the US. When they were colleagues, it was sharing their experiences around chronic pain that bonded them and brought them together as friends. When John began to teach the others some alternative methods he’d learnt for managing his pain, all three began to see huge improvements in their various conditions. Elated by how much these techniques and practices had helped them, they wanted to share the practices with others, inspiring them to team up to create Curable. On the app, chronic pain sufferers can follow a guided recovery program with a range of science-backed methods, including cognitive behavioral therapy and soothing meditation.

Discover more #WeArePlay stories from across the globe and stay tuned for more.

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#WeArePlay | Meet the people creating apps and games in Japan Mon, 10 Jul 2023 21:25:00 +0000 #weareplay-|-meet-the-people-creating-apps-and-games-in-japan

Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing #WeArePlay is on a virtual world tour: starting first with the U.S.…

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Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing

#WeArePlay is on a virtual world tour: starting first with the U.S. last summer by spotlighting the stories of app and game founders from every state, then visiting India sharing stories from across the country, and more recently visiting Europe by sharing stories from countries across the region.

Today, we’re continuing our tour with one more stop: Japan. From a snowboarding app made by a paralympian, to a game inspired by the enchanting landmarks of Gifu. Discover the people growing apps and games businesses on Google Play.

We’re starting with stories from Chubu, Chugoku & Shikoku and Kinki, with more following throughout the year. Let’s explore some of the stories from across these 3 regions.

Image of Takao Hayashi, founder of Ateam Entertainment
Takao Hayashi, founder of Ateam Entertainment

First, Takao Hayashi from Nagoya, Aichi. When Takao’s father sadly passed away when he was only 9 years old, he decided to double down on his hobby of coding and help his family become financially secure. He eventually launched Ateam, and after releasing various apps and games in Japan, his company began to focus on expansion into new markets. Their efforts are paying off, as real-time battle RPG Unison League has become a global hit. The Japanese art in the game has become so popular that some fans have even adopted the style of their favorite characters into their fashion. Next, Takao wants to release new games and reach players in more parts of the world, including India and Latin America.

Image of Keiji Okamoto, founder of yukiyama
Keiji Okamoto, founder of yukiyama

Next, Keiji Okamoto from Kobe, Hyogo. Keiji worked hard to pursue his passion for snowboarding all the way to a professional level. However, an accident on the slopes left him with a spinal injury and the news that he might never snowboard again. With his future plans uncertain and hoping to contribute to the sport despite no longer being able to snowboard, Keiji founded yukiyama: a platform where snowsports enthusiasts can access ski resort maps and track their distances down the slopes. Today the app is used all over Japan. The team plans to make it accessible to tourists too by localizing it to other languages. As the app grows, so does Keiji’s sports career, who now competes in the Paralympics.

Image of  Hitomi Wada, founder of blazeworks
Hitomi Wada, founder of blazeworks

Now, Hitomi Wada from Kakamigahara, Gifu. Hitomi has been a fan of fantasy role-playing games since a friend first introduced her to them as a child. Years later she got inspired to create her own game, Gifu Quest, while exploring the enchanting sights and landmarks of the Gifu prefecture. Players must save all 42 municipalities from ruin and can even play a role in the game’s creation – with some of their photos of Gifu featuring in the game, and many sharing their travels to the places that appear in the game under the hashtag #realgifuquest. Next, Hitomi wants to create new games and eventually feature the whole of Japan.

Image of Masaomi Kurokawa, Managing Director of KEMCO
Masaomi Kurokawa, Managing Director of KEMCO

And last but not least, Masaomi Kurokawa from Kure, Hiroshima. Masaomi’s love of computers and gaming began back in middle school, when his dad bought him his first computer to program. Later, during the mid-2000s, he decided he wanted to revive classic retro games from his childhood. His RPG title Dragon Lapis has a characteristic old-school aesthetic – with dragons, legends and battles, and is hugely popular with fans of the RPG-genre. His nostalgic games have a loyal fanbase both in Japan and overseas. Masaomi has more games in the works and, in the future, wants to take on new challenges like moving into the app space.

Discover more #WeArePlay stories from Japan, and stories from across the globe.

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#WeArePlay | Meet Yoshihiko from Japan. More stories from Spain, Cameroon and Malaysia Thu, 29 Jun 2023 17:25:58 +0000 #weareplay-|-meet-yoshihiko-from-japan.-more-stories-from-spain,-cameroon-and-malaysia

Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing In our latest #WeArePlay stories, meet app and game founders from around…

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Posted by Leticia Lago, Developer Marketing

In our latest #WeArePlay stories, meet app and game founders from around the world bringing creative new ideas to their industries. From a mountaineering app that is helping to save lives, to game studios incorporating playful cultural nods and inclusive designs in their titles.

In our latest film, meet Yosihiko from Japan who founded YAMAP – an app for mountain climbers. After the 2011 Great East Japan Earthquake, he was inspired to bring people closer to nature and save lives. Despite having no programming experience, he and his team created a platform which enables mountaineers to safely check their location and share their climb activity logs, even when there’s no phone signal. The app has become very popular with climbers, who have also formed a YAMAP community. Yoshihiko also recently partnered with the local government to aid mountain rescues.

Image of Alvaro and Valeria sitting on a counch with coffe cups in their hands, smiling. Text reads #WeArePlay Alvaro & Valeria Platonic Games Madrid, Spain

Next, Valeria and Álvaro from Spain – founders of Platonic Games. Born in Uruguay, Valeria moved to Spain as a child. Her parents loved video games so she grew up playing them with her family. After studying computer science and traveling the world with her PR job, she transitioned into game development and launched her own studio, Platonic Games, with friend and co-founder Álvaro. Noticing that games for girls were often limited to a handful of genres, the pair decided to design something new for a female audience. Happy Hop is an addictive racing game featuring kawaii-inspired “Miimo” characters.

Image of Olivier looking off to the right. Text reads #WeArePlay Olivier Kiroo Games Yaounde, Cameroon

And now, Olivier from Cameroon – founder of Kiroo Games. Growing up around his father’s video store and a huge collection of science magazines, Olivier was exposed to technology from an early age. So it’s no surprise that he studied computer science and soon began creating PC games. Following a successful crowdfunding campaign, he was able to release the African fantasy RPG, Aurion. Partly inspired by Japanese manga, the game is an allegory for geopolitical themes, with players following the King and Queen of Zama as they fight corruption in Aurion. Next, he hopes to transform Aurion into a global African-fantasy gaming brand.

Headshot of Yiwei, smiling. Text reads #WeArePlay Yiwei Kurechii Cyberjaya, Malaysia

Lastly, Yiwei from Malaysia – founder of Kurechii. He started his career as a web designer, but as a keen gamer himself he soon transitioned into game development and launched his own studio Kurechii. As he watched busy commuters in Tokyo playing on their phone while carrying their briefcases, he got the idea to create a game that could be played single-handedly, but still feature adventurous role playing. In Postknight, players follow a knight as he makes dangerous journeys across the kingdom of Kurestal to deliver parcels. After releasing the popular sequel Postknight 2 with brand new characters, the team are now working to enhance both games, as well as brainstorm ideas for new titles.

Check out their stories now at and keep an eye out for more stories coming soon.

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