Email Examples Archives - News for Project Managers - PMI Wed, 27 Mar 2024 11:20:43 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Email Examples Archives - 32 32 12 Recruiting Email Examples I Love (For Your Inspiration) Wed, 27 Mar 2024 11:20:43 +0000 12-recruiting-email-examples-i-love-(for-your-inspiration)

If you’re active on LinkedIn, you’ve probably received random messages from recruiters inquiring about putting you in their…

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If you’re active on LinkedIn, you’ve probably received random messages from recruiters inquiring about putting you in their talent pipeline.

I’ve received countless generic recruiting messages that make it clear that no one paid attention to my account. Messages have arrived in languages that I don’t speak, or they’ve sent a copy-pasted recruiting email template to dozens of potential candidates that hasn’t been customized at all.

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While cold recruiting messages can be highly effective, they often make the hiring process feel impersonal before you even formally get involved.

The recruiting process doesn’t have to feel that way. With the right recruiting email templates, recruiters and recruiting agencies can save time and effectively fuel their talent pipeline. Let’s dive into successful recruiting emails, why they work, and a template that you can use yourself.

Table of Contents

The Best Recruiting Emails

I’ve gathered 12 emails from professional recruiters, executive search firms, and headhunters.

Use these examples to create unique recruiting email templates that can be customized for your own outreach, whether you’re drafting cold recruiting email templates or nurturing existing relationships.

Many of these recruiting emails have been anonymized for privacy.

1. Director of Tax Email

Should recruiting emails include social proof to bolster a company’s cachet? Yes, if it helps answer FAQs about the position or company. This email from Avra Talent leverages social proof in a natural way that informs the potential candidate of the size and responsibilities of the role.

Recruiting emails need to balance sharing company information without overloading the candidate. This is particularly true when headhunters are emailing a passive candidate who isn’t necessarily on the hunt for a new job.

A long-winded email full of company specifics isn’t compelling, but it needs to offer an informative introduction to the company and its mission. This email example walks that line well, providing a lot of basic company information without droning on for paragraphs.

What I like: This email briefly covers a lot of specifics but doesn’t overload the candidate with unnecessary details.

2. Revenue Marketing Manager Position


This email example from the HubSpot marketing recruiting team has been anonymized to serve as a short recruiting email template for your own outreach.

While some emails will go into the interview process and shine a light further down the hiring road, this is short and sweet and focuses on getting a response from any interested candidates.

Recruiting email templates can call recipients to directly apply to a position, or they can offer to further the conversation.

The latter is the case in this HubSpot recruiting email template: The call-to-action (CTA) in this email makes the recipient feel like their time is respected. Further, the hiring manager isn’t trying to funnel anyone into the hiring process.

What I like: While many recruiting email templates include extensive company details, an email this direct can help have a higher response rate with passive candidates.

3. Physical Therapist Email

This email starts with a simple and direct explanation of why this candidate is being pitched, which makes it feel like this hiring manager is being thoughtful and not sending an identical email blast to dozens of people. The reference to LinkedIn helps this feel like a normal conversation and not a hard pitch.

The phrase “explore this potential match further” in the second paragraph further extends an open conversation, which should be a part of all email templates for recruiters.

Some recruiter emails tell passive candidates that they’re the perfect fit for a role at their company, and it comes across as very insincere. The recruiter could never know that without multiple conversations, so lean into the conversation versus the offer.

What I like: The email references both tangible professional experience and the soft skills on display on the candidate’s LinkedIn profile.

4. VP of Revenue Email

“Most recruiting emails are ‘look how great we are, here’s this opportunity,’” shared Lucy Meyer, a seasoned recruiter. “There’s another option, though: Share what your company is like, why you’d like to learn about the candidate, and ask if you think it could be a good fit.”

This approach to the recruitment process prioritizes relationship building, which saves recruiters time in the long run. A growing company will always be hiring, and this approach to recruiting can help fill a company’s talent pipeline with a network of potential candidates. This email example has been anonymized to serve as a template for your own outreach email.

What I like: This recruiting email template acknowledges that this is a passive candidate who’s not necessarily involved in the job search at the moment, and this prioritizes long-term relationships with talent over filling individual job openings.

5. Talent Acquisition Specialist Email

The past examples have been of cold recruiting emails, and here we see a great template for reconnecting with a warm lead. Daniel Wolken, a human resources expert and talent acquisition Specialist at DailyRemote, explained his thought process behind this email template:

“This candidate and I initially connected when he was exploring new HR opportunities. During our initial discussions, I was impressed by his passion for recruitment and talent management. Even though we didn’t have an immediate match for him then, I nurtured that relationship for future roles. This is the template that I used to reconnect with him,” Wolken says.

What I like: This warm outreach email template reiterates the previous conversation, offers a refresher of company details, and gets specific about why this opportunity might be worth exploring.

6. Ecommerce Manager Email

While this email has five substantial paragraphs, it follows a really clear, digestible template: introduction, the reason for the email, intro to the company, why this candidate is right for this company and role, what the role would look like, and further the conversation.

This email translates the candidate’s prior experience as a social media manager to this current role really well, making it clear that this was a customized message only targeting people with ecommerce experience.

What I like: The sentence “I am eager to learn about your career goals” offers insight into the leadership style in this organization and shows positive signs about company culture. That thoughtfulness coming from the CEO of the company is sure to catch the candidate’s attention.

7. Cybersecurity Position

“I crafted this for a candidate I recently encountered while searching for top application security talent,” shares Conor Hughes, an HR professional and consultant. Hughes relayed his expertise on SMB Guide and gave these insights into why he drafted this recruiting email this specific way.

“I initially discovered this individual after reading an in-depth article where she presented her work building a robust AppSec program from the ground up at her company. She clearly demonstrated deep technical expertise along with solid leadership and communication skills,” Hughes recalls.

His goal of the email was to “grab her attention by highlighting how her credentials directly match our open role,” he says.

What I like: The candidate receiving this email will immediately sense how much attention was given to their work. This opportunity is so specific, and the recruiter positions this perfectly as an exciting opportunity.

8. Australian Business For Sale Hiring Email

“The opening of the email introduces our company’s mission and the specific role we’re seeking to fill. Moving to the second paragraph, the email outlines key role responsibilities, expectations, and benefits, providing transparency about the position,” shares Sam Bass, owner of Australian Business For Sale.

Bass says the team ensures to highlight the company’s employee-centric culture that reinforces learning, growth, and innovation. “I believe giving an authentic representation of the role, and our company culture has been a significant factor in attracting top-tier talent,” he says.

What I like: This business has a wide scope (coffee shops to crocodile farms!) but still explains its mission briefly and lets the opportunity take center stage. This tactfully avoids the faux pas of talking about yourself too much when introducing the company.

9. Sales Manager Position

Company values and workplace culture are coming through in this email. These phrases speak volumes:

  • What you’ve built during your time there
  • Values-driven team
  • Make an impact here
  • No strings attached

Also, notice that this recruiting email hyperlinks the job title and sends the candidate to the full job description rather than sending an email that’s too long to digest. Cold outreach emails are most effective when they’re digestible, and this is an effective way to keep your communication concise and response rates high.

What I like: The extremely brief company summary makes it clear that this company knows who they are, who they serve, and where they’re going. That confidence and clarity are very attractive to candidates.

10. Acuity Training Sample Email

Rather than diving straight into job descriptions, Ben Richardson, founder and director of Acuity Training, initiates recruiting emails with a personalized question or anecdote. This all ties back to the individual’s professional journey.

“This approach aims to evoke a sense of connection and open dialogue, making the recruitment process feel less transactional and more like the beginning of a meaningful conversation about their career aspirations,” shares Richardson.

Richardson shared the above recruiting email template to help make cold outreach feel genuine.

“This offbeat tactic not only garners higher response rates but also sets a tone of genuine interest and engagement from the very first interaction, creating a unique touch in the recruitment process,” Richardson says.

What I like: This is a warm, direct piece of communication that sheds light on the company culture. Ben practically had me applying at “a match made in workplace heaven.”

11. Senior Software Engineer Position

This is a relatively short recruiting email but covers all of the bases: mentions of the candidate’s experience, the role, company mission, and CTA. The language choice, color, and snappy mission statement all ooze “startup” in the best way.

Mentioning past companies that the CEO has founded is a unique choice of social proof, but prior success is a currency that’s valuable to have in the startup world. It’s an effective, direct recruiting email that helps interested candidates jump straight into the hiring process.

What I like: HiHello is a digital business card company, and I like how they put their product on display in the email footer. On their website, HiHello says to “Turn every email into a branding opportunity,” and they’re embodying that message in their recruiting emails.

12. Home Care Position

This is a unique approach to recruitment communication. Instead of advertising the specific job opportunity, this advertises the workplace experience. The purpose of this email is to let candidates know what it’s like to work for this company by sharing workplace reviews.

“We opted to feature snippets of anonymous employee reviews from our Indeed Employer page in our recruiting emails, which best speak to our workplace culture,” shared Madison Serfas at Assistance Home Care.

At each New-Hire Orientation, Assistance Home Care asks new employees what drew them to apply at Assistance Home Care. Nearly every week, Serfas says she hears that it was the company’s employee reviews or a word-of-mouth referral.

“Each of the nine emails within the campaign also featured a prominent footer featuring our Great Place to Work Certification with a link to explore our Employer page as further social proof for the audience,” Serfas says.

What I like: Workplace reviews are an effective way to get candidates’ attention and be remembered for the right reasons.

How to Write a Recruiting Email

Ready to create your own recruiting email templates?

With the above inspiration, we’re going to walk through a template that you can use to improve your email communication today.

Subject Line

The job of any email subject line is to prompt the recipient to open your message.

Sometimes, you’ll see funny email subject lines like “You dropped your credit card!” only to open the email and read “…now that I have your attention.” I get a lot of cold emails. I hate when they have misleading subject lines, and I doubt I’m alone.

An off-the-wall email subject line is probably not that useful to you unless it really reflects your brand. Keep it simple and honest, as you’ve seen in the examples above. These tips can also help you write a catchy subject line.

Pro tip: Keep your subject line short enough that it can all be displayed in people’s inboxes. This means that most subject lines are about nine words or less.

Purpose of Email

Nobody likes a buried lead; disclose the purpose of your outreach in the first paragraph of your email. Avoid vague, salesy language like “Are you interested in having the career of your dreams?!”

I get cold outreach emails like this a lot for my business, and it makes the purpose of the email feel muddied.

Introduction or Reintroduction

If this is your first time reaching out, introduce yourself and your company in a few well-chosen words. Enough to let them know what you’re about without writing a novel.

If you’ve connected with this candidate in the past, reintroduce yourself and your company. Given the enormous number of emails we all get each day (more than one hundred!), it’s best not to assume that they can actively recall everything about your brand.

Pro tip: Remind candidates where you met or the details of your last conversation.

Why This Potential Candidate

When potential candidates read recruiting emails, they’re asking the question, “Why me?” If you don’t answer this, they’ll assume that they’re one of a hundred people receiving the same email.

This is particularly important when you’re making a cold recruiting email template and reaching out to a passive candidate. Good recruiting email templates need to address this at the beginning of the conversation.

Pro tip: Disclose how you found this candidate and what stood out to you, as we saw in many of the examples above.

Job Opportunity

You don’t need to copy/paste the entire job description, but you do need to share the job title and an overview of the position details. Highlight some of the best aspects of the job or benefits of working at your company.

Pro tip: Use the job title to hyperlink to the job description.

Why Your Company

Job seekers are vetting companies as much as companies are vetting them. Your email templates always need to account for this and share why your company is worth applying to.

Here are some of the forms of social proof we saw in the above examples:

  • Company reviews (happy employees).
  • Positive workplace.
  • Talent of employee body.
  • Founder success.
  • Company valuation.
  • Collaborative environments.
  • Culture of innovation.

Pro tip: Avoid the urge to throw a bunch of random social proof at candidates. Make sure whatever you share is highly relevant to the experience they’d have in the company.

Mutual Discovery

“Recruiting emails are done better when they’re done from a place of mutual discovery versus a hard pitch,” shares Lucy Meyer. “Mutual discovery starts the conversation ‘I want to learn about you, hopefully, you’ll want to learn about us.’”

While some recruiting emails try to immediately funnel candidates into the interview process, neither the candidate nor the company is really ready to jump ahead to scheduling interviews at the first point of contact. This is an important step in full-cycle recruiting that shouldn’t be skipped.

Mutual discovery prioritizes relationship building, which will result in a potentially smaller but more qualified group of applicants.

The Ask

What action do you want this potential candidate to take? Your email templates can include any number of CTAs:

  • Fill out an application.
  • Quick call.
  • Formal phone screen interview.
  • In-person interview.
  • Introduction to other candidates.

The clearer your CTA is, the higher your success rate will be with candidates following through.

Email Signature

Emails, especially cold emails, need to include a few personal details in order to answer the question recipients are asking themselves: “Is this spam or real?” Create an email signature that includes:

  • Emailer/interviewer job title.
  • Company name.
  • Contact details.
  • LinkedIn links.

Pro tip: Ask yourself what basic information you’d need to see in order to validate the seriousness of a cold outreach email; then, make sure that all of those details are included in your email signature.

Other Types of Recruiting Emails

These email examples covered warm and cold talent outreach, but other types of recruiting emails may include:

  • Follow-up email.
  • Interview invitation email.
  • Briefing of interview format.
  • Interview confirmation email.
  • Interview feedback email.
  • Rejection email.
  • Job offer letter email.
  • Checking in email (relationship maintenance).
  • Notification of a new open position.

Pro Tip: Leverage an applicant tracking system and email templates to help maintain consistent communication with candidates.

Enticing the Best Candidates

Recruiters inevitably send dozens of emails to funnel top talent into their company’s interview process, and it all starts with recruiting. These emails may be the first time candidates hear about the company and what they do, so they have incredible power.

Reflect on the cold emails you’ve received and think about what impression they left on you and how they compelled (or didn’t compel) you to take action. Use this cycle of self-reflection to help you create email templates that become talent magnets.

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40 Rebranding Announcement Email Examples I Love (For Your Inspiration in 2024) Mon, 25 Mar 2024 11:20:25 +0000 40-rebranding-announcement-email-examples-i-love-(for-your-inspiration-in-2024)

Ever think you’d click on a HubSpot article about rebranding announcement email examples, only to be met by…

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Ever think you’d click on a HubSpot article about rebranding announcement email examples, only to be met by a pro-wrestling anecdote? Well, batten down the hatches, reader, because we’re heading back to pre-World Wrestling Entertainment (WWE) in three, two, one.

Sparked by a long-running legal dispute with another famous WWF (the World Wildlife Fund), the World Wrestling Federation (WWF) finally relinquished its name in 2002.

The sports entertainment giant went out swinging, launching the now iconic “Get The F Out” marketing campaign before officially changing its name, logo, and website to WWE.

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The WWF was already a well-known company and, despite a rebrand by force of hand, remained renowned after the fact.

Long story short? Whether you love or hate the promotion — heck, whether you love or hate pro wrestling — the WWE managed to take litigation lemons and turn ‘em into marketing lemonade.

Sadly, I don’t have that rebranding email announcement at hand (did the WWE even send one?!). But I do have a ton more incredible examples to illuminate and inspire you.

40 of the Best Rebranding Email Examples

Grab your beverage of choice and get comfy because it’s time to dig into 40 of the best rebranding email examples for your viewing pleasure. Let’s get into it.

In July 2023, Terkel rebranded to Featured — and with the new name came a new logo and website.

I spoke with Featured Founder and CEO Brett Farmiloe about the change.

According to Farmiloe, “‘Featured’ more clearly states what we do: get experts featured in incredible media outlets and provide feature quality content to our publishing partners.”

Brett explains that since the rebrand, more than double the number of publishers (now 1,000+) ask questions on Featured. There are also over double the number of experts answering questions on the platform (now ~30,000 experts).

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Part of the success was arguably down to Featured’s simple and direct rebranding announcement email. It offered a clear explanation of the changes — including why the company made them and how they impacted users.

But perhaps most importantly, Featured gave existing users clear guidance about what they needed to do next (login to their account via

What I like: Brett and the Featured team made a bold yet carefully considered move with the name change. In Farmiloe’s words, “This was a big decision for a seed stage, venture-backed startup to make 18 months into our company history.” I love that this rebrand paid off and that the rebranding announcement was clear and well-considered.

2. Wise

Early in 2023, I opened an interesting-looking email from money transfer resource Wise.

Real talk: I clicked “open” because I was skimming emails on mobile and assumed it was a payment confirmation. To be fair to Wise, the confusion was due to my haphazard skimming (and wishful thinking!) rather than Wise’s messaging. Because that messaging, my friend, was masterful.

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Anywho, the crux of the email was that Wise had a new look, switching up the color scheme from blue to “clean, bold, green.” Aside from the color scheme, the company had gone all out with the rebrand, sporting a new logo and different typography.

Humans aren’t always the biggest fans of change (myself included!), so having such a stark new look could’ve been unnerving for Wise’s client base.

However. the rebranding email announcement centered its customers as the inspiration for the changes. The masterful messaging also made it clear that the service remained the same despite a bold new look.

What I like: I loved how Wise put its customers at ease with clear messaging about its service, which remained the same. I also dug how everything about the rebrand was linked to the company’s values, vision, and, most importantly, its customers.

3. Centraal Beheer PPI

Shout out to Hristina Stefanova, head of operations at Goose‘n’Moose, for forwarding me this next pick and some context about the rebrand.

“The two emails come from the time I was still residing in the Netherlands and therefore making pension contributions to a Dutch pension fund,” says Hristina.

Hristina explains that the ABN Amro team opted for its existing brand identity when announcing the takeover and transfer to Centraal Beheer. But, this announcement email was one of the last (if not the last) times the company communicated under that brand identity.

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The above email screenshot is Centraal Beheer PPI’s latest look, with the most noticeable difference being the name change, logo, and color scheme.

What I like: I appreciate the way Centraal Beheer PPI announced the name change to its customers before emailing the new branding.

When it comes to anything like money or pensions, you really want to make sure you put your customers’ minds at ease during any transitions. So, I imagine this staggered approach would’ve made the changes less jarring for existing customers.

4. 123FormBuilder

123FormBuilder started in 2008 as a regular contact form tool.

The original name was 123ContactForm, and its tagline was “As easy as 1-2-3” for building contact forms. As years passed, users increasingly adopted the tool for more than just contact forms (e.g., event registration forms, order forms, surveys).

The company wanted to reflect this evolution in the name, so 123ContactForm became 123FormBuilder.

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In its rebrand email announcement, the company updated customers about the name and logo change. But 123FormBuilder also clued them into the context behind the changes.

Like Wise, 123FormBuilder’s messaging reassured its customers that despite rebranding, the company still had the same mission. A mission closely linked to doing the best for its customers.

What I like: I like that 123FormBuilder simultaneously announced the rebrand and its new product launch.

With a subject line like “We have an important announcement to make,” more people likely opened the email. And by also including the new product launch, 123FormBuilder capitalized on those extra eyeballs.

5. Resting Business Face

Our next example is from tax professional and business consultant Michael Eckstein. Eckstein is the mastermind behind Resting Business Face, a weekly newsletter about small business finance and strategy.

For context, Eckstein’s practice website originally started as and then became

The latter is where the newsletter started and what eventually led to the rebrand.

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When changing up any aspect of your business and explaining the changes to your customers, clarity is critical. And the email Michael sent out announcing the changes was impeccably clear.

Clarity aside, the content of the email stayed true to the loveably sassy tone of the weekly newsletter, which made for an engaging read. You can also tell how much Michael genuinely cares about the members on his email list.

An example of this empathy is how he reminds readers about updating their preferences and thanks them for reading at the bottom.

What I like: I love that Michael has made the instructions crystal clear — including a detailed breakdown of how to allow the new email address to be listed.

Another interesting aspect of this rebranding email is that Michael gave his readers the heads-up before the changes happened. That’s a good idea because it gives the email the most chance of landing in the right place. (Rather than, say, landing in the promotions tab or spam.)

I also think the “What did you think of today’s issue?” section at the end is clever because it shows he welcomes (and therefore values) his readers’ feedback. When your emails make people feel valued, they’re more likely to resonate.

6. Candour

Candour is a digital agency offering SEO, PPC, and digital marketing services. In 2018, the company rebranded from ApplinSkinner to Candour. With the rebrand came a company name, logo, and web address change.

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The email frontloads crucial information, diving straight into the most significant change (transitioning from ApplinSkinner to Candour.) This is followed by the dictionary definition of candour: “The quality of being open and honest; frankness.”

I think this is such a creative way of introducing the new name’s meaning and, in turn, the broader connotations of the rebrand. The email then reinforces this by sharing the finer points behind Candour’s decision to rebrand: Wanting to represent its “ethos of transparency and refreshing honesty.”

What I like: I love that this email invites readers and customers to come along for the rebranding ride — making it a customer-centric collaborative journey. One way Candour achieves this is by announcing the branding changes and immediately inviting customer feedback on its new website.

7. Uscreen

Uscreen, the all-in-one video membership platform for creators, recently rebranded. Part of its brand refresh included a “vibrant makeover” of the company logo. Towards the end of January 2024, the company sent an email revealing the change.

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I think the opening of this email is clever. As a subscriber to Uscreen’s email list, I like that the messaging makes me feel like this logo reveal is exclusive. It’s also cool how the email links the brand changes to Uscreen’s new product updates and features. The email then doubles down on this by letting readers know there are even more exciting updates en route. Overall, these touches make the email more engaging.

What I like: I like that the rebranding announcement email opens with a question. I don’t know about you, but I’m always more likely to engage with content if someone asks me a direct question. It makes me pay more attention and want to respond.

8. Shift

First things first: I’d like to thank Matt Janaway, CEO of Marketing Labs, for sharing the next three examples of rebranding announcement emails. (Pleo and Notion Calendar to follow!)

Now, let’s dive into Shift, a browser that integrates web apps. In December 2023, the Shift team emailed existing users announcing the forthcoming rebrand. The “fresh new look” included a new logo and updated color scheme.

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This rebrand announcement email example works because it’s short, sweet, and to the point. The email format also factors in user experience, with headings, bullets, and bold/italic text for a better reading experience. In short, even if you just scanned this email, you’d know what’s changing and what that means for you.

What I like: I think it’s effective how the email doesn’t just tell users what changed and why. But also where they would see the changes when using the product or interacting with the Shift brand.

9. Pleo

In 2020, Pleo, a business spending solution, rebranded with a new logo, color scheme, and updated fonts. Pleo initiated the changes to celebrate “the values that we already know connect with customers like you: trust, transparency, and empowering your people.”

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Pleo’s subsequent rebranding email announcement works because it’s so darn visually pleasing. The color palette is beautiful, and the headings help with readability.

Why is that important? Because when an email’s aesthetically pleasing, it’s not just easier to read, but people are more likely to want to read it all the way through.

What I like: Design delight aside, the creative subject line “Out with (most of) the old, in with the new Pleo” hooks you in without being overly sensationalized or clickbaity. In short, it lets readers know exactly what to expect from the email and does so in a fun way.

10. Notion Calendar

At the time of writing, the dust has barely settled on Notion’s announcement that Cron is now Notion Calendar: “A unified way to manage all the things competing for your time.”

Although they acquired Cron in 2022, the calendar app’s final amalgamation into Notion could’ve felt slightly abrasive for existing users.

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So it was paramount that Notion Calendar’s rebranding announcement email a) put existing Cron users at ease, and b) gave them everything they needed to know to continue to use the product with as little friction as possible during the transition.

In my humble opinion, the announcement did a great job of tackling both a) and b). The email clearly explained the reason for the change and what users should expect from Notion Calendar right now. Painting a vision for the future — a vision users could get excited about — was the final icing on the cake.

What I like: I think the aspect of the email I liked the most was how Raphael signed off at the end with some subtle next steps outlined for readers — i.e., stay in touch through the new email channel and stay tuned to Raphael’s X account.

11. Meetanshi

In 2021, Meetanshi, a platform providing Magento extensions, services, and solutions for ecommerce businesses, announced its rebranding with a completely new look.

The company was approaching four successful years in business and recognized how its team, core values, and offerings had evolved. The rebranding was the business’s effort to match and celebrate what “Meetanshi” had become.

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With a bold background color, sharp copy, and easy-to-read font, Meetanshi’s rebranding email announcement packs a punch. But of all those elements, I think the copy works especially well. It’s direct, yet conversational and easy to digest, making the email an easy, engaging read.

What I like: I love that peachy background color. It makes a bold statement, but it doesn’t overpower the copy, which remains legible.

12. BILL

Back in 2022, financial operations platform changed its name to BILL and began “modernizing the look and feel” of the brand. The intention behind the brand refresh was to “create a more engaging experience.”

Meanwhile, the name change was inspired by how the company is referred to colloquially by its customers.

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Although the screenshot doesn’t show it, the subject line was “Spring has sprung — and so has BILL’s new look.” Of all the subject lines I’ve seen while crafting this article, I have to say that’s one of my favorites. It’s a quirky way of saying, “Hey, we have a new look.”

The email also fits the rebrand’s aim of creating a more modern feel — especially the graphic design elements. (The hand holding a mobile phone and the dotted flourishes give the aesthetic some modern energy.)

What I like: It has to be the color palette, design flourishes, and subject line for me. All of these elements combined make an impactful rebranding announcement email.

13. LOOP

Next up is LOOP. LOOP provides fair and equitable car insurance to customers based on how and where they drive. At its core, the company is on a mission to offer a fairer alternative to what currently exists in the “broken” car insurance industry.

LOOP is also a B-Corp committed to giving back to local communities. Those noble goals feed into the brand’s “Drive Good” tagline.

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When LOOP announced the rebrand, they said, “We’re going to start looking a little different. But it’s good different.”

Using and underlining the word “good” harks back to the company mission and tagline. But the phrasing also reassures customers that while the company has rebranded, LOOP will remain true to its core mission and values.

What I like: I love that the LOOP rebrand was inspired by its mission and values. And I really love that the founders explained the intention behind the rebrand so thoughtfully in their rebranding announcement email.

14. Rocketseed

Rocketseed is a leading B2B SaaS company offering business email signature management to a global customer base. I spoke to Rocketseed’s Global Marketing Director Jennifer Bassett about rebranding.

“In September 2023, following in-depth research and a strategic review, we ‘refreshed’ the Rocketseed brand to reflect the ability of our platform to give customers ‘one-to-one email marketing at scale,’” says Bassett.

Part of the brand refresh included updating various aspects of the company’s brand identity and communications while keeping Rocketseed’s name recognition and trust.

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According to Bassett, Rocketseed sent a mailer to the company database announcing the brand refresh. But, they also implemented a more sustained email approach, sending out “impactful, interactive banners announcing the brand refresh.”

These banners were “applied at the top of every business email that our staff sent to customers, prospects, and partners for the following month.”

By clicking the banner’s call-to-action (CTA), recipients could read a detailed explanation of Rocketseed’s brand refresh, its core brand values, the visual updates they could expect to see, and the significance of the new tagline “one-to-one email marketing at scale.”

What I like: I love that Rocketseed took an iterative approach to its rebranding announcement emails by sending an explainer and following up with a rebrand announcement banner at the top of all email communications.

15. Endota

Endota is a purpose-led brand that develops COSMOS organic certified and results-based skincare. Endota Founder Melanie Gleeson started the company in 2000 to “give back and inspire people to connect with themselves, the environment, and others.”

Both the rebrand and the rebranding email announcement reflected Gleeson’s continued vision. You need look no further than the email’s subject line, “A new look for Endota to continue to nourish and nurture you,” to see that in action.

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The email layout, with a human image to draw the reader in and plenty of white space for readability, also works. This creates a calming vibe that reflects the nourishing element of Endota’s products.

In terms of the content, there’s not a lot of writing, but what they do have counts. Like LOOP, the brand links all the changes to its original mission. Then, it reaffirms that it’s still committed to that vision.

What I like: I think the affirmation at the end of the email is such a nice touch. It showcases Endota’s focus on helping customers mindfully embrace well-being rituals. If the brand does this on all email communications, it helps retain some continuity while subtly aligning the rebrand as a force for good.

16. Butter

Butter is an online tool that helps you prepare, run, and recap collaborative sessions. In the email example below, Butter announced “A fresh new look” and some updated product features. The rebrand changes included a new icon set, color profile, and font.

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First, I love that “Oh, yoooouhoooo!” opener. It’s unlike anything else I’ve seen in other rebrand announcement emails. It just brings such a sense of levity to the email.

Then it’s followed up by a friendly “We hope you’ve had a great weekend…” Right out of the gate, this email content energized and excited me. As a result, it’s clear to me that they’ve worked hard to establish a strong brand tone of voice.

What I like: I like the subject line: “Butter updates: A crisp new look (+ a lot of smooth new stuff) ✨.” It immediately puts readers in the picture. Aaand, I’m also a sucker for an emoji — I think they make email subject lines more fun and, thus, more appealing. (A little more “clickable,” if you will.)

17. Anchor (Now Spotify for Podcasters)

So, the all-in-one podcast platform Anchor has been rebranded again since the below email example. For context, Spotify now owns Anchor, and the product goes by Spotify for Podcasters. Buuut, we’re not talking about that rebrand. So let’s r-r-r-rewind back to the rebranding email announcing Anchor’s “new look.”

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The subject email line “Introducing our new look” does what it says on the tin. But if I’m honest, it’s a little bland. That said, the tagline within the email body copy is delicious. “Anchor’s next wave” is a subtle nod to the rebrand, the company’s name, and the nature of the product.

The email explains the changes (a new logo and “splashes of color”) and links the rebrand back to the product. Anchor explains that this is “our form of self-expression,” and the company hopes it will inspire users to speak to their “heart’s content.”

What I like: I love that Anchor makes the rebrand more about its users than the company. They do this early by saying they’ve worked hard on the rebrand before bringing it back to how excited they are to share it with “you.” I also really like that the messaging links back to the company name and product by using words like “wave,” “splashes,” and “self-expression.”

18. Coca-Cola

Now, onto Coca-Cola, the carbonated soft drink giant that needs no introduction (but it just low-key got one anyway.)

This example differs slightly from most on this list because it involves rebranding a single product from a wider brand. That’s opposed to changing a single brand element that gets applied across products or services.

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Like Anchor, the subject line “Diet Coke Gets a New Look” is pretty basic. That said, the layout and presentation of Coke’s rebranding announcement email is just so pleasing to behold.

There’s a nice balance between imagery, copy, and white space, which makes it feel PRO-fess-ional. The layout also makes it easier to absorb all the information because none of the elements are fighting with each other for your attention.

Another significant aspect of this email is how the company reassures customers that the look is changing, not the actual formula. There’s also some excellent trust-building social proof in the email’s headline: “America’s No.1 Selling Zero-Calorie Beverage.”

What I like: I like that Coca-Cola doesn’t just announce Diet Coke’s “updated look” but also takes the opportunity to introduce four new Diet Coke flavors.

19. Hawaiian Airlines

Hawaiian Airlines, a.k.a “Hawaii’s largest and longest-serving airline,” unveiled its new look in 2017. The brand refresh included an updated logo “that honors Pualani and the Hawaiian hospitality she represents.”

Hawaiian Airlines hoped to “retain the essence of our brand and move forward with a bolder, truer expression of our unique identity.”

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The airline’s rebrand intention shone through in its email announcement, especially with phrasing like “Honoring the past. Looking to the future.” I think the subject line “A new look. The same authentic Hawaiian experience” also communicates the rebrand’s intent.

What I like: I like how respectful this rebranding announcement email example is.

By respectful, I mean Hawaiian Airlines is honoring tradition, heritage, and its vision, all while putting its customers at the heart of what they do. They mention “warmth,” “hospitality,” and “tradition,” and I’m not sure about you, but I feel all of that by reading this email.

20. Sttark

Next, we have Sttark, a custom packaging company based in Greenville, South Carolina.

Over its 17 years in business, Sttark expanded its offerings beyond custom product labels to include folding cartons and graphic design services for packaging.

As a result, in 2022, the company removed the word “label” from its name and went through a rebrand, switching from Frontier Label to Sttark.

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I spoke with Anissa, who is part of Sttark’s marketing team. According to Anissa, the 2022 rebrand was also around the time Sttark began experimenting with email marketing as a company.

“We had never done consistent email marketing campaigns before going through our rebrand. We used Klaviyo to send a straightforward email to our existing customers outlining our company name change and our reason for doing so,” says Anissa. The result of Sttark’s rebranding announcement email was “A 54% Open Rate and a 5.6% Click Rate.”

What I like: I like that, in Anissa’s words, Stark wanted to send “a straightforward email.” In my humble opinion, it was precisely that: straightforward and clear, and it respectfully conveyed the rebrand.

21. Pelago

Pelago (formerly Quit Genius) is a virtual clinic for substance use management. The clinic rebranded in 2023 with a “new name, look, and feel” intended to remove the stigma surrounding substance use.

The subject line of the rebranding announcement email, “Introducing Pelago (formerly Quit Genius),” gets straight to the most apparent aspect of the rebrand: The name change. With something as big as a name change, it’s probably better to stick to the KISS (Keep it simple, stupid) principle. So, points scored there.

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I do have to address the elephant in the room, though — a stunning opening paragraph … used twice. The thing is, it’s such a forgivable “mistake” because the mission of the rebrand (“to address stigma”) isn’t just clearly stated, but it’s a beautiful ideal to aspire to. So maybe that does bear repeating?

What I like: I like the simplicity and elegance of this email. It communicates the rebrand’s why, what, and how while remaining true to Pelago’s “substance use care, that works” company ethos.

22. Wellfound

The startup job search platform rebranded from AngelList Talent to Wellfound in the latter part of 2022. A need to distinguish two businesses under the AngelList umbrella sparked the new name and rebrand.

Each company had grown to serve different customer bases. So by keeping AngelList Venture the same, while transitioning AngelList Talent to Wellfound, they could establish distance between the brands.

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Like Pelago, Wellfound was announcing a name change. Also, like Pelago, Wellfound’s email subject line keeps it clear rather than clever.

“AngelList Talent is now Wellfound” instantly gets down to business, informing existing customers about the name change. But the friendly “It’s nice to meet you” follow-up takes it from being all business to a personable exchange.

What I like: The rebrand reflects Wellfound’s increased understanding of its target audience. The rebranding email announcement takes that premise and runs with it to the finish line. (See: “No one knows change better than the startup community,” as an example of Wellfound speaking directly to its target audience in a way that resonates.)

23. Weglot

Weglot is a no-code website translation solution that allows users to launch a multilingual website. In 2023, the platform revealed a new brand identity to “better convey who we are as a company.”

The aim was to reflect on the outside all the growth Weglot experienced as a team, as well as the evolution of its product since launching in 2016.

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This rebranding announcement email had me at “💅.” (Did I mention I’m a sucker for a well-placed emoji in an email setting?)

Personal preferences aside, the email immediately grabs the reader’s attention with a question–and–answer format. The rest of the content is just as must-read, with clear, engaging messaging and plenty of white space to let it all breathe.

What I like: I love that Weglot isn’t afraid to share messaging with personality. “You know you want to check it out, go go go!” is a perfect example of a fun CTA that drives customers to take a desired action. I also love that Weglot ends the rebranding announcement email by adding value (i.e., previewing tasty morsels like “GA4 tips for global brands”) to its audience.

24. Irresistible Me

Irresistible Me is a New York-based beauty company established in 2013.

When the company rebranded, it was a comprehensive transformation encompassing every aspect of its brand identity. Irresistible Me updated its logo, redesigned the website, and revamped its product packaging.

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Now, that’s a whole lot of change to get down on paper. And I think this rebranding announcement email example captures the essence of the rebrand journey well.

The icons are also a nice touch. They help to highlight the brand changes while the bold squares of color keep the eyes moving in the right direction. By the “right direction,” I mean where the critical information is throughout the email.

What I like: You can’t tell from the screenshot, but the star icons above “what is new” and “what’s the same” aren’t static; they’re animated. It’s a subtle animation, but it draws the eye and adds personality to the email.

25. Stark

Stark is a SaaS platform offering a suite of integrated accessibility tools to over 30,000 companies.

In October 2020, the company announced “$1.5M in funding, billing accounts, and a fresh re-brand.” Through the rebrand specifically, Stark hoped to “Change the way people around the world understand, see, and know about accessibility” and “change the way the industry spotlights disability.”

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I love that Stark gets right into the heart of its rebrand mission with the top image in the rebranding announcement email.

By doing this, Stark doesn’t just tell us but shows us its goals to “make clear that accessible design is beautiful, and disabled does not mean unable.” The “Read More on our blog” CTA button also offers the option to read more about the rebrand.

What I like: Aside from the stunning image, I love that Stark has bundled several announcements into one email. It shows that the brand doesn’t want to spam email subscribers. Taking the time to thank everyone who has supported Stark is another nice touch that humanizes this rebranding announcement email example.

26. Typedream

Typedream Links is a no-code link-in-bio builder.

Before it was Typedream Links, the link-in-bio builder went by Dumplink. Typedream initiated the rebrand so the link-in-bio builder could become “a seamless part” of its all-in-one bundle for creators.

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Typedream’s rebranding email is simple but effective. It explains the why behind the rebrand and introduces the tool’s improved UI.

I think it’s cool how Typedream takes the opportunity to share a sneak peek of the tool’s new features, too. Not only does this showcase the product, but the product preview images break up the text.

What I like: I love that Typedream clearly explains what readers can do next and pairs this with the social sharing CTA buttons. The sweet sign-off also brings the announcement back to what matters — the customer’s creative journey.

27. Motherboard

Motherboard is an employee benefits platform that used to be called roHealth.

The company changed its name to reflect the broader amount of company benefits on offer and the fact it was now a “comprehensive benefits management platform.”

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Sure, the email lacks bells and whistles. But I think that’s my favorite thing about the announcement. It has a specific target audience in mind, “Employers,” and speaks directly to them clearly and straightforwardly.

Even though there aren’t any images to break up the text, the white background, bolded subheadings, and font improve readability.

What I like: I like that the email clearly explains the changes, why they’re happening, and how they will impact this customer segment.

28. Withings

Withings is a health and fitness brand that provides health-based devices and a health-tracking app called Withings Health Mate. When the brand updated the app, it also gave the app icon a fresh look.

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Withings’ rebrand announcement email took the opportunity to address both the product updates and the logo refresh. The email explained how these changes reflected the company mission and linked that back to how its company mission relates directly to helping its app users reach their fitness goals.

What I like: I love the user-centric nature of this sentence: “Each of these new features has brought us closer to our aim: to provide you with all the help you need to reach your health goals, whatever they may be.”

It’s a great example of centering customers within your messaging. When the rubber hits the road, messaging tends to resonate better when it’s more about them (your customers) and less about you.

29. A2X

A2X, an ecommerce accounting software that serves businesses and accountants, updated its branding, switching from using illustrated images to more human ones. The image below is an example of a pre-rebrand email. As you can see, the graphics used are illustrations rather than photos of actual humans.

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The image below is post-rebrand. The illustrated imagery in the first email is high-quality and professional. But I feel like adding an actual human makes the second email more engaging. I would also say the post-rebrand email makes me naturally trust the company more because it feels authentic.

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What I like: I think the ability to build trust between consumer and company is perhaps the biggest takeaway here, especially given:

“A consumer’s level of trust in a company drives revenue-generating behaviors such as the likelihood to purchase again, preference for a company over competitors, trial of unrelated products, and propensity to share personal data” (Forrester).

So, if you want to build trust (and drive revenue-generating behaviors), try using photos of real people in your emails. I personally don’t think the images even need to be overly “polished.”

You could use a screenshot from a company Zoom meeting rather than professional headshots, for example. The most important thing is that the people look real and genuinely relatable.

30. Zight

Zight (formerly known as CloudApp) is an all-in-one screen recorder. CloudApp switched to Zight in April 2023, saying: “The new name and brand identity align with our mission to create a happier and more productive workplace for all.”

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In my opinion, this rebranding announcement email example works because Zight has framed it through the customer’s lens. You can see the company has prioritized informing and reassuring existing customers about the changes.

To see this approach in action, look at how Zight takes the time to explain the changes at the start of the email. Then, the brand closes with a P.S. section that empathizes with the user (i.e., “We know name changes can be an adjustment”).

What I like: It’s a subtle touch, but I like the way Zight has bolded the information that will likely be most pertinent to existing users. This makes it easier for readers to scan the email and quickly see reassuring information like their application login and pricing remaining the same.

31. Vidico

Vidico is a video production agency for tech companies.

The company’s 2022 rebranding “was driven by customer feedback, which emphasized the need for a creative partner who truly understands their product,” says Vidico Marketing Manager Laura Chaves.

The rebrand included a revamped portfolio, a fresh website, a new logo, and updated visual elements.

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Vidico’s rebranding email announcement gives a short recap of what’s changed and why, plus how this impacts customers. There’s also a nice balance between the visual and written elements. The approach worked. According to Laura, the email achieved a 33% open rate and a 4% click rate.

What I like: I really like the clear “Explore the new Vidico” CTA button. I also like that the email includes a short and sweet overview of the rebrand, with the option to “Head to our blog” for people who would like to learn more.

32. Summit

Summit is a lead-scoring engine for marketing machines.

After over a year in development, Summit announced it was “open for general access with a refreshed brand.” New use cases for sales, marketing, and product teams inspired its new positioning and website.

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Summit’s rebranding email opens with an intriguing subject line, “Big news at Summit ⚡” featuring the thunderbolt emoji (which is very similar to its logo).

So, right out of the gate, Summit announced a change and incorporated the brand identity into the subject line. There’s also a good mix of imagery, headings, and bolded text to create that email must-have — readability.

What I like: I appreciated the use of well-placed outbound links that explained and highlighted the new product use cases. I also like that Summit has taken the time to answer two customer-focused questions about 1) how the product has changed and 2) if there’s still a free version.

33. Hunter

Hunter is an all-in-one email outreach platform. Formerly named Email Hunter, the company was rebranded circa 2016 with a new name, logo, and website. The rebrand was inspired by how Hunter had expanded its service.

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Hunter’s rebranding announcement email starts by taking a minute to celebrate what’s been an incredible year. Then, the company introduces the “major rebrand,” explaining what has changed regarding its brand.

But what I think steals the show in this email is the paragraph explaining that nothing has changed for Hunter’s customer base.

What I like: I like that Hunter went with this subject line: “Email Hunter becomes… Hunter!” I like it because it does the job of announcing the rebrand while avoiding the format of “New Look, Same [Insert Brand].” Don’t get me wrong, that format also explains the email is about a rebrand, but it’s pretty predictable. I also love that Hunter takes the time to thank customers for their support at the end of the email.

34. Castos

Castos is a podcast hosting platform aimed at growing brands.

The company walked the walk of its niche by discussing the rebrand on its weekly podcast. The podcast went behind the scenes, sharing the why, what, and how of the new website, logo, and color scheme.

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Although the rebrand deep-dive came via podcast, Castos worked the rebrand announcement into its weekly Podcast Roundup email. The email incorporates elements of the new brand identity, including the new color scheme.

It also takes the opportunity to share a 50% off deal and coupon code for its integration partner, MemberSpace, as part of the announcement. If you have an offer that adds value to your customer base, why not share it with them?

What I like: I love both the clear CTAs, including the CTA for the coupon. That said, the bold purple CTA button for “Listen to the Episode” is especially eye-catching. I don’t know about you, but the power of purple compels me…

35. ConvertKit

Well-known creator marketing platform ConvertKit made the bold move to rename in 2018. Although the switch from ConvertKit to Seva was short-lived, the rebranding announcement email is an interesting example.

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The email starts by openly acknowledging the rename “seems completely crazy.”

From then on, it’s hard to look away because the energy of the email seems frenzied, but darn, is it authentic.

There’s also an excellent use of a media embed (the video of Nathan Barry’s keynote speech at Craft + Commerce) to break up the text.

What I like: I love that the email ends with “If you have questions, just hit reply!” In a landscape of emails that say, “This is an automated email, do not reply” (or thereabouts), this approach adds a personal touch.

36. Netlify

Netlify is a modern web development platform for enterprises that rebranded in March 2023. The Netlify rebrand centered around a new logo, which was “an exciting first step toward a whole new visual identity.”

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Netlify’s rebranding announcement featured the main event (the new logo) at the top of the email, with a side-by-side look at old versus new. This is a visually exciting way to show the changes in action while incorporating the new brand identity into email communications.

The copy is just as exciting to read, opening with: “A spark of inspiration from over 3M developers. A new logo for Netlify.” This killer line is followed by a clear explanation of why (and when) the logo change is happening, plus a solid CTA at the end.

What I like: I love the entire feel of this email. It seems like Netlify is legitimately excited about the new logo, and that energy shines through the copy and visuals.

37. Dig Insights

Dig Insights is a Market Research and Consumer Insights company that rebranded in 2022.

The aim was to move from a traditional research company to a more modern, tech-first one. As such, the company sent out a rebranding announcement email explaining the changes.

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To me, this email works because it has the company’s target audience in mind. For context, Dig Insights’ clients are in marketing, so they’ll probably be more curious about the “why” behind the rebrand (which Dig clearly explains.)

The email ends with a few words from the company’s CEO discussing the new visual direction, followed by a section dedicated to “What next?” I think marketers will also appreciate those elements.

What I like: You can’t see it from the screenshot, but I love that Dig Insights’ email announcement illustrated the rebrand with a GIF. Showing the before and after with visuals is an excellent interactive touch that clarifies what has changed.

38. Hable

Hable is a change management consultancy that helps people to work better with technology. Last year (2023), Hable reached a point where the brand needed a refresh.

The brand “hadn’t been updated in some time and was no longer reflective of who we were as an organization. We’d grown up a lot, and we needed our brand to grow up with us,” says Hable’s Communications Manager Rosie Burrows-Hall.

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Because it was a “major rebrand,” Hable wanted to send out a rebrand announcement email to all contacts communicating the “new era for the organization.”

I think they achieved what they set out to do. The email takes the time to explain the brand changes and why they happened.

Hable shares some background information about how they rebranded, too. But what gives it the extra special touch is that Hable links the changes back to its customers.

What I like: I really like the overall vibe of the email. It feels well-considered and genuinely sincere, especially when Hable describes its values. The layout is also effective, with a nice mixture of imagery, text, color, and white space that keeps the email visually interesting.

39. Engyne

Engyne is a full-fledged SEO platform for B2B SaaS startups.

Formerly, the company offered a programmatic SEO tool that was more focused on the affiliate marketing space. Engyne rebranded last year in line with product growth and changes.

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The rebrand announcement email works because it explains the product evolution and how this has informed the brand refresh. It also does a three-step breakdown of what this means for existing users.

What I like: I like that this rebrand announcement comes directly from the founders and that they’re encouraging people to reply to the email with questions. Reassuring users that Engyne will be “responding to each and every” email response is another personalized touch.

40. EmailToolTester

EmailToolTester helps small-to-medium-sized businesses compare newsletters, CRMs, and marketing automation tools. In 2023, the company rebranded and sent out a rebranding announcement email.

We kept it very simple and didn’t even mention the rebranding in our subject line,” says EmailToolTester Founder Robert Brandl. “The reason is that when a small business rebrands, it’s huge news for that business. But generally, others don’t care too much about it. That’s why we integrated it with our other content.”

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The simplicity of this rebranding email announcement speaks to me the most. It also focuses on adding value to the reader rather than centering the brand refresh.

EmailToolTester achieves this by sharing tips to increase email engagement, with only a subtle nod to the rebrand at the top of the email.

What I like: We could argue whether customers do or “don’t care too much” about company rebrands. I love to hear about company rebrands. But maybe you don’t. At the end of the day, it’s subjective.

That said, adding the brand announcement within a broader email has worked for EmailToolTester. That’s perhaps because they followed an approach that felt true to the brand and one they believed in.

Announcing Your Rebrand

We’ve looked at how 40 other companies announced their rebrands via email, and hopefully, you’re feeling inspired. But now it’s time for you to share your rebranding announcement email your way.

Providing the messaging is clear, the most critical element for success is taking an approach you believe in. Let’s break this down.

You can get the messaging clear by explaining the what/why of your rebrand and clearly communicating how any brand changes may or may not impact customers. If it makes sense (say, customers need to activate a new account), you’ll also want to cover what they need to do next.

But how do you follow a rebrand announcement approach that you believe in? Simple. (Well, kind of. Everything seems simple on paper, right?) Ask yourself if your rebranding announcement email resonates with your brand, values, and, perhaps most importantly, your customers.

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20 Email Opt-In Examples I Love (For Your Inspiration) Wed, 13 Mar 2024 11:20:34 +0000 20-email-opt-in-examples-i-love-(for-your-inspiration)

A few months ago, my inbox was filled with emails from a health specialist. I didn’t remember signing…

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A few months ago, my inbox was filled with emails from a health specialist. I didn’t remember signing up for random diet plans, so why was I getting constant emails?

I was ready to fire off a complaint, but I checked my inbox first. There it was, an opt-in email I’d actually subscribed to. The specialist hadn’t been consistent with their communication, so it completely slipped my mind.

This is exactly why opt-in emails are crucial. They save you from annoyed subscribers and maintain a clean, respectful email marketing strategy. Opt-in emails ensure that people remember to give you permission to send them content. Without them, you risk becoming just another forgotten sender—or worse, marked as spam.

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So, how do you word them in a way that encourages people to sign up while not appearing pushy at the same time? In this article, I’ll share my favorite email opt-in wording examples, why they work, and how you can make your own. 

Table of Contents

The Best Opt-In Messages in Emails

What makes an opt-in message stand out in inbox clutter? In this section, I’ll highlight 20 email opt-in wording examples and explain what makes them unique to bring you closer to creating your own.

1. Pitch

email opt-in wording example from Pitch

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Pitch’s opt-in email is refreshingly straightforward, saying, “We’re all set to send you the latest and greatest reads, Tips, and resources to bring you along the road to presentation enlightenment.”

Their respectful nudge for my explicit permission is great, too. It emphasizes collaboration, saying, “We can’t do this without your explicit permission,” which makes me feel in control. The CTA also feels like an invite to a journey and makes me curious about where it leads.

Pro tip: Be specific about the end goal of your opt-in journey to create a sense of excitement and belonging among subscribers.

2. Deviant Art 

email opt-in wording example from Deviant ArtImage Source

Deviant opt-in email invites you to a huge, exciting club. Their headline, “Get started on your devious journey,” is fun and sparks curiosity. The email also uses the fear of missing out (FOMO) by mentioning “the world’s largest art community — 61 million creatives and over 370 million deviations” to encourage me to confirm. 

Deviant Art also makes it easy to sign by emphasizing how it will “take a second to confirm your email” to show you’re one click away from joining an exclusive club.

Pro tip: Reduce friction with a simple confirmation process and emphasize how easy it is to join your list. 

3. Icon Utopia

email opt-in wording example from Icon UtopiaImage Source

Icon Utopia’s opt-in email is personal and easy to understand. Using the author’s headshot in the email adds a personal touch and builds a connection with subscribers with trust. The copy, “Thanks! You’re almost there! Please confirm your subscription,” is clear and concise and guides me through the next step without confusion. 

The CTA also works as a positive affirmation. It makes me an active participant in the process and reinforces the subscriber’s choice to engage with Icon Utopia. 

Pro tip: Create a CTA that clearly reflects what subscribers are signing up for and makes them feel confident about their decision to opt in.

4. Polaroid

Email opt-in wording example from PolaroidImage Source

Polaroid promises creatives that “a more inspiring inbox awaits…” to build excitement and anticipation. To move forward, they add a prominent “Complete your subscription” button. It’s easy for me to know exactly what I need to do next with the direct call to action.

Polaroid also includes a link to read more about their privacy policy in their newsletter. Lastly, the email ends with a “See you soon! Polaroid” to create a friendly sign-off that keeps the conversation going.

Pro tip: Make subscribers feel welcome and valued by ending your opt-in email on a personal note.

5. Hero Cosmetics

email opt-in wording example from Hero Cosmetics

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Hero Cosmetics takes a very direct and enticing approach in its opt-in wording. The email promises “early access to exclusive presales, insider announcements, and more” and focuses on the tangible benefits of subscribing.

This strategy is smart — it cuts through the noise and directly addresses the “what’s in it for me?” question that most subscribers have. Highlighting exclusive perks like early access and insider information makes the offer irresistible and taps into the desire to be part of a select group.

Pro tip: Offer a clear value proposition and a sense of exclusivity in your opt-in messaging to make it more compelling.

6. Withings

email opt-in wording example from WithingsImage Source

Withings’ opt-in email gets me excited for a healthier future with their products. The copy says, “The next step on your path to better health,” which sounds like I’m about to start something great. 

The email also talks about using cool tech to help me understand my health better. Their smart gadgets are like an invitation to learn more about your body. They finish by saying, “Subscribe now and be the first to know when the light turns green,” to make me feel like I’m getting an exclusive heads-up on something special. 

Pro tip: Use anticipation and exclusivity in your opt-in emails to engage your audience. Mention how your tech, tools, or information improves their life or solves a problem

7. Gartner

email opt-in wording example from Gartner

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Gartner’s email is very straightforward, with no fuss at all. The instructions are clear and hassle-free: Please verify your email address. The opt-in also reassures recipients about their privacy, which I appreciate. “Gartner takes your privacy seriously” makes the recipients feel secure and respected.

Pro tip: Emphasize that your audience’s consent and data protection are priorities to counter any hesitation they might have about sharing their info. 

8. Famous Footwear

email opt-in wording example from Famous FootwearImage Source

Famous Footwear followed a community-building approach in its opt-in email. Phrases like “Welcome to our family!” and “This is gonna be fun” add a sense of inclusivity to the email. This approach works well because it taps into our innate desire for connection and belonging and builds an emotional connection.

The brand also builds anticipation with “Things are about to get really, really good” and lists the benefits (trend tips, style inspiration, and sale alerts) I’ll get. This way, I know I have much to look forward to.

Pro tip: Create a sense of community or belonging and highlight the experiential benefits of joining your list, not just the practical ones.

9. Wealthsimple

email opt-in wording example from WealthsimpleImage Source

Wealthsimple, an online investment management service, has a very straightforward opt-in email. The email makes it clear why they’re sending it (to prove I’m not a bot) and what I need to do (confirm my email). 

“You’re almost done” also emphasizes that the process is probably easy and hassle-free, showing that Wealthsimple values a non-nonsense approach. The email also offers support options in case I need clarity regarding anything.

Pro tip: Provide a channel for support in your opt-in emails and communicate that help is available if your subscribers have any questions or need assistance.

10. SEO Notebook

email opt-in wording example from SEO NotebookImage Source

SEO Notebook is a newsletter that provides SEO tips and tricks. The author, Steve Toth, takes a direct and personal approach with a personalized greeting and sign-off that creates a friendly tone. It makes me feel valued from the start and creates a human-to-human connection.

Where the email really stands out is through its value proposition: access to pages from Steve’s exclusive SEO Notebook. This offer taps into the desire for insider knowledge and shows what subscribers can expect if they just press the green button. 

Pro tip: Personalize your opt-in emails to make your subscribers feel valued.

11. Return Path

email opt-in wording example from Return Path

Image Source

Return Path’s opt-in email shows they’re tracking subscriber activity by acknowledging that it’s been a while since I engaged with their emails. It’s a smart way to personalize interactions.

The email also shows respect for my time in two ways: it states its goal to provide interesting and relevant content and gives subscribers the option to adjust their preferences. If I want to opt out entirely, I have that option too.

Pro tip: Provide a preference center link in your opt-in emails to allow subscribers to tailor their experience.

12. Republic

email opt-in wording example from Republic

Image Source

Republic’s opt-in breaks down all the benefits I’ll get from their platform. The opening line (welcome to Republic!) adds to the community they’re trying to build. This step is clearly highlighted with a “Verify your email” button, simplifying the process.

The email also includes a direct link in case of any technical glitches so I can still complete the process without any hiccups. It prioritizes user experience, which is always great.

Pro tip: Include a direct link for email verification alongside the button — it ensures I can proceed even if they encounter issues with the button.

13. Aisle

email opt-in wording example from AisleImage Source

Aisle’s opt-in email is interesting. The tagline “We’re reinventing the period aisle – join our list to stay in the loop” piques my curiosity and makes me wonder what they’re doing differently. The CTA button “Yes, I want to subscribe” also affirms my choice and makes it clear.

The fine print at the bottom is great, too. If I have any questions, they made it easy by saying I could just reply to the email or contact them at It felt good knowing they were open to questions. This email made the whole process clear and made me feel like they value my choice and my time.

Pro tip: Be clear about what subscribers can do if they don’t want to receive this email.

14. Beyond the Envelope

email opt-in wording example from Beyond the EnvelopeImage Source

Source: Really Good Emails

Beyond the Envelope’s opt-in email got straight to the point with an important update about the GDPR regulations coming into effect. It clearly explained that to keep getting emails, I’d need to confirm my subscription by a certain date. 

They also offered options to customize the content I’m interested in, like publications, products, apparel, and news. This flexibility allows me to control what I see in my inbox, which I really appreciate. To confirm my preferences, all I had to do was click a button, make my selections, and confirm. It’s an easy step to stay connected with the content I’m interested in.

Pro tip: Letting subscribers choose what information they receive respects their inbox and personalizes their experience.

15. The Sunday Dispatches (Paul Jarvis’s newsletter)

email opt-in wording example from The Sunday DispatchImage Source

The Sunday Dispatches email starts with clear instructions: “Please confirm your subscription to The Sunday Dispatches.” This email displays a clear button that outlines the steps to what to do next.

What really adds a cherry on top is the testimonial: “He is honest, thoughtful, and doesn’t hold back.” It gives a preview of the quality and authenticity I can expect from the newsletter.

The email wraps up with a casual, almost playful line: “Oh my goodness, you are so close! If you click that big grey button above, you’ll be signed up for my list.” It’s the final gentle push to make the decision easier.

Pro tip: Add a testimonial to your opt-in email to show subscribers the value of signing up.

16. Houses Of

email opt-in wording example from Houses OfImage Sources

The greeting, “Thanks for dropping by!” immediately acknowledges and appreciates subscriber interest and sets a positive tone for the rest of the email. Knowing exactly what I was signing up for (“fresh photos and locations via the Houses Of newsletter”) helps me decide to subscribe because I understand the value proposition.

I also noticed the “Manage subscribe preferences” and “Unsubscribe” links, which reassures me I have control over their subscription settings. 

Knowing I could easily adjust my preferences or opt out if I changed my mind built trust. It showed me that the brand prioritizes my comfort and consent over merely increasing their email list numbers.

Pro tip: Clearly communicate the benefits of the subscription to make it easy for people to see the value they’re getting.

17. Recess

email opt-in wording example from recessImage Source

With a simple “hi friend,” Recess’ opt-in email instantly feels personal and laid-back. They thanked me for trusting them with my email and promised to make it worth my while. Occasionally, sending deals or content worth reading makes me feel like they respect my time.

The sign-off “talk soon, the people of Recess” keeps the tone casual and approachable. “Yes, I want to subscribe” is a straightforward CTA that encourages action.

Pro tip: The consistent use of lowercase throughout the email adds to the brand’s casual style and gives the message a more personal feel.

18. CyanVariable360 Studios

email opt-in wording example from CyanVariable360 StudiosImage Source

CyanVariable360 Studios’ simple opening eliminates any confusion. The explicit mention that I won’t receive the newsletter unless I confirm sets clear expectations.

This email includes an “Invite via Twitter” and “Invite via Facebook” option, which encourages me to share the newsletter with their friends. Making sharing easy expands the brand’s reach and builds a community around its content.

Finally, they recommend I add their email address to my address book so I don’t miss out. The fact that they thought about my experience from the beginning is evident from this practical tip.

Pro tip: Encourage new subscribers to share your newsletter on social media to increase your reach and create a community around your brand.

19. Notionway

email opt-in wording example from NotionwayImage Source

Notionway’s opt-in email is also one of those that just get straight to the point. It’s clear that all I need to do is click a button to access the newsletter. It’s also personalized in a way by including the email address to provide maximum clarity.

The email also includes a fine print to show Notionway cares about my privacy and choice and adds a layer of security to the subscription process.

Pro tip: Include a clear and direct confirmation button to simplify the process.

20. Zapier

email opt-in wording example from Zapier

Image Source

Zapier sends this email to existing subscribers as a check-in if they still want to be subscribed. It’s a great way to gauge how active and engaged your audience is. Plus, it’s also a respectful reminder and reinforces the value Zapier places on subscriber satisfaction and consent. 

The email also answers what happens if I don’t confirm. The language (“No hard feelings — we’ll still be friends. :)” also builds a positive relationship. Overall, it’s a win-win, like they’ve mentioned: I receive content they find relevant and valuable, and Zapier maintains a clean list. 

Pro tip: Reengage inactive subscribers based on open rates with a friendly check-in email to remind your audience they have control over the content they receive.

Email Opt-in Language (+Template) 

We’ve discussed 20 email opt-in wording examples and what makes them unique. Now, I’ve chosen some of the most relevant elements—like a placeholder for personalization, value proposition, fine print about privacy, and link to the preference center) to create an email opt-in wording template that you can copy and customize right now. Here it is:

Subject: Welcome to [Brand Name]! Please Confirm Your Subscription

Hi [First Name],

We’re thrilled you’re here! Before we get started, we just need to make sure we have your permission to send you [brief value proposition, e.g., weekly insights, exclusive deals, etc.] straight to your inbox.

Please click the button below to confirm your subscription. By doing so, you’re not just signing up for emails; you’re starting on a journey with us towards [reiterate value proposition briefly].

[Confirm Subscription Button]

Can’t click the button? No problem! You can also confirm by clicking this link: [Direct Link for Email Verification]

We take your privacy seriously. Your information is safe with us, and we promise to only send you content that is relevant and valuable. You can read more about our privacy policy here.

Customize your experience

Want to tailor what you receive from us? Visit your Preference Center here to select the types of emails you’re interested in.

Think a friend would love our content as much as you do? Share our newsletter with them through X/Facebook!

If you have any questions or need assistance, feel free to reply to this email or contact us at [Contact Email]. We’re here to help!

Not You? If you didn’t sign up for this list or you’re unsure why you’re receiving this email, feel free to ignore it. You won’t be subscribed if you don’t click the confirmation link.


The [Brand Name] Team

Having Your Audience Opt In

Healthy subscriber lists have a lot of benefits. They segment your customers better, increase open rates, and decrease marketing costs – just to name a few. When your content matches the interests and needs of your audience, it becomes a no-brainer for them to press the subscribe button.

But when you aren’t sure what works? Use A/B testing to experiment with different phrases, CTAs, and layouts. This way, you’re constantly testing and refining your strategy to meet changing preferences and improve communication with your target audience.

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9 Email Header Examples I Love (For Your Inspiration) Tue, 12 Mar 2024 11:20:34 +0000 9-email-header-examples-i-love-(for-your-inspiration)

Whenever I receive an email, my eyes immediately scroll to the bulk of the email. And why not?…

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Whenever I receive an email, my eyes immediately scroll to the bulk of the email. And why not? The branding, the copy, and sometimes the promise of juicy discounts draw us like moths to a flame.

But — it’s also super important not to gloss over the email header. There are two types of headers: technical and design-based. The design-based header is usually a part of the email content, while the technical part tells you the sender’s and recipient’s email addresses, the path the email has taken, and various identifiers and timestamps.

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Definitely not as glamorous as the content, the technical email header is your first line of defense against scams and phishing attempts. At the same time, it’s also important for brands to configure headers for deliverability and trust.

In this article, I’ll share my favorite email headers, why they work, and how you can make your own.

The Best Email Headers

The email header is just one part of email design. But picking out the perfect email header can feel like trying to find a needle in a haystack — especially if you’re not quite sure what you’re looking for or what makes one stand out. It’s tough to nail down the right mix of elements that make your email pop and ensure your recipients don’t click the “Mark as spam” button. 

In this section, I’ve rounded up nine of my favorite design-based email headers with their technical counterparts that serve as great benchmarks for your own designs.

1. Evernote

email header examples, Evernote

email header examples, EvernoteNote-taking app Evernote’s approach to their newsletter header is as no-fuss as it gets, and yet, it speaks volumes. It features a sleek megaphone set against its recognizable brand colors. The design is straightforward, without any unnecessary clutter. 

When you glance at the technical header, you’ll notice it clearly states the email is coming from Evernote’s communications team and that it has standard encryption to add a layer of trust and transparency. It’s a prime example of how minimalism can pack a punch.

What I like: What makes the design really interesting is how the icons emerging from the megaphone represent play, stop, and check actions, similar to tasks you might manage within Evernote itself. It subtly reinforces the app’s core functionality and how insights from the newsletter might help you perform those actions. 

2. Mango

email header examples, Mangoemail header examples, MangoMango’s email header design is a beautiful example of minimalism in black and white. It straightforwardly mentions an enticing offer — free shipping for orders over $75 and free returns, and also announces its latest collection with the catchy tagline “New Now | THE LATEST FASHION UPDATES.” 

With the subject line “The New Now: The sartorial combo,” the technical header complements this blend of utility and allure.

What I like: Even in their email headers, Mango conveys its brand’s essence — sophisticated, modern, and customer-focused. This consistency reinforces their identity to me and builds a reliable and stylish image in my mind. It shows that even in the smallest details, staying true to your brand matters.

3. Readwise

email header examples, Readwiseemail header examples, ReadwiseThis colorful gradient background catches my attention, yet doesn’t overshadow the text in Readwise’s newsletter. The header text (“A new newsletter from the folks at Readwise containing the most highlighted content, exclusive ebooks, curated RSS feeds, and more”) is great, too, and outlines what subscribers like me can look forward to. The newsletter’s name, Wisereads, is a clever twist on the brand’s name that also makes sense.

Apart from this, the technical header details, such as the subject line “Wisereads Vol. 23 – Noah Kagan’s Million Dollar Weekend, Dan Wang’s 2023 letter, and more” offer detail about the content of the email. Plus, bounce-back addresses and encryption reinforce the email’s security.

What I like: The one-liner summary in the header is brilliant. It strikes the perfect balance between providing enough detail to intrigue and inform without overwhelming me. This approach respects my time and attention and invites me to explore the newsletter with just the right amount of teaser. 

4. The University of Warwick

email header examples, University of Warwickemail header examples, University of WarwickWho doesn’t love a wave of nostalgia? I really liked this email from my alma mater, The University of Warwick. The header featured a screenshot from a video message by Professor Stuart Croft, which made the email feel quite welcoming and personal. 

The technical header also clearly displayed the subject: “Season’s Greetings from Warwick” and the sender’s address, “” to show that this message was specially tailored for graduates like me.

What I like: The header’s emotional connection and familiarity were great. This one-liner summary in the header, paired with a familiar face, turned a simple seasonal greeting into a warm, personal message for me. 

The email reminds me of my cherished time at Warwick and reinforces the bond between the university and its alumni. A personal touch and direct engagement are what make it stand out.

5. Proofpoint

email header examples, Proofpointemail header examples, ProofpointProofpoint sent me a really cool email promoting its new report, “The Human Factor 2023: Analyzing the cyber attack chain.” The header also includes an eye-catching preview of the report.

The clear call-to-action (CTA) button in red, saying “Download Now,” provides direct access to the report with just a click. The technical header provides enough detail to pique my interest and perfectly balances the delivery of information with intrigue.

What I like: The header sparks my curiosity. A sneak peek of the report and a direct invitation to learn more draws me into the topic. This strategy of creating anticipation and providing immediate value makes Proofpoint’s email stand out. 

6. Tarte

email header examples, Tarteemail header examples, TarteAn email I received from Tarte featured a simple header with clickable categories that led straight to their website. It was clear and to the point: The brand wanted me to explore more of what they had to offer. 

What’s great about this approach was how effortlessly it allowed me to dive deeper into their products. With just a click on tabs like “Lipsticks” or “Eye Shadows,” I was browsing its latest collections in no time. 

What I like: The email felt like Tarte was extending a personal invitation to me to discover all the beauty treasures they have in store. This kind of direct, user-friendly link in an email is a small detail, but it makes a world of difference in how we experience and interact with a brand.

7. Search Engine Journal

email header examples, Search Engine Journalemail header examples, Search Engine JournalSearch Engine Journal (SEJ) recently sent an email promoting its collaboration with HubSpot on The State of Marketing 2024. 

Here’s why this header works so well: It contains a visual preview of the report and includes a direct CTA to “Get Your Report.” The header also features both brands’ logos. All the elements work really well together and, despite a lot going on, don’t detract from each other.

What I like: Even though the email is from SEJ, the header still complements both brands. It features both logos and brand colors. It drives home the fact that the report is a collaboration, which enhances the content asset’s credibility. 

The header is a great example of how to feature brand partnerships in your email.

8. Glassdoor

email header examples, Glassdooremail header examples, GlassdoorThis header is from a Glassdoor email that highlights interesting discussions from the platform’s Bowls (conversation spaces that allow users like me to discuss different topics). I love the visual — it’s friendly and simply shows different people discussing something amusing in an office space. It’s a great representation of the way people have conversations on the Bowls and how it’s no different from real-life interactions.

The technical header is like any other except for the subject line, which actually offers a preview of the kind of discussions I might be interested in as a Glassdoor user. The choice of discussion is most likely based on my history on the app. This little tidbit makes the email personalized and shows this email is unique for me.

What I like: The header has a very calm and warm feeling. As a result of the light blue background and cheerful visual, Glassdoor Bowls evokes exactly the kind of impression it wants people to have of the company.

9. Meltwater

email header examples, Meltwateremail header examples, MeltwaterMedia, social, and consumer intelligence app Meltwater’s email header is brilliant. The email is about how the chance to get an event’s early-bird prices is ending soon, and Meltwater pulls out all the stops to drive the urgency. The “Time is running out!” creates anticipation and is the main focus of the email.

While Meltwater does mention the event’s details at the top left, the focus is clearly on the urgency. It’s a great way to drive action from recipients and increases the chance of conversion.

What I like: Of course, the moving clock in the header GIF. It’s dynamic, different, and catches the eye right away. It also literally shows how time is running out, which adds to the urgency factor and makes the email more engaging.

Creating Email Headers that Work

Email headers require a balance of design and technical aspects. Compromise one, and the header won’t get your audience to take action.

Find the right mix of design elements for your audience (and different segments). You might get better results with bold, attention-grabbing headers, while others prefer something more subtle. At the same time, technical requirements like using proper code, optimizing for different screen sizes, and including text versions also matter for headers to pass through spam filters.

So what do you do? Test-and-learn. Try different styles, fonts, colors, and layouts to see which perform best with your audience. And most importantly, keep track of these results and pivot to continuously improve your email design and header strategy.

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I Asked ChatGPT to Write 10 Different Marketing Internship Emails — Here’s What I Got Mon, 11 Mar 2024 12:20:48 +0000 i-asked-chatgpt-to-write-10-different-marketing-internship-emails-—-here’s-what-i-got

I’ve never been more nervous about writing a job application email than when applying for my first marketing…

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I’ve never been more nervous about writing a job application email than when applying for my first marketing internship. I felt like everyone could tell I had no experience and was utterly desperate for that to change. 

The jitters are normal, and I’ll help make it easier today by showing you exactly how to write an internship email.

Landing your dream internship requires a solid first impression, and your internship application email is the place to make this happen.

Download Now: 17 Professional Email Templates

First, we‘ll look at 10 internship email examples from ChatGPT, examining what bopped and flopped. Then, I’ll write an email replying to one of the internship opportunities (and you can steal it as a personal template).

Table of Contents

How to Write an Internship Application Email

Potential employers want to see professional, competent communication skills. Here are some best practices to put those qualities on display in your email outreach.

Customize your email to each company.

No one likes to feel like they aren‘t unique enough to warrant a little time and thought. That’s how receiving a copy/pasted internship inquiry email makes potential employers feel.

You must tailor every email to the specific internship position and company you’re applying to. Every email should contain a few basic customizations:

  1. Company name
  2. Hiring manager’s name (if you have it)
  3. Internship opportunity name
  4. How did you discover the position

Even if you’re applying to similar internship opportunities, make sure that you customize each email sufficiently.

Use a professional email address.

While this may seem trivial, other students vying for the same internship opportunities use professional email addresses. If you slide into someone’s inbox with “,” you will be remembered for the wrong reasons.

A professional email address can be your school email account or a variation of

Avoid cliché or vague language.

Sometimes creativity is an asset, and sometimes it muddies your message.

For example, to ensure that someone opens your email, you could write an attention-grabbing subject line like “You dropped your wallet!” and immediately pivot into “Now that I have your attention…”

Unless your potential employer is Michael Scott at Dunder Mifflin Paper Company, funny subject lines won’t leave the right impression. Also, avoid vague, cliché language like “esteemed organization.”

Make it highly relevant.

“It’s important to tailor your resume and email to address the specific needs in the job posting. Consider what skills and/or majors they are looking for and address them right away,” shared Lauren McGoodwin, author of the career book Power Moves and founder and CEO of Career Contessa.

“Follow the job application process and try to find the hiring manager or recruiter to send your resume and email of interest directly to.”

Lauren explained that there are two ways to reach out about an internship:

  1. Warm outreach (responding to a job posting)
  2. Cold outreach (internship request/asking for an internship)

“If you’re pitching yourself for a role, you have to do a bit more work to identify a need the company has and your unique ability to help,” she says.

She explains, “For example, you would love to create Instagram Reels, and the company isn’t currently creating that content. Pitch them on being a social media intern focused on Instagram Reels.”

She also says, “Share why this matters to the company, plus examples of your creative work and details of what you can offer (i.e., number of weeks, paid or unpaid, etc).”

Lauren shared that this is precisely how her company, Career Contessa, hired a social media intern in 2020— a perfect cold pitch with examples of how she could design Instagram infographics for the brand.

Mention previous internship experience.

If you had a previous internship, mention this in your outreach email. Having relevant experience isn‘t required, but it can show that you’ve already been vetted and committed with another organization.

Show potential.

“Prior to sending your internship email, really reflect on your top areas of strength and what successes you’ve had in and out of the classroom that showcases skills that could be used in the internship,” shared Brad W. Minton, certified career counselor and founder of Mint To Be Career.

“Too often, students want to write about themselves and the company but don’t adequately connect the dots between the two. It’s important to discuss your value add and connect that to what you know the role would require.”

Mention mutual contacts (if you have any).

Do you know someone who works for the company already? Casually mention this mutual contact – this can feel like an extension of your research on your company.

Here’s an example of how to mention this in your internship email:

“I’ve been aware of [company name] since my fellow [school name] student Cindy Smith interned with your organization last year. She raved about the workplace culture and the learning experience, so I sought out your internship program.”

Make it grammatically perfect.

Nothing will send your email to the trash faster than a typo. More than 50 percent of resumes contain typos, and that‘s a document that’s given a much heavier editing eye than a standard email.

“Proofread the email to ensure it is free from grammatical errors, which can undermine your credibility and attention to detail,” shared LinkedIn and CV expert Winston Macharia.

“Read the email aloud to catch any awkward phrasing or wordy sentences that could distract the reader,” Macharia says. Pretend you are the hiring manager and view your email through their eyes – would you be compelled to offer an interview? If not, put on your editor’s hat and trim and tighten your content.”

Use tools like Grammarly to catch mistakes as you write:

Image Source

“Grab a second set of eyes, perhaps a career counselor or trusted friend. Having a proofreader spot-check your email can reveal lapses you may be too close to the content to catch yourself,” Winston added.

10 Internship Email Examples From ChatGPT

I found 10 marketing internship opportunities on LinkedIn, and I will use ChatGPT to write an internship email for each position. Here‘s the internship email prompt that I’m using:

You are a college student seeking a marketing internship to supplement your education with real-world experience. Write an internship application email replying to the following marketing internship position you found on LinkedIn. U

se professional language and show your keen interest in the position and company. Limit the email to about 150 words. [copy/paste information from job listing]

How well can ChatGPT write an internship email? Let‘s look at what worked, what didn’t, and how these can be improved to be worthy of hitting send.

Note: ChatGPT initially wrote over 150 words for these emails. For every example, I re-prompted ChatGPT to shorten the email.

Jump ahead:

1. Digital Marketing Study and Internship

See the position on LinkedIn.


What worked: Reiterating points of the job description and aligning them with career goals.

What didn’t: Too many points start with “I am.” At a glance, it looks like this email is more about the interns’ needs than the internship position itself.

I’d improve the skills more specifically in how they relate to this position.

2. Marketing Intern (Summer 2024)

See the position on LinkedIn.

chatGPT two

What worked: Reiterating the internship qualifications and showing that you’ve thoroughly reviewed and met the position requirements.

What didn’t: It didn‘t convert the intern’s skills to this position in a specific or impactful way.

What I’d improve: This email mentions content creation and social media – a broad term. I would dive into the specifics of platforms, types of content, etc., to bring this to life.

3. Marketing Intern (Regional)

See the position on LinkedIn.

chatGPT three

What worked: This email expresses genuine interest in the learning opportunity and relates it to the intern’s career goals.

What didn’t: Some words stand out as being over the top; for example, it‘s not natural to say you’re “captivated” by the company’s approach. It feels cheesy.

What I’d improve: I would add a sentence or two about the day-to-day responsibilities of this role to make it less generic and translate your enthusiasm to the specifics of this role.

4. Digital Marketing Intern

See the position on LinkedIn.

chatGPT four

What worked: This internship email reiterates points about the company and the role naturally, making it clear that this isn‘t a generic email you’re sending to everyone.

What didn’t: The first paragraph must address the company‘s needs and how you’d like to contribute to its overall goals.

What I’d improve: This internship position is in the music industry; instead of telling them you’re passionate about music, include nods to favorite artists or trends to show industry understanding.

5. Content Marketing Intern (Remote)

See the position on LinkedIn.

chatGPT five

What worked: The intern was highly interested in the position, and understanding the roles and responsibilities was clear.

What didn’t: The company isn’t centered enough in this email. Specifically, the second paragraph is all about the intern, when it needs to be all about how the organization can benefit from this intern.

What I’d improve: Reframe this application to the organization’s specific goals, your experience, and how you can help contribute to those goals.

6. Social Media Intern (Steelers)

See the position on LinkedIn.

chatgpt six

What worked: The experience referenced here is thorough and speaks well to the internship position, even though the position was extensive.

What didn’t: Too many sentences start with “I,” and enthusiasm (or even a basic understanding of football) doesn’t come through in this email.

What I’d improve: Don‘t just say that you’re sincerely interested in this football position; show it with specific references to the NFL and the Pittsburgh Steelers.

This is the perfect place to mention a hobby, personal blog, or extracurricular activities related to this organization’s audience.

7. Marketing Intern (Cognizant)

See the position on LinkedIn.

chatGPT 7

What worked: This internship position listed particular requirements, and this email shows that you read these thoroughly and are qualified.

The second paragraph also speaks directly to the company’s markets and makes this email feel well-researched.

What didn’t: The second sentence in the first paragraph is confusing – the introduction doesn‘t have anything to do with the second half of the sentence.

“As a dedicated college student…” and “Cognizant’s commitment inspires me…” aren’t related and can give the impression of poor writing skills.

What I’d improve: Make sure that no part of your email is filled with fluff, clichés, or empty platitudes. Pull the sentiments about being a dedicated student and the company’s mission into two unique sentences and complete the thoughts.

8. Social Media Intern (IIN)

See the position on LinkedIn.


What worked: Social media marketing is a role with a lot of independent work, and the final paragraph of this email leaves the impression of a very confident and keen student who’s excited to dive in and deliver.

What didn’t: The phrases “social video content” and “aesthetic imagery” are vague and leave the reader with many follow-up questions.

What I’d improve: I would get particular with your examples when you’re referencing your experience and include links to your portfolio with examples of your work so that your skills can be demonstrated.

9. Marketing Intern (HireIO)

See the position on LinkedIn.


What worked: Creativity is an essential marketing skill, so mentioning soft skills such as a “creative mindset” is a positive signal for the marketing manager.

What didn’t: This email communicates apparent enthusiasm for the role‘s responsibilities, but it sounds like it’s just listing the entire job description.

What I’d improve: It‘s good to mention the broad responsibilities of the role but get specific about what you’re genuinely most interested in to make it feel more authentic and action-oriented.

What project would you pick first if you were to start working there today?

10. Marketing Client Services Intern (Summer 2024)

See the position on LinkedIn.


What worked: The specific details about the company, clients, and internship role make this email feel thoroughly researched.

What didn’t: This email references why the intern would be excited to work with big brands, but it should also express why brands would be excited to work with the intern.

Interns are typically young and from a different generation than most of the workforce, and that’s an asset to the marketing team.

What I’d improve: Youth can be indirectly leveraged with nods to understanding social media platforms and trends that the rest of the marketing team might not be in touch with. Point out opportunities that you see that others may not.

Writing My Internship Application Email

Here’s how these tips look in action. See below for a checklist to use when you write.

Important reminder: if you’re applying for a specific internship position listed online, follow the application process strictly. Failure to attach your internship resume, cover letter, or share essential details will be costly.

Subject line: Marketing Internship Application

Email body: Hello Nadine,

My name is Kayla Schilthuis-Ihrig.

I’m a public relations major at Indiana University of Pennsylvania and like to apply for the marketing internship position at Awesome Marketing Agency.

Your organization is known for its creative ad campaigns, memorable content marketing, and quality workplace culture, so I am interested in your internship position.

Your last holiday TikTok campaign was so engaging that we analyzed it in one of my classes.

As a final-year public relations student, I’ve been closely studying the digital media landscape and developing content creation skills.

Some of my previous projects have included developing public awareness campaigns for a similar company. An example of that campaign is linked below:

  • Portfolio of work [hyperlinked]

Inside that Google Drive folder, you’ll also find my resume and cover letter.

While my professional hands-on experience is limited, I‘ve worked extensively on projects overseen by professors and have references that speak to the valuable contribution I can make to your organization.

After three years of developing skills and gathering academic knowledge, I’m incredibly enthusiastic to learn on my feet, create content, monitor the success of projects, and continually improve to see campaigns reach their potential.

I would be honored to be considered for the opportunity to work with Awesome Marketing Agency.

Are you still vetting candidates for your marketing internship?

I’m reachable anytime by email ( and phone (123-456-7890).

Thank you, Nadine!

Best regards,


Email footer: Kayla Schilthuis-Ihrig
Journalism major
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Let’s connect on LinkedIn

Internship Email Template

Ready to write your email? Use this as your internship email template:

  1. Subject line: Quickly identify your email as an application and state which position it’s for.
  2. Recipient’s name: Personalize all internship emails with a specific person’s name if you have it, this sounds better than “dear hiring manager.”
  3. Company name: Always mention the company‘s name right away to show that this isn’t a duplicate copy-paste email that you send to everyone.
  4. Who you are: Your name, what you’re studying and where.
  5. Intention: Why are you emailing them? People‘s inboxes are overflowing with messages; don’t beat around the bush.
  6. Differentiators: What do you like about the company? Be specific: creativity, reputation for excellence, workplace culture, etc.
  7. Specifics: Reference to the specific internship position and why you think it would be a good fit with your specific skills.
  8. Your potential: What value will you add to their organization? Mention your relevant skills and experiences and how they can benefit.
  9. Question: Ask a question to prompt a response from them.
  10. Pleasantries: While many people include pleasantries at the beginning of their email, you can start your email directly and include these at the end.
  11. Contact details: Include your email address and phone number to make follow-up contact easy.
  12. Professional footer: Add your full name, school, major and LinkedIn profile to your email footer to have a polished, professional look.

How long should an internship email be? There‘s no hard word count limit for your internship email, but effective, succinct communication shows good soft skill skills and respect for the recipient’s time.

6 Other Internship Emails To Send

From writing an internship follow-up email to an internship request, there are multiple other types of internship emails that you might need to write during the hiring process.

Use these tips to help you communicate effectively while writing all of your internship emails.

Jump ahead:

1. Internship Request Email

The ChatGPT internship email examples above were all written in response to a job listing, but what about when you want to cold pitch yourself to intern with an organization? Here’s how to cold email for an internship opportunity:

  • Define the internship role that you’d like (ex: content marketing intern).
  • Set basic parameters, like how many hours a week you’re available.
  • List some specifics of the job description that you’d like to deliver and your relevant skills.
  • Offer examples of your work.

As you’re writing your internship request email, remember to make it about them and not about you. An internship is a job, and organizations need to understand how they’ll benefit from hiring you.

2. No Response Follow-Up Email

If you don’t get a response to your internship application, send a follow-up internship email after about a week.

Don‘t worry – you’re not bothering people when you follow up. Most companies get a lot of internship applications for each role, and your follow-up emails express continued interest.

Be very polite and keep your message short. In your follow-up email, you can:

  • Inquire if they still have available internship positions.
  • Ask if there’s someone better to speak to about the internship.
  • Inquire if there’s a better contact method, like a phone call.

Make sure that you reply to your previous email instead of sending a new one so that the recipient has all of the information about your inquiry without having to dig through their inbox.

3. Interview Confirmation Email

The moment has come, you’ve been invited to interview for an internship opportunity! Once they provide the details of your interview, send a brief follow-up email that checks these boxes:

  • Thank them for the opportunity.
  • Repeat the time and place (“I look forward to speaking Friday, March 3rd at 1 p.m. at your downtown office”).
  • Let them know what you‘ll bring (portfolio, references, etc.) and request that they let you know if there’s anything additional that you can provide.

This is a step that a lot of interns will skip, and it shows great communication skills to send a follow-up email.

4. Interview Opportunity Thank-You Email

It’s important to send a thank-you email after every interview that you have in your career.

You can write a foundation of this email before your internship interview, but be sure to mention specifics from your conversation to show good listening skills.

Easy tip: Send this email from your car or the bus immediately after you leave your interview. Sending a detailed thank-you email so quickly will offer a very positive impression of your organization skills!

5. Internship Offer Response

When you get the lucky email that you‘ve been offered an internship position, it’s time to write a professional confirmation email. In this email, you should:

  • Express your gratitude and enthusiasm.
  • Accept the position.
  • Confirm any requests that they had. For example, if they asked you to fill out your tax paperwork within a week, confirm that you will do so by the deadline.
  • Ask any questions that you have.

6. Internship Opportunity Thank-You Email

You should send a thank-you email to every single person that you got to know during your internship. The emails will fall into one of three categories:

  1. “Let’s keep in touch.” Send this email to everyone that you worked with and follow up by connecting with them on LinkedIn.
  2. “I may reach out in the future.” Anyone at your internship who tells you “If you ever need anything, don’t hesitate to reach out!” should be sent a special thank-you email. Let them know that you appreciate them telling you this, and you may reach out in the future to take them up on this offer.
  3. “Can you recommend me on LinkedIn?” Anyone who you directly reported to is a great person to recommend you on LinkedIn.

Email #2 is exactly how I landed my corporate job when I was 23.

I started a spreadsheet where I recorded everyone who made me a blanket “let me know if you ever need anything!” offer, along with their contact information and a few details about our work together.

One man named Bob made this offer to me, and two years after our work together, I saw that his company was hiring new marketing staff. I reached out to him and asked if he had any insights on applying to the company.

He replied, “I’ve just called the hiring manager and told her to make sure she offers you an interview.”

After two interviews I was offered the job, and my manager said that she only offered me an interview because of this email from Bob. Never pass up someone’s offer to keep in touch and lend a helping hand.

Conclusion: Sending Your Application

Whether you‘re applying for available internship positions or you’re drafting an internship request, ChatGPT can make your job easier.

… but it can’t automate the WHOLE email writing process.

Don’t leave your internship inquiry entirely email up to AI. Let ChatGPT reiterate the needs of the role and company, and then bring it to life with specifics about your skills, experience, and passion. Who knows where it will take you.

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13 Confirmation Email Examples I Love (For Your Inspiration) Fri, 08 Mar 2024 12:20:08 +0000 13-confirmation-email-examples-i-love-(for-your-inspiration)

I once signed up for an event and totally forgot about it in an hour. But when I…

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I once signed up for an event and totally forgot about it in an hour. But when I opened my inbox later in the day, I found a shiny email confirming my registration for the event.

This confirmation email reminded me about the event with all the necessary context. It also gave me the option to add the webinar to my calendar — so that I wouldn’t forget it again.

It linked the speakers’ social profiles to connect with them beforehand.

Win, win, and win!

That’s just a small glimpse of the impact confirmation emails can create for you.

If you’re looking for some inspiration, I’ve curated a list of 13 awesome confirmation email examples with a few best practices to help you get started.

We’ll cover:

→ Download Now: The Beginner's Guide to Email Marketing [Free Ebook]

13 Best Confirmation Email Examples to Emulate

Let’s break down some of the best confirmation email examples to give you some awesome inspiration for creating your own. I’ve sourced different types of confirmation emails and will highlight what I liked in each one.

1. B2B Bite

This subscription confirmation email for Jason Bradwell’s newsletter is one of the best I’ve ever read. Bradwell is a B2B marketer specializing in podcast marketing for SaaS brands.

With this welcome email, he gives you a warm welcome into his newsletter, B2B Bite, and sets the stage for future editions.

The email expresses gratitude for subscribing. And it also gives you the option to unsubscribe without any hard feelings!

What I like: This email maintains a warm and positive tone all throughout. It invites people to follow Bradwell on other platforms and spread the word about his newsletter — all without sounding pushy or promotional.

More importantly, the email gives you a record of which ID you signed up with, the source, and everything you submitted while subscribing.

2. Superside

I found this awesome registration confirmation email from Superside for one of their webinars. Unlike the usual registration emails, this example has lots of color, visuals, and appeal to it.

The cover image gives you all the crucial details about the event upfront. And the body text shares more helpful insights for attendees.

What I like: The email shares detailed instructions to make it super convenient for folks to join the webinar. From completing the next steps to adding the event to your calendar, you have everything in one place.

Plus, the message ends with a gentle nudge to invite others to the show and connect with the speaker (Tracey Wallace) on Twitter. A perfect, polite way for them to grow awareness without being pushy.

3. The Saturday Solopreneur

When I subscribed to Justin Welsh’s newsletter, I expected a standard confirmation email like most other creators. But this email stood out in my inbox because Welsh shares such a wonderful note to welcome new subscribers.

Welsh is a content creator and business consultant for solopreneurs. With this email, he shares a perfect message to learn more about him and what you can expect from the newsletter.

What I like: The first thing I noticed was how neatly formatted and scannable this email looks.

Besides the core message, I love that the email also invites you to share a few things about yourself — making it a two-way conversation. The best part: The message sets clear expectations for future editions of this newsletter.

4. Demostack

Demostack’s email confirming my registration for their Demo HQ Day event is another great example to emulate. It has a minimal design with hardly any text.

That way, you can quickly note the event details and join the webinar with a single click.

What I like: This is a great example of a confirmation email if you’re a sucker for minimal design. The email isn’t overloaded with text but shares only one guideline for attendees.

It also includes the event’s cover image to create brand recall in case people come across more posts on social media.

Plus, there’s an option to quickly add the event to your calendar on Google, Outlook, or Yahoo.

5. Thriving Virtual Bookkeeper Blueprint

Another confirmation email example comes from Thriving Virtual Bookkeeper Blueprint. This is a text-only email sent to confirm participation in a webinar.

It re-iterates the purpose of the webinar and shares specifics about where and when it’ll happen. Shoutout to Ayman Nazish from Analyzify for contributing this example!


What I like: Not every marketer has the design skills to create beautiful emails. This example works best if you don’t have the skills, resources, or time to design a fancy confirmation email. Simply follow this structure:

  • Welcome invite.
  • Confirm registration.
  • Name and purpose of the event.
  • Time and link/venue to attend.

6. Notion

I received another email confirming my registration for a meet-and-greet event hosted by Notion’s Bangalore chapter. This email had all the necessary details about the event and shared a few guidelines for those attending.

The message also included a form for participants to provide some information to the event organizers — so you know they’ll personalize the experience for you.

What I like: One of the best things about this confirmation email was how scannable it looks. It uses emojis and text highlights to make the message quickly readable.

The email also gives you a couple of guidelines without making it overwhelming for attendees.

What I particularly liked about this email was the element of surprise. The Notion team kept the venue a surprise and only revealed the location in this confirmation email. So, attendees had to open the email to know where to go — clever!

7. Wild Alaskan Company

Most order confirmation emails are purely transactional, with details about the items you’ve shopped for.

But this email from Wild Alaskan Company is an impressive example of how you can build a strong rapport with customers from the start.

It’s a personal note from the brand’s founder where he shares anecdotes from his own life that led to the creation of this brand. It also includes key details about the subscription with links to learn more about the company.

Shoutout to Corina from ZeroBounce for contributing this example!

What I like: The warm and personal tone of this message makes the email unique and memorable. Unlike other order confirmation emails, this one tells you a story — along with other order details — to get customers pumped about starting a subscription.

8. Whale

If you want to make your registration confirmation emails a part of Gmail’s native interface, then this email from Whale is an excellent example.

The team creatively used the “add a note” feature in Google Calendar to send personalized invites with all the details about the event.

What I like: This is such an easy example to emulate because you can send a Gmail-native invite and add some additional context for the event.

I liked how Stijn, Whale’s CEO, shared the key themes he’ll cover in the webinar and how it’ll help attendees.

9. Investors Club

Here’s an example of a confirmation email from Investors Club’s newsletter subscription.

The email shares details about the number of emails subscribers will receive every week and the themes they’ll cover. It also includes an option to manage email preferences to opt out of any of these emails.

The clear language and structure make it super easy to read, even if you’re in a hurry.

Shoutout to Elena Buetler from Investors Club for contributing this example!

What I like: It’s a great confirmation email template for companies that send multiple weekly emails. Instead of overwhelming people with one email after another, you can inform them right away about all the emails you’ll send.

And the chance to opt out of any of these emails is a great add-on.

10. Marketing Examples

Harry Dry’s Marketing Examples newsletter is popular among marketers. But you can also learn a thing or two from his newsletter confirmation email. It’s crisp, clear, and clever.

Dry is a marketer and messaging expert known for his neatly curated newsletters with several examples. In this message, he tells you the cadence with which he sends each edition and nudges you to respond to the email to get all of them in your primary inbox.

What I like: I love how this confirmation email is short yet meaningful. He mentions the effort it takes him to create each edition so you can know you’re getting value-packed emails.

He also adds a link to another newsletter for subscribers to explore more content.

11. Nouveau

If you need a template to create appointment confirmation emails, then follow this example from Nouveau. This short email only has four elements:

  • Brand logo.
  • Appointment details.
  • A quick note from the business.
  • The exact location to visit.

It also has options to contact the brand and add this appointment to my calendar.

What I like: I like how this confirmation email includes all the essential details I need when booking an appointment. This helps me plan my schedule without feeling confused or overwhelmed with any detail.

12. Connor Gillivan

This confirmation email example from Connor Gillivan welcomed me as a new subscriber to his newsletter. Gillivan is an SEO expert and runs an SEO-focused agency, TrioSEO.

This email follows a different structure, where Gillivan first talks a bit about himself and his career. The second half of the message shares the type of content he’ll share and what you’ll learn from his newsletter.

What I like: This email has a great structure. It tells me two things about the newsletter:

  • Who’s the creator.
  • What’s in it for me.

Gillivan also builds credibility for himself by adding links to his work and past projects. I can also check out more resources to learn from him.

13. Trunk Club Custom

While looking for appointment confirmation emails, I came across this awesome example from Trunk Club Custom. The message starts with a note from the brand about their clothes and what they’re offering.

The email also includes details about when and where your appointment will happen.

What I like: The best part about this email is its design. I love that the email has two distinct sections. The first includes a note from the brand and an image. The other offers specific details about the appointment and guidelines.

How to Write a Confirmation Email: An Actionable Playbook

Ready to create confirmation emails for your brand?

Let’s discuss a few best practices to help you write confirmation emails for different use cases, like subscriptions, registrations, appointments, and more.

Create a structure.

Prepare the groundwork for your confirmation emails by creating a layout and visualizing this structure.

Whether you’re designing emails or writing a simple text message, you need a structure defining what details you’ll share first and which ones will come later.

Include all necessary information.

Double-check that your confirmation email contains all the information the recipient will need to follow through with whatever they just signed up for. If it is a webinar, event, appointment, or meeting, include the time and location or link.

Outline any further steps that are required of the recipient, such as replying to the email, making a payment, confirming the appointment, or responding to a survey.

Make it personal.

When writing the email copy, keep the tone personal and welcoming. Your emails should create a sense of excitement and encourage people to learn more about you or your brand.

So, share a story or add pictures to create a personal appeal in your emails.

Add some personality.

Don’t make confirmation emails boring. Write quirky copy to add some personality to these emails and use emojis to call out specific details (if this aligns with your brand identity).

You can use pop-culture references (just be sure your audience is aware of them) and add punch lines to make these emails memorable.

Emphasize user convenience.

Always think from the users’ perspective to deliver a convenient experience. If you’re sending an on-site appointment confirmation email, include your location and contact details.

If you’re sending an event invite confirmation, include options to add the event to the calendar. If you’re sending a subscription confirmation email, be sure to make unsubscribing or managing emails easy.

Promote your brand (gently).

Include links to your social media pages and/or website, ask recipients to share your offering with their friends and colleagues, or tell some of your company’s story.

These things are not the focus of a confirmation email, but it’s never a bad idea to drop these details into an email that is most likely to be opened by recipients.

Automate confirmation emails.

Besides these best practices, remember that automation is your best friend for sending confirmation emails. You can’t manually send emails to everyone who registers for your event or books an appointment.

Instead, you need a powerful email automation tool like HubSpot to automatically trigger emails when people take a defined action.

Simply set up your email template with personalized fields, and HubSpot will send the mails when triggered.

Your Appointment is Confirmed!

You’re all set to create confirmation emails for your events, newsletters, and other use cases. Save any of these examples for future reference.

Remember to start by creating a structure for your email template. Then, write user-friendly copy to resonate with your audience. Finally, use HubSpot’s email automation tool to schedule your emails for the right triggers.

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9 Sponsorship Email Examples I Love (For Your Inspiration) Thu, 07 Mar 2024 12:20:19 +0000 9-sponsorship-email-examples-i-love-(for-your-inspiration)

When I was working as an in-house marketer, our team spent months in preparation for a massive industry…

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When I was working as an in-house marketer, our team spent months in preparation for a massive industry event.

In the run-up to the big day, one of the biggest challenges was finding sponsors for the show.

Emails went unanswered. Pitches were ignored. Nothing seemed to click.

That’s when we put all our creative instincts into creating the perfect sponsorship emails. And these emails secured positive responses, bringing actual sponsors for the show.

→ Download Now: Sponsorship Proposal Template

If you’re struggling to find sponsors for your next big show, I’ve been where you are. That’s why I’ve curated nine of the best sponsorship email examples to help you perfect your pitch and bag that sponsorship.

We’ll cover:

The Best Sponsorship Request Email Examples

Let’s look at these nine excellent sponsorship email examples and learn different elements you can emulate. I’ve collected a few real-life email examples and sponsorship email templates you can customize.

1. WTSFest

sponsorship email example from Women in Tech SEO festival

Areej AbuAli, the founder of Women in Tech SEO, hosts the WTSFest every year. This on-site event happens in multiple locations and brings together 500+ women working in the field of tech SEO. Areej shared this email she sent to a potential sponsor interested in contributing to this event.

What I Liked About This Sponsorship Email

This is a winning email because of its brevity. The message opens with a quick elevator pitch for the event. Areej gets straight to the point and briefly highlights what makes WTSFest a unique opportunity for the potential sponsor.

The email takes only a couple of sentences to zoom in on the biggest value proposition for sponsors: one of a kind, with an all-women speaker line-up and attendees. The brochure is a great way to share more details and answer questions/objections without making the email too wordy.

2. The Wall Street Women Forum

sponsorship email request

I found another great sponsorship email example shared by Saranya Balachandran, the Content Marketing Lead at Ionixx Technologies. Saranya sent an email exploring the possibility of sponsoring an event hosted by the Wall Street Women Forum.

On the left, you’ll see the response she received from the event organizers. This email shares a high-level overview of the event and answers the critical question: what’s in it for sponsors?

What I Liked About This Sponsorship Email

The response from the Wall Street Women Forum’s team was crisp yet detailed. It covers all the key details about the event: when, what, who, and where. Plus, sponsors can also check out the event’s agenda.

More importantly, the email specifically highlights the benefits for sponsors. It also includes a more comprehensive brochure sharing more insights that sponsors would be interested in. and I particularly liked that the message invites sponsors to get in touch with the event co-chairs to discuss more details.

3. SaaS Sponsorship

sponsorship email example template

If you think your potential sponsors are too busy to read a long email or go through a brochure, then this email can be a great template for you. It’s concise and creates interest without giving away too many details.

What I Liked About This Sponsorship Email

This example works great if you want to keep your message simple and short. It’s a brief pitch inviting potential sponsors to explore opportunities over a chat. So, the email highlights only essential information sponsors need: what’s the event for and what the key benefits are.

4. Healthcare Sponsorship

sponsorship email examples, healthcare sponsorship

I believe emails requesting sponsorships should have two parts:

  • What the event is about.
  • Why sponsors should care.

This email template addresses both parts well. It gives you a brief description of the event, attendees, and themes to be covered. And it gives you three clear points of what you get as a sponsor.

What I Liked About This Sponsorship Email

I love that this email is easily scannable and delivers a convincing pitch, even if you skim through the message. It also has a personal tone with first-person pronouns and nudges sponsors to explore possibilities for contributing to the show.


5. Big Event Sponsorship

sponsorship email examples, big event sponsorship

Big events typically include sponsors in different tiers with varying packages and benefits. If you’re targeting sponsors for multiple levels/tiers, then this email is great to give people a quick overview of the event. It encourages them to check out the brochure or deck and learn more about different packages.

What I Liked About This Sponsorship Email

If you’re doing cold email outreach to find sponsors, you have to set some context around who you are and why you’re reaching out. I like this example because it starts by establishing credibility for the sender.

The message doesn’t beat around the bush. Instead, it takes very few words to emphasize the main CTA (view sponsorship packages). And it ends by highlighting that it’s a location-specific event — an important detail for companies trying to enter this territory or build their stronghold.

6. Data Analytics Event

sponsorship email examples, data analytics sponsorship

While most sponsorship request emails rinse and repeat the same set of benefits, this example takes a different approach. It explains how companies can strengthen their brand image and reinforce their business values by sponsoring the event.

The message essentially banks on the quality and central theme of the event rather than highlighting flashy marketing and similar perks.

What I Liked About This Sponsorship Email

This email positively influences companies to sponsor the event by highlighting how both businesses are driven by mutual values. It also gives sponsors the promise of interacting with key opinion leaders and potential customers in the industry.

7. Innovation in Fintech

sponsorship email templates

If you’re giving sponsors access to a niche audience, it’s best to lead your sponsorship request with this focus. This example is entirely centered around the fintech vertical and promises sponsors great opportunities to reach a niche audience of professionals and businesses in this space.

What I Liked About This Sponsorship Email

This email can catch sponsors’ attention with one compelling sentence: Sponsoring this Expo would position your brand at the forefront of the fintech revolution. It’s an aspirational opportunity—one that would excite brands to explore sponsorship opportunities.

The message also highlights all the benefits specifically aimed at the fintech industry. Its focused messaging stands out from generic pitches.

8. Sustainability Event

sponsorship email examples, sustainability sponsorship

What if you create a sponsorship email the same way you write a LinkedIn post? Open with an intriguing hook, contextualize your idea, make the offer, and end with a gentle CTA. I love this example because it follows this structure and delivers a compelling message without sounding pushy or too direct.

What I Liked About This Sponsorship Email

This email opens with an idea that sponsors could relate to. This opening sentence sets the stage for the event and draws readers’ attention to the rest of the pitch.

The message doesn’t spotlight the same old benefits for sponsors. Instead, it focuses on the event’s mission and how sponsors can become a critical part of this mission. It also sheds light on the audience attending the show for sponsors to see if it aligns with their business.

9. Cybersecurity for Enterprises

sponsorship email examples

I’ve also found that opening your sponsorship emails with an ambitious promise can be a creative way to reel people in. Give them a view of what they’ll achieve by contributing to your event, then share more details about how you’ll make it happen — like in this example.

What I Liked About This Sponsorship Email

I like how this example opens with a unique proposition to provoke a sense of intrigue among readers. The messaging also speaks from the sponsors’ perspective and highlights what’s in it for them. Plus, it mentions a key benefit: positioning each sponsor as a thought leader in the industry.

How to Write an Email for Sponsorship

I’ve read, analyzed, and written dozens of sponsorship emails. Some worked well, and some tanked. After evaluating all my experiments with these emails, I’ve narrowed down my best tips for writing sponsorship emails.

email for sponsorship

Emphasize your shared brand values.

High-decibel marketing campaigns won’t impress sponsors. They want to know the core values of your event and how they align with their brand.

I recommend highlighting your business values at the start of the email with a personal touch. You should show that you’ve done your research about them and understand their mission. Present these values to resonate more with your prospects and nudge them to have a conversation.

One of the biggest value-driven benefits you can highlight for sponsors is that they can get behind a cause they truly believe in.

This way, you can also build long-term partnerships with these sponsors instead of creating a transactional relationship for a one-off event.

Share specific insights about your audience.

Another decisive factor for sponsors is knowing who they’ll reach, aka the audience. You can’t simply write a line or two describing the kind of folks attending your show and call it a day. Give sponsors more context about participants and explain how they can benefit from this specific audience.

This clarity on your event audience will add more value to your sponsorship proposal. It can make your pitch instantly appealing if the audience aligns with a company’s target market.

Plus, this audience research shows you’ve put enough thought into curating a world-class experience for a highly niche group of people instead of making it open for all.

Create a sense of exclusivity.

You can increase the perceived value of the sponsorship opportunity by offering some exclusive benefits or early access to your event. Build a sense of urgency and hype to make your offer sound more exciting to prospects.

For example, you can provide exclusive rights to host the first session or early access to the tickets. This time-bound offer can also fast-track decision-making and encourage sponsors to take the spot before the opportunity goes away.

Sign off with a single call-to-action.

You should conclude your sponsorship request with a clear CTA highlighting the immediate next step. Don’t confuse readers with multiple CTAs, like “let’s discuss more” and “check out our packages.” You have to make it easy for them to proceed and learn more about this opportunity.

Remember to steer clear of pushy messaging. You have to encourage them to explore the sponsorship packages instead of using promotional words.

A Tried-and-Tested Sponsorship Email Template

Here’s a pre-made sponsorship email template you can use to create your first set of emails.

Subject: Become a sponsor for [Event]!

Hey [Sponsor’s Name],

I’ve been following [Sponsor Company] for a few years now, and I recognize your commitment to [specific values or mission]. That’s why I’m reaching out to you with an exciting opportunity to showcase your passion for this cause by becoming a part of [event name].

Here’s why I believe it’s a great opportunity for your brand:

  • Benefit #1
  • Benefit #2
  • Benefit #2

I’d love to give you the exclusive offer of [mention exclusive offer] and a platform to partner with key industry leaders and decision-makers.

Would you be keen to discuss more details about this partnership? Please book time here to learn more about our sponsorship packages.

[Your signature]

Securing Sponsorships Made Easy with Email Examples

Finding sponsors is no mean feat — and I say this from my experience of spending weeks of trial and error to secure sponsorships for our event.

But with these handpicked examples, you now know how to write sponsorship emails that make people tick and engage in further conversation.

So, bookmark this post for the next time you’re reaching out to potential sponsors and need a pinch of inspiration to write your messages.

sponsorship proposal template

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10 Survey Email Examples I Love (for Your Inspiration) Wed, 06 Mar 2024 12:20:34 +0000 10-survey-email-examples-i-love-(for-your-inspiration)

I recently had a pleasant experience at a local restaurant. Everyone I interacted with was friendly, the service…

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I recently had a pleasant experience at a local restaurant. Everyone I interacted with was friendly, the service was fast, and my food was excellent.

Not long after I got home, I saw an email from the restaurant in the inbox. It was a request to take a survey to tell them about my experience. And I was more than thrilled to share my positive feedback.

As a bonus, I was also entered to win a gift card just for sharing my opinion.

For businesses of all industries and sizes, sending surveys is essential. Surveys inform everything from customer experience to product ideation to marketing strategy. But you need to make sure you’re distributing them the right way.

Whether you want to collect data for market research or run a customer satisfaction survey, promoting your survey in an email is a direct way to generate responses.

Below, I compiled a list of the best survey email examples I’ve received from companies. I also broke down the successful elements of these emails and created a template for you to send your survey email.

→ Download Now: The Beginner's Guide to Email Marketing [Free Ebook]

The Best Survey Emails: 10 Examples to Copy

To find the best survey email examples, I scoured my inbox. Why? I wanted to see surveys that got an actual customer (me) to open the email and respond to the survey.

And because survey emails come in different shapes and forms, I’ve organized them into the following categories:

  • Rewards-based.
  • Time-based.
  • Requesting help.
  • Embedded.
  • Survey reminder.

Here are my favorite survey emails that landed in my inbox and the elements I think you should emulate in your following emails.


1. Birdy Grey

Subject line: Your chance to win $1,000!

I found myself on the Birdy Grey website a lot last year (shout out to my fellow 2024 brides) and eventually became a customer, so, naturally, I ended up on their email marketing list.

The bridesmaid dress company recently sent a survey to its list that offered a chance to win an Amazon gift card worth $1,000.

Birdy Grey knows that asking for feedback means asking people to take time out of their days (10 minutes, to be exact) so they get right to the point.

The body copy is short, and the reward is bolded to emphasize the potential winnings you may get by completing the survey. I also appreciate how big and clear the CTA button is.

What I liked: $1,000 is a lot of money for anyone, but this reward is especially enticing for brides whose finances may be taking a hit from planning a wedding.

2. Contra

Subject line: $500 for your thoughts on pricing 🤑

This survey email example from Contra leads with the reward. Making “$500” the first thing people see in the email’s subject line is a great way to grab subscribers’ attention immediately.

I also like the personalization and explanation for why they’re running a survey — to help them build a product that “gets you paid what you’re worth.” As a freelancer, this is music to my ears.

Contra is a tool for freelancers, and they make that clear in all of their messaging, including this survey email.

What I liked: The graphic in the email’s body is eye-catching and on-brand with Contra’s overall style. More importantly, the image links to the survey.

This is an exciting way to prompt subscribers to take the study, especially considering it poses a question.


3. H-E-B

Subject line: Tell us what you think – 3 min survey

If you’re unfamiliar with H-E-B, it’s a Texas-based grocery chain. Last year, Food & Wine even named it the best supermarket in the US.

And I’ve got to say, the store’s email marketing is as top tier as its national ranking. I shop at H-E-B weekly, both in-store and curbside, and I receive this survey email after every curbside order pickup.

In the subject line, it’s wise to let subscribers know that the survey shouldn’t take more than three minutes to complete. The body copy is clear and straightforward, too.

It starts with a question to get you thinking, then prompts you to take the survey to help them improve your future trips to the store.

What I liked: The grocery store sends this survey email before I leave the parking lot, increasing the chances that I’ll respond while my experience is on my mind.

4. Quince

Subject line: Question for you

While the subject line for this email from Quince doesn’t explicitly say how long the survey will take, to me, it’s implied. When I read the subject line, “Question for you,” I expect to answer one quick question.

The entire email is short and sweet, from the subject line to the body copy. It even includes a chance at a reward for completing the survey: a $50 gift card.

In my experience, gift cards are an excellent way to entice customers to complete your survey.

What I liked: This email almost looks like a personal email from a co-worker when I see it in my inbox. Some people may not like this because it doesn’t stand out as much as other brand marketing emails, but I appreciate the simplicity.

Requesting Help

5. Superpath

Subject line: 🚨 We need your help: Our annual salary survey is live

There are a handful of situations where I think it’s appropriate to use the urgent alarm emoji (your store’s 20 percent off sale is not one of them), and this email from Superpath fits the bill.

Superpath is a membership community and an incredible resource for the content marketing industry.

Every year, they release a salary survey that helps content marketers (full-time employees and freelancers like myself) understand market rates and negotiate better pay.

To conduct this survey, Superpath needs data from the community, and they send emails like the one above to generate responses.

What I liked: Superpath is community-driven, so it makes sense to be transparent when asking the community for help. After all, the survey results will be informative for community members, so we’re happy to contribute.

6. Spindrift

Subject line: Your ideas, our next flavor. Help Spindrift create the next big thing!

Instead of asking for feedback, sparkling water brand Spindrift took their survey email further by asking customers to help them choose which flavors to add to their lineup.

Putting your customers in the driver’s seat creates a sense of excitement. Using “your ideas, our next flavor” in the subject line is a compelling way to increase email open rates.

If you’re a fan of the brand, participating in this survey would be a fun way to get involved and have a voice in the brand’s future products.

What I liked: Rather than offering a chance to win a gift card or a large sum, Spindrift discounts your next purchase for completing its survey.

This guaranteed reward ensures respondents get something in return for the time spent providing feedback.


7. Wave

Subject line: Would you recommend Wave?

Want to increase the number of responses to your survey? Embedding your survey within the email makes it even easier for customers to respond because it reduces the steps they must take to participate.

Take the survey email I received from my invoicing software, Wave.

For starters, I like that it’s personalized with my first name. Second, it’s a straightforward email asking me to rank how likely I’d recommend Wave to a friend.

When you click on Wave’s embedded survey, it links to a survey landing page where you can add more detailed feedback before you submit your response:

What I liked: As a Wave user, I can tell that this email survey came from the platform because the branding is consistent.

This familiarity reassures me that the survey is legit and not spam and that Wave cares about how it presents itself to its customers.

8. Mangools

Subject Line: Mangools needs your help!

Mangools, an SEO tool I used to use, sent this survey email to collect feedback from former customers. The message is short and to the point, but you can respond to the survey immediately since it’s embedded in the email.

The question in this email is just one of the survey questions. Clicking on the embedded survey question leads to the complete eight-question survey on Typeform.

On average, people are willing to answer between seven to 10 questions when completing a survey, so this survey from Mangools hits the sweet spot.

What I liked: Besides the convenience of the survey being embedded in the body of the email, I liked how quick it was to respond. This survey only took me about a minute to complete (one minute less than the estimated time they listed!).

Survey Reminder Emails

9. Accounting Today

Subject line: Your reminder to take our survey

The first line of this email from the publication Accounting Today sums up exactly why you must send a survey reminder: we all get busy.

Emails get lost in people’s inboxes, especially emails from brands, so it’s a good idea to send a few reminder emails for surveys that must be completed by a specific date.

This survey reminder email offers a simple message and nudges customers to take their survey.

The email also outlines the different ways to take the survey — either click the CTA button or copy and paste the survey link in your browser — and what respondents will receive for their time.

What I liked: This was the first time I’d seen an optional donation in lieu of a gift card for participating in a survey. If you know your customers are charitable, this could be an excellent way to encourage survey responses.

10. Adobe

Subject line: Reminder: Sam, Adobe needs your feedback

Here’s another survey reminder email from Adobe I found in my inbox.

I find reminder emails like this one helpful because, oftentimes, I miss the original email. The subject line grabs my attention by using my name and refreshes my memory about the survey.

The body of the email starts with a personalized introduction and then describes why they’re collecting feedback. I also like how Adobe used bullet points to outline the potential prizes for participating.

Bulleted lists are much easier to scan if you’re skimming an email.

What I liked: As a chronic worrier and overthinker, I appreciate the reassuring message at the bottom of this email.

Adobe lets subscribers know that if they complete the survey, they are automatically entered into the drawing and can ignore the reminder email.

How to Write a Survey Email (+Template)

After analyzing survey emails from my inbox, here are the elements I’ve found work best. I’ve also included a template that you can copy for your next survey email.

Subject Line

The goal of promoting your survey in an email is to generate responses, so the subject line is arguably the most important part. Come up with a survey email subject line that entices your customers to not just open the email but also take the survey.

When brainstorming subject lines, consider what your goal is. Do you want to collect feedback to make their experience better? Are you looking for feature ideas for your product?

Emphasize how important your customers’ input is by asking for their help in the subject line.

If your goal is to get as many responses as possible to increase your sample size, you’re probably offering a reward. In this case, highlight the reward in your subject line.

In my experience, seeing a monetary reward in an email’s subject line makes me open it immediately.


Personalization starts with addressing your customers by name, but it goes beyond that. Your surveys will produce more specific and useful results if you are sending them to the right people.

Use segmentation to create different surveys for different scenarios. For example, in the survey email example from Mangools that I shared above, the survey was sent to former customers.

Collecting feedback from people who are no longer customers of your product helps you understand why people left and what you could do to improve your product or bring customers back.

Body Copy

A survey from HubSpot found that 10-14 minutes is the ideal length for a survey. Factor this in mind when writing your email body copy — you don’t want to add more time to the experience if you don’t have to.

Keep your message short and straightforward. Let your customers know that you’re looking for feedback and how it will benefit them. Bonus points if you can give them an estimate for how long the survey will take them to fill out.

Survey CTA

After you’ve convinced customers to open your survey email, the next most important element is the survey CTA. You want to make it as easy as possible for customers to take your survey, so don’t hide the link or bury the lead.

Add a clear and easy-to-find CTA button to your body copy. Or, better yet, embed your survey into the email.

Emphasizing the Reward

If you’re offering a reward for taking the survey, wrap up your email with a reminder of what the reward is. Emphasize the reward by using a bold font or a graphic so it stands out if people are skimming their emails.

Sending a Reminder

If you need responses or feedback by a certain date, plan to send at least two reminder emails. Structure one as a follow-up to your original survey email and another as a “last chance” to respond.

Even if your survey doesn’t need to be completed by a certain date — for example, if you collect customer feedback on an ongoing basis — it doesn’t hurt to remind customers to share their thoughts.

Survey Email Template

Hi [First Name],

Your opinion is valuable to us. To help us improve your experience, we put together a short survey for you to share your thoughts. It shouldn’t take more than one or two minutes, tops!

The best part? You’ll be automatically entered for a chance to win a $100 gift card.

Please submit your response by [date] to be entered into the drawing.


[Your Team]

Sending Your Survey

Survey emails are an essential part of customer research. When you have deeper knowledge about your customers, their opinions, and their wants or needs, you can tailor everything from your marketing to your products to them.

In my experience, the survey emails that I was most likely to take grabbed my attention with a solid subject line, offered a reward and made it quick and easy to participate.

When sending your survey over email, remember the essential elements of email structure.

Your subject line should be enticing and customer-focused, the reward (if you’re offering one) is emphasized, and the CTA to take the survey must be straightforward and easy to find.

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15 Email Preview Text Examples That Would Catch My Attention Tue, 05 Mar 2024 12:20:22 +0000 15-email-preview-text-examples-that-would-catch-my-attention

I believe in the concept of inbox zero, so I have a sinking feeling every time we approach…

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I believe in the concept of inbox zero, so I have a sinking feeling every time we approach the holidays or big occasions (think Black Friday) when I know a mass of emails are heading my way.

All floodgates burst open — my inbox quickly becomes an overflowing chaos.

I usually send all these unread promotional messages straight to spam. But, occasionally, a few brilliant emails catch my eye because of their intriguing, clever, or motivational preview text messages.

The bottom line: A good preview text in email can help you stand out even in the busiest inboxes.

So, I curated 15 of my favorite preview text email examples to inspire you.

I’ll break down why they work + how to write your own.

We’ll cover:

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What is preview text in an email?

Preview text is a short snippet presenting a summary or the first few words in an unopened email. It appears next to the subject line and gives you a glimpse of what’s inside.

While subject lines greatly influence your email open rates, preview text messages can also amp up this number. An awesome preview text piques your curiosity, presents a compelling offer, and nudges you to open the email.

Let’s look at some of the best examples of email preview text and some actionable tips for writing them.


The Best Preview Text in Emails to Check Out

I scoured my inbox to find 15 awesome examples of preview text in emails. These are some of my favorite messages from over 700 emails I reviewed. Let’s explain why they work and what you can learn from each.

1. Hootsuite

Hootsuite announced their 60-day free trial with this banger email. The subject line gives you a promise — all the tools for free.

The intriguing preview text elevates this promise and makes it look like there’s something really powerful inside this email.

What I like: I was curious about what Hootsuite had to offer — all because the preview text gave me confidence. It’s a crisp and clear message to inspire people. Instead of discussing their product, the subject line and preview text spotlight users.

Takeaway: Focus on your recipients. Keep yourself in their shoes to emphasize how they’ll benefit from each email.

2. Semrush

Semrush pulled off this masterstroke by making the preview text an extension of the subject line. The brand sent an email introducing a new feature to track competitors.

The subject line is a clever clickbait that can repel some people. However, the preview text adds more context and explains the “how” behind this subject line.

What I like: The preview text goes well with the subject line. This subject line + preview text combination also introduces the new tool in just under 10 words—neat!

It’s one of the few examples where the preview neatly fits into the subject and elaborates on the email’s core message.

Takeaway: Write a super short, one-line summary of what’s inside your email. Then, break this sentence into the subject line and the preview text.

3. Freelance Bold

This preview text in one of Marijana Kay’s newsletters made me open the email quickly. Marijana is a freelance writer and content marketer for B2B SaaS brands.

This preview text is a classic — make an offer people can’t refuse. In the subject line, Marijana discusses the two main steps for taking bookings.

And the preview text promises her “formula” with tips to secure clients even when you’re fully booked.

What I like: This preview text has only 20 characters but still significantly impacts readers. Why? Because it gives you an irresistible promise.

Since Marijana is a leading expert, her subscribers (including me) would be more than curious to open this email and find her proven formula.

Takeaway: Make your offer sound unmissable and build credibility around it. Tell people what you share (formula, framework, template, etc.) and why they should get it.

4. Mutiny

I found an excellent preview text from Mutiny, one of the most unique examples in this list. Even though this preview text is longer than usual, it piqued my curiosity with an out-of-context question — Would you run a marathon for a burrito?

What I like: This preview text cleverly makes people excited about what’s inside the email.

While the subject line will talk about the actual content of the email, the preview text can mention something irrelevant yet interesting to draw people’s attention.

Takeaway: Don’t stick to the topic; that’s boring. Go beyond your email’s central theme to discuss something unusual in the preview text.

5. Why We Buy

Image Source

Katelyn Bourgoin’s Why We Buy newsletter always has 2 or 3 letters to describe the theme of each email. I know Katelyn is a 4-time founder and customer-focused marketer with a personal branding agency.

That’s good enough for me to open and read the message, even if not instantly. But, this email was unique because the preview text immediately convinced me to check out the message.

It’s an aspirational message with a concrete number to show how I can achieve this goal.

What I like: This short preview text builds exciting proof around the subject line. It convinces me that the email talks about a proven method, and I can use it to increase commitment by over 100%.

Takeaway: Share some proof of concept in the preview text. Give readers a reason to view the message by hinting at the success they can achieve with the tips inside.

6. Notion

When Notion launched Calendar, they sent four emails introducing different capabilities and use cases. But this was the best because the preview text beautifully contextualizes this feature.

It directly pokes at the pain of managing multiple tasks, meetings, and timelines to propose a single solution — all in five words.

What I like: This message taps into a big emotion: motivation. It tells me that Notion Calendar will offer enough motivation to stay on top of all my commitments.

And the preview text increases open rates by evoking this powerful emotion.

Takeaway: Make your preview text personal. Speak directly to your readers and explain what they can do better with the insights inside the email.

7. Junia

Junia ran a small experiment and shared their findings through an email. I wouldn’t usually have opened this message, but I felt compelled to click on the email because of the preview text.

It creates suspense and a sense of excitement, mentioning revelations inside.

What I like: The subject line + preview text combination gives you an action and a reason to work with. The subject line states a clear ask, and the preview text hints that there’s a reason behind this ask. It makes people curious to learn more.

Takeaway: Mention a simple action in the subject line and use the preview text to briefly explain why you’re asking people to take this action. Hint at these reasons instead of revealing everything.

8. Vidyard

Holidays are the busiest of times for our inboxes. But Vidyard’s creative message was one of the few emails I opened right before signing off for my year-end vacation. Why?

Because it gave me something new to check out: tips to make an OOO video.

What I like: This isn’t one of those typical happy holiday emails. It promises something meaningful and topical.

At a time when everyone was setting out-of-office responders, Vidyard’s preview text instantly caught my attention because I wanted to do something fun.

Takeaway: Even when sending mainstream emails for holidays or occasions, make them more appealing with a unique take or creative tips.

9. Triple Whale

I’ve received dozens of eBooks and reports over email, but this one from Triple Whale was at a whole different level. The preview text neatly summarizes what their BFCM report analyzes and the data points it includes.

And the best part? It nudges me to open this email with a short question — how do you stack up?

What I like: I felt excited because this preview text gave me some context about what’s inside the report.

If I were an e-commerce business owner, I’d open the email faster than the speed of light because I’d want to evaluate my performance against this data.

Takeaway: When sharing a report or resource (like an ebook), briefly summarize the numbers or themes inside and end with a personal question.

10. Content Workshop

This edition of Masooma Memon’s Content Workshop is another of my favorite examples of email preview text because it promises a free resource.

Masooma is a freelance writer and content marketer for some of the biggest names in the B2B SaaS industry.

The subject line explains that she’ll talk about 15 lessons, and the preview text invites me to download her tried-and-tested goal tracker.

What I like: This preview text is a quick nudge to download the goal tracker. It’s an added motivation to open the email. And if some people aren’t intrigued by the subject line, they’d view the email looking at this offer.

Takeaway: If you offer a resource within your email, highlight it in the preview text. Position this resource as a tried-and-tested way to accomplish the goals discussed in the subject line + email.

11. Catalyst

Catalyst uses preview text to guide users through the following steps after someone downloads their ebook on customer-led growth. Most companies throw people into their “lead nurturing sequence” and send random emails.

But Catalyst contextualized this nurture email for readers to instantly recognize why they’re receiving it and what’s inside.

What I like: This preview text immediately tells me why I’m receiving the email so that I don’t delete/spam it immediately. Plus, it sets the stage for me to open the message because the email contains the next steps.

And the personalization looks great, too!

Takeaway: Use the preview text snippet to create context around why you’re sending an email. You can significantly minimize unsubscribe rates by setting this context.

12. Atlan

My inbox is filled with invites for webinars, events, fireside chats, and whatnot. This email by Atlan was one of the few such invites that stood out for me. It has three main elements:

  • A recognizable [Invite] tag
  • Event name + time
  • Preview text with themes of discussion

What I like: This preview text is a one-line webinar summary. It’s clear and convincing for readers to explore more if the topics seem interesting.

Takeaway: Use the preview text to quickly summarize your event invites. It can save readers the time to jump through hoops.

13. Asana

Asana is one of my go-to project management tools. And when your favorite brand wants to share their tips, you’ll open the email. This preview text draws on Asana’s brand strength and popularity to excite readers.

What I like: I consider Asana’s team project management experts. By hinting that this email includes their best time-saving tips, this preview text creates curiosity to open the email.

Takeaway: Leverage your brand image to write preview texts in first-person POV and share your first-hand experiences or expertise.

14. Coda

This product update email by Coda has a simple and powerful preview text message. It tells readers they can achieve something big using the new capabilities in the tool.

But, they must view the email first to learn about these new features.

What I like: The simplicity. This preview text doesn’t have anything extraordinary. Yet, for Coda users, it talks about a big goal and incentivizes them to achieve it by checking out the features inside the email.

Takeaway: Don’t be afraid to keep things simple. Test a few variations of such preview texts with your subscribers to choose the most optimized ones.

15. Vimeo

This preview text by Vimeo is one of my favorite examples because of its realistic message. While the email discusses a specific feature, the preview text zooms in on the pain points this feature can solve.

It also told me about the option to try this feature for free.

What I like: The preview text contextualizes Vimeo’s new AI feature. It explains how the tool removes phrases we don’t want to include in the video, making it an instant hit.

Takeaway: Speak directly to your users and lead with their pain points to craft a successful preview text.

Turning Preview Text Into Opens

That’s a wrap on my favorite preview text examples! Remember to spend extra time drafting the preview text the next time you create an email campaign.

You can make a checklist of these tips and takeaways to reel in more people and increase your open rates with an awesome preview text.

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7 Email Banner Examples I Love (For Your Inspiration) Mon, 04 Mar 2024 12:20:27 +0000 7-email-banner-examples-i-love-(for-your-inspiration)

Last week, I was drinking coffee when an email from Adidas popped up. At the top, I could…

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Last week, I was drinking coffee when an email from Adidas popped up.

At the top, I could see my 9,000+ loyalty points displayed prominently in the banner, along with an offer that immediately caught my attention: a 30% discount on my next purchase if I redeemed those points.

I quickly forgot my initial plan for a quiet coffee and was intrigued and excited by the potential savings. Points I’d accumulated from previous purchases, which I hadn’t thought much about, now seemed like gold.

That’s precisely what an impactful email banner does. It tempts you and turns a routine email check into an exciting shopping spree.

Here, I’ll share what an email banner needs to include to have that effect and highlight seven of my favorite email banners that haven’t only caught my eye and compelled me to take action.

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What is an email banner?

A banner is a visual element at the top of an email that complements the marketing copy.

A banner is a great way to immediately set the tone for the message’s content and to create a lasting visual impression in the recipient’s mind.

Here’s what that exciting email banner from Adidas looked like:

Brand banners can range from simple designs featuring the brand’s name and logo to elaborate promotions.

These banners differ from signature banners, which you can find at the bottom of an email.

Banners are designed to capture your attention right from the start, while signature banners typically contain contact information, a professional sign-off, or links to social media handles.

What to Include in an Email Banner

While email banners have plenty of room for creativity, a few standard elements are a no-brainer. Include these elements for an impactful banner:

Brand Logo or Name

A brand logo and name in your header is the first thing people see. It sets the tone for the rest of your email content, reinforces your brand identity immediately, and lends credibility to your message.

For example, here’s a banner from PayPal featuring its logo:

See how the design is simple and the logo visually apparent? Follow the same guidelines to incorporate your brand name and logo. PayPal’s background colors also complement each other and don’t clash.

Lastly, consider the size of your logo and name — PayPal’s logo is large enough to be easily recognizable but not so large that it overpowers the rest of the banner’s content.

Brand Colors

Using your brand colors in your email banner reinforces brand identity and ensures visual consistency. It’s much easier for recipients to recognize your email as a visual signature.

The key is not to play with too many colors. Keep your brand look professional and cohesive by using a limited color palette. Also, ensure the contrast between the background and text colors is enough to make your content readable.

Adding a link to your website in your email banner is a strategic move and is especially relevant for e-commerce emails. It provides a direct pathway for recipients to shop or explore your offerings.

For an e-commerce clothing store like H&M, links to specific categories guide customers to what interests them and make the shopping experience smoother.

Pro tip: Make these links visually distinct and easy to find. Use clear, concise text or icons that represent each category.

Apart from this, ensure these links are mobile-friendly, too, since 56% of marketers use mobile-friendly emails in their email marketing strategy — and you don’t want to fall behind.

Current Promotions or Announcements

Highlighting current promotions or offers can reduce bounce rates and put your best deal front and center so nobody misses it.

A banner featuring a special sale, event announcement, discount code, or limited-time offer adds a sense of urgency to your message, encouraging subscribers to act quickly and not miss out.

Make the promotion clear and straightforward with bold, legible fonts and colors that make a statement but still fit your brand’s look. It’s also essential to keep the timing in mind.

Keep your audience engaged by updating your banner with the most relevant offers.

Personalization Elements

Personalization elements, whether email or SMS, make any message feel more tailored and engaging to each recipient.

Litmus’ research shows that 80% of customers are more likely to purchase a personalized experience. And why not?

Customized emails are like greeting someone by name when they walk into your store — it makes the interaction feel more personal and welcoming.

Personalization can be as simple as including the recipient’s name in the banner or as complex as showcasing products based on browsing history.

Start with the basics. Use your email platform’s personalization tokens to insert names or relevant details into your banner. But keep it relevant, too. Make sure personalized content aligns with the recipient’s interests.

You increase your chances of making a meaningful impact with this approach.

The Best Email Banners

I’ve shared some examples and fundamental elements of email banners earlier, but how do you bring these together?

In this section, I’ll share seven of my favorite email banners that are unique in their way and will get your creative juices flowing:

1. Hootsuite

I love Hootsuite’s email banner. The tagline, “Get this deal before she melts away!!” adds personality and character to the email. This creative touch made the email memorable; I remember it even days later.

The brand also stuck to its brand guidelines with consistent colors and fonts. While the message is fun, it’s still unmistakably Hootsuite. This consistency reinforces brand identity in my head and cements these colors’ association with Hootsuite.

What I like: An orange-ish red for the CTA button was strategic. Research shows that red tones convey urgency and importance, encouraging me to click through. The color choice also fits within Hootsuite’s brand guidelines.

2. Old Navy

Old Navy’s email banner did a great job of making me feel like a loyal customer. I learned about an offer with the tagline “get FREE shipping on $50+ orders” and how it integrates personalized elements to improve my shopping experience.

Links to categories such as women, men, and gifts also make it easy for me to shift my focus to the website.

What caught my eye was how the banner summarized my rewards and points and even included my name. This personalization makes the shopping experience convenient and relevant by giving me a snapshot of where I stand.

What I like: The banner creatively uses space to combine several elements (offers, navigation, and personalization) without overwhelming me. It’s this balance between information and design that gets the message across.

3. Amazon Business

Amazon Business’s email banner caught my eye with its transparent, straightforward approach. It highlights a 30% discount on my first order up to £200 (around $252.64 USD), an offer that was hard to ignore for me.

What’s smart about their design is the clean, simple background they chose. There aren’t too many distractions, making the discount offer the show’s star.

The picture of the stapler in the banner is also quite cute. This fun and relevant element speaks directly to me and my needs and makes the entire message feel personalized and thoughtful.

What I like: Including a common office item, like a stapler, cleverly emphasizes the relevance of Amazon Business’s offerings to the everyday operational needs of small businesses.

It’s a subtle yet effective way to connect with the audience on a practical level.

4. Shopify

This headline and tagline combo from Shopify immediately resonates with me as a business owner. It promises constant ideas to help me keep my business competitive and creative.

The playful visual elements like stars and a smiley in place of the “i” dot also added a lighthearted, approachable feel to the banner.

These graphic elements and the gradient background make the banner attractive and reinforce that Shopify makes business fun and easy.

What I like: The inclusion of the Shopify logo and a subtle “Start free trial” text at the top right corner offers a clear next step without being too pushy.

I like how it’s a reminder that behind the engaging content and the vibrant community lies an opportunity to directly experience what Shopify offers.

5. Outreach

Outreach’s clear and informative email banner is extremely value-packed. The brand is promoting a webinar against a clean black background to ensure the focus stays on the webinar title and the presenters.

My favorite part is how Outreach included the three experts’ names, roles, and pictures. The design is simple and elegant. Bringing it all together, the email is an introduction to these experts.

What I like: There’s no logo on the banner. It focuses my attention entirely on the webinar’s content and the experts presenting it.

This decision might seem unconventional initially, but it allows the message about the webinar and its relevance to take center stage without distractions.

6. Holt Renfrew

Holt Renfrew’s banner starts basic. The logo at the top and direct links to categories like women, men, home, and kids help me navigate the email more quickly if I want to explore their products.

The email shines in its vibrant promotion of the sale that boasts “UP TO 80% OFF” on a neon green background. This choice of color is bold and eye-catching and makes it impossible to miss the sale announcement.

Despite the potential for visual overload with such a bright background and including details like “select sales final,” the banner conveys all these elements without being overwhelming.

What I like: A neon green background is unconventional for a luxury brand, usually using more subdued, elegant color schemes.

Neon green grabs my attention and infuses excitement and freshness into the promotion to show that it’s worth checking out.

7. Uber Eats

Uber Eats’ email banner stood out because of its colorful oranges and avocados. This shade of green in the background matches its brand colors and makes the fruits and vegetables look fresh.

The offer (“Enjoy 30% off produce every Fresh Tuesday”) is clear and builds excitement for weekly savings. It creates a sense of anticipation for weekly deals and encourages me to return and save on my fruits and veggies.

What I like: The banner is very straightforward. It communicates the deal without overloading me with details since the entire focus is on fresh produce.

Taking advantage of the weekly deal is tempting, and using brand colors and new imagery reinforces Uber Eats’ value to me.

Creating Email Banners that Work

Email banners require a lot of thought — and a lot of tact, too. They vary from industry to industry and audience to audience, so what works for one brand may not work for another.

So, how do you know what works? Simple: Test it out. Remember these fundamentals (and inspirations) to create a batch of email banners and see what works for your audience.

Monitor metrics like click-through and bounce rates to measure what engages your audience. A little trial-and-error pinpoints you to elements that click with your audience and make them take the actions you want.

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