content marketing ROI Archives - News for Project Managers - PMI Thu, 20 Apr 2023 16:02:52 +0000 en-US hourly 1 content marketing ROI Archives - 32 32 Realize the Value of Your Organic Traffic With a Content Value Tracker Thu, 20 Apr 2023 16:02:52 +0000 realize-the-value-of-your-organic-traffic-with-a-content-value-tracker

Content value is a superpower — and it’s not just because superpowers are few and far between. When…

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Content value is a superpower — and it’s not just because superpowers are few and far between. When you find the right metrics to prove the value of your content, you can showcase how important your work is to the organization.

As content marketers, it’s our job to engage our audience, build brand awareness, and drive interest in our company’s products and services. But to truly maximize content value, you need to have a way to measure your content’s impact.

The analytics are crucial for providing insight into the value of your production. With the right tool, you can track metrics like organic traffic, reader engagement, and content conversions to understand how your assets are performing.

This data can help you make data-driven decisions to optimize your content strategy. So, why is organic traffic so important? What does it mean when your audience spends more time on your articles engaging with the piece? How does this translate to business results?

Let’s dive in and explore how tools like Contently’s Content Value Tracker can help you optimize your content for maximum impact.

Content Value in Organic Traffic vs. Paid Traffic

difference between organic and paid traffic

Organic traffic and paid traffic are two primary ways to drive traffic to your website or blog. Organic traffic refers to traffic that comes from search engines or other sources without direct payment.

how to see content value and rank for paid search

In contrast, paid traffic refers to traffic that comes from paid advertising, such as Google Ads or Facebook Ads. While both types of traffic have their place in a content marketing strategy, there are some key differences between them.

how organic traffic works

One of the primary benefits of organic traffic is that it can be more cost-effective in the long run compared to paid traffic. With organic traffic, you can rank for high-value keywords and phrases that are relevant to your business without paying for each click. This can result in a higher return on investment (ROI) over time.

Organic traffic can also help build brand credibility, as users trust organic search results more than paid ads.

how organic traffic works

On the other hand, paid traffic can provide more immediate results compared to organic traffic, as it allows you to target specific audiences with precision and generate traffic quickly.

Paid traffic can also be a useful tool for promoting time-sensitive or seasonal content, such as holiday sales or limited-time offers. However, paid traffic can also be expensive, and the results are often short-term, meaning that you need to continue paying for ads to maintain traffic levels.

Overall, the decision to focus on organic traffic or paid traffic in your content marketing strategy depends on your goals and budget. While paid traffic can provide quick results, organic traffic has long-term benefits and can result in higher ROI over time.

By understanding the differences between organic traffic and paid traffic, you can make an informed decision about how to allocate your content marketing resources.

Contently’s Content Value Tracker

Contently Analytics and Content Value Tracker Overview from Contently.

Contently’s analytics dashboard provides a comprehensive solution for measuring your content’s organic traffic, audience engagement, and freelancer productivity. One of the key features of the dashboard is the Content Value Tracker, which allows you to measure the impact of your content on your business goals.

how organic traffic works

The Content Value Tracker uses a proprietary algorithm to assign a dollar value to each piece of content based on its performance. This allows you to track the ROI of your content marketing efforts and make data-driven decisions to optimize your strategy.

Our analytics suite shows content’s full impact down to the dollar — and it all starts with our Content Value Tracker.

Our proprietary algorithm calculates what your organic search traffic is worth to your business every month based on how much it would cost a competitor to replicate your success through paid ads.

how organic traffic works

With dollar values for SEO Traffic, Average PPC, and Net Value compared to other publications in the Contently platform, this approach captures how well you’re reaching your audience at the crucial research stage in the buying cycle, building the expertise, authority, and trust that Google’s algorithm values most.

how organic traffic works

But that’s not all: Contently’s analytics features help you optimize content performance across the entire marketing funnel. You can drill down to story-level data for topics, formats, traffic sources, and more.


Overall, the Content Value Tracker enables marketers to optimize their content strategy based on organic traffic data. By identifying top-performing content and improving SEO, marketers can increase organic traffic to their sites and achieve their business goals more effectively.

For example, if you find that a particular blog post is driving a significant amount of organic traffic, you can use that information to create more content on similar topics to attract even more traffic. Additionally, by monitoring search ranking data, you can optimize your content to rank higher for specific keywords and drive even more organic traffic to your site.

Analytics, Content Value, and You

Content marketing analytics is a crucial aspect of any successful content marketing strategy, and the Content Value Tracker is an excellent tool for measuring the value of organic traffic.

Using the insights provided by the Content Value Tracker, marketers can make data-driven decisions that can help them achieve their business goals more effectively.

Whether it’s creating more content on popular topics or optimizing existing content to rank higher in search engine results, the Content Value Tracker enables marketers to make informed decisions that can have a significant impact on their bottom line.

Overall, if you’re looking to maximize the value of your content marketing efforts, it’s essential to have a robust analytics tool like the Content Value Tracker in your arsenal.

By leveraging the insights provided by this tool, you can create a more effective content marketing strategy that drives organic traffic, builds brand awareness, and generates leads and revenue for your business.

To learn more about Contently’s analytics, reach out to schedule a demo. We’d be happy to show you how your organization can showcase content value.

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Monetizing Your Content Strategy: Insights for B2B and B2C Brands Tue, 18 Apr 2023 15:01:53 +0000 monetizing-your-content-strategy:-insights-for-b2b-and-b2c-brands

Content marketing is one of the most powerful tools in a modern marketer’s arsenal. If used strategically, it…

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Content marketing is one of the most powerful tools in a modern marketer’s arsenal. If used strategically, it can significantly increase an organization’s return on investment (ROI).

Though marketers may have a general sense that content contributes to their company’s bottom line, a staggering 49% don’t understand how their content is performing, according to a recent report.

But when budgets tighten across B2B and B2C organizations, there’s greater pressure to prove content marketing value relative to revenue contribution.

To maximize the effectiveness of their content marketing strategy and ensure a healthy ROI, organizations can benefit from analyzing the latest content marketing ROI statistics and applying best practices for leveraging them.

Eye-Opening Content Marketing ROI Statistics

If you don’t yet have the data behind your own organization’s ROI calculations, these stats can help you make a compelling argument to stakeholders that content marketing is worth the investment:

global content marketing market stats

How to Determine Content Value

Based on those statistics, you could argue that most content marketing delivers value to someone in some way. But if you’re trying to put a dollar value on content, there are two formulas you can use to calculate ROI.

The key is first having a content attribution model and lead scoring program in place, plus ways to capture accurate data for several important content metrics.

For a quick refresher: Content attribution is the practice of assigning a sales revenue percentage to content that influenced the sale during the buying process. Lead scoring can help sales and marketing teams determine which leads are most likely to become customers. They do this by assigning a weighted value to actions prospects take, like viewing a sales page or downloading a white paper.

To calculate content ROI as it relates to sales and opportunities, use this formula:

  • Average Cost per Opportunity x Average Opportunities Tied to Content = Content ROI

To express ROI as a percentage, use this calculation:

  • ROI (%) = ( Return – Investment / Investment) x 100

When determining the total investment cost for a content piece or campaign, don’t forget to include the following:

  • Promotional fees like paid placements
  • Freelance writing and design fees
  • General cost of internal resources tied to the content project

Including these costs ensures your ROI calculations are accurate while also providing insights into areas you may want to streamline in the future.

Common KPIs That B2B and B2C Brands Track

Clicks, visits, and downloads… oh my! With so many potential key performance indicators (KPIs) to evaluate, marketers sometimes struggle with where to start.

Consider the Content Measurement Maturity Model to evaluate where your organization stands and the steps you can take to tie content marketing efforts to revenue. The model is an easy-to-follow framework content marketers can use to improve their organization’s content measurement.

Content Measurement Maturity Model

B2B and B2C brands may have different KPIs, but some common ones include traffic, conversion rate, engagement, and revenue. Tracking these KPIs will help you understand the effectiveness of your content strategy and identify areas for improvement.

How to Identify the Ideal Channels for Monetizing Your Content Strategy

Once you have identified your organization’s maturity model stage and the KPIs you plan to track, the next step is to determine the ideal channels for monetizing your content strategy.

These four points can help you focus on the right channels:

  • Identify your target audience: If you don’t already have buyer personas developed, you should conduct research to understand who your target audience is and where they are most active online. Are they more likely to spend time on social media platforms like Facebook or LinkedIn? Do they prefer to read blogs or watch videos? Understanding your audience’s preferences will help you identify which channels are most likely to resonate with them.
  • Analyze your existing channels: Take a look at the marketing channels you’re currently using and analyze their performance. Which channels are generating the most engagement and conversions? Which channels have the highest ROI? This information will help you determine which channels to double down on and which to cut back on.

owned content marketing activities

When it comes to owned channels, blog posts, social media posts, and email newsletters represent the largest volume of content activities.

  • Experiment with new channels: Don’t be afraid to experiment with new marketing channels to see what works best for your business. Try out new social media platforms or content formats to see if they resonate with your audience. Keep track of each channel’s performance and adjust your strategy accordingly.
  • Monitor industry trends: Stay up-to-date with industry trends and emerging marketing channels. For example, user-generated content and live streaming have exploded in popularity in recent years. Keeping an eye on these trends can help you identify new opportunities to monetize your content marketing strategy.

B2B Content Marketing Strategies

The process for B2B buyers is usually longer than B2C and can include more touchpoints. That presents an excellent opportunity to deliver engaging experiences that lead to higher conversions.

B2B content touchpoints

Channels that B2B organizations have seen a healthy return according to content marketing ROI statistics include:

  • White papers and case studies: Providing in-depth industry insights, survey reports, and case studies can position your brand as a thought leader and generate leads.
  • Thought leadership webinars: Hosting webinars allows you to engage with your audience in real time and showcase your expertise. Try not to focus on self-promotion but on valuable and actionable insights that can benefit your potential buyers.
  • Email newsletters: Email marketing is an effective, low-cost way to nurture leads and drive sales through list segmentation and targeted campaigns.

It’s important not to place all of your ROI expectations on a single tactic. One deal Contently analyzed included seven content pieces that influenced the sale and resulted in a 15.5x content ROI.

B2C Content Marketing Strategies

B2C companies can use content marketing to boost sales and drive conversions through a variety of mediums. Social media platforms like Instagram, TikTok, and YouTube are excellent for engaging with customers on a direct level and providing them with shareable content:

  • Social media marketing: Social media platforms offer a range of monetization options, such as sponsored posts, reels, and influencer marketing.
  • Visual content: B2C audiences are often more visually driven, so investing in high-quality visual content, such as videos and graphics, can help drive engagement and sales.
  • User-generated content (UGC): Allowing customers to create and share their own content related to your product or service can help build brand loyalty, drive conversions, and increase revenue. Leveraging the power of influencers is another way to get high-quality UGC that larger audiences will see.

For consumers, user-generated content falls in the same category as word-of-mouth, which makes it a valuable option that brands haven’t fully tapped. One survey found that 79% of customers said that UGC influences their purchase decision.

One of the most successful UGC campaigns was the Ice Bucket Challenge, which helped raise $115 million for the ALS Association. Not only did it take off among social media users, but top celebrities like Taylor Swift and Steven Spielberg  joined in on the viral challenge.

Measuring and Optimizing Your Content Strategy ROI

To ensure that your content monetization strategy is effective, you need to measure results to optimize your ROI. To do this, you should regularly analyze your KPIs and adjust your strategy accordingly.

  • Test different monetization channels: Experiment with different monetization channels to determine which ones generate the most revenue. For example, you can test social media advertising versus email marketing to see which channel is more effective in driving sales.
  • A/B test: A/B testing can help you determine which content types and formats are most effective in driving conversions. In other words, you can test long-form blog posts versus short-form blog posts to see which one generates more leads.
  • Personalize: Personalizing your content and marketing campaigns can help increase engagement and drive conversions. For instance, you can use customer data to personalize your email campaigns and tailor your content to meet the specific needs of your target audience.

Monetizing your content marketing strategy is essential to generating a positive ROI. By tracking common KPIs, identifying the ideal channels for monetization, and measuring and optimizing your content marketing ROI statistics, you can ensure that your content marketing efforts drive tangible results for your business.

Whether you’re a B2B or B2C brand, understanding content marketing monetization and implementing the best practices will help you stay ahead of the competition and succeed in today’s digital landscape.

Stay on top of your content marketing game. Subscribe to The Content Strategist to get the latest news in content marketing strategy, digital transformation, and emerging tech trends.

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