Best Practices Archives - News for Project Managers - PMI Mon, 17 Jun 2024 15:20:57 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Best Practices Archives - 32 32 How Connected TV Advertising Can Transform Your Marketing Strategy Mon, 17 Jun 2024 15:20:57 +0000 how-connected-tv-advertising-can-transform-your-marketing-strategy

Many individuals in today’s society have become accustomed to getting everything on-demand. This includes TV shows, live broadcasts,…

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connected TV advertising

Many individuals in today’s society have become accustomed to getting everything on-demand. This includes TV shows, live broadcasts, movies, and other similar types of entertainment. Gone are the days when consumers were trapped by the limits of pre-programmed, linear TV. Now, streaming has allowed households to cut out cable—or never connect with it at all.

But just how popular is streaming? As of 2022, streaming finally became more popular than broadcast and cable TV viewing. That means it’s the perfect time to integrate connected TV advertising into your company’s broader marketing strategy.

A New Way to Consume TV Content and Advertisements

Connected TV (CTV) refers to over-the-top (OTT) content delivered through devices like smart TVs and game consoles. CTV quenches the thirst for instant, consumable content available on the viewer’s terms. Whether it’s a hit Netflix series or an exclusive YouTube TV documentary, OTT content is available on demand.

In exchange for watching streaming content at their leisure, CTV consumers accept that they’re going to be greeted by ads. Unlike linear TV ads, the bulk of CTV advertising can’t be bypassed. In other words, there’s no traditional “channel surfing” involved. When all ads have been presented, the OTT content resumes.

From a marketing standpoint, CTV advertising offers benefits that make it an attractive addition to any brand’s marketing approach. Understanding those benefits will help you determine how best to leverage CTV advertising’s power to invigorate your marketing results.

Interact Successfully With Individuals Across Multiple Channels

CTV advertising is natively digital, which enables you to obtain data-rich insights about your advertisements and viewers. You can overlay the incoming data you gather with your own first-party data to find targeted ways to interact with consumers. And you can do it in a way that aligns with the modern consumer habit of using multiple digital devices to enjoy content.

By making use of available CTV and other data, you can improve your performance and outcomes by delivering customized CTV ads across a variety of channels. Wherever consumers go, they’ll be encouraged to interact with your messaging in a personalized way. It’s your opportunity to showcase your advantages and improve your sales, even as they move from device to device and platform to platform.

Essentially, you have the chance to gain visibility and with audiences through carefully curated touchpoints backed by data. For instance, let’s say you’re a law firm that tracks your website visitor traffic regularly. Data-informed legal marketing company PMP Marketing Group highlights that first-party data can be used to retarget relevant CTV advertisements to visitors who have previously visited your site.

As consumers experience your OTT content on different devices, they’re reintroduced to your brand. This allows for seamless, consistent brand exposure for your firm, ultimately promoting recognition and responses.

Develop Stronger and More Reliable Attribution Models

CTV advertising can help with your attribution efforts as well. After all, it can be challenging to accurately attribute purchases, or other user activities, to individual marketing touchpoints. CTV advertising makes attribution somewhat simpler because you can capture so much data.

To understand how CTV attribution can work, picture a digital app company that’s trying to figure out where to put their marketing resources. As noted by mobile analytics company Adjust, if the app company invested in CTV advertising, its marketers could determine how many users installed their software within a certain amount of minutes after viewing an advertisement. With this attribution information, the company could adjust its CTV advertising placements to predictably replicate the same effect.

Make no mistake: Being more confident about your attribution calculations will give you a huge leg up over your competition. Rather than wondering which of your marketing tactics is working best, you’ll be able to understand which deserve more funding and which can be scaled back.

Stretch Your Department’s Advertising Spend

Another upside to CTV advertising is that it tends to be more economical than linear TV advertising. As a result, it’s both affordable for and accessible to smaller and mid-sized companies. Even if you’re operating with a shoestring startup marketing budget, you don’t have to assume that CTV advertising is out of your reach.

What attributes make CTV advertising so fiscally friendly? For one, there’s a lot of diverse inventory floating around in the CTV ecosystem. Remember that with linear TV advertising, there are only so many spots available. CTV advertising is much different and the pool of available spots is enormous.

Another factor impacting the lower cost of CTV advertising is that you can set your bid if you purchase through an auction-style marketplace. Much like the way you can set an upper bid limit for online search engine advertisements, you have the ability to control your financial outlay when bidding for CTV placements. You also can make changes to your programmatic bid buys as needed to stay within budget.

Embrace Your Team’s Creative Side With CTV Advertising

If you’ve felt like your marketing creative has gone a little stale or feels somewhat formulaic, CTV advertising can offer a chance to step outside the conventional video advertising box. Because CTV advertising occurs through smart devices, it opens the door to enhanced viewer engagement and participation through innovative content.

As an example, you could design a CTV advertising video that incorporates a quiz, fun game, or even add a scannable QR code. These strategies prompt viewers to take action as well as interact with your brand.

Once you begin to play around with CTV advertising content like pre-roll ads, mid-roll ads, post-roll ads, banner ads, interactive ads, etc., you’ll find new creative avenues to tell your brand story. It’s important to track your metrics and test each type of advertisement to see which performs best for each of your target audiences. That way, you can repeat your wins.

If you’ve been looking for a way to revitalize and future-proof your marketing strategy without overloading your budget, try CTV advertising. It’ll get you in front of target audiences with precision and efficiency, all the while rewarding you with a wealth of valuable data.

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Achieving privacy compliance with your CI/CD: A guide for compliance teams Wed, 10 Apr 2024 18:21:02 +0000 achieving-privacy-compliance-with-your-ci/cd:-a-guide-for-compliance-teams

Posted by Fergus Hurley – Co-Founder & GM, Checks, and Evan Otero – Product Manager, Checks In the…

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Posted by Fergus Hurley – Co-Founder & GM, Checks, and Evan Otero – Product Manager, Checks

In the fast-paced world of software development, Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD) have become cornerstones, enabling teams to deliver high-quality software faster than ever. However, the rise of rapid innovation, increasing use of third-party libraries, and AI-generated code have accelerated vulnerabilities and risks. Therefore, addressing these issues early in the development lifecycle is essential so that teams can launch their products quickly and confidently.

The introduction of Checks privacy compliance CI/CD tooling feature represents a significant stride towards addressing these concerns, by reducing manual intervention and automating compliance and privacy standards as part of a release cycle.

In this post, we explore the meaning of CI/CD for compliance team members unfamiliar with this technology and how Checks can weave privacy and compliance protection practices into that pipeline.

What is CI/CD?

Continuous Integration (CI) and Continuous Deployment (CD) are foundational practices in modern software development. They enable development teams to increase efficiency, improve quality, and accelerate delivery.

Continuous Integration (CI) automatically integrates code changes from multiple contributors into a software project. This practice enables teams to detect problems early by running automated tests on each change before it is merged into the main branch.

Graphic showing CI/CD continuous cycle

Continuous Deployment (CD) takes automation further by automatically deploying all code changes to a testing or production environment after the build stage. This means that, in addition to automated testing, automated release processes ensure that new changes are accessible to users as quickly as possible.

Shifting issue-spotting left with CI/CD pipelines

The automation of CI/CD processes is typically called “pipelines.” CI/CD pipelines automate the steps software changes go through, from development to deployment. These steps include compiling code, running tests (unit tests, integration tests, etc.), security scans, and more. If all automated tests pass, the changes go live without human intervention in a specific environment, such as testing or production.

These pipelines are designed to catch issues as early as possible, embodying the practice known as “shifting left.” The benefits of “shifting left”, particularly when applied through CI/CD pipelines, include:

  • Improved quality and security: Automated testing in CI/CD pipelines ensures that code is rigorously tested for functional and compliance issues before it reaches production. This early detection enables teams to address vulnerabilities and errors when they are generally easier and less costly to fix.
  • Faster release cycles: By catching and addressing issues early, teams avoid the bottlenecks associated with late-stage discovery of problems. This efficiency reduces the time from development to deployment, enabling faster release cycles and more responsive delivery of features and fixes.
  • Reduced costs: Detecting issues later in the development process can be significantly more expensive to resolve, especially if they’re found after deployment. Early detection through CI/CD pipelines minimizes these costs by preventing complex rollbacks and the need for emergency fixes in production environments.
  • Increased reliability and trust: Software that undergoes thorough testing before release is generally more reliable and secure. This reliability builds trust among users and stakeholders, crucial for maintaining a positive reputation and ensuring user satisfaction.

Checks brings privacy and compliance tests to your CI/CD

TChecks CI/CD tooling seamlessly integrates app compliance scanning into CI/CD pipelines via plugins for GitHub, Jenkins, and FastLane. You can also use Checks in any other CI/CD system that supports custom scripts, such as GitLab, TeamCity, Bitbucket, and more.

image showing logos of CI/CD systems that support custom scripts - FastLane, Jenkins, GitHub, Atlassian BitBucket, GitLab, Azure DevOps, and Team City

When Checks scans an app, the binary undergoes dynamic and static analysis to understand your data collection and sharing practices, including app dependencies such as SDKs, permissions, and endpoints. This data is then tested against global regulatory requirements, store policies, your custom Checks policies, and your privacy policy to find potential issues and opportunities for improvement.

Top 5 benefits of integrating Checks into your CI/CD

image showing checks report highlighting potential issues

By adding Checks as a step in your CI/CD pipeline, you can automate app and code compliance scanning as part of the development lifecycle.

The top 5 benefits of integrating Checks in your CI/CD are:

  1. Real-time, intelligent alerting: You can stay informed of new compliance issues or changes in data behavior across your product portfolio with instant notifications via email or Slack. 
  2. Understand data sharing & SDKs: Checks can help ensure secure third-party data sharing by gaining visibility into SDK integrations, permissions, and data flow analysis. By using Checks, you can be confident in your third-party dependencies before your public release. 
  3. Ensure new builds follow your company policies: Checks enables you to automate data governance with custom policies that let you set up safeguards against specific endpoints, SDKs, data types, and permissions, tailoring privacy to your specific needs. These policies help ensure all new releases comply with your company’s data policies. 
  4. Keep your Google Play Data safety section up-to-date: Checks can recommend Google Play Data safety section disclosures and alert you if you should make an update before releasing publicly, ensuring your declarations are always up-to-date. 
  5. Deploy quickly and with confidence: When Checks finds issues in the CI/CD, these vulnerabilities are caught and remedied early, significantly reducing the risk of compliance violations once you deploy the app. Checks helps you maintain high compliance standards without slowing down the release cycle, enabling teams to deploy with confidence and ensuring that user data is protected from the outset.

Next steps

Getting started is simple. Start by first signing up for Checks and then adding Checks to your CI/CD pipelines with these simple configuration steps. Once configured, Checks is ready to perform a variety of privacy and compliance verifications.

This proactive approach to privacy and compliance safeguards against potential risks and aligns with regulatory compliance requirements, making it an invaluable asset for any compliance and development team.

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What is Dynamic Marketing Strategy and How to Get Started Wed, 10 Apr 2024 11:20:57 +0000 what-is-dynamic-marketing-strategy-and-how-to-get-started

It’s a tough world out there. Brands are competing against one another to reach the same audience pool.…

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It’s a tough world out there. Brands are competing against one another to reach the same audience pool. Every company is looking to squeeze as much ROI out of each marketing campaign as possible, constantly searching for their next edge. The result? Marketers are looking to reach their intended audience in an innovative, never-been-done-before way.

This is a big ask, especially with more and more brands entering the marketplace every year. And while digital marketing was once seen as innovative, it’s viewed as mandatory today. Because of this, more marketers are turning to dynamic marketing strategies as a way to better reach their audiences.

What is Dynamic Marketing and Why is it Beneficial?

Put simply, dynamic marketing is a strategy designed to be adaptive and flexible based on customers’ behaviors and customer data. It’s a way to respond based on evolving technologies, platforms, and preferences. Marketers must keep their target audience in mind as they look to optimize their current and future campaigns.

There are several benefits of going with a dynamic marketing approach, especially when you lean on the expertise of a well-established agency. First, because you’re adapting to current needs you are seen as a responsive brand. You’re prioritizing your customers, meaning you are creating more meaningful, positive relationships with them. This leads to the second main benefit which is a boost in sales and customer retention. When customers are more attuned to your brand, they are more likely to think of it when it comes to making a purchase.

Lastly, dynamic marketing is data-driven, which means you can make decisions based on what has and hasn’t worked in the past. Instead of relying on your gut instinct, you are more confident in the direction and decisions you’re making for the brand. Being a data-forward business is crucial these days, especially with the third-party cookie phasing out. According to Hawke, marketers need to turn to first party-data to collect privacy safe data on their audience pool. First-party data can be collected through customer surveys, lead generation forms, email marketing, chatbots, and more.

How to Ensure Success

In order for a dynamic marketing strategy to be successful, there are certain components or tactics that you’ll want to ensure are in place.


Personalization is non-negotiable these days. Consumers want to feel like you have their best interest in mind and that you truly understand their needs. A recommended products widget on your site can redirect browsers to make a purchase based on prior search and purchase behavior.

Automated Decisioning

There are times when a decision can be made without your input. By leveraging new tools and technologies, some parts of your campaign can be put on autopilot. The automated decision making process occurs once data is collected and stored. Fluctuating airline ticket prices are a perfect example of this type of decision-making in action. The airline is not manually adjusting the price, rather it is adjusted based on recent search and demand history.

There are numerous platforms to leverage today that can help with automated decisioning. Depending on your business needs, you can leverage something like ZenDesk for customer support or Optimizely to get more out of your campaigns, for example. Many of these platforms leverage AI, predicting the best outcome for the task at hand.


How can you know if something is going well if you’re unable to track it? Tracking allows you to create benchmarks, or data points that you’re trying to achieve. It’s a way to evaluate how your dynamic marketing strategy is going and how it compares to what you were doing before. Again, lean into tracking tools and platforms to take the manual work of analysis out of it.

How to Implement Dynamic Marketing

You understand what dynamic marketing is and you know what is needed for success. You’re likely still wondering how to implement it. Of course, how you go about it will vary based on your industry, your objectives, and your current positioning in the market. Below, some general guidelines or steps to consider with this approach.

Set Your Goals

Before you go any further, it’s important to take a moment and set your goals. As a marketer, what are your main objectives? Are you looking to generate leads or increase conversions? Are you looking to establish brand authority? Each goal will have a different path for you and your team to take. For instance, generating leads may mean leaning into a social-media first campaign while increasing conversions may mean launching a referral program.

As you’re setting your goals, be sure they are SMART goals. Be as specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based as possible. Instead of “establish better brand authority” say “create 10 high-quality, SEO-driven blog content marketing pieces per month to increase brand authority.” Also, when it comes to attainability, don’t set a goal that you know is impossible to reach. Divide a big goal into several smaller goals, ones that you know you can reach within a given timeframe.

Recognize Your Hurdles

Alongside writing your goals, make a note of what hurdles or challenges you’re likely going to face. If you’re a small marketing team, bandwidth may be the biggest issue. If you’re focused on a new product launch but the product isn’t ready yet, awareness may be an issue. Knowing what you’re up against will better position you to reach your goals as you’ve intended.

Utilize Data in order to Be Flexible

This is where the dynamic part of dynamic marketing comes in. Being dynamic means being flexible, leaning on your data gathering to make informed decisions. Think about the types of data that would be most beneficial. Would knowing what other types of content your audience is reading help inform how to reach them? If so, you could utilize Google Analytics or Quantcast to get a better sense of your audiences’ psychographic profiles.

Leveraging as much first-party data as possible will allow you to have an accurate sense of your audiences’ needs. However, it’s also important to look at the overall landscape. An economic recession could significantly alter how and when consumers are making purchases. In this instance, you may need to broaden your target audience to reach your sales goals. If you’re considered a luxury good, repositioning yourself may help convince individuals the need for your product even during a financial downfall.

Analyze and Optimize

Like with any marketing strategy, your work doesn’t stop after you’ve deployed a campaign. In order to be dynamic, you need to analyze how everything is progressing and take the time to adjust as needed. This is particularly the case if you’re experimenting with a new type of strategy. After the first initial days post-launch, consider a frequent review cycle to ensure everything is going as intended. It’s better to catch something early and optimize than to be surprised down the road.


Dynamic marketing strategies are only as good as the marketer deploying them. In order to maximize their efficiency, keep your audience persona in mind. Think about their needs before you think of how to best evolve your approach. As platforms, technologies, and trends continue to change, adapting a dynamic marketing strategy can be a game changer for your business.

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Why Your Business Isn’t Seeing New Leads Online Mon, 11 Mar 2024 15:20:52 +0000 why-your-business-isn’t-seeing-new-leads-online

All customers you get to the bottom of the marketing and sales funnel begin as leads. Somewhere, you…

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Why Your Business Isn’t Seeing New Leads Online

All customers you get to the bottom of the marketing and sales funnel begin as leads. Somewhere, you attracted their attention and somehow, you propelled them to interact with your brand. Once they do, your company has the information it needs to make contact.

In today’s environment, your digital presence offers the best opportunities for generating leads. Your website and social media platforms are geared for clicks that turn prospects from onlookers to potential buyers. Once they have made that initial interaction, it’s up to you to reach out and launch your strategy to convert them to sales.

How to Determine Why New Leads Aren’t Coming In

But what if you aren’t seeing enough new leads online to give you something to work with? You need to determine why a target audience isn’t making the contact you need. Here are a few reasons why your brand may be missing out.

Your Content Isn’t Hitting the Mark

You have probably heard that content is king in the digital age. But you can’t just throw content out there and see what sticks. Performance content needs to conform with increasingly sophisticated search engine algorithms as well as with your target audience’s expectations.

You know that content drives engagement. Your visitors won’t find your brand if you can’t catch the attention of search engines. No longer can you just smatter the right keywords throughout a webpage or blog post and get noticed. If that’s still your strategy, that’s one reason why you aren’t generating leads.

Keywords are still important. So are URLs, meta titles, descriptions, and headings. But search engine algorithms give considerable weight to other factors. These include experience, expertise, authority, and trustworthiness (a.k.a. “E-E-A-T”); relevant internal and external links; and video, graphics, and other visual media.

Most of all, search engines have become savvy to content for content’s sake. They punish brands who fail to produce content that’s actually valuable and relevant to their target audiences. Think of it as the line where the mechanics of SEO cross over into humanity.

If you’re failing to get visitors to interact with you, take a hard look at your content as a whole. Is it written for people rather than search bots? Is it something your audiences want to or need to know? How do you know?

Here’s where AI can bridge the gap between content strategy, digital marketing, engineering, and data with your human audience. A platform like MarketMuse uses AI to assess your existing content to identify what content you’re missing so you can fill in the blanks in your strategy.

Get found by search engines. Get noticed by potential leads. That’s a content strategy that will find its mark every time.

Your Digital Engine Needs a Tune-Up

There are multiple moving parts involved in the mechanics of your digital presence. Just because a website is easy on the eye doesn’t mean it’s an effective one. If yours isn’t generating a substantial number of leads, you need to take a look under the hood.

Nearly 60% of all website traffic currently comes from people using mobile devices. If your website isn’t optimized for mobile, you’ll miss that 60% and the potential leads you could get from those users. Your search visibility and positive user experience are at stake.

Various factors make a website mobile friendly. For example, how it appears on a smaller screen and the size of type are critical. Navigation needs to be touch-friendly and download speeds fast. If your website isn’t as responsive on a smartphone as a PC, it will bury the lead.

You also need to ensure visitors aren’t lost in navigation when they pull up your website. That begins with the website’s architecture. Ease, consistency, limiting clicks and scrolling, and intuitive labeling are a few basic structural tenets you need to address.

Keep pages uncluttered so it’s easy for visitors to spot what they’re looking for. Beware of annoying them by distractions like too many pop-ups or overly prominent chatbots. The reason is simple: These take the reader’s eye off the proverbial ball and send them out the door.

Because you want to capture leads, keep forms simple and request minimal amounts of information. This is especially important for visitors using mobile devices. Make it easy for them to give you an email address or phone number. You can take the lead from there.

You probably have dozens if not thousands of competitors vying for leads from the same target audiences. If visitors are confused or frustrated by your website, they’ll simply move on to someone else’s.

You Don’t Have What It Takes to Convert

The marketing funnel is all about conversions. You convert those whose attention you grabbed to leads, leads to engagement, engagement to customers, customers to ambassadors of your brand. The funnel gets smaller as you move down it. You only stand a chance of getting enough consumers to the bottom by converting as many as possible from the very top.

You need to bring your A-game to your website’s conversion rate optimization because it’s a central metric of your ROI. To find out what yours is, break it down by conducting a CRO audit.  You can make decisions based on what your visitors see, not on what you assume they do.

Determine what you want a visitor to do and make sure your call to action is clear, concise, and easy. Dive into your analytics, looking at unique visitors, traffic sources, page views, bounce rates, and exit pages. This data will inform you about where you might be losing visitors before they leave their contact information.

Make adjustments according to your analytics too. You might want to implement some A/B testing of your website to figure out what solutions work better than others. By its nature, testing will get you to more effective lead generation twice as fast as muddling through potential solutions.

If you aren’t using well-designed landing pages, add them to your website. These should be specific to social media messages so when prospects click on the post, they land on a relevant page. If you send them to your home page hoping they’ll find what they’re looking for, you’ll lose any lead potential.

Never take your eyes off the CRO ball. Customers aren’t monoliths; they change. Demographics, psychographics, behaviors, interests, and priorities are always in flux. If you stop monitoring your website conversion strategies, your leads will fall off.

Of course, your CRO is a critical metric to analyze from top to bottom of the funnel. But the volume at the bottom is a percentage game. Converting more visitors to leads increases your odds of success.

Convert, Already

Generating high numbers of leads from website visitors means you’re doing something right. But if you aren’t seeing the volume you want or need, take a deep dive into your content, mechanics, and CRO.

These broad areas are critical to SEO, relevancy, and the user experience. Get them right and adjust as needed and you’ll be converting qualified leads on all cylinders. The rest of your marketing strategy can take it from there.

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Navigating AI Safety & Compliance: A guide for CTOs Sat, 23 Dec 2023 17:25:29 +0000 navigating-ai-safety-&-compliance:-a-guide-for-ctos

Posted by Fergus Hurley – Co-Founder & GM, Checks, and Pedro Rodriguez – Head of Engineering, Checks The…

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Posted by Fergus Hurley – Co-Founder & GM, Checks, and Pedro Rodriguez – Head of Engineering, Checks

The rapid advances in generative artificial intelligence (GenAI) have brought about transformative opportunities across many industries. However, these advances have raised concerns about risks, such as privacy, misuse, bias, and unfairness. Responsible development and deployment is, therefore, a must.

AI applications are becoming more sophisticated, and developers are integrating them into critical systems. Therefore, the onus is on technology leaders, particularly CTOs and Heads of Engineering and AI – those responsible for leading the adoption of AI across their products and stacks – to ensure they use AI safely, ethically, and in compliance with relevant policies, regulations, and laws.

While comprehensive AI safety regulations are nascent, CTOs cannot wait for regulatory mandates before they act. Instead, they must adopt a forward-thinking approach to AI governance, incorporating safety and compliance considerations into the entire product development cycle.

This article is the first in a series to explore these challenges. To start, this article presents four key proposals for integrating AI safety and compliance practices into the product development lifecycle:

1.     Establish a robust AI governance framework

Formulate a comprehensive AI governance framework that clearly defines the organization’s principles, policies, and procedures for developing, deploying, and operating AI systems. This framework should establish clear roles, responsibilities, accountability mechanisms, and risk assessment protocols.

Examples of emerging frameworks include the US National Institute of Standards and Technologies’ AI Risk Management Framework, the OSTP Blueprint for an AI Bill of Rights, the EU AI Act, as well as Google’s Secure AI Framework (SAIF).

As your organization adopts an AI governance framework, it is crucial to consider the implications of relying on third-party foundation models. These considerations include the data from your app that the foundation model uses and your obligations based on the foundation model provider’s terms of service.

2.     Embed AI safety principles into the design phase

Incorporate AI safety principles, such as Google’s responsible AI principles, into the design process from the outset.

AI safety principles involve identifying and mitigating potential risks and challenges early in the development cycle. For example, mitigate bias in training or model inferences and ensure explainability of models behavior. Use techniques such as adversarial training – red teaming testing of LLMs using prompts that look for unsafe outputs – to help ensure that AI models operate in a fair, unbiased, and robust manner.

3.     Implement continuous monitoring and auditing

Track the performance and behavior of AI systems in real time with continuous monitoring and auditing. The goal is to identify and address potential safety issues or anomalies before they escalate into larger problems.

Look for key metrics like model accuracy, fairness, and explainability, and establish a baseline for your app and its monitoring. Beyond traditional metrics, look for unexpected changes in user behavior and AI model drift using a tool such as Vertex AI Model Monitoring. Do this using data logging, anomaly detection, and human-in-the-loop mechanisms to ensure ongoing oversight.

4.     Foster a culture of transparency and explainability

Drive AI decision-making through a culture of transparency and explainability. Encourage this culture by defining clear documentation guidelines, metrics, and roles so that all the team members developing AI systems participate in the design, training, deployment, and operations.

Also, provide clear and accessible explanations to cross-functional stakeholders about how AI systems operate, their limitations, and the available rationale behind their decisions. This information fosters trust among users, regulators, and stakeholders.

Final word

As AI’s role in core and critical systems grows, proper governance is essential for its success and that of the systems and organizations using AI. The four proposals in this article should be a good start in that direction.

However, this is a broad and complex domain, which is what this series of articles is about. So, look out for deeper dives into the tools, techniques, and processes you need to safely integrate AI into your development and the apps you create.

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All treats, no tricks: 6 solutions to common developers challenges Mon, 30 Oct 2023 22:24:16 +0000 all-treats,-no-tricks:-6-solutions-to-common-developers-challenges

Posted by Google for Developers For many, Halloween is the perfect excuse to dress up and celebrate the…

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Posted by Google for Developers

For many, Halloween is the perfect excuse to dress up and celebrate the things that haunt us. Google for Developers is embracing the spirit of the season by diving into the spine-chilling challenges that spook software developers and engineers. Read on to uncover these lurking terrors and discover the tricks – and treats – to conquer them.

The code cemetery

Resilient code requires regular updates, and when it comes to solving bugs, it’s much easier to find them when there are fewer lines of code. When faced with legacy or lengthy code, consider simplifying and refreshing it to make it more manageable – because no one likes an ancient or overly complex codebase. Here are some best practices.

Start small: Don’t try to update your entire codebase at once. Instead, start by updating small, isolated parts of the codebase to minimize the risk of introducing new bugs.

Use a version control system: Track your changes and easily revert to a previous version if necessary.

Consider a refactoring tool: This can help you to make changes to your code without breaking it.

Test thoroughly: Make sure to test your changes thoroughly before deploying them to production. This includes testing the changes in isolation, as well as testing them in conjunction with the rest of the codebase. See more tips about testing motivation below.

Document your changes: Include new tooling, updated APIs, and any changes so other developers understand what you have done and why.

Testing terrors

When you want to build and ship quickly, it’s tempting to avoid writing tests for your code because they might slow you down in the short term. But beware, untested code will come back to haunt you later. Testing is a best practice that can save you time, money, and angst in the long run. Even if you know you should run tests, it doesn’t mean you want to. Use these tips to help make writing tests easier.

Test gamification: Turn test writing into a game. Challenge yourself to write tests faster than your coworker can say “code coverage.”

Pair programming: Write tests together with a colleague. It’s like having a workout buddy – more fun and motivating.

Set up test automation: Automate tests wherever possible– it’s better AND more efficient.

A monster problem: not being able to choose your tech stack

Many developers have strong preferences when it comes to products, but sometimes legacy technology or organizational needs can limit choices. This can be deflating, especially if it prevents you from using the latest tools. If you’re faced with a similar situation, it’s worth expressing your recommendations to your team. Here’s how:

Lobby for change: If the current tech stack really isn’t working out, advocate for a change. This may require documentation over a series of events, but you can use that to build your case.

Pitch the benefits: If you’re ready to share your preferences, explain how your tech stack of choice benefits the project, similarly to how optimized code improves performance.

Showcase expertise: Demonstrate your knowledge in your preferred stack, whether it’s through a Proof of Concept or a presentation.

Upskill: If you have to dive into a top-down tech stack that you are not familiar with, consider it a learning opportunity. It’s like exploring a new coding language.

Compromise is key: First, recognize that all of the points above are still well-worth aiming for, but sometimes, you do have to compromise. Think of it as working with legacy code – not ideal, but doable. So if you aren’t able to influence in your favor, don’t be dismayed.

Not a trick: ship your code smarter

The only thing worse than spending the end of the week fixing buggy code isexcept for spending the weekend fixing buggy code when you had other plans. Between less time to react to problems, taking up personal time, and fewer people available to help troubleshoot – shipping code when you don’t have the proper resources in place to help is risky at best. Here are a handful of best practices to help you build a better schedule and avoid the Saturday and Sunday Scaries.

Consider business hours and user impact: Schedule deployments during off-peak times when fewer users will be impacted. For B2B companies, Friday afternoons can minimize disruption for customers, but for smaller companies, Friday deployments might mean spending your weekend fixing critical issues. Pick a schedule that works for you.

Automate testing: Implement automated testing in your development process to catch issues early.

Make sure your staging environment is right: Thoroughly test changes in a staging environment that mirrors production.

Be rollback-ready: Have a rollback plan ready to revert quickly if problems arise.

Monitoring and alerts: Set up monitoring and alerts to catch issues 24/7.

Communication: Ensure clear communication among team members regarding deployment schedules and procedures.

Scheduled deployments: If you’re a team who doesn’t regularly ship at the end of the week, consider READ-ONLY Fridays. Or if necessary, schedule Friday deployments for the morning or early afternoon.

Weekend on-call: Consider a weekend on-call rotation to address critical issues.

Post-deployment review: Analyze and learn from each deployment’s challenges to improve processes.

Plan thoroughly: Ensure deployment processes are well-documented and communication is clear across teams and stakeholders.

Evaluate risks: Assess potential business and user impact to determine deployment frequency and timing.

A nightmare come true: getting hacked

Realizing you’ve been hacked is a heart-stopping event, but even the most tech-savvy developers are vulnerable to attacks. Before it happens to you, remember to implement these best practices.

Keep your systems and software up-to-date: Think of it as patching vulnerabilities in your code.

Use strong passwords: Just like strong encryption, use robust passwords.

Use two-factor authentication: Always add a second layer of security.

Beware of phishermen: Don’t take the bait. Be as cautious with suspicious emails as you are with untested code.

Perform security audits: Regularly audit your systems for vulnerabilities, like running code reviews but for your cybersecurity.

Backup plan: Just like version control, maintain backups. They’re your safety net in case things go full horror-movie.

The horror: third party data breaches

Data breaches are arguably the most terrifying yet plausible threat to developer happiness. No company wants to be associated with them, let alone the dev who chose the service or API to work with. Here are some tips for minimizing issues with third party vendors to help you avoid this scenario.

Perform due diligence on third-party vendors: Before working with a third-party vendor, carefully review their security practices and policies. Ask about security certifications, vulnerability management practices, and their incident response plan.

Require vendors to comply with security requirements: Create or add your input in a written contract with each third-party vendor that outlines the security requirements that the vendor must meet. This contract should include requirements for data encryption, access control, and incident reporting.

Monitor vendor activity: Ensure vendors comply with the security requirements in the contract by reviewing audit logs and conducting security assessments. Only grant access to data that a vendor needs to perform their job duties to help to minimize the impact of a data breach if the vendor is compromised.

Implement strong security controls: Within your own systems, protect data from unauthorized access through firewalls, intrusion detection systems, and data encryption.

Be wary of third-party APIs: Vet all security risks. Carefully review the API documentation to understand the permissions that are required and to ensure the API uses strong security practices.

Use secure coding practices: Use input validation, escaping output, and strong cryptography.

Keep software up to date: Always update with the latest security patch to help to protect against known vulnerabilities.

Creepin’ it real

It’s easy to get spooked knowing what can go wrong, but by implementing these best practices, the chance of your work going awry goes down significantly.

What other spine-chilling developer challenges have you experienced? Share them with the community.

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Why Content Amplification Is Better Than Paid Ads Mon, 23 Oct 2023 12:25:40 +0000 why-content-amplification-is-better-than-paid-ads

Even the best content can get lost in the shuffle, generating few or no returns. A staggering 47%…

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happy old man with electric guitar after using content amplification to boost his website’s performance

Even the best content can get lost in the shuffle, generating few or no returns. A staggering 47% of marketers emphasize researching their audience to ensure content success, yet many pieces still fail.

With so much information on the internet these days, it’s not enough to just produce great content anymore. You also need to make sure it’s landing in front of the right set of eyes. Achieving this level of resonance can lead to increased traffic, higher conversion rates, and substantial growth for your brand.

The burning question is: How?

And our answer? Content amplification.

In this article, we’ll explore the power of content amplification, help you understand its pivotal role in getting the right eyes on your content, and discover actionable steps to kickstart your amplification journey.

Quick Takeaways 

  • Content amplification boosts content reach, differentiating from traditional ads by promoting valuable content over products.
  • Marketing Insider Group (MIG) aims to consistently promote targeted content, connect with specific buyer interests, and increase leads and deals.
  • Our approach at MIG encompasses when, what, who, where, and how to promote content, leveraging tools like Zemanta and data-driven strategies.
  • We use key metrics, like clicks and engaged visits, to continuously refine and improve their campaigns.
  • MIG uses Zemanta for its impact on search rankings, expansive reach, AI optimization, cost-effectiveness, and contextual promotions.

What Is Content Amplification?

Content amplification isn’t just another buzzword in the marketing world. It’s one of the only strategies we’ve seen deliver real results.

Think of it as giving your content a much-needed boost. You’ve created a stellar piece of content, but without the right audience, its potential is limited. Content amplification ensures your content doesn’t just sit there, but rather reaches the people who’ll find it most valuable.

Now, you might be thinking, “Isn’t this what paid ads are for?” But there’s a distinct difference. While traditional paid ads focus on pushing products or services, content amplification promotes insightful content that resonates. It’s less about the hard sell and more about building genuine connections.

graphic shows example of content amplification

At Marketing Insider Group, we’ve seen firsthand the power of content amplification through:

  • Reaching the right audience
  • Sparking engagement
  • Driving meaningful interactions

As we continue to explore this topic, you’ll see why we believe content amplification is a cornerstone of effective digital marketing.

The Goals of Content Amplification

At MIG, our content amplification goals are about ensuring quality content gets the recognition it deserves, fostering genuine connections, and driving business success. Let’s dive deeper into what we aim to achieve:

1. Consistent Promotion of Targeted Content

Every piece of content, be it a blog post, video, or infographic, has value. Our goal is to ensure these pieces consistently reach their intended audience, maximizing their impact.

2. Reaching the “Interest Profile” of Buyers

Broad reach is good, but precision is better. We focus on connecting with individuals whose interests align with our content. This precision targeting ensures we’re engaging with people who genuinely resonate with what we’re sharing.

3. Increasing Leads and Deals

Beyond engagement, our ultimate objective is to drive tangible results. By strategically placing our content in front of the right eyes, we aim to boost potential leads and secure deals, furthering our mission to connect and grow through quality content.

Our Approach at Marketing Insider Group

Over the years, we’ve really honed our methods to make sure we’re not only reaching audiences, but truly connecting with them.

Take our Nutanix Case Study for example: By combining authentic storytelling, human-centric content, multi-channel distribution, and content variety, content amplification helped our client achieve:

  • Explosive Reach. 47% YoY increase in monthly page views and a 167% rise in first time visits.
  • Podcast Popularity. 50% YoY increase in monthly podcast downloads.
  • Sky-High Engagement. 4-minute average visit duration, 4x the industry average.
  • Cost-Effective Promotion. CPC of $0.18, with 1.7% CTR far exceeds industry averages.
  • Brand Revitalization. Contributed to 20% of all new visitors on

screenshot of graph shows how content amplification performed as an effective content marketing strategy 

Let’s break down our approach:

When & What?

Consistency is key in the digital landscape. We prioritize daily promotion, ensuring that our content remains fresh and relevant in the minds of our audience.

But, it’s not just about frequency. It’s also about relevance.

Our interest profiles are created based on what users are viewing and interacting with online, coupled with demographic data. This helps us determine specifics like age, occupation, and other user details, ensuring our content is always targeted and timely.


Our focus is on interest profiles, targeting individuals who engage with content similar to ours. By understanding and targeting these profiles, we can ensure maximum engagement. After all, it’s one thing to reach an audience, but it’s another to truly resonate with them.


In the vast expanse of the web, contextual ad targeting is our compass. We aim to reach our audience “wherever they are,” which, for us, translates to a staggering 95% of publishers. This expansive reach ensures that our content finds its audience, regardless of where they choose to spend their time online.


Optimization is at the heart of our approach. We keep our blog posts up to date and consistent, providing a steady stream of content for platforms like Zemanta to promote.

We also keep a close eye on metrics, adjusting our bids based on:

  • Ad performance
  • Identifying publishers that bring in the most engaged traffic
  • Setting up automated bids when certain thresholds are met

This dynamic approach ensures our campaigns are not only running, but continually refining and improving. Over time, this means better results without increasing costs.

Measurement, Reporting, and Optimization

In the digital marketing scene, data is a lot more than just numbers. It guides almost every step in the decision-making process.

At Marketing Insider Group, we’re firm believers in the power of informed decision-making. Here’s how we measure, report, and optimize our content amplification efforts:

Key Metrics That Matter

  • Clicks. It’s the first sign of engagement. We monitor how many users are clicking on our content to gauge initial interest.

screenshot of Zemanta results shows total CTR and Total Clicks

  • Engaged Visits. Beyond the first click, we want to know if users are truly engaging with our content. Are they spending time reading, watching, or interacting?
  • CPC (Cost Per Click). We always aim for cost-effectiveness. By monitoring CPC, we ensure we’re getting value for every dollar spent.
  • CTR (Click-Through Rate). This metric helps us understand the effectiveness of our content’s presentation. A high CTR indicates that our headlines and visuals are resonating.
  • Bounce Rate. We want visitors to explore further, not just land and leave. A lower bounce rate indicates that our content is compelling enough to keep users around.
  • Average Cost Per Engaged Visitor. This is a crucial metric for us. It averages out the cost of users who visit more than one page on our site. It’s a clear indicator of a user’s interest in our brand beyond their initial landing page. Our aim is to keep this below $7, and we’ve been thrilled to see it drop below $5 recently.

screenshot of Zemanta results shows total pageviews and time on site

Guiding Our Strategy

Data tells us what’s working and what needs tweaking. For example, if we notice a spike in engaged visits but a high bounce rate, it might indicate that while our content is attracting users, there’s something preventing them from exploring further.

Armed with this knowledge, we can make the necessary adjustments, ensuring our content not only attracts, but also retains.


Transparency is key. We believe in keeping our clients in the loop, providing them with clear, concise, and actionable insights. From the metrics mentioned above to deeper dives into user behavior, our reports aim to provide a comprehensive view of our content amplification efforts.


The digital landscape is ever-evolving, and so are our strategies. We don’t just set and forget.

Instead, we continually refine our approach based on the data we gather. Whether it’s tweaking our interest profiles, adjusting our ad bids, or experimenting with new content formats, we’re always on the lookout for ways to enhance our impact.

Why We Choose Zemanta for Content Amplification

Among the many digital marketing tools out there, Zemanta stands out, and for good reason.

At Marketing Insider Group, our choice to partner with Zemanta for content amplification wasn’t made on a whim. It was a decision rooted in experience, research, and proven results.

screenshot shows how MIG’s Zemanta results for all clients

Here’s why we trust Zemanta to elevate our content amplification efforts:

1. Impact on Search Rankings

One of the immediate benefits we’ve observed is the positive influence on search rankings. Our data reveals that even a modest amount of paid amplification through Zemanta can significantly boost search rankings for our articles. This is achieved by driving immediate traffic to our website, signaling search engines about the relevance and value of our content.

2. Beyond Traditional Platforms

While many companies lean heavily on social media or direct ad buys on media sites, we’ve found that not everyone engages with content in these spaces.

Zemanta fills this gap. It allows us to reach audiences in places where they are genuinely engaging with content, ensuring we’re not just broadcasting, but truly connecting.

3. Unparalleled Reach

Zemanta’s network is vast, covering approximately 95% of worldwide publisher audiences. This reach spans across numerous “native” platforms, ensuring our content is presented in context when our target audience is already engaging with similar content.

graphic shows reach of Zemanta

It’s about being in the right place at the right time, every time.

4. The Power of AI

Zemanta’s AI-driven optimization ensures our campaigns continually improve. We’ve witnessed firsthand how this technology increases engagement and CTR while simultaneously reducing CPCs. In essence, our campaigns become smarter and more efficient over time, delivering better results without inflating costs.

5. Cost-Effectiveness

Speaking of costs, it’s worth noting that Zemanta offers impressive value. Our tests across various platforms have consistently shown that Zemanta provides the lowest cost per engagement. In a world where every marketing dollar counts, this kind of efficiency is invaluable.

6. Contextual and Relevant

Zemanta’s approach ensures that our content is promoted in relevant contexts. It’s not about blanket promotions, but rather ensuring our content finds its audience in environments where it adds value and resonates.

How We Implement Content Amplification with Zemanta

Harnessing the power of Zemanta for content amplification requires a strategic approach. At MIG, we’ve developed a systematic process to ensure we maximize the potential of this powerful tool.

Here’s a glimpse into how we bring our content amplification strategies to life:

Step 1: Targeting and Configuration

  • Defining Our Audience. Every piece of content has a target audience, and we make sure it reaches them. We layer on interest profiles based on the content’s theme, combined with premium publisher filters. This ensures our content not only reaches a broad audience, but is also showcased on notable sites.
  • Desktop Focus. While mobile users are a significant portion of the online audience, our strategy leans towards desktop users. Why? They tend to be more engaged and intentional. Desktop users are less prone to accidental clicks and are often more committed when it comes to actions like signing up or making a purchase.
  • GA Site Data Integration. By integrating Google Analytics reports, we gain a deeper insight into post-click data. This allows us to understand visitor intention, time spent on the site, and which content truly resonates.

Step 2: Campaign Optimization Strategies

  • Budgeting. Every successful campaign starts with a clear budget. We allocate sufficient funds to ensure proper amplification. With a starting budget, typically around $500/month for 2 campaigns, we can ensure our ads receive the attention they deserve.
  • Site-Specific Strategies. Zemanta offers flexibility, allowing us to refine our reach. We utilize brand-safe whitelists, focusing on top-tier websites, and can even categorize by type (news, entertainment, etc.). If certain sites or categories don’t align with our brand, we exclude them. Additionally, we upload brand keywords, guiding Zemanta to seek content that matches these terms.
  • Content Variations and Retargeting. Diversity is key. We typically create 2-4 variations of headlines and images for each article, giving Zemanta a range to test and identify top performers. After a few days, the best variations emerge, and under-performers are phased out. We also establish audience pools, such as website visitors or blog readers, and use these for retargeting when we roll out follow-up content like Ebooks or webinars.

Our implementation strategy with Zemanta is both methodical and dynamic. We combine the tool’s powerful features with our expertise, ensuring that our content not only reaches its audience but truly makes an impact.

Campaign Performance

When it comes to digital marketing, the ability to track, analyze, and understand campaign performance is pivotal. At MIG, we meticulously monitor their journey, ensuring every piece of content achieves its maximum potential.

Here’s how we approach campaign performance:

Insightful Reporting

  • From Source to Visitor. Our reporting isn’t a mere data dump. We provide insights that span from media source to the cost per non-bounced visitor. It’s a holistic view that allows us to, and our clients, to understand not just where our audience is coming from, but how they’re engaging with our content once they arrive.

screenshot of Zemanta results shows total non-bounced visits and returning users

  • Monthly Snapshots. Consistency is key in reporting. We provide monthly snapshots, offering a regular, reliable insight into the performance of our campaigns. This ensures we, and our clients, can track progress, identify trends, and make data-driven decisions.

Shaping Future Strategies

  • Data-Driven Decisions. Every piece of data tells a story. Whether it’s a spike in engagement or a drop in clicks, we always explore why and how, ensuring our future strategies are informed by past performance.
  • Continuous Improvement. The digital world is ever-evolving, and so are our strategies. By keeping a close eye on campaign performance, we’re able to identify areas for improvement, ensuring our future campaigns are always a step ahead.

Transparent and Actionable Insights

  • Clear Communication. We believe in transparency and clear communication. Our insights are presented in a manner that’s not just data-rich, but also easy to understand.
  • Empowering Our Clients. It’s not just about providing data. It’s about providing actionable insights. We make sure our clients understand the data, empowering them to make informed decisions about their future strategies.

Tune In to the Power of Content Amplification Today with MIG!

As marketers, we’re constantly seeking ways to make sure our content doesn’t just exist, but rather thrives and resonates.

Our choice to use Zemanta is rooted in its ability to deliver targeted, efficient, and impactful content amplification. It’s a tool that aligns perfectly with our mission at Marketing Insider Group, ensuring that quality content reaches its deserving audience, every single time.

Are you ready to create the ultimate content experience? Check out our SEO Blog Writing Service or schedule a quick consultation to learn more about how Marketing Insider Group can help you earn more traffic and leads for your business.

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5 Examples of Brands Overcoming Channel Fatigue Mon, 16 Oct 2023 14:25:14 +0000 5-examples-of-brands-overcoming-channel-fatigue

Channel fatigue is a growing concern for businesses and consumers alike. Also called “channel fog,” the simple concept…

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an offcie worker who fell asleep at his desk and now has toast stuck to his cheek

Channel fatigue is a growing concern for businesses and consumers alike. Also called “channel fog,” the simple concept refers to the growing overabundance of communication and data options available that flood the channels and dampens the efficacy and output.

Channel fog is an issue with marketing, customer service, and internal operations alike. It leads to a chaotic and complicated number of notifications that employees and customers must wade through as they attempt to interact with a brand.

The struggle of choosing what channels to use — as well as how and when to use them — is a critical decision for any business. They must find ways to isolate and optimize the right channels if they’re going to make the most of the technological tools they have available.

Thankfully, there are companies working on cutting through the clutter.

These Companies are Fighting Channel Fatigue

They are bringing effective, simplified solutions to the ongoing channel fatigue epidemic.

1. Hubilo Is Automating Webinar Content Repurposing

Webinars are powerful teaching tools. They provide deep, experience-driven insights that mimic an online lecture or classroom setting.

However, by their very nature, it’s difficult to repurpose webinar content for other marketing platforms without spending hours sifting through endless footage and audio. This is a tedious process that can leave a team exhausted.

Hubilo is fighting this fatiguing activity by repurposing content into more digestible sizes and formats with its Snackable Content Hub. The product, along with its webinar platform, uses AI to automatically dissect and generate shareable content from a webinar. It goes beyond pulling a quick quote or sound bite from an opening monologue. The software can create ready-to-use video clips, postable social posts, articles for a company blog, and even e-books, all using the essence, information, and takeaways from a webinar.

The process is quick, saves a ton of effort and resources, and makes the repurposed content turnaround time quick. The tool integrates all of the customer-facing channels associated with creating and promoting a webinar into a single, unified, and streamlined experience.

2. Native Social Media Platforms Are Improving Targeting

One of the most saturated collections of marketing channels is social media. The sheer number of platforms available makes social media a convoluted marketing option with incredible upside …if you can get your message through the clutter.

It’s tempting for a marketer to look at the billion-plus users on Facebook and try to reach as many of them as they can with each campaign. But the truth is, that kind of broadside marketing doesn’t work anymore. Most channels are fatigued because they’re inexpensive to access and thus easy to flood with content.

Companies that want to overcome the fatigue of too many social channels should look for ways to contain rather than expand their messaging. They need to be more targeted and surgical with how they approach their audience, and native social platforms are making this possible.

Platforms like LinkedIn and Facebook, for instance, allow businesses to target messages based on age, gender, geography, interests, etc. This isn’t new, but it’s quickly becoming an essential part of overcoming channel fatigue.

As businesses look for ways to cut through the clutter with targeted messaging, they must lean on the personalization features that social media advertisement offers. These help reduce the number of generic messages that reach a target audience, replacing them with occasional, highly personalized alternatives. The best part is that the tools are often built right into the platforms themselves, making them easy to use.

3. Quiq Is Using AI to Meet Customers Where They Are

While the first two examples focused on customer-facing promotional efforts, the channel fatigue goes both directions. When customers attempt to interact with the companies that they patronize or are thinking of patronizing, it can be overwhelming trying to find the right communication point.

Brands use everything from phone calls and text messages to emails and social media to communicate with customers. The variety is fun to consider in theory — especially compared to the snail mail and landline phone options of the past. However, the sheer number of options can be overwhelming for consumers looking for answers.

Quiq is using artificial intelligence to address time and energy issues with an emphasis on proper customer care. The company has created an AI-powered Conversational Platform that unifies the various communication options within the world of customer service. This makes it easier for companies to solve channel fatigue by turning several channels into a single, streamlined experience.

4. Slack Is Unifying Internal Messages

Internal communication is just as inundated with channel fatigue as external communications. Many companies juggle a variety of communication options as they strive to keep their individuals, teams, leaders, and departments connected. Email, texts, and calls are commonplace. Often, tools like Google Workspace or Asana will come with internal messaging systems, as well.

These are convenient in specific contexts. Taken together, though, they can create isolated conversations, disconnected teams, and siloed information.

That’s where a tool like Slack has been a game changer for many companies. The single, comprehensive communication dashboard allows teams to send both direct messages and group messages.

They can exchange media, upload files, share screens, and join video and audio conversations. In the increasingly remote-first work world, this is especially important. Slack takes time changes and international communication complications into account.

Along with the convenience Slack offers, in the context of channel fatigue, the platform unifies a company’s internal messaging. It provides a single bank of interactions where employees and managers alike can centralize information, share files, and maintain easy-to-reference conversations.

5. UserIQ Is Providing Critical Customer Insights

For most companies, combatting channel fatigue isn’t a preventative effort. It’s a present and ongoing battle. The perpetual influx of new marketing, customer support, and internal communication channels has been going on for years now. The challenge facing many leaders is figuring out how to claw their company back to a state of simplicity as far as communication is concerned.

Considering the pre-established struggle of channel fatigue, the first thing most brands need to do is invest in tracking the success and failure of their existing communication efforts. If you’re using half a dozen social media platforms, which ones are creating traffic or generating leads? If you’re sending emails, which headlines or body texts are leading to clicks?

UserIQ is an innovative platform that is helping brands track the impact of their channels. The platform helps customer success teams improve customer insights.

The brand’s goal goes beyond tracking data. It seeks to flesh out laser-focused insights that help increase customer engagement and retention. These are critical considerations for any company looking for ways to overcome channel fatigue and help their customers have positive, rewarding brand experiences.

Overcoming Channel Fatigue

Channel fatigue is a real struggle and one that plagues companies both within and without. It’s also a problem that doesn’t have a “quick fix” solution. Instead, leaders must look for tools like those listed above to address each area where fatigue is an issue.

From streamlining content repurposing with AI-powered tools like Hubilo to improving customer insights with expert analytics platforms like UserIQ, there are many ways to simplify the communication process. This ensures that a brand is getting the most out of the cutting-edge capabilities of modern technology in the workplace.

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Improving user safety in OAuth flows through new OAuth Custom URI scheme restrictions Mon, 02 Oct 2023 22:25:58 +0000 improving-user-safety-in-oauth-flows-through-new-oauth-custom-uri-scheme-restrictions

Posted by Vikrant Rana, Product Manager OAuth 2.0 Custom URI schemes are known to be vulnerable to app…

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Posted by Vikrant Rana, Product Manager

OAuth 2.0 Custom URI schemes are known to be vulnerable to app impersonation attacks. As part of Google’s continuous commitment to user safety and finding ways to make it safer to use third-party applications that access Google user data, we will be restricting the use of custom URI scheme methods. They’ll be disallowed for new Chrome extensions and will no longer be supported for Android apps by default.

Disallowing Custom URI scheme redirect method for new Chrome Extensions

To protect users from malicious actors who might impersonate Chrome extensions and steal their credentials, we no longer allow new extensions to use OAuth custom URI scheme methods. Instead, implement OAuth using Chrome Identity API, a more secure way to deliver OAuth 2.0 response to your app.

What do developers need to do?

New Chrome extensions will be required to use the Chrome Identity API method for authorization. While existing OAuth client configurations are not affected by this change, we strongly encourage you to migrate them to the Chrome Identity API method. In the future, we may disallow Custom URI scheme methods and require all extensions to use the Chrome Identity API method.

Disabling Custom URI scheme redirect method for Android clients by default

By default, new Android apps will no longer be allowed to use Custom URI schemes to make authorization requests. Instead, consider using Google Identity Services for Android SDK to deliver the OAuth 2.0 response directly to your app.

What do developers need to do?

We strongly recommend switching existing apps to use the Google Identity Services for Android SDK. If you’re creating a new app and the recommended alternative doesn’t work for your needs, you can enable the Custom URI scheme method for your app in the “Advanced Settings” section of the client configuration page on the Google API Console.

User-facing error message

Users may see an “invalid request” error message if they try to use an app that is making unauthorized requests using the Custom URI scheme method. They can learn more about this error by clicking on the “Learn more” link in the error message.

Image of user facing error message

User-facing error example

Developer-facing error message

Developers will be able to see additional error information when testing user flows for their applications. They can get more information about the error by clicking on the “see error details” link, including its root cause and links to instructions on how to resolve the error.

Image of developer facing error message

Developer-facing error example

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Inclusion and Vulnerability: The Keys to Leading a Great Marketing Team Thu, 07 Sep 2023 11:25:09 +0000 inclusion-and-vulnerability:-the-keys-to-leading-a-great-marketing-team

Ask any marketer what it takes to be a great leader, and you’ll probably get some predictable responses.…

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woman holding the keys to great marketing

Ask any marketer what it takes to be a great leader, and you’ll probably get some predictable responses. Things like creative vision, decisiveness, and data-driven decision making are common leadership traits that marketers fixate on at the moment.

It’s true that these are important for successful marketing. But when you’re talking about leading marketing teams, there are two absolutely critical traits that can’t slip off of the radar: inclusion and vulnerability.

Let’s take a closer look at why it is essential for those leading marketing teams to possess and apply both of these traits.

Vulnerability in Marketing

The concept of “vulnerability” often comes up in the context of personal life. It’s encouraged to be open and honest with partners and, to a lesser (or at least different) degree, with friends and extended family members.

You shouldn’t restrict vulnerability to home life and social circles, though. Being appropriately vulnerable can increase your influence and impact as a leader, as well as contributing to a healthy workplace culture where psychological safety is allowed to flourish.

What is Vulnerability in the Workplace?

Role-modeling vulnerability in the workplace isn’t easy nor straight-forward. It requires courage: vulnerability at work starts by being willing to share shortcomings, failures, and weaknesses — and that’s the easy part.

It also requires an ability to “read the room” on what appropriate vulnerability might be. Some contexts are more or less appropriate for sharing. Different people have different levels of status or power in any given transaction, which means there can be a risk by being vulnerable.

But even with courage and a good guess at what’s appropriate, displaying vulnerability still carries with it risk. Where vulnerability can be a challenge is navigating the various human responses to perceived weakness. Professionals who display vulnerability must be open to disappointment, rejection, and at times even ridicule. Remaining committed to being vulnerable requires the conviction of knowing that the benefits outweigh the uncomfortable and unpleasant moments.

How Does Vulnerability Fit Into Marketing?

When vulnerability comes up in the context of marketing, it is usually referring to how consumers see a brand. In the book Marketing 4.0: Moving From Traditional to Digital, the “Father of Modern Marketing,” Dr. Philip Kotler, even directly states that brands need to behave like humans and be “approachable and likable but also vulnerable.” (Emphasis added.)

While this is absolutely true, the need for vulnerability goes beyond outward-facing marketing interactions. Marketing teams that inwardly embrace vulnerability as a core philosophy benefit in multiple ways.

Vulnerability, especially when exhibited by a leader of a marketing team, can encourage trust through open communication. Vulnerable acts like admitting mistakes and asking for help can also empower a team and spark greater creativity and productivity. The result is a stronger, more effective team.

How Should Marketing Leaders Implement Vulnerability?

Vulnerability should be present from the get-go. If marketing leaders want to establish a healthy, productive culture for their teams, they must not only allow but invest in a vulnerable, open, and honest status quo.

In his book How to Work With (Almost) Anyone, best-selling author and coach Michael Bungay Stanier (MBS) talks about “The Keystone Conversation” as a powerful way to set the stage for ongoing vulnerability at work. This is a deliberate, atypical verbal exchange that creates structure, opens up communication, fosters safety, and critically establishes vulnerability within a professional relationship from the start.

“The Keystone Conversation, because it’s unusual, feels radical,” MBS explains, “and because it invites vulnerability, will feel dangerous to everyone’s ‘lizard brain,’ that most primitive part of the brain that manages fight, flight, or fix.”

Later in the book, MBS stresses the importance of leaders answering and not just asking questions in the Keystone Conversation to ensure it bears fruit. He explains that cultivating the best relationship with each of your team members requires “a degree of shared openness and vulnerability, an exchange that feels equal enough on both sides. If the vulnerability is on one side only, the relationship will struggle to be as safe, vital, and repairable as it could be.”

If leaders want to experience the benefits of vulnerability with their marketing teams, they must set the tone first. Use tools like The Keystone Conversation to create a culture of vulnerability, honesty, and openness, starting with yourself.

Inclusion in Marketing

Inclusion is a hot topic throughout 21st-century culture. As current phenomena — such as technology, the information age, and globalism — bring everyone together, people are more aware of their unique cultural characteristics than ever before.

The need to embrace these differences is important, nowhere more so than in the workplace.

What Is Inclusion in the Workplace?

Inclusion, as the name implies, indicates the positive coming together of individuals. At work, this means cultivating a culture that helps everyone feel welcome, valued, comfortable, and confident.

Inclusion should go beyond establishing comfort zones, too. It should actively seek to empower and encourage professionals from all cultures, experiences, and walks of life to positively contribute to the collective success of a team.

How Does Inclusion Fit Into Marketing?

Inclusivity in a marketing context is, once again, often seen as a customer-facing element. As marketers assemble messages and create content, they must maintain an inclusive perspective of their target audience.

They need to avoid polarizing or insensitive messages and look for universal elements that appeal to consumers. Fitness cycling brand SoulCycle is a good example of this. Even though the company focuses on individual transformation, it has woven a sense of inclusivity and community into its messaging and core brand values.

While inclusive marketing messages are important, the concept should also apply to internal marketing team activity. Marketing teams that prioritize inclusivity can attract better marketers by opening themselves up to a larger talent pool.

Truly inclusive environments also give marketers the confidence to be creative, take chances, and offer unique perspectives. Together, these can create synergistic marketing campaigns that take all important cultural factors into consideration.

How Should Marketing Leaders Approach Inclusion?

Inclusion is important for a marketing team. But it isn’t always natural. On the contrary, it’s easy for biases to slip in and skew a marketing team’s members or environment in a less inclusive direction.

Leaders are responsible for creating, fostering, and maintaining inclusivity — starting with themselves. They must prioritize integrating inclusion into their leadership styles.

This doesn’t have to be complicated. Leaders should invest in educating themselves on inclusivity and work on having an inclusive perspective. They can also encourage basic inclusive activities like maintaining clear communication and collaboration within their team.

Building a truly diverse and inclusive marketing team starts with who you hire, too. Celarity points out that “To ensure that you’re hiring a diverse range of people is to ensure that there is diversity in who is applying to your open positions.” The staff recruiting agency adds that leaders can accomplish this by:

  • Setting diverse hiring goals.
  • Asking existing employees from diverse backgrounds for referrals.
  • Integrating diversity and inclusivity into job descriptions.
  • Posting job adverts on diverse job boards.

When leaders embrace inclusivity in their teams, they can build groups of individuals that perform with an all-encompassing excellence that is difficult to match with a less diversified group.

Using Vulnerability and Inclusion to Optimize Marketing

Marketing leaders must take inclusion and vulnerability seriously if they want to benefit from the powerful impact that they can have on team performance.

Vulnerability creates an atmosphere of trust, openness, and honesty that leads to a more effective team. Inclusivity unleashes unique levels of creativity and confidence that can take a group’s marketing performance to the next level.

Vulnerability and inclusivity are essential to both individual and collective success. They may not be at the top of everyone’s mind, but they are the keys to leading a great marketing team all the same. Make sure you’re prioritizing them properly. If you do that, the results will speak for themselves.

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