Accessibility Testing Archives - News for Project Managers - PMI Thu, 16 May 2024 14:20:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Accessibility Testing Archives - 32 32 Inclusive Tech – Hardware Accessibility Testing and Section 508 Thu, 16 May 2024 14:20:20 +0000 inclusive-tech-–-hardware-accessibility-testing-and-section-508

Table of Contents What is Hardware Accessibility Testing? Why Hardware Accessibility Testing Matters? Understanding Section 508 Requirements Hardware…

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Hardware Accessibility Testing Section 508

In today’s digital era, tech innovations are major in scaling business operations. From smartphones to smart homes, reliance on technology is increasing daily. However, as technology evolves, businesses must ensure that these innovations are accessible to everyone, including those with disabilities. For individuals with disabilities, interacting and accessing some hardware devices could be challenging. This is where hardware accessibility testing comes in. The hardware going through accessibility testing could be a simple monitor without physical controls, a multifunctional printer with integrated keywords and a screen, and other accessories. It helps ensure that physical devices are accessible by everyone, regardless of ability.

Businesses must address certain considerations when dealing with people with disabilities. To develop an inclusive hardware solution, they must fulfill parameters such as Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, CVAA, etc. The quality accessibility test shows how people with disabilities access the hardware in the test. Businesses can gain valuable insights about accessibility defects and/or limitations, as well as workarounds.

Today, in this blog, we will discuss key considerations and hardware accessibility testing methods that would allow organizations to develop fully accessible hardware solutions.

What is Hardware Accessibility Testing?

hardware accessibility testing

What is accessibility testing? It is the practice of ensuring that an EIT (electronic and information technology) or ICT (information and communication technology) product or service is usable by as many people as possible. It helps ensure that the product or service is accessible to people with disabilities, such as hearing problems, vision impairment, physical or cognitive conditions, etc.

Hardware accessibility testing, in this regard, involves a thorough analysis of the product’s hardware accessibility to ensure it complies with Section 508 accessibility guidelines and other standards, such as CVAA. The hardware includes various devices like televisions, computers, smartphones, keyboards, tablets, etc. The goal here is to identify and address accessibility challenges that prevent individuals with disabilities from using the device.

It allows QA teams to assess hardware physical design factors such as size, button placement, and weight to ensure compatibility for users with disabilities. For example, is the device easily operable by users with limited hand mobility? Can users with visual impairments easily access buttons?

Testers must ensure that all the device features and functionalities are accessible to users with disabilities, including voice recognition, screen readers, and input methods like switches or joysticks.

The user interface is the core component of accessibility. Testers evaluate the layout and usability of on-screen menus, navigation paths, and icons to ensure they are intuitive and compatible with assistive technologies.

Why Hardware Accessibility Testing Matters?


Why Hardware Accessibility Testing

Imagine a person with a motor disability struggling to operate a touch screen with tiny buttons or a person with low vision struggling to read a control panel with small labels. These are just a few examples of inaccessible hardware hindering users from accessing information and communication. This is why hardware accessibility testing is necessary to develop technology that serves everyone, including users with disabilities. It goes beyond simply meeting a few requirements. Businesses can create a more inclusive environment where everyone can benefit from technology. Ignoring it can lead to exclusion, legal consequences, and missed business opportunities. Here’s why hardware accessibility testing matters:

Almost every country has laws mandating accessibility to technology. In the US, Section 508 mandates that EIT or ICT be accessible to people with disabilities. Hardware falls under this requirement, making accessibility testing crucial to maintaining compliance.


Accessibility testing allows businesses to create products that everyone uses. Considering the needs of people with disabilities would allow businesses to design more inclusive hardware.

Market Growth:

Making hardware accessible opens up new market opportunities for businesses. Over 1.3 billion people worldwide have disabilities, representing 16% of the world’s population. This represents the growing demand for inclusive design, and by prioritizing accessibility, businesses can tap into this expanding market segment.

Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR):

Prioritizing accessibility reflects positivity in a company’s brand. It shows that the business regards inclusivity and is committed to serving every community member. It helps build brand reputation and customer loyalty. By ensuring everyone can access the digital world, they can facilitate a more inclusive society.

Optimize User Experience:

Accessibility features improve user experience for everyone. For example, voice controls and screen reader features were designed for users with disabilities, but they are now popular among all users for their convenience. Conducting accessibility testing would ensure these features are optimized for every user.

Understanding Section 508 Requirements

Section 508 Requirements

Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act (29 U.S.C. 794d) mandates that all EIT or ICT developed, procured, maintained, or used by the federal government be accessible to people with disabilities. It is the technical requirements and criteria used for measuring conformance within this law. This law ensures that users with disabilities have the same access to information and data as normal users. Complying with Section 508 is necessary for businesses to ensure their hardware products’ accessibility. Here are some key requirements to consider when testing hardware accessibility:

Keyboard Interface:

The law requires companies to ensure their hardware product is operable using a standard keyboard. It ensures users who cannot use a mouse or touch screen due to physical disabilities can easily access functionalities through keyboard controls, making it an essential alternative for accessing devices.

Physical Characteristics:

The hardware’s buttons and controls should be large enough to be easily accessible by users with limited dexterity. This will allow users with motor disabilities to operate the device without unnecessary strain.

Contrast and Labeling:

The controls and indicators should have clear visual contrast and tactile identification. High contrast between the background and the controls would help users with visual impairments. Tactile labels will assist those who rely on touch to identify functions.

Compatibility with Assistive Technology:

Hardware should work seamlessly with assistive technologies such as screen magnifiers and readers. This will ensure that users dependent on such technologies can efficiently interact with the product and access all its features and functions.

Physical Reachability:

Hardware controls and ports should be within an accessibility range for wheelchair users or those with limited mobility. This means placing the device at the appropriate height and within easy reach to ensure users can operate it independently.

Testing and Evaluation:

Compliance with Section 508 requires thorough testing and evaluation. This involves using QA tools and methods to assess tech accessibility and ensuring it remains accessible as it updates and evolves.

Hardware Accessibility Testing Methods


Hardware Accessibility Testing Methods

Hardware accessibility testing methods involve a series of evaluations and tests to identify and address potential issues. These methods are necessary to ensure devices are usable by every user. Implementing the following testing methods would allow businesses to create more inclusive and user-friendly products:

Manual Testing:

It involves physically interacting with the hardware to assess its usability for users with different disabilities. QA teams perform tasks using the hardware and replicate how impaired users might interact with it. For instance, they might test screen readers, voice recognition software, or input devices to confirm compatibility and usability.

User Testing:

Users with disabilities are involved in testing as beta users to provide invaluable insights into real-world usability issues. This testing method allows QA teams to observe how users interact with the hardware. Feedback from these users helps uncover practical challenges and ensure the hardware meets the necessary requirements. It can also help identify issues that might go unnoticed during automated testing.

Software Tools:

Automated testing tools would enable businesses to identify accessibility issues overlooked during manual testing. These tools quickly analyze common obstacles in the hardware, such as color contrast issues and screen reader compatibility. Leveraging software tools alongside user and manual testing supports a comprehensive approach to identifying and resolving accessibility issues.

How Can Tx help with Hardware Accessibility Testing?


Hardware Accessibility Testing - testingxperts

At Tx, we believe in a world fair for everyone and ensuring that your hardware is accessible to all users, including those with disabilities. Our team of accessibility experts is trained and has extensive knowledge of regulatory compliance and guidelines related to hardware accessibility. With the hardware provided, we will perform detailed testing to check compliance and provide a detailed report of the findings and methods to improve them. Our approach to hardware accessibility testing includes the following:

Identify key accessibility requirements

Create a comprehensive accessibility test plan

Test compatibility with assistive technologies

Document findings and recommendations

Retest the issues after resolving them

Issue VPAT

Provide training and awareness



Hardware accessibility testing is necessary to create a more inclusive world where people of all abilities can access technology. Businesses need to follow Section 508 guidelines and utilize available resources to develop hardware solutions that could bridge the gap between the abled and disabled. It would help unlock the full potential of tech innovations. To do so, businesses should partner with a reliable accessibility testing services provider that utilizes the latest tools and methodologies to help create more inclusive solutions.

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How Can Automated Accessibility Testing Enhance User Experience? Tue, 09 Jan 2024 14:24:23 +0000 how-can-automated-accessibility-testing-enhance-user-experience?

Why Automated Accessibility Testing is Important for Businesses? Multi-Platform Challenges and Solutions How Automated Accessibility Testing Enhances User…

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automated accessibility testing services

  1. Why Automated Accessibility Testing is Important for Businesses?
  2. Multi-Platform Challenges and Solutions
  3. How Automated Accessibility Testing Enhances User Experience?
  4. Overall Impact of Accessibility Testing on User Experience
  5. Conclusion
  6. How can TestingXperts help you with Automated Accessibility Testing?

In the ever-evolving digital landscape, ensuring digital accessibility is an ethical imperative and a cornerstone of providing an inclusive and seamless user experience. As websites and applications become increasingly complex, manual accessibility testing can be time-consuming, prone to oversight, and challenging to scale effectively. This is where automated accessibility testing emerges as a transformative ally, playing a pivotal role in identifying and rectifying potential barriers for users with diverse needs.

In this exploration of accessibility, we delve into the significance of automated testing tools, their capabilities in adhering to standards such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and how they contribute to a web ecosystem that prioritizes universal usability. Join us on a journey through the intricacies of automated accessibility testing and discover its crucial role in crafting digital environments that truly cater to the needs of all users.

Why Automated Accessibility Testing is Important for Businesses?


automated accessibility testing

Automated accessibility testing is a critical component for businesses committed to delivering inclusive digital experiences. In an era where online presence is fundamental to success, ensuring that websites and applications are accessible to users of all abilities is not just a legal requirement but a strategic imperative. Automated testing tools provide businesses with a scalable and efficient means of identifying and addressing accessibility issues throughout the development process. By automating these tests, organizations can streamline their workflows, reduce development time, and minimize the risk of overlooking critical accessibility considerations.

Moreover, as the global market becomes increasingly diverse, accessibility is a key factor in expanding reach and resonating with a broader audience. Studies indicate that consumers are more likely to engage with and trust businesses that prioritize inclusivity. In essence, automated accessibility testing is not just a compliance checkbox; it is a strategic investment that fosters efficiency, inclusivity, and a positive brand image in an ever-evolving digital landscape.

Here are some of the major benefits of Accessibility Testing for Businesses Listed:

Expanded Market Reach

According to the World Health Organization, approximately 15% of the world’s population lives with a disability. By making digital assets accessible, businesses can potentially reach over a billion people who might face barriers. Thus, businesses that prioritize accessibility testing can tap into a larger consumer base by ensuring their digital products and services are usable by people with diverse abilities.

Enhanced User Engagement and Satisfaction

A study by the WebAIM Million analysis found that over 98% of the top 1 million home pages had detectable WCAG 2 failures. By addressing these issues through accessibility testing, businesses can enhance user satisfaction and retain customers, as 88% of online consumers are less likely to return to a site after a bad experience. It can thus lead to improved user experiences, fostering increased customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Risk Mitigation and Legal Compliance

The number of web accessibility-related lawsuits has been on the rise, with a 23% increase in 2020 compared to the previous year. By proactively addressing accessibility issues through testing, businesses can reduce the likelihood of legal challenges, safeguarding their reputation and financial stability. It helps businesses mitigate the risk of legal repercussions associated with inaccessible digital content and ensures compliance with accessibility regulations.

Multi-Platform Challenges and Solutions


Automated Accessibility Testing challenges and solutions

In an era where digital experiences span across various platforms and devices, ensuring accessibility is a multifaceted challenge for businesses. Automated accessibility testing, while a powerful tool, encounters unique hurdles in the realm of multi-platform development. Here, we explore the challenges associated with ensuring accessibility across diverse platforms and propose solutions to address these complexities.

Problem Area 



Integration with Development Workflows 


Integrating automated accessibility testing seamlessly into diverse development workflows, including web, mobile, and desktop, can be complex and time-consuming.



Opt for testing tools that integrate well with popular development environments and continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines. This ensures that accessibility testing becomes an integral part of the development lifecycle, reducing the risk of accessibility issues creeping in at later stages.



Native App Accessibility



Ensuring accessibility in native mobile applications poses unique challenges, as automated tools developed for web environments may not be directly applicable.



Utilize specialized automated testing tools designed for native mobile platforms. These tools can assess mobile-specific accessibility features and provide insights into how users with disabilities interact with mobile applications.



Platform Diversity Challenges



Different platforms (web, mobile, desktop) often have distinct accessibility requirements and guidelines, making it challenging to maintain consistency in testing.



Implement a comprehensive testing strategy that incorporates specialized tools for each platform, ensuring adherence to platform-specific accessibility standards. This approach ensures that the user experience is consistently accessible across various devices and interfaces.



Responsive Design and Dynamic Content



Responsive design and dynamic content can present challenges for automated tools, as they may struggle to accurately assess accessibility in real-time or across various screen sizes.



Combine automated testing with manual testing to address dynamic content effectively. Implement automated testing tools that support responsive design testing and leverage scripting for dynamic elements. Additionally, consider using real user monitoring to capture actual user experiences across different platforms.



Cross-Browser Compatibility



Variations in browser behavior can impact the consistency of accessibility features, necessitating testing across multiple browsers.


Select automated testing tools that support cross-browser compatibility testing. This ensures that accessibility features are consistent across different browsers, providing a uniform experience for users regardless of their chosen browser.



How Automated Accessibility Testing Enhances User Experience?


automated accessibility testing user experience

Prioritizing accessibility doesn’t just cater to a specific segment of users; it elevates the overall user experience for everyone. Businesses that embrace accessibility foster a culture of inclusivity, creating digital environments that are not only compliant with standards but also intuitive, efficient, and positively perceived by a broad and diverse user base.

Inclusive Design Fosters User Satisfaction

Accessibility initiatives focus on inclusive design principles, ensuring that digital experiences cater to users with diverse abilities. By accommodating a wide range of needs, businesses create a more welcoming and user-friendly environment, leading to increased user satisfaction.

Improved Navigation for All Users

Accessible design often involves clear and logical navigation structures. While this is crucial for users with disabilities, it benefits all users by making interfaces more intuitive and efficient. Well-structured navigation enhances the overall user experience by reducing confusion and streamlining the user journey.

Enhanced Usability Across Devices

Accessibility measures often result in responsive and adaptable designs, ensuring that content is accessible on various devices and screen sizes. This not only accommodates users with disabilities who may use different assistive technologies but also provides a consistent and enjoyable experience for all users, regardless of the device they choose.

Faster Loading Times and Performance

Optimizing accessibility often involves improving the underlying code and content structure. These optimizations can contribute to faster loading times and improved performance. This not only benefits users with slower internet connections or limited bandwidth but also enhances the overall user experience for everyone by delivering content more swiftly.

Positive Impact on Brand Reputation

Demonstrating a commitment to accessibility reflects positively on a brand. Users appreciate businesses that prioritize inclusivity, and this commitment can contribute to a positive brand image. According to a WebAIM survey, 71.3% of users with disabilities will leave a website that is not accessible, highlighting the impact of accessibility on user perceptions and brand reputation.

Overall Impact of Accessibility Testing on User Experience


Impact of Accessibility Testing on User Experience

The impact of accessibility testing on user experience is profound and far-reaching. Accessibility testing ensures that digital environments are inclusive and welcoming to users of all abilities, contributing to a more equitable online experience. By identifying and rectifying barriers that may impede access for individuals with disabilities, businesses enhance the usability of their digital products and services for everyone. This inclusive approach aligns with the principles of universal design, creating interfaces that are not only accessible but also intuitive and user-friendly for a diverse audience.

Moreover, the overall impact of accessibility testing extends beyond compliance with regulations; it directly influences user satisfaction, loyalty, and engagement. When users encounter interfaces that are designed with accessibility in mind, they experience smoother navigation, faster loading times, and a more seamless interaction. Accessibility testing contributes to the elimination of potential frustrations caused by inaccessible content, creating a positive and enjoyable experience for all users. Businesses that prioritize accessibility testing not only fulfill ethical and legal obligations but also invest in a user-centric approach that results in heightened user satisfaction, positive brand perception, and a broader, more inclusive user base. In essence, the impact of accessibility testing on user experience is transformative, fostering a digital landscape that prioritizes diversity, equity, and usability for all.



By leveraging automated accessibility testing, businesses position themselves at the forefront of user-centric design, fostering a digital environment where usability knows no bounds. The benefits extend beyond mere adherence to standards; they resonate with users, enhancing satisfaction, loyalty, and brand perception.

As we navigate the intricacies of multi-platform challenges and celebrate the successes witnessed in real-world case studies, it becomes evident that automated accessibility testing is not just a technological advancement—it is a commitment to inclusivity and a testament to a business’s dedication to providing a digital experience that is truly seamless for all. In embracing automated accessibility testing, businesses embark on a journey towards digital excellence, ensuring that every user, regardless of their abilities, can navigate, engage, and enjoy the digital world with equal ease.

How can TestingXperts help you with Automated Accessibility Testing?


automated accessibility testing - testingxperts

TestingXperts, as a testing services provider, offer comprehensive Automated Accessibility Testing services to ensure that your digital assets are inclusive and compliant with accessibility standards. Here are ways in which they might assist you:

Our team of seasoned professionals is well-versed in the latest accessibility guidelines and best practices. This expertise ensures that your digital products meet the required accessibility standards, reducing legal risks and enhancing user satisfaction.

Our in-house accelerator, Tx-Automate, streamlines the testing process, allowing for rapid and accurate identification of accessibility issues. Tx-Automate speeds up the testing cycle and ensures a more thorough and consistent testing process.

Our Automated Accessibility Testing covers various disabilities, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, and neurological. This comprehensive approach ensures no user is left behind, making your product inclusive.

TestingXperts stays ahead of the curve, ensuring that your products are compliant today and continue to meet accessibility standards as they evolve.

We prioritize the end-user experience in our testing methodologies. Focusing on real-world usability ensures that accessibility improvements are practical and enhance the overall user experience.

Understanding that each client has unique needs, we offer tailored testing strategies. This customization ensures that our solutions align perfectly with your requirements and goals.

To know more, contact our QA experts now.

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Growing Prominence of Website Accessibility in Recent Times Wed, 30 Aug 2023 10:24:30 +0000 growing-prominence-of-website-accessibility-in-recent-times

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [{ “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “What is Website Accessibility?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”,…

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Website accessibility{
“@context”: “”,
“@type”: “FAQPage”,
“mainEntity”: [{
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What is Website Accessibility?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Website accessibility is most important today for businesses as the web and mobile mediums continue to have surge in their usage by people of all ages.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What does WCAG stand for?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) guidelines are internationally accepted standards for web accessibility and have been developed by World Wide Web (WWW) team of experts.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “How to get your websites and web apps WCAG compliant?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “It is a prime social responsibility for organizations and businesses to ensure your applications are accessible to differently-abled population. Organizations can become WCAG complaint by adopting web accessibility testing to ensure your applications become complaint with the accessibility regulations like W3C’s – WCAG 1.0/WCAG 2.0, BITV 1.0, Section 508 & Stanca Act etc.”
“@type”: “Question”,
“name”: “What are Web Accessibility Testing Benefits for your Websites and Apps?”,
“acceptedAnswer”: {
“@type”: “Answer”,
“text”: “Ensures people with disabilities to quick and easy access. Enables an opportunity to expand your user base. Facilitates to build positive brand response. Helps improve usability for visitors of all types. Helps improve search engine optimization. Ensures to avoid legal complications”
}] }

1. What is Website Accessibility?
2. What does WCAG compliance stand for?
3. How do you get your websites and web apps become accessible to all?
4. Web Accessibility Testing Benefits for your Websites and Apps
5. Conclusion
6. Why should you choose TestingXperts for your accessibility testing projects?
7. How does Tx Perform the Accessibility Testing?

What is Website Accessibility?

website accessibility

Website accessibility is most important today for businesses as the web and mobile mediums continue to have surge in their usage by people of all ages. Accessibility is truly no longer optional and is rather a mandate for businesses to follow for their websites and apps. This ensures people with disabilities such as color blindness, hearing impairment, cognitive disabilities, etc. to access the services, features and content on the web and also on the mobile apps.

According to, “Beginning January 1, 2021: all public websites and web content posted after January 1, 2012 must meet WCAG 2.0 Level AA other than criteria 1.2.4 (live captions) and 1.2.5 (pre-recorded audio descriptions).” It is rather a compliance as it is necessary for the people with disabilities to be able to access website content which includes any information that is found on the web page or web app, including text, images, forms and even sounds.

What does WCAG compliance stand for?

web accessibility testing

WCAG (Web Content Accessibility Guidelines) guidelines are internationally accepted standards for web accessibility and have been developed by World Wide Web (WWW) team of experts.  These guidelines define how to make web content accessible to people with disabilities including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, language, learning and for people with neurological disabilities.

WCAG 2.0

WCAG 2.0 is categorized into 3 levels of conformance with A the lowest level, AA as mid-range and AAA as the highest level. It is a mandate today that web accessibility is primarily considered as a priority for all digital projects and should be made complaint with these much essential guidelines.

This compliance has been clearly mentioned in a Forbes article on Website Accessibility, which states that individuals with disabilities represent a large portion of the population.

In real sense, the website accessibility refers to the process of making the web accessible to all people or to everyone irrespective of their disabilities to ensure they can also make use of all/most of features of the applications.

In another study, researchers found that 71% of individuals with disabilities will abandon a website that’s difficult to use. This results in an estimated loss of £11.75 billion (or approximately $14.4 billion) each year in the United Kingdom alone.

How do you get your websites and web apps become accessible to all?

website accessibility testing

It is a prime social responsibility for organizations and businesses to ensure your applications are accessible to differently abled population. Organizations can become WCAG complaint by adopting web accessibility testing to standardize their applications accessibility for impaired vision, color blindness, blindness, deafness, hard-of-hearing, moto impairment, mobility impairment, etc.

Another data from the U.S. Census Bureau reveals that nearly one in five people are living with a diagnosed disability, and more than half of those with a disability describe their condition as severe.

Primarily, there is a compliance involved in this accessibility as when companies deny equal access of their website or when their website becomes incompatible with a screen reader or has any other accessibility issues, then such companies become liable to law suits.

Web Accessibility Testing Benefits for your Websites and Apps

web accessibility benefits

Ensures people with disabilities to quick and easy access:

web accessible

The most important benefit with accessibility testing is that it ensures the website content, product, services and all features are easily accessible to people with disabilities.

Enables an opportunity to expand your user base:

user experience
With an improved website and mobile app access, it definitely leads to an increase in the number of users accessing your website. Specifically, for such highly accessible websites, everyone irrespective of their disabilities can access such websites and perform their operations in a simple and easy way.

According to an article by Bureau of Internet Accessibility, disabilities come in many different forms, including hearing disabilities, visual disabilities, motor disabilities, and cognitive disabilities. The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimate that 1 in 4 U.S. adults is living with a disability.

Facilitates to build positive brand response:

accessibility test services

If your website becomes WCAG accessibility compliant, then people with some or the other disabilities would use these fully complaint websites and apps. They would also recommend your brand to other acquaintances, their friends and other connections. In this way there is more chance for improving your brand visibility and this sort of good brand building would be more profitable for eCommerce sites.

Helps improve usability for visitors of all types:

web page accessibility

Many usability problems of various users can also be identified with accessibility testing and it makes easier access of content, features, products and services of the website and mobile apps to various types of users who visit such websites.

Helps improve search engine optimization:

accessibility for the web

Another remarkable benefit with web accessibility testing is that if the website is accessible, then it makes the website more usable. It is also more likely to improve the website rankings and is bound to drive more traffic with higher SEO rankings.

test website accessibility

Though most businesses are not intentionally discriminating disabled people, but they can be subject to legal complications with respect to web accessibility. But, if your website is WCAG compliant, then you can avoid any further legal complications.


Web accessibility has become a norm for businesses in the recent times and they should make their websites and applications WCAG complaint. This sort of web accessibility helps people with various types of disabilities such as color blindness, hearing impairment, cognitive disability, etc. to be able to access websites that are made compatible with these regulations. Web accessibility testing by specialized testing services provider can be leveraged to ensure your website is made accessible to people with disabilities.

Why should you choose TestingXperts for your accessibility testing projects?

– We make sure your application is accessible by bringing it in-line with W3C’s WCAG 1.0/WCAG 2.0, BITV 1.0, Section 508 & Stanca Act.

– Exposure to industry leading tools for Accessibility testing – JAWS (Job Access with Speech), AChecker, WAVE & Web Acc Checker

– Preparing detailed test plans and test scenarios to capture requirements effectively

– Teams of experts, including differently-abled, who perform accessibility testing in software testing

How does Tx Perform the Accessibility Testing?

web accessibility test

– Conduct team interactions with clients and set ready participants of website or for other applications

– Onboard users with a range of disabilities based on the product to be tested

– Perform a POC to find any issues/bugs that might exist with the testing protocol

– Conduct tests from usability perspective and via remote testing also

– Finally analyzing and prioritizing of findings are done and recommendations delivered



Why is accessibility important for a website?

Ans. Website accessibility is most important today for businesses as the web and mobile mediums continue to have surge in their usage by people of all ages.

How can you improve the accessibility of a website?

Ans. Accessibility of the website can be improved using both manual and automated testing of specific elements of the digital technology.

What are the tools Used for Web accessibility testing?

Ans. There are various tools used for website accessibility testing, some of them are listed here.

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Accessibility Testing in Government Websites: Challenges and Solutions Tue, 15 Aug 2023 14:25:59 +0000 accessibility-testing-in-government-websites:-challenges-and-solutions

Content 1. The Current State of Accessibility in Government Websites 2. Challenges in Implementing Accessibility Testing 3. Why…

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Accessibility Testing in Government Websites

1. The Current State of Accessibility in Government Websites
2. Challenges in Implementing Accessibility Testing
3. Why is Accessibility Testing Crucial for Government Websites?
4. Resolving Accessibility Challenges
5. Strategic Decision-Making for Implementing Accessibility Testing
6. Accessibility Testing Tools for the Public Sector
7. How TestingXperts Can Help with Accessibility Testing for the Public Sector
8. Conclusion

In today’s digitally driven world, everyone should have equal access to online resources, regardless of physical or cognitive abilities. This assertion is not just a principle but a necessity, with over 61 million adults in the United States living with a disability, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

Government websites tasked with providing essential information and services hold a unique responsibility regarding accessibility. According to a report by the American Foundation for the Blind, an estimated 25.5 million Americans are visually impaired. Furthermore, the World Health Organization reports that over 5% of the world’s population has disabling hearing loss. These numbers illustrate the vast audience that relies on accessible digital platforms, especially government websites.

Automated accessibility testing is a specialized area wherein a digital product, such as a website or application, is evaluated for its usability by individuals with a range of disabilities. It includes those with visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive impairments. The aim is to ensure a website is user-friendly, navigable, and accessible.

The Current State of Accessibility in Government Websites

accessibility testing in govt sector

Understanding the current accessibility of government websites is crucial in identifying the challenges and crafting appropriate solutions. There’s a significant gap between websites that are fully accessible to all users, including those with disabilities and those without. As per a WebAIM survey in 2020, 97.4% of homepage scans revealed WCAG 2.0 failures, highlighting the severity of this issue. Following are some of the accessibility challenges that occur on government websites:

Lack of Image Descriptions:

Many websites fail to include alternative text (alt text) for images, which screen readers use to describe images to visually impaired users.

Absence of Video Transcripts or Closed Captions:

Video content often lacks closed captions or transcripts, making it inaccessible to individuals with hearing impairments.

Complicated Navigation and Lack of Keyboard Functionality:

These issues can create barriers for people with motor disabilities who rely on keyboards for web navigation.

Cognitive Accessibility Oversights:

Overly complex language, lack of clear instructions, and distracting elements can make websites challenging for individuals with cognitive impairments.

The Role of Automated Accessibility Testing

Automated tools can detect and address many of these issues, but to ensure comprehensive accessibility, manual testing and expert insights are often required. Accessibility experts can consider the unique ways different individuals interact with digital content and identify potential barriers that automated systems might miss.

Achieving full website accessibility is not just about compliance. It’s an opportunity to reach a wider audience, enhance user experience, and build a positive brand image. By addressing the accessibility gap, government entities can reinforce public trust and demonstrate their commitment to inclusivity.

Challenges in Implementing Accessibility Testing

Challenges in Implementing Accessibility Testing

Implementing accessibility testing for government websites is an essential task but is also challenging. To implement effective solutions, it’s crucial first to understand these challenges. Let’s look at some of the most common challenges:

Technical Issues:

Accessibility testing requires specialized knowledge and deep understanding of various disabilities. Recognizing the different ways users interact with digital platforms is crucial. While automated accessibility testing tools can help detect and rectify many accessibility issues, they may not pick up on all potential barriers. For instance, understanding if a website’s color contrast is sufficient for those with color blindness, or assessing if a site’s navigation is intuitive for users with cognitive impairments, often requires manual testing and expert judgment.

Budgetary Constraints:

Implementing comprehensive accessibility testing can be a significant financial undertaking. Budget constraints can limit the amount of testing conducted, potentially leaving some accessibility issues unaddressed. It’s essential to view accessibility testing not as an optional expense but as an integral part of product development. While the upfront costs might seem high, the long-term benefits, such as increased user engagement, reduced legal risks, and improved public reputation, can yield a substantial return on investment.

Regulatory Compliance:

Compliance with laws and regulations such as the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), WCAG 2.0 & 2.1, and Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act can present a challenge. These laws require that all digital content be accessible to people with disabilities. Navigating these requirements and ensuring compliance can be complex, requiring a nuanced understanding of the law and its implications for website design and functionality.

Why is Accessibility Testing Crucial for Government Websites?

Accessibility Testing for Government Websites

The digital sphere has transformed the way governments interact with their citizens. However, with this advancement comes the responsibility to ensure that all citizens can easily access and use the provided services regardless of their abilities. Here are the reasons why accessibility testing is crucial for government websites:

Ensuring Equal Access to Information:

Government websites are often the primary source of important information and services for citizens. These websites serve many essential purposes, from renewing licenses and paying taxes to accessing healthcare information and voting procedures. Accessibility testing helps ensure that everyone, including those with disabilities, has equal access to this information and these services.

Impact on Reputation and Public Trust:

An accessible website signals that the government is committed to inclusivity and equity, thus strengthening the public’s trust. On the other hand, failing to prioritize accessibility can lead to reputational damage and diminished public confidence. By conducting thorough accessibility testing, governments can demonstrate their commitment to serving all citizens equally.

Non-compliance with accessibility laws such as the ADA and Section 508 can lead to legal consequences. Government entities can face lawsuits, financial penalties, and mandated compliance deadlines if their websites are found to be non-compliant. Thorough website accessibility testing can help identify and rectify potential issues, reducing the risk of legal repercussions.

Resolving Accessibility Challenges

Accessibility Challenges and solutions

While the challenges of implementing accessibility testing are substantial, they are not difficult to handle. With the right strategies and resources, government entities can create digital environments that are inclusive and accessible to all users. Here are some practical solutions to the challenges:

Leveraging Automation in Accessibility Testing:

Automated accessibility testing tools can quickly scan websites and identify accessibility issues, such as missing alt text, keyboard accessibility, or color contrast deficiencies. These tools can be a cost-effective way to identify and address many common accessibility issues. However, while automation can increase efficiency, it should be complemented with manual testing to capture those nuances that require human judgment.

Training and Awareness for Web Developers and Designers:

Building accessibility into a website starts at the design and development stage. By providing proper training and raising awareness about the importance of accessibility among web developers and designers, organizations can ensure that accessibility considerations are integrated from the beginning, thus reducing the need for extensive modifications later. This proactive approach can also save resources in the long run.

Collaborating with Accessibility Experts:

Accessibility testing is a specialized area that requires deep knowledge about various disabilities and how they affect the way people use digital platforms. Collaborating with accessibility experts can provide the insights and expertise needed to conduct comprehensive testing and make websites accessible. Experts can help interpret and apply accessibility standards, test websites with different assistive technologies, and provide recommendations for improving accessibility.

Strategic Decision-Making for Implementing Accessibility Testing

implementing Accessibility Testing

Creating an accessible digital environment requires strategic decision-making at the highest levels. Here are some key considerations to help you make informed decisions about implementing accessibility testing:

Evaluating Costs and Benefits:

It’s crucial to recognize that the costs of accessibility testing are an investment in better service delivery, increased user engagement, reduced legal risk, and improved public reputation. While the upfront costs might be tangible, the long-term benefits can significantly outweigh them. A cost-benefit analysis can provide a clearer picture of the return on investment and help justify the resources allocated to accessibility testing.

Prioritizing Accessibility in Digital Transformation Efforts:

Digital transformation is a priority for many government entities. However, these efforts will not reach their full potential if they do not include all citizens. Making accessibility a central part of your digital transformation strategy can ensure that new technologies and services are inclusive from the outset, thus saving resources on remediation efforts later.

Implementing an Accessibility Policy:

An organization-wide policy can guide efforts towards achieving and maintaining digital accessibility. Such a policy can define the standards to adhere to (e.g., WCAG 2.1), identify responsible parties for implementation and testing, set timelines for achieving goals, and establish procedures for addressing accessibility complaints. This strategic move communicates your organization’s commitment to accessibility both internally and externally.

Accessibility Testing Tools for the Public Sector

Accessibility Testing Tools

Choosing the right tools can significantly improve the effectiveness of your accessibility testing efforts. Here are some top-rated tools that are particularly suited to the needs of the public sector:


Developed by WebAIM, WAVE is a free, user-friendly tool that evaluates web page accessibility. It provides visual feedback about the accessibility of your web content by injecting icons and indicators directly into your page.


Deque’s Axe is an accessibility testing toolkit that comes as a browser extension and provides robust and reliable testing for all types of disabilities. It’s an excellent tool for developers who must test their code during development.

JAWS Inspect:

This tool simplifies accessibility and compatibility testing, rendering an efficient process with output that’s easy to understand by non-technical professionals. JAWS Inspect uses transcripts of JAWS output to help quickly diagnose issues and share them with the broader team.


Siteimprove’s platform offers many features, including accessibility testing. It checks your website’s compliance with accessibility standards and provides detailed reports and recommendations.

DYNO Mapper:

This tool not only performs accessibility testing but also generates visual sitemaps. It tests websites for WCAG 2.1 compliance and offers results with solutions that can be categorized by issue, page, or priority.

How TestingXperts Can Help with Accessibility Testing for the Public Sector

accessibility testing TestingXperts

Digital accessibility ensures all users can interact with your digital platforms efficiently and effectively. This is where TestingXperts can assist. With years of experience and a commitment to digital inclusivity, Tx provides comprehensive accessibility testing services dedicated to the unique needs and challenges of the public sector.

By partnering with TestingXperts, you gain more than just accessibility testing services. You gain a strategic partner dedicated to promoting digital inclusivity. Our comprehensive testing ensures your digital platforms are accessible, usable, and compliant, thus reducing legal risks and enhancing user satisfaction.


The importance of digital accessibility in government websites is only set to increase. As more services move online and digital transformation accelerates, ensuring that all citizens can access and use these platforms will become essential to public service delivery. Let TestingXperts help you resolve the complexities of accessibility testing and ensure that your digital platforms are accessible to all users. Our expert team, customized approach, and commitment to promoting digital inclusivity can help you make your digital services inclusive and accessible.

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How Canada’s Digital Accessibility Laws are Shaping Inclusive Online Experiences Thu, 01 Jun 2023 15:24:53 +0000 how-canada’s-digital-accessibility-laws-are-shaping-inclusive-online-experiences

Content 1. Why Digital Accessibility Matters? 2. Overview of Digital Accessibility Laws in Canada 3. Understanding the Accessibility…

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1. Why Digital Accessibility Matters?
2. Overview of Digital Accessibility Laws in Canada
3. Understanding the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)
4. The Canadian Human Rights Act and Digital Accessibility
4. Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and Compliance in Canada
4. The Role of Government Agencies and Organizations in Enforcing Digital Accessibility Laws
5. Conclusion
6. How is TestingXperts Helping Achieve Digital Accessibility in Canada?

In today’s increasingly digital world, accessibility to online content and services is no longer a luxury, but a necessity. For individuals with disabilities, equal access to digital platforms is essential for full participation in society. Recognizing this, Canada has taken significant steps to ensure inclusive online experiences through the implementation of digital accessibility laws. These laws aim to break barriers and provide equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities to access and engage with digital content, services, and technologies. In this article, we will explore the impact of digital accessibility laws in Canada, examining their significance, key provisions, and the transformative effects they have on shaping a more inclusive digital landscape for all Canadians.

Why Digital Accessibility Matters?

Why Digital Accessibility Matters

Digital accessibility matters because it is a fundamental aspect of creating an inclusive and equitable society. In an increasingly digital world, access to information, services, and opportunities online is essential for individuals to fully participate in various aspects of life. Digital accessibility ensures that people with disabilities, including those with visual, hearing, mobility, or cognitive impairments, can navigate and engage with digital content and technologies. It enables them to access educational resources, seek employment opportunities, connect with others, and utilize online services independently. By removing barriers and providing equal access, digital accessibility promotes inclusivity, empowers individuals, and fosters a society where everyone can contribute and thrive regardless of their abilities.

Overview of Digital Accessibility Laws in Canada

Digital Accessibility Laws in Canada

In Canada, digital accessibility laws have been established to ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to digital platforms and content. One key piece of legislation is the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA), which sets standards for accessibility in Ontario. AODA requires organizations to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA for their websites and digital content. Additionally, the Canadian Human Rights Act prohibits discrimination based on disability and applies to digital accessibility. It mandates that organizations provide reasonable accommodations and accessibility measures to ensure equal access for individuals with disabilities. The Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) also plays a role in enforcing accessibility regulations for broadcasting and telecommunications services. These digital accessibility laws in Canada aim to create an inclusive society by removing barriers and fostering equal access to digital information, services, and opportunities for all individuals.

The Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) is a key piece of legislation in Ontario, Canada, aimed at promoting accessibility and equal opportunities for individuals with disabilities. Enacted in 2005, the AODA sets out a comprehensive framework to remove barriers and improve accessibility in various sectors of society.

Understanding the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act

The primary goal of the AODA is to make Ontario fully accessible by 2025. It sets out specific accessibility standards and requirements that organizations must meet in order to comply with the law. These standards address a wide range of areas, including customer service, employment, information and communication, transportation, and the design of public spaces.

Under the AODA, organizations are required to develop and implement accessibility policies and plans. They must also provide accessible customer service and make their websites and digital content accessible in accordance with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA. Furthermore, organizations with 50 or more employees are obligated to create multi-year accessibility plans and file accessibility reports with the government.

To ensure compliance with the AODA, the Act establishes enforcement mechanisms. Organizations that fail to meet accessibility requirements may face penalties, fines, or other consequences. The AODA also empowers the Accessibility Directorate of Ontario to provide guidance, support, and resources to help organizations meet their accessibility obligations.

The AODA represents a significant step towards creating a more inclusive and accessible society in Ontario. By setting standards and promoting accessibility in various domains, the Act aims to remove barriers and ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to goods, services, information, and opportunities. It not only benefits individuals with disabilities but also fosters a more inclusive and diverse society that values accessibility and inclusion for all.

The Canadian Human Rights Act and Digital Accessibility

Canadian Human Rights Act and digital accessibility

The Canadian Human Rights Act plays a significant role in ensuring digital accessibility and protecting the rights of individuals with disabilities in Canada. The Act prohibits discrimination based on various grounds, including disability, in federally regulated sectors and organizations. In the context of digital accessibility, the Canadian Human Rights Act applies to online content, services, and platforms offered by federally regulated entities, such as federal government departments, agencies, and federally chartered banks.

Under the Act, organizations have a legal obligation to provide reasonable accommodations to individuals with disabilities to ensure equal access to their goods, services, and facilities. This includes digital accessibility, where organizations are required to take steps to make their websites, digital content, and online services accessible to individuals with disabilities.

The Canadian Human Rights Act recognizes that individuals with disabilities should not face barriers or be disadvantaged in their access to information, communication, and services due to their disabilities. It promotes the principle of equal treatment and equal access for all individuals, regardless of their abilities.

In the context of digital accessibility, the Canadian Human Rights Act aligns with other accessibility laws and standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). It reinforces the importance of organizations implementing accessibility measures to ensure that their digital platforms are inclusive and accessible to individuals with disabilities.

In cases where individuals believe they have experienced discrimination based on disability, including digital accessibility barriers, they can file a complaint with the Canadian Human Rights Commission. The Commission has the authority to investigate complaints, mediate resolutions, and, if necessary, refer cases to the Canadian Human Rights Tribunal for adjudication.

As a whole, the Canadian Human Rights Act serves as a crucial legal framework for promoting digital accessibility, ensuring equal access and non-discrimination for individuals with disabilities in federally regulated sectors across Canada. It emphasizes the importance of accessibility and reinforces the rights of individuals with disabilities to fully participate in society, including in the digital realm.

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) and Compliance in Canada

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG)

Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) are a globally recognized set of guidelines developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) to ensure digital content is accessible to individuals with disabilities. WCAG provides a framework for creating inclusive websites, web applications, and digital content that can be accessed and used by people with various disabilities.

In Canada, WCAG has been widely adopted as a standard for digital accessibility. It is referenced in various accessibility laws and policies, including the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and the Canadian Human Rights Act. WCAG 2.0 Level AA is the most commonly referenced standard in Canadian legislation, though organizations are encouraged to strive for the higher-Level AAA for enhanced accessibility.

To achieve compliance with WCAG, organizations are required to implement specific design and development practices that address various accessibility principles, such as perceivability, operability, understandability, and robustness. These principles cover areas such as alternative text for images, clear navigation structures, sufficient color contrast, keyboard accessibility, and compatibility with assistive technologies.

Organizations are responsible for ensuring that their websites, web applications, and digital content conform to the WCAG guidelines. This includes adopting accessible design and coding practices, conducting accessibility audits and testing, and making necessary adjustments to address any identified accessibility barriers.

Compliance with WCAG is not only a legal requirement in Canada but also an essential aspect of creating an inclusive digital environment. By adhering to WCAG guidelines, organizations can provide equal access and usability to individuals with disabilities, regardless of their impairments. Compliance with WCAG fosters inclusivity, improves user experience for all users, and demonstrates a commitment to accessibility and social responsibility.

It is important to note that digital accessibility is an ongoing process, and organizations should regularly assess and update their digital properties to maintain compliance with the latest versions of WCAG and evolving accessibility standards. By staying up to date with WCAG requirements and continuously improving accessibility practices, organizations can ensure that their digital content remains accessible and inclusive for all users in Canada.

The Role of Government Agencies and Organizations in Enforcing Digital Accessibility Laws

Enforcing Digital Accessibility Laws

Government agencies and organizations play a crucial role in enforcing digital accessibility laws and ensuring compliance with accessibility standards. Their involvement helps promote and enforce equal access for individuals with disabilities in the digital realm. Here are some key aspects of their role:

Establishing and Monitoring Compliance:

Government agencies, such as accessibility directorates, human rights commissions, and regulatory bodies, are responsible for establishing and overseeing digital accessibility regulations. They develop guidelines and standards, such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), and ensure organizations understand their obligations. These agencies monitor compliance through audits, inspections, and investigations to ensure adherence to accessibility laws.

Providing Guidance and Resources:

Government agencies provide guidance and resources to support organizations in achieving and maintaining digital accessibility compliance. They offer information on best practices, training materials, checklists, and technical assistance to help organizations understand and implement accessibility requirements. These resources empower organizations to improve their accessibility practices and remove barriers effectively.

Complaint Resolution and Remediation:

Government agencies handle complaints related to digital accessibility violations. Individuals who experience discrimination or barriers can file complaints, which are investigated by the respective agencies. If violations are found, the agencies work with organizations to remediate accessibility issues and ensure future compliance. They may offer mediation services or, in some cases, refer cases to tribunals or courts for resolution.

Collaboration and Partnerships:

Government agencies collaborate with organizations, disability advocacy groups, and industry stakeholders to promote accessibility and foster a culture of inclusion. They engage in public consultations, workshops, and forums to gather feedback, share knowledge, and drive improvements in digital accessibility. Collaboration ensures that the needs and perspectives of individuals with disabilities are considered in the development and enforcement of accessibility laws.

Awareness and Education:

Government agencies raise awareness about digital accessibility and educate organizations and the public on their rights and responsibilities. They conduct awareness campaigns, publish reports, and provide accessibility-related information through websites and publications. By disseminating knowledge about accessibility, these agencies empower individuals, organizations, and communities to actively participate in creating accessible digital environments.

Through these efforts, government agencies and organizations serve as catalysts for change, driving compliance with digital accessibility laws and fostering a more inclusive society. By providing guidance, monitoring compliance, resolving complaints, and promoting awareness, they ensure that individuals with disabilities have equal access to digital information, services, and opportunities.


The journey towards inclusive online experiences in Canada has been marked by significant efforts to ensure equal access for individuals with disabilities. Digital accessibility laws, such as the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) and the Canadian Human Rights Act, have played a pivotal role in shaping a more inclusive digital landscape.

The journey towards inclusive online experiences is ongoing. As technology evolves, new challenges and opportunities arise. Advancements in assistive technologies, the emergence of new digital platforms, and evolving user needs require continuous efforts to ensure accessibility. Collaboration among government agencies, organizations, individuals with disabilities, and technology providers is crucial in shaping the future of digital accessibility.

As we look ahead, it is imperative that organizations prioritize digital accessibility and invest in inclusive design and development practices. By embracing accessibility as a core value, we can create a digital landscape that fosters equal access, empowers individuals, and celebrates diversity. Together, let us continue this journey towards inclusive online experiences in Canada, where digital barriers are shattered, and everyone can fully participate in the digital age.

How is TestingXperts Helping Achieve Digital Accessibility in Canada?

How is TestingXperts Helping Achieve Digital Accessibility in Canada

TestingXperts joins in as your trusted partner. We specialize in offering a wide range of accessibility testing services tailored to Canadian businesses’ unique requirements. Our team of experts possesses deep knowledge and expertise in industry best practices, accessibility guidelines (such as WCAG 2.1), and assistive technologies.

By partnering with TestingXperts, organizations in Canada can leverage our comprehensive suite of accessibility testing services. We conduct thorough evaluations to identify potential accessibility barriers and provide actionable recommendations to enhance digital inclusivity.

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Cucumber Testing The Secret Weapon for Effective Software Testing Thu, 06 Apr 2023 13:06:07 +0000 cucumber-testing-the-secret-weapon-for-effective-software-testing

Content 1. An Overview of Cucumber Testing 2. How is Cucumber Testing Different from Traditional forms of Testing?…

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1. An Overview of Cucumber Testing
2. How is Cucumber Testing Different from Traditional forms of Testing?
3. Benefits of Cucumber Testing
4. Why is Cucumber Testing Gaining Popularity Among Digital Businesses?
5. Conclusion
6. How TestingXperts Helps Businesses with Cucumber Testing?

An Overview of Cucumber Testing

Cucumber Testing

Cucumber is a testing framework that allows developers to write and run automated tests using natural language syntax. It follows the BDD (Behavior-Driven Development) approach, which emphasizes collaboration between developers, QA, and non-technical stakeholders to define and validate software requirements. Cucumber tests are written in feature files, which describe the desired behavior of a software application using Gherkin syntax. These feature files are then parsed by Cucumber and executed against the application code. Cucumber testing helps improve the quality and reliability of software by providing a common language for developers and stakeholders to communicate requirements and ensure they are met.

How is Cucumber Testing Different from Traditional forms of Testing?


Cucumber testing is a form of behavior-driven development (BDD) testing that focuses on defining and testing the behavior of an application from a user’s perspective. Traditional forms of testing, on the other hand, typically focus on testing the functionality of an application based on its technical specifications.

Here are some key differences between Cucumber testing and traditional forms of testing:


Cucumber testing uses a simple, human-readable language called Gherkin to describe the expected behavior of an application. This makes it easier for non-technical stakeholders to understand and contribute to the testing process. Traditional forms of testing typically use programming languages such as Java, Python, or Ruby.


Cucumber testing focuses on testing the behavior of an application from a user’s perspective. This means that scenarios are defined based on the actions that a user might take when interacting with the application. Traditional forms of testing focus on testing specific functionality of an application, such as individual methods or functions.


Cucumber testing encourages collaboration between developers, testers, and business stakeholders. By defining scenarios in a language that is easy to understand, everyone can contribute to the testing process. Traditional forms of testing may be more siloed, with developers writing code and testers writing test cases separately.


Cucumber testing can be automated using tools like Selenium or Appium. This makes it possible to run tests quickly and frequently, providing rapid feedback on changes to the application. Traditional forms of testing may be more manual, requiring testers to manually execute test cases.

Overall, Cucumber testing is a collaborative, user-focused approach to testing that encourages frequent feedback and automation. While it may require some initial setup and training, it can be a powerful tool for ensuring the quality and behavior of your application.

Benefits of Cucumber Testing


Improved Quality:

Helps improve the quality of software by identifying bugs and issues early in the development process, reducing the likelihood of defects in the final product.

Increased Collaboration:

Encourages collaboration between developers, testers, and business stakeholders by providing a common language and framework for discussing requirements and testing scenarios.

Automated Testing:

Cucumber testing can be automated, reducing the time and effort required for manual testing and enabling frequent testing throughout the development process.

Faster Feedback:

Provides quick and clear feedback on the status of test cases and helps identify the root cause of failures, allowing developers to fix issues quickly.


Allows the creation of reusable test cases, which can be used across different projects and applications. This reduces the effort required for testing and ensures consistent quality across projects.


Allows the separation of test cases from the underlying code, making it easier to maintain tests as the application evolves. This reduces the risk of test cases becoming obsolete and helps ensure the continued quality of the software.


Cucumber testing is a cost-effective way to ensure software quality, as it can identify issues early in the development process, reducing the cost of fixing defects later on.

Why is Cucumber Testing Gaining Popularity Among Digital Businesses?

Cucumber Testing Among Digital Businesses

Cucumber testing is gaining popularity among digital businesses because it offers a unique approach to software testing that prioritizes collaboration between technical and non-technical stakeholders. Cucumber is a tool that uses plain text and Gherkin syntax to describe test scenarios in a way that can be easily understood by both developers and non-technical stakeholders. This approach promotes communication and collaboration, which can lead to better software quality and faster time-to-market. Additionally, Cucumber testing can be used for both functional and non-functional testing, making it a versatile tool for ensuring the overall quality of digital products.

Another reason for the growing popularity of Cucumber testing is its ability to automate testing processes. Cucumber allows for the creation of automated acceptance tests, which can be run as part of a continuous integration and delivery (CI/CD) pipeline. This enables teams to catch bugs earlier in the development process, reducing the risk of costly errors and downtime in production. Automation also saves time and resources, allowing teams to focus on developing new features and improving the user experience.

Finally, Cucumber testing is gaining popularity among digital businesses because it supports agile development methodologies. Agile emphasizes iterative development and continuous feedback, which aligns well with the collaborative and flexible approach of Cucumber testing. By incorporating Cucumber into their testing processes, teams can easily adapt to changes in requirements and feedback from stakeholders, ensuring that the end product meets the needs of the business and its users. Overall, Cucumber testing offers a powerful set of tools and techniques that can help digital businesses improve their software quality, speed up their development processes, and stay competitive in a rapidly evolving market.


Cucumber testing is a powerful tool for automating software testing and ensuring the quality of your code. It allows for collaboration between developers, testers, and other stakeholders in the software development process, and promotes a clear understanding of the expected behavior of a system. Cucumber’s user-friendly syntax and ability to generate readable reports make it an ideal choice for teams looking to implement behavior-driven development. By leveraging the power of cucumber testing, teams can streamline their testing process, catch defects early, and ultimately deliver better software products to their users.

How TestingXperts Helps Businesses with Cucumber Testing?


TestingXperts (Tx) is one of the 5 largest pure-play software testing services providers globally. Tx has been chosen as a trusted QA partner by Fortune clients and ensures superior testing outcomes for its global clientele. We have rich expertise in enabling end-to-end testing services for global clients across various industry domains like healthcare, telecom, BFSI, retail & eCommerce, etc.

We provide comprehensive testing services using Cucumber, an open-source testing tool that allows for Behavior Driven Development (BDD) and facilitates collaboration between technical and non-technical team members. Our team of experienced testers can assist with everything from writing feature files to executing and analyzing test results.

Our Cucumber Testing Services Include:

Test Strategy Development:

Our testing experts work with you to understand your business needs and create a customized testing strategy for your application. We ensure that the strategy aligns with your goals and objectives and meets the specific needs of your organization.

Test Planning and Execution:

We help you create detailed test plans and test cases based on your requirements. Our team can execute the tests and provide you with accurate and detailed test results. We also offer automated testing services to help you achieve faster testing and quicker feedback loops.

Test Maintenance:

Our team ensures that your tests are up-to-date and continue to deliver valuable insights. We perform regular maintenance activities such as updating test cases, fixing broken tests, and ensuring that tests are running efficiently.

Integration Testing:

We can help you test the integration of your application with other systems or third-party services. Our team is experienced in testing API integrations, database integrations, and other types of integrations.

Performance Testing:

Our team can assist with performance testing to ensure that your application can handle expected levels of traffic and load. We can help you identify and fix performance bottlenecks before they impact your users.

Security Testing:

We can help you identify potential security vulnerabilities in your application by performing security testing. Our team can help you identify vulnerabilities such as injection attacks, cross-site scripting (XSS), and other types of security flaws.

Test data management strategy:

Our team can help you devise a robust test data management strategy that enables a robust automation framework and more flexible scripts.

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Why WCAG Compliance Testing is Crucial for Digital Accessibility Thu, 16 Mar 2023 17:02:43 +0000 why-wcag-compliance-testing-is-crucial-for-digital-accessibility

Content 1. Why WCAG is important? 2. WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.2 3. The levels of Conformance of WCAG…

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WCAG Compliance Testing

1. Why WCAG is important?
2. WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.2
3. The levels of Conformance of WCAG
4. The Importance of WCAG Compliance Testing
5. WCAG Compliance Testing Process
6. Conclusion
7. How Can TestingXperts help you with WCAG Compliance Testing?

In the digital environment, equality refers to the principle that everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities, should have equal access to online information, services, and products. This means that websites, mobile applications, and other digital platforms should be designed in a way that accommodates people with different types of disabilities, such as visual impairments, hearing impairments, cognitive impairments, and mobility impairments. To ensure equality in the digital environment, it is important for businesses and organizations to prioritize accessibility and adhere to guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). By doing so, they can create an inclusive and accessible digital environment that benefits everyone.

Why WCAG is important?

Why WCAG is Important

Statistics show that accessibility is becoming increasingly important in the digital world. According to the World Health Organization, over 1 billion people worldwide have some form of disability. In Uk alone, around 14 million people are living with some form of disability. And, around 7 millions of these people’s disabilities are likely to affect the way they experience the internet. The numbers say how widely the WCAG accessibility standards UK need to be adopted and adhered to for the UK domains.

WCAG testing ensures that websites and other digital platforms are designed in a way that accommodates people with different types of disabilities, making it easier for them to access information and services online. By adhering to WCAG guidelines, businesses and organizations can not only provide equal access to information and services, but also comply with legal requirements, avoid potential legal issues, enhance their brand reputation, increase their market reach and customer base, and improve the overall user experience.

WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.2

WCAG 2.0, 2.1, 2.2

WCAG has evolved over time to reflect changes in technology and best practices for web accessibility.WCAG 2.0 was first published in 2008 and is still widely used today. It has three levels of conformance: A, AA, and AAA. WCAG 2.0 guidelines provide a comprehensive set of recommendations for making web content more accessible to people with disabilities, including requirements for text alternatives, captions and audio descriptions, keyboard accessibility, and color contrast, among others.

WCAG 2.1 was released in 2018 and builds upon the guidelines of WCAG 2.0. WCAG 2.1 introduced 17 new success criteria that focus on improving the accessibility of mobile devices, people with low vision, and people with cognitive and learning disabilities. These success criteria include requirements for touch screen accessibility, resizing content, and reducing motion animation, among others.

WCAG 2.2 is scheduled to be completed and published in April 2023.It builds on the previous version, WCAG 2.1, and includes additional success criteria to address the needs of people with cognitive and learning disabilities, low vision, and disabilities on mobile devices. It also provides guidance on accessibility features for content such as videos, animations, and images.

Overall, each version of WCAG builds upon the previous version and includes new and updated success criteria to improve web accessibility for people with disabilities. It is important for businesses and organizations to stay up-to-date with the latest version of WCAG to ensure their websites and digital platforms are accessible to everyone.

The levels of Conformance of WCAG

The Levels of Conformance of WCAG

WCAG has three levels of conformance: A, AA, and AAA. Each level has specific success criteria that websites and digital platforms must meet to be considered compliant.

Level A is the minimum level of conformance and includes the most basic and essential requirements for web accessibility. Meeting Level A success criteria means that the website or digital platform can be accessed and used by most people with disabilities, but not necessarily all people with disabilities.

Level AA conformance includes all the success criteria from Level A, as well as additional requirements for web accessibility. Meeting Level AA success criteria means that the website or digital platform can be accessed and used by most people with disabilities, including those with more severe disabilities.

Level AAA is the highest level of conformance and includes all the success criteria from Levels A and AA, as well as additional requirements for web accessibility. Meeting Level AAA success criteria means that the website or digital platform can be accessed and used by almost all people with disabilities, including those with the most severe disabilities.

It is important to note that meeting all the success criteria at any level does not guarantee that a website or digital platform is fully accessible to all people with disabilities. WCAG conformance is just one aspect of web accessibility, and businesses and organizations should continue to test and improve their websites and digital platforms to ensure accessibility for all users.

The Importance of WCAG Compliance Testing

The Importance of WCAG Testing

The importance of WCAG testing cannot be overstated. Here are some important spheres of WCAG testing:

Access to Information

WCAG is important from access to information point of view because it ensures that people with disabilities have equal access to digital content, which is often the primary source of information in today’s world.WCAG guidelines help make digital content accessible to people with disabilities by providing specific recommendations for designing and publishing accessible content. For example, WCAG guidelines require the use of alternative text descriptions for images, captions and transcripts for videos, and accessible navigation and keyboard controls.

WCAG is important for compliance with legal requirements in the UK just like in other countries. These laws require businesses and organizations to ensure that their websites and digital platforms are accessible to people with disabilities.

By complying with WCAG guidelines, businesses and organizations can protect themselves from legal action and demonstrate a commitment to accessibility and inclusion. This not only helps to meet legal requirements but also enhances brand reputation and customer loyalty.

Enhancement of Brand Reputation

Following WCAG guidelines can also help businesses and organizations tap into new markets and reach new customers. By making their websites and digital platforms accessible, businesses and organizations can reach people with disabilities who were previously unable to access their products or services.

Overall, following WCAG guidelines can enhance brand reputation by demonstrating a commitment to accessibility and inclusion, improving customer satisfaction and loyalty, and tapping into new markets and customers.

WCAG Compliance Testing Process

WCAG Testing Process

Manual Testing

Manual testing is an essential part of the WCAG testing process, as it allows testers to identify accessibility issues that cannot be detected by automated testing tools. Manual testing typically involves using assistive technologies, such as screen readers and keyboard-only navigation, to ensure that the website or digital platform is accessible to people with disabilities.

Manual testing can involve several different methods, including:

Keyboard-only navigation:

Testers can use the keyboard to navigate the website or digital platform, ensuring that all functionality is accessible without the use of a mouse or other pointing device.

Screen reader testing:

Testers can use a screen reader, which reads the content of the website or digital platform aloud, to ensure that all content is accessible to people with visual impairments.

Assistive technology testing:

Testers can use other assistive technologies, such as speech recognition software or magnification tools, to ensure that the website or digital platform is accessible to people with other types of disabilities.

During manual testing, testers should pay attention to several key accessibility factors, including:

Color contrast:

Testers should ensure that all text and images meet WCAG color contrast guidelines, making sure that text is readable against its background.

Alternative text:

Testers should ensure that all images have descriptive alternative text, which can be read by screen readers and other assistive technologies.

Form and control accessibility:

Testers should ensure that all forms and controls are accessible to people with disabilities, including people who use assistive technologies.

Overall, manual testing is an important part of the WCAG testing process, as it allows testers to identify accessibility issues that automated testing tools cannot detect. By using assistive technologies and paying close attention to accessibility factors, testers can ensure that the website or digital platform is accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities.

Automated Testing:

Automated testing is an important part of the WCAG testing process, as it allows testers to quickly identify potential accessibility issues in a website or digital platform. Automated testing tools can scan the website or digital platform for common accessibility issues, such as missing alternative text for images or insufficient color contrast, and generate a report of any accessibility issues that are found.

Automated testing tools can be useful for identifying many accessibility issues quickly, but they do have limitations. For example, automated testing tools cannot always detect more complex accessibility issues, such as those related to user experience or cognitive accessibility.

To use automated testing tools effectively in the WCAG testing process, testers should:

Choose the right tool:

There are many different automated testing tools available, and each has its own strengths and limitations. Testers should choose a tool that is appropriate for the website or digital platform being tested, and that can detect the types of accessibility issues that are most relevant.

Use the tool in combination with manual testing:

Automated testing tools should be used in conjunction with manual testing methods, as manual testing can identify accessibility issues that automated testing tools cannot.

Interpret the results:

Automated testing tools can generate a large number of accessibility issues, but not all of them may be relevant or significant. Testers should use their judgment to prioritize the issues that need to be addressed and to determine the best way to address them.

Overall, automated testing can be a useful tool in the WCAG testing process, but it should be used in combination with manual testing methods and with a good understanding of the limitations of automated testing tools. By using automated testing tools effectively, testers can quickly identify potential accessibility issues and take steps to address them, ensuring that the website or digital platform is accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities.

Combination of manual and automated testing

Using a combination of manual and automated testing is the most effective approach to ensure that a website or digital platform meets WCAG guidelines for accessibility. Automated testing tools can quickly identify common accessibility issues, such as missing alternative text for images or insufficient color contrast, but they cannot detect more complex issues related to user experience or cognitive accessibility.

Manual testing, on the other hand, involves using assistive technologies to navigate the website or digital platform and identifying accessibility issues that automated testing tools cannot detect. By combining manual and automated testing methods, testers can identify a wider range of accessibility issues and ensure that the website or digital platform is accessible to people with different types of disabilities.

When using a combination of manual and automated testing, testers should follow these best practices:

Choose the right automated testing tool:

There are many automated testing tools available, and testers should choose the one that is most appropriate for the website or digital platform being tested.

Use the automated testing tool to identify common accessibility issues:

Automated testing tools can quickly identify common accessibility issues, such as missing alternative text for images or insufficient color contrast.

Use manual testing methods to identify more complex accessibility issues:

Manual testing involves using assistive technologies, such as screen readers, to identify more complex accessibility issues related to user experience or cognitive accessibility.

Use the results of both types of testing to prioritize accessibility issues:

Testers should use the results of both automated and manual testing to prioritize accessibility issues and determine the best way to address them.

By using a combination of manual and automated testing methods, testers can identify a wider range of accessibility issues and ensure that the website or digital platform is accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities. This approach can help organizations comply with WCAG guidelines and avoid potential legal issues, while also enhancing their brand reputation and providing better access to information for people with disabilities.


In conclusion, achieving equality in the digital environment is crucial for creating an inclusive society where all individuals have equal access to information and services online. One of the key ways to achieve this is through WCAG testing, which involves evaluating websites and digital content based on the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

WCAG testing is important because it helps to identify barriers and obstacles that prevent individuals with disabilities from accessing and using digital content. By conducting thorough testing and making necessary changes to websites and digital content, organizations can ensure that their products and services are accessible to everyone, regardless of their abilities.

How Can TestingXperts help you with WCAG Compliance Testing?

How can TestingXperts help with WCAG Testing

TestingXperts is a software testing and quality assurance company that offers a range of services, including accessibility testing services. Here are some ways in which TestingXperts can help you with WCAG testing:

Accessibility Audit:

TestingXperts can conduct a comprehensive accessibility audit of your website or digital content to identify any accessibility barriers and issues. They use a variety of tools and techniques, including manual testing and assistive technology, to ensure that your digital content meets the WCAG guidelines.

Remediation Services:

After identifying accessibility issues, TestingXperts can provide remediation services to make the necessary changes to your digital content to ensure that it is accessible to all individuals, regardless of their abilities.

Testing Automation:

TestingXperts can also use automation tools to test your website or digital content against the WCAG guidelines, which can speed up the testing process and reduce the time and cost associated with manual testing.

Accessibility Training:

TestingXperts can provide training and guidance to your team on how to create and maintain accessible digital content. This can help to ensure that your organization remains committed to accessibility and continues to provide equal access to all individuals.

Overall, TestingXperts can provide a range of services to help you achieve WCAG compliance and ensure that your digital content is accessible to all individuals. Their expertise and experience in WCAG testing can help to ensure that your website or digital content meets the highest standards of accessibility and usability.

TestingXperts Differentiators

Here are some Tx differentiators defined in detail:

Tx ensures all business-critical applications are accessible to all by bringing them in line with the latest accessibility standards like W3C’s, i.e., WCAG 2.0/WCAG 2.1/WCAG 2.2, Section 508, ADA, RPWD & Stanca Act.

In-house teams consisting of highly skilled teams of experts, including differently-abled, who perform accessibility testing of applications.

Exposure to industry-leading open-source and commercial accessibility testing tools like AChecker, WAVE, aXe, Web Accessibility Toolbar (WAT), Powermapper Sort site, Accessibility Insight, etc.

Exposure working with all industry-leading screen readers for accessibility testing like Job Access with Speech (JAWS), NonVisual Desktop Access (NVDA), Windows Narrator, TalkBack, VoiceOver, and ChromeVox.

Our teams have hands-on expertise working with all leading mobile accessibility testing tools such as TalkBack, VoiceOver, etc.

Our teams also deliver a detailed report in the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) to stakeholders for helping them make informed decisions.

Seamless customer support available 24×7.

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Navigating the World of Inclusivity: A Guide to UK Accessibility Standards Thu, 02 Mar 2023 15:03:48 +0000 navigating-the-world-of-inclusivity:-a-guide-to-uk-accessibility-standards

Content 1. Importance of Digital Inclusivity 2. Understanding the Equality Act 2010 and its Impact on Digital Accessibility…

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Accessibility Standards UK

1. Importance of Digital Inclusivity
2. Understanding the Equality Act 2010 and its Impact on Digital Accessibility
3. Definition of Disability
4. Duty of Reasonable Adjustment in the Digital Sphere
5. Public Sector Equality Duty and Digital Accessibility
6. The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1
7. Understanding the WCAG 2.1 Level Standards
8. Key Principles of Accessible Web Design
9. Conclusion
10. How Can TestingXperts (Tx) help?

Did you know that according to a recent survey, around 20% of the UK population has some form of disability? That’s approximately 12.9 million people who face barriers to accessing the internet and the digital world. As a result, websites must adhere to web accessibility standards to ensure that everyone, regardless of disability, has equal access to information and services online.

Web accessibility refers to the design and development of websites, applications, and technologies accessible to people with disabilities, including visual, auditory, physical, speech, cognitive, and neurological disabilities. In the United Kingdom, web accessibility standards are guided by the Equality Act 2010 and the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1, developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C).

Importance of Digital Inclusivity

digital inclusivity

Here are numerous benefits of being digitally inclusive, both for businesses and for society as a whole.

It’s high time for digital businesses to prioritise digital inclusivity for several reasons:

Legal Obligation: The Equality Act 2010 requires public sector organisations in the UK to make their websites and other electronic communications accessible to people with disabilities. Failure to do so can result in legal action and potential financial penalties.

Improved User Experience: By making their websites and digital products accessible to all users, businesses can improve the overall user experience for everyone, including those with disabilities. This can result in increased engagement, customer satisfaction, and loyalty.

Market Expansion: By catering to the needs of users with disabilities, businesses can expand their reach and tap into a previously untapped market segment.

Increased Innovation: Digital inclusivity can drive innovation by exposing businesses to new perspectives, ideas, and experiences. This can result in more innovative products and services that cater to the needs of a wider range of users.

Reputation and Brand Value: Companies that prioritise digital inclusivity demonstrate a commitment to diversity and inclusiveness, which can enhance their reputation and brand value.

Understanding the Equality Act 2010 and its Impact on Digital Accessibility

digital accessibility

The Equality Act 2010 is a crucial piece of legislation that significantly impacts digital accessibility in the UK. It requires public sector organisations to make their websites and other digital communications accessible to people with disabilities and sets a clear standard for digital accessibility in the country.

The Equality Act 2010 is a crucial piece of legislation in the United Kingdom that sets out the legal rights of individuals with disabilities and protects them from discrimination in various areas of life, including the workplace and access to services. The act also includes provisions related to digital accessibility and requires public sector organisations to make their websites and other electronic communications accessible to people with disabilities.

The act states that a service provider must not treat a person with a disability less favorably than someone else and must make reasonable adjustments to ensure that disabled people are not put at a substantial disadvantage. This includes making their websites and digital products accessible to users with disabilities.

Definition of Disability

definition of disability

In the UK, disability is defined by the Equality Act 2010. According to the act, a person has a disability if they have a physical or mental impairment that has a substantial and long-term adverse effect on their ability to carry out normal day-to-day activities.

This definition covers a wide range of impairments, including, but not limited to, visual, hearing, or mobility impairments, chronic conditions such as diabetes, HIV, or multiple sclerosis, and conditions such as autism, dyslexia, and mental health. The definition also includes the effects of medication and treatment and the impact of disability-related equipment and support.

In line with the Equality Act 2010, which requires organisations to make reasonable adjustments to eliminate discrimination and provide equal access to services, facilities, and premises.

Duty of Reasonable Adjustment in the Digital Sphere

digital sphere

In the digital sphere, the duty of reasonable adjustment may include the following:

Providing alternative access methods:

Organisations may need to provide alternative access methods, such as keyboard navigation or audio description, to ensure that disabled people can use digital services and products effectively.

Designing for accessibility:

Organisations should develop their digital services and products to be accessible from the outset, considering the needs of disabled users. This includes using accessible design practices, such as large text, high contrast, and straightforward navigation, to ensure that digital content is accessible to users with visual or cognitive impairments.

Providing accessible content:

Organisations should ensure that digital content, including text, images, and videos, is accessible to disabled users. This may include providing alternative text for images, captions for videos, and audio descriptions for visual content.

Providing accessible technology:

Organisations should ensure that the technology used to deliver digital services and products is accessible. This may include ensuring that software is compatible with screen readers and that hardware such as smartphones and laptops are compatible with assistive technologies such as switches and alternative keyboards.

By meeting their duty of reasonable adjustment in the digital sphere, organisations can ensure that disabled people have equal access to digital services and products and can participate fully in digital life.

Public Sector Equality Duty and Digital Accessibility

public digital accessibility

The Public Sector Equality Duty (PSED) is a legal obligation under the Equality Act 2010 that requires public sector organizations in the UK to have due regard to the need to eliminate discrimination, advance equality of opportunity, and foster good relations between different groups, including disabled people. The PSED applies to all functions of public sector organizations, including the design and delivery of digital services and products.

In the context of digital accessibility, the PSED requires public sector organizations to ensure that their digital services and products are accessible to disabled people and meet the needs of all users. This includes ensuring that digital content is accessible and usable and that the technology used to deliver digital services and products is accessible.

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1

web content accessibility guidelines

The Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 is a set of international guidelines for making web content accessible to people with disabilities. WCAG 2.1 was developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C), an international standards organization.

WCAG 2.1 provides guidelines and success criteria for making web content more accessible to users with disabilities, including those with visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive impairments. The policies cover various accessibility issues, including text and visual presentation, user interface, navigation, and multimedia.

Understanding the WCAG 2.1 Level Standards

WCAG 2.1 level standards

WCAG 2.1 provides three levels of conformance to help organisations evaluate the accessibility of their web content: A, AA, and AAA. These levels provide a systematic way for organisations to assess the accessibility of their web content and determine the level of accessibility they aim to achieve.

Level A:

It is the most basic level of conformance and covers the minimum accessibility requirements that all web content must meet to be considered accessible.

Level AA:

Level AA builds upon the requirements of Level A and adds additional accessibility requirements. It includes a more comprehensive set of accessibility requirements, such as providing alternative text for images and video captions.

Level AAA:

Level AAA is the highest level of conformance and covers the most comprehensive accessibility requirements. It includes the most comprehensive set of accessibility requirements, such as providing audio descriptions for visual content and ensuring that content is compatible with a wide range of assistive technologies.

Organisations can choose the level of conformance they aim to achieve based on their resources, audience, and goals. However, it is essential to note that reaching the highest level of conformance (Level AAA) is not always necessary or practical for all organisations and that meeting the requirements of Level AA provides a good level of accessibility for most organisations.

By following the guidelines provided by WCAG 2.1, organisations can ensure that their web content is accessible to users with disabilities and meets their legal obligations under disability discrimination legislation.

Key Principles of Accessible Web Design

principles of accessible web design

Accessible web design refers to designing websites and web applications that can be used by people with a wide range of abilities and disabilities, including visual, auditory, motor, and cognitive impairments.The fundamental principles of accessible web design include the following:


The information and user interface components of a website must be presentable to users in ways they can perceive, whether through sight, sound, touch, or some other means.


User interface components and navigation must be operable, allowing users to interact with the website using a keyboard, mouse, or another input device


Information and the operation of user interface components must be legible, allowing users to comprehend and use the website effectively.


The website’s content must be powerful enough that it can be interpreted reliably by a wide variety of user agents, including assistive technologies such as screen readers, magnifiers, and other assistive technologies.

By following these principles, web designers can ensure that their websites are accessible to users with disabilities, meet their legal obligations under disability discrimination legislation, and create a more inclusive web for everyone.

Implementing WCAG 2.1 in Practice

WCAG-2.1 practice

Implementing WCAG 2.1 in practice involves a combination of design, development, and testing processes. Here are some steps to help you get started:

Conduct an accessibility audit: Start by conducting an accessibility audit of your website or web application to identify potential barriers to accessibility. This can be done using automated tools, such as accessibility checkers, or manually testing the website using a keyboard and screen reader.

Define your level of conformance: Decide on the level of conformance you want to achieve, whether it is A, AA, or AAA. This will determine the specific WCAG 2.1 guidelines you need to follow.

Incorporate accessibility into your design and development process: Make accessibility a priority throughout the design and development process, incorporating it into your design patterns and development practices. This includes using semantic HTML, providing alternative text for images, and ensuring that your website is keyboard-accessible.

Test and validate: Regularly test your website or web application for accessibility using automated tools, manual testing, and user testing with differently-abled persons. This will help you identify any remaining barriers to accessibility and make any necessary adjustments.

Provide accessibility training: Provide accessibility training for your design and development teams so that everyone knows the importance of accessibility and how to implement WCAG 2.1 in practice.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your website or web application meets the requirements of WCAG 2.1 and is accessible to users with disabilities. Implementing WCAG 2.1 in practice can be a complex process, but it is essential for ensuring an inclusive and accessible web for everyone.


In conclusion, accessibility standards play a crucial role in ensuring that digital content and services are usable by everyone, regardless of their abilities or disabilities. The UK has been at the forefront of efforts to make the web accessible, through implementing laws such as the Equality Act 2010 and guidelines such as the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1.

The ongoing efforts by organisations, government agencies, and accessibility experts to promote digital accessibility are commendable and are vital to creating a more inclusive and accessible digital world for everyone. By embracing these standards and making accessibility a core part of their digital strategy, organisations can meet their legal obligations and enhance the user experience for all, making the digital world a more accessible and equitable place for everyone.

How Can TestingXperts (Tx) help?

How can TestingXperts help

At TestingXperts (Tx), we believe in a world that is fair to everyone and offers a comprehensive range of accessibility testing regulations like W3Cs, i.e., WCAG 2.0, WCAG 2.1 (Level A: 30, Level AA: 20, Level AAA: 28). accessibility practices are well followed within the software.

TestingXperts Differentiators

Tx makes sure all business-critical applications are accessible to everyone by aligning them with the current accessibility standards like W3C’s, i.e., WCAG 2.0/WCAG 2.1., 301, 549 and section 508.

Highly skilled Tx includes differently-abled experts who perform accessibility testing of applications.

Exposure to industry-leading open-source and commercial accessibility testing tools.

Experience working with all industry-leading professionals for accessibility testing.

Tx delivers a report in the Voluntary Product Accessibility Template (VPAT) to the stakeholders to make informed decisions.

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How to Comply with Texas Web Accessibility Standards Tue, 31 Jan 2023 17:01:48 +0000 how-to-comply-with-texas-web-accessibility-standards

Content 1. Why is Web Accessibility so Important in Texas? 2. Position of ADA Compliance Lawsuits in Texas…

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texas accessibility standards

1. Why is Web Accessibility so Important in Texas?
2. Position of ADA Compliance Lawsuits in Texas
3. Recent Accessibility Laws in Texas
4. What makes a WebPage Accessible?
5. Role of Testing in Web Accessibility
6. How is Accessibility Testing Performed?
7. Conclusion
8. How can TestingXperts Help with?

In a forever evolving world of technology, it is important to recognize that web accessibility is essential to creating a more inclusive society while excluding barriers to websites that limit a user’s access to your business.

In addition to the ADA, Texas has its own law in place, Chapter 121 of the Texas Human Resource which entails the protection of the rights of disabled people.

Why is Web Accessibility so Important in Texas?

Importance of web accessibility

With almost 20 percent of the population in the US having some disability, it becomes important to provide equal access and equal opportunity to all. This is the reason the framework of federal laws and regulations, including the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, needs the Texas organizations to have an accessible website.

There were some updates in Texas Accessibility standards in 2017 to reflect the changes in technology. In 2017, the section was updated to align with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, AA success standards. WCAG itself was updated to version 2.1 in 2018 and all content that conforms to version 2.1 also adhered to WCAG 2.0.

To help people with disabilities, there are multiple assistive technology tools that make it easier to navigate a website and connect with its content. Therefore, it becomes important to be accessible to every user out there.

Websites that are not compatible with assistive technology tools are like shopping centers denying access to someone with a need. And, more than a compliance requirement, it is a societal responsibility to provide access to your applications and websites to ensure the inclusivity of differently-abled populations. In addition, it also assists brands in building an inclusive image and growing the number of happy users.

Therefore, if you own a website or sell to Texas residents, it is critical to ensure your website is accessible to every user. In order to do this, you need to follow the WCAG guidelines at level 2.1.

Position of ADA Compliance Lawsuits in Texas

ADA Compliance Lawsuits in texas

The legal battle against ADA non-compliance has recently taken a very sharp curve in Texas. There has been a noticeable increase in ADA accessibility lawsuits, enforcement actions, and demand letters selecting Texas businesses over the past few years.

Section 508 was updated in 2000 and again in 2017 to reflect the changes in technology and the need for accessibility in regard to the internet. In 2017, Section 508 was updated to align with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0, AA success criteria. WCAG itself was updated to version 2.1 in 2018 and all content that conforms to version 2.1 also conforms to WCAG 2.0.

To pick a few: 

For not following the Texas Accessibility Standards 2018 guidelines, the state recorded 196 ADA non-compliance cases, which ultimately increased to 239 in 2019. An increase of 21.9%.

In 2020, the state listed 285 ADA non-compliance cases, making it the fourth state with the most accessibility-related cases.

California recorded 120 ADA non-compliance cases in 2019. Additionally, ADA non-compliance cases are common in New York, which registered 2,256 in the same year.

Recent Accessibility Laws in Texas

accessibility laws texas

Website accessibility is mandated in Texas, and many different statutes cover this. For example, Texas has approved federal accessibility policies. According to Texas administrative code, websites must comply with the Federal Government’s Section 508 of 2016. On top of it, the state also needs to follow WCAG guidelines. On the other hand, Texas also stresses the fact that government agencies and educational institutes shall follow accessibility guidelines more than any other industry or business. Texas administrative code has sections 206.70, 213.21, and 213.41 related explicitly to website accessibility.

What makes a WebPage Accessible?

Web page accessible

Texas considers web accessibility as a key thing for websites and puts in efforts to aid educational institutions, government agencies, and other private businesses with the process. There are very useful guides composed of all the required resources that entities need to make their websites compliant. For instance, the DIR offers tools for website development like a designer,, and other US web design standards V2.0. There are other resources for forms, multimedia, and HTML. A solid foundation for understanding web accessibility is offered by the World Wide Web Consortium, which comprises some guidelines that websites need to follow. These guidelines adhere to four fundamental principles: operable, understandable, perceivable, and robust.


It should be easier for the users to perceive the information. To elaborate:

Offer text substitutes for non-text content

Offer captions and other alternatives for multimedia content

Design content that can be staged in different formats, including by assistive technologies, without affecting the meaning

Easy access to the users to see and hear content


The user interface components must be easy to navigate and operate. To elaborate:

Offer good time to read and use the content

Functionality is easily available from a keyboard

Content does not lead to any physical reactions and seizures

Users should be able to navigate, locate content, and regulate easily

Users can use multiple input modalities beyond the keyboard


The information and operation of the user interface must be easily understood.

Readable – Make the text content easy to read and understand

Predictable – Design web pages that appear and operate in predictable ways

Input Assistance – Assist users in avoiding and correcting the mistakes


Content needs to be robust to be interpreted by a huge variety of user agents, including assistive technologies.

Double the compatibility with current and future user tools.

Apart from these, there are some other ways to attain accessibility, which include the following:

Design Alteration

Altering your website’s design is one of the easiest ways to achieve ADA compliance. For example, non-text content, such as images and videos shall have alternative text.

Make sure that users have access to adjust the font sizes, and CTA buttons should have large font sizes.

Content Moderation

Offering content moderation functionality to the users allow better website accessibility. For instance, your site can offer 24/7 assistance to users.

The site shall offer suggestions when users receive input errors.

Color Guide

Except for text, you should also consider that color and contrast contribute to your website’s accessibility. Choose a high-contrast background when designing your web pages so that they stand out.

It is also recommended not to use thin fonts or Java or CSS features to change the site’s contrast. In addition to this, keep in mind that color contrast is crucial when it comes to CTA buttons.

Plugins and Widgets

Another method to achieve web accessibility is using plugins, widgets, and other reliable resources. You can use these tools to maintain an accessible website without spending a lot of money. It includes the page title, headlines, contrast ratio, image text alternatives (Alt Text), forms, labels, errors, multimedia alternatives, links and navigation, and more.

Role of Testing in Web Accessibility

software testing in web accessibility

Making accessibility tests, an integral part of the software testing process, and executing the necessary checks early and often can assist in improving the complete experience of using an application or website. While the world is moving towards perking up the customer experience, an application shall be tested for its accessibility.

With a tested website for accessibility, a business makes sure that the website is:

Easily accessible to people with a variety of disabilities or challenges

Accessible to users with low bandwidth

Understood to the audience across all the regions

Attracting the users and increasing the company’s market share

How is Accessibility Testing Performed?

accessibility testing perform

Based on your industry, where your organization is based, and remaining factors, your company may need to audit against a particular accessibility regulation or define some requirements for a product to be audited against.

The most common regulatory standards include section 508 for federal government websites and ADA for private entities and state and local governments. The WCAG guidelines are a comprehensive set of accessibility guidelines developed with the aim of creating a shared international standard. WCAG 2.0 and WCAG 2.1 are commonly used standards in accessibility testing.

Adding to those standards, there can be many other requirements for users with special abilities like color sensitivity or limited hearing.

In case your software is extremely complex, a subset of pages or screens may be chosen for the accessibility audit.

Once your business recognizes the essential requirements and regulations that apply to your product and pages that need to be tested, you need to develop an accessibility checklist. It should cover the five major categories of disabilities: speech, visual, hearing, motor, and cognitive.


ADA compliance in Texas is not a choice but a requirement. However, the only way to be sure of it is to take it through accessibility testing. Texas is already on its way to having fewer cases compared to 2018 to 2019.

Most businesses think their website is problem-free and is good to go live. However, the only way to be completely sure of it is to take it through accessibility testing. An app or website that is non-optimized may lead to limited use of the services, eventually helping only a particular type of community and people. Accessibility check passed applications and websites steer clear of all the lawsuits and worries.

How can TestingXperts Help

How TestingXperts help

With sound knowledge of the accessibility regulation like W3C’s WCAG 1.0/WCAG 2.0, BITV 1.0, Section 508 & Stanca Act, etc., TestingXperts (Tx) makes sure that all the practices for standardized accessibility are followed within your application or website. Tx takes different personas like color blindness, impaired vision, hard of hearing, deafness, and mobility impairment, and incorporates disabilities, ensuring that the client’s website, product, and application are user-friendly and ready for the forecasted future.

We ensure that we stand out as a service provider. We cover VPAT (Voluntary Product Accessibility Template) report as a final document. This report covers the comprehensive analysis of the business’s conformance to accessibility standards mentioned in section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act. The report forms the key accessibility requirements, offers a structured plan for the vendor to check the compliance level, and also covers the explanatory remarks.

Involving actual users in the testing process, Tx enhances the overall experience as users are the real experts in their abilities and their assistive technology. Leverage our accessibility testing services, let’s connect!

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Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities (AODA) – A Quick Overview Thu, 26 Jan 2023 16:03:47 +0000 accessibility-for-ontarians-with-disabilities-(aoda)-–-a-quick-overview

Content 1. What is the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA) 2. What is a Disability According…

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AODA Compliance

1. What is the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)
2. What is a Disability According to AODA?
3. WCAG: The Standard for AODA Compliance
4. Role of AODA in Ensuring Website Compliance
5. Who Must Comply With AODA?
6. AODA Compliance Deadlines
7. Results of Failing to Comply With AODA
8. How Can Businesses Evaluate Website AODA Compliance?
9. How Does TestingXperts Help Canadian Businesses Comply With AODA?

What is the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act (AODA)

Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act

AODA stands for Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act. It is a provincial regulation in Ontario, Canada, established in 2005. The goal of the AODA is to make Ontario fully accessible for people with disabilities by 2025. It requires organizations to meet specific accessibility standards to remove and prevent barriers for people with disabilities. These standards cover areas such as customer service, transportation, information and communication, and employment.

The AODA also demands organizations to develop an accessibility program that summarizes how they will identify, remove, and prevent barriers for the disabled. In 2021, the AODA mandated that all public sector organizations must be compliant by law. This includes government ministries, municipalities, universities and colleges, hospitals, school boards, etc. In addition to these requirements, AODA laws provide enforcement standards, including penalties or prosecution if an organization fails to comply with its obligations under the Act.

What is a Disability According to AODA?

disability according to AODA

AODA defines a disability as “any extent of physical disability, infirmity, malformation, or disfigurement induced by bodily injury, genetic disability or illness and, without restricting the generality of the preceding, includes the following:

Diabetes mellitus


Brain injury

Any degree of paralysis


Lack of physical coordination

Blindness or visual impediment

Deafness or hearing impediment

Muteness or speech impediment

Physical dependency on a guide dog or other animal

Dependency on a wheelchair or other remedial instrument

Mental disability as described in the Mental Health Act

Learning disability within the meaning of the Education Act

Any other similar condition

In other words, AODA considers any physical impairment – including those caused by illness and congenital disabilities – specific mental disorders and learning impairments to be disabilities.

WCAG: The Standard for AODA Compliance

WCAG AODA Compliance

The AODA requires institutions to comply with the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) formed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). WCAG provides guidelines for making web content more accessible to people with disabilities, including those who use assistive technologies such as screen readers. The guidelines cover areas such as page structure, text size and contrast, navigation and link labels, audio & video captions, and more. Organizations must ensure that their websites and other web-based applications meet all applicable WCAG criteria to comply with the AODA. By ensuring that websites are accessible to people with disabilities, organizations can create a better user experience for everyone who visits their website or uses their online services.

Role of AODA in Ensuring Website Compliance

Role of AODA website compliance

AODA requires organizations in Ontario to make their websites and web content accessible to people with disabilities. This includes ensuring that websites are designed, developed, and maintained following the WCAG. Canadian businesses must comply with AODA by ensuring their websites meet the WCAG standards.

Some scenarios include:

Providing alternative text for images

Using proper heading tags and defining landmarks on the page

Creating transcripts for audio and video content

Adequate colour contrast between foreground and background colours

Ease of navigation by keyboard

Availability of descriptive links and page titles

Ability to adjust the font size and other contrast settings

Who Must Comply With AODA?

Comply With AODA

The AODA applies to all private sector organizations, non-profit organizations, and public sector organizations in Ontario with at least one employee. This includes businesses, government ministries, municipalities, universities, colleges, hospitals, schools, and other organizations. These organizations must comply with the AODA’s customer service standards as well as its general accessibility standards.

The customer service standard requires all employees to have the training to interact with customers who have disabilities and how to provide goods or services in a way that accommodates their needs. The general accessibility standards cover areas such as information and communications, employment, transportation, and the design of public spaces. Organizations must also create an accessibility plan that outlines how they will meet the requirements of the AODA. Finally, they must report on their progress in meeting these requirements every three years.

AODA Compliance Deadlines

AODA compliance deadlines

Canadian businesses needed to submit a compliance report on June 30, 2021. The following are some critical deadlines which Canadian businesses should be aware of:

By January 1, 2022, all organizations must have complied with the Information and Communication Standard. This standard requires organizations to make their websites and digital content accessible to people with disabilities.

By January 1, 2025, all organizations must comply with the Employment Standard. This standard sets out accessibility requirements for employers concerning recruiting, hiring, training and accommodating employees with disabilities.

By January 1, 2031, all public sector organizations must adhere to the Design of Public Spaces Standard. These standard outlines how public spaces such as parks or sidewalks should be designed to be accessible for people with disabilities.

Organizations that do not meet these deadlines may face fines or other legal consequences. Businesses need to take steps now to ensure compliance before the deadlines arrive or they are penalized.

Results of Failing to Comply With AODA

failing to Comply With AODA

Failing to comply with the AODA can result in penalties being issued. Individuals who fail to comply with the AODA can face a hefty fine of up to $100,000. Corporations and organizations face even higher penalties of up to $500,000 per violation. The government has the right to issue penalties after an investigation into any alleged violations of the AODA.

In addition to monetary penalties, there are other consequences for failing to comply with the AODA. For example, businesses may be required to take corrective action, such as making changes to their policies or practices to become compliant with the law. Furthermore, companies may also be subject to public scrutiny if they are found to violate the AODA.

How Can Businesses Evaluate Website AODA Compliance?

AODA testing tools

It’s important for Canadian organizations to be aware of their responsibilities under the AODA act and take necessary steps to ensure they are compliant. One way to do this is by using tools to evaluate AODA compliance. Here are a few examples of tools that may be used for evaluating AODA compliance:

WAVE Web Accessibility Tool:

This free web accessibility evaluation tool from WebAIM provides a comprehensive and easy-to-use method for evaluating the accessibility of web content. It can identify errors related to AODA compliance, such as missing alternative text for images, contrast issues, and more.


This online tool is designed to help website authors evaluate the accessibility of their web content according to WCAG 2.0 and Section 508 guidelines. It can detect errors that may not be AODA compliant, such as missing form labels or incorrect heading structure.

Siteimprove Accessibility Checker:

This tool provides an automated scan of your website’s HTML code to identify potential issues with AODA compliance, such as missing alt tags or non-compliant colour contrast ratios. It also provides detailed reports on each page’s overall accessibility score and suggestions for improvement.

Color Contrast Analyzer:

This free desktop application helps users evaluate the contrast ratio between foreground and background colours according to WCAG 2 standards, ensuring that your website meets AODA requirements for colour contrast levels and text legibility.

Axe DevTools browser extension:

It is an ideal solution for development teams to test web applications in order to identify and resolve common accessibility issues. This tool is user-friendly, does not require extensive accessibility knowledge, and produces no false positives.

However, it is important to note that these tools have limitations in the number of issues they can identify. Hence, a manual check by accessibility experts over the automated tool results is always recommended to ensure all aspects of the AODA law are met successfully.

How Does TestingXperts Help Canadian Businesses Comply With?

TestingXperts Help Canadian Businesses

Businesses registered in Ontario subject to web accessibility requirements must comply with the regulations of AODA. Non-compliance can result in significant penalties imposed by the government. Therefore, businesses must enlist the services of a reliable accessibility partner to help them understand, develop, and implement digital accessibility solutions compliant with AODA.

TestingXperts (Tx) offers automated testing and access to a specialized team for manual verification of digital assets in various settings with the use of assistive technologies. We work closely with digital enterprises to create prioritization reports that identify critical problems, monitor digital properties, and integrate them into backend systems for improved teamwork.

Canadian businesses should adopt WCAG 2.2 accessibility guidelines to ensure equal access to apps for all and meet all legal and regulatory compliances, including AODA accessibility. Tx offers the following range of accessibility testing services for enabling businesses to meet AODA compliance:

Manual accessibility testing:

Experienced testers with WCAG knowledge and expertise review the application manually test all scenarios and ensure WCAG compliance.

Automation accessibility testing:

Our automation testing experts leverage next-gen test automation tools to identify and report accessibility issues faster.

Native and hybrid mobile apps accessibility testing:

Accessibility testing of all kinds of native and hybrid mobile apps is performed to validate all accessibility scenarios for android and iOS apps.

Web app accessibility testing:

Test engineers evaluate the accessibility of a business’s web apps by verifying different metrics such as content readability, images, video transcripts, ease of navigation, color contrast, etc.

The post Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities (AODA) – A Quick Overview first appeared on TestingXperts.

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