Wiktor Kowalski, Author at ProdSens.live https://prodsens.live/author/wiktor-kowalski/ News for Project Managers - PMI Fri, 24 May 2024 10:20:54 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://prodsens.live/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/prod.png Wiktor Kowalski, Author at ProdSens.live https://prodsens.live/author/wiktor-kowalski/ 32 32 How to Build Vehicle Tracking Systems: Comparing Java-Kafka-Cassandra and .NET-MS SQL-MongoDB https://prodsens.live/2024/05/24/how-to-develop-vehicle-tracking-systems/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-develop-vehicle-tracking-systems https://prodsens.live/2024/05/24/how-to-develop-vehicle-tracking-systems/#respond Fri, 24 May 2024 10:20:54 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2024/05/24/how-to-develop-vehicle-tracking-systems/ how-to-build-vehicle-tracking-systems:-comparing-java-kafka-cassandra-and.net-ms-sql-mongodb

Introduction Tracking systems play a crucial role in modern transportation and logistics. They provide valuable insights into the…

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Tracking systems play a crucial role in modern transportation and logistics. They provide valuable insights into the location, status, and performance of pilots, trucks, aircraft, and other vehicles, as well as simplify their management and reinforce safety.

However, developing robust tracking systems presents a significant challenge because they need to work well under different conditions, including heavy loads.

In this article, we’ll investigate the creation of robust tracking systems by presenting two different ways and examples of building them. Each approach uses its own set of technologies suited to particular situations and needs.

Vehicle Tracking Device Market size

Overview of Common Approaches to Building Tracking Systems

All modern tracking systems vary in terms of technology, scalability, and features, but they all share the common goal of providing accurate and trustworthy tracking capabilities.

Creating tracking systems involves managing various data sources, handling large data volumes in real-time, and ensuring reliability and performance. Here are some common ways to do it:

Real-Time Data Input

Tracking systems need to handle data as it comes in, ensuring no information gets lost or delayed. Technologies like Apache Kafka or AWS Kinesis help manage this continuous flow of data efficiently.

Data Storage and Management

Different tracking systems use different types of databases to store their information. Some rely on traditional databases like PostgreSQL or SQL Server for structured data, while others prefer NoSQL databases like Cassandra or MongoDB for their flexibility with unstructured data.

System Reliability

It’s crucial for tracking systems to stay operational even if certain components fail. Strategies like database replication and load balancing help ensure uninterrupted service and prevent disruptions in data collection and processing.

Scalability Demands

Tracking systems need to be able to handle instabilities in data volume and user activity. They must scale up during peak periods and scale down during quieter times to maintain optimal performance without overloading resources.

User Interface

Users need intuitive interfaces to access and interpret tracking data effectively. Building interfaces with Spring Boot or React helps create user-friendly experiences that simplify data visualization and analysis.


Tracking systems can be deployed on various platforms, from cloud services like AWS or Google Cloud to in-house servers. Each option has its advantages and considerations, such as scalability, cost, and control over infrastructure.

Data Security

Since tracking systems deal with sensitive information, they must prioritize data security. Implementing measures like encryption and access controls helps protect data integrity and confidentiality, ensuring compliance with security regulations.

System Performance

Continuous monitoring of system performance is essential to detect and address issues promptly. Monitoring tools like Prometheus or Grafana provide insights into system health and performance metrics, enabling proactive maintenance and troubleshooting.

Approach 1: Java-Kafka-Cassandra

Solution Example: High-Load Multi-Tenant Tracking System

Technology Stack: Java, Kafka, Cassandra, PostgreSQL, ELK, Spring Boot

Approach Overview

The first approach is well-suited for building a high-frequency, multi-tenant tracking system resembling the operational complexity of an airport, encompassing various elements such as planes, service machinery like fuel tanks, buses, luggage carriers, and more.

By using technologies like Kafka, Cassandra, and Spring Boot, it ensures robustness, scalability, and performance while providing a user-friendly interface for data visualization and analysis.

Let’s break down how each aspect works.


Hadoop-Based Stack for Scalability

Using a Hadoop-based stack ensures scalability and prevents system overload, particularly in scenarios with a high frequency of tracking points. Hadoop’s distributed processing capabilities allow the system to handle large volumes of data without compromising performance.

Application Architecture

The application architecture comprises three main parts:

  • A rich UI application built using Java and Spring Boot, providing features such as reports, analytics, and dashboards.
  • PostgreSQL is used for structured data storage, facilitating data querying and retrieval.
  • A load balancer is deployed in front of the application to evenly distribute incoming traffic across multiple instances, improving scalability and fault tolerance.

High-Frequency Data Processing with Kafka

Kafka is chosen as the primary data ingestion and processing tool due to its reliability and scalability, particularly for handling high-frequency data streams.

Basic data filtering mechanisms are applied on top of data consumption to manage the influx of data.

Once filtered, the data is streamed to Cassandra, a highly scalable NoSQL database, in a denormalized format. This approach optimizes querying performance and storage efficiency.

Schedule-Based Background Tasks

Scheduled tasks are implemented to collect data from Cassandra and transform it into a user-friendly format suitable for reporting and analysis. These tasks ensure regular updates and availability of data for consumption by the rich UI application, enhancing the overall user experience.

If we’ll go deeper, the scheme will look like this:



In summary, building a tracking system using the Java-Kafka-Cassandra approach involves designing a scalable and fault-tolerant architecture capable of handling high-frequency data streams.

By applying technologies like Kafka for data processing and Cassandra for storage, coupled with a robust application architecture and scheduled background tasks, the system can efficiently manage tracking data while providing users with actionable insights through a user-friendly interface.

Approach 2: .NET-MS SQL-MongoDB

Solution Example: Truck Tracking System

Technology Stack: .NET, MS SQL, MongoDB, Windows Server, Linux (NGINX)

Approach Overview

Building a tracking system using the .NET, MS SQL, and MongoDB approach involves tailoring the system to track vehicles with less stringent requirements compared to previous solutions.

Here’s how the architecture and infrastructure work:

High-Frequency Data Processing with Kafka

Microsoft-Specific Infrastructure

The infrastructure is Microsoft-specific, using technologies, such as Active Directory for user authentication and authorization.

Shared disks and network cards are utilized for the MS SQL Always-On cluster, providing high availability and fault tolerance.

The system employs two active nodes along with other components, adhering to standard MS monitoring practices.

VMWare vSphere Deployment

VMWare vSphere is used behind the scenes, deploying each element of the system as a separate virtual machine.

Windows Server is the preferred operating system for most components, except for MongoDB and NGINX, which run on Linux boxes.

Classic Cluster Architecture

The architecture resembles a classic cluster setup, devoid of modern Kubernetes or Dockerization.

Initially, there were no Linux boxes, but subsequent adjustments were made to address specific issues encountered post-launch.

Addressing Performance and Backup Issues

CPU consumption by LSAss due to HTTPS processing and unpredictable backup times for MongoDB were identified as key issues.

A separate VM with Linux and NGINX was launched to offload HTTPS traffic processing, mitigating CPU consumption.

To address backup issues, three MongoDB instances were implemented: one master and two slaves. When a backup is needed, one of the slave nodes detaches from the cluster, allowing for quick backups to be performed. The node is then reattached as a slave.


This approach applies the .NET framework, MS SQL, and MongoDB to build a tracking system tailored with fewer requirements.

The Microsoft-specific infrastructure, VMWare vSphere deployment, and classic cluster architecture provide a reliable foundation for the system. Addressing performance and backup issues ensures the system operates efficiently and maintains data integrity.

Bottom Line

Both solutions offer robust tracking systems catering to different requirements and load scenarios.

Approach 1 uses a scalable, multi-tenant architecture with high-frequency data processing, while Approach 2 adopts a Microsoft-specific infrastructure with enhancements to address performance and backup challenges.

These architectures provide reliable tracking solutions for pilots and vehicles in diverse operational environments, ensuring scalability, reliability, and performance.

The post How to Build Vehicle Tracking Systems: Comparing Java-Kafka-Cassandra and .NET-MS SQL-MongoDB appeared first on SCAND.

The post How to Build Vehicle Tracking Systems: Comparing Java-Kafka-Cassandra and .NET-MS SQL-MongoDB appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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Choosing the Right Technology Stack for Cryptocurrency Exchange Development https://prodsens.live/2024/04/17/choosing-the-right-technology-stack-for-cryptocurrency-exchange-development/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=choosing-the-right-technology-stack-for-cryptocurrency-exchange-development https://prodsens.live/2024/04/17/choosing-the-right-technology-stack-for-cryptocurrency-exchange-development/#respond Wed, 17 Apr 2024 15:20:26 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2024/04/17/choosing-the-right-technology-stack-for-cryptocurrency-exchange-development/ choosing-the-right-technology-stack-for-cryptocurrency-exchange-development

Blockchain and cryptocurrencies have conquered the digital sphere. Many well-established companies, startups, and single entrepreneurs seek new ways…

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Blockchain and cryptocurrencies have conquered the digital sphere. Many well-established companies, startups, and single entrepreneurs seek new ways to capitalize on this trend.

If you’re thinking of diving into cryptocurrency exchange development and building your own platform, where should you begin?

The correct answer is technology stack, which means choosing the software and programming languages to turn your project to life.

Understanding the Importance of Web3 Tech Stack Selection

The tech stack forms the basis of a cryptocurrency exchange platform. It specifies how well your solution can grow, how safe it is, how fast it runs, and how much it costs to build and maintain.

Picking the right instruments can help the marketplace thrive, while a poor choice can hinder its growth and expose it to vulnerabilities.

Key Considerations for Choosing the Right Tech

When picking the tools for creating the crypto exchange, there are some essential things to think about.

First, you need to understand your project conditions. Consider what kind of application you’re building, who will use it, how large it can grow, and how much data it will handle. You also need to regard any regulations or laws you have to follow.

Second, you must ensure your chosen technology can grow with your project. Put simply, the exchange should be able to handle more users and transactions as it expands.

Security is also essential, especially when your project involves processing money operations or personal information. Since digital assets are often targeted by hackers, it’s necessary to have reliable security measures at hand.

Performance is another aspect you must pay attention to as it’s key to giving users a good experience. This way, you need to select tools that can handle a lot of work without experiencing a decrease in speed.

Of course, you also need to assess how much everything will cost. Some instruments are free, but others cost a fortune. You need to ensure you can afford everything you need.

Finally, it’s wise to pick instruments that will still be around in the future. You don’t want to choose something that will disappear in a few years and leave you stuck.

By taking into account all these aspects, you can select the right technology for your project and ensure its success.

Common Stack Components for Cryptocurrency Marketplaces

Normally, virtual asset platforms use a mix of different technologies to work well and stay safe. Let’s look at some of the standard tools you can come across.


The blockchain is the central support system for crypto solutions. Each blockchain has its own special features and abilities, which suit different needs. For instance:

  • Ethereum: Famous for its smart contract abilities, Ethereum runs decentralized exchanges (DEXs) and supports many kinds of tokens using its ERC-20 and ERC-721 standards.
  • Tezos: Tezos focuses on self-updates and on-chain rules, letting people build decentralized apps (dApps) and tokenized assets with a focus on being officially verified.
  • Cardano: Putting a lot of effort into being safe and able to grow, Cardano has a complex structure to handle tricky money moves and smart contracts.
  • Polygon: Previously called Matic Network, Polygon helps Ethereum work faster and cheaper by scaling it up, which is suitable for decentralized marketplaces and other Ethereum-based apps.
  • Solana: Solana is famous for being fast and cheap, making it great for things like fast trading and other demanding scenarios.
  • Binance Smart Chain (BSC): Made by Binance, BSC performs swift and cheap transactions, which makes it a hit for decentralized finance (DeFi) systems and decentralized marketplaces.

Smart Contracts

Smart contracts are algorithms that automatically execute transactions on the blockchain. Here is the most typical stack used to create them:

  • Solidity: This language is used to write smart contracts on Ethereum. It has tools like inheritance and user-defined types to help make complex smart contracts.
  • Rust: Rust is a language known for being fast, safe, and capable of handling many things at once. It’s the most popular option for smart contracts running on Polkadot and Solana.
  • Vyper: Vyper is another language for making smart contracts on Ethereum. It’s meant to be easier and safer than Solidity, with a focus on being easy to read and check.

Frontend Technologies

The frontend is the user-facing part of any system, where users interact with the application to perform trades, manage their accounts, and access market data. Frontend instruments usually involve the following:

  • React.js: React.js is a tool for making user interfaces with JavaScript. It’s popular because it breaks things down into small parts and can quickly show changes on the screen.
  • Vue.js: Vue.js is another JavaScript framework for building fast and easy-to-use frontend applications. It’s great for making websites that need to load quickly, like those used for trading digital assets.
  • Angular: Made by Google, Angular is an extensive toolbox for building complex apps. It comes with lots of built-in instruments for managing data, connecting different elements, and keeping everything organized. It’s perfect for making advanced trading solutions where things must work together correctly.

Backend Technologies

The backend is the engine running behind the scenes. It helps pair up orders, carry out trades, and handle data.

  • Java: Java is a versatile programming language known for its flexibility, speed, and ability to handle complex projects. It’s often used to manage multiple tasks at once, handle connections between computers, and link to databases.
  • MEAN Stack: The MEAN Stack is a set of tools for building websites and apps, all based on JavaScript. It includes MongoDB (for storing data), Express.js (for managing web solutions), Angular (for designing the user interface), and Node.js (for launching JavaScript code on the server).
  • Node.js: Node.js is a tool that allows launching JavaScript code on a server. It’s great for handling several tasks simultaneously without slowing down.
  • Laravel: Laravel is a framework for building web programs with PHP. It’s known for being easy to read and write, with many extra tools to help programmers.
  • CodeIgniter: CodeIgniter is another PHP framework, but it’s simpler and lighter than Laravel. It’s great for smaller projects or ones that need to be built quickly.

Mobile Tools

Mobile apps allow people to use crypto marketplaces on their phones and tablets. Coders use mobile technology to create apps that work on different platforms and show consistent information across devices.

  • Java and Kotlin: Java and Kotlin are the main languages used to create apps for Android devices. They’re good at making apps that work well with all the features of Android phones and tablets.
  • Flutter: Flutter is a toolkit made by Google that lets developers create apps for lots of different devices, like phones, websites, and computers. With Flutter, you can write code once and use it on different platforms.
  • Swift: Swift is the language used to make apps specifically for iPhones and iPads. It works alongside Objective-C, another language used for iOS apps. Swift gives engineers access to all the unique features of Apple devices, so it’s perfect for making apps for decentralized platforms that need to work on iOS devices.


It is essential to pick the right technology to build a cryptocurrency exchange. This affects how well the solution works, how safe it is, and how well it can compete with its counterparts.

By carefully considering each tool’s scalability, security, performance, and cost-effectiveness, you can create strong software that meets traders’ and investors’ needs and demands.

Ready to turn your digital asset exchange idea into reality? Contact SCAND today to use our expertise and build a custom solution for your blockchain needs.

The post Choosing the Right Technology Stack for Cryptocurrency Exchange Development appeared first on SCAND.

The post Choosing the Right Technology Stack for Cryptocurrency Exchange Development appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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Birinchi Dars C++ kirish https://prodsens.live/2024/03/06/birinchi-dars-c-kirish/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=birinchi-dars-c-kirish https://prodsens.live/2024/03/06/birinchi-dars-c-kirish/#respond Wed, 06 Mar 2024 13:20:40 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2024/03/06/birinchi-dars-c-kirish/ birinchi-dars-c++-kirish

C++ . . . . include // Bu qator, “iostream” kutubxonasini qo’shadi. Bu kutubxona, konsolga ma’lumotlarni chiqarish va…

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include // Bu qator, “iostream” kutubxonasini qo’shadi. Bu kutubxona, konsolga ma’lumotlarni chiqarish va qabul qilish uchun foydalaniladi.

using namespace std;// “std” nomli nomlar xonasini (namespace) o’z ichiga oladi.
int main()
std::cout << "Salom, Dunyo!" << endl;// cout bu konsolga chiqarish endl joy tashab beradi.
return 0;// bu dastur yaxshi ishladi deganni

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How to Create and Use an Excel Add-in https://prodsens.live/2024/03/05/how-to-create-and-use-an-excel-add-in/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-to-create-and-use-an-excel-add-in https://prodsens.live/2024/03/05/how-to-create-and-use-an-excel-add-in/#respond Tue, 05 Mar 2024 07:20:31 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2024/03/05/how-to-create-and-use-an-excel-add-in/ how-to-create-and-use-an-excel-add-in

Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool used by millions of people worldwide for various purposes, including analyzing data,…

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Microsoft Excel is a powerful tool used by millions of people worldwide for various purposes, including analyzing data, making reports, and planning finances.

While Excel already has a bunch of useful tools built in, its functionality can be further extended through extra features called add-ins, which can be ready-to-use or custom-made.

In this article, we’ll go over all the ins and outs of Excel add-in development, including the different types of extensions, the benefits of making your own, and the guide to creating personalized enhancements to improve your Microsoft Office experience.

Definition and Purpose of Excel Extensions

Excel extensions are extra tools you can plug into Excel to make it do more things than it initially could. It might include automating tasks, simplifying the existing functions, and much more.

Assignment of Excel extensions

Excel plugins have four main goals:

  • Automation: Add-ins help you automate tasks you do over and over again, saving time and effort.
  • Customization: They let you change Excel to fit how you work best, making things more comfortable and efficient for you.
  • Enhanced Features: Enhancements give you new tools and features that regular Excel doesn’t have, so you can do more with your data and analysis.
  • Integration: Plugins can work with other programs and data sources, making it easier to connect Excel with the other tools you use.

Types of Excel Extensions

Microsoft Office add-ins come in different types, each with its own purpose to make Excel work better for you. Here’s a breakdown of the main types you might come across:

Task Pane Plugins

Task pane versions appear in the form of additional toolbars that show up next to your Excel spreadsheet. They give you more options and features without getting in the way of your work. You can use them for making charts, filling out forms, getting data from different sources, and doing complex calculations.

Ribbon Enhancements

Ribbon types expand Excel’s top menu by adding new tabs or buttons. In simple terms, they blend right in with Excel’s regular menu, making it easy to find and use more tools. Ribbon types are especially convenient for quickly accessing the functions you use a lot or tweaking them to exactly fit your working style.

Content Modules

Content modules are special instruments you can put right into your Excel sheets. It provides different charts that you can play with, maps, forms, or anything else that makes it easier to perceive and work with your data.

Benefits of Creating and Using Custom Excel Solutions

Custom Excel solutions offer businesses great benefits compared to ready-made options.

Utilizing Excel custom solutions

One big advantage is customization. With bespoke extensions, companies can adjust features and interfaces to fit their exact needs. Off-the-shelf solutions, in turn, might not be as adaptable since they’re made to suit many different directions and firms.

Another plus of made-to-order Excel programs is how well they get along with other systems. Specialized supplements can easily connect with existing software and processes.

Off-the-shelf options, in turn, might offer integration too. But they might not fit perfectly with a company’s specific setup.

Scalability is another point that greatly adds to the benefits of customized solutions. Custom add-ins can grow and change along with a company. As a business expands, one-off solutions can be easily updated to meet new needs.

Ready-made solutions, on the other hand, might struggle to keep up because they’re made for a general audience.

When it comes to costs, bespoke add-ins can save money in the long run. While there might be many upfront investments for developing them, they can boost performance and cut down on manual work, leading to savings over time.

In contrast, off-the-shelf programs often come with subscription fees or licensing costs that can add up, especially if a company needs many extra features or support.

In short, individualized Excel programs give businesses a lot of benefits compared to pre-made ones.

They can be adjusted to fit a company’s exact needs, work well with other software, grow as the company does, save money in the long run, and provide better security and user experience.

Investing in personalized programs helps companies have Excel tools that work just right for them, making their work easier, more efficient, and more creative.

A Brief Guide to Excel Add-in Development

Excel add-in development isn’t simple, but with a steady method, it’s doable to create a product that goes in line with any requirements. Here’s what our process looks like:

Development and use of Excel add-in

Defining Objectives and Requirements

We start by figuring out what you want your solution to do and what you need from it. We take into account the features you want to add to Excel, how they’ll make your work easier, and who will be using the extension.

Designing User Interface

Next, we create how your plugin will look and work for users, i.e., user interface. We think much about how people will use it, how it’ll be laid out, and what it’ll look like to ensure it’s easy to understand and manage.

Writing Code

After that, we start writing the code to make your software do what we planned for it to do based on the earlier requirements we discussed.

Testing and Debugging

Once we finish building the add-on, we carefully test it to find and fix any problems. We check how it works on different versions of Excel and in different situations to make sure it works everywhere as intended.


When everything is thoroughly checked, we release the addin, transferring it to your company.


Excel add-ins are invaluable tools that expand what Excel can do to help you work at your best.

By knowing everything about the different types of extensions and their capabilities and partnering with a development team that takes a methodical approach to building them, you can get your own product that perfectly suits your needs.

Whether you’re simplifying tasks you do over and over again, diving deep into complicated data, or making your work processes smoother, add-ins give you the power to get more out of Excel.

Want to make the most of Microsoft Excel? Reach out to SCAND for custom add-in development and take your spreadsheets to the next level.

The post How to Create and Use an Excel Add-in appeared first on SCAND.

The post How to Create and Use an Excel Add-in appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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Featured Mod of the Month: Fabrizio Bagalá https://prodsens.live/2024/02/05/featured-mod-of-the-month-fabrizio-bagala/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=featured-mod-of-the-month-fabrizio-bagala https://prodsens.live/2024/02/05/featured-mod-of-the-month-fabrizio-bagala/#respond Mon, 05 Feb 2024 20:20:44 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2024/02/05/featured-mod-of-the-month-fabrizio-bagala/ featured-mod-of-the-month:-fabrizio-bagala

In this series, we shine a spotlight 🔦 on the different DEV moderators — Trusted Members and Tag…

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In this series, we shine a spotlight 🔦 on the different DEV moderators — Trusted Members and Tag Mods — who help to make DEV a kind, helpful place. Aside from spreading good vibes and helping fellow community members, these folks also assist us with removing spam and keeping posts well organized by adding and removing tags as necessary amongst other things.

If you want to learn more about what these awesome folks do, I recommend checking out our Trusted Member and Tag Moderation guides. There is information about how to apply in both guides if you’re interested in joining up as a moderator.

Introducing Fabrizio Bagalá 🙌

For January (yes, I’m a wee bit behind 😅) our featured mod of the month is Fabrizio Bagalá, an impactful moderator who joined on board just last year. With experience in #C and .NET, Fabrizio shares plenty of helpful posts on both while also helping us to keep DEV as spam-free as can be. 🧹

The Interview

Hope you enjoy the interview below!

Michael Tharrington: Can you tell us your coding origin story? Please talk about how you first got started as a developer and how you became a professional.

Fabrizio Bagalá: It all started when I was little. I still remember that feeling of wonder and curiosity when I saw my uncle working on his computer. It was as if he had a window into another world — a world of code and endless possibilities. At that time, I didn’t understand much, but I knew I wanted to be part of that world.

Then, along came my faithful companion: the Commodore 64. That machine was more than a toy to me; it was a gateway to imagination and creativity. I would spend hours fiddling with it, exploring all kinds of games, and without even realizing it, I was learning the basic concepts of programming.

My passion grew and with it the realization that computer science would be my path. Thus, I followed the natural path for someone who is fascinated by this field and began studying Computer Science. Each stage of my studies offered one more piece to the great puzzle of knowledge. University taught me how to think critically and solve complex problems.

At the end of college, the first job offers came, which were recognition for all my efforts and sleepless nights spent on books or in front of the computer. Accepting that first job was a mix of emotions: excitement, a hint of anxiety, and above all, an immense sense of accomplishment.

And so began my career, a path that was never linear, but always incredibly enriching. Every project, every challenge, every success, and every failure have taught me something valuable. And, the beauty of this field is that you never stop learning, growing, and exploring new horizons.

So, here we are. From that little boy who watched ecstatically as his uncle worked on his PC, to a professional who lives his passion every day.

Michael: Looking at your DEV profile, I can see that you share a lot of posts on .NET and C#. Can you talk about why you chose to go in this direction and what you like about this combination of framework and language?

Fabrizio: My affinity for .NET and C# originated in an academic context, thanks to the suggestion of a professor who, for my dissertation, directed me toward exploring this framework and language. The in-depth study required for the thesis turned into a truly immersive experience, during which I began to understand its power, flexibility, and elegance.

The use of .NET and C# has not remained confined to the university classroom or academic context, but has become a central element and constant in my professional career. The ability of .NET to embrace and integrate different areas of software development, coupled with the clear and powerful syntax of C#, reinforced my belief that I found tools that were not only appropriate but challenging and full of potential.

Despite being full of enthusiasm and interest at the start, there was a period in my career path when I contemplated breaking away from .NET and C#. This moment of uncertainty coincided with a phase in which the framework seemed to stop offering updates and new features in step with the rapidly evolving technology industry, creating a feeling of staleness and limitation.

However, the introduction of .NET Core marked a decisive turning point, renewing my confidence and reigniting my passion. This major upgrade demonstrated a clear commitment to innovation and adaptability, reaffirming the role of .NET and C# as continuously evolving tools capable of meeting the present and future challenges of the technological world.

Michael: You first joined DEV in April of 2023 and shortly thereafter made use of our abuse report form to report a bunch of spammers to us, which triggered us to make you a mod. Can you talk about what you like about modding on DEV?

Fabrizio: My journey with DEV quickly transformed from a simple interest in technology and constructive dialogue to an active role in community management. The decision to report inappropriate behavior was not an attempt to earn a role, but a commitment to preserving the integrity of the platform I value. The DEV team’s trust in recognizing my commitment and offering me the opportunity to become a moderator was a significant turning point.

In my role as moderator, I am dedicated not only to maintaining a safe and stimulating environment but also to promoting constructive discussions and supporting knowledge sharing in our community. This experience has given me the opportunity to make a real difference and to grow with a community that I consider unique. I am deeply grateful to the DEV team for giving me this opportunity and for their continued support.

Michael: What’s your proudest moment as a developer?

Fabrizio: When I think back to the highlights of my career as a developer, the most vivid and rewarding memory is undoubtedly the launch of the Tokyo Olympics website. That project was not just a professional task, but turned into an incredible journey, an experience that deeply marked me and my team.

At first, the idea of working on a project of such magnitude seemed surreal. The Olympics is a global event, followed by millions of people around the world. The responsibility of creating a website that was to be the information hub for such a prestigious event was enormous. We were faced with technical and creative challenges that required not only expertise but also innovation and dedication.

During the development process, our team worked tirelessly. There were tense moments, sleepless nights, and endless meetings to solve complex technical problems, optimize site usability, and ensure that the user experience was smooth and engaging. Each team member brought a unique contribution, bringing their own expertise to the table and constantly learning from others.

The moment of the launch was charged with excitement. When the site finally went online, the sense of accomplishment was overwhelming. Seeing the work of months materialize and run smoothly during one of the most watched events in the world was an indescribable moment of pride.

Michael: Any advice for beginner devs out there who are trying to get their first job?

Fabrizio: I firmly believe in the value of academic education, and a degree in Computer Science is, in my opinion, the best place to start. Not only does this path provide you with a solid understanding of the basic concepts you need, but it also prepares you for many complex challenges that you’ll face in the field.

Once you’ve solidified your academic background, choose an area of interest, such as back-end, front-end, full-stack, mobile or cloud, a framework & a programming language, and delve deeper through online courses, bootcamps, and textbooks.

Customize your resume, emphasizing the most relevant skills and experience. Keep professional profiles like LinkedIn up-to-date and make sure your GitHub account reflects your best work.

Prepare thoroughly for interviews. Practice programming challenges on platforms such as LeetCode, HackerRank, or AlgoExpert and make sure you understand common algorithms and data structures. Also, be prepared to discuss your projects and decisions in depth, as employers are interested in your thought process and how you approach problems.

Don’t forget the importance of continuous learning. Seek feedback on your code, resume, or anything else you’re working on, and be open to continuous improvement. The technology industry evolves rapidly, so staying up-to-date with the latest trends and technologies is critical.

Finally, networking is crucial. Attend industry events, conferences, and workshops to meet people and learn about job opportunities.

Wrap up

Thanks so much for reading. We appreciate you taking the time to learn about another one of our amazing moderators. 💚

Stay tuned for future mod interviews in this series!

The post Featured Mod of the Month: Fabrizio Bagalá appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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The Evolution of DevOps and Continuous Delivery https://prodsens.live/2023/12/21/the-evolution-of-devops-and-continuous-delivery/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=the-evolution-of-devops-and-continuous-delivery https://prodsens.live/2023/12/21/the-evolution-of-devops-and-continuous-delivery/#respond Thu, 21 Dec 2023 13:24:47 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/12/21/the-evolution-of-devops-and-continuous-delivery/ the-evolution-of-devops-and-continuous-delivery

In the area of software development, the concepts of DevOps and Continuous Delivery (CD) have become critical elements…

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In the area of software development, the concepts of DevOps and Continuous Delivery (CD) have become critical elements for achieving agility, speed, and reliability of software solutions.

But like any digital concept or technology, DevOps doesn’t stand still. The evolution of DevOps services has been characterized by transformative changes in methodologies, tools, and cultural paradigms.

This article explores the evolution of DevOps and continuous delivery, highlighting key milestones and the impact these practices have had on the software development lifecycle.

What Is DevOps?

DevOps, a fusion of “development” and “operations,” signifies a revolutionary strategy toward software development and IT operations.

It is more than just a set of practices; it embodies a cultural shift and a mindset that breaks down traditional silos between development, operations, and other relevant departments.

DevOps is not a specific technology or tool but rather a philosophy aimed at achieving collaboration, efficiency, and continuous improvement throughout the entire software development life cycle.

DevOps Evolution

The emergence of DevOps as a transformative approach to software development and IT operations can be traced back to the challenges posed by traditional development and operations methodologies.

The Evolution of DevOps and Continuous Delivery

As organizations sought ways to overcome inefficiencies, improve collaboration, and accelerate software delivery, the need for a more cohesive and integrated approach became evident.

The evolution of DevOps can be understood through key historical and conceptual milestones:

  1. Agile Movement (Early 2000s): The Agile Manifesto, formulated in 2001, laid the foundation for collaborative and adaptive development methodologies. While Agile primarily focused on the development phase, it set the stage for the broader collaboration between development and operations.
  2. Rise of Automation (Mid-2000s): The mid-2000s witnessed a surge in the adoption of automation tools, particularly in infrastructure management. This shift toward Infrastructure as Code (IaC) allowed for the programmable provisioning and management of infrastructure.
  3. Continuous Integration (CI): The concept of CI gained prominence as teams recognized the importance of regularly integrating code adjustments into a shared repository. Automated testing and integration became crucial components of the development process.
  4. Continuous Delivery (CD): Expanding on the foundation of CI, the concept of CD evolved to automate the deployment of code adjustments to production or staging environments. CD aimed to ensure that software could be reliably and rapidly delivered to end-users.

Core Principles of DevOps

As we stated above, DevOps is not merely a set of practices or tools. It is a philosophy that revolves around a set of principles.


At the heart of DevOps lies collaboration. It emphasizes breaking down traditional silos and encouraging open communication and cooperation between development, operations, and other cross-functional teams.

This principle acknowledges that achieving efficiency and delivering high-quality software requires a collective effort.


Automation is an essential DevOps principle aimed at streamlining and eliminating manual, repetitive tasks in the software development life cycle. By automating processes, teams can reduce errors, increase efficiency, and accelerate the delivery of software.

Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD)

Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD) is a software development practice that entails routinely integrating code changes from numerous contributors into a shared repository.

The Evolution of DevOps and Continuous Delivery

CI’s main objective is to detect and resolve integration issues early in development through regular merging of code adjustments, maintaining a stable and functional codebase.

Continuous Delivery (CD) builds on CI principles. It automates the deployment of code changes to diverse environments, with a focus on ensuring reliable and efficient software deployment to testing, staging, and production.

Monitoring and Feedback

Continuous monitoring is crucial for DevOps, covering applications, infrastructure, and user experiences. Real-time feedback provides insights into performance, identifies potential issues, and helps teams make informed decisions for continuous improvement.

Infrastructure as Code (IaC)

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) encompasses the definition and management of infrastructure elements using machine-readable scripts or code. This ensures consistency, repeatability, and version control in the provisioning and management of infrastructure.

Agile Principles

DevOps aligns closely with Agile principles, emphasizing adaptability, collaboration, and customer-centricity. Agile practices, such as iterative development and regular feedback, complement the DevOps approach.

Best Practices in Modern DevOps

DevOps implementation implies a range of methodologies and approaches that aim to improve collaboration, automation, and efficiency throughout the entire software development life cycle.

Microservices Architecture

Modern DevOps often embraces a microservices architecture, where applications are split into minor, independent services. This design approach encourages flexibility, scalability, and the capability to independently develop and deploy services.


Containerization involves packaging an application and its dependencies into a standardized unit called a container. Containers provide consistency across development, testing, and production environments, simplifying deployment and scaling.


Orchestration is the automated coordination and management of multiple containers that make up an application. It guarantees containers are efficiently deployed, scaled, and managed in a distributed environment.


DevSecOps incorporates security practices into the DevOps pipeline, making sure that security is an essential element throughout the software development life cycle. Security measures are automated and embedded throughout the development and deployment process.


GitOps uses Git for managing and automating infrastructure and application deployment. It emphasizes declarative configurations and a Git repository as the single source of truth.

Benefits of DevOps for Business

The integration of development and operations processes, coupled with cultural and procedural changes, has a profound impact on the overall efficiency and success of an organization.

The Evolution of DevOps and Continuous Delivery

Faster Time-to-Market

A key benefit of DevOps technology lies in expediting the software development life cycle. Through process streamlining and the automation of repetitive tasks, organizations can significantly decrease the time required for software development, testing, and deployment.

Increased Collaboration

DevOps breaks down traditional barriers between development, operations, and other teams. Collaboration and communication are emphasized, creating a culture of shared responsibility and open dialogue.

Improved Efficiency and Productivity

At the core of the DevOps process is a focus on automation, which improves efficiency, reduces the likelihood of human errors, and allows teams to focus their efforts towards more important activities.

Enhanced Risk Management

DevOps promotes a proactive approach to risk management by integrating security practices into the development process. Security checks and compliance measures are automated, which reduces the risk of vulnerabilities and breaches.

Cost Savings

The efficiency gains, reduced manual intervention, and optimized resource utilization achieved through DevOps practices contribute to overall cost savings.

Improved Customer Experience

DevOps practices, such as continuous monitoring and rapid release cycles, contribute to a better overall customer experience. Issues are detected and addressed quickly, and new features are delivered promptly.

Understanding the current state of the DevOps process flow can help organizations navigate this field and ensure they use the latest advancements.

The Evolution of DevOps and Continuous Delivery

Today’s DevOps trends blend new practices and technologies, reshaping how organizations streamline their software development and IT operations:

  • The Role of Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning (AI/ML): AI and ML are gradually integrated into DevOps processes to improve automation, decision-making, and predictive analytics. These technologies analyze large datasets, determine patterns, and automate responses, contributing to more intelligent DevOps workflows.
  • DevOps as Part of Broader Concepts: DevOps is often part of broader concepts such as DevSecOps and GitOps. DevSecOps incorporates security practices into the DevOps pipeline, underscoring a proactive emphasis on security right from the outset. GitOps, on the other hand, uses version-controlled workflows to automate and manage infrastructure and application deployments.Comparison with Predecessors: Modern DevOps practices differ significantly from their predecessors, accentuating automation, scalability, and flexibility. The shift towards microservices, containers, and cloud-native technologies marks a time of getting away from monolithic and traditional IT architectures.

Challenges in DevOps

Mastering DevOps comes with several challenges, requiring skillful solutions to connect development and operations effectively:

  • Complexity in Managing Microservices: While microservices offer flexibility and scalability, managing a large number of microservices introduces complexities in deployment, monitoring, and orchestration.
  • Bridging the Skills Gap: DevOps requires a diverse skill set, including knowledge of coding, automation, and infrastructure management. Bridging the skills gap among team members and recruiting skilled professionals can be a persistent challenge.
  • Security Concerns: Despite the integration of security in DevOps practices, security remains a continuous concern. Ensuring that security measures are consistently applied and addressing vulnerabilities throughout the development life cycle is challenging.

The Future of DevOps

As technology continues to change, so does the nature of DevOps. The future of DevOps promises to be shaped by emerging technologies, evolving methodologies, and the ongoing need for organizations to adapt to dynamic market conditions.

Serverless Computing

Serverless computing, alternatively termed Function as a Service (FaaS), abstracts the management of infrastructure, allowing developers to focus solely on coding.

Edge Computing

Edge computing entails processing data in proximity to its point of origin, minimizing latency, and enhancing real-time processing capabilities.

Serverless and Cloud-Native Technologies

The rise of serverless and cloud-native technologies will continue to influence DevOps practices. Cloud-native development emphasizes building applications designed to operate in the cloud, promoting scalability, flexibility, and resilience.


The evolution of DevOps and continuous delivery has revolutionized the entire process of software development, deployment, and maintenance.

Starting with its origins in breaking down organizational silos, the journey has advanced to embrace cutting-edge technologies such as AI and ML.

Looking ahead, it is evident that the principles and practices of DevOps will unquestionably be instrumental in shaping the upcoming era of software delivery.

Ready to take your software development to the next level? Contact SCAND. We use cutting-edge methodologies, tools, and cultural paradigms that will boost your software development lifecycle.

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Refactor vs. Rewrite: Making the Right Choice https://prodsens.live/2023/12/19/refactor-vs-rewrite-making-the-right-choice/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=refactor-vs-rewrite-making-the-right-choice https://prodsens.live/2023/12/19/refactor-vs-rewrite-making-the-right-choice/#respond Tue, 19 Dec 2023 12:24:25 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/12/19/refactor-vs-rewrite-making-the-right-choice/ refactor-vs.-rewrite:-making-the-right-choice

In the field of software development, the question of whether to refactor or rewrite code is an endless…

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In the field of software development, the question of whether to refactor or rewrite code is an endless dilemma.

Both approaches aim to improve code quality, maintainability, and performance, but they greatly differ in their scope and impact.

This article explores the nuances of code refactoring and rewriting, analyzing when each strategy is most appropriate and how to strike the right balance.

Code Refactoring

Code refactoring is a crucial practice in software development that goes beyond mere code editing.

It involves the systematic restructuring of existing code without altering its external behavior.

Refactoring primarily aims to refine the quality of the codebase, improving readability, maintainability, and efficiency.

Unlike incorporating new features or getting rid of bugs, refactoring focuses on refining the internal structure of the code, addressing design, organization, and clarity issues.

Explore Extreme Programming (XP)

Advantages of Code Refactoring

Code refactoring provides numerous benefits, establishing it as a crucial element in the entire software creation lifecycle, including development, QA testing, and deployment:

  1. Maintainability: Rewriting the code makes maintenance simpler, which reduces the time and effort needed for future updates or bug fixes.
  2. Readability: Improving code structure and following established coding standards through refactoring enhances code readability. Consequently, it streamlines collaboration among developers and minimizes the learning curve for new team members.
  3. Reduced Technical Debt: Refactoring helps in managing technical debt, which refers to the collected challenges and compromises made during development. Regular refactoring prevents technical debt from becoming overwhelming and guarantees a more sustainable codebase.
  4. Bug Prevention: Addressing code smells and structural issues during refactoring helps prevent potential bugs and improves overall code quality.

When to Choose Code Refactoring

Understanding when to choose code refactoring is necessary for development teams seeking to improve the readability, maintainability, and efficiency of their software.

  1. Expansion of Requirements: When project requirements grow or change, refactoring allows for the flawless integration of new features without compromising code quality.
  2. Continuous Improvement: Adopting a mindset of continuous improvement encourages regular refactoring to keep the codebase healthy and adjustable.
  3. Cooperative Development: In team-based development, refactoring becomes essential for maintaining a clean and consistent codebase, promoting collaboration among team members.

In essence, code refactoring is a disciplined approach to enhancing code quality, ensuring that software projects remain flexible, scalable, and sustainable over time.

By investing in refactoring, development teams contribute to the long-term success of their projects and promote an environment of adaptability and continuous improvement.

Code Rewriting

Code rewriting, also known as a rewrite or redevelopment, represents a significant and transformative approach in the field of software redesign.

Refactor vs. Rewrite: Making the Right Choice

Unlike code refactoring, which involves gradual improvements to existing code, code rewriting implies the creation of an entirely new codebase while retaining the same or similar functionality.

This process is a comprehensive endeavor that requires careful planning, resource allocation, and a commitment to addressing fundamental issues present in the current code.

The Grounds Behind Code Rewriting

Code rewriting is a strategic and often consequential decision in the life cycle of a software project.

The reasons for choosing to rewrite code, as opposed to gradual refactoring, is rooted in several critical factors that collectively contribute to the long-term success and viability of the software.

  1. Outdated Technology: One of the primary reasons for choosing code rewriting is when the existing codebase relies on outdated technologies. Technological advancements may have rendered the current stack obsolete, hindering scalability, performance, and the ability to integrate new features.
  2. Fundamental Design Flaws: If the current codebase suffers from fundamental design flaws that cannot be adequately addressed through refactoring, a rewrite becomes a strategic choice. This allows developers to reimagine the architecture and implement solutions that align with best industry standards.
  3. Business Strategy Shift: When there is a substantial shift in business goals or a need for features that the existing codebase cannot effectively support, a rewrite may be the most pragmatic approach. This confirms that the software aligns with the growing objectives of the organization.

Advantages of Code Rewriting

Code rewriting, though an intensive and resource-consuming process, offers a range of convincing advantages that can greatly contribute to the success and longevity of a software project:

  1. Technological Advancements: Code rewriting allows for the integration of the latest technologies and best practices, guaranteeing that the software remains competitive regardless of any market changes.
  2. Complete Overhaul: The rewrite provides an opportunity to address not only surface-level issues but also fundamental design flaws, resulting in a more robust, scalable, and maintainable system.
  3. Alignment with Business Objectives: When the existing codebase impedes the achievement of business objectives, a rewrite allows for the realignment of the software with the strategic goals of the organization.

When to Choose Code Rewriting

Understanding when to choose code rewriting is crucial for making informed decisions that align with the goals of the development team and the broader objectives of the organization.

  1. Adding New Features: When introducing new features, the existing codebase might not be flexible enough to cope with changes without becoming overly complex. A rewrite can provide an opportunity to design the system in a way that simplifies easier integration of new features and upgrades.
  2. Scalability Issues: As software requirements grow, the initial codebase may struggle to scale with increasing demands. Rewriting code allows for the incorporation of more scalable architecture and design patterns.
  3. Security Vulnerabilities: When security vulnerabilities are identified in the existing code, a rewrite may be necessary to implement proper security measures.

Code rewriting is a substantial undertaking that requires careful consideration of various factors.

While it involves a more significant upfront investment of time and resources, the potential benefits in terms of improved performance, scalability, and alignment with business objectives make it a strategic choice in certain scenarios.

The decision between code rewriting and refactoring ultimately depends on the specific needs and context of the software development project.

Refactoring vs. Rewriting: Balancing Act and Decision-Making

The decision between refactoring and rewriting is not always straightforward and depends on various factors. Consider the following when making the choice:

Refactor vs. Rewrite: Making the Right Choice

Project Goals

If the primary goal is to address specific code smells, improve maintainability, or improve performance, refactoring may be the preferred choice.

However, if the project requires a fundamental shift in architecture, technology, or features, a rewrite may be more appropriate.

Budget and Resources

Refactoring is generally a cost-effective choice, enabling developers to make gradual enhancements over time. In contrast, rewriting demands a substantial initial investment in terms of both time and resources.

Impact on Users

Consider the impact of the chosen approach on end-users. Refactoring is generally less disruptive to users since it aims to improve the code without altering external behavior.

Rewriting, on the other hand, may introduce changes that require additional user adjustment.

Technical Debt and Code Smells

Check for technical debt and code smells in the current code. If the problems are limited and can be fixed step by step, choose refactoring.

But if the technical debt is extensive and code smells are widespread throughout the entire codebase, consider a rewrite for better results.

Strategic Vision

Consider the strategic outlook for the software project. If the objective involves preserving existing features while gradually improving the system, then refactoring is a more reasonable approach.

However, if there is a strategic need for a significant overhaul, such as adopting new technologies or supporting a shift in business objectives, a rewrite may be the strategic choice.

Time-to-Market Considerations

Assess time-to-market factors when deciding between refactoring and rewriting. Refactoring promotes faster turnaround times through incremental changes, whereas rewriting, although offering long-term advantages, might entail a more prolonged development timeline.


In the eternal debate of refactoring vs. rewriting, there is no one-size-fits-all answer.

Each situation requires a careful weighing of factors such as project goals, budget, and the state of the existing codebase.

Code refactoring offers gradual improvements, while code rewriting provides a fresh start for addressing fundamental issues and adopting new technologies.

Ultimately, the choice depends on the specific needs and circumstances of the development project, with the goal of delivering a robust, maintainable, and future-proof software solution.

Need code improvement? Contact SCAND today and request expert code refactoring or rewriting services to speed up the performance and efficiency of your software.

The post Refactor vs. Rewrite: Making the Right Choice appeared first on SCAND.

The post Refactor vs. Rewrite: Making the Right Choice appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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Enhancing Pattern Recognition: Synergy of Artificial Neural Networks and Computer Vision Techniques https://prodsens.live/2023/11/14/how-ai-and-computer-vision-techniques-enhance-image-recognition/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=how-ai-and-computer-vision-techniques-enhance-image-recognition https://prodsens.live/2023/11/14/how-ai-and-computer-vision-techniques-enhance-image-recognition/#respond Tue, 14 Nov 2023 13:25:44 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/11/14/how-ai-and-computer-vision-techniques-enhance-image-recognition/ enhancing-pattern-recognition:-synergy-of-artificial-neural-networks-and-computer-vision-techniques

Pattern recognition is a vital component of artificial intelligence and computer vision, impacting various real-world applications. From autonomous…

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Pattern recognition is a vital component of artificial intelligence and computer vision, impacting various real-world applications.

From autonomous driving and medical image analysis to facial recognition and even virtual and augmented reality applications, high-quality pattern recognition is essential for accurate decision-making and automation.

In this article, we explore how combining Artificial Neural Networks, particularly Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), with other computer vision methods can boost the quality of pattern recognition in various domains.

Understanding Pattern Recognition

Pattern recognition is the core cognitive ability that allows artificial intelligence (AI) and computer vision algorithms to make sense of complex data by identifying recurring structures, shapes, or features.

In essence, it’s the capacity to find meaningful patterns or regularities in information, whether it’s in the form of images, text, audio, or any other data type.

In the context of artificial intelligence and computer vision, pattern recognition is similar to teaching machines to “see” and “understand” the world like humans do.

It’s about enabling AI systems to recognize objects, understand context, and make informed decisions based on the patterns they identify. This ability is vital for a wide range of applications across various industries.

Why Pattern Recognition Needs Enhancement

Enhancing pattern recognition in artificial intelligence and computer vision is essential for several reasons:

Why Pattern Recognition Needs Enhancement

  1. Real-World Applicability: Pattern recognition has extensive and significant practical uses. For instance, in autonomous driving, vehicles need to detect and understand patterns like pedestrians, other vehicles, and road signs in the surroundings to navigate safely. In medical image analysis, pattern recognition plays a vital role in spotting abnormalities in X-rays or MRIs. In security systems, facial recognition uses pattern recognition to confirm identities. These applications have a direct impact on safety, healthcare, and convenience.
  2. Complex Data: Real-world data is often complex and inconsistent, which makes pattern recognition hard. For example, in medical imaging, there can be subtle patterns indicating diseases that are hard for the human eye to spot. In autonomous vehicles, patterns must be identified in changing weather and lighting conditions.
  3. Resource Efficiency: Using traditional methods for pattern recognition, especially when depending solely on big neural networks, can demand a lot of resources. The need for memory and computational power can be too much, especially in situations with limited resources.
  4. Robustness and Adaptability: Effective pattern recognition should be robust, able to learn from various data, and adaptable to changing situations. Current methods might have trouble when faced with new or unexpected patterns.
  5. Precision and Accuracy: In fields like medical diagnosis or self-driving, being precise and accurate is a must. This way, improving pattern recognition can help minimize incorrect results and make AI systems more reliable.
  6. Efficiency: As AI becomes more common and data keeps growing, it’s necessary to have methods to quickly and effectively handle pattern recognition.

Given these challenges and the important role pattern recognition plays in AI and computer vision, it’s essential to improve these abilities.

Combining Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) with other computer vision techniques, as discussed in this article, offers a promising way to achieve better and more efficient pattern recognition. This could lead to new possibilities for AI applications in various businesses.

What Are Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)?

Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are the workhorses of modern computer vision.

They mimic the human visual system and excel at spotting patterns in images and videos by using layers that scan images for things like edges, textures, and shapes (convolution) and then reduce the data size (pooling).

By stacking these layers, CNNs can learn to identify basic patterns like edges and work their way up to more complex ones like faces, objects, or even scenes.

Challenges with Pre-Trained Networks

While CNNs are powerful tools for feature extraction, their use is often accompanied by several challenges. Pre-trained networks, which are often used because they offer high-level features, need a lot of resources.

They demand significant memory and computational power, which makes them less practical for resource-constrained environments. Additionally, standard artificial neurons within CNNs may have trouble with certain kinds of data.

For instance, telling an edge apart from its color can be tough for regular CNNs. Plus, they can struggle with different lighting conditions, like recognizing people during the day but having a hard time at twilight.

Introducing Other Computer Vision Methods

To overcome the challenges and enhance pattern recognition further, it is vital to combine CNNs with other computer vision techniques.

What Are Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)?

The idea here is synergy. These complementary methods can address the limitations of CNNs while building upon their strengths, creating a powerful framework for pattern recognition.

Here are a couple of examples of Complementary Methods:

Support Vector Machines (SVM)

SVMs, when combined with CNNs, give rise to novel architectures like Convolutional SVM (CSVM). These hybrids excel at processing smaller datasets, which can be invaluable when data is scarce, costly, or time-consuming to acquire.

Conditional Random Fields (CRFs)

CRFs, rooted in probabilistic graphical modeling, work in tandem with CNNs or Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) to achieve new heights in image segmentation tasks. This combination improves the precision of recognizing objects within images.

K-means Clustering

K-means clustering isn’t just for grouping data. When used in combination with CNNs, it can help these neural networks learn parameters, such as weights, more effectively. Additionally, combining various unsupervised CNN architectures with K-means clustering can improve feature representation.

Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG)

HOG provides an efficient way to extract features from images before training a custom CNN. This preprocessing step speeds up training and saves computational resources by focusing on the most informative aspects of the data.

Region-Based CNNs (R-CNNs)

R-CNNs do things differently. They start by spotting regions of interest (ROIs) in an image, which probably have objects. Then, they use a bunch of SVM classifiers to figure out what kind of object is there.

There are newer versions like Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN, and Mesh R-CNN, which promise to make object recognition better.

New Approaches and Research Findings

Recent research in pattern recognition has introduced new and promising approaches in artificial intelligence and computer vision.

Convolutional Support Vector Machines (SVMs) have become a game-changer, especially for handling smaller datasets in applications with limited data.

Advances in Conditional Random Fields (CRFs) have improved semantic segmentation by combining pattern understanding with contextual awareness from CNNs, achieving top-notch results.

Unsupervised learning benefits from K-means clustering, improving features and reducing the need for large labeled datasets.

The use of the Histogram of Oriented Gradients (HOG) method as a preprocessing step has made training more efficient, particularly in real-time object recognition tasks.

Additionally, the evolution of Region-based CNNs (R-CNNs), including Fast R-CNN, Faster R-CNN, Mask R-CNN, and Mesh R-CNN, has transformed object detection and boosted AI capabilities across various fields.

These findings represent ongoing progress in pattern recognition, promising more precise, flexible, and efficient AI applications.

Benefits of Lightweight Architectures

Developing lightweight architectures is a promising avenue in pattern recognition. These streamlined networks reduce the computational demands, making them suitable for edge computing and resource-constrained environments.

Why Pattern Recognition Needs Enhancement

The benefits include faster inference times and improved energy efficiency, making pattern recognition accessible to a wider range of applications.

Future Directions

The future of pattern recognition holds exciting possibilities. Emerging techniques and technologies promise to further enrich its capabilities.

We expect the development of more efficient neural network architectures, advanced unsupervised learning approaches, and sophisticated data preprocessing techniques.

These advancements will continue to drive progress in pattern recognition, offering even greater precision and efficiency.


Pattern recognition is the beating heart of artificial intelligence and computer vision. Its applications touch our daily lives in more ways than we may realize.

But to unlock its full potential, we must use the power of synergy, i.e., combining Convolutional Neural Networks with a spectrum of complementary computer vision methods.

As we move forward in this field, we’re heading toward a future where machines can understand and interpret patterns in data with exceptional precision and efficiency. This will change industries and improve our lives in ways we’re only starting to envision.

If you’re excited about the possibilities of enhanced pattern recognition and want to use it for your projects, reach out to SCAND. Our AI development services fit a wide range of apps and industries, including healthcare, autonomous systems, industrial automation, and more.

The post Enhancing Pattern Recognition: Synergy of Artificial Neural Networks and Computer Vision Techniques appeared first on SCAND.

The post Enhancing Pattern Recognition: Synergy of Artificial Neural Networks and Computer Vision Techniques appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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Guide to Blockchain Node Providers https://prodsens.live/2023/10/26/guide-to-blockchain-node-providers/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=guide-to-blockchain-node-providers https://prodsens.live/2023/10/26/guide-to-blockchain-node-providers/#respond Thu, 26 Oct 2023 13:24:28 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/10/26/guide-to-blockchain-node-providers/ guide-to-blockchain-node-providers

Blockchain technology has greatly impacted the way we handle data and transactions. It’s the core technology behind cryptocurrencies…

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Blockchain technology has greatly impacted the way we handle data and transactions. It’s the core technology behind cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin and Ethereum, but its possible usage extends far beyond digital currencies.

To interact with a blockchain network, you need to connect to a node. Nodes can be provided by specific blockchain service providers that allow users to access and interact with blockchain networks without running their own nodes.

In this guide, we will delve into the world of blockchain node providers, exploring their main types, the features they offer, and how to choose the right one for your needs.

What Are Blockchain Nodes?

In the context of blockchain, a node is a device or computer that takes part in the network by keeping a copy of the blockchain’s data and validating transactions.

Managing a blockchain node can be a complex and resource-intensive task. It requires technical expertise, significant computational power, and continuous monitoring.

This is why many individuals and organizations turn to blockchain node providers for their services.

What Is a Blockchain Node Provider?

Blockchain node providers are third-party services that offer individuals and businesses access to blockchain nodes without the need to set up and maintain their own.

What Is a Blockchain Node Provider

These providers host and manage the necessary infrastructure for running blockchain nodes, making it easier for users to interact with and contribute to blockchain networks.

Here are some benefits of using blockchain node providers:

  1. Simplicity: Configuring and maintaining a blockchain node can be technically difficult. Node providers simplify this process, allowing users to get started quickly.
  2. Cost Efficiency: Running a full node can cost a fortune due to hardware, software, and maintenance costs. Node providers often offer cost-effective plans, making blockchain participation more accessible.
  3. Reliability: Node providers usually have powerful infrastructure and high availability, providing that nodes are always online and ready to process transactions.
  4. Scalability: As blockchain networks grow, the resource requirements for handling a node increase. Node providers can scale their infrastructure to adjust to growing demands.
  5. Diverse Network Support: Many node providers offer access to multiple blockchain networks, allowing users to engage with different cryptocurrencies and ecosystems.

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Types of Blockchain Node Providers

There are several categories of blockchain node providers, each catering to different needs within the blockchain ecosystem:

Public Node Providers

Public node providers primarily focus on popular public blockchain networks like Bitcoin, Ethereum, and Binance Smart Chain.

These providers offer access to nodes on these networks, allowing developers and businesses to engage with the blockchain without the need to configure and maintain their nodes.

Public node providers offer convenience and accessibility. They provide APIs that allow developers to query blockchain data, access historical transactions, and monitor network activity.

Private Node Providers

Private node providers specialize in private or permissioned blockchain networks. These networks are typically used by organizations for internal purposes or within associations of businesses.

Private node providers prioritize security and scalability to cater to the specific needs of enterprise-grade blockchain solutions.

Private node providers usually offer services such as identity management, access control, and integration with current enterprise systems. They guarantee that sensitive business data remains secure within the private blockchain network.

Managed Node Providers

Managed node providers take care of the entire node infrastructure for their clients.

This includes setting up, configuring, and maintaining blockchain nodes.

They are an excellent choice for businesses that want to focus on developing blockchain applications without the operational burden of managing nodes.

Managed node providers allow organizations to offload the complexities of node management, confirming that the blockchain infrastructure remains up and running, secure, and up to date.

Cloud Node Providers

Cloud node providers offer blockchain node hosting services on cloud systems such as Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and Google Cloud Platform.

They provide the opportunity to scale resources as needed, which can be a great deal for startups and even well-established enterprises.

Cloud node providers offer pay-as-you-go models, allowing organizations to adjust resources based on demand without maintaining physical hardware.

Features Offered by Blockchain Node Providers

Blockchain node providers offer a range of features and services to meet the diverse needs of their clients, including:

Features Offered by Blockchain Node Providers

Node Deployment

Node providers assist in deploying nodes on the desired blockchain network, providing proper configuration and synchronization with the network. They take care of the technical difficulties and reduce the barrier to entry for developers and businesses.

Security Measures

Providers implement robust security measures to protect nodes from cyber threats and guarantee the integrity of the blockchain network. This includes encryption, intrusion detection, and regular security audits.

Monitoring and Maintenance

Providers offer monitoring tools to keep an eye on node performance and provide regular maintenance to keep nodes operational. Real-time monitoring helps promptly identify and address issues and minimize downtime.


For cloud-based providers, scalability is a key feature that allows businesses to adjust resources based on their needs. Scalability guarantees that the infrastructure can handle fluctuations in network activity and transaction volume.

Technical Support

Many providers offer technical support and troubleshooting assistance to address any issues that may arise. This support can be invaluable, especially during critical moments when prompt resolution is necessary.

How to Find the Right Blockchain Node Provider?

Choosing the right blockchain node provider is important for the success of your blockchain project. So when making your decision, consider the following criteria

Network Compatibility

Ask the provider if they support the blockchain network relevant to your project, whether it’s a public or private network. Compatibility is essential to provide smooth integration.

Security Practices

Verify the provider’s security measures, including encryption, access controls, and data protection protocols. Security is a must when dealing with blockchain, especially for projects dealing with private data.


Estimate the provider’s ability to scale resources according to your project’s growth. A provider that can adjust to your future needs is necessary for long-term success.

Pricing Structure

Explore the pricing models, including any hidden fees or extra charges. Transparent pricing helps you effectively budget and avoid unexpected expenses.

Uptime and Reliability

Look for providers with a solid reputation for trouble-free operation and reliability to guarantee your nodes are always accessible. Downtime can hit your operations and ruin user trust.

How to Choose the Best Blockchain Node Provider?

To select the best blockchain node provider, take into account the pains and needs of your project. Additionally, seek out provider reviews, request quotes, and compare offerings to make a decision that fits your project’s goals and budget.

Industry Experience

Opt for a provider with a previous performance in your domain or with similar use cases. They are more likely to grasp your demands and provide corresponding solutions.

Service Level Agreements (SLAs)

Carefully assess SLAs to assume the level of service and support you can get. SLAs define uptime guarantees, response times for support queries, and other critical aspects of the provider-client relationship.

Scalability Planning

Consider your project’s growth path and choose a provider that can adjust to your evolving needs. Scalability is crucial to avoid the trouble of migrating to a new provider as your project expands.

Community and Developer Support

If you are a developer or part of a blockchain community, assess whether the provider eagerly engages with its users. Strong community support can be a helpful means for problem-solving and knowledge sharing.


Blockchain node providers are essential partners for businesses and developers looking to get the most out of blockchain technology.

They offer a range of services to simplify the deployment and management of blockchain nodes, helping organizations focus on building innovative applications.

By carefully evaluating the types of providers available, their features, and your project’s specific needs, you can make an informed choice that sets your blockchain project up for success.

If you’re looking for top-notch blockchain node provider services and want to hire top blockchain developers, don’t hesitate to reach out to SCAND. Our team of experts is here to assist you with blockchain node deployment, management, and support.

The post Guide to Blockchain Node Providers appeared first on SCAND.

The post Guide to Blockchain Node Providers appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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Should Brands Address Social Issues? https://prodsens.live/2023/10/25/should-brands-address-social-issues/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=should-brands-address-social-issues https://prodsens.live/2023/10/25/should-brands-address-social-issues/#respond Wed, 25 Oct 2023 12:24:31 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/10/25/should-brands-address-social-issues/ should-brands-address-social-issues?

When it comes to social justice, what role do brands play? As conflict around the globe continues, marketers…

The post Should Brands Address Social Issues? appeared first on ProdSens.live.


When it comes to social justice, what role do brands play?

As conflict around the globe continues, marketers are put in a challenging position when it comes to making brand statements. It’s nearly impossible to make a perfectly neutral statement that will satisfy all points of view, which is what many brands try to do in an effort to avoid alienating potential customers.

Interestingly enough, consumer preferences on how involved brands should be in social justice movements are evolving in real time as world events unfold.

In 2021, 54% of American consumers expressed companies should take a stance on social issues. However, according to research by Gallup and Bentley University, some consumers are walking back that claim.

Per this year’s Business in Society Report, only 41% of Americans now believe brands should take a public stance on social causes. However, it’s important to note that the drop in interest in brand advocacy doesn’t ring true for all demographics. According to the Gallup and Bentley study:

  • 53% of buyers between the ages of 18 and 29 believe brands should take a public stance on current issues (compared to 47% of buyers between 30 and 44, and 35% of consumers over 45)
  • 44% of women believe brands should advocate for social issues compared to 38% of men
  • Consumers who identify as Black or Asian (61% of both populations) want to see brands take a public stance
  • 57% of consumers who identify as LGBTQ+ want brands to speak on social issues

This data suggests brand advocacy remains important to younger people and marginalized groups.

When it comes to social justice, what role do brands play?

Though a majority of consumers want to see brands refrain from making direct statements about social issues, companies are still seen as major agents of change.

According to Edelman’s 2023 Trust Barometer Report, global consumers now trust business more than government. Beyond speaking out about social issues, consumers are looking to companies to make tangible changes that would improve the quality of life for employees and surrounding communities through better distribution of wealth and more transparent sustainability practices.

Brands Navigating Pushback

Earlier this year, Bud Light and Target received pushback over their Pride month campaigns and activations, leaving some companies to scale back on Pride-related content. It’s likely that this trend will continue as the U.S. heads into a tense election year in 2024.

While brands making blanket statements and social media about social issues can be seen as performative, how brands should move forward with social and political statements should be done thoughtfully and carefully with the brand’s core values and target audience in mind.

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The post Should Brands Address Social Issues? appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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