Victor Ijidola, Author at News for Project Managers - PMI Tue, 06 Feb 2024 05:20:28 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Victor Ijidola, Author at 32 32 Challenging the Skeptics: Unveiling the Undeniable Goodness of Tailwind CSS Tue, 06 Feb 2024 05:20:28 +0000 challenging-the-skeptics:-unveiling-the-undeniable-goodness-of-tailwind-css

People definitely have opinions about Tailwind. There are staunch supporters and staunch haters, but I really don’t want…

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People definitely have opinions about Tailwind. There are staunch supporters and staunch haters, but I really don’t want to get into all that. Head on over to Twitter if you want to waste some time.

If you’re pretty well versed with Tailwind, this article might not be for you, but who knows? Read on and maybe you’ll learn something.

I’m coming in with what, I think, is a fresh perspective. I’m using Tailwind for the first time professionally. Furthermore, I don’t consider myself a CSS expert, but I think I have pretty solid CSS skills.

I mention all this, to convey a sentiment, I’ve seen many people exhibit. You’re using Tailwind because you don’t understand CSS. I do understand CSS.

So the first thing that I’ve seen when people say when they do not like Tailwind, is that it’s not CSS, or it’s inline CSS. This is completely false, even coming in as a newbie to Tailwind, all Tailwind is, at the end of the day, once it’s compiled, is CSS utility classes.


So let’s look at some comparisons between Tailwind and “real” CSS. I’m going to put the vanilla CSS in a style tag, but you could also put it in a .css file and link it in the head of your HTML or however your application bundles CSS. This is just for the sake of comparison.

First Glances of Tailwind

Vanilla CSS

  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • Tailwind

     class="flex flex-col gap-6">
       class="border">Item 1
       class="border">Item 2
       class="border">Item 3

    So the first thing someone might say is that Tailwind is repeating the border CSS class on a list item,

  • , instead of using a selector that can target the li DOM elements. This is true, but Tailwind allows you to create the equivalent of .my-list li. You can do the following:

     class="flex flex-col gap-6 [&_li]:border">
  • Item 1
  • Item 2
  • Item 3
  • This is probably where someone might say, “Well, now you’re just writing inline CSS.” This is also false. It will generate a CSS selector based on the [&_li]:border CSS class name. It will compile it to literal CSS that will generate an equivalent CSS selector with those CSS properties used for the .mylist li selector.

    In fact, this is what it compiles to. I’ve formatted it since it gets minified.

    .[&_li]:border li {
      border-width: 1px;

    You could make an argument that the “real” version looks nicer, but this isn’t a strong argument, and you have CSS source maps if you open the browser dev tools.

    I’ll say it here and repeat it again later. Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework. It’s not inline CSS.

    If you want to see an example of this in production grade code, check out a recent pull request (PR) of mine to the OpenSauced app repository.

    fix: add missing skeleton loader for insights panel



    Adds a skeleton loader for the insights panel component used in the application sidebar.

    What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)

    • [ ] 🍕 Feature
    • [x] 🐛 Bug Fix
    • [ ] 📝 Documentation Update
    • [ ] 🎹 Style
    • [ ] đŸ§‘â€đŸ’» Code Refactor
    • [ ] đŸ”„ Performance Improvements
    • [ ] ✅ Test
    • [ ] đŸ€– Build
    • [ ] 🔁 CI
    • [ ] 📩 Chore (Release)
    • [ ] ⏩ Revert

    Fixes #2525

    Mobile & Desktop Screenshots/Recordings

    Steps to QA

    N/A. You can test it out in Storybook.

    Added to documentation?

    • [ ] 📜
    • [ ] 📓
    • [ ] 🍕
    • [x] 📕 storybook
    • [ ] 🙅 no documentation needed

    [optional] Are there any post-deployment tasks we need to perform?

    [optional] What gif best describes this PR or how it makes you feel?

    Styling pseudo-elements

    What about something more complex like pseudo-elements? Let’s take the ::before pseudo-element for a spin.

    Vanilla CSS

     data-inset-label="🍕" class="pizza-time">
      OpenSauced is awesome!


     data-inset-label="🍕" class="before:content-[attr(data-inset-label)]">
      OpenSauced is awesome!

    Here’s what it generates as CSS when Tailwind compiles that CSS class.


    You could complain that that is one hell of a bloated CSS class name, but again, I don’t think this is a colossal deal.

    If you want to see an example of this in production grade code, check out a recent PR of mine to the OpenSauced app repository.

    feat: created the day range picker component



    What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)

    • [x] 🍕 Feature
    • [ ] 🐛 Bug Fix
    • [ ] 📝 Documentation Update
    • [ ] 🎹 Style
    • [ ] đŸ§‘â€đŸ’» Code Refactor
    • [ ] đŸ”„ Performance Improvements
    • [ ] ✅ Test
    • [ ] đŸ€– Build
    • [ ] 🔁 CI
    • [ ] 📩 Chore (Release)
    • [ ] ⏩ Revert

    Closes #2553

    Mobile & Desktop Screenshots/Recordings

    CleanShot 2024-01-29 at 19 48 45

    Steps to QA

    N/A currently it’s only in Storybook

    Added to documentation?

    • [ ] 📜
    • [ ] 📓
    • [ ] 🍕
    • [x] 📕 storybook
    • [ ] 🙅 no documentation needed

    [optional] Are there any post-deployment tasks we need to perform?

    [optional] What gif best describes this PR or how it makes you feel?


    If you’re looking to add animations, Tailwind ships with plenty of useful animations and CSS classes to leverage them.

    Need a custom animation? You can do that as well. I won’t go into it here, but here’s a great post about writing custom animations in Tailwind.


    You’ve got all these cool animations, but what if someone has specified prefers-reduced-motion? Tailwind can handle that for you as long as you prefix your animation with motion-safe:, e.g.

     class="motion-safe:animate-spin">Spinning text

    There’s other useful Tailwind classes for accessibility, like sr-only, which will remain in the page, but only be visible to screen readers.

    Define some base styles

    I’m all for components, and I’m a big fan of JSX. Tailwind pairs nicely with components, but I do think that it’s still good to have some base styles defined, even if you are using components.

    For example, a base font size and colour, focus state styles, headings etc. This is what I ended up doing in the OpenSauced app repository.

    Another Complaint: It’s like bootstrap

    Tailwind CSS on its own is not like bootstrap. It’s just CSS utility classes, whereas bootstrap is UI components and CSS.

    I’ve never used it, but maybe you could fall into this trap with Tailwind UI.


    Like many things, there are tradeoffs. I think the biggest one is learning the Tailwind CSS classes and naming conventions for building them, but I think the benefits outweigh this. And to be honest, once you start writing the classes frequently, the naming convention just sticks in your head.

    And if you have some super complex CSS, for whatever reason, Tailwind can’t handle, there’s nothing wrong with adding some custom CSS.

    Wrapping Things Up

    I literally only started using Tailwind September 18th of 2023 when I started at OpenSauced.

    Tailwind has made me super productive while building out OpenSauced, and I’ve used it in some other projects since then.

    Remember, Tailwind is a utility-first CSS framework. It’s not inline CSS.

    I encourage you to give Tailwind a go. They have outstanding documentation and great IDE support to help you along the way.

    If you give it a go and say it’s not for me, that’s OK. Use what makes you the most productive.

    Stay saucy peeps!

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    ]]> 0 Tomato PHP: The Essential Open Source Tool for PHP Backend Web Developers 🚀🍅 Fri, 13 Oct 2023 20:24:49 +0000 tomato-php:-the-essential-open-source-tool-for-php-backend-web-developers-

    🍅 Tomato PHP, an innovative and open-source tool 🚀 built on Laravel and Splade, offers a multitude of…

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    🍅 Tomato PHP, an innovative and open-source tool 🚀 built on Laravel and Splade, offers a multitude of plugins đŸ§© and assistants đŸ€– to streamline the creation of your web application, especially suitable for PHP Backend and Laravel web developers.

    Tomato PHP features include:

    đŸȘ„ SPA Application with Blade: Efficiently create single-page applications with Blade.

    🔄 Web/API CRUD Generator: Automate the creation, reading, updating, and deletion of web and API resources.

    🏗 HMVC Architecture Support: Embrace the HMVC architecture for better code organization.

    🔐 Authentication and User Management: Simplify user management and authentication.

    🌐 Reactive User Interface Using the Filament Model: Provide a smooth user experience with a reactive filament model.

    🌙 RTL/Dark Mode Support: Adapt your application to users by offering RTL and Dark modes.

    🧰 Ready-to-Use Breeze Toolkit with RTL/Dark Mode Support: Utilize Breeze Toolkit for ready-to-use features with RTL and Dark mode support.

    🌍 Ready-to-Use Arabic/English Translations: Facilitate your application localization with pre-established Arabic and English translations.

    đŸœ Easy-to-Use Menu with Providers: Create intuitive and user-friendly menus with a provider system.

    Among the many available plugins, you’ll find a CRM, APIs, forms, notifications, roles, settings, a portfolio, logs, and much more. Simplify your development process with Tomato PHP and explore its comprehensive features to create top-quality PHP Backend and Laravel web applications. đŸš€đŸŒđŸ’»

    Feel free to participate in the projects:


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    ]]> 0
    [MLDP Newsletter] July 2023 — Machine Learning Communities: highlights and achievements Mon, 14 Aug 2023 08:25:35 +0000 [mldp-newsletter]-july-2023 — machine-learning-communities:-highlights-and-achievements

    [MLDP Newsletter] July 2023 — Machine Learning Communities: highlights and achievements Let’s explore highlights and accomplishments of the vast Google…

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    [mldp-newsletter]-july-2023 — machine-learning-communities:-highlights-and-achievements

    [MLDP Newsletter] July 2023 — Machine Learning Communities: highlights and achievements

    Let’s explore highlights and accomplishments of the vast Google Machine Learning communities over the month. We appreciate all the activities and commitment by the community members. Without further ado, here are the key highlights!

    Photo by Cam Adams on Unsplash

    Keras Community Day

    Keras Community Sprint 2023 focusing on KerasCV, KerasNLP has successfully ended, producing model implementations, tutorials and slide decks. The content is being distributed through the Keras Community Day campaign. GDG Cloud Almaty, TFUG Bassam hosted their events already and many KCD events are lined up.

    A new library, Keras Core, was released as well! ML GDE Aakash Nain (India) and ML GDE Aritra Roy Gosthipaty (India) are listed as contributors. Introduction to Keras Core with Francois Chollet and Introduction to KerasCV with Google Software Engineer by ML GDE Aritra Roy Gosthipaty (India) and ML GDE Ritwik Raha (India) went live in line with the Keras Core release.


    ML GDE Aritra Roy Gosthipaty (India) and Suvaditya Mukherjee (India) awarded 🏅TFCommunitySpotlight. Their When Recurrence meets Transformers tutorial features Keras patterns like creating RNNs from custom RNN cell layers.

    ML GDE Aritra Roy Gosthipaty (India) and Suvaditya Mukherjee (India) awarded 🏅TFCommunitySpotlight

    What Is Keras Core? by ML GDE Aritra Roy Gosthipaty (India) and ML GDE Ritwik Raha (India) includes an introduction to Keras and it dives deep into Keras Core. They shared a custom training loop in JAX with Keras Core and harnessing the API to train the model.

    Keras XLA Benchmarks by ML GDE Sayak Paul (India) presents an extensive benchmark around the vision models shipped in the Keras ecosystem (tf.keras.applications, TF Hub, and KerasCV).

    Implementation of DeepLabV3+ for semantic segmentation in KerasCV by ML GDE Soumik Rakshit India (India) is a generalized implementation of DeepLabV3+, the latest model in the DeepLab family of semantic segmentation models.

    Gen AI: the potential of BARD and the new features of Keras by ML GDE Nathaly Alarcon (Bolivia) was a mentoring for participants at I/O Extended La Paz. She covered various products, KerasCV, KerasNLP, Keras Core. TensorFlow, and etc.

    How to Perform Image Augmentation With KerasCV & Text Classification With BERT and KerasNLP by ML GDE Derrick Mwiti (Kenya) explained how to perform image augmentation for an image classification project and how to fine-tune NLP models respectively.

    I/O Extended Silicon Valley 2023
    I/O Extended Silicon Valley 2023 (source)

    At I/O Extended Silicon Valley 2023 hosted by GDG Silicon Valley, ML GDE Rajesh Bhat (United States) gave a talk titled Harnessing Transformers for various Computer Vision Tasks. He explained capabilities of the Transformer in revolutionizing computer vision tasks, different components of Transformer, and examples for image classification using Keras.

    July ML meetup with TFUG Kolkata hosted by TFUG Kolkata was to make ML enthusiasts aware of the latest developments in Keras. One of the sessions was “Taking KerasNLP on a GenAI ride” and it explored deep into KerasNLP.

    TensorFlow Kigali Kickoff hosted by TFUG Kigali was to discuss ethical considerations and societal impacts of AI technology. Through the event, the group raised awareness about TFUG and ML product updates including Keras and TensorFlow.


    Introduction to Machine Learning with Google Colab with Pokemon Classification by ML GDE Kinni Mew (Hong Kong) was a hands-on workshop training a group of ICT teachers to build a Pokemon classifier using Kaggle dataset and Keras API.

    ML GDE Luca Massaron (Italy) has participated in KaggleX BIPOC Mentorship Program (formerly known as the BIPOC Grant Program). The goal of this program is to increase representation, create career opportunities, and develop individual growth for BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) people in the data science industry.

    On-device ML

    Bake a cake with TensorFlow — ML part by ML GDE George Soloupis (Greece) demonstrates the usage of an electronic nose (e-Nose) during the cake baking process. The custom device collected necessary data for training the final ML model. By establishing a connection between the e-Nose and an Android device, he built a real-time ML inference system and facilitated a comprehensive inspection of the cake baking procedure.

    MediaPipe On-Device Machine Learning hosted by TFUG Durg introduced new aspects of ML with MediaPipe. They shared the capabilities of MediaPipe and how MediaPipe is making devices smarter.

    TensorFlow Lite: Tflite Model Optimization for On-Device ML (Codelab) hosted by TFUG Ibadan explored the powerful capabilities of TF Lite to deploy ML models on edge devices. Attendees learned how to optimize models for efficient inference and resource usage, enabling them to run seamlessly on devices with limited computational resources.

    Google I/O Extended Pwani 2023 hosted by GDG Pwani covered several ML topics including MediaPipe: Making On-Device Machine Learning a Piece of Pie.

    At I/O Extended Surabaya 2023, TFUG Surabaya organizer Joan Santoso gave a talk, AI — Keras / Tensorflow Recommendations. At Google IO Extended Kisii 2023, Nairobi AI organizer Marvin Ngesa gave a talk on Diffusion Model With KerasCV. They shared practical experiences on how to enable diffusion models to generate novel yet coherent images and how to use KearsCV.

    LLM / Generative AI

    In Hands-on with the PaLM2 API to create smart apps, ML GDE Ruqiya Bin Safi (Saudi Arabia) shared PaLM API, Generative AI Support on Vertex AI, and prompt engineering best practices.

    In Getting Started With Generative AI in Google Cloud, ML GDE Yannick Serge (Cameroon) covered generative AI, how it works, and Generative AI Studio UI & demos.

    At I/O Extended Kuala Lumpur 2023 hosted by GDG Kuala Lumpur, ML GDE Kuan Hoong (Malaysia) explained how to fine tune LLM using Generative AI Studio and MakerSuite to build a prototype Bard app.

    Google’s generative AI and LLMs trend and Comparison of Chinese large-scale natural language model PaLM2 and GPT by ML GDE Jerry Wu (Taiwan) shared Chinese versions of recent LLMs and Vertex AI features. He also shared his talk at Google I/O Extended’23@Taichung. This event also included ML GDE Tzer-jen Wei’s 7 cool things you can do with Generative AI session.

    The Evolution and Impact of Large Language Models by ML GDE Mikaeri Ohana (Brazil) discussed the evolution and impact of LLMs, highlighting their crucial role in AI and NLP.

    Community and Artificial Intelligence at Google I/O Connect by ML GDE Gema Parreño Piqueras (Spain) shared her experience at I/O Connect Amsterdam and PaLM API workshop.

    Generative AI — Getting Started with PaLM 2 by ML GDE Sascha Heyer (Germany) explains how to get started with Generative AI and PaLM 2 on Vertex AI. He is writing a series of posts about generative AI on his Medium channel.

    At Build LLM with Palms API hosted by GDG Waterloo, ML GDE David Cardozo (Canada) talked about how to access the advanced capabilities of LLM models like PaLM 2 with the PaLM API.

    GenAI meetup at the Google Berlin office
    GenAI meetup at the Google Berlin office

    GenAI meetup at the Google Berlin office (event page of Practical GenAI Meetup) hosted by DevEcosystem Team Europe in collaboration with GDG Berlin & GenAI Berlin August Meetup. This event covered the latest tools including Generative AI Studio, Vertex AI, PaLM 2, and more. 450+ RSVPs and a long queue lined up to get into the event on the day.

    GenAI Empower Education by ML GDE Sara EL-ATEIF (Morocco) was about the use of generative AI in education. The goal was to help participants in NEXT-GEN HACKATHON EMSI RABAT. She spoke about Bard and her recent hackathon project NeuroGuru built using PaLM 2 and Codey with Vertex AI.

    I/O insights: the future of Google’s AI by 4 ML GDEs in Brazil, Arnaldo Gualberto, Bianca Ximenes, Fernanda Wanderley, and Pedro Gengo

    I/O insights: the future of Google’s AI by 4 ML GDEs in Brazil, Arnaldo Gualberto, Bianca Ximenes, Fernanda Wanderley, and Pedro Gengo was a 2-hour panel discussion about I/O highlights, new releases, and community tips. Topics included Bard, PaLM2, KerasNLP, MST Scale, Vertex AI, speech-to-text models, accessibility, data laws, open source, and TFUG & developer communities.

    Understanding Size Tradeoffs with Generative Models — How to Select the Right Model? by ML GDE Victor Dibia (United States) explains how to select the right LLM model for you. One of his approaches is to consider functional and non-functional requirements of business problems.

    Async for LangChain and LLMs by ML GDE Gabriel Cassimiro (Brazil) shared how to make LangChain chains work with Async calls to LLMs, speeding up the time it takes to run a sequential long chain.

    Generation Art: Exploring Generative Artificial Intelligence and Google Tools by ML GDE Lesly Zerna (Bolivia) was a talk about what is generative AI and its relation with deep learning. She covered I/O updates related to Gen AI, how to use Generative AI studio, and recommendations about responsible AI.

    NLP in LLM era by ML GDE Junpeng Ye (China) was a talk about how LLMs have changed the NLP industry and how we should embrace the change.

    Autonomous Agents with LLMs by TFUG Singapore
    Autonomous Agents with LLMs by TFUG Singapore

    Autonomous Agents with LLMs hosted by TFUG Singapore covered a number of LLM agent topics and what models, systems, and techniques have come out recently related to code and reasoning tasks. They also had a lightning talk about the mathematics underlying diffusion models.

    ML Research

    All Things ViTs: Understanding and Interpreting Attention in Vision by ML GDE Sayak Paul and Hila Chefer
    All Things ViTs: Understanding and Interpreting Attention in Vision by ML GDE Sayak Paul and Hila Chefer

    All Things ViTs: Understanding and Interpreting Attention in Vision by ML GDE Sayak Paul (India) and Hila Chefer from Google Research was presented at CVPR as a full-fledged tutorial.

    BioBigBird by ML GDE Vasudev Gupta (India) showcased how to pre-train JAX/Flax versions of Bigbird model from HuggingFace transformers. He pre-trained using MLM objectives on TPU-v3–8.

    Introduction of NNX library to ML GDEs by ML GDE David Cardozo (Canada) and ML GDE Cristian Garcia (Colombia) was a special session introducing Neural Networks for JAX (NNX) library, which they developed, to ML GDEs in a monthly sync.

    How to improve RLHF performance by ML GDE Rumei LI (China) explains several methods to improve the performance of RLHF, including DeepMind’s Sparrow model.

    Monitoring your Stable Diffusion fine-tuning with Neptune by ML GDE Pedro Gengo (Brazil) is about how using a tool like Neptune to log and organize your experiments can help in decision-making and allow the visualization of intermediate results as the training unfolds.

    Paper Reading: Cramming- Training a Language Model on a Single GPU in One Day (paper) by ML GDE Dan lee (China) discussed how much performance a transformer-based language model can achieve in environments with limited computational complexity.

    TensorFlow v FLAX: A Comparison of Frameworks by Wesley Kambale (Uganda) compared TensorFlow and Flax focusing on their features, functionality, advantages, and use cases.

    Weekly ML Paper Reading Club — July — 01 by TFUG Ibadan
    Weekly ML Paper Reading Club — July — 01 by TFUG Ibadan

    Weekly ML Paper Reading Club — July — 01 hosted by TFUG Ibadan was a paper reading club session studying A multi-label learning model for psychotic diseases in Nigeria together.

    15 lines of Python can beat the most advanced AI! by ML GDE Mathis Hammel (France) is a Twitter thread about the new paper from University of Waterloo using simple gzip kNN heuristics for text classification. His tweet got 3700+ Likes & 700K+ impressions.

    Activities by ML Frameworks

    #TensorFlow TensorFlow and CV (slides) by ML GDE Yu Chen (China) was a talk about the latest updates in TensorFlow, what machine vision is, how to implement machine vision with TF and optimization direction of TF model.

    #TensorFlow At Leveling your skills with TensorFlow hosted by GDG CĂșcuta, ML GDE Lesly Zerna (Bolivia) gave a lecture about foundations on TensorFlow, resources to learn it: codelab, TF guides, and ML crash course. Also adding information about TF recommendations for responsible AI.

    #TensorFlow ML In Depth sessions from classification to deploying ML models by Taha Bouhsine (Morocco) were online hands-on workshops covering the basics of using deep learning for CV with TensorFlow. Participants learned basic knowledge and how to train their own models using TensorFlow.

    Machine Learning Bootcamp by TFUG Hyderabad
    Machine Learning Bootcamp by TFUG Hyderabad

    #TensorFlow Machine Learning Bootcamp hosted by TFUG Hyderabad was a beginner-friendly event introducing the world of machine learning. They covered ML basics as well as how to use TensorFlow to build your own models.

    #TensorFlow AI Fundamentals Bootcamp: Introduction to Machine Learning hosted by GDG Glasgow covered ML introduction, data preprocessing, model training, neural network, and TensorFlow.js.

    #TensorFlow AI for Good: Building AI Systems for Fun and Profit, and Advancing Accessibility hosted by GDG Cape Town included transformative capabilities of TensorFlow.js and explore how it can revolutionize eyesight testing in remote areas where access to healthcare is limited.

    #TensorFlow Diver Meal by Vasu Arora (India) is an app providing personal, nutritious, and diverse meal recommendations. He accomplished an image classification accuracy rate of 99.2% by utilizing transfer learning with Keras and TensorFlow.

    #Cloud Google Cloud for Education: Strategy Segmentation using Generative AI by ML GDE Rubens Zimbres (Brazil) presented a generative and semantic approach to organize groups of Colombian schools in clusters. He used OCR to scan documents related to pedagogical projects, translated them to English, summarized and generated embeddings (LLM) and used unsupervised learning to generate groups of similar content.

    #Cloud Recommendation Systems on Cloud Workshop — DevSummit 2023 by ML GDE Khongorzul Munkhbat (Mongolia) was a talk introducing the usage of learning cloud computing on the Cloud Skills Boost.

    #Cloud Google Cloud in the Age of Generative AI by ML GDE Jéssica Costa (Brazil) introduced concepts to LLMs and showed how to get started in Generative AI Studio.

    #Cloud #BigQuery Multivariate Time-Series Prediction with BQML (Korean version) by ML GDE JeongMin Kwon (Korea) is a post sharing the test results of new features and some of the ARIMA feature in BQML that are still valid briefly.

    #Cloud #BigQuery Building ML models using BigQuery ML by ML GDE Nitin Tiwari (India) was a mentorship for second year engineering students. He guided the students on harnessing the power of BigQuery ML for building and deploying machine learning models for image classification tasks.

    #Cloud #VertexAI Deploying ML Models in Google Cloud with Vertex AI by ML GDE Olayinka Peter (Nigeria) covered deploying ML models in Vertex AI as well as the basic TensorFlow model building process. The process involved creating and deploying a model and a model version, and then performing prediction with the model via a rest API.

    #Cloud #DocumentAI Streamlining Business Operation with Document AI by ML GDE Ralph Regalado (Philippines) was a discussion about the value of Document AI to franchise owners on how they can use it to be more efficient in their business operation.

    #Cloud #VertexAI Week 4 study session by ML GDE David Cardozo (Canada) in Certification Study Group — Professional ML Engineer was an office hour session hosted by GDG NYC to show Vertex AI, Vertex AI Pipelines and Flax.

    #Cloud Hyperparameter Tuning with GCP AI Platform by ML GDE Imran Salam (Germany) presented 3 techniques which can be used to find the best set of the hyper parameters.

    #SimpleML In I/O Extended Davao 2023: SimpleML for Sheets, ML GDE Ralph Vincent Regalado (Philippines) discussed and demonstrated SimpleML for Sheets. He gave a talk at I/O Extended Bogor 2023 as well.


    Chat with ML GDE Hannes by ML GDE Margaret Maynard-Reid (United States) is a video chatting with ML GDE Hannes Hapke: how he became an ML GDE, what he likes the most about being an ML GDE, and his work and community projects.

    TFUGCbe Reboot 2023 hosted by TFUG Coimbatore aimed to revitalize the TFUG Coimbatore community by bringing together ML professionals, researchers, developers, and students. The event focuses on knowledge expansion, networking, and collaboration within the TensorFlow ecosystem. Topics include AI & remote sensing for sustainability, generative AI (Stable Diffusion), and etc.

    I/O Extended Kumasi
    I/O Extended Kumasi

    I/O Extended Kumasi hosted by GDG Accra & Zindi Ghana discussed the intricacies of ML explainability and interpretability using Vertex AI, exploring how transparency can demystify those AI models and make them more accessible to all.

    Power Women in AI/ML at Google NYC hosted by GDG NYC talked about design security infrastructure for generative AI tooling and how to build a closed-domain information retrieval system using Flan-T5.

    IO Extended: Intro to Large Language Models with the PaLM API and MakerSuite hosted by GDG Detroit shared how to use MakerSuite, how to develop with the PaLM API. Googler Josh Gordod participated in this workshop as a speaker and trainer.

    [MLDP Newsletter] July 2023 — Machine Learning Communities: highlights and achievements was originally published in Google Developer Experts on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

    The post [MLDP Newsletter] July 2023 — Machine Learning Communities: highlights and achievements appeared first on

    ]]> 0
    How has AI changed your approach to development? Sun, 06 Aug 2023 16:25:50 +0000 how-has-ai-changed-your-approach-to-development?

    August 2023 check-in — what is different in your approach in the ChatGPT, Copilot, etc. era of development?…

    The post How has AI changed your approach to development? appeared first on


    August 2023 check-in — what is different in your approach in the ChatGPT, Copilot, etc. era of development?

    If not much has changed, speak to that.

    The post How has AI changed your approach to development? appeared first on

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    How to Create a Team Charter (Example & Template Included) Mon, 03 Jul 2023 16:25:24 +0000 how-to-create-a-team-charter-(example-&-template-included)

    Just as a project has a charter to define its scope, so too must your team have a…

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    Just as a project has a charter to define its scope, so too must your team have a charter to put their work in context. Teams need to know the who, what, why, when and how of the project, and a team charter is the perfect way to feed them that information.

    Once you get buy-in from the team, and they know where they stand and how to maneuver through the project, you’re on the road to success. Let’s explore how to put a team charter together.

    What Is a Team Charter?

    A team charter is a project document that outlines why the team has been brought into the project, what the team is being tasked to accomplish and the resources and constraints in which the team will be working.

    The team charter is often created in a group setting, which gives the team direction and boundaries in a transparent environment. This collective development gets buy-in from the team and makes sure everyone understands their part in the project.

    Get your free

    Team Charter Template

    Use this free Team Charter Template for Word to manage your projects better.


    What Is the Purpose of a Project Team Charter?

    A team charter is a document that defines the overall objectives of the project team. It is important as it guides the team throughout the life cycle of a project. When assembling a new team, the project team charter is helpful to quickly bring them up to speed.

    Whether the team is new or already established, the project team charter is useful in that it clearly outlines the goals, assets and obstacles of the project. Therefore, a new team gets the basics while a team that’s been working for a long time on the project gets a possibly necessary refresher.

    When Should You Use a Team Charter Document?

    The team charter should be updated whenever the project plan has changed in a way that will impact the original guidelines. For example, if the project’s scope changes because of a change request, that information will need to be related.

    Another reason to update your team charter is if a new team member is brought on board. At this point, the details of the team charter might remain basically the same, but the process of developing it with the new team member would require revisiting it with them. This is also true when a team member is exiting the team. The team charter needs to be reviewed and revised to get that team member’s contribution noted. Even if they’re leaving the organization, the team charter can be changed to make this transition smoother.

    Who Writes the Team Charter Document?

    A project team charter is created by the project manager based on insights from everyone on the project team such as the project sponsor, team members and stakeholders. It’s a collaborative effort to make certain all are clearly aware of its content. This helps get buy-in for the project, whereas if the team charter was made by management and presented to the team it would have less of an impact.

    The participation of everyone on the team is so important that when the team charter is completed everyone signs off on it. While this might seem as if it’s unnecessary, it symbolizes the shared commitment to the project and its objectives and makes the team better understand their roles and responsibilities.

    Why Is a Team Charter Important?

    There are two main reasons for the team charter. First, it clearly outlines the project objectives and how the team is responsible for tasks that lead to the final deliverable. Second, it informs outside project members of what the team is and isn’t responsible for.

    Another benefit of using a team charter is that it creates transparency in the team, which leads to more accountability and better team management. It gives the team the structure to build agreement on how they wish to operate within the project and how they make decisions. This is done by defining the frequency of meetings and other logistics.

    Obviously, the team charter removes roadblocks and sets a course for the team to work together more effectively while staying aligned with the project’s overall goals. One way it does this is by clearly defining each team member’s role and responsibilities in the project and their level of authority in any particular aspect of the project. It also sets what resources they can request.

    Team Charter vs. Project Charter

    There are other charters made over the course of a project. We’ve discussed the project team charter, but how does it compare to the project charter? Just by the name alone, it’s easy to distinguish one from the other, as one is about the team and the other is about the larger project.

    Where the team charter defines the teams, their roles and responsibilities and how they’ll collaborate on one or more projects, the project charter lists the requirements of only one project. It’s also more wide-ranging, describing the whole project in brief and used in the planning process to define goals and benefits of the project.

    Team Charter vs. Organizational Charter

    Another charter found in project management documentation is the organizational charter. This, too, serves a different purpose than the project team charter. The organizational charter is broader than the team charter and even broader than the project charter.

    The organizational charter deals with the entire organization, defining its overall mission, objectives and even values. It goes into specifics, too, such as the role of its stakeholders, financial obligations and what resources are required for it to do what it wants to do.

    How to Create a Team Charter

    A team charter is made up of several sections which directly relate to the team’s involvement in the project. While team charters can change depending on the project, they all tend to share the elements outlined below.

    1. Describe Your Project Background

    The first thing to do is lay the groundwork for the project. That is, summarize what it’s about and why it’s being initiated. This allows the team to see how they fit in the overall project, as well as identifying the stakeholders who are invested in the project’s success.

    2. Define Project Mission and Objectives

    The mission statement defines the background section further by defining what success looks like in the project, so the team knows what they’re aiming for each time they take on a new task. Expanding again to the big picture, the benefits and business driving the project are explained.

    3. Estimate What Project Resources will Be Needed

    The funding for the project is defined in this section, including what resources are earmarked. Team members may be curious if there is any training offered, so the team leader will say whether training is included. Finally, in terms of finance, the management who supports the team is identified so they can be contacted with any questions related to costs.

    As the project unfolds, it’s critical to track your budget and expenses. With ProjectManager, you get access to planning and tracking tools that keep your finances under control. Build a plan that includes costs, estimates and labor rates, then track everything on our real-time dashboard. Try ProjectManager today for free.

    ProjectManager's dashboard view for tracking teams and costs
    Track your team workload, costs, tasks and other key metrics. Learn more

    4. Define Roles and Responsibilities for the Project Team

    Everybody on the team needs to know their role and responsibility in order to not get in each other’s way. Here, list their skill sets and expertise, as well as who has authority over whom.

    5. Describe the Team Operations

    For a team to work effectively, their operational structure must be outlined. Also, if a new team member enters the project, their pathway must be defined, as well as an exit strategy for those who might be leaving the team. All operating rules, relationships, etc. are explored and made clear.

    6. Outline the Project Scope

    The project scope is outlined in this part of the team charter, as well as how the team members will participate in the project scope.

    7. Establish Performance Assessment Guidelines

    Throughout the project, team members will be assessed on their performance and progress. This needs to be explained upfront, including how these metrics will be measured, who will be assessing them and when.

    8. Describe the Project Activities and Milestones

    This is where the tasks that make up the project are listed, along with the milestones. With these, the team has a better sense of the work ahead of them.

    9. Set a Guide to Communication

    Team communication, both between themselves and with their manager or team leader, is outlined in this section. The method of communication will be decided on, as well as how often the teams will meet and the frequency of their status reports.

    10. Add Signatures

    Finally, once the team charter has been fully discussed and everyone on the team is on board, each will sign and date the document. This shows that they understand their role, responsibility, the scope of the project and how they are involved.

    Team Charter Example

    The team charter is developed with the team as it’s being formed. To make sure you have covered all the bases, it’s not a bad idea to use a team charter template. has dozens of free project management templates, including the team charter, shown below.

    Team Charter Word Template: a Team Charter Example

    As you can see, each section is laid out in a customizable box that gives you the ability to expand. Of course, supporting documentation can always be attached, but the template itself will have the overview, hitting all the main points, and ends with a signature page.

    Our team charter template has all the fields we outlined above. Every team member should have not only have participated in the development and discussion of the team charter but have a copy for themselves to reference whenever needed.

    Team Charter Tips

    The best way to make a team charter is with the team. They need to know the ins and outs of the project and therefore should be part of the development of the team charter. Even though they won’t know details, their input is essential.

    While you don’t want to get lost in the weeds, the team charter should be thorough and fully explain the team’s purpose, the measurable goals they’ll be assessed by and the operating guidelines for the team during the execution of the project.

    That said, the document should be digestible, with specific and measurable goals that everyone on the team can live with. It should be achievable and result in the success of the project as planned. You might want to include a code of conduct and a plan to resolve any conflicts, which creates a work environment where everyone feels safe and valued, as this usually results in greater morale and productivity.

    When to Update a Team Charter

    The team charter should be updated whenever the project plan has changed in a way that will impact the original guidelines. For example, if the project’s scope changes because of a change request, that information will need to be related.

    Another reason to update your team charter is if a new team member is brought onboard. At this point, the details of the team charter might remain basically the same, but the process of developing it with the new team member would require revisiting it with them. This is also true when a team member is exiting the team. The team charter needs to be reviewed and revised to get that team member’s contribution noted. Even if they’re leaving the organization, the team charter can be changed to make this transition smoother.

    How ProjectManager Helps With Team Management

    ProjectManager is an award-winning project management software that organizes teams and fosters collaborative work. Our tool not only empowers teams to work better together, it gives managers transparency into that process to support them through better planning, scheduling and allocation of resources.

    Not everyone works the same, so we give teams multiple project views so they can work how they want. There are dynamic task lists, a calendar view and kanban boards to visualize workflow and allow teams to manage their backlog and plan sprints together.

    kanban board showing team workflow

    Plan with Gantt Charts

    Managers have features to monitor their team’s work and schedule tasks and resources. The Gantt chart view allows managers to link task dependencies to avoid bottlenecks that decrease team productivity. They can set milestones and edit the Gantt by dragging-and-dropping tasks to their new deadline.

    timeline view of a Gantt chart

    Balance Resources with Workload Calendars

    Keeping teams working to capacity without burning them out is critical if you want them to be happy. Resource management features let managers track their team’s hours, availability and related costs. Use the team page to get an overview of their work and the workload page to keep their workload balanced.

    workload chart showing team members' assignments is a cloud-based software with real-time data that lets teams work together wherever they are. Managers get more accurate and timely information that informs their decision-making as they plan, monitor and report on the project. Try it today by taking this free 30-day trial.

    The post How to Create a Team Charter (Example & Template Included) appeared first on ProjectManager.

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    How and Why You Should Create Informational Content with POVs Tue, 20 Jun 2023 02:25:11 +0000 how-and-why-you-should-create-informational-content-with-povs

    Informational SEO content, by itself, only drives traffic. It’s the ideas you put inside that determine whether it’ll…

    The post How and Why You Should Create Informational Content with POVs appeared first on


    Informational SEO content, by itself, only drives traffic.

    It’s the ideas you put inside that determine whether it’ll drive anything else besides that (say, conversions, revenue, etc.).

    But unless you’re a media outlet where the goal is to get views and clicks for ads, you don’t just want traffic.

    You want your content to persuade your readers to do something — whether it’s to sign up for a product trial, buy your product, or contact you for a consultation.

    That’s where points of view (POVs) come in. We’ll go into more detail about how POVs help your informational content drive sales, but first, let’s define what they mean and see an example.

    Note: informational content is simply content you create to inform your readers about something. It doesn’t necessarily contain an opinion, call to action, or a sales pitch, just helpful information about a certain topic or object.

    What’s a POV? And what does it look like?

    As the term implies, a POV is your unique perspective or view about a topic. It’s how you see a particular concept — and it’s often formed by your experience or observations (or both).

    A good example of a POV is something Kick Point’s president Dana DiTomaso did with a recent Whiteboard Friday, titled: “GA4 Audiences: Not Just for Ads!”

    Right within the introduction, Dana shared her perspective (POV) on one of the features she thinks people weren’t using as much as they should:

    Screenshot of text from Dana DiTomaso's Whiteboard Friday blog post

    Other articles on the same topic might be preaching other ideas, but Dana’s POV is that Google Analytics 4’s Audiences are more capable than just using them for ads.

    And throughout the article, she continued sharing her unique perspectives on every point she raised in the article and video.

    I’ll share why POVs like this are super important in the next section, but what Dana did with that piece is an example of what a POV in an informational content piece looks like.

    Put another way, a POV is what you think as a person or as an organization about any given topic. It represents YOU. When asked, “What are your thoughts on {insert topic}?” Your response is your POV, and it is unique to you and your brand.

    But why are POVs relevant for creating informational content?

    There are probably many other reasons to use POVs in informational SEO content, but these five stand out:

    Reason 1: Form deeper connections with search visitors

    By providing your point of view on a topic, you’re offering your audience a glimpse into your thoughts, values, and viewpoints. You’re sharing a piece of yourself.

    You’ll often need to dig into your personal experiences, thoughts, or even the experiences of other people and share your opinion on the topic.

    As your audience consumes your “POV-driven” content, they’ll feel as if they’re getting to know you. And that, right there, is the connection you want to create — because people often prefer buying from people they know.

    A good example of content forming a connection with the reader is the Moz piece I shared earlier by Dana. Another one is an article by ConvertKit on “How (and why) to build your first email marketing funnel.”

    Screenshot of text from an article by ConvertKit

    It immediately starts with the writer (Kayla Hollatz) sharing her experience about when she first heard the term “email funnel.”

    This intro immediately shows the writer’s POV or viewpoint: email funnel is easy; doesn’t require an MBA to understand or use.

    It eases the reader’s mind into the piece and encourages them to keep reading. And the more they do that, the better your chances of them taking the action you want them to take.

    Reason 2: Become the go-to for “serial searchers”

    Ever met people who have a strong habit of googling for answers to every question they have? (Hint: I’m one of them)

    I call them (well, us) “serial searchers.” Once a question pops into our heads, it doesn’t take us too long to plug it into a search engine for answers.

    And as we do that, we’d find that there are certain brands or publishers in specific industries/niches that often deliver the answers that:

    • aren’t fluff,

    • have been written by subject matter experts, and

    • actually solve our problem.

    Over time, we recognize these brands as “thought leaders,” and they’re often going to keep getting our clicks when we see them in the SERPs (search engine result pages).

    But I wanted to see if this is just me or if other search engine users have similar habits of recognizing certain brands as “go-to” sources for answers.

    So I asked my LinkedIn connections if they typically click results from certain brands more than others. The result:

    Screenshot of Victor Ijidola polling their LinkedIn audience on search engine usage

    Apparently, 80% of search engine users in my network tend to recognize certain trusted brands as the go-to source for information or answers.

    The bottom line here is, you want to be that website — or better yet, THAT AUTHOR — for your audience. And sharing unique and helpful POVs in your SEO content is one effective way to do that. And this is even more important now that Google rewards Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness (E-E-A-T) in its search algorithm.

    Reason 3: Hold attention for longer

    If you share POVs that are helpful and unique, you’ll get readers excited about your content and make them more likely to stay on your page longer.

    One time, I wrote an article featuring a couple of B2B marketers.

    I asked them how long it typically took them to determine whether they’ll read an entire content piece. Here are some of their responses:

    Screenshot stating that the person takes 5 seconds to determine if they will read an entire piece of content
    Screenshot stating that the person knows within 10 sentences if they will continue reading a piece of content

    In essence, they’re saying: It takes only a few seconds to decide whether a content piece, likely to consume 10 minutes of our time, is worth our attention.

    If your POV is strong enough, chances are high they’ll wait. They’ll read your headline and then your intro. So if your POV resonates with them, they’ll keep reading.

    Reason 4: Drive more conversions

    Think about this for a second: Imagine you’re selling CRM software. A potential customer who doesn’t even know they need a CRM tool goes to Google and searches for “how to manage customer relationships.”

    Your content is on the first page, so they click it. Once they’re in, the first line reads, “Customer relationship management isn’t about customer relationships. It’s about driving more revenue and conversions.”

    Right there and there, you’ve introduced a POV that’ll likely pique their interest. Now, they’re in a “tell me more” kind of mode.

    And if you play your cards right (more on this in a bit) and convince them that a good customer relationship management tool will grow their revenue, they can get inclined to sign up for your product.

    Reason 5: Become a socially relevant brand

    SEO content (informational or not) is usually not designed to be shared on social media or other platforms. Marketers who create this type of content are often only looking to get organic traffic from search engines.

    And that often results in creating content that’s not engaging enough to make people want to click and share with friends in the industry (or content that doesn’t help your brand be socially relevant).

    But if you’re creating content with specific POVs, you are likely to build a social brand — aka a brand people want to talk about and share on social media. An exemplary demonstration of this is the approach revenue intelligence platform Gong uses with their blog content.

    They’re almost always creating informational content that’s both search engine friendly and engaging enough for social platforms. For instance, their blog post on Value Selling is crushing it in the SERPs as well as on social media.

    When they shared the content on LinkedIn, it garnered over 180 likes, seven comments, and 10 reposts (which is huge on LinkedIn).

    Screenshot of a LinkedIn post by the company Gong

    Meanwhile, it’s ranking on search engine results pages (SERPS) for 25 keywords, meaning it’s organically driving search traffic:

    Screenshot showing the number of keywords Gong ranks for using Moz Pro tools

    This is happening because they’re not just cranking out SEO content; they’re creating search-friendly content with POVs that help them build a brand that’s socially relevant.

    Bottom line: creating informational SEO content doesn’t mean you can’t also create content with a point of view and personality — in fact, it’s often better to do so.

    How to create POV-driven informational content

    Here are some of my best tips for creating POV-driven content:

    There are lots of topics swirling around in your industry, but you don’t need all of them.

    Instead, you want to pick the ones that are most closely related to your product; those are the ones that’ll attract your target customers.

    Once you find them, you’ll need to narrow down your POVs on each of them.

    But before that, here’s how to find your topics in the first place:

    Plug in your main product-related topic or keyword into Moz Keyword Explorer and it’ll give you a list of related topics.

    For instance, if you’re a B2B software company selling CRM software for real estate businesses, a major topic for your business would be “real estate CRM.”

    Plug that into the tool and it’ll return a list of keywords and topics you can use in your content.

    A list of keywords using Moz Pro, relating to 'real estate CRM'

    Your primary job here is to be brutally honest with yourself about which of these related topics would:

    1. be the most interesting for your audience,

    2. give you an opportunity to share your POVs, and

    3. present opportunities to drive sales for your business.

    For instance, as a CRM software brand for real estate vendors, you’ll need to ignore keywords like “real estate agents near me,” and focus on topics related to CRM software like “CRM for real estate agents.”

    Resist the temptation to select any topic just because it has a high search volume or a low level of competition. Put your focus on topics that’ll interest your audience and bring value (leads, revenue, etc.) to your business.

    Next, narrow down your POVs on each topic you pick.

    2) Identify your POVs on selected topics/keywords

    Once you have your topics and keywords selected, identify your distinct point of view on each one.

    Nothing too complex here, just your true position on each topic that you can defend.

    And you can make this POV-identification process easy by simply asking, “What do I, or we as a business, think about {topic}?”

    For example, what does a brand like Drift think about AI marketing — or the role of AI in marketing? Here’s what their POV looks like:

    creenshot of an article about AI marketing by the company Drift

    It’s simple and to the point.

    Having a POV doesn’t always mean having big, grandeur ideas to share. Sometimes it’s simple and represents what you truly think about a topic — based on your experience and observations.

    That’s the crux of having a POV.

    It should represent you and your brand. It shouldn’t be something you just hand off to interns or inexperienced content creators to figure out.

    It should be something that gets shaped by your expertise, experience, and values. That’s what your audience will connect with. They’ll connect with you and your ideas.

    3) Introduce unbiased, contrasting approaches

    First, what are “contrasting approaches?”

    It’s simply the practice of introducing different POVs or methods to a problem.

    Done well, contrasting approaches help to showcase one important element: your credibility. It tells the reader, “I’m placing all the cards on the table. Make your choice.” And they love it; 72% of customers — from a Gartner survey — said they prefer completing their purchase without the help of sellers.

    They want to decide on their own without being told what to do. And introducing contrasting approaches, and genuinely highlighting the pros and cons of each, helps them do that.

    Drip comes to mind here. They created a series of articles on Drip vs. other email marketing platforms, and they’re decently unbiased. This is what Drip vs. MailChimp looks like, for instance:

    Screenshot comparing the differences between Drip and MailChimp

    Buyers often appreciate seeing different sides to an issue like this without feeling as though you’re trying to manipulate them, so Drip’s execution was on-point here.

    With contrasting approaches like this, you get to demonstrate your knowledge and authority on the topic, while also inviting your readers to think critically and compare their own opinions with yours.

    Important note: It’s important to truthfully provide both sides of an argument — not just the one that supports your POV. But of course, ‌it’s okay to be a bit biased here and say you prefer your product over others — but genuinely explain why.

    4) Back your POVs with recent data & case studies

    It’s not enough to just state your opinions and perspectives on a topic. You need to support them with credible and relevant evidence that shows why your POVs are valid and valuable.

    One of the best ways to do that is to use recent data and/or case studies that reinforce your points and make them believable.

    For example, if you’re writing about how to optimize your website for SEO, you can use data from Google Analytics or Moz to show how your strategies have improved your traffic and rankings.

    When you back points or claims with data like this, you eliminate objections and make your content more believable. And the more people believe your POVs, the more likely they are to trust you and the strategies, products, or services you offer.

    5) Infuse your POVs into all parts of your content

    All parts of your content here means: the headline, introduction, body, and conclusion.

    Make sure to weave POVs all throughout your content — from start to finish.

    And this simply means instead of just stating facts and figures, share your thoughts and experience for every point you raise.

    Remember my point earlier about how sharing POVs means sharing a part of yourself with your audience — i.e. your own thoughts and views?

    When you infuse POVs, you’re doing just that, and it’s an effective way to build a strong connection with your audience.

    POVs aren’t just opinions

    They’re informed opinions based on data, research, experience, or insights.

    They show that you know what you’re talking about and that you have something valuable to offer. They also help you stand out from the crowd and differentiate yourself from your competitors.

    For example, if you’re writing a blog post about the best SEO tools for beginners, you could share your POV on why Moz is better than its competitors — from your real-life experience.

    By sharing your POV, you’re not just providing information. You’re providing value. You’re showing your readers that you understand their problems and you have a solution for them.

    Sharing POVs inside informational SEO content can help to drive conversions because it builds trust and rapport with your audience. It also shows that you’re confident and authoritative in your niche. And it makes your content more interesting and memorable.

    So next time you write SEO content, don’t be afraid to share your POV. It could make a big difference in your results.

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