Victor Blasco, Author at News for Project Managers - PMI Wed, 22 Nov 2023 17:24:55 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Victor Blasco, Author at 32 32 Day 93: Web components Wed, 22 Nov 2023 17:24:55 +0000 day-93:-web-components

Web development has evolved significantly over the years, with a constant quest for more modular, reusable, and maintainable…

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Web development has evolved significantly over the years, with a constant quest for more modular, reusable, and maintainable code. Web Components provides a set of web platform APIs that enable the creation of custom, reusable, and encapsulated HTML elements.

HTML Templates 🎨

HTML Templates are the foundation of Web Components, providing a way to declare fragments of markup that can be cloned and inserted into the document later. This helps in creating modular and reusable pieces of UI.


Hello, !

Here, we’ve defined a template with a placeholder () that can be filled with content when the template is used.

Custom Elements 🚀

Custom Elements allow developers to create their own HTML elements with custom behavior. They encapsulate functionality, making it easy to reuse and share across different projects.

class MyComponent extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {

    const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });

    // Use the template directly within the class
    shadowRoot.innerHTML = `

Hello, !

; } } customElements.define('my-component', MyComponent);

Now, you can use in your HTML:

Shadow DOM 🔍

Shadow DOM provides encapsulation for your web components, shielding their styles and structure from the rest of the document. This ensures that styles and scripts in your component do not interfere with the rest of the page.

class MyComponent extends HTMLElement {
  constructor() {

    // Attach a shadow DOM to encapsulate styles and structure
    const shadowRoot = this.attachShadow({ mode: 'open' });

    shadowRoot.innerHTML = `

Hello, !

; } } customElements.define('my-component', MyComponent);

Tips 💡

  1. Keep it modular: Break down complex UIs into smaller, manageable components to maximize reusability.
  2. Use Shadow DOM judiciously: Leverage Shadow DOM to encapsulate styles and scripts, preventing unintended interference.
  3. Explore component libraries: Many libraries, such as LitElement and Stencil, simplify the creation and management of Web Components.
  4. Events: Use Custom Events to establish communication between Web Components, enabling a more modular architecture.
  5. Lifecycle Hooks: Implement lifecycle hooks (e.g., connectedCallback, disconnectedCallback) to perform actions when a component is added or removed from the DOM.

Usage 🌐

Web Components find extensive use in various scenarios, from UI libraries to large-scale applications.

  • UI Libraries: Build modular UI components that can be easily shared and reused across projects.
  • Micro-frontends: Use Web Components to create self-contained, independently deployable parts of a larger application.
  • Third-Party Integration: Develop widgets or components that can be embedded seamlessly into other websites.

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Sloan’s Inbox: How do you find a mentor? Thu, 16 Nov 2023 22:24:26 +0000 sloan’s-inbox:-how-do-you-find-a-mentor?

Hey friends! Sloan, DEV Moderator and mascot, coming back at ya with another question submitted by a DEV…

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Hey friends! Sloan, DEV Moderator and mascot, coming back at ya with another question submitted by a DEV community member. 🦥

For those unfamiliar with the series, this is another installment of Sloan’s Inbox. You all send in your questions, I ask them on your behalf anonymously, and the community leaves comments to offer advice. Whether it’s career development, office politics, industry trends, or improving technical skills, we cover all sorts of topics here. If you want to send in a question or talking point to be shared anonymously via Sloan, that’d be great; just scroll down to the bottom of the post for details on how.

Let’s see what we have for this week…

Today’s question is:

I’m just getting started with development and have been feeling pretty overwhelmed. There are loads of resources out there: video tutorials, blog posts, self-guided courses, etc. I’m feeling like I could use a human touchpoint to ask questions and provide me with guidance. Any suggestions for how to find a mentor? If you all know of any particularly good resources in this regard, I’d be very grateful!

Share your thoughts and let’s help a fellow DEV member out! Remember to keep kind and stay classy. 💚

Want to submit a question for discussion or ask for advice? Visit Sloan’s Inbox! You can choose to remain anonymous.

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Four Holiday Shopper Mindsets Brands Should Keep Up With, According to Google Thu, 16 Nov 2023 22:24:20 +0000 four-holiday-shopper-mindsets-brands-should-keep-up-with,-according-to-google

Throughout the holiday season, we at Google have annually watched shoppers move between 4 distinct mindsets, or what…

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Throughout the holiday season, we at Google have annually watched shoppers move between 4 distinct mindsets, or what we call the ‘4Ds:’ deliberate, deal-seeking, determined, and devoted.

What are these four Ds?

  • Starting in July, consumers are deliberate, thoughtfully planning their holiday purchases and wishlists.
  • From October to November, they’re deal-seeking, hunting for deals and prioritizing quality and value.
  • By December, they become determined to complete their shopping ahead of the holidays and are using all days and resources to get it done.
  • And finally, by January, consumers become devoted as they continue to shop past peak season.

Check out this quick short where we highlight these trends below:

Download Now: 15 Free Holiday Email Templates

What Do the 4Ds Mean for Your Brand?

With December fast approaching, we’ll start to see the determined shopping mindset emerge followed by devoted buyers in January.

Leveraging these three strategies has helped us, and will also help you, align with these busy shoppers:

  1. Keep momentum in December and beyond
  2. Connect with customers across touchpoints
  3. Build long-term brand loyalty

Keeping Momentum in December — and Beyond

The opportunity for retailers doesn’t end with Cyber 5, the peak deal period from Black Friday through Cyber Monday.

According to a Mastercard analysis we ran with BCG from October 2022 through January, 46% of U.S. consumer holiday spending occurred between Cyber Monday and Christmas Eve in 2022. These shoppers also spent over $47 billion in retail in the two weeks after December 25th. 

So what’s driving consumer demand in December and January? We partnered with Ipsos on a few surveys between October 2022 and January 2023 to find out:

In December, shoppers are more motivated than ever to finish holiday shopping. Last year, the average US shopper still had 50% of their shopping left to do after “Cyber 5.” Gen Z-ers had even more left to complete than other generations. [4] 

By January, consumers can now shop for their own enjoyment and less-so out of gift obligations. According to our data, 50% of consumers enjoy shopping shortly after Christmas.

Connecting with Customers Across Touchpoints

In-store shopping climbed to record heights last year, topping $1 trillion for the first time ever.

A key driver behind these high rates of brick-and-mortar shopping is shoppers’ use of digital resources before going to a physical shop. These digital offerings are helpful to in both deciding on and fulfilling them.

“Last year, 30% of our online orders were fulfilled through our 1350+ physical stores, which is very different from what it was a couple years ago,” says Cherie Yates, Manager of Search at Ulta Beauty.

We also see consumers increasingly tapping into multiple digital channels over the course of the season.

An online study we ran with Ipsos from October 2022 through January 2023 revealed more than half of shoppers used five or more channels, like video and social media, to shop over a two-day period in 2022. That proportion of shoppers increased in December.

And we actually see shoppers use even more digital resources to make purchases after the height of the holiday season, with the average number of digital resources used increasing post-holiday. From our research, we see that this includes Google properties, like Search, Maps, Youtube, whose already high usage throughout the season increases significantly post-Christmas.

Not only are shoppers continuing to shop, but they’re shopping across more digital properties. This means brands that use omnichannel experiences to connect with customers across touchpoints can stand out from the crowd.

Build Long-Term Brand Loyalty.

In a Google-commissioned study we ran this October, we learned there’s an even larger opportunity to build long-term brand loyalty, especially as almost half (47%) of shoppers say the time after Christmas enables them to shop for brands they love. 

Consider promoting loyalty or rewards programs, which are top of mind for shoppers during this period.

In January 2023, we observed a noteworthy 50% surge in search interest regarding loyalty programs, which includes searches like ‘reward program’ and ‘loyalty points’, compared to December 2022.[11]

In data we gathered between September 2022 and January 2023, we also saw the search volume for gift-related queries, like ‘gifts’ and ‘presents,’ remained high in January 2023 — a 45% and 15% increase compared to the early holiday months of September 2022 and October 2022, respectively.

What’s Next?

Now that you’ve learned about these key holiday trends, start getting ahead of the Black-Friday buzz by preparing and finalizing your holiday campaigns — if you haven’t already. 

For more content or helpful tips, check out our Holiday Shopping Trends Report from Think With Google, or keep exploring the HubSpot Marketing Blog.

New Call-to-Action

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5 key things your product videos need to help you sell more Tue, 31 Oct 2023 14:25:02 +0000 5-key-things-your-product-videos-need-to-help-you-sell-more

Product videos are persuasive marketing tools that bridge the gap between a potential customer’s curiosity and their decision…

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5 key things your product videos need to help you sell more

Product videos are persuasive marketing tools that bridge the gap between a potential customer’s curiosity and their decision to purchase. 

As customers, we’ve all been there at least once – hovering over the ‘buy now’ button, wishing we could get a closer, more tangible feel of the product before committing to buy. 

That’s where a well-crafted product video steps in, turning that hesitation into a confident choice. 

For many businesses, overlooking the potential of product videos is akin to leaving money on the table. But the bigger problem is that even when you do take the time and resources to craft these videos for your brand, you still need to understand what they need to get the results you want!

Otherwise, you’re not only leaving money on the table but actively burning it with little to no return.

So, in this article, we’ll go over five key elements that high-quality product videos must have to truly showcase your product in compelling ways, leading viewers to get excited and ultimately take the plunge and buy.

Let’s get right into it, shall we?

#1 – A focus on key features

Not all product features are equal. Some are your heavy hitters, the ones that make customers go, “I’ve got to have this!” Others, while still essential, might not have that same wow factor. 

So, how do you decide what to put under the spotlight?

Every great product addresses a specific need or pain point, and making sure your video highlights it can be a game-changer. Showing how your product isn’t just another item on the shelf but a solution to a genuine problem your audience experiences. 

Think about the most important feature(s) your product has that could be life-changing for your customers in terms of making their lives easier, better, or more fun. Those are your shortlist. Most of the time, you’ll want to pick the one that will resonate with your average customer most and build your product video around that. 

While you can highlight more minor features in your video, it’s usually best to focus on keeping those key ones at the forefront, as those typically tie to the core reasons and pain points that move viewers into action.

#2 – Showcase real-world application 

Let’s be real for a moment. How often have you watched a product video, heard all the bells and whistles, but thought, “But how would I use this in my day-to-day life?”

Rather than keeping your customers guessing, spell it out for them. Take Apple, for instance – they’re masters at this. 

When they introduced a new iPhone feature, the Dynamic Island, they didn’t just tell you about it – they really showed it, making this little on-screen bubble way more relevant and impactful to the audience. 

Demonstrating real-world application bridges the gap between “That’s cool” and “I need this in my life.” By showing what a product can do for the users in your video, you’re turning information into a personal and relatable experience, getting viewers to imagine themselves enjoying those features in real-world scenarios.

So, the next time you’re showcasing a product through video, that’s how you bring it to life. Show it in action, illustrating practical scenarios that resonate with your audience. Because when viewers can see themselves reflected in your product video’s story, that’s when they truly connect with it and ultimately decide to buy it.

#3 – Leverage animation for clarity and versatility

For product videos, animation stands out as a uniquely powerful tool, offering depth and flexibility that traditional videography can’t always match. 

Beyond looking cool, high-quality animated assets can help enhance viewers’ understanding of your message and truly engage their attention with dynamic visuals. Complex products and solutions can particularly benefit from animation, which can help you peel back the layers of intricacy to present your message and products in a way any viewer can follow.

Now, you might think of stuff like a 3D rendering of your product when you hear “product animation.” While that’s a valid and effective use, the scope of animation is well beyond that. 

Animations can illustrate metaphors, simplify explanations, and create scenarios that bring these abstract ideas connected to your products to life, making them relatable and understandable for the viewer and ultimately helping you create better videos. 

Moreover, animated assets can adapt to various styles, tones, and moods. Whether you’re aiming for a playful, educational, or sophisticated vibe, animation can be tailored to fit the bill, ensuring that your video aligns perfectly with your product’s branding aesthetics and your audience’s tastes.

#4 – Anticipate and address common concerns

Let’s face it: No matter how groundbreaking or revolutionary your product might be, there’s always going to be that group of people raising their eyebrows, asking, “But what about…?” And honestly, that’s a good thing. Skepticism means they’re engaged, they’re thinking, and they’re just a step away from being convinced.

Now, while it’s easy to gloss over these concerns in favor of the more glamorous, features-focused product video, addressing concerns head-on can be a powerful way to make your product videos more effective at generating conversions. Why? Because it shows transparency, honesty, and a genuine understanding of your customers’ needs.

Think about the last time you had reservations about a product. Maybe you wondered if those wireless earbuds would stay put during a run or if that eco-friendly cleaner could take care of tough stains. 

Now, imagine if the product video you were watching addressed those specific concerns as you watched, showing those earbuds in action during a marathon or that cleaner obliterating a wine stain. 

That’s the “Ah-ha!” moment a great product video can deliver, where skepticism turns into belief.

But how do you pinpoint these concerns to begin with? Well, you can dive into reviews, customer emails, or even social media comments. Look for recurring themes or questions. These channels can be a gold mine of insights, giving you a direct line into what your potential customers are thinking and asking about a product.

Once you’ve got a list, weave them into your video’s narrative – but don’t just address them as a throwaway line in the script! Demonstrate them properly, as we discussed earlier as well. 

If there’s a recurring concern about durability, show your product taking a beating and coming out unscathed. If it’s about ease of use, walk them through the process in a step-by-step fashion. Take the time to do it right, and you’ll have a product video that will move viewers into action.

#5 – Effective CTAs: More than just a “Buy now” button

We’ve all seen them, those ubiquitous “Buy now” or “Learn more” buttons popping up at the end of many a product video. But let’s be real: a generic call to action (CTA) like that just doesn’t cut it anymore. 

If you want to move your viewers to action, your CTA needs to be more than just an afterthought; it needs to be the peak of a crescendo, the climax of your product video’s narrative.

So, how do you craft a CTA that doesn’t just blend into the background? Here are some tips:

  • Make it personal: Generic CTAs are forgettable. Instead of the usual “Sign up,” how about “Sign up now to stop feeling X”? X points to any pain point they’re going through. It’s a great way to tailor your CTA to the specific experience or benefit your product offers.
  • Create urgency: There’s a fine line between urging viewers to take action and pressuring them. Phrases like “We’ve only created X Of these” or “First X customers get X percent discount” can create a sense of urgency without making viewers feel cornered.
  • Visual appeal matters: Play with colors, animations, and screen positioning to make your CTA stand out while still aligning with your brand’s aesthetic.
  • Context is key: A CTA that resonates is one that’s relevant. If your product video is about a new software’s trial version, a “Try for free” CTA would be more apt than a generic “Learn more.”

In short

If there’s only one thing to take away here, it’s this: It’s all about the viewer

From highlighting those killer features to ending with a bang of a CTA, every bit of your video should be tailored to resonate with your audience. 

Your product might be the centerpiece of your product video, but the audience is really the star.

So, the next time you’re crafting one of these videos, keep these design elements and insights in your back pocket and use them every chance you get to create content that actually impacts your bottom line. 

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