Stephanie Stahl, Author at News for Project Managers - PMI Mon, 15 Apr 2024 20:20:59 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Stephanie Stahl, Author at 32 32 Java 22: A Glimpse into the Future of Java Development Mon, 15 Apr 2024 20:20:59 +0000 java-22:-a-glimpse-into-the-future-of-java-development

The Java community is abuzz with excitement as Java 22, the latest installment in the Java platform, is…

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The Java community is abuzz with excitement as Java 22, the latest installment in the Java platform, is set to be released. With a host of new features and enhancements, Java 22 promises to bolster the efficiency and productivity of developers worldwide. Let’s dive into some of the key features expected in this release

1.Unnamed Variables & Patterns

Simplifying Code Java 22 introduces unnamed variables and patterns, allowing developers to use an underscore (_) for unused variables, streamlining the code and enhancing readability. For example:
Unnamed Variables & Patterns
This feature is part of JEP 456 and is a significant step towards more concise Java code

2. Multi-File Source-Code Programs

Ease of Execution With JEP 458, Java 22 will enable developers to launch programs consisting of several .java files without compiling them in advance. This feature is particularly useful for small projects and quick prototyping.

3. Foreign Function & Memory API

Bridging Java and Native Code The Foreign Function & Memory API, which has undergone several rounds of incubation, is finally being finalized in Java 22. This API facilitates the interaction between Java and native code, opening up new possibilities for Java applications

4. Stream Gatherers: Custom Intermediate Operations

Java 22 introduces Stream Gatherers (JEP 461), which allow for custom intermediate stream operations. This feature will enable developers to transform data in streams in ways not previously possible with built-in operations

5. Stream Gatherers: Custom Intermediate Operations

Java 22 introduces Stream Gatherers (JEP 461), which allow for custom intermediate stream operations. This feature will enable developers to transform data in streams in ways not previously possible with built-in operations

6. Scoped Values and Structured Concurrency

Simplified Concurrency Continuing from their preview in Java 21, scoped values and structured concurrency are going into a second preview round in Java 22. These features aim to simplify concurrent programming by treating groups of related tasks as a single unit of work

7. String Templates: Flexible String Composition

String templates, also previewed in Java 21, are entering a second preview round. This feature provides developers with a more flexible way to compose strings, complementing existing string literals and text blocks

Conclusion: The Future is Bright with Java 22 Java 22 is shaping up to be a landmark release, with features that cater to both the current needs and future directions of Java development. From unnamed variables to enhanced stream operations, Java 22 is poised to further cement Java’s position as a leading programming language.

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Enterprise Marketers Leading With Strategy in 2024 [New Research] Wed, 13 Mar 2024 10:21:14 +0000 enterprise-marketers-leading-with-strategy-in-2024-[new-research]

Discover what enterprise content marketers expect in 2024, from budgets, generative AI, tech, social media use, and more.…

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Discover what enterprise content marketers expect in 2024, from budgets, generative AI, tech, social media use, and more. CMI’s newly released research also finds out what sets top performers apart from their industry peers.

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Prisma vs Sequelize: A Comprehensive Comparison of Node.js ORMs Tue, 20 Feb 2024 21:20:44 +0000 prisma-vs-sequelize:-a-comprehensive-comparison-of-node.js-orms

In the landscape of web development, Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tools play a pivotal role in bridging the gap…

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In the landscape of web development, Object-Relational Mapping (ORM) tools play a pivotal role in bridging the gap between the object-oriented world of application code and the relational world of databases. For Node.js developers, two of the most prominent ORM tools are Prisma and Sequelize. This article provides an in-depth comparison of these tools, aiming to guide developers in choosing the ORM that best suits their project requirements.

Introduction to ORM
ORM is a technique used to query and manipulate data from a database using an object-oriented paradigm. By abstracting the database interactions, ORMs allow developers to work with data as if they were working with regular objects in their programming language, thus reducing the need for SQL knowledge and streamlining database operations.

Overview of Prisma
Prisma is a next-generation ORM for Node.js and TypeScript, known for its focus on type safety, ease of use, and performance. Unlike traditional ORMs, Prisma introduces a unique approach by using a Prisma schema to define the database models and their relationships. This schema is then used to generate a Prisma Client, which provides type-safe database access.

Features of Prisma

  • Type Safety: Prisma ensures type safety by generating a tailored client based on the database schema, offering compile-time checks for database queries.
  • Developer Experience: With its intuitive schema syntax and powerful CLI, Prisma simplifies database operations, migrations, and data modeling.
  • Performance: Prisma’s efficient query engine optimizes database access, ensuring high performance for your applications.

Overview of Sequelize
Sequelize is a promise-based ORM for Node.js, supporting various dialects such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, MariaDB, SQLite, and Microsoft SQL Server. It has been a popular choice among developers for its robustness, flexibility, and comprehensive feature set.

Features of Sequelize

  • Support for Promises: Sequelize fully embraces promises, allowing for asynchronous database operations and cleaner code.
  • Model Definitions: It offers a flexible model definition syntax, supporting both traditional table mappings and dynamic model generation from existing databases.
  • Migrations and Transactions: Sequelize provides built-in support for database migrations and transactions, ensuring data integrity and consistency.

Comparison Criteria

When comparing Prisma and Sequelize, several key criteria should be considered:

  1. Ease of Use
  2. Prisma shines with its modern approach to schema definition and client generation, making it straightforward to get started and maintain.
  3. Sequelize requires a bit more boilerplate for model definitions and initial setup but offers extensive documentation to guide developers through the process.

  4. Type Safety

  5. Prisma offers unparalleled type safety due to its generated client that mirrors the database schema, significantly reducing runtime errors.

  6. Sequelize, while offering TypeScript support, cannot match Prisma’s level of compile-time checks without additional typing effort.

  7. Performance

  8. Both ORMs perform well under typical workloads. However, Prisma’s tailored client can lead to more optimized queries in certain scenarios, potentially offering a performance edge over Sequelize.

  9. Community and Ecosystem

  10. Sequelize has been around longer, boasting a large community and a wealth of tutorials, plugins, and third-party tools.

  11. Prisma is rapidly growing its community and ecosystem, with increasing adoption and contributions, making it a strong contender.


Choosing between Prisma and Sequelize depends on your project’s specific needs, your team’s familiarity with TypeScript, and your preference for type safety versus flexibility. Prisma is a strong choice for projects where type safety, developer experience, and performance are priorities. On the other hand, Sequelize offers great flexibility, a robust set of features, and is well-suited for those who prefer a more traditional ORM approach.
Regardless of the choice, both Prisma and Sequelize are powerful tools that can significantly enhance the productivity and efficiency of Node.js developers in managing database operations.

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Key Trends in Content Marketing 2024: 67 Predictions Wed, 06 Dec 2023 11:25:04 +0000 key-trends-in-content-marketing-2024:-67-predictions

What’s ahead in content and marketing for 2024? AI gets a lot of attention in these predictions, but…

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What’s ahead in content and marketing for 2024? AI gets a lot of attention in these predictions, but in surprising ways. Plus, these experts forecast the impact of social media and world turmoil and give a healthy dose of hope.

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