Shashank, Author at News for Project Managers - PMI Sun, 08 Oct 2023 13:25:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Shashank, Author at 32 32 Yet Another Newsletter LOL: Pizza Byte Sun, 08 Oct 2023 13:25:00 +0000 yet-another-newsletter-lol:-pizza-byte

Before we get started, I was wondering about the cadence of this newsletter. Do you all enjoy receiving…

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Before we get started, I was wondering about the cadence of this newsletter. Do you all enjoy receiving it weekly, or would every two weeks or once a month be better for you all? Please let me know by dropping an email to nick at

And with that, another week, another newsletter. Let’s get to it!

Around the Web

Fun Stuff

This is plugging my work (shameless plug I guess), but even before I joined, I loved the high quality videos that OpenSauced put out, and this one, although they do have a serious discussion, the setting and the tone are hilarious. Also, all I wanted to do after watching this video was to eat pizza lol.

Words of Wisdom for the Week

Keep showing up consistently and good things will happen to you.

YK on X

Shameless Plugs

The video with Aditya Oberai from AppWrite is live on YouTube!

We dug into AppWrite Functions, including their many function templates.

This week I got to hang with Peli de Halleux (@pelikhan), a principal software engineer from Microsoft, to learn all about DeviceScript!

The full recording will be dropping on my YouTube channel some time next week.

Remember to like and subscribe to the channel! 😎

This coming week, I’ll be hanging with my coworker Bekah! We’re going to be doing a Hacktoberfest check-in. Come hang with us if you have any questions about Hacktoberfest, are interested in contributing (we’ve got some great first issues for OpenSauced where we both work), or just come by to say hello!


  • WorkOS is looking for a Developer Success Engineer – (ideally EMEA/UK and remote)
  • This is not a job posting, but the Rezi resume generation tool looks like a great starting point for building out your resume or updating it. For the free lifetime access, the coupon code is hirednow all in lowercase.

I post jobs in the community, plus all other kinds of content, as do others. If you’re looking for another friendly nook of the internet, head to

If you liked this newsletter, you can subscribe or if RSS is your jam, you can also subscribe via RSS.

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👑👑ℹ Content is King; Community is Queen, and Data is the heir apparent! Mon, 25 Sep 2023 21:25:18 +0000 -content-is-king;-community-is-queen,-and-data-is-the-heir-apparent!

a friendly avocado saying hello! This is an article detailing the dynamic trio: Content, Community and Data, and…

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Friendly avocado
a friendly avocado saying hello!

This is an article detailing the dynamic trio: Content, Community and Data, and the impact they have on the developer community.

I have modified the statement, “Content is king, community is Queen” to “Content is king, community is Queen… And data is the heir apparent.” This is because you can’t talk about content and community without data. Your content and community engagement would be water off the back of a rock if data isn’t gotten from it and analyzed.

Table of Contents

 1. Content is king:
 2. Community is Queen:
 3. Data is the heir apparent
 4. Conclusion

To get into this study, we will first break down each of the terms that we are working with, and then amalgamate them to give us one clear and concise meaning.

Content is king:

To break this down, let us look at what content is, and what a king is.

Content: By dictionary definition, content means THAT WHICH IS CONTAINED. When someone says, “These are the contents of this box.”, you think, these are the things contained in this box.

So, when you think of content in terms of a brand or product, or service, think of it as that which is contained in or within the brand, product, or service, and in the better sense, that which is contained within the audience.

King: By dictionary definition, a king is Something that has a preeminent position. This means that a king or the king of something exceeds others (members or parts of that thing) in quality or ranking.

Content is king. To sum it all up: that which is contained in a brand, product, or service exceeds all the other qualities/attributes of that brand in ranking.

Community is Queen:

Community: By dictionary definition, a community is a condition of having certain attitudes and interests in common. I bet you weren’t expecting me to use that definition. But see, it is the definition of community that resonates much more with me and with the work I do.

What is your community? Your community is a collection of people with certain attitudes and interests (sometimes in common).

Queen: Something regarded as the greatest of its kind or as having preeminence or power.

Bringing it all together, the notion of community holds immense importance, especially in the context of Developer Relations and Developer Marketing. A community is not just a gathering of individuals; it represents a collective of like-minded people sharing common interests, passions, and goals. For developers, communities act as hubs of knowledge exchange, collaboration, and support.

Data is the heir apparent

Data: For the purpose of this article, we will see and understand data as Recorded observations. This gives us a better insight into what we will use data for.

Heir apparent: This can be seen as something whose position in the line of succession cannot be taken away by anything or anyone.

So, in this world of Developer advocacy, no matter the advancement in tools and technology, the place of data can never be taken away.

In the contemporary digital landscape, data reigns supreme as the heir apparent to the positions of content and community. It represents the culmination of insights, preferences, and behaviors exhibited by the target audience and community members.

In today’s digital age, content takes various forms, including written articles, videos, social media posts, infographics, and podcasts, to name a few. Each piece of content represents an opportunity to engage with the target audience, build relationships, and ultimately drive conversions.

Understanding the significance of crafting compelling content that captivates the audience and influences their perceptions. Content, in its reign as king, demands creativity, relevance, and a deep understanding of the audience’s needs and desires.

I see a lot of businesses fall short of this. To be able to reach an audience properly, you have to give them what they want, not what you’re selling. A more familiar term for this is “selling a solution, not your problem.”

For example, a company’s product is a frontend framework and the company is looking to create a YouTube video to explain or demo the product.

Most people will go with making a video that will focus solely on that product. Example: how to use in web development. In itself, there is nothing wrong with that title or concept.

Consider who exactly your audience are and how you want to reach them.

More likely than not, your audience is frontend developers who are looking for projects to add to their portfolio to make it richer. Creating a video that is, “build a fully functional and responsive e-commerce website in 45 minutes!”

This is going to reach more people, because frontend devs want an e-commerce website in their portfolio, and one to be built in 45 minutes!

Content is the driving force behind inbound marketing strategies, drawing potential customers toward a brand rather than pushing them through aggressive promotional tactics.

Furthermore, content’s position as king doesn’t solely rely on its creation but also on its distribution and amplification. An effectively executed content marketing strategy ensures that the right content reaches the right audience at the right time, increasing brand visibility and establishing authority in the industry.

In Developer Relations, understanding the dynamics of the developer community becomes paramount. Your community is the group of developers you aim to connect with and foster meaningful relationships with. Engaging with this community requires genuine empathy and the ability to comprehend their pain points, aspirations, and preferences.

Being a part of developer communities allows you to actively listen to their feedback, challenges, and success stories. It enables you to identify trends, emerging technologies, and the needs of developers, which are invaluable insights for crafting targeted content and designing developer-centric marketing initiatives.

When people think of community, they often think of a Discord server, or Slack group, or Telegram. While these are very valid community platforms, there are so many other ways to create a community and cater to them. By default, every business has a community. You can call this an industry or niche. With our previous example: already has a community of front-end developers around it. The fundamental problem is how to reach out to that community and keep them engaged. This is done through the primary outreach avenue for situations like this, which is sending relevant and timely content. As a company grows in its industry and niche and notices that they have started to form a sub-industry or niche of its own, it can go ahead to create a social media community platform to accept its community members. But this isn’t necessary for growth or sustainability.

Data-driven decision-making has become an indispensable aspect of modern marketing. By leveraging data analytics, you gain invaluable insights into developer preferences, pain points, and the effectiveness of your content and community engagement initiatives. Data empowers you to fine-tune your strategies, personalize your communications, and optimize your outreach to developers.

In Developer Relations and Developer Marketing, data-driven insights enable you to identify influential developers within your community, understand their contributions, and recognize emerging trends in the developer ecosystem. Armed with this knowledge, you can curate content that resonates deeply with the target audience, offer tailored solutions, and cultivate authentic relationships.

Moreover, data acts as a bridge between content and community. By analyzing the data generated from community interactions, you can identify the type of content that generates the most engagement and meets the community’s needs. This virtuous cycle of data-informing content and content enriching the community solidifies the bond between your brand and the developers.


The trinity of “Content is king, community is Queen, and data is the heir apparent” forms the foundation of successful Developer Relations and Developer Marketing strategies. By creating compelling content, nurturing a thriving developer community, and harnessing data-driven insights, you can unlock new levels of engagement, advocacy, and growth within the developer ecosystem. Embrace the power of this trinity, and you’ll find yourself at the forefront of a vibrant and influential developer-centric movement.

Thank you all for dropping by and reading today’s article. I hope you enjoyed it and learned from it as well. ❤❤

avocado saying bye

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( Token x Criptomoeda ) as diferenças. Mon, 07 Aug 2023 19:24:46 +0000 (-token-x-criptomoeda-)-as-diferencas.

Criptomoedas e tokens são ambos ativos digitais que têm o potencial de revolucionar a maneira como fazemos negócios,…

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Criptomoedas e tokens são ambos ativos digitais que têm o potencial de revolucionar a maneira como fazemos negócios, são termos frequentemente usados no contexto das tecnologias blockchain e criptografia, mas têm significados distintos. No entanto, é importante entender as diferenças entre os dois antes de investir ou usar qualquer um deles. Vamos entender cada um deles:

1. Token:

Um token é uma unidade de valor ou ativo digital que pode representar algo específico em um ecossistema blockchain. Os tokens podem ser usados para representar uma variedade de coisas, como bens, serviços, direitos ou acesso a recursos. Os tokens são geralmente emitidos por empresas ou organizações que estão desenvolvendo novos projetos ou produtos.Esses tokens são criados e operam na maioria das vezes em plataformas que utilizam contratos inteligentes, como Ethereum e Binance Smart Chain, que são redes blockchain que permitem a criação de tokens padronizados.

Os tokens podem ter diversas finalidades, e algumas das mais comuns são:

  • Utilitários: São tokens usados para acessar serviços ou recursos dentro de uma plataforma específica. Por exemplo, em uma plataforma de jogos, os tokens podem ser usados para comprar itens ou desbloquear níveis.

  • Ativos Digitais: Podem representar ativos do mundo real, como ações, propriedades, commodities, etc. Por exemplo, uma empresa pode emitir um token que representa uma parte de suas ações.

  • Moedas Estáveis: Tokens que são ancorados a uma moeda fiduciária, como o dólar dos EUA, para manter seu valor estável.

2. Criptomoeda:

Uma criptomoeda é um tipo de moeda digital que é descentralizada e utiliza criptografia e algoritmos de consenso para garantir a segurança das transações e controlar a criação de novas unidades, o que significa que não é controlada por nenhum governo ou banco central. As criptomoedas são geralmente baseadas em tecnologia blockchain, que é um sistema de registro distribuído que mantém um histórico de todas as transações.

As criptomoedas são projetadas para serem meios de troca, unidades de conta e reservas de valor. Bitcoin é o exemplo mais conhecido de uma criptomoeda, mas existem muitas outras, como Ethereum, Ripple (XRP), Litecoin, etc.

Ao contrário dos tokens, as criptomoedas têm suas próprias blockchains independentes. A criação de uma nova criptomoeda geralmente requer o desenvolvimento de um novo protocolo e a obtenção de consenso entre a comunidade de usuários e mineradores para sua adoção. Podemos observar as diferenças entre criptomoedas e tokens:

Centralização: As criptomoedas são descentralizadas, enquanto os tokens podem ser centralizados ou descentralizados.

Uso: As criptomoedas são geralmente usadas para comprar bens e serviços, enquanto os tokens podem ser usados para representar uma variedade de coisas, como bens, serviços, direitos ou acesso a recursos.

Tecnologia: As criptomoedas são geralmente baseadas em tecnologia blockchain, enquanto os tokens podem ser baseados em uma variedade de tecnologias, incluindo blockchain, contratos inteligentes e aplicativos descentralizados (dApps).

Emissão: As criptomoedas são geralmente emitidas por meio de um processo chamado mineração, enquanto os tokens podem ser emitidos por uma variedade de métodos, incluindo mineração, venda de tokens ou distribuição gratuita.

Podemos concluir que a principal diferença entre token e criptomoeda é que os tokens são ativos digitais que podem representar várias coisas e são criados e operam dentro de uma plataforma blockchain existente, enquanto as criptomoedas são dinheiro digital descentralizado que opera em sua própria blockchain independente.

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10 Business Grants for AAPI Entrepreneurs (+ Where to Find More) Mon, 29 May 2023 16:25:21 +0000 10-business-grants-for-aapi-entrepreneurs-(+-where-to-find-more)

Welcome to Breaking the Blueprint — a blog series that dives into the unique business challenges and opportunities…

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Welcome to Breaking the Blueprint — a blog series that dives into the unique business challenges and opportunities of underrepresented business owners and entrepreneurs. Learn how they’ve grown or scaled their businesses, explored entrepreneurial ventures within their companies, or created side hustles, and how their stories can inspire and inform your own success.

Courage and hope reside at the heart of building a business. Hope for a better quality of life, financial stability, and, if we’re lucky, generational wealth for our families.

However, for Asian American and Pacific Islander entrepreneurs, spinning an idea into a profitable business requires startup funding that is often difficult to access because of systemic barriers.

Read more Breaking the Blueprint content

As an alternative to venture capital, angel investments, and loans, business grants can help bridge this gap by awarding money that doesn’t require repayment or equity exchange. This post will explore where AAPI entrepreneurs can find business grants, and how to apply for them successfully.

Why are grants helpful for AAPI business owners?

Although the AAPI community owns around 2 million enterprises, including small sole proprietorships, and is the most rapidly growing ethnic group in America, grant opportunities specifically for AAPI businesses are scarce.

Beyond the absence of support for these aspiring business owners, AAPI entrepreneurs are also hesitant to apply for the small number of available funds and grants due to cultural and language barriers. According to a survey conducted by Bank of America, 37% of AAPI business owners don’t feel sufficiently informed on how to apply for capital and 23% don’t know where to apply. The National CAPACD also reports that 58% of AAPI entrepreneurs struggle with federal, state, and local relief programs for small businesses.

There is a clear need for more visible resources and mentorship related to business development and funding opportunities so that a new generation of AAPI-founded companies can make culture-shifting and innovative contributions to society. The first step to picking the right resource for you is understanding how much money you’ll need.

How much does it cost to start a business?

Finances are unique for each person or company and depend on the type of business, the number of employees, and other details. According to Small Business Trends, on average, startup and first-year costs fall between $30,000 and $40,000, although it can cost significantly less for service providers and online businesses. There are several variables to consider when evaluating how much money you’ll need to launch, including:

  • One-time and ongoing costs
  • Essentials such as equipment, software, and supplies
  • Fixed and fluctuating costs such as rent and utilities
  • Marketing expenses
  • Legal and accounting fees
  • Insurance
  • Licenses and permits
  • Employee salaries and benefits
  • Taxes

The U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) has a handy worksheet for calculating startup costs. After determining how much money you’ll need, you can assess your options for funding, whether it’s pulling from your personal accounts, courting investors, applying for a grant, or seeking lending options through banks.

The Difference Between Investors and Grant Programs

This money doesn’t appear like an ancestral blessing with no strings attached. Investors earn a return on their investment through equity and earning dividends in the form of cash or shares of stock, or in some cases, repayment with a pre-decided interest rate.

On the other hand, business grants are non-dilutive, meaning you keep full ownership of your business and don’t have to pay back any money. Many grant programs award the money upfront, while some pay as reimbursements after expense reports are submitted.

Where To Find Business Grants

The main types of grants for entrepreneurs include general business grants, industry-specific grants, grants for women minority-owned businesses, and COVID-19 relief grants. Each grant is unique and differs on who is eligible, the use of the money, and the award amount. Here is a list of grant-making organizations.

  • Search and apply for federal funding on, a database with grants from around 26 federal agencies, such as SBA, MBDA, and USDA. The agencies award grants for critical recovery initiatives, innovative research, and other projects for non-profit organizations, for-profit businesses, and other entities. Annually, this site helps award approximately $500 billion across more than 1,000 federal grants.
  • Non-profit organizations can offer grants to support small businesses and entrepreneurs.
  • Private foundations offer industry-specific grants.
  • Local Asian Chambers of Commerce offer grants, funding opportunities, networking, mentorship, and financial literacy resources to Asian American-owned businesses.

10 Grants for AAPI-Owned Businesses

Although the list isn’t long, there are a handful of grants for AAPI entrepreneurs that could be your ticket to accelerate the growth of your business.

1. Gold House

Gold House invests in AAPI entrepreneurs disrupting their industries to give them the capital and tools they need to scale. It offers two grant opportunities: SAFE Gold House Ventures and Gold Futures Challenge.

Gold Futures Challenge gives awards to organizations/projects that support API communities and help them feel seen, heard, empowered, and united. It’s a challenge-based fund and the public votes for winners from a pool of finalists chosen by a selection committee.

  • Grant Amount: Prizes range from $25k – $100k
  • Eligibility: AAPI-serving organizations registered as 501(c)(3) nonprofit, fiscally-sponsored projects, or government organizations.
  • Application Date: Apply by June 15, 2023

SAFE Gold House Ventures invests in AAPI entrepreneurs disrupting their industries. It’s a 12-week startup accelerator with 1:1 advising, masterclasses, and networking opportunities.

  • Grant Amount: $150k investment for each winner
  • Eligibility: Open to founders of C Corp companies who identify as AAPI. LLCs can apply but are required to convert to a C Corp to receive funding.
  • Application Date: Fall 2023 applications open in August

2. USA Funding Applications

USA Funding Applications is an online funding resource that gives you access to 20K applications and grant sources. AAPI entrepreneurs and business owners can apply within the Minorities/Demographic section, and there’s no limit to the number of grants you can apply for.

  • Grant Amount: Varies by grant and case-by-case basis.
  • Eligibility: See eligibility requirements for your category after signing up.
  • Application Dates: Applications accepted on a rolling basis throughout the year.

3. Hawai’i Foundher

Hawai’i Foundher is a six-month accelerator program that provides five businesses with grant funding, flexible child and elder care stipends, a workspace on each major Hawaiian island, two core mentors, and access to an advisor network. The program helps Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, and Asian women and mothers with businesses in the five core markets of Hawaii: food, health and wellness, fashion, tech, and education.

  • Grant Amount: Undisclosed
  • Eligibility: Must be a for-profit, early-stage business with 50% of founders being women of Native Hawaiian, Pacific Islander, or Asian descent and based in Hawaii.
  • Application Dates: 2023 – 2024 dates to be announced

4. AAPIStrong

National ACE’s AAPISTRONG has a grant page updated annually with available opportunities. At the time of this writing, two grants have deadlines in May, and you can sign up for new grant alerts here.

The National ACE and Verizon Small Business Digital Ready Program Grant will provide $1 million in small business grants in 2023 to help with marketing, equipment, team building, and more.

  • Grant Amount: $10,000 each
  • Eligibility: Complete any combination of two Small Business Digital Ready Program courses, coaching events, and community events before applying.
  • Application Dates: 2024 dates to be announced.

The Greg Hill Foundation and GrubHub Community Fund Grant will provide $1.25 million to small business restaurants. A portion of this fund is dedicated to supporting minority-owned businesses for technology and equipment, marketing services, staff training and wages, and more.

  • Grant Amount: Ranges from $5,000 to $25,000
  • Eligibility: Must own only one restaurant location with 50 or fewer employees in Boston, Chicago, New York City, and Philadelphia.
  • Application Dates: 2024 dates to be announced

5. Asian Pacific Community Fund

APCF provides alternative funding for Los Angeles County nonprofit organizations serving low-income and underserved Asian and Pacific Islander (API) communities. It offers long-term funding opportunities, core operating support, and resources beyond traditional grant-making. APCF has awarded over 260 grants and distributed over $1.6 million in funds.

Firecracker Fund

  • Grant Amount: Undisclosed
  • Eligibility: Nonprofit organizations with programs that promote healthy lifestyles through nutrition and physical fitness for AAPIs in Los Angeles and Orange counties.
  • Application Dates: 2023 dates to be announced

APCF Operating Grant

  • Grant Amount: Ranges from $5,000 to $15,000
  • Eligibility: Organizations that serve AAPI community members needing the most assistance in Los Angeles County and beyond.
  • Application Dates: 2024 dates to be announced

Asian Pacific Community Giving Circle

  • Grant Amount: Undisclosed
  • Eligibility: Organizations that serve AAPI communities throughout Greater Los Angeles County. The area of focus changes each year and previously included organizations with programs for mental health, youth leadership development, language access, bullying prevention, environmental justice, and financial literacy.
  • Application Dates: 2024 dates to be announced

6. Asian Women Giving Circle

AWGC believes funding is a form of activism. Its team has granted $1 million in the past 16 years through 100 grant projects. Annually, they award 8 to 10 grants to help fund projects led by Asian American women artists and community groups in NYC that bring progressive social transformation and raise awareness of critical issues affecting Asian American women, girls, and gender-expansive people.

  • Grant Amount: Typically $8,000 each, depending on how much AWGC raises for their annual pot.
  • Eligibility: Open to 501(c)(3) organizations and individual artists. Projects must incorporate art, highlight women and gender-expansive people’s leadership, and be applied to a specific project, not ongoing programs or operations.
  • Application Dates: 2024 dates to be announced

Tips for Successfully Applying for Business Grants

1. Start early.

Having a small window of time to draft a business plan, gather the necessary paperwork, and fill out a grant application will make it harder to complete. Start the process early to give you enough time to plan, write, and submit the best application possible without any additional stress that comes with feeling rushed and overwhelmed.

2. Do your research.

When preparing to apply for a grant, thoroughly research to understand the organization offering the award. Treat it as though you’re preparing for a job interview and customize your application to show why you’re the best fit to receive their funding. Take your time while reading the grant guidelines and application requirements to ensure you’re addressing all the necessary points and letting your proposal and vision shine.

3. Get help from a grant writer.

You’re capable of completing your grant application, but if financially possible, hiring a professional grant writer with experience crafting award-winning applications can help increase your chances of receiving funding.

4. Apply to more than one grant.

Grants are limited and competitive, but don’t let that discourage you from applying to as many of them as possible. The more applications you submit, the greater your chance of being awarded. Don’t sacrifice quality for quantity; ensure your applications are customized for each organization.

Mistakes to Avoid With Business Grants

1. Falling for a scam.

Be cautious when applying for grants. Scams exist to trick you into paying money or sharing sensitive information. Verify the authenticity of a grant opportunity (they are always free) before applying.

2. Committing fraud.

Misrepresenting how you plan to utilize grant money can result in serious consequences, such as being barred from receiving future funding, civil lawsuits, and criminal prosecution in some cases. When applying, be honest about how your business will spend the money.

3. Forgetting to pay your taxes.

Most business grants are taxable because the money is considered income. Research federal and state tax laws to understand how much of your grant needs to be claimed for your tax return, and work with an accountant to guide you on how to report it. The organization that awards the grant can also clarify some of these details.

Rise to the challenge of launching a business.

Obtaining funding can be intimidating, but now is your chance to turn your ideas into an operating, money-making business. If you aren’t offered money during your first round of grant applications or raising capital, keep trying. If those funding sources aren’t working in your favor yet, consider looking into business loans or crowdfunding. You always have options.

Click the link to discover more Breaking the Blueprint Content.

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CSS Art: Nintendo Switch Mon, 06 Feb 2023 01:05:39 +0000 css-art:-nintendo-switch

This weekend, I streamed while live coding/drawing a Nintendo Switch with HTML and CSS. The drawing is: Responsive:…

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This weekend, I streamed while live coding/drawing a Nintendo Switch with HTML and CSS. The drawing is:

  • Responsive: resize the window to see it change
  • Semantic: sections, the buttons are buttons
  • Customizable: CSS variables to change the JoyCon colors
  • Realistic: at least that was the goal 😅

Here’s the demo on CodePen (the drawing and the original photograph):

The process took around 4 hours (broken into different sessions that I will call “my kids are finally sleeping” and “my kids are not awake yet“) that I put together and sped up on this video:

Later, I did another version. This time I plugged in a library I created to handle the Gamepad API, and I tried connecting the JoyCon to the computer… it works 🙂

If you have a Nintendo Switch, try plugging the left controller into your computer via Bluetooth, then head to this demo (only some of the buttons will work):

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¡Guía de introducción a Docker en español! Fri, 06 Jan 2023 06:09:05 +0000 ¡guia-de-introduccion-a-docker-en-espanol!

Pueden leer desde aquí:

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Pueden leer desde aquí:

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Construction Managements Opportunity to Improve ROI Tue, 06 Dec 2022 18:03:13 +0000 construction-managements-opportunity-to-improve-roi

Business Process Automation is the Opportunity in Construction Management to Improve ROI    Construction management firms face many…

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Business Process Automation is the Opportunity in Construction Management to Improve ROI 


Construction management firms face many challenges: resource management, procurement, payments, outdated or lack of digital tools, etc. To withstand the risk, construction firms must find ways to gain efficiencies and maximize their resources. We discuss how Automating Business Processes will increase efficiency and help in cross-functional collaboration and how your employees, contractors, and sub-contractors communicate.




Construction Management Challenges for 2023 


In 2023, construction management firms face many challenges: resource management, procurement, payments, outdated or lack of digital tools, etc. To withstand the risk, construction firms must find ways to gain efficiencies and maximize their resources because, despite the challenges, the construction industry is one of the most significant contributors to the world’s GDP, adding a weighty 0.73 percent globally.

 Another factor noted by Dr. Algan Tezel, a lecturer in Construction Management, Civil Engineering, and Lean Construction, is that 80% of the construction industry comprises small and medium-sized enterprises or businesses (SMEs or SMBs), often working as sub-contractors for larger firms. 

Construction Project Challenges

Construction Project Challenges

A McKinsey study shows that 98% of construction projects are over budget, 77% are delayed, and efficiency rates consistently hover around 30%. The enormous amount of wasted time, money, and labor substantially negatively impacts the construction industry. 

When working on construction projects, it is essential to manage efficiently. However, there are several inefficiencies and challenges that every project manager often encounters. 


10 Most Common Inefficiencies in Construction Projects  


1. Budget Constraints

The budget is estimated based on stakeholder expectations. Project managers are responsible for setting reasonable expectations for cost overruns and making reconciliations to alleviate them. A miscalculation or inadequate oversight could lead to project ruin. There are budget factors that the project manager cannot control, such as environmental conditions, scarcity of resources and workforce, etc. Therefore, the budget must be constantly monitored. 


2. Time Management

Time constraints are the most significant problem resulting in defective designs, less revenue, and high accident rates. Project managers must identify the variables that cause delays and design workflows to meet deadlines. 


3. Safety Issues

Workers need to be trained in safety, as accidents can be prevented by strictly applying safe work practices. 


4. Lack of Well-Defined Objectives

When goals are not clearly defined, resources, time and money are wasted. Project managers must maintain good communication with the client to avoid unnecessary delays and help them develop and agree on these objectives. Sometimes stakeholders need a clear idea of what they disagree with or want.  


5. Inadequate Risk Management

Project managers must have the right skills to identify potential problems and know how to solve or eliminate them. The project needs proper risk management to avoid delays or going over budget. 


6. Inefficient Communication

Lack of communication means that essential work is lost, and the team is unaware of problems until it is too late to rectify them. Project managers should give clear guidelines and establish a scale that informs the team of progress and obstacles at the end of each day. These straightforward guidelines will allow problems to be identified early and rectified in time. 


7. Unrealistic Expectations

Sometimes stakeholders make unreasonable requests, such as speeding up projects or limiting the budget. These requests have a very negative influence on productivity. Therefore, project managers must respond to them after getting feedback from their team. 


8. Limited Skills in Personnel

According to Home Builders Institute’s Report, a total of 2.2. million new hires in construction are needed to meet demand through 2024. The industry faces two significant personal shortages regarding qualified workers, an aging workforce and a lack of skilled workers.  A lack of skills in construction teams can cause delays. The project manager must be aware of these shortcomings before they affect the project and try to remedy them as soon as possible. 


9. Lack of Structure

Performance management is a crucial issue. There must be clear objectives and job responsibilities. Therefore, everyone needs to have well-defined tasks to stay focused, and by breaking significant objectives into smaller, daily goals for each person, everything can be kept on track. 


10. Cash flow bottlenecks

National Subcontractor Market Report  highlights that slow payments contribute to 45% of their wasted resources, 41% reduced profit, and their failure to meet payroll 18% of the time. Late payments hurt the company’s cash flow and cause delays. 52% of subcontractors and 40% of material suppliers cite general contractor mismanagement as the source of payment problems.  

To overcome these inefficiencies and to accommodate the growth expected within the construction industry through 2024, Deloitte notes in its “The Future of Construction report that the industry will likely integrate more digital technologies into workstreams to boost production and efficiency. 


What is Workflow Automation, and Why is it Used? 


Workflow automation refers to the design, execution, and automation of processes based on workflow rules in which human tasks, data, or files are routed between people or systems in the fusion of predefined business rules.

Business Process Automation

Business Process Automation of Workflow

Typical project inefficiencies will see significant improvements through automating workflows in these critical areas: 

  • Productivity
  • Accuracy
  • Efficiency
  • Audibility
  • Job Satisfaction
  • Accountability


A  project management software tool is the solution to workflow automation and will help keep projects organized, streamline construction processes, and eliminate the inefficiencies discussed above.  

Workflow automation will allow workers to focus on managing their construction projects. The software takes care of many time-consuming tasks, such as invoicing, documentation management, incident reports, spreadsheets, communication between team members, etc. 


How can Inefficiency be Reduced in Construction with Project Management Software? 


How will a software solution help your organization’s bottom line and eliminate waste and inefficiencies?  

What are the benefits of using automation solutions to manage workflows?  

Configuring and implementing a workflow solution takes time, effort, and money. So knowing what waste and inefficiencies you are improving upon is essential. Some key benefits include the following: 


Improve Internal Communication

It is essential to maintain effective communication among workers to maintain operational efficiency. Good communication minimizes possible delays and losses. Using project management software, the project manager can communicate important information to workers, such as task start times, task flows, or changes that need to be made instantly on-site. 


Use Building Information Modeling (BIM)

BIM is a growing trend in the construction industry. Thanks to BIM technology, project managers can create digital representations of buildings before any actual physical work begins.  

These digital representations help contractors and subcontractors to visualize the structure and its most essential parts before it is built, making it possible to include the workflows required for construction.  

Likewise, conflicts between the various parties involved in the project (architects, structural engineers, electrical and plumbing installation engineers, etc.) can be visualized, enabling continuous communication between them and constant modification so that the final model matches reality as closely as possible. 


Record Productivity and Tracking

Project management software can help the project manager break down the overall project into smaller, more manageable phases to identify areas for improvement and monitor worker productivity.  

In addition, tracking allows you to see a breakdown of how each worker manages their time, so you can see how to improve their productivity. With this information, changes to the project can be made more efficiently, thereby increasing productivity and efficiency.  


Data Management Tools

Data management is essential for increasing efficiency in construction projects. Using project management software with a central database to collect site data helps project managers get a 360-degree view of what is happening at each stage of the project lifecycle and minimizes the likelihood of errors and delays. 


Improve the Planning Process

Far too often, the planning phase of a construction project is overlooked. It is, however, one of the critical factors in successful construction projects. When done accurately and carefully, project planning will help navigate unforeseen delays. Planning can also contribute to avoiding additional costs along the way.  

By using construction software in the planning process, all necessary information can be accessed centrally and allow project participants to be kept updated on any changes. 


Adopting On-Site Mobile Technology

In recent years, on-site mobile technology has been a growing trend in the construction industry. Using mobile technology, workers and project managers can communicate and share real-time updates on what is happening on site. It also reduces face-to-face contact, gives workers more time to complete their tasks, and increases efficiency in construction processes. 


Improving Your Company’s Bottom Line and Gaining a Positive ROI


The bottom line is why you make any strategic business decision. A business’s improvement activities always need to be justified, and executives always want to see a positive ROI (Return on Investment).  

Because the return from implementing different planning activities can negatively affect your bottom line, some tough questions always follow and is asked by the executive branch within an organization.  

Many construction management companies have been slow to adopt business process automation because adopting a new way of doing things takes planning, work, and training, which translates to a loss in billable hours and a real fear of making a negative investment for the company. 

However, the time may have come for management to consider these investments in digital solutions to offset rising costs and eliminate waste and inefficiencies within the supply chain, resource management, payments, and procurement to improve a business’s bottom line.  

With new mobile and cloud-centric technology solutions, project managers can access a fully integrated system across all platforms for a comprehensive project management solution.  

Workflow Automation Return on Investment

Investing In Business Process Automation

These software systems help eliminate time-consuming tasks such as invoicing, paperwork, bid management, and time sheets. Project management software helps the project manager improve efficiency and productivity by allowing contractors to self-complete those tedious tasks.   

Automating Business Processes will positively increase efficiency and help in cross-functional collaboration and how your employees, contractors, and sub-contractors communicate. Providing a central place also to find documentation associated with the correct project phase and other vital information to check on project phase completion or how much is left to complete. 

Eliminating these common risk factors that cause waste and inefficiency that negatively impact a company’s bottom line is the wisest investment your construction management company can make now. Rethinking how you do business and automating business processes is developing a new organizational mindset in cost reduction that, in turn, will make your business “recession-proof.” 

ClickUp has interviewed several of its customers to find out how they are using ClickUp to automate their business processes to improve their productivity and profitability. These case study stories highlight how adopting workflow automation helped these businesses embrace a cost-reduction mindset by eliminating high overhead costs and improving productivity by finding the inefficiency in the process that could be automated and save their company wasted man hours.  


Ready to Change the Way You Do Business? 


Contact Kolme Group today to discuss how we can help you rethink how you do business with a Business Process Automation Solution that can meet your agile Construction Management business needs. 

Business Process Automation


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CSS Battle: #16 – Eye of the Tiger Sat, 19 Nov 2022 11:03:07 +0000 css-battle:-#16-–-eye-of-the-tiger

In this article, I will solve a Eye of the Tiger CSS Challenge on CSS Battle. Let’s look…

The post CSS Battle: #16 – Eye of the Tiger appeared first on


In this article, I will solve a Eye of the Tiger CSS Challenge on CSS Battle. Let’s look at the problem first.


We need to create the following container by using CSS Properties only:
Eye of the Tiger


So now look at the Solution and how we are going to achieve this.


  • : Center Circle

  • : Left Triangle

  • : Right Triangle


* {
  margin: 0;
  background: #0b2429;

body {
  display: grid;
  place-items: center;

p { position: absolute }

[c] {
  width: 50;
  height: 50;
  border-radius: 1in;
  border: 45px solid #f3ac3c;
  box-shadow: 0 0 0 20px #0b2429, 
              0 0 0 30px #998235;
  z-index: 1;

[l], [r] {
  height: 160;
  width: 82;
  clip-path: polygon(0 50%, 100% 100%, 100% 0);
  background: #998235;

[l] { left: 58 }

[r] {
  right: 57;
  transform: scalex(-1);

Note: In CSS Battle you can use 100 instead of 100px. You don’t need to define px in CSS. However, if you are using rem or %, you need to pass them separately. That’s why in the above CSS code there are no units mostly. For more info visit here

Minify the code or CSS by using any CSS Minifier. It helps you to reduce the characters in the code which will increase the score.

Minified Version: