Sarah Hoffman, Author at News for Project Managers - PMI Sat, 13 Apr 2024 17:20:41 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Sarah Hoffman, Author at 32 32 Why I think Python is a Great first Language Sat, 13 Apr 2024 17:20:41 +0000 why-i-think-python-is-a-great-first-language

Introduction Learning how to code is a great venture. You end up learning a lot of things along…

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Learning how to code is a great venture. You end up learning a lot of things along the way. It can literally change your life as an individual. It can be risky, and you may fail, but even if you do, you still benefit from the process of trying.

I believe that even though hard skills are not always transferable, soft skills are. Programming is hard, and as such, it teaches you how to persevere (if you need to succeed). But even in perseverance, you can’t practice coding 24 hours every day, 7 days a week. You have other things you need to do with your time, and for that reason, you need to learn time management and come up with a schedule for how you are going to practice programming every day.

Speaking of every day, you need to be consistent in learning to see desirable results. It doesn’t matter how long you practice coding; if you don’t practice consistently within the given period, you’re not going to be very good.

As you can see, there are a lot of benefits that come with learning how to code (including high salaries).

So, the question now is, why is Python a great first language?

Reasons why Python is a Great First Language

Here are the reasons why I think Python is a great first language:

1. Readability:

If you have seen Python code, you can agree that it is easier to read than code in other programming languages. Python was designed to be a beginner’s language, and as such, it was made to be readable.

Compared to other programming languages like C++, Java, and Rust, Python has a syntax that is easier to read.

Here’s a simple example of Python code that demonstrates some of the basic syntax features:

# This is a comment

# Variables and assignment
x = 5
y = 10

# Conditional statements
if x > y:
    print("x is greater than y")
elif x == y:
    print("x is equal to y")
    print("x is less than y")

# Loops
for i in range(5):

# Functions
def add(a, b):
    return a + b

result = add(x, y)
print("Result of addition:", result)

# Lists
my_list = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print("First element of the list:", my_list[0])

# Dictionaries
my_dict = {'key1': 'value1', 'key2': 'value2'}
print("Value corresponding to 'key1':", my_dict['key1'])

# Classes
class MyClass:
    def __init__(self, name): = name

    def greet(self):

obj = MyClass("Alice")

Now, this may not mean much to you, but you can compare it to other programming languages and see for yourself.

2. Versatility:

Python is a versatile language used in various domains such as web development, data analysis, artificial intelligence, scientific computing, and more. Learning Python opens up opportunities in many different fields and gives you a taste of what these fields are like. You can’t say you don’t like the dish if you haven’t tasted it.đŸ€·

Contrary to what most people believe, having a taste of various domains of software development is a good thing. This helps you decide where you want to specialize, as opposed to choosing an area as soon as possible without knowing what other areas are like. Python gives you that opportunity to try different areas.

3. Large Community and Resources:

Python is a really popular programming language, and as such, has a vast community of developers who contribute to libraries, frameworks, and resources. This means it will be easier to get help in your learning journey, and there will be a lot resources to learn from, which will in turn reduce the chances of you giving up on learning.

Now, some may say learning JavaScript is just as easy as learning Python. However, in my opinion, it’s not. Learning JavaScript comes with learning HTML and CSS too. And CSS is not for everybody. Not to mention the number of JavaScript frameworks out there, ready to choke and overwhelm you.
In fact, Thanos misused the Infinity Stones by wiping out half of the human population. He could have used them on half of the JavaScript frameworks instead.😂


Programming is challenging. Choosing Python as a first language is a great way to avert some of the challenges that come with learning how to code. After learning how to code in Python, you can choose a more difficult language with which you can further learn about other areas of software engineering and coding.


Happy Coding!😊

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Getting data from GTM teams- a guide for product managers Tue, 13 Feb 2024 11:20:13 +0000 This article offers practical advice on what data you should gather from your Go-to-market teams, like sales and…

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This article offers practical advice on what data you should gather from your Go-to-market teams, like sales and customer success teams. Read more »

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How I created AI-powered ORM for PostgreSQL, MySQL and SQLite and why you shouldn’t use it Fri, 13 Oct 2023 11:25:51 +0000 how-i-created-ai-powered-orm-for-postgresql,-mysql-and-sqlite-and-why-you-shouldn’t-use-it

tl;dr I created AI-powered ORM for Node with TypeScript or JavaScript called ormgpt. It works, it’s silly and…

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I created AI-powered ORM for Node with TypeScript or JavaScript called ormgpt. It works, it’s silly and please don’t use it.

npm install ormgpt

Cutting edge, blazing fast technology everywhere

In the last few years number of new ORMs (object relation mappers) and query builders has grown like crazy. A few years ago, the golden standard was either an ORM like Sequelize or a query builder like Knex. Since then we got TypeORM, Bookshelf, Objection, Mikro-ORM, Prisma, Drizzle, kysely and many, many more. While I agree that more option is good since anyone can choose the best-suited solution for their needs, it also creates many copy-alike libs.

At this point, I think ORMs have become the new days since the last javascript frameworks but for the backend.

Another hot topic, wider than just the javascript ecosystem is AI. Entire group of algorithms to recognize patterns, predict output and generate things. Now tech startup not only must store data in the hot blockchain, NoSQL or vector database, but compute on edge computing using quantum technology. Must be also AI – artificially intelligent.


Afternoon idea

My thought was, what if I create a hot, new lib to access data like ORMs or query builders but using AI? So anyone can access data using plain language like:

give me 10 recent posts from the category travel and where the author is John Doe, with the author and comments info  

or even in other languages like for example German

bitte legen Sie einen neuen Benutzer Hans Schmidt mit Wohnadresse MĂŒnchen, Kaufingerstraße und Neuhauser Straße 1A an

so I messed a little with OpenAI API to call with prompts like

Prepare SQL query for ${prompt}

but that was too general. I tried then

Having database schema: 


Prepare SQL query for:


still, often it was returning with invalid queries or additional comments. So I went even stricter passing also dialect and asking to not write any other response than a query.

You are an SQL engine brain. 
You are using ${this.dialect} dialect.
Having db schema as follows:

Write a query to fulfil the user request: ${request}

Don't write anything else than SQL query.

And that worked quite well. So the next part was to prepare methods to call OpenAI programmatically and adapters for database engines.

Method calling OpenAI was pretty simple and using built-in fetch:

  private async getResponse(request: string): Promise<string> {
    const prompt = `
      You are an SQL engine brain. 
      You are using ${this.dialect} dialect.
      Having db schema as follows:

      Write a query to fulfil the user request: ${request}

      Don't write anything else than SQL query.

    const response = await fetch(this.apiUrl, {
      method: "POST",
      headers: {
        "Content-Type": "application/json",
        Authorization: `Bearer ${this.apiKey}`,
      body: JSON.stringify({
        model: this.model,
        messages: [
            role: "user",
            content: prompt,

    const data = (await response.json()) as ErrorResponse | SuccessResponse;

    if (data.hasOwnProperty("error")) {
      throw new Error((data as ErrorResponse).error.message);

    return (data as SuccessResponse).choices[0].message.content;

I know OpenAI has also SDK lib but I prefer simple calls instead of another dependency since it’s hard to manage them in the long term. API allows direct access to the resource, SDK package would have to be updated separately and eventually can be abandoned.


For the database engine, I choose to support Postgres, MySQL and SQLite out of the box. They are the most popular and I worked with all of them before with success. The first was SQLite which allowed me to experiment with different interfaces of adapter. With such an interface, anyone can create their own adapter for other engines like Oracle, ClickHouse, CouchDB etc. I decided to stick with the smallest possible set of methods in the interface, leaving other responsibilities than executing queries to native clients:

export interface DatabaseEngineAdapter {
  executeQuery(query: string): Promise<any[]>;

Then I created silly adapters:

import { DatabaseEngineAdapter } from "./DatabaseEngineAdapter";
import betterSqlite3, { Statement } from "better-sqlite3";

export class SqliteAdapter implements DatabaseEngineAdapter {
  private db: betterSqlite3.Database;

  constructor({ dbFilePath }: { dbFilePath: string }) {
    this.db = new betterSqlite3(dbFilePath);

  executeQuery(query: string): Promise<unknown[]> {
    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
      const statement: Statement = this.db.prepare(query);
      if (this.isSelectQuery(query)) {
      } else {
        const info =;

  private isSelectQuery(query: string): boolean {
    return query.trim().toLowerCase().startsWith("select");

Now it’s possible to run.

For example for request to SQLite database with simple schema of users, posts, comments and likes:

  const sqliteAdapter = new SqliteAdapter({
    dbFilePath: "./db.sqlite",

  const ormgpt = new ormGPT({
    apiKey: process.env.OPENAI_API_KEY || "",
    schemaFilePath: "./schema.sql",
    dialect: "postgres",
    dbEngineAdapter: sqliteAdapter,

ormgpt.query("give me post with id 1, all comments for this post and user information about author");

generated query:

SELECT AS post_id, 
  p.body, AS comment_id, 
  c.body AS comment_body, 
  u.username AS author_username, AS author_email 
  posts p 
  JOIN comments c ON = c.post_id 
  JOIN users u ON = p.user_id 
WHERE = 1;

and after execution response from the database:

    post_id: 1,
    title: 'Hello world!',
    body: 'This is my first post!',
    comment_id: 1,
    comment_body: 'Hello world!',
    author_username: 'test',
    author_email: ''

It’s kind of hard to test such app because it’s non-deterministic. The only way I thought about is to test short, precise statements like “create x with y and z” and then look up db if it’s there.



Here we come to the conclusion, of why this lib is useless for now. Even if OpenAI is really good at writing performant queries, it’s hard to get the same query over and over. And if you look for something more complex like joins, nested subqueries or engine-related queries with the current state of GPT is not possible. You can minimize randomness by being very strict about the requirements in your statement.

Anyway, as an experimental project, I decided to finish it. So the last part was to allow fine-tuning model parameters:

export type ModelTuning = {
  temperature: number;
  max_tokens: number;
  top_p: number;
  frequency_penalty: number;
  presence_penalty: number;

and prepare Postgres and MySQL adapters. The last part was to publish lib. The name ormGPT comes from ORM + GPT model but in fact it’s neither orm nor query builder. The proper ORM should “map” the database into objects. Then maybe it’s “intelligent” query builder? Also no. Query builder usually allows you to chain query object before generating sql. You can chain plain string, but is that enough? Maybe it should be chatGPTtoQueryFacade.js?

Too much thinking, not enough willingness. Published as ormGPT.

That’s it. Tiny afternoon project, you shouldn’t use in your production application. Or maybe you should? At the end you can tell your clients, you are using cutting-edge technologies and advanced AI.

You can find the lib on the NPM:

or at the GitHub repository:

GitHub logo


An ORM based on OpenAI that translates plain language into SQL queries and executes them on a database.


An ORM based on OpenAI that translates plain human language into SQL queries and executes them on a database.

Currently supports database dialects: MySQL, PostgreSQL, and SQLite.

Supported languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Polish, Italian, Dutch, Portuguese, Ukrainian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Turkish and many more.

ormgpt.query("give me post with id 1, all comments for this post and user information about author");

Generated query:

SELECT AS post_id, 
  p.body, AS comment_id, 
  c.body AS comment_body, 
  u.username AS author_username, AS author_email 
  posts p 
  JOIN comments c ON = c.post_id 
  JOIN users u ON = p.user_id 
WHERE = 1;


    post_id: 1,
    title: 'Hello world!',

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How to Design a Logo [Step-by-Step Guide] Fri, 13 Oct 2023 11:25:42 +0000 how-to-design-a-logo-[step-by-step-guide]

A great logo is instantly recognizable, memorable, and closely connected to your brand’s core values and ideas. Think…

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A great logo is instantly recognizable, memorable, and closely connected to your brand’s core values and ideas. Think of iconic logos like Apple, Coca-Cola, and Nike. Logos like these are simple and elegant yet bold enough to leave a lasting impression.

When designing your logo, you can make a powerful impact on how your brand is perceived. Designing a timeless logo is challenging, but we’re here to help. To get your logo right, you’ll need to have a firm grasp of your market, buyer personas, and your company’s ethos.

Ready to dive in?

Download 195+ visual marketing design templates to use for social media posts,  infographics, and more. 

Read on for logo design best practices, helpful tools, and a step-by-step guide to creating the perfect logo.

Table of Contents

Types of Logos

With millions of logos worldwide, you may be surprised that they all fit into one of seven main categories.

Each logo type has its characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses, so choose the variety that best aligns with your brand values and goals when designing your logo.

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1. Emblems

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An emblem is a traditional type of logo that consists of text integrated within a symbol or icon to create a unified image.

Emblems have an official, formal look that gives off an air of cohesion and strength. They work well for brands like Harvard that wish to communicate their rich history and traditional values.


  • Forms a unified image that can be strong and impactful
  • Typically perceived as formal or classic


  • The combination of symbol and text can be difficult to separate for integration into other design assets
  • Complex emblems may not reproduce well at small sizes

2. Pictorial Marks (or Logo Symbols)

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Pictorial marks, or logo symbols, are icon or graphic-based logos. A logo symbol omits text and relies on a single image to represent the brand. These types of logos can be iconic and memorable.

Other examples include Target’s bullseye and Starbucks’ siren.


  • It can be understood across all languages and cultures
  • Simple and effective


  • Brand recognition can be more challenging to establish without any text
  • Logo symbols must be chosen wisely and may or may not connect to the brand’s purpose

3. Wordmarks (or Logotypes)

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Wordmarks are text-based logos that use font selection, typography, and color to turn the brand name into a logo. Wordmarks often work well with companies with unique, catchy names, such as Google, Coca-Cola, and Disney.


  • Simplicity
  • Easy to incorporate into other design assets


  • It can be challenging to create a unique, memorable logo with only text
  • Not suited for longer or less unique company names

4. Monogram Logos (or Lettermarks)

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Monogram logos, also known as lettermarks, are another typography-based logo.

Unlike wordmarks that use the entire brand name, monograms typically use initials to create a streamlined logo for companies with longer names.

Other examples include HBO (Home Box Office) and IBM (International Business Machines).


  • Concise and easy to remember
  • Easily scalable


  • You may need to place the full brand name below it until recognition is achieved
  • It can be confusing if initials match another brand

5. Abstract Logo Marks

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Abstract logos are unique pictorial representations of a brand. What is the Pepsi logo, anyway?

Unlike Apple and Target, whose logos represent real-life things (an apple and a bullseye), Pepsi’s logo is an abstract representation of the brand that doesn’t rely on any specific, real-life image.

Instead, it uses a combination of geometric forms and colors to cultivate the meaning and emotion of the brand.


  • Inherently unique and challenging to mimic
  • Can communicate complex ideas with simple shapes and colors


  • Their abstract nature leaves them open to interpretation (and misinterpretation)
  • Logo meaning may be unclear, especially for unestablished brands

6. Mascot Logos

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Mascot logos typically involve an illustrated character to create a fun, cartoonish, and friendly personification of a brand. Brands that choose to go with a mascot logo usually seek a light-hearted and family-friendly image.

Other examples of brand mascots include the Kool-Aid Man, Mr. Peanut, and the Pillsbury Doughboy.


  • Mascots are inviting and approachable, which helps cultivate a family-friendly brand image
  • Allows for a high level of control over brand storytelling


  • Not suitable for brands with a serious or corporate image
  • It can be complex from a design perspective, making reproduction at smaller sizes a challenge

7. Combination Marks

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A combination mark is a logo that combines text and an icon. It can be either a wordmark or a lettermark combined with an abstract mark, a pictorial mark, or a mascot.

A combination mark is a versatile choice that allows you to present your brand name for easy recognition while also taking advantage of a memorable icon or image.


  • Allows for many variations of your logo, such as text-only and image-only
  • The combination of image and text makes the brand message very clear


  • It can be complex and may not scale down well
  • It can appear overly busy if not thoughtfully designed

Designing a logo that embodies your brand can help you grow better, but doing it right is just as important. Here’s how to design the perfect logo, step-by-step.

  1. Understand your brand.
  2. Brainstorm words that describe your brand.
  3. Sketch ideas based on these words.
  4. Test your top sketches with your buyer persona.
  5. Refine your chosen sketch.
  6. Develop your logo’s layout on a free design platform.
  7. Pick versatile color options.
  8. Choose a font.
  9. Ensure scalability.

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1. Understand your brand.

The first step to designing your logo is understanding your brand. Before you think about opening Canva or starting a sketch, you must pinpoint your brand’s story and the specific values and emotions you want to synthesize in your logo.

This process involves the exploration of your target audience, your buyer personas, and, most importantly, how you want people to feel when they perceive your logo.

“It’s through mistakes that you actually can grow. You have to get bad in order to get good.” – Paula Scher

Graphic design icon Paula Scher hits the nail on the head with the above quote.

Distilling your brand story into a logo will be a challenge, and you should expect mistakes along the way. Don’t be afraid to experiment and explore when conceiving a logo that matches your brand.

2. Brainstorm words that describe your brand.

Use tools like to discover synonyms and other words that describe your brand’s central theme. Aim to choose five to ten words that best describe your brand’s ethos and use them to guide your logo design.

For example, if you‘re in the clothing industry, you might simply type in “clothing.” You’d be surprised by how descriptive the synonyms are that appear.

ou can even click these results to start new searches and dig deeper as you zero in on the words that best capture your brand.

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3. Create some sketches.

Now is the time to create some rough sketches. Allow your brand story and keywords to guide you and make some initial logo ideas.

Remember, these are your first drafts. The important thing is to get the ideas out of your head and onto the paper, so trust the process and just let the ideas flow. You’ll have the opportunity to refine your ideas later.

“The beauty of a first draft lies in its imperfections; it’s the starting point for refining ideas and finding the perfect balance.” – David Airey

Logo designer David Airey knows a thing or two about sketching. Embrace the imperfections of your first drafts and let your creativity flow!

As you’re sketching the concepts for your logo, keep these tips in mind:

  • Keep the shape simple. You’re in good shape if you can sketch the most symbolic components in seven seconds or less.
  • Avoid any popular clip-art artwork or generic symbols like a globe, star, or similar icons that people too quickly identify from other places.
  • Be strategic about your use of color. Consider today’s color trends as well as popular colors in your industry. As a general rule, don’t choose more than three colors. Choose a color or group of colors that will make you stand out from your competition, but please, for the love of marketing, don’t use the whole rainbow!

4. Choose a sketch and refine it.

Now that you have some sketches, pick the one that speaks to you most and put on your thinking cap.

“Design is thinking made visual.” – Saul Bass

Make a deep effort to reflect on your brainstorming words and brand story and visualize your thoughts. Use your mental efforts to refine your logo sketch into a meaningful, deep, relatable design that ties back to your brand’s core values.

Easier said than done, but this is where the heavy lifting comes in.

5. Develop your logo’s layout on a free design platform.

If you’ve been working on paper until now, now is the time to bring your design to the computer and create a layout. Your logo layout is how individual elements of your logo are organized and positioned in relation to each other.

Here are some free tools you can use to scan your sketch and start creating a layout:

Proper alignment of your logo is the key here. Your logo doesn’t need to be perfectly symmetrical, but it should appear visually balanced.

“Whitespace is like air: it is necessary for design to breathe.” – Wojciech ZieliƄski

The whitespace between different elements of your logo is the unsung hero of your design and the secret you must uncover in this step of the process.

Strive for a crisp, balanced logo where everything feels like it’s in the right place. If your design looks great in black and white, then you know you have a well-balanced logo.

6. Choose your colors.

The color palette you choose for your logo says a lot about your brand.

For example, blue communicates trustworthiness and maturity, while red shows passion and excitement. Consider your brand story and the keywords you brainstormed earlier when choosing your logo colors.

“When you choose a new color palette, 60% of the palette should be dedicated to one color (usually, it’s a neutral color), another (complementary) color makes up 30% of the palette, and a third color (accent) is used for the remaining 10% of the design.” – Nick Babich

Product designer Nick Babich drops some wisdom about the three-color rule in design. You don’t need to choose multiple colors for your logo, but if you decide to go the multicolor route, keep everything harmonious by following this design principle.

7. Choose a font.

Now it’s time to combine text with imagery.

Consider the typeface this text will carry if your company name ever stands without your logo. If you decide on a wordmark or lettermark logo as opposed to a symbol, your font choice is even more crucial.

Believe it or not, your font choice can say a lot about your business. You can choose a font that’s either serif (with stems on each letter) or sans serif (no stems) — also known as classic or modern, respectively.

Stay away from generic fonts that come standard on every word processor. Some examples of generic fonts are Times New Roman, Lucida Handwriting, and Comic Sans. These fonts will only work against you and your company by making you less memorable.

“Display type is a visual voice. Without reading, it imparts its message.” – Laura Worthington

Designer and typography guru Laura Worthington hits the nail on the head regarding the importance of font selection. Your font choice goes beyond just conveying information as text; it is a crucial aspect of your design.

8. Ensure scalability.

Logos are meant to represent your company on multiple platforms — in print, on your website, on each of your social media business pages, and across the internet as your business grows.

You want a logo that can be blown up super large for a billboard or scaled down for screening onto the side of a pen.

Every part of your logo should be legible, regardless of the logo’s size.

9. Get feedback.

“There are three responses to a piece of design — yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.” – Milton Glaser

Once you feel your logo design is ready, consider sharing it with others and seeking constructive feedback.

Of course, you can seek input at any point in the process, but it is precious to get people’s reactions to your realized vision and reiterate from there.

Whew — still with us? We know this might seem a little overwhelming, but take it slow and don’t rush yourself.

It’s better to follow the process through to completion and end with a remarkable logo than to start over a few months later due to a design error or change of heart.

Once you’ve completed your logo, how can you tell if you scored a winner? Easy: Use our Logo Grader to assess the sustainability and effectiveness of your new logo.

Logo Design Best Practices

1. Keep it simple.

Simplicity is key in logo design. Aim for a clean, uncluttered design that communicates your brand identity as straightforwardly as possible. The goal is for viewers to recognize and understand your logo instantly.

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Take Nike’s logo, for example. Its simplicity makes it iconic. There’s a reason they haven’t updated it since 1995.

2. Prioritize versatility.

Your logo should be versatile enough to work across various backgrounds and colors. Test your logo against multiple backgrounds and mediums to ensure legibility and clarity in all possible scenarios.

That means you should have alternate color palettes and logo orientations to suit any situation.

3. Design for your audience.

Your logo design should be consistent with how you perceive your brand and how your customers already perceive it.

You must consider your target audience’s buyer persona by researching their demographics and interests. Only then can you serve their expectations and needs in your design.

4. Be original.

Standing out from the pack is essential. Today, almost every market is saturated with competition and options. The design of your logo is as vital to carving out your niche as creating a unique value proposition.

Avoid generic logo designs and cliché symbols that are easily spotted elsewhere. For example, globe-based logos are a dime a dozen:

5. Be timeless.

Your logo should be iconic and timeless. Easy enough, right? Epochal logos like Coca-Cola’s are as rare as they are significant, but that doesn’t mean you can’t aim for a timeless logo as well.

A timeless logo means that it will never go out of style.

One way to ensure that is to steer clear of today’s hottest design trends (which will go out of style sooner or later). Instead, opt for a simple, classic design that would be comfortable representing your brand for years to come.

Logo Design Tools

1. Canva

Canva is an all-in-one, web-based graphic design tool that you can use to design anything you can think of, including logos. Anybody can use Canva’s intuitive drag-and-drop interface and extensive library of templates and design assets.

Best for: Beginner designers and small business owners who desire a hands-on approach to logo creation.

Pricing: Free plans are available. Canva pro costs $12.99 monthly. Canva teams costs $14.99 monthly for up to five users.

2. Adobe Illustrator

Illustrator is the industry-leading, vector-based graphics software from Adobe, the maker of other popular tools like Photoshop, Lightroom, and InDesign.

Illustrator is a staple for many professional design groups and can be used to create professional logos and limitless other designs.

Illustrator is vector-based, meaning graphics are made of points, lines, shapes, and curves based on mathematical formulas rather than a set amount of pixels.

Accordingly, an Illustrator logo can be scaled up or down while maintaining image quality.

Best for: Experienced design professionals and agencies that require powerful features and ultimate customization and control.

Pricing: Plans start at $20.99 monthly.

3. Hatchful

Hatchful is a fast and easy-to-use logo-maker tool from Shopify. The tool will ask you questions about your company’s industry, preferred visual style, brand name, and where you expect to use the logo (print, digital, etc.).

Using the provided information, Hatchful will automatically generate a slew of logo options, which you can select and further customize.

Best for: Entrepreneurs and small business owners looking to create a high-quality logo with minimal design effort quickly.

Pricing: Free.

4. Squarespace Logo Creator

Squarespace’s logo creator tool lets you quickly generate a clean-looking logo for your business. The logos that this tool empowers you to create are consistent with the modern and minimal aesthetic that Squarespace is known for.

Input your business name, and Squarespace allows you to serve it up in a beautiful font alongside an icon of your choice. The tool has thousands of vectorized icons and a curated selection of high-quality fonts.

Best for: Entrepreneurs and small businesses looking to quickly create a clean, minimal logo.

Pricing: Free.

5. Looka

Anyone can design a logo using Looka’s AI-powered logo creation engine. Input your brand name and industry, select your favorite colors, and pick some example logos that speak to you.

Based on your input data, Looka will generate an AI-curated selection of logos. Choose one and customize it to your heart’s content.

Best for: Entrepreneurs and small business owners without design experience who won’t compromise on the quality of their logo.

Pricing: A basic logo package costs $20 for a one-time purchase. A premium logo package is a $65 one-time purchase

6. CorelDRAW

CorelDRAW is a fully loaded, desktop-based vector design program that runs on Windows and macOS.

CorelDRAW is an alternative to Adobe Illustrator that offers nearly all the same functionality and allows you to transform sketches and ideas into fully-fledged logos.

Since you can purchase CorelDRAW outright instead of as a subscription, it can be a more budget-friendly choice than Adobe.

Best for: Professionals and experienced designers who require a complete design toolkit.

Pricing: Plans cost $19.08 monthly or $464 for a one-time purchase.

7. Affinity Designer

Affinity Designer is another fully-featured desktop alternative to Adobe Illustrator that runs on macOS, Windows, and iPad.

It is considerably more budget-friendly than alternatives. It features a slick, dark UI, fast performance, and all the features a professional designer needs to create logos and other design assets.

Best for: Professional designers and agencies looking for a fully featured, budget-friendly alternative to Adobe.

Pricing: Affinity Designer is a $69.99 one-time payment.

Designing a Logo for Your Brand

Now that you know about the types of logos, the process for creating one, best practices, and some tools you can use, get started crafting the perfect logo for your brand.

Create a logo that captures your audience’s attention, communicates your brand values, and makes you stand out from the crowd.

download 195+ free design templates

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Social Commerce: What It Is & How to Use It in 2023 Fri, 13 Oct 2023 11:25:41 +0000 social-commerce:-what-it-is-&-how-to-use-it-in-2023

Recently, I set an iPhone time limit on my social media use to “45 minutes.” I figured 45…

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Recently, I set an iPhone time limit on my social media use to “45 minutes.”

I figured 45 minutes would be more than enough. Almost an hour? Between working at HubSpot, catching up with friends, and attending exercise classes, 45 minutes would be plenty of social media consumption.

Unfortunately, I learned quickly that I spend 45 minutes on social media before I even get to work in the morning.

I know I’m not alone. The average daily social media use of internet users worldwide amounts to 151 minutes per day.

With all that consumption, more businesses turn to social media to market to their audiences. But marketing is just one aspect of the buyer’s journey — what about sales? Can that be done within social media platforms, as well?

It’s now entirely possible for businesses to sell products and services natively within social media sites.

Here, we will explore that concept — social commerce — and look at some impressive examples of social commerce so you can consider trying it for your own company.

Additionally, we’ll list some of the most popular social commerce platforms available today so you can decide which one could give you the highest ROI.

What is social commerce?

Social commerce examples

Top social commerce websites/platforms

How to Create a Social Commerce Strategy

Download Now: The 2023 State of Social Media Trends [Free Report]

Since many businesses are already marketing on these social media sites, allowing users to purchase from within these platforms without leaving the site makes sense.

Should you leverage social commerce?

If you sell physical products online, leveraging social commerce is a great way to drive sales and revenue to your business.

Users are used to the native purchasing experience at this point and prefer to be able to make a purchase right on the social media app quickly.

Our latest consumer trends survey shows social media is the future of shopping. Gen Z, Millennials, and Gen X all prefer social media for product discovery, and 87% of sellers say social selling has been effective for their business in 2023.

Moreover, 59% say their company is making more sales through social media this year than last year.

social selling

1. Social media checkout capabilities.

One of the best examples of social commerce is the ability to click on a product and checkout from a social media site, like Instagram or Facebook.

For instance, Instagram has a “checkout” feature on their app, which allows you to click on a product within a post, choose a size and color, and proceed to payment within the platform.

The first time you use Instagram‘s checkout feature, you must enter your name, email, billing information, and shipping address. Once your order is complete, Instagram saves your data, so you don’t need to enter it the next time you shop.

You’ll also receive notifications about shipping and delivery from within Instagram, so you can track your purchase without leaving the app.

For instance, let’s take a look at what happens when I click the View Shop or shopping icon on one of @NikeWomen’s Instagram posts:

Nike women's Instagram post

Instagram immediately pulls up a page with all the details of every product included in the image and more from its shop.

Nike's website products

I‘m particularly interested in the sneakers. From within Instagram, I can choose a color and size and then click the blue “Checkout on Instagram” button. I don’t need to re-enter my information if I’ve shopped on Instagram in the past.

Pretty simple.

'checkout on Instagram' button

Many other social networks have these checkout features, including Facebook and Pinterest.

2. Social commerce plugins and apps.

As social commerce continues to rise in popularity, we’ll see more plugins and third-party apps emerge to make the process even more seamless for businesses and users.

For instance, one third-party app called Soldsie allows your followers to purchase one of your products by simply typing “Sold” into the comments section of a post.

Once they’ve commented “Sold,” the app takes care of the rest, emailing the user an invoice to complete.

For instance, if my friend comments “Sold” on a Facebook post of a cute sundress, I’ll see the picture in my News Feed and might consider purchasing one for myself.

Ultimately, social commerce is an excellent opportunity to increase brand awareness and sales- a win-win.

3. Shoppable ads.

Shoppable ads are another example of social commerce and are currently available on both Instagram and Snapchat.

Simply put, shoppable ads allow businesses to tag products in an Instagram or Snapchat sponsored post, ideally creating a more efficient ad-to-purchase experience.

This type of social commerce helps companies collect valuable data on which ads convert prospects into customers immediately.

The features of shoppable ads within both Snapchat and Instagram continue to improve.

For instance, Snapchat has advanced features on its shoppable ads, including collection ads, product catalogs, advanced pixel targeting, and 30+ new Snapchat partners.

Wish, an e-commerce app, successfully uses Snapchat’s product catalog feature to create different Snap Ads and Story ads to showcase a large variety of their products, as shown below.

Snapchat's product catalog feature

Image Source

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Dark Mode UX: How Dimmed Screens Became the Hottest Tech Trend Fri, 06 Oct 2023 13:25:42 +0000 dark-mode-ux:-how-dimmed-screens-became-the-hottest-tech trend

Dark mode user interfaces, with their dimmed backgrounds and easy-on-the-eyes aesthetic, have evolved from a niche option into…

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dark-mode-ux:-how-dimmed-screens-became-the-hottest-tech trend

Dark mode user interfaces, with their dimmed backgrounds and easy-on-the-eyes aesthetic, have evolved from a niche option into one of the most popular UI trends in recent years.

With more people using devices in nighttime or low-light environments, dark mode provides crucial benefits for user experience and visual comfort.

In this article, we’ll explore the rise of dark mode UX and how dimmed screens became the hottest new feature for top apps, operating systems, and websites.

The Evolution of Dark Mode UI

Dark mode interfaces invert the typical light background and dark text scheme into a darker background with brighter text. This dimmed aesthetic has been around for decades in applications like video editors or coding platforms that needed to minimize glare.

However, a dark mode was an obscure feature you had to enable manually. That changed around 2016 when apps like YouTube, Twitter, Slack, and Apple’s macOS started rolling out dark mode themes to users.

This prompted other major apps and platforms like Gmail, Reddit, Windows, and Android to jump on board. Soon, dark mode shifted from an obscure option into a highly demanded feature users expect from modern digital experiences.

The Popularity of Dark Mode Across Apps and Devices

According to recent surveys, over 80% of people use dark mode on at least one of their devices or apps. The demand spans across iPhone and Android users alike. On iPhones, over 90% of users now enable dark mode.

Android’s dark theme is also a fan favorite, with over two billion active devices. Apps like WhatsApp, Instagram, Pinterest, and TikTok have heard users’ requests and launched dark-mode user interfaces.

The feature has become so popular that apps get trolled publicly if they don’t offer a dark theme. Microsoft even created a celebratory commercial when they released Dark Mode for Office.

On websites, dark mode is quickly becoming popular with tools like CSS that make it easy to add. Popular sites like Reddit, Wikipedia, CNN, Amazon, Hulu, and Quora have added dark themes to satisfy users’ shifting aesthetic preferences.

Essentially, dark mode UI has gone from a niche appearance option to practically an industry standard that leading brands are expected to provide.

The Benefits of Dark Mode UI for User Experience

So, what exactly is driving the massive demand for dark mode interfaces? The reasons boil down to tangible UX benefits for people’s visual comfort, especially at night:

  • Reduced Eye Strain: Staring at bright screens in dark environments leads to eye strain. Dark mode creates less contrast and makes looking at displays at night or in the dark easier.
  • Better Readability: Dark mode UI provides higher contrast text that pops more. Light text on dark backgrounds is easier to focus on for long reading sessions.
  • Improved Sleep Patterns: Bright blue light from screens suppresses melatonin and disrupts natural sleep cycles. The warmer tones of dark mode reduce these effects for better rest.
  • Saves Battery Life: Pixels on OLED screens don’t need power to display black. Dark interfaces use less energy on compatible phones, tablets, and laptops.
  • Accessibility: People with conditions like migraine disorders find dark UIs help reduce symptoms. The high contrast also aids visually impaired users.

Shifting to darker interfaces makes screens far more comfortable in our increasingly tech-centric world. It explains why many brands have embraced dark modes to cater to user demands.

Design Considerations for Dark Mode UX

Of course, implementing a stellar dark mode UI requires more forethought than simply inverting a light interface’s colors. Here are some key design factors to consider:

Color Scheme – Instead of flipping to blacks and grays use slightly dimmed blues, deep greens, and rich purples for visual interest. Avoid jarring brightness.

Typography – Bump up font size and weight for improved legibility against darker backgrounds.

Contrast – Ensure enough contrast between background and text elements. Use contrast ratio checkers to test.

Layout – Reconsider borders, shadows, and overlap to delineate sections when you lack light backgrounds for separation.

Icons – Optimize icons and images to work well against dark backgrounds. Use transparency and inverting tools.

Testing – Thoroughly test dark mode and account for color blindness. Users will switch between modes.

By fine-tuning these details, you can craft an exceptional dark mode experience. UX designers should consider changing environmental needs as dark interfaces become the standard.

The Future of Dark Mode UI

Dark mode UI marks a major shift in design principles and demonstrates how user experience evolves with changing real-world needs. More smart devices like phones, laptops, and TVs offer dark mode options.

Automotive dashboards and airplane cockpit screens use darker interfaces to minimize distraction. Augmented and virtual reality environments likewise need optimized low-light UI.

Even retail stores and restaurants acknowledge our darker tech tastes with dimmable lighting features.

Ultimately, dark mode empowers people to use devices comfortably in more settings and environments.

With smart UX decisions, brands can build interfaces that dynamically serve multiple lighting conditions and users’ visual needs.

Attention to evolving user preferences will be key as additional modes like “Darker”, “AMOLED Black,” and system-wide automation emerge. If current trends indicate, the future seems bright for dark mode UI.

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How to A/B Test Your Pricing (And Why It Might Be a Bad Idea) Wed, 02 Aug 2023 11:25:11 +0000 how-to-a/b-test-your-pricing-(and-why-it-might-be-a-bad-idea)

A/B testing the pricing for your product is a little bit like Goldilocks. Too high, and you could…

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A/B testing the pricing for your product is a little bit like Goldilocks.

Too high, and you could alienate the majority of your potential customers. Too low, and you won’t have enough revenue to sustain your business.

So how do you get it just right?

Free Download: A/B Testing Guide and Kit

That‘s what we’re going to explore in this post. We’ll give you the ins and outs of A/B testing your pricing, plus some alternatives to A/B testing your pricing strategy.

Product pricing is undeniably one of the most important decisions for your company.

Your price can determine how consumers see you in the marketplace— as a value-based brand or a convenient and cheap alternative.

Price Testing

There are a few other factors to consider when choosing a price, including what competitors are charging (competition-based pricing), or how much it will cost you to produce your product or service, plus how much you want to profit (cost-plus pricing).

To learn more about different pricing strategies, take a look at The Ultimate Guide to Pricing Strategies.

However, even once you’ve chosen a pricing strategy that works for your business, you might be unsure if the specific dollar price is going to return maximum revenue.

For instance, your pricing strategy might show a range of $50-$60 is best for your product. However, you need to find the “sweet spot” within that range. Charge it for $50, and you might be missing out on the revenue you could‘ve received if you’d charged it at $60.

Charge it for $60, alternatively, and you might limit the number of people willing to purchase your product — which could also decrease the amount of revenue you can receive.

This is where A/B testing comes into play. Let’s explore how to A/B test your pricing, next.

How to A/B Test Your Pricing

It’s important to note — many advise against A/B testing your pricing, for a few reasons.

There are a few major disadvantages or pitfalls associated with A/B testing a price. These include:

  • It introduces an element of unfairness to buyers. It doesn‘t seem fair that person A is able to purchase your product for less money than person B, which could cause harm to your brand’s reputation. Plus, it could ultimately dissuade a potential buyer from purchasing — for instance, if a prospect pitches a new software solution to her boss for $30/month, and then her boss logs onto the site and sees the product is $50/month, the confusion and frustration over the increase in price could prevent them from purchasing your product at all.
  • You‘ll have a group of customers paying an outdated price for your product. Let’s say you ultimately decide to go with the $30/month variant of your test — but you already have 40 customers who are paying $50/month. What do you do with them? You‘ll need to either migrate them to the $30/month plan and potentially deal with reimbursement requests, or keep them on an outdated model … which could cause frustration and high turnover rates when those customers learn they’re paying more than others.
  • It can be difficult to get statistical significance. You need a certain amount of people to purchase both price options for your test to be statistically significant, rather than pure chance. For many SaaS companies or companies that work with larger clients or more complex deals, you likely won’t have enough people to ensure your results are even useful.
  • It requires the development of multiple SKUs and other systems functionality, which can be a large (and potentially unrewarded) effort.

However, if you are going to A/B test your pricing, here‘s how you’ll want to do it.

1. Choose two different products (or plans) within the same category type.

To ensure you‘re being ethical and fair with your prospects, you don’t want to test two different prices on the same product. Consumers will eventually catch that you‘re charging different users varying prices, and it could permanently damage your brand’s reputation.

One alternative to this is testing two different products, or plans, within the same category type to see how much people are willing to pay for your product.

For instance, if you sell social media software, you might choose a Basic plan and charge people $50/month. Within this plan, consumers receive 10 social accounts and 1 user. Then, you might choose your Professional plan, and charge people $140/month, which includes 20 social accounts and 2 users.

By doing this, you‘re testing how much people are willing to pay for a social management tool, and whether there’s a cut-off. Technically, the Professional plan offers double the value of the Basic plan, but charges more than double each month ($140/month for 20 accounts and 2 users can be broken down to $70 for 10 accounts and 1 user — whereas a Basic plan is $50 for 10 accounts and 1 user).

Then, you’ll want to track if the conversion rates are higher or equal on both Basic and Professional. If there seems to be a drop-off of buyers for the Professional tool, you might want to lower your pricing on that product and see if it can positively impact revenue.

2. Figure out the price points you want to test.

You’ll want to determine the prices you want to test within a given range based on a variety of factors, including competitor pricing and operational costs.

You’re hoping to gauge price sensitivity, or the degree to which demand changes after a certain price point. For instance, you might find if you price your product at $100, the amount of people who will purchase your product drops dramatically.

Ultimately, you want to choose realistic price points to figure out the highest price you can go, while still maintaining the highest number of potential customers.

3. Measure revenue to determine price.

A small but important detail — measure revenue, not conversions, to determine which price wins out on your A/B test.

You‘ll likely have much higher conversion rates on lower-priced products, but that doesn’t mean you‘re able to hit your revenue goals. If you price a product too low, you might still struggle to meet revenue goals even with thousands of additional customers. This is why it’s important to measure revenue, not conversions.

4. Iterate on results and re-test two new price points, if need be.

If you’ve tested $30/month against $50/month and found $30/month equates to the most conversions and possible revenue, consider re-testing between $30 and $40, or $30 and $35.

Iterating on your results enables you to find a highly specific price point that will provide you with maximum revenue.

5. Choose the price that equates to maximum revenue.

Finally, choose the price point that suggests maximum revenue by determining the highest price that still converts enough customers to meet your business goals.

Alternatives to A/B Testing

If the potential risks associated with A/B testing pricing outweigh the benefits for your own business, there are plenty of alternative options to test a product’s pricing.

1. Only test the product page.

For one, you could try A/B testing the pricing page — including different layouts and CTAs — to figure out the best page for optimal conversions and monetization. Maybe your pricing isn’t the issue, but your landing page is.

2. Limit the go-to-market plan.

Alternatively, if you’re releasing a new product, consider launching the product in one market only to gauge market reaction and performance, before rolling the product out on a broader scale. This enables you to make tweaks to your pricing or product before releasing the product to the entire marketplace.

3. Survey your customers.

Finally, you might consider conducting a survey and simply asking prospective customers how much they’re willing to pay for a similar product in the industry.

For instance, if you‘re selling a website design tool, you might ask: “What features are most important to you in a website design tool?” and, “At what point would a website design tool be too expensive?” or “What is the maximum price you’re willing to pay for a website design tool?”

Ultimately, pricing is about determining your product or service‘s value, and how much consumers are willing to pay for that value. It’s an incredibly important factor to consider when running a business, but it’s not always something you can A/B test without potentially losing consumers or damaging your reputation when consumers find different prices every time they visit your site.

Price Testing Methods

If you’re set on A/B testing your pricing, there are other price testing methodologies that can be combined with A/B testing to better understand why the strategy is performing the way that it is. After using the A/B test methodology, add one of these to your research to get even better insights into what your customers want and expect from your business.

1. Van Westendorp Price Sensitivity Meter (PSM)

The Van Mestendorp PSM methodology uses a series of survey questions to determine price sensitivity by identifying price levels that are too low (“bargain”), too high (“expensive”), and acceptable (“too expensive” and “too cheap”).

Using this pricing method in action:

Let’s say a software company wants to launch a new subscription plan. They conduct a survey of their target customers, asking four questions:

  • At what price is the subscription too expensive?
  • At what price is it starting to seem expensive?
  • At what price is it starting to seem like a bargain?
  • At what price is it too cheap to be of high quality?

The company analyzes the responses and identifies the range of prices that the majority of customers find acceptable for the new plan.

2. Conjoint Analysis

This technique is used for assessing the value customers assign to different product features and price points. Creating various product profiles and analyzing consumer preferences allows businesses to estimate price elasticity and identify the most appealing pricing structure.

Using this pricing method in action:

A car manufacturer is planning to introduce a new model with different customizable features. They create several hypothetical car configurations with varying feature sets and prices. Then, they get a pulse on potential customers’ reactions by asking them to rank their preferences among different combinations.

The analysis reveals which features and price points have the highest value to customers, helping the manufacturer determine the optimal pricing structure.

3. Dynamic Pricing

The dynamic pricing approach involves adjusting prices in real-time based on factors such as demand, inventory levels, competitive pricing, and customer segmentation. By dynamically changing prices, businesses can optimize revenue and respond to market changes promptly.

Using this pricing method in action:

In this example, a ride-sharing company adjusts its prices based on demand and supply conditions in real-time. During peak hours or high-demand events, the prices increase to incentivize more drivers to be available, helping to meet the demand. Conversely, during low-demand periods, prices are lowered to attract more customers.

This dynamic pricing strategy works because it allows for the optimization of revenue without overhauling the price of the product or service permanently.

A/B Test Your Pricing Without Testing Your Customers’ Patience

If you are interested in A/B testing your pricing, we‘d suggest using this process, plus a few alternatives and additional methodologies, to test out the design of your pricing pages or product landing pages. Perhaps by altering how you display your product’s value on a page, you’ll raise the amount consumers are willing to pay.

Editors Note: This post was originally published in April 2021 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

This article was written by a human, but our team uses AI in our editorial process. Check out our full disclosure to learn more about how we use AI.

The Ultimate A/B Testing Kit

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How is buyer behavior changing? Wed, 26 Jul 2023 11:25:49 +0000 how-is-buyer-behavior-changing?

Having worked across customer success, product management, and now product marketing, I’ve always taken a keen interest in…

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How is buyer behavior changing?

Having worked across customer success, product management, and now product marketing, I’ve always taken a keen interest in buyer behavior – and, in turn, have picked up some valuable insights into how it has changed and developed over time.

In this article, we’ll take a look at range of factors that have influenced some key changes in buying behavior over the last five years. We’ll examine the role of personalization and community-building in shaping buyer behavior, and show how businesses can market to different generations more effectively, and harness the power of data analytics.  

Let’s dive in!

How has buyer behavior changed since 2019?

Firstly, let’s take a trip down memory lane. Our world has undergone some major changes over the last few years, with undeniable implications for sales, the B2B sector, and go-to-market strategies. Let’s revisit 2019 and early 2020, to discuss what we observed in terms of pre-pandemic buyer behavior, what has changed, what’s stayed the same, and what’s different.

A lot has indeed changed. In 2019 or early 2020, many marketing teams, particularly in the B2B space, were generating leads and gauging buyer intent through avenues like in-person events. However, with the onset of the pandemic, this landscape shifted dramatically, virtually eliminating in-person events, which were quickly replaced with webinars.

We saw the rise of webinar attendance between 2020 and 2021, and to some extent, we’ve seen its fall in the past year – except when the content is really high quality. That emphasis on great content has become absolutely crucial.

Despite these changes, a few things have remained consistent. Even back in 2019, there was a growing emphasis on personalization and relationship building. I believe this aspect will always hold true.

When you consider a buying committee, your key champion or lead evaluator is staking their professional reputation on recommending specific solutions. Ensuring that this buying committee and lead evaluator have all the information they need, nurturing relationships, and building personalization for these individuals is a constant priority, whether it’s 2019 or 2022.

The importance of meeting buyers where they are

The changes brought by the pandemic nudged us into becoming more creative as marketers, and probably much faster than we might have otherwise. The tactics we’d traditionally relied on, such as in-person events, were suddenly off the table, and then we had “webinar fatigue” to contend with. Marketers had to innovate to meet buyers where they were.

At Akeneo, we experimented with alternatives like virtual happy hours. We even hosted a pizza-making event, shipping all attendees a DIY pizza kit. It was these types of adaptive shifts that marketers had to embrace much quicker than anticipated. This period also saw buyers venturing outside their comfort zones as the landscape pivoted toward more human-centric marketing.

The most surprising change during this time was the blurring of the lines between traditional B2C and B2B buying behavior. This trend was likely accelerated by buyers having more time at home, and shopping during their lunch breaks for both consumer items and potential B2B purchases.

The growth of community-building as a marketing strategy

Reflecting on the last few years, there are several innovative and exciting approaches that could be useful additions to our toolkits.

The rise of community stands out. Many companies started placing more emphasis on this due to people spending more time at home. The focus shifted to nurturing communities and fostering interaction, instead of just constantly pushing out content. PMA’s community is a great example of this; it allowed me to connect with other product marketers, which has been invaluable.

Companies that adopted a more human-centric approach stood out too. For instance, here at Akeneo, most of our team is based in France. When a major outbreak shut down schools here, our CEO gave everyone with children the next two days off.

Companies that prioritized their employees and shared these moments – like virtual happy hours – really showcased a positive culture shift. It was refreshing to see businesses transcending their corporate identities, taking their brand and cultural values to a more relatable, human level. That’s something I’d like to see continue as we move forward in the post-pandemic era.

How can marketers target and serve different generations?

There’s a lot of chatter around Gen Z and how their preferences are influencing businesses – which, in my opinion, is largely positive. Their focus on sustainability and ethics has started to significantly shape how marketers and salespeople engage potential buyers.

However, it’s crucial not to pigeonhole an entire generation based on stereotypes. While understanding generational trends can provide insight, if we overgeneralize, we risk overlooking the human touch needed for a successful sales cycle. For instance, assuming a boomer will inherently be more hesitant would be an overgeneralization – especially if that boomer happens to be the CTO of a top-performing tech company.

Instead of relying on generalizations, it’s important to conduct a buyer persona study to guide our sales teams on the profiles of the people they’re typically talking to and what those individuals value the most. So, leveraging a buyer persona study, if possible, is my recommended approach.

How to harness the power of data for marketing

Let’s shift gears a bit and discuss data, specifically how marketers can leverage analytics to evaluate performance.

As marketers right now, we’re swimming in data. There’s so much information that we could dissect almost any element of our operations. However, what really matters is your business strategy and how that’s reflected in the numbers.

For instance, the metrics you track for a brand awareness campaign will be entirely different from those you monitor for a product-led growth campaign aimed at driving people through a free trial and converting them. The most important factor isn’t necessarily the raw analytics but rather what insights you can draw from them.

On our marketing team, we keep a close eye on our customer acquisition cost (CAC) and lifetime value (LTV). We also conduct weekly check-ins on our MQI to MQL to SQL (marketing-qualified interaction to marketing-qualified lead to sales-qualified lead) conversion rates and the number of opportunities opened.

The goal is to ensure we’re giving our sales teams high-quality leads. This process also helps us identify where we’re providing the most value and where there might be gaps in our sales cycle that need filling.

How marketers should prepare for the future

Nowadays, AI-generated content is a hot topic. It raises all kinds of questions about job security in our field and whether we’ll still have work to do. I believe we’ll always have plenty on our plates. However, it’s crucial to be prepared for such advances.

We’re also witnessing the beginning of an era where there’s a fine line between “creepy” and “highly personalized” with AI-generated content. For instance, how many times have we thought, “How did Starbucks know I was just walking by, and now I’ve received a rewards coupon?”

Straddling that line can be tricky, but it’s also exciting. The way technology has revolutionized how buyers buy and marketers market makes this an incredibly exciting time to be part of this journey.

We’re living in an era of constant change, but we can’t let these changes catch us off-guard. Preparing for the future comes down to the right combination of people, processes, and technology. When these elements are in place, along with the right messaging, it doesn’t really matter what the next big channel is – your team will be ready. They’ll have the assets they need to communicate a consistent brand image and values, regardless of the platform.

Whether it’s navigating the metaverse, capitalizing on the continued surge in e-commerce, or adjusting to changing buyer behaviors – having your messaging and the necessary systems, people, and processes in place sets you up for success. It prepares you to tackle whatever new channels and challenges may emerge.

Key takeaways

Well, there you have it! I think it’s fair to say that the world of buyer behavior is always changing and always thrilling! The key is to stay adaptable, truly understand your audience, and keep an eye out for the next big thing. So, as we wrap up, let’s recap some takeaways to help you navigate this ever-changing landscape:

đŸ‘„ Human-to-human marketing is now more important than ever: Authentic, relatable content and interactions are key for creating strong bonds between businesses and customers.

🔍 Personalization is key: Stereotypes don’t work in marketing. You need to understand your audience and your buyer personas to truly connect and meet their specific needs.

🌎 Sustainability and ethical sourcing matter, especially to the younger generation. Make sure your brand resonates with these values to stay relevant.

đŸ’Ÿ We’re swimming in data, but it’s crucial to draw valuable insights from it: Know your business strategy, focus on relevant metrics, and ensure you’re delivering high-quality leads.

đŸ€– AI is evolving and becoming more prevalent in marketing: While this might seem daunting, it offers exciting new opportunities for personalization and efficiency. But remember, there’s a fine line between personalization and being creepy.

⏭ Preparing for the future is all about having the right people, processes, and messaging in place: Being adaptable will ensure you’re ready to tackle whatever comes next.

This article was adapted from Sarah’s brilliant chat with Jarod Greene on the Sales Enablement Podcast. Click here to listen to it in its full, relatively unedited glory!

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