Jo Cameron, Author at News for Project Managers - PMI Sat, 02 Mar 2024 06:20:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Jo Cameron, Author at 32 32 How to Implement Sharding in MongoDB Sat, 02 Mar 2024 06:20:39 +0000 how-to-implement-sharding-in-mongodb

In the realm of database management, scaling is a fundamental challenge. As data grows, so do the demands…

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In the realm of database management, scaling is a fundamental challenge. As data grows, so do the demands on our systems. MongoDB, with its flexibility and scalability, offers a powerful solution through sharding. In this guide, we’ll delve into the world of sharding in MongoDB, exploring what it is, why it’s crucial, and how to implement it effectively.

What is Sharding?

Sharding is a method used to distribute data across multiple machines. It’s MongoDB’s approach to meeting the demands of data growth by horizontally scaling your database. Rather than storing all data on a single server, sharding divides the dataset into smaller parts called “shards.” Each shard is stored on a separate machine, allowing for parallel operations and improved performance.

Why Sharding Matters


One of the primary reasons for implementing sharding is scalability. As your data grows, a single server may not suffice. Sharding allows you to add more machines to your cluster, distributing the load and enabling your database to handle larger datasets and increased traffic.

High Availability:

Sharding enhances the availability of your database. By replicating shards across multiple servers, if one server goes down, the data remains accessible from other shards. This improves fault tolerance and ensures continuous operation.

Improved Performance:

With sharding, you can parallelize read and write operations across multiple shards. This means faster query responses and improved throughput, especially when dealing with large volumes of data.

Implementing Sharding in MongoDB

Now, let’s dive into the practical steps to implement sharding in MongoDB.

Step 1: Set Up a MongoDB Cluster

// MongoDB Cluster Configuration
  clusterRole: "shardsvr"

First, ensure your MongoDB cluster is set up. Define the cluster role as “shardsvr” to indicate that this instance will serve as a shard.

Step 2: Enable Sharding on Database

// Enable Sharding on Database
use admin
db.runCommand({ enableSharding: "your_database" })

Next, connect to the MongoDB instance and enable sharding on the desired database.

Step 3: Choose a Shard Key

// Define Shard Key
db.your_collection.ensureIndex({ shard_key: 1 })

Select a field as the shard key. This field determines how data will be distributed across shards. It’s crucial to choose a shard key that evenly distributes data and aligns with your query patterns.

Step 4: Add Shards to Cluster

// Add Shards to Cluster

Now, it’s time to add shards to your cluster. Specify the server addresses for each shard.

Step 5: Shard the Collection

// Shard Collection
sh.shardCollection("your_database.your_collection", { shard_key: 1 })

Finally, shard the collection using the chosen shard key. MongoDB will distribute the data across shards based on this key.

Best Practices for Sharding

Choose an Appropriate Shard Key:

The selection of a shard key is critical. It should evenly distribute data and align with your query patterns to avoid “hot spots” where one shard receives disproportionately more requests.

Monitor Shard Balancing:

MongoDB automatically balances data across shards, but it’s essential to monitor this process. Use tools like mongostat to ensure even distribution and optimal performance.

Plan for Growth:

Design your sharding strategy with future growth in mind. Consider how data will grow and how you can add more shards to accommodate increased load.

Understand Query Routing:

When querying sharded data, MongoDB’s query router (mongos) directs queries to the appropriate shards. Understand how this routing works to optimize query performance.


Sharding in MongoDB is a powerful tool for scaling your database horizontally, improving performance, and ensuring high availability. By distributing data across multiple shards, you can handle large datasets and increased traffic effectively. Remember to choose your shard key wisely, monitor shard balancing, plan for growth, and understand query routing for optimal results.

Implementing sharding may seem daunting at first, but with the right approach and understanding of best practices, you can harness the full potential of MongoDB’s scalability.

Your support will help me continue to bring new Content. Love Coding! ❤

Trusted Reference Sources:

In this guide, we’ve covered the essentials of implementing sharding in MongoDB, from understanding its importance to practical steps and best practices. Whether you’re managing a growing dataset or preparing for increased traffic, sharding offers a robust solution for scaling your MongoDB database.

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Illustrated JavaScript Coding Course Thu, 15 Feb 2024 00:21:13 +0000 illustrated-javascript-coding-course

Dear code newbies, I’ve put together a comprehensive JavaScript coding course presented in the format of an engaging…

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Dear code newbies,

I’ve put together a comprehensive JavaScript coding course presented in the format of an engaging slideshow-style ebook. This ebook is packed with valuable content, spanning over 700 slides to aid in your learning journey.

The course is not for everyone, but you may be interested in it if you’re passionate about creative coding and game development.

Download the first 200 slides

Purchase the full e-book

If you found the sample PDF helpful and informative, don’t miss out on the chance to delve deeper into the course content.

For a limited time, seize the opportunity to acquire the full ebook at a discounted rate of $17.50 – that’s 50% off the regular price.

Image description

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GO vs RUST speed test | Which one to choose in 2024 Tue, 02 Jan 2024 21:24:52 +0000 go-vs-rust-speed-test-|-which-one-to-choose-in-2024

TL;DR: Go, developed by Google, is simple and readable, excelling in concurrency. Rust, from Mozilla, prioritizes memory safety…

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Go, developed by Google, is simple and readable, excelling in concurrency. Rust, from Mozilla, prioritizes memory safety and performance, making it great for systems programming. Go is simpler, Rust offers more control.

In performance, Go is efficient; Rust balances memory safety and performance.

According to Stack Overflow, 13.24% use Go, while 84.66% admire Rust.

Average salary: Golang – $92,760, Rust – $87,012.

Recommendation: Go is beginner-friendly, Rust for advanced control. Choose based on familiarity and project complexity.


Go, developed by Google in 2007, emphasizes simplicity, efficiency, and readability. It excels in concurrent programming and scalability, with a straightforward syntax, making it popular for building distributed systems and web servers.

In contrast, Rust, introduced by **Mozilla** around 2010, prioritizes memory safety and performance. Ideal for systems programming, Rust’s ownership system ensures memory safety without compromising performance, making it a powerful choice for building reliable and efficient systems.



  1. Simplicity and Readability: Go is designed with a straightforward and readable syntax, prioritizing ease of understanding and code maintenance.
  2. Efficiency: Go achieves efficiency through a garbage collector, managing memory automatically to optimize resource utilization.
  3. Concurrency: Go stands out for its built-in support for concurrent programming, offering goroutines and channels that simplify the development of scalable applications.


  1. Memory Safety: Rust places a robust emphasis on memory safety, incorporating features such as ownership and borrowing alongside a borrow checker to prevent common memory management errors.
  2. Performance: Rust focuses on performance with zero-cost abstractions and low-level control, making it suitable for high-performance applications without compromising safety.
  3. Fearless Concurrency: Rust provides a system for fearless concurrency, ensuring thread safety and empowering developers to write reliable and efficient concurrent code, particularly beneficial in systems programming scenarios.

In comparison, while Go excels in simplicity, readability, and efficient concurrency, Rust distinguishes itself with a strong commitment to memory safety, high performance, and a fearless approach to concurrency in the context of systems programming.


In the ever-evolving landscape of programming languages, developers often seek the right balance between simplicity, efficiency, and performance. In this exploration, we’ll compare the performance of Go and Rust by measuring the time it takes to execute a seemingly simple task: printing numbers from 1 to 1 million.

Go: A Symphony of Simplicity and Concurrency

package main

import (

func main() {
    startTime := time.Now()

    for i := 1; i <= 1000000; i++ {

    duration := time.Since(startTime)
    fmt.Println("Execution time:", duration)

Execution time: 240.3113184s

Rust: A Dance of Safety and Performance

use std::time::Instant;

fn main() {
    let start_time = Instant::now();

    for i in 1..=1000000 {
        println!("{}", i);

    let duration = start_time.elapsed();
    println!("Execution time: {:?}", duration);

Execution time: 313.9177696s

After running these programs separately, we observed the execution times. While the specific times may vary based on the environment and hardware, this simple experiment provides a glimpse into the relative performance of Go and Rust for a basic task.

In our test, Go demonstrated its efficiency in handling the task, leveraging its simplicity and built-in concurrency support. Rust, with its strong focus on memory safety and performance, showcased its capabilities even in a seemingly straightforward scenario.

It’s important to note that performance considerations extend beyond a single task, and the choice between Go and Rust should be based on the specific requirements of your project. Whether you lean towards the simplicity of Go or the power of Rust, these languages offer unique advantages that cater to diverse programming needs.

Developer Opinion

In May 2023, more than 90,000 developers participated in Stack Overflow’s annual survey, sharing insights into their learning methods, skill enhancement strategies, and tool preferences.

Among the 87,585 responses analyzed, 11,596 individuals, representing 13.24% of the respondents, reported using Go in the past year.

And, 11,429 participants, equivalent to 13.05%, indicated their usage of Rust over the same period.

Go and Rust uses

Apart from documenting the technologies developers utilized in the past year, the survey also delves into the tools currently in use and those developers aspire to continue using in the future.

According to the survey findings, Rust is highly favored, with 84.66% of developers expressing admiration for the language, and 30.56% expressing a desire to continue using it. Go, while still popular, shows slightly lower figures, with 62.45% admiration and 20.59% expressing a desire to use it further.



As per the survey results, the average salary for a Golang developer is reported to be $92,760, while Rust developers have an average salary of $87,012. These figures provide insights into the compensation trends within the respective developer communities, with Golang developers commanding a slightly higher average salary compared to their Rust counterparts.


Read the whole survey here –

Stack Overflow Developer Survey 2023

In May 2023 over 90,000 developers responded to our annual survey about how they learn and level up, which tools they’re using, and which ones they want.


My Recommendation

If you’re new to coding, Go is a great pick with its simple and beginner-friendly features. Its clear syntax makes learning the basics a breeze, making it an ideal choice for those starting their programming journey.

On the flip side, if you’re looking for a more advanced language that provides better control and performance, Rust is a compelling option. Despite a steeper learning curve, Rust’s emphasis on memory safety and concurrency offers a powerful toolkit for experienced developers tackling complex projects.

Ultimately, the choice between Go and Rust hinges on your familiarity with coding and the complexity of the projects you aim to undertake. Go offers simplicity, while Rust provides a deeper understanding and greater control for those ready for a more advanced coding experience.

Follow for more such content. @mukeshkuiry 🙂

Do let me know your favorite programming language in the comment below.

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Ferramentas que você pode usar para praticar Python online Mon, 20 Nov 2023 15:24:05 +0000 ferramentas-que-voce-pode-usar-para-praticar-python-online

Em determinado momento dos seus estudos, pode fazer mais sentido você instalar e configurar a linguagem Python no…

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Em determinado momento dos seus estudos, pode fazer mais sentido você instalar e configurar a linguagem Python no seu computador para executar códigos mais robustos e com as bibliotecas que precisa. Mas para começar, você pode explorar essas ferramentas para praticar Python de forma online.

Jupyter Notebook

O Jupyter Notebook é um serviço online que permite escrever, executar e testar código.
Como acessar:

Google Colab

O Google Colab é um serviço online e hospedado do Jupyter Notebook e fornece acesso gratuito a recursos de computação.
Como acessar:

O é um serviço online onde você pode escrever e execute código. Você pode criar e compartilhar códigos.
Como acessar:

Se você conhece outras ferramentas, compartilhe com a gente pelos comentários e ajude a incrementar este conteúdo para que possamos aprender cada vez mais juntes.

Obrigada por ter acompanhado o conteúdo!

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Weighted Scoring Model in Product Management: A Guide Mon, 20 Nov 2023 15:24:00 +0000 weighted-scoring-model-in-product-management:-a-guide

Wondering what the weighted scoring model is? If so, we’ve got you covered. The articles: Defines the weighted…

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Wondering what the weighted scoring model is?

If so, we’ve got you covered. The articles:

  • Defines the weighted scoring model
  • Discusses its advantages and disadvantages
  • Shows how product and project managers can create their own model
  • Explains how to follow up on the results

Let’s get right into it!


  • The weighted scoring model is a prioritization technique that involves team members assigning a numerical value to product initiatives based on predefined criteria.
  • Product teams use the model to evaluate ideas, prioritize features, select tools, assess risks, or allocate resources, to name just a few.
  • In contrast to unweighted scoring, not all criteria are equally important. This is reflected in the weighting values. For example, one criterion can be worth 0.6 while another is only 0.4 of the total.
  • Weighted scoring allows a more nuanced and objective prioritization, and it fosters transparency and team alignment.
  • However, the scoring and weighting are still subject to bias, and the process doesn’t always reflect customer needs.
  • Start creating your weighted scoring model by listing all the options to evaluate.
  • Next, define the relevant criteria. These could come from your organization or you can use a ready framework like RICE or ICE.
  • Next, group criteria into positive and negative ones and assign weighting value to each of them. All the values for each category should total 1 (e.g., 0.2+0.6+0.2=1).
  • In the next step, score options according to the criteria and calculate the weighted score for each of them by multiplying the score by the weighting value (e.g. 0.2 x 10 = 2).
  • After that, calculate the overall score for each feature. The exact formula depends on the criteria, but generally, you divide the positive criteria scores by the negative criteria scores.
  • Finally, compare the scores and choose the features to include in the roadmap. Before you do so, however, validate them through user interviews, surveys, fake door tests, or prototype experiments.
  • Userpilot is a product growth platform that enables teams to collect feature requests, run surveys, and carry out experiments. Book the demo to find out more!

What is the weighted scoring model?

A weighted scoring model is a technique that enables product and project managers to make informed and objective prioritization decisions.

It’s based on the multiple-criteria decision-making mathematical model, and it involves assigning numerical values to features and initiatives based on predefined criteria, like value and effort.

We talk about weighted scoring when each of the criteria has a different value.

For example, in a cost-benefit analysis, an organization may consider the cost of development to be twice as important as the cost of its implementation. In this case, the first will be worth 0.66 while the latter – 0.33.

What is the difference between the unweighted and weighted scoring framework?

In both weighted and unweighted scoring models, teams assign values according to each of the criteria.

However, in the unweighted frameworks, each of the benefit and cost categories is worth the same. In the weighted scoring model, some of the categories are more important than others – they get more weight.

Let’s go back to the example above.

In the weighted model, we have a 66/33 ratio between the development cost and the implementation cost. In an unweighted model, these two would be equally important, so the ratio would be 1/1.

When to use the weighted scoring method in product and project management?

Product and project managers use the weighted scoring model to make important decisions.

This could be:

Overall, the weighted scoring model is preferred for complex and high-stakes decisions.

Benefits of the weighted scoring matrix

There are a number of pros of using a weighted scoring framework.

Here are a few important reasons to consider it:

  • Nuanced prioritization – weighting the criteria enables teams to make more nuanced decisions that truly reflect their product goals and organizational cultures.
  • Objective criteria – weighted scoring minimizes subjectivity and personal biases in the decision-making process.
  • Transparency – numerical values are easy to understand and can help you justify your decisions.
  • Flexibility – you can easily adapt the weighted scoring models to reflect the changes in the market or organizational priorities.
  • Cross-functional alignment – by involving the key stakeholders and members of other teams to select the criteria and weights, you build a shared understanding of your goals and priorities.

Drawbacks of the weighted scoring matrix

Despite its strengths, weighted scoring does come with a few downsides.

Here’s a breakdown of the main ones:

  • Subjective scoring – even if the criteria are clear, it’s not easy to assign specific values to score features or tasks objectively.
  • Lack of customer input – the weighted scoring model can be used to prioritize customer feedback, but users have little impact on which items you choose unless you tie some of the criteria to your customers.
  • Weighting – just like scoring, determining weights is challenging and you may unintentionally deprioritize important backlog items.

How to create a weighted scoring model?

Let’s imagine that you’re building a mobile health and wellness app and you’re currently working on a major update.

As a product manager, you need to prioritize the features to include in the update, so you decide to use the weighted scoring model.

Here’s how you apply the framework, step by step.

1. Identify and list down all possible options

The first step is identifying all the possible features you may want to include in the update.

This normally includes product and customer discovery to find customer needs, wants, and pain points.

Once you do this, it’s time to work out how you address the problems.

In this hypothetical scenario, your team has come up with 5 possible features:

  • Enhanced exercise tracker
  • Nutrition planner
  • Meditation guide
  • Sleep tracker
  • Community feature for user interaction

Some of these features have been requested by your current users.

2. Define criteria relevant to your decision

Once you have identified the features, it’s time to select prioritization criteria.

You can do it in two ways. One option is to use a ready prioritization framework like RICE, ICE, or Value vs. Effort. If you choose RICE, your criteria will be Reach, Impact, Confidence, and Effort. If ICE, it would be Impact, Confidence, and Ease, and so on.

Alternatively, you can choose bespoke criteria reflecting your goals or values.

That’s what you decide to do in this scenario. Your criteria are

  • User demand
  • Market competitiveness
  • Potential for revenue generation
  • The development cost
  • Implementation complexity

3. Assign a numeric weighting value to each criterion

Having identified the scoring criteria, you now need to assign weighting values.

There are two things to remember here:

First, group the criteria in terms of their impact, either positive or negative.

Out of the 5 criteria you’ve identified, user demand, market competitiveness, and potential for revenue generation are all positive, and the development cost and implementation complexity are negative.

Second, the weighted values you allocate to features in each group should make up the total of 100%.

This is our allocation:

  • User demand (50%)
  • Market competitiveness (20%)
  • Potential for revenue generation (30%)

On the other side, you have:

  • Development cost (70%)
  • Implementation complexity (30%)

4. Score each option and calculate their weighted score

After assigning the weights to each of the criteria, you’re ready to score them.

Start by selecting a scale, for example, 1-5 or 1-10. In our case, you decide on the first.

Next, score each feature according to each criterion.

For example, these are the scores for the enhanced activity tracker feature:

  • User demand – 3
  • Market competitiveness – 5
  • Potential for revenue generation – 3
  • The development cost – 5
  • Implementation complexity – 4

Next, calculate the weighted scores.

  • User demand (3 x 50% = 1.5)
  • Market competitiveness (5 x 20% = 1)
  • Potential for revenue generation (3 x 30% = 0.9)
  • Development cost (5 x 70% = 3.5)
  • Implementation complexity (30% x 4= 1.2)

Pro tip: To make the scoring easier, use a spreadsheet to create a weighted scoring chart.

In the rows, list all the features, while in the columns – the criteria. Under each of the criteria, write the weighting value for easy reference and to automate the calculations later on.

A weighted scoring chart
A weighted scoring chart.

5. Sum up the total score for each option

To calculate the overall score for each feature, add the weighted scores for all the positive features and divide them by the sum of the weighted scores for all the negative ones.

So in the case of the enhanced exercise tracker, this is (1.5+1+0.9)/(3.5+1.2)=0.72

6. Compare the scores and make a decision

We’re nearly there. All you have to do now is compare the scores and use the data to make a decision on what goes into the update.

Here they are:

  • Enhanced exercise tracker – 0.72
  • Nutrition planner – 1.04
  • Meditation guide – 0.5
  • Sleep tracker – 1.69
  • Community feature – 3.36
Total weighted scoring for all features
Total weighted scoring results for all features.

You can see that the sleep tracker and the community feature have the highest scores, so that’s what you decide to develop.

Next steps: What should product teams do after analyzing weighted scores?

Nearly, there! All the features are prioritized so you only have a couple more things to do.

Carry out concept testing to validate ideas

Before starting to build the features, make sure to validate them through concept testing.

This basically means double-checking if users actually want the feature and are willing to pay for it. In this way, you avoid investing resources into functionality that nobody uses.

Useful validation techniques include:

In-app validation survey in Userpilot
In-app validation survey in Userpilot.

Create a product roadmap

If your validation research reveals that there is genuine demand for the functionality, add the feature to your roadmap. That’s assuming you already have a roadmap.

If not, there are a bunch of tools for creating them. These range from universal design solutions like Miro to dedicated road mapping and product management tools like Airfocus or Dragonboat.

It’s also a good idea to create a public roadmap to keep your customers in the loop.

A roadmap in Miro. Source: Miro
A roadmap in Miro.


A weighted scoring model is an effective tool for making informed and objective prioritization decisions.

However, developing your scoring matrix may be complicated to start with. To facilitate the process, it’s best to involve all product team members to ensure a shared understanding of the criteria and their importance.

If you want to see how Userpilot can help you collect feature requests, conduct surveys, and run fake door tests, book the demo!

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Crossed 200$ in revenue with my first side project Thu, 28 Sep 2023 18:24:55 +0000 crossed-200$-in-revenue-with-my-first-side-project

1300 signups and 200$ in revenue on 🥳 What is and how it helps content writers,…

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1300 signups and 200$ in revenue on 🥳

What is and how it helps content writers, bloggers and creators?


So I see lots of people on here, linkedin and twitter curate and share some useful resources, that’s great and it sure helps a lot of people and also the curator

but there’s a problem, it becomes difficult to manage and re-share, copy pasting link again and again while posting on multiple platforms, also difficult to manage, access and retrieve to share later with someone.

That’s why we have been working on for few months to help people better manage their bookmarks, learning resources and share resources cross platforms easily. LinkCollect is made to do all thing links, it helps in

linkcollect dashboard image shows collections

  • Personal / private bookmarking (all collections or profile can be made private)

  • Social bookmarking (make, collect and share resources 5x faster, all your resources are just a click away in your browser)

  • Discover and search across collections (find learning resources and other useful links that people collect, and save them too)

  • Share your linkcollect profile, all groups of collections at once

and more stuff that we will be adding on as we proceed : )

linkcollect chrome extension image shows collections

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Open Source e Software Livre: conheça e entenda de uma vez por todas o que cada um significa Tue, 29 Aug 2023 01:25:15 +0000 open-source-e-software-livre:-conheca-e-entenda-de-uma-vez-por-todas-o-que-cada-um-significa

Índice Introdução História O início Unix Software Livre Open Source Incentivos Valores Definições Software Proprietário Software Livre X…

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  1. Introdução
  2. História

    1. O início
    2. Unix
  3. Software Livre
  4. Open Source

    1. Incentivos
    2. Valores
  5. Definições

    1. Software Proprietário
    2. Software Livre X Open Source
    3. Licenças
  6. Finalização


O intuito deste artigo é apresentar os conceitos, história e tudo que temos por trás do mundo do Software Livre e mundo de projetos de código aberto (chamados de projetos Open-Source – nome bem sugestivo).

Ao finalizar a leitura, você conseguirá entender a diferença dos dois termos e vai ainda poder se aprofundar em seus fundamentos! Não se acanhe, caso tenha alguma dúvida fique livre para perguntar! Aqui é um espaço seguro para ensino e aprendizado.


Em algum momento tenho certeza que você já se deparou com algum projeto de código aberto, isso mesmo, aqueles que podemos ver o código-fonte e entender todo o seu funcionamento, podendo ainda realizar modificações sobre ele de acordo com sua necessidade… Bem, esses pontos sobre poder ou não poder fazer alguma coisa vamos tratar em breve, mas, por agora entenda que é um projeto que possui o código (em alguma tecnologia específica) aberto ao público geral.

O direito de ter acesso ao código-fonte de algo vem de muito antes da computação moderna, surgindo principalmente com outros nomes e outras associações (um exemplo de forma similar seria o funcionamento de patentes), com casos datados do início do século XX, como por exemplo o caso Henry Ford de 1909, na qual houve compartilhamento de dados e informações sobre motores vazados, afinal, entramos no âmbito judicial relacionado aos direitos de uso.

No final das contas não sou do ramo de direito, sou apenas um entusiasta de projetos de código-aberto e software livre no geral, por isso, vamos passar para os tópicos que já remetem o início da computação com casos da IBM.

O início

Voltando para as décadas de 1950 e 1960 temos um mundo totalmente diferente do que vivemos hoje com relação ao uso de software. Naquela época, era comum que houvesse compartilhamento de códigos entre pessoas e empresas, incluindo a própria IBM na jogada. Sistemas operacionais e programas eram comumente distribuídos em conjunto com softwares. Um curioso fato é o nascimento do grupo de usuários SHARE que surgiu em 1955 com objetivo de facilitar o aprendizado e distribuição de software no mundo, realizando compartilhamento de tudo sobre tecnologia na época.

Em 1969 o RFC (Request for Comments e futuramente se tornando ARPANET) foi publicado, sendo o passo inicial para o que teríamos como Internet posteriormente. Ainda na mesma época temos três pessoas que foram responsáveis pelo início de um projeto que até hoje possui influência tremenda no mundo do uso de softwares no geral, estamos falando de Brian Bernighan, Ken Thompson e Dennis Ritchie, responsáveis por desenvolver uma versão modificada do MULTICS, sendo batizada como UNICS e depois Unix (já ouviu falar desse nome alguma vez?), um sistema operacional multitarefas e multiusuários.

Em 1970 a IBM (a maior vendedora e produtora de computadores de grande porte da época) que antes vendia seus softwares em conjunto com os hardwares comprados começou a vender softwares separados, trazendo o conceito do software sendo vendido simlesmente como um “produto de prateleira”. Bem, o motivo para essa mudança se deu com a evolução constante de sistemas operacionais e compiladores, elevando o custo de produção para um software.

Ainda no mesmo ano a IBM realiza a compra do chamado ARPANET, iniciando um processo de monopolização na indústria de tecnologia no geral, que antes já era controlada por ela.


Anos mais tarde, em 1972, Brian Bernighan, Ken Thompson e Dennis Ritchie começaram a investir um tempo ainda maior para o desenvolvimento do Unix, com isso, algumas criações foram surgindo como por exemplo a linguagem de programação C, uma melhoria voltada para a performance da linguagem de programação B. Sim, isso mesmo que você ouviu, eles estavam tentando reescrever o Unix em B e a performance não estava das melhores, então eles pensaram “poderíamos criar uma linguagem de programação para resolver nosso problema”, e então criaram. Acredito que uma grande maioria das pessoas que estejam lendo isso já tenham escrito ou visto algum código em C… Pois bem, assim foi o seu surgimento.

Em 1973 surge o chamado Unix BSD com a chegada do Unix na Universidade de Berkeley, na qual tivemos uma alavancada tremenda com o seu desenvolvimento. Com a universidade em crescimento, diversas pessoas puderam se beneficiar do compartilhamento de estudos voltados para seu desenvolvimento, resultando em um processo de comunicação incrível entre pessoas externas, alunos, professores, contribuindo para a expansão do Unix.

Em 1979 a AT&T começa a forçar licenças restritivas ao decidir que poderia lucrar com o sistema Unix, fazendo com que em 1980 surgissem os primeiros movimentos organizados em busca do que chamamos de Software Livre. Ah, apenas para finalizar este tópico, em 1981 a IBM fechou acordo com a Microsoft para fornecimento do DOS para PC, ainda desconsiderando sua evolução abriu mão dos direitos autorais do DOS, fazendo com que a Microsoft pudesse se expandir futuramente.

Software Livre

Richard Stallman publicou uma mensagem no grupo “net.unix-wizards” em 1983 com o assunto “New Unix implementation”, anunciando a criação do projeto GNU (um acrônimo para “GNU’s Not Unix”), declarando a necessidade da criação de um “novo Unix”, mencionando a necessidade de diversas ferramentas, por isso, pedindo o apoio em contribuições. Podemos dizer que publicamente este foi a primeira declaração de Richard Stallman sobre o início de contribuições públicas para o começo do que seria um sistema operacional amplamente utilizado. As ferramentas que ele cita seriam programas para fazer com que um computador pudesse ser utilizável, incluindo tudo que você imaginar.

Bem, em 1984 Richard Stallman pediu demissão do AI Lab do MIT, se dedicando completamente ao Projeto GNU, publicando o Manifesto GNU (que cita o termo “software livre”). O primeiro software a ser publicado pelo Projeto GNU foi o chamado GNU Emacs (que também é hoje meu principal editor de código e textos no geral), escrito por Richard Stallman e Guy L. Steele.

Em 1985 o sistema de janelas X foi distribuído como software livre pleo Consórcio X (acredito que você também já deva ter ouvido falar sobre o sistema de janelas X), seguindo da fundação da Free Software Foundation e a publicação das chamadas “Quatro Liberdades de um Software Livre”, sendo elas:

  • Liberdade 0: Liberdade de executar o programa como você desejar, para qualquer propósito;
  • Liberdade 1: Liberdade de estudar como o programa funciona e adaptá-lo às suas necessidades (para isso o acesso ao código-fonte é essencial);
  • Liberdade 2: Liberdade de redistribuir cópias de modo que você possa ajudar outros;
  • Liberdade 3: Liberdade de redistribuir cópias de suas versões modificadas, dando a comunidade a chance de se beneficiar de suas mudanças (acesso ao código-fonte também é essencial);

Ainda em 1985 surge o GCC (GNU Compiler Collection – tenho certeza que você também já viu esse nome em algum lugar), escrito inicialmente por Richard Stallman e Len Towe. Toda a definição oficial do que é um software livre pode ser acessada clicando aqui.

Em 1987 Andrew Tanenbaum escreveu uma versão modificada do Unix para fins didáticos, denominada MINIX (sendo posteriormente utilizada como inspiração para o nascimento do kernel Linux).

Em 1989 a Free Software Foundation criou o conceito de “copyleft” (o contrário de “copyright”) e a licença GNU GPL (General Public License) que garantia as quatro liberdades de um software. Seu funcionamento se caracteriza em que eu declaro que um determinado software pertence a X, e este X não permite qualquer venda do software respeitando as quatro liberdades, amarrando o software garantindo o cumprimento das liberdades. Ainda no mesmo ano tivemos o surgimento de outros projetos Software Livre como por exemplo o PostgreSQL lançado por Michael Stonebreaker, Cygnus fundada por Michael Tiemann, David Henkel-Wallace e John Gilmore) se tornou a primeira empresa que essencialmente começou a prover serviços para software livre, entre outros.

O kernel Linux foi iniciado em 1991 por um estudante filandês da Universidade de Helsinki chamado Linus Torvalds, que anunciou o início do projeto sendo distribuído sob licença GNU GPL, fornecendo a peça final do primeiro sistema operacional completamente livre, o chamado GNU/Linux. Na época Torvalds disse que não queria dinheiro por uma série de razões, mas, que seu principal intuito era pelo sentimento de que estava “seguindo os passos de centenas de cientistas e acadêmicos”, afinal, as pessoas construíram seu trabalho “apoiando-se nos ombros de gigantes”.

Open Source

Bem, o termo Software Livre não remete ao software ser gratuito ou não, mas, sobre liberdade (em inglês o nome fica como Free Sofware por isso a confusão era maior), por isso, quando falamos de um software de código-fonte aberto não estamos necessariamente falando de um Software Livre. Desta forma, o termo “open source” surgiu com o intuito de separar estes dois conceitos, criado por Christine Peterson. A proposta de substituição e uso do termo surgiu partiu dela, especialmente pelo simples fato de seu trabalho estar interligado com o incentivo de práticas de sofwares open source em mercados maiores.


O grupo que Christine trabalhava queria mostrar ao mundo que o software ficava melhor quando era compartilhado, colaborativo, aberto e modificável, abrindo diversas possibilidades para seu uso de forma inovadora e criativa, aumentando a flexibilidade, economia, durabilidade e sem a dependência de um fornecedor (isso, você não precisa entrar em contato com um fornecedor para relatar ou sugerir algo).

Eric Raymond era um dos membros do grupo de trabalho de Christine, publicou em 1997 algumas das ideias apresentadas em seu ensaio “The Cathedral and the Bazaar”, trazendo olhos para a Netscape Communications Corporation que abriu o projeto Mozilla e liberou seu código-fonte como software livre (tenho certeza que você também já ouviu falar desse nome). No formato de open source esse código se tornou posteriormente a base do Mozilla Firefox e Thunderbird.

Por conta de todo o apoio recebido ao software open source, a comunidade necessitou pensar em uma maneira de enfatizar os aspectos corporativos práticos do movimento de software livre, estabelecendo uma separação entre os termos “Open Source” e “Software Livre”, na qual open source representa aspectos metodológicos, corporativos e de produção do software livre, enquanto software livre continua como representação de aspectos filosóficos sobre a liberdade de uso de software quanto ao usuário.

Em 1998 é fundada a Open Source Initiative, formalizando e estabelecendo uma definição comum em todo o setor, embora diversas empresas ainda desconfiassem do movimento open source no final dos anos 1990 e começo dos anos 2000, sendo um modelo adotado gradualmente na produção de softwares.


Os principais valores para o uso de um software open source ao invés do software proprietário pode ser definido em alguns tópicos, nos quais podemos citar de acordo com a RedHat:

  • Revisão por colaboradores: o código open source é sempre verificado e aprimorado por outros programadores, já que ele fica acessível a todos e a comunidade open source é muito ativa. Imagine que o código esteja sempre em transformação, em vez de ficar fechado e estagnado.
  • Transparência: você precisa saber exatamente que tipos de dados estão sendo transferidos e para qual lugar? Quer ver que mudanças foram feitas no código? Com o open source, é possível verificar e rastrear essas informações por conta própria, sem depender de fornecedores.
  • Confiabilidade: para um código proprietário receber patches e estar sempre atualizado e funcionando, ele depende do autor ou da empresa que o controlam. O código open source fica livre dos autores originais, porque é sempre atualizado por meio de comunidades ativas. Já os padrões abertos e a revisão por pares garantem que o código open source seja testado corretamente e com frequência.
  • Flexibilidade: como o código open source tem a modificação como foco, é possível usá-lo para solucionar problemas específicos da sua empresa ou da comunidade. Você pode usar o código da maneira que quiser, além de contar com a ajuda da comunidade e com a revisão por outros desenvolvedores quando implementar novas soluções
  • Custo reduzido: com o open source, o código em si é gratuito: ao trabalhar com empresas como a Red Hat, você paga apenas pelo suporte, fortalecimento da segurança e ajuda para gerenciar a interoperabilidade.
  • Sem dependência de fornecedor: o usuário pode utilizar o código open source em qualquer lugar, finalidade e horário.
  • Colaboração aberta: com as comunidades open source ativas, você encontra ajuda, recursos e perspectivas que vão além de um grupo de interesse ou empresa.

Para ver mais detalhes sobre estas definições do que chamamos de Open Source recomendo o artigo “O que é open source?” publicado pela RedHat em 2019.


Certo, agora que você já viu alguns termos e conheceu toda a história por trás de todo esse movimento, acredito que já seja hora de vermos algumas definições para que tudo possa ficar ainda mais claro.

Software Proprietário

Todo e qualquer software que não respeite as quatro liberdades de um software livre, não tenha código-fonte aberto, seja redistribuiído de maneira proprietária (pertence a algo ou alguém). São softwares que muitas das vezes precisam de alguma licença paga para utilização ou assinatura. Existem sim softwares proprietários gratuitos, por isso, a liberdade não vem do valor pago mas da etimologia empregada em um determinado software. Alguns exemplos de softwares proprietários:

  • Microsoft Windows
  • Microsoft Office
  • Adobe Photoshop

Software Livre X Open Source

Podemos dizer que todo “Software Livre é Open Source, mas, nem todo software Open Source é Software Livre”.

Software Livre é todo aquele que respeita as quatro liberdades de um software livre, consequentemente, ter código-fonte aberto é basicamente um pré-requisito para ser livre. Alguns exemplos de softwares livres:

Existem ainda softwares Open Source que não necessariamente se enquadram como Software Livre, mas, são responsáveis por impulsionar o uso de softwares de código aberto. Alguns exemplos de softwares open source:

Certo, mas, o que garante um software ser livre ou open source no sentido de não poderem roubar ou algo do tipo? Bem, as licenças.


Por meio das licenças garantimos a integridade de um software, permitindo que ele possa continuar sendo um software livre ou open source por meio de uma série de diretrizes.

Existem diversos tipos de licenças para diversas aplicações, das quais não entrarei no mérito de explicar sobre cada uma detalhadamente, mas, acredito que o diagrama abaixo pode auxiliar nesse passo.

Licenças Open Source

Um software pode ser considerado livre desde que respeite as quatro liberdades, mas, não necessariamente precise estar utilizando a licença GNU GPL. Este tópico ainda é um tópico em debate, por isso, saiba que esta informação apenas é relevante como um ponto de vista e afirmação etimológica.

Para ler mais sobre licenças recomendo minha publicação no GitHub que é parte de um projeto para conteúdo educacional preparatório para a certificação LPI LE-1 (da Linux Professional Institute). Para acessar o conteúdo basta clicar aqui.


Se você chegou até aqui saiba que estou muito feliz com seu novo aprendizado. Espero que todo esse conteúdo possa ter esclarecido suas dúvidas com relação ao uso de sofwares sendo Open Source ou Software Livre.

Caso queira se aprofundar um pouco mais e conhecer melhor o mundo do software livre e mundo do Linux, saiba que existe um guia completo para preparação da certificação LPI Essentials (LPI LE-1), contendo todo o conteúdo introdutório que você precisa para começar a se aprofundar no uso de sistemas operacionais Linux! O melhor de tudo: o conteúdo é livre! Para acessar basta clicar aqui.

Desde já agradeço você! Vamos crescer ainda mais o mundo de projetos Open Source e projetos de Software Livre!

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Creating Interactive Country Maps with Flutter and google_maps_flutter Sat, 26 Aug 2023 23:24:55 +0000 creating-interactive-country-maps-with-flutter-and-google-maps-flutter

If you’re developing a Flutter application that requires displaying interactive maps with highlighted countries, you might be wondering…

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If you’re developing a Flutter application that requires displaying interactive maps with highlighted countries, you might be wondering how to achieve this using the google_maps_flutter package. While the package itself doesn’t offer direct country coloring functionality, you can still accomplish this by overlaying polygons on the map. In this tutorial, we’ll walk you through the process step by step.

Step 1: Setting Up the Project

Before we begin, make sure you have a Flutter project set up. If you haven’t already, install the google_maps_flutter package by adding it to your pubspec.yaml file:

    sdk: flutter
  google_maps_flutter: ^2.0.10 # Check for the latest version

Don’t forget to run flutter pub get after adding the dependency.

Step 2: Creating the Map
Open your main Dart file and set up the basic structure for your Flutter app. We’ll create a simple MapScreen widget that displays the Google Map.

import 'package:flutter/material.dart';
import 'package:google_maps_flutter/google_maps_flutter.dart';
void main() {
class MyApp extends StatelessWidget {
da  @override
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return MaterialApp(
      home: MapScreen(),

Step 3: Overlaying Polygons
In the MapScreen widget, set up the Google Map and overlay polygons to represent countries. In this example, we’ll create a single polygon to represent a country.

class MapScreen extends StatefulWidget {
  _MapScreenState createState() => _MapScreenState();
class _MapScreenState extends State {
  GoogleMapController? mapController;
  final Set _polygons = {
      polygonId: PolygonId('country_polygon'),
      points: [
        LatLng(51.5074, -0.1278), // Example coordinates for a country
        LatLng(48.8566, 2.3522),  // Example coordinates for a country
        LatLng(52.5200, 13.4050), // Example coordinates for a country
      fillColor:, // Set the fill color
      strokeColor:, // Set the border color
      strokeWidth: 2, // Set the border width
  void addPoints()
     for( var i=0 ; i < GeoJson.IN.length ; i++ )
       var ltlng= LatLng( GeoJson.IN[ i ][ 1 ], GeoJson.IN[ i ][ 0 ] );
       point.add( ltlng );

  void _onMapCreated(GoogleMapController controller) {
    mapController = controller;
  void initState() {
    List< Polygon > addPolygon = [
        polygonId: PolygonId( 'India' ),
        points: point,
        consumeTapEvents: true,
        strokeColor: Colors.grey,
        strokeWidth: 1,
        fillColor: Colors.redAccent,
    polygon.addAll( addPolygon );
  Widget build(BuildContext context) {
    return Scaffold(
      appBar: AppBar(
        title: Text('Country Coloring'),
      body: GoogleMap(
        onMapCreated: _onMapCreated,
        initialCameraPosition: CameraPosition(
          target: LatLng(51.5074, -0.1278), // Initial map coordinates
          zoom: 4.0, // Initial zoom level
        polygons: _polygons,

LatLng Points for India

class GeoJson
 static const List IN = [

Step 4: Customization
You can add more polygons to represent different countries by creating additional Polygon objects within the _polygons set. Customize the coordinates, fill colors, and stroke colors for each polygon as needed.

While the google_maps_flutter package doesn’t directly provide country coloring functionality, you can still create interactive country maps by overlaying polygons and customizing their appearance. This approach allows you to highlight countries with distinct fill colors on a Google Map within your Flutter application. With the flexibility of Flutter’s UI capabilities, you can create engaging and informative maps tailored to your project’s requirements.
We hope this tutorial helps you achieve your goal of displaying colored countries on a Google Map in your Flutter app. Happy coding!

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How to Prepare for an SEO Conference, Including MozCon Thu, 13 Jul 2023 08:25:35 +0000 how-to-prepare-for-an-seo-conference,-including-mozcon

Conferences are a whirlwind experience. Regardless of your industry, conferences give you the chance to step out of…

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Conferences are a whirlwind experience. Regardless of your industry, conferences give you the chance to step out of your home office and into a dynamic environment filled with non-stop sessions, vendor booths, networking galore, and unforgettable after-parties.

It can be overwhelming, but SEO conferences like MozCon can bring incredible rewards with the right preparation. This guide will equip you with essential tips to make the most of SEO conferences, in-person or virtual. Discover how to strengthen your team, boost your energy, and enhance your enthusiasm for work during and after the event. Get ready to dive into the world of SEO conferences and virtual experiences.

Before you touchdown at MozCon

With MozCon just a few weeks away, it’s time to gear up and make the most of this SEO conference, whether you’re attending in person or via the remote-friendly livestream option. Don’t worry, there’s still plenty of time to prepare. Follow these essential steps to maximize your MozCon experience and ensure you’re fully equipped for the event. Get ready to dive into the world of SEO and make valuable connections.

Familiarize yourself with the agenda

You might have already glanced at the speaker lineup. Take a closer look at the minute-by-minute agenda to identify the topics that align with your learning goals. Even if a particular topic seems unrelated to your work, it can still provide valuable insights. At MozCon, the conference follows a single-track format, allowing you to attend every session. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to explore diverse topics and expand your knowledge base.

Clear your calendar

That meeting can wait! MozCon is only two days a year! If your weekly team sync can wait, and we know it can, then block out of your calendar in advance.

Define your goals and objectives

Knowing what you want to achieve will help you make the most of your time and focus on the sessions and activities that align with your interests. Think about what you want to have achieved once MozCon wraps. What do you want to feel? Aside from more than a little bit spent. Do you want to feel more connected? Do you want to have an answer to a burning question? Do you want to meet someone IRL? Do you want to have a cache of valuable notes to take away and share with your team? Sing Karaoke for the first time?

MozCon gives you the ability to achieve all these things. Find like-minded people through our Linkedin group and arrange a meetup. Connect with people on Twitter. Attend a Birds of a Feather table during breaks. Drop by the vendor booths to explore a new solution to a problem. Pack your comfy shoes for the conference, as well as your party shoes and your best Karaoke jam, for the Tuesday night after-party at MoPOP.

“If you want to meet someone specific, talk to a speaker, or organize dinner with friends, plan in advance. Conferences move quickly, and nothing is more disappointing than trying to connect with someone on the last day only to realize they had to catch an early flight. Most speakers are happy to meet new people and talk about our topics and interests.” – Dr Pete Meyers

A man and a woman smiling in blue company shirts
Plan to mingle between sessions, don’t forget to drop by the vendor booths!

Gather your note-taking tool of choice

MozCon is a conference where you’ll likely take a lot of notes. Make sure you have all the necessary tools at hand. Charge your laptop or tablet or choose any other preferred method for note-taking. If you plan on sharing takeaways with your team, well, unfortunately, telepathy won’t work, but you can still find ways to communicate effectively.

“At the end of each day, take five minutes, go through your notes, and turn them into a few bullet points and ONE action item. If you have one action item per day at the end of an event, that’s great. Otherwise, if you’re like me, you’ll come home to a page of notes like “SEO! AI!! INTERSECTION OF FUTURE!” and have no idea what you were talking about.” Dr Pete Meyers

Connect with the speakers before the event

Check out our impressive lineup of speakers, perhaps there is someone speaking you’ve not yet connected with? Take some time to understand their specialty. Even if you’re not currently working within that field, it may be a new learning opportunity for you, or it may help you gain a better understanding of the challenges your colleagues are facing. Ultimately, conferences are a great opportunity to develop a more well-rounded understanding of the entire search industry, what’s on the horizon, and what to pay attention to in search.

Ramp up your SEO learning

Define what you want to achieve at MozCon and create a plan to maximize your experience. Having clear goals will help you stay focused and make the most of the event. Subscribe to the Moz blog or sign up for a Moz Academy course. These will give you access to a wealth of content to boost your knowledge in advance of the big event. From basic SEO to local search and technical details, there’s something for everyone. Additionally, the blog will provide conference recaps after each day, so you won’t miss out on any important updates.

Prepare to network and engage

MozCon, and many other SEO conferences, offer you ample opportunities to meet new people and expand your professional network. Maximize your networking opportunities before you get there. Before you arrive in Seattle, get familiar with the digital landscape by following the #mozcon hashtag on Twitter. Join the LinkedIn group, and while you’re there, follow us on Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, and Threads, because why not?

If you are in the Women in Tech SEO group, you can join the MozCon channel. This will keep you updated on MozCon fellow attendees’ plans and movements and allow you to engage with speakers and ask questions.

“MozCon doesn’t do Q&A after talks – it’s difficult to manage for an event of this size, with a packed schedule and a single stage. But, if you have a question that is actually about a speaker’s talk, they’d almost certainly love to hear it. It’s implicitly great feedback to know that someone was engaged and interested in what I was saying, even (especially!) if they don’t entirely agree.” – Tom Capper

During the conference

MozCon takes place over two jam-packed days. To maximize your SEO conference experience, here are our tips to keep you energized and focused and avoid running yourself into the ground and potentially missing a big career opportunity. Whether you’re attending online or in person, we’ve got some tips from seasoned MozCon speakers and attendees to keep you engaged during the event.

Register early

When attending any conference, it’s helpful to get the lay of the land prior to the event so you can float on through to the action uninterrupted. At MozCon, we offer early registration on Sunday, August 6. If you are arriving early and want to get a jump on badge collection and a sneak peek at the new venue, drop by registration to check in and pick up your badge. Unable to make it to registration early? No problem. Set your alarm and arrive at the conference bright and early Monday morning so you’re not rushing your morning cuppa and missing the opening remarks!

Attend every session

Remember when we advised clearing out your calendar? This is so you can make the most of this once-a-year-SEO conference experience by attending every single session. Even if it’s outside your area of focus. It also means you have the chance to network with every speaker if you bump into them in the conference hall or after-party. Luckily MozCon is a single-track event, so you don’t need to make any difficult decisions. You can find your spot in the auditorium, set up camp, and let the inspiration absorption begin!

“Because I work in local SEO, I attend MozCon’s livestream with my ears tuned to pick up any great tips that can be applied to local business marketing. Even if the main topic of a talk isn’t local search, I can come away with half a dozen tips that are relevant to my own area of marketing because organic and local SEO have so much overlap.” – Miriam Ellis


Even if you’re solely powered by caffeine and SEO insights no one can deny the boost a bit of H2O provides (especially if you’re jet-lagged.) Folks travel to MozCon from near and far, as the below attendee pin-map attests. Make sure you’re able to be your best self despite the impact of travel on your energy levels.

“Make sure you have a water bottle and snacks in your bag – nothing hinders memory and productivity like hunger and dehydration!” – Meghan Pahinui

picture of mozcon attendee pin world map
No matter where you have travelled from remember to stay hydrated – and caffeinated!

Jot down hot tips immediately

You’ve been following these steps diligently, haven’t you? If so, you have already prepared your note-taking tool of choice. Whether it’s a giant Gdoc filled with links and screenshots, the notes app on your tablet, the twitter app loaded up filtered by the #mozcon hashtag and a finger poised and ready to hit fav, or a trusty notepad and pen. Even if you’re not a massive note-taker there is nothing more valuable than jotting down a few lines as your grey-matter is percolating. Light bulb moments happen in a flash. If your boss or colleague asks you what you learned, you’ll be pleased you thought of your future self and kept a few bullet points for yourself and anyone else who asks.

“Write down ideas as soon as you have them. As you’re listening to talks and interacting with conference-goers, you’re bound to get ideas for your own strategy. Be sure to write them down ASAP – with so much information flying around, you’re bound to forget them if you don’t. It can be as simple as using the notes app on your phone or slacking yourself a quick reminder note. That way, when you get home from the conference, you’ll already have a list of ideas to springboard off of.” – Meghan Pahinui

“I make a live list of everything I hear that could be of value to local brands. Then, if I want to revisit a particular tip later, I re-watch the presentation via the video bundle. It’s helped me write some really good blog posts!” – Miriam Ellis

A woman with short blonde hair, Lily Ray, attending a conference sitting in front of a laptop
Bring your note-taking tools of choice!

Let yourself think

Thinking and doing are two very different things. If you are, like many of us, busy executing projects five days a week/52 weeks a year, this may be the time you need to let thoughts enter your brain and connect with other thoughts in order to, in some abstract way, find a solution.

“Let your mind wander. It’s ok. I don’t know why, but when I’m planted in a seat at a conference, and my mind is fully on SEO, I get more quality thinking done than just about anywhere else. If you solve a few difficult work problems by ignoring three minutes of my presentation, I’ll get over it. You can watch the video later.” Dr Pete Meyers

Mingle in-between sessions

Talk to Strangers – The most rewarding part of MozCon, IMO, is meeting new people that you may know for years after. Sit down at an unfamiliar lunch table, strike up a conversation over breaks, visit the sponsor booths, and work up your courage at events. You don’t need any special networking skills – simply asking people where they are from is often enough to get started.” – Cyrus Shepard

Network network network!

There is one experience that isn’t replicable outside of a conference event, and that’s the opportunity to connect with people in real life. Maybe you know them through LinkedIn, maybe you follow each other on Twitter. Nothing cements a professional connection more than chatting over breakfast, grabbing a much-needed coffee.

“Don’t be afraid to walk up to a table at lunch and ask if you can sit with them! MozCon is a really welcoming place, and making new friends and connections can be as easy as having the confidence to say hello!” – Hannah Waye

mozcon attendees talking at a birds of a feather table
MozCon 2018 attendees sharing stories at a ‘birds of a feather’ table.

Grab a selfie with Roger

Roger is Moz’s SEO robot who recently underwent an AI transformation and is somewhat partial to taking selfies with MozCon attendees.

Two men capture a selfie with Moz's mascot, Roger the robot
Grab a snap with Roger, Moz’s lovable robot mascot.

Tips for attending virtual events

Many of our tips are translatable to attending virtual events, like the MozCon livestream option. You just need to get creative about how you network and stay engaged. To get the most out of any virtual event you will still want to arrange how you will take notes, connect with speakers on social media, and set your team up to get the most out of the talks.

Treat it like an IRL event

We still recommend booking out your calendar when attending virtual events. It’s so easy to get distracted, and as much as we tell ourselves we are capable of multitasking, how much are we really absorbing? Clear your calendar and your headspace, take as many notes as you feel would be helpful to you, and filter your Twitter feed by #mozcon to stay in the fold and be part of the fun.

Set up a watch party

Book out your office conference space and order some snacks so you can watch MozCon live from whichever city you are located in. If your team is distributed, set up a lunchtime sync to check in and chat about what you’ve learned so far. If you are all in different time zones, create a new Slack channel to share insights with your teammates.

Why are conferences more important than ever?

With so many teams moving towards partial or fully distributed setups, finding time to get together is more valuable than ever. Conference attendees have the unique opportunity to connect with industry contacts, ask questions, and establish genuine professional relationships with experts in search marketing and SEO. And remember:

“No one is truly a stranger at MozCon. You may never attend another event where so many people have so much in common with you.” – Cyrus Shepard

We hope you’re as excited as we are for August 7th and 8th to hurry up and get here. And again, if you haven’t grabbed your ticket yet and need help making a case we have a handy template to convince your boss!

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Observer pattern in the context of a Game App Tue, 13 Jun 2023 23:24:55 +0000 observer-pattern-in-the-context-of-a-game-app

The Observer pattern is a design pattern that allows objects to be notified of changes to the state…

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The Observer pattern is a design pattern that allows objects to be notified of changes to the state of another object, called the “subject.” In the context of a game app, this could be used to notify different game components (such as scoreboards, health bars, etc.) when the game’s state changes (such as when the player collects a power-up or takes damage).

Here’s an example TypeScript code snippet that illustrates the Observer pattern in a game app:

interface Subject {
  registerObserver(o: Observer): void;
  removeObserver(o: Observer): void;
  notifyObservers(): void;

interface Observer {
  update(score: number, health: number): void;

class Game implements Subject {
  private score: number = 0;
  private health: number = 100;
  private observers: Observer[] = [];

  public registerObserver(o: Observer): void {

  public removeObserver(o: Observer): void {
    const index = this.observers.indexOf(o);
    if (index !== -1) {
      this.observers.splice(index, 1);

  public notifyObservers(): void {
    for (const observer of this.observers) {

  public collectPowerUp(): void {
    this.score += 10;

  public takeDamage(): void { -= 10;

class Scoreboard implements Observer {
  private score: number = 0;

  public update(score: number, health: number): void {
    this.score = score;

  public render(): void {
    console.log(`Score: ${this.score}`);

class HealthBar implements Observer {
  private health: number = 100;

  public update(score: number, health: number): void { = health;

  public render(): void {
    console.log(`Health: ${}`);

// Usage
const game = new Game();
const scoreboard = new Scoreboard();
const healthBar = new HealthBar();


game.collectPowerUp(); // Logs "Score: 10"
game.takeDamage(); // Logs "Health: 90"

game.collectPowerUp(); // Logs "Score: 20" (only the Scoreboard is notified)

In this example, the Game class is the subject, which maintains the state of the game (score and health) and notifies its observers when the state changes. The Scoreboard and HealthBar classes are observers that listen for changes to the game state and update their respective displays accordingly.

When the collectPowerUp method is called on the Game instance, it increases the score and notifies all observers by calling notifyObservers. Similarly, when the takeDamage method is called, it decreases the health and notifies all observers.

The Scoreboard and HealthBar instances both implement the Observer interface, which requires them to have an update method that takes in the current score and health values. When they receive an update from the Game instance, they update their own internal state and call render to update their display.

Finally, we can see that we can remove an observer by calling removeObserver on the Game instance, and the removed observer will no longer be notified of updates.

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