Inbar Yagur, Author at News for Project Managers - PMI Wed, 12 Jun 2024 08:20:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Inbar Yagur, Author at 32 32 Cool VSCode Extensions that that I’ve discovered Wed, 12 Jun 2024 08:20:17 +0000 cool-vscode-extensions-that-that-i’ve-discovered

Recently, I revisited a React side project that I had abandoned last year. In doing so, I discovered…

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Recently, I revisited a React side project that I had abandoned last year. In doing so, I discovered some essential VSCode extensions that have significantly enhanced my productivity as a React developer. The only rule for this list is that all these extensions are React specific. While they might be useful for other purposes, their main focus is React.

So, let’s dive in.

Let's go

These extensions will help by providing you with snippets. Snippets are predefined pieces of code that can expand into a complete code block with a single keystroke (pressing the tab key in most cases). These snippets can range from a single line to an entire file. By using snippets, you can condense whole files into a short abbreviation, making your coding experience much smoother.

1. ES7 React/Redux/GraphQL/React-Native Snippets


This extension provides a comprehensive collection of snippets for React, Redux, GraphQL, and React Native. These snippets can significantly speed up your development process by allowing you to quickly generate commonly used code structures. For example:

  • rcc creates a React class component skeleton.
  • rfc generates a React functional component.
  • rnfce snippets help you quickly set up React Native component with default export.
  • The list is endless . Explore here

These snippets are highly customizable and cover a wide range of use cases, making your development more efficient.

2. React Hooks Snippets


The React Hooks snippet extension simplifies the addition of hooks in React by providing specific abbreviations:

  • ush for useState initializes a state variable.
  • ueh for useEffect sets up a side effect.
  • uch for useContext accesses a context.

This extension is particularly useful because it focuses on React’s hooks API, which is a core feature for functional components. It helps you quickly implement hooks without having to remember the exact syntax every time.

3. VSCode React Refactor


VSCode React Refactor allows you to refactor your code by extracting parts of it into separate components. This can be particularly useful when your component becomes too large and you want to break it down into smaller, more manageable pieces. For example:

  • Select a piece of JSX code.
  • Right-click and choose “Refactor”.
  • Extract it into a new component.

This extension supports TypeScript and ensures that your extracted components are correctly imported and used, streamlining your refactoring process.

4. Paste JSON as Code


Paste JSON as Code allows you to convert JSON objects into code. This is especially useful when dealing with APIs that return JSON responses. For instance:

  • Copy a JSON object.
  • Use the command palette to choose “Paste JSON as Code”.
  • Convert the JSON into JavaScript or TypeScript code with type definitions.

This extension helps in quickly transforming JSON data into usable code structures, saving time and reducing errors.


SVG Gallery is an excellent tool for managing SVG files in your projects. It allows you to preview SVG files directly in VSCode, which can be particularly handy when dealing with multiple SVG assets. Features include:

  • Preview SVGs within the editor.
  • Copy SVG content as React components.
  • Organize and manage your SVG assets efficiently.

This extension simplifies the process of working with SVG files, making it easier to integrate and manage vector graphics in your React projects.

While the above recommendations come from my subjective point of view and personal experience with these extensions, I urge you to install and experience them yourself. Each developer has unique needs and workflows, and these extensions might fit differently into your projects.

I encourage you to share some of the cool extensions that have enhanced your productivity. Remember, these are not the only extensions out there, and I’m always on the lookout for new tools to improve my workflow.

This brings us to a thought-provoking question: Are we creating lazy programmers by relying heavily on these extensions, or are we genuinely enhancing productivity and efficiency? Share your thoughts and experiences. Let’s discuss whether these tools are crutches or catalysts for better development.

Until next time!……


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Integrating with WordPress Fri, 24 May 2024 10:20:44 +0000 integrating-with-wordpress

A hands-on guide and example to integrate WordPress with Logto. This guide will walk you through the process…

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A hands-on guide and example to integrate WordPress with Logto.

This guide will walk you through the process of integrating Logto with WordPress using the OIDC plugin. But first, let’s take a look at the user experience once the integration is complete.

The sign-in process with Logto integration

  1. The user accesses the WordPress site’s login page, which is [SITE URL]/wp-login.php by default, and there is a sign in by OIDC button.
  2. The user clicks the button, and is redirected to the Logto’s sign in page with your customized sign in experience.
  3. The user choose a sign in method, and Logto will authenticate the user.
  4. Once the user is authenticated, Logto will redirect the user back to the WordPress site.
  5. WordPress will create a new user account or sign in the existing user account, and redirect the user to the previous page.
    Now that we’ve seen the end result of integrating Logto with WordPress, let’s get our hands dirty and dive into the integration process.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following:

  1. A WordPress site: A fully operational WordPress site is required. Ensure administrative access to manage plugins and configure settings.
  2. A Logto instance: Create a new Logto instance by visiting the Logto Console, or host your own instance by following the installation guide.

Integration Steps

Step 1: Create a Logto application

  1. Visit the Logto Console.
  2. Navigate to “Applications” and click “Create application”.
  3. Click “Create app without framework”.
  4. Select “Traditional Web” as the application type.
  5. Name your application and click “Create application”.

Step 2: Install the plugin

  1. Log in to your WordPress site.
  2. Navigate to “Plugins” and click “Add New”.
  3. Search for “OpenID Connect Generic” and install the plugin by daggerhart.
  4. Activate the plugin.

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Step 3: Configure the plugin

  1. Open the plugin settings by navigating to “Settings” > “OpenID Connect Generic”.
  2. Fill in the following fields:
  • Client ID: The app ID of your Logto application.
  • Client Secret: The app secret of your Logto application.
  • OpenID Scope: Enter email profile openid offline_access.
  • Login Endpoint URL: The authorization endpoint URL of your Logto application, which is https://[tenant-id], you can click “show endpoint details” in the Logto application page to get the URL.
  • Userinfo Endpoint URL: The userinfo endpoint URL of your Logto application, which is https://[tenant-id]
  • Token Validation Endpoint URL: The token validation endpoint URL of your Logto application, which is https://[tenant-id]
  • End Session Endpoint URL: The end session endpoint URL of your Logto application, which is https://[tenant-id]
  • Identity Key: The unique key in the ID token that contains the user’s identity, it can be email or sub, depending on your configuration.
  • Nickname Key: The key in the ID token that contains the user’s nickname, you can set it to sub and change it later.
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Step 4: Configure the application

  1. In the plugin settings, scroll down to the “Notes” section, and copy the “Redirect URI” value.
  2. In the Logto Console, navigate to your application’s settings.
  3. Add the copied “Redirect URI” value to the “Redirect URIs” field.

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Step 5: Test the integration

  1. Log out of your WordPress site.
  2. Visit the WordPress login page and click the “Sign in with Logto” button.
  3. You will be redirected to the Logto sign-in page.
  4. Sign in with your Logto account.
  5. You will be redirected back to the WordPress site and logged in automatically.

Final steps

Congratulations! You have successfully integrated Logto with WordPress.

To further customize the integration, you can explore additional features in the plugin’s setting page, such as linking existing users, customizing the login button, using SSO mode, and more.

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Inspire resilience: 6 essential rules for product leaders Fri, 24 May 2024 10:20:27 +0000 inspire-resilience:-6-essential-rules-for-product-leaders

Discover six essential rules for product leaders to build resilient, adaptable teams through safety, collaboration, and continuous growth.…

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Discover six essential rules for product leaders to build resilient, adaptable teams through safety, collaboration, and continuous growth. Empower and support your team amidst constant change and innovation. Read more »

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Angular 17 Tutorial for Beginners Sun, 21 Jan 2024 12:25:42 +0000 angular-17-tutorial-for-beginners

Angular 17 Tutorial for Beginners:- What is Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Why use SSR in Angular 17?…

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Angular 17 Tutorial for Beginners:-
What is Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Why use SSR in Angular 17?

What is Prerendering Static Site Generation (SSG)? Why use SSG?

What is Components DOM API and When to use DOM APIs in Components?

What is Component Inheritance and Extending other components and directives?

What are Component Lifecycle Hooks or Angular Lifecycle Hooks?

What are Overriding LifeCycle methods?

What is ViewContainerRef to Render dynamic components?

Angular 17 Tutorials:-
Install Angular 17 with Standalone (true):-
Angular 17 Routing For Beginners:-
What Is Server-Side Rendering (SSR) and Why use?:-
Angular 17 Component Inheritance:-
using ViewContainerRef To Render Dynamic Components:-
Component Lifecycle Hooks:-
Prerendering Static Site Generation (SSG):-
Angular 17 for loop @for block Repeaters :-
Angular 17 if else statement example:-
What’s New in Angular 17?:-

Image description

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🦃 Reacts-giving: 11 react components for aspiring pros 👩🏻‍🌾🍁 Tue, 21 Nov 2023 14:24:56 +0000 -reacts-giving:-11-react-components-for-aspiring-pros-🏻‍

TL;DR I have harvested the finest React components you can use to build a powerful web app. Each…

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I have harvested the finest React components you can use to build a powerful web app.

Each has its own flavor.
Don’t forget to show your support 🌟

Now, let’s gobble up this code! 🍽

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1. CopilotPortal: Embed an Actionable GPT-Chatbot Into Your web-app.

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Insert a GPT-powered chatbot into your react app.

Can integrate and RAG with cloud & app state in realtime.

Takes a few lines of code to embed.

import "@copilotkit/react-ui/styles.css";
import { CopilotProvider } from "@copilotkit/react-core";
import { CopilotSidebarUIProvider } from "@copilotkit/react-ui";

export default function App(): JSX.Element {
  return (
  <CopilotProvider chatApiEndpoint="">

        <YourContent />


Star CopilotPortal⭐

2. ClickVote – Like, Upvote, And Review Any Context

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Easily Add Upvotes, Likes and Reviews into Your Web-App.

Simple react code for adding these components.

import { ClickVoteProvider } from '@clickvote/react';
import { ClickVoteComponent } from '@clickvote/react';
import { LikeStyle } from '@clickvote/react';

    <ClickVoteComponent id={CONTEXT} voteTo={ID}>
        {(props) => <LikeStyle {...props} />}

Star ClickVote ⭐

3. React Flow – The best way to create draggable workflows!

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A React component tailor-made for constructing node-based editors and interactive diagrams.

Highly customizable, it offers drag-and-drop capabilities for efficient workflow creation.

import ReactFlow, {
} from 'reactflow';

    <MiniMap />
    <Controls />
    <Background />

Star React Flow ⭐

4. CopilotTextarea – AI-powered Writing in React Apps

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A drop-in replacement for any react