Daryl Kulak, Author at ProdSens.live https://prodsens.live/author/daryl-kulak/ News for Project Managers - PMI Sat, 30 Mar 2024 17:20:17 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.5 https://prodsens.live/wp-content/uploads/2022/09/prod.png Daryl Kulak, Author at ProdSens.live https://prodsens.live/author/daryl-kulak/ 32 32 Unleashing Data Visualization with Python Matplotlib https://prodsens.live/2024/03/30/unleashing-data-visualization-with-python-matplotlib/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=unleashing-data-visualization-with-python-matplotlib https://prodsens.live/2024/03/30/unleashing-data-visualization-with-python-matplotlib/#respond Sat, 30 Mar 2024 17:20:17 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2024/03/30/unleashing-data-visualization-with-python-matplotlib/ unleashing-data-visualization-with-python-matplotlib

In the world of data analysis and visualization, Python’s Matplotlib library stands tall as a powerful and flexible…

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Contour Plot

In the world of data analysis and visualization, Python’s Matplotlib library stands tall as a powerful and flexible tool. Matplotlib provides a wide range of capabilities for creating captivating and informative visual representations of data. In this post, we’ll explore the fundamentals of Python Matplotlib and how it can be leveraged to create stunning graphs, charts, and plots.

Getting Started with Matplotlib
Matplotlib is a popular open-source data visualization library for Python. To begin using Matplotlib, you’ll first need to install it. The library is typically included with most Python distributions, but you can install it using pip if necessary. Once installed, you can import Matplotlib and start creating visualizations.

The Figure and Axes
At the core of Matplotlib lies the “Figure” and “Axes” objects. The “Figure” represents the entire graphical window or canvas, while the “Axes” represent individual plotting areas within the figure. By using these objects, you can create multiple plots on a single figure or create complex subplot layouts.

Creating Basic Plots
Matplotlib supports various plot types, including line plots, scatter plots, bar plots, histograms, and more. With just a few lines of code, you can visualize your data in a variety of formats. For instance, creating a simple line plot can be as easy as providing x and y data points using the “plt.plot()” function.

Customizing Plots
Matplotlib allows you to fine-tune your plots to match your specific requirements. You can customize colors, markers, line styles, labels, titles, and other visual aspects of your plots. By using a wide array of available options, you can create visually appealing and easy-to-understand visualizations.

Plotting Multiple Data Sets
One of the strengths of Matplotlib is its ability to plot multiple data sets on the same graph. This feature enables easy comparison and visualization of different datasets. You can use “plt.plot()” or other functions like “plt.scatter()” and “plt.bar()” to add multiple datasets to your plots.

Saving and Exporting Plots
Once you have created the perfect visualization, you can save it in various formats, such as PNG, JPG, PDF, or SVG. Matplotlib provides a simple method to save your plots for sharing or later use.

Advanced Plotting
Matplotlib also supports advanced plotting techniques like 3D plotting, contour plots, and heatmaps. These capabilities enable the visualization of complex data structures and patterns.

Python Matplotlib is a powerful tool for data visualization, making it easier for data analysts, scientists, and researchers to present their findings in a compelling and informative manner. With its simple syntax and numerous customization options, Matplotlib empowers users to create visually appealing plots and gain valuable insights from their data. Whether you are visualizing simple data trends or complex patterns, Matplotlib is a go-to library for creating impactful and professional-quality visualizations. So, dive into the world of Matplotlib and unlock the potential of data visualization in Python.

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Sick of Writing Code Just for Mock Data? Try Sharkio 🚀🦈 https://prodsens.live/2023/09/05/sick-of-writing-code-just-for-mock-data-try-sharkio-%f0%9f%9a%80%f0%9f%a6%88/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=sick-of-writing-code-just-for-mock-data-try-sharkio-%25f0%259f%259a%2580%25f0%259f%25a6%2588 https://prodsens.live/2023/09/05/sick-of-writing-code-just-for-mock-data-try-sharkio-%f0%9f%9a%80%f0%9f%a6%88/#respond Tue, 05 Sep 2023 23:24:24 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/09/05/sick-of-writing-code-just-for-mock-data-try-sharkio-%f0%9f%9a%80%f0%9f%a6%88/ sick-of-writing-code-just-for-mock-data?-try-sharkio-

What is sharkio? Sharkio is the only tool you’ll ever need for API development. Sharkio is an API…

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What is sharkio?

Sharkio is the only tool you’ll ever need for API development. Sharkio is an API proxy designed as a developer tool. It will streamline your workflow, and make API development a breeze. And it integrates seamlessly and easily!

With only three easy steps. You can add new endpoints with mocked data. And you could mock existing endpoints and easily test your application.

For this tutorial let’s assume that we have an API at http://example.api.com

1) Create a new proxy

proxy createion

  • Choose a port
  • Enter the URL of your api
  • Enter a name
  • Save and start

2) Modify you frontend to call https://sharkio.dev:5555 instead of http://example.api.com.

3) Easily create a mock
mock creation dialog

created mock

See that it works:

curl request

And that’s it!!

Give it a try for free at Sharkio
Star us on Github at Sharkio
And join our community on Discord Invite link

The post Sick of Writing Code Just for Mock Data? Try Sharkio 🚀🦈 appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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Game of Templates with AWS Cloud Formation: Simple and Templates with Intrinsic Functions, including ForEach and FindInMap https://prodsens.live/2023/08/25/game-of-templates-with-aws-cloud-formation-simple-and-templates-with-intrinsic-functions-including-foreach-and-findinmap/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=game-of-templates-with-aws-cloud-formation-simple-and-templates-with-intrinsic-functions-including-foreach-and-findinmap https://prodsens.live/2023/08/25/game-of-templates-with-aws-cloud-formation-simple-and-templates-with-intrinsic-functions-including-foreach-and-findinmap/#respond Fri, 25 Aug 2023 00:24:28 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/08/25/game-of-templates-with-aws-cloud-formation-simple-and-templates-with-intrinsic-functions-including-foreach-and-findinmap/ game-of-templates-with-aws-cloud-formation:-simple-and-templates-with-intrinsic-functions,-including-foreach-and-findinmap

AWS CloudFormation AWS CloudFormation is a service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to define…

The post Game of Templates with AWS Cloud Formation: Simple and Templates with Intrinsic Functions, including ForEach and FindInMap appeared first on ProdSens.live.


AWS CloudFormation

AWS CloudFormation is a service provided by Amazon Web Services (AWS) that allows you to define and manage your infrastructure as code.

Key Terms

CloudFormation templates

A CloudFormation template is used to define your AWS resources in a structured text format, either YAML or JSON.

CloudFormation stack

A “stack” is a collection of AWS resources that may be managed as a single unit in AWS CloudFormation.


A named collection of stacks that have the same template but are applied to distinct accounts and regions.

Change Set

A Change Set is a list of proposed changes that will be applied to a stack when you run an update. It serves as a preview method, allowing you to review and validate potential modifications before they are implemented in your infrastructure.

Image description

You are only charged for the resources you create and the API calls that CloudFormation performs on your behalf.

The Template Study

Let’s dive into the structure of an AWS CloudFormation template

The following example shows an AWS CloudFormation YAML template structure and its top-level objects:

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 'version date' (optional) # version of the CloudFormation template. Only accepted value is '2010-09-09'

Description: 'String' (optional) # a text description of the Cloudformation template

Metadata: 'template metadata' (optional) # objects that provide additional information about the template

Parameters: 'set of parameters' (optional) # a set of inputs used to customize the template

Rules: 'set of rules' (optional) # a set of rules to validate the parameters provided at deployment/update

Mappings: 'set of mappings' (optional) # a mapping of keys and associated values

Conditions: 'set of conditions' (optional) # conditions that control whether certain resources are created

Transform: 'set of transforms' (optional) # for serverless applications

Resources: 'set of resources' (required) # a components of your infrastructure

Hooks: 'set of hooks' (optional) # Used for ECS Blue/Green Deployments

Outputs: 'set of outputs' (optional) # values that are returned whenever you view your stack's properties

Image description

Now, Its time for building some CloudFormation Templates and explore various features.

Lets begin the game now

Image description

Building Cloud Formation Templates

Simple Templates

Template 1

A Simple CloudFormation Template that creates an S3 Bucket

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
    Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
      BucketName: templateonebucket

  • Replace templateonebucket with a unique name for your S3 bucket. S3 bucket names are globally unique across all of AWS, so you may need to come up with a creative and unique name.
  • Save this template in a .yaml file and then use the AWS CloudFormation service to deploy it.

Lets Understand the above snippet

Certainly! Let me explain each part of the CloudFormation template:

  1. AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09':
    This specifies the version of the CloudFormation template format being used. In this case, it’s set to the earliest version ‘2010-09-09’. This version indicates the overall structure and syntax of the template.

  2. Resources:
    The Resources section is where you define the AWS resources you want to create or manage using this CloudFormation template. Resources can include things like EC2 instances, S3 buckets, DynamoDB tables and more.

  3. MyS3Bucket:
    This is the logical name of the resource being defined. In this case, it’s an S3 bucket, and the logical name is MyS3Bucket. You’ll use this logical name later to refer to this resource in other parts of the template or when interacting with AWS services.

  4. Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket':
    This line specifies the type of AWS resource you want to create. In this case, you’re creating an S3 bucket, so the Type is set to AWS::S3::Bucket. This tells CloudFormation that you want to create an S3 bucket resource.

  5. Properties:
    The Properties section is where you provide the specific configuration for the resource you’re creating. For an S3 bucket, there are various properties you can set, such as BucketName, AccessControl, VersioningConfiguration etc

  6. BucketName: templateonebucket:
    This is where you set the properties for the S3 bucket. In this example, you’re setting the BucketName property to templateonebucket.
    Replace templateonebucket with a unique name for your S3 bucket. As mentioned before, S3 bucket names must be globally unique across AWS, so make sure to choose a unique name.

Once you have this CloudFormation template ready, you can use the AWS CloudFormation service to deploy it. This will create an S3 bucket with the bucket name specified

Template 2

Lets Create another s3 bucket with versioning enabled

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
    Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
     BucketName: mybucketname
        Status: Enabled
  • Replace mybucketname with a unique name for your S3 bucket. S3 bucket names are globally unique across all of AWS, so you may need to come up with a creative and unique name.
  • Save this template in a .yaml file and then use the AWS CloudFormation service to deploy it.

VersioningConfiguration is a property that sets the versioning configuration for the bucket.
Statusis set to Enabled to enable versioning for the bucket.

Intrinsic functions

Intrinsic functions are AWS CloudFormation built-in functions that you may use within CloudFormation templates to dynamically produce values, apply conditionals, and control resource characteristics.

You can use intrinsic functions in resource properties, outputs, metadata attributes, and update policy attributes.

Image description

Lets dive into some commonly used intrinsic functions in CloudFormation


This function is used to reference a resource declared within the same CloudFormation stack. It returns the value of the specified resource’s logical name.

Template 3

A simple S3 bucket with the name of the bucket getting displayed in output tab using Ref

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
    Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
      BucketName: my-unique-bucket-name

    Description: "Name of the S3 bucket"
    Value: !Ref MyS3Bucket

  • Replace my-unique-bucket-name with a unique name for your S3 bucket. S3 bucket names are globally unique across all of AWS, so you may need to come up with a creative and unique name.
  • Save this template in a .yaml file and then use the AWS CloudFormation service to deploy it.
  • We define an output named BucketNameOutput to display the name of the created S3 bucket.
  • We use the !Ref function to reference the MyS3Bucket resource, which returns the logical name of the resource, in this case, MyS3Bucket

  • In Summary, When you deploy this CloudFormation template, it will create an S3 bucket with the specified name, and the output BucketNameOutput will display the logical name of the bucket resource (MyS3Bucket).

You can View the output value on the AWS CloudFormation console , in the Outputs tab.

Image description


This function joins values together using a delimiter to create a single string. It’s often used to construct resource names or ARNs

Every Fn::Join object requires two parameters,

  1. a string delimiter
  2. a list of strings to be joined or a function that returns a list of strings to be joined.

Template 4

A simple S3 bucket with bucket name getting generated using Fn:Join

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
    Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
          - '-'
          - - 'my-bucket-prefix'
            -  Ref: 'AWS::Region'
            - 'unique-id'

  • Save this template in a .yaml file and then use the AWS CloudFormation service to deploy it.
  • Under the Resources section, we define an S3 bucket resource named MyS3Bucket.
  • We use the Fn::Join intrinsic function to dynamically generate the bucket name.

  • As the Fn::Join function takes two arguments:

  1. The delimiter to use to join the elements (in this case, a hyphen -)

  2. A list of elements to join together

Inside the list of elements, we include:

  • A static string ‘my-bucket-prefix’.
  • The Ref intrinsic function referencing the AWS region. This will be replaced with the actual AWS region where the stack is being created.
  • Another static string ‘unique-id’.

    • The resulting bucket name will be something like: my-bucket-prefix-us-east-2-unique-id, where us-east-2 being the actual AWS region I use the CloudFormation service

Image description


The Fn::Sub intrinsic function in AWS CloudFormation is used for variable substitution in strings. It allows you to create dynamic strings by substituting variables with their corresponding values from resources, parameters, or intrinsic functions


  - "string to substitute ${variable}"
  - { "variable": value }

Template 5

A simple S3 bucket with a bucket name derived by the value of the Environment variable using Fn::Sub

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
    Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
          - "my-awesome-bucket-${Environment}"
          - { "Environment": "production" }

  • Save this template in a .yaml file and then use the AWS CloudFormation service to deploy it.
  • Under the Resources section, we define an S3 bucket resource named MyBucket.

  • The BucketName property of the S3 bucket resource uses the Fn::Sub intrinsic function to create a dynamic bucket name.

  • The first argument is the string template with a variable ${Environment} that needs to be replaced.

  • The second argument to Fn::Sub is a JSON object that specifies the values of the variables used in the string template.

  • In this case, {"Environment": "production"} means that ${Environment} will be replaced with the value “production”.

  • After deployment, the bucket name will be my-awesome-bucket-production.

Image description


The Fn::GetAtt intrinsic function returns the value of an attribute from a resource in the template.


!GetAtt logicalNameOfResource.attributeName

Template 6

Create an S3 bucket resource, along with a few outputs being generated using Fn::GetAtt

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
      BucketName: my-unique-bucket-name

    Value: !Ref MyS3Bucket
    Value: !GetAtt MyS3Bucket.Arn
    Value: !GetAtt MyS3Bucket.DomainName

  • Replace my-unique-bucket-name with a unique name for your S3 bucket. S3 bucket names are globally unique across all of AWS, so you may need to come up with a creative and unique name.
  • Save this template in a .yaml file and then use the AWS CloudFormation service to deploy it.
  • MyS3Bucket is defined as an S3 bucket resource with a specified unique bucket name.
  • The BucketName output uses !Ref to reference the bucket resource, effectively providing the name of the bucket.
  • The BucketArn output uses !GetAtt to retrieve the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) of the bucket resource.
  • The BucketDomainName output uses !GetAtt to retrieve the domain name of the bucket.

You can View the output values on the AWS CloudFormation console , in the Outputs tab.

Image description


The Fn::Select intrinsic function in AWS CloudFormation is used to select an element from a list based on its index. It’s commonly used when you have a list of items and you want to retrieve a specific item from that list.


Fn::Select: [ index, listOfItems ]

  • index: The zero-based index of the item you want to select from the list.
  • listOfItems: The list of items from which you want to select an item.

The !Select function allows you to dynamically select values based on their indices, enabling you to parameterize and customize your resource properties within the template.

Template 7

Creates an AWS S3 bucket resource named MyBucket with a specific bucket name generated using Fn::Select function

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
      BucketName: !Select [1, ["my-bucket-1", "my-bucket-2", "my-bucket-3"]]

  • Replace my-bucket-1,my-bucket-2,my-bucket-3 with a unique name for your S3 bucket. S3 bucket names are globally unique across all of AWS, so you may need to come up with a creative and unique name.
  • Save this template in a .yaml file and then use the AWS CloudFormation service to deploy it.
  • AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09': This indicates the version of the CloudFormation template format being used. In this case, the template is using the 2010-09-09 version.

  • Resources: This section defines the AWS resources that you want to create or manage using the CloudFormation template.

  • MyBucket: This is the logical ID of the AWS S3 bucket resource being created.

  • Type: AWS::S3::Bucket:This specifies the resource type as an S3 bucket. It indicates that CloudFormation should create an S3 bucket resource.

Properties: This section contains the properties specific to the resource being created. In this case, it’s the properties of the S3 bucket resource.

BucketName: This property specifies the name of the S3 bucket. The value is retrieved using the !Select intrinsic function.

!Select [1, ["my-bucket-1", "my-bucket-2", "my-bucket-3"]]: This uses the !Select function to select an element from a list.

  • The arguments are as follows:
    • 1: This is the index of the element to be selected. Since indices are zero-based, 1 corresponds to the second element in the list.
    • ["my-bucket-1", "my-bucket-2", "my-bucket-3"]: This is the list of bucket names. The second element in this list is “my-bucket-2“.

When this CloudFormation template is executed, it will create an S3 bucket resource named MyBucket with the bucket name “my-bucket-2“.

Image description


The Fn::Split intrinsic function in AWS CloudFormation is used to split a string into a list of substrings based on a specified delimiter.


Fn::Split: [ delimiter, sourceString ]

Template 8

Add a tag for the S3 bucket resource MyBucket

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
    Type: 'AWS::S3::Bucket'
      BucketName: my-bucket-name
        - Key: Name
              - 1
              - 'Fn::Split':
                  - '-'
                  - my-bucket-name

  • Replace my-bucket-name with a unique name for your S3 bucket. S3 bucket names are globally unique across all of AWS, so you may need to come up with a creative and unique name.
  • Save this template in a .yaml file and then use the AWS CloudFormation service to deploy it.
  • AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09‘: This line specifies the version of the CloudFormation template format being used. In this case, it’s the 2010-09-09 version.

  • Resources: This section defines the AWS resources that you want to create or manage using the CloudFormation template.

  • MyBucket: This is the logical ID of the AWS S3 bucket resource being created.

  • Type: AWS::S3::Bucket: This line indicates that the resource type being created is an S3 bucket. The CloudFormation template will create an S3 bucket resource.

  • Properties: This section contains the properties specific to the S3 bucket resource.

  • BucketName: my-bucket-name: This sets the name of the S3 bucket to “my-bucket-name”.

  • Tags: This property allows you to assign tags to the S3 bucket.

Tags are key-value pairs used to label and categorize resources for better organization and management.

Key: Name: This defines a tag with the key “Name” The key represents the label or category of the tag.

  • Value: The value of the tag is determined using the Fn::Select and Fn::Split intrinsic functions.

  • Fn::Split: This function is used to split the string “my-bucket-name” into a list of substrings using the “-” delimiter. The result is a list of substrings: ["my", "bucket", "name"].

  • Fn::Select: This function is used to select an element from the list of substrings. In this case, the second element (“bucket“) is selected using an index of 1.

As a result, the S3 bucket resource MyBucket will have a tag with the key “Name” and the value “bucket.”

You can view the tags on the properties tab of your bucket in S3 Console

Image description

The dynamic tagging is achieved by using Fn::Split to manipulate the string “my-bucket-name” and Fn::Select to select the desired substring for the tag value.


The Fn::ForEach intrinsic function takes a collection and a fragment, and applies the items in the collection to the identifier in the provided fragment

You must use the AWS::LanguageExtensions transform to use the Fn::ForEach intrinsic function.

Template 9

Using the Fn::ForEach intrinsic function, create S3 buckets with versioning enabled, by looping through a list of bucket names and building S3 buckets with those names

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: 2010-09-09
Transform: 'AWS::LanguageExtensions'
    - BucketName
    - - my-unique-bucket-name-one
      - my-unique-bucket-name-two
    - ${BucketName}:
        Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
          BucketName: !Ref BucketName
             Status: Enabled
  • Replace my-unique-bucket-name-one and my-unique-bucket-name-two with a unique names for your S3 buckets. S3 bucket names are globally unique across all of AWS, so you may need to come up with a creative and unique name.
  • Save this template in a .yaml file and then use the AWS CloudFormation service to deploy it.
  • Transform: AWS::LanguageExtensions: This indicates that you’re using a custom CloudFormation transform named AWS::LanguageExtensions. This transform extends the template syntax with additional capabilities, and in this case, it’s used to enable the Fn::ForEach functionality.

  • Resources: This is where you define your CloudFormation resources.

  • Fn::ForEach::Buckets: This is the resource defined with the Fn::ForEach intrinsic function. It iterates over the list of bucket names and creates S3 bucket resources for each name.

    • BucketName: This is the logical ID for the iteration. This
      is the parameter for the iteration, representing the list of
      bucket names that you want to iterate over.

my-unique-bucket-name-one and my-unique-bucket-name-two : These are the actual bucket names specified in the list. Each name represents an iteration.

${BucketName}: This is the dynamic reference to the iteration variable. It’s used to create the logical IDs for the S3 buckets.

Type: AWS::S3::Bucket: This specifies that the resource type is an S3 bucket.

BucketName: !Ref BucketName: This sets the name of the S3 bucket based on the value of the BucketName parameter.

VersioningConfiguration: This defines the bucket’s versioning configuration.

Status: Enabled: This enables versioning for the S3 bucket.

Image description


The Fn::FindInMap intrinsic function is used in AWS CloudFormation templates to retrieve a value from a predefined mapping. This function is particularly useful when you want to parameterize or customize resources based on certain conditions, such as regions or environments.

A Mappings section is a top level section of a CloudFormation template. It is used to define maps, their keys and values which can be then referenced in your template.

When you include the AWS::LanguageExtensions transform in an AWS CloudFormation template, you can define the fields of Fn::FindInMap using intrinsic functions. so that, If no mapping is detected, you can utilize a new optional field to return a default value.

Template 10

Create S3 buckets with names based on AWS regions, while also providing a default bucket name in case a specific region mapping is not defined. using !FindInMap

AWSTemplateFormatVersion: '2010-09-09'
Transform: 'AWS::LanguageExtensions'
      BucketName: my-bucket-us-east-1
      BucketName: my-bucket-us-west-1

    Type: AWS::S3::Bucket
          - S3BucketNames
          - !Ref AWS::Region
          - BucketName
          - DefaultValue: my-default-bucket
  • Replace my-default-bucket, my-bucket-us-east-1 and my-bucket-us-west-1 with a unique names for your S3 buckets.

  • S3 bucket names are globally unique across all of AWS
    so you may need to come up with a creative and unique name.

  • Save this template in a .yaml file and then use the AWS CloudFormation service to deploy it.

  • Try deploying the template in us-east-1, us-west-1 and us-west-2 regions.

The above CloudFormation template showcases the usage of the AWS::LanguageExtensions transform along with the Fn::FindInMap function and a default value extension.

  • Transform: 'AWS::LanguageExtensions': This line indicates that the CloudFormation template is using the AWS::LanguageExtensions transform, which allows the use of language extensions like default values for intrinsic functions.

  • Mappings: Defines a mapping named S3BucketNames, which associates different S3 bucket names with different AWS regions.

  • S3BucketNames: This key under the Mappings section contains the mapping for S3 bucket names based on regions.

  • us-east-1 and us-west-1: These region keys under the S3BucketNames mapping correspond to different AWS regions. For each region, there’s a sub-key BucketName that holds the corresponding bucket name.

  • Resources: Specifies the AWS resources created as part of this CloudFormation stack.

  • MyS3Bucket: Defines an S3 bucket resource.

  • Type: AWS::S3::Bucket: Indicates that this resource represents an S3 bucket.

  • Properties: Sets the properties for the MyS3Bucket resource.

BucketName: This property designates the bucket name of the S3 bucket.

  • The Fn::FindInMap function is used to dynamically retrieve the bucket name based on the AWS region of the stack ( !Ref AWS::Region).

There is a twist here,

DefaultValue: my-default-bucket: This extension, facilitated by the AWS::LanguageExtensions transform, allows specification of a fallback value if the specific mapping key isn’t found.

In this scenario, if the stack is deployed in a region not included in the S3BucketNames mapping, such as a region other than us-east-1 or us-west-1, the bucket name will default to

If you try to deploy the CloudFormation Template in regions say
US West (Oregon), us-west-2 (which is not mentioned in mapping-S3BucketNames) The name of the bucket would be my-default-bucket

If you try to deploy the cloudformation Template in regions say
US East (N. Virginia) us-east-1 The name of the bucket would be my-bucket-us-east-1

If you try to deploy the cloudformation Template in regions say
US West (N. California) us-west-1 The name of the bucket would be my-bucket-us-west-1

Create CloudFormation stacks using the AWS Management Console

The following YouTube video illustrate how you can create a CloudFormation stack using the console.

Deleting a CloudFormation stack will remove all resources created by that stack. So once you have finished learning, You can delete the stacks

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What Is Project Scope? Scope Management Steps, Tips & Tools https://prodsens.live/2023/06/30/what-is-project-scope-scope-management-steps-tips-tools/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=what-is-project-scope-scope-management-steps-tips-tools https://prodsens.live/2023/06/30/what-is-project-scope-scope-management-steps-tips-tools/#respond Fri, 30 Jun 2023 15:24:57 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/06/30/what-is-project-scope-scope-management-steps-tips-tools/ what-is-project-scope?-scope-management-steps,-tips-&-tools

Defining the project scope is a critical part of the project planning process. That’s because the project scope…

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Defining the project scope is a critical part of the project planning process. That’s because the project scope defines the boundaries of what will and won’t be part of the project work, which is essential when making the project budget and schedule.

Naturally, scope management is an important area of project management and there’s a lot to learn about it. But before we jump into that, let’s start with the definition of project scope.

What Is Project Scope?

The project scope is the total amount of work that needs to be done to complete a project. To define it, project managers must break down the project into the tasks and deliverables that’ll be executed to meet goals and stakeholder requirements and deliver the project successfully.

Defining the project scope is an integral part of the project planning process because based on the scope, project managers will assemble their teams, estimate what project resources are needed and determine what the project plan, schedule and budget will be.

Once the scope of a project has been determined, it needs to be managed through a process known as project scope management. Project management software helps you manage scope. ProjectManager, award-winning project management software that has robust Gantt charts, helps you to create a project plan, where all of your scoped tasks are scheduled with assignees and deadlines. Plus, our Gantt charts feature progress bars that update in real time as team members complete their tasks, so you have utmost transparency. You can also set a baseline to track your planned effort against your actual effort in real time to avoid scope creep. Get started with ProjectManager today for free.

ProjectManager has Gantt charts to manage scope and avoid scope creep. Learn more

What Is Project Scope Management?

Project scope management is the process of tracking the scope of a project once the project starts to ensure it doesn’t grow beyond control. It’s very important that no extra work or extra costs are added to the project scope without the supervision of a project manager, because if the scope of a project changes during the project execution phase, the project plan, schedule and budget that were initially defined will not match the scope, causing the project to be delayed and costs to exceed the budget. This is known as scope creep and might cause projects to fail.

However, the scope of a project can safely expand when stakeholders or project team members use a formal change request which is agreed upon by both parties. This allows project managers to ask for more time and resources and adjust the project schedule and budget accordingly.

To control project scope, project managers create two main project scope management documents: a scope statement and a scope management plan. These documents define the scope during the planning phase and establish all the rules and guidelines for tracking it. We’ll explore these documents in more depth in the section below.

Now that we’ve defined what project scope management is, let’s zoom into each of the scope management steps to better understand this process.

Pro tip: Scope Management is defined as a project management knowledge area by the project management institute (PMI).

Project Scope Management Steps

Managing scope means from the start that you and the stakeholders have a clear line of communication. You have to know their vision to know what they’re expecting in a project. That way, when change happens you can direct it to meet the project’s goals while keeping the overall project on track. But that’s just the beginning.

To manage the scope of the project, you have to do five things:

1. Define the Project Scope

Defining the scope of a project consists in identifying all the work that will be performed. To do so, you must first outline the main goals and objectives of the project to then think about the activities that will be required to achieve them. Then once you have an idea of what your project should accomplish, you can use a work breakdown structure to break down the project into a set of tasks. A work breakdown structure (WBS) is a planning tool that helps project managers visualize all the tasks required to complete a project, prioritize them and identify deliverables and dependencies.

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Project Scope Template

Use this free Project Scope Template for Word to manage your projects better.


Once you’ve defined all the project tasks that will be executed, you should also think about what won’t be included in your project scope, which is known as project exclusions. Determining that is just as important as defining the scope. That will help you avoid any misunderstandings with project stakeholders. It’s also important to note any important constraints such as costs that might affect the project scope.

2. Write a Project Scope Statement

Once you’ve defined your project scope, you can write a project scope statement, also known as a project scope document, which describes the following elements:

  • Project Goals & Objectives: The project requirements or acceptance criteria.
  • Project Deliverables: The outcomes of project tasks.
  • Project Exclusions & Constraints: As a project manager you need to explain what can’t be done and why.
  • Project Assumptions: Some initial assumptions that the project management team has before executing the work.
  • Project Milestones: These mark important moments in your project life cycle, such as the end of a phase.
  • Scope Baseline: Your original scope as you planned it. The scope baseline allows you to compare actual results against what it’s in your scope statement.

The scope statement is also a guideline for the project manager. It helps them make decisions about change requests throughout the project life cycle. Change is an inevitable part of any project, no matter how thorough your project plan is, so you want to include the likelihood of change in your scope statement to better manage it later.

3. Create a Scope Management Plan

The scope management plan is a document that describes the guidelines and procedures on how the scope will be defined, tracked and adjusted. The scope management plan is an important component of the overall project plan. While there’s not a one-size-fits-all method to create a scope management plan, it should:

  • Include the scope statement
  • Show the work breakdown structure that was used to define the project scope
  • Describe the scope baseline
  • Explain who are the team members and what their roles and responsibilities are
  • Establish acceptance criteria for project deliverables
  • Describe what are the major milestones and project phases
  • Explain what change control procedures will be used to change the project scope

4. Define a Scope Baseline to Control Scope

A scope baseline describes the project scope that was approved by both the project stakeholders and the project management team. It’s used during the project execution phase to make sure the project scope is executed as planned.

5. Monitor and Control your Project Scope During Project Life Cycle

Besides creating project documents, most project managers use project management software tools like Gantt charts, kanban boards and project dashboards to keep track of their project scope. For example, ProjectManager’s Gantt charts allows you to create a visual project schedule where you can add tasks, link their dependencies and set due dates.

Gantt chart showing the scope of a project

Then ProjectManager’s real-time project dashboard lets you monitor the status of your project and check whether tasks have been completed on time and under budget.

ProjectManager's real-time dashboard, which can be used to track project scope

Why Is Project Scope Management Important?

Scope management is one of the most critical areas of project management because managing the scope of a project also helps manage its schedule and budget. That’s because scope management consists in achieving the goals of the project within the timeline and costs approved by the stakeholders. An effective scope management process can help project managers achieve the following goals.

  • Creating realistic project plans
  • Avoid issues like cost overrun and scope creep
  • Set clear expectations for project stakeholders
  • Hire team members with the right skills and qualifications for the project
  • Meet project deadlines
  • Produce high-quality deliverables
  • Establish change management procedures

Project Scope Management Tips

Here are some of the best project scope management tips for project managers.

Start by Defining Project Goals & Objectives

Project goals and project objectives are not the same things. Goals are higher-level than objectives, which are more specific. They must be set before you can define the scope.

Collect Project Requirements

Stakeholders have quality, financial, and other types of project requirements. Those requirements will help you define what can and can’t be included in your scope.

Make a Resource Management Plan

Based on your project scope, you should create a resource management plan which will guide how resources will be acquired, allocated and leveled throughout the project. This includes team members, equipment and materials. Estimate the costs related to these project resources and add them to your project budget. This is key to making sure the execution of your project scope goes as planned.

Establish a Change Control Process

The project scope can be negatively impacted when changes such as new project requirements go unnoticed. That’s because they create extra work which is not accounted for. To avoid that, you need to change control procedures such as change requests so that the project team can adjust the scope management plan.

How to Manage Project Scope with ProjectManager

ProjectManager has a bevy of tools to help managers track their project scope. Our cloud-based software gives you real-time data to make more insightful decisions and fosters collaboration by allowing teams to share files, comment and much more.

Task Management Features for Doing the Work

ProjectManager comes with three different views for working on tasks. The Gantt chart, which we mentioned, kanban boards and task lists. All three views can be used to work on the same project, which means team members can work on the project tasks in their own way. This flexibility improves productivity across the team, making sure that you avoid the dreaded scope creep.

Task list showing project scope in ProjectManager

Project Dashboards for Better Tracking

Dashboards are your best friend when you’re trying to spot scope creep. Our real-time project dashboard gives you a live look at critical metrics across your project. This live data lets you spot bottlenecks and issues faster than you would have thought possible. Plus, it’s all displayed in simple graphs that can easily be shared with stakeholders or team members.

ProjectManager’s dashboard view, which shows project scope management metrics

The best way to manage the scope of a project is to have an online project management tool that gives you real-time data so you can act when issues arise and before they become problems. ProjectManager is cloud-based, so when your team updates their statues, from wherever they are and at whatever time, that information is immediately updated and you can monitor the progress of your project more accurately. See for yourself by taking this free 30-day trial

The post What Is Project Scope? Scope Management Steps, Tips & Tools appeared first on ProjectManager.

The post What Is Project Scope? Scope Management Steps, Tips & Tools appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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150+ Best YouTube Channels in Every Category https://prodsens.live/2023/05/30/150-best-youtube-channels-in-every-category/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=150-best-youtube-channels-in-every-category https://prodsens.live/2023/05/30/150-best-youtube-channels-in-every-category/#respond Tue, 30 May 2023 12:25:38 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/05/30/150-best-youtube-channels-in-every-category/ 150+-best-youtube-channels-in-every-category

The great thing about YouTube is that there’s a channel for everyone, whether you’re looking to learn quick…

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The great thing about YouTube is that there’s a channel for everyone, whether you’re looking to learn quick science facts or how to use your new gaming controller. 

In this post, we’ve compiled 158 of the best channels on YouTube in their most popular and niche categories. 

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Best YouTube News Channels

  1. Vice (16.8 Million Subscribers)
  2. IndiaTV (34.8 Million Subscribers)
  3. CNN (15 Million Subscribers)
  4. Vox (11.3 Million Subscribers)
  5. ABS-CBN News (43.5 Million Subscribers)
  6. Inside Edition (11.7 Million Subscribers)
  7. ABC News (14.3 Million Subscribers)
  8. The Young Turks (5.4 Million Subscribers)
  9. BBC News (14.1 Million Subscribers)
  10. AJ+ (1.2 Million Subscribers)

New call-to-action

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Mastering the Art of Debugging JavaScript Functions: Tips and Tricks for Smooth Functionality https://prodsens.live/2023/04/24/mastering-the-art-of-debugging-javascript-functions-tips-and-tricks-for-smooth-functionality/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=mastering-the-art-of-debugging-javascript-functions-tips-and-tricks-for-smooth-functionality https://prodsens.live/2023/04/24/mastering-the-art-of-debugging-javascript-functions-tips-and-tricks-for-smooth-functionality/#respond Mon, 24 Apr 2023 10:02:20 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/04/24/mastering-the-art-of-debugging-javascript-functions-tips-and-tricks-for-smooth-functionality/ mastering-the-art-of-debugging-javascript-functions:-tips-and-tricks-for-smooth-functionality

Introduction to JavaScript functions As a programming language, JavaScript has become one of the most widely used languages…

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Introduction to JavaScript functions

As a programming language, JavaScript has become one of the most widely used languages on the web, powering the interactivity and functionality of many websites and web applications. One of the key features of JavaScript is the ability to create and use functions.

Functions are reusable blocks of code that perform a specific task. They can take in input, called parameters or arguments, and return output. Understanding how to create and debug functions is an essential skill for any JavaScript developer.

In this article, we will explore the basics of JavaScript functions, including how to define them, pass in arguments, and return values. We will also cover the most common errors that can occur when working with functions and how to debug them effectively. Finally, we will dive into more advanced tips and tricks for working with functions, including using them to map and filter arrays.

Understanding the basics of JavaScript functions

A function in JavaScript is defined using the function keyword, followed by the name of the function and a set of parentheses. Any parameters or arguments that the function will use are listed inside the parentheses. The body of the function is enclosed in curly braces.

Here’s an example of a simple JavaScript function that takes in two numbers and returns their sum:

function addNumbers(num1, num2) {
  return num1 + num2;

To call this function, you simply pass in the required arguments:

const sum = addNumbers(5, 10);
console.log(sum); // Output: 15

In this example, we pass in the arguments 5 and 10 to the addNumbers function, which returns their sum. The result is stored in the sum variable and then printed to the console using console.log().

Defining functions in JavaScript

Functions in JavaScript can also be defined using a function expression. This involves assigning a function to a variable, like so:

const addNumbers = function(num1, num2) {
  return num1 + num2;

This function can be called in the same way as before:

const sum = addNumbers(5, 10);
console.log(sum); // Output: 15

Function expressions can be useful in certain situations, such as when you need to define a function within another function.

Understanding parameters and arguments in JavaScript functions

Parameters and arguments are a fundamental aspect of JavaScript functions. Parameters are the variables listed in the function definition, while arguments are the values passed into the function when it is called.

Here’s an example of a function that takes in a single parameter:

function greet(name) {
  console.log(`Hello, ${name}!`);

To call this function, we pass in an argument:

greet('John'); // Output: Hello, John!

In this example, the greet function takes in a single parameter named name. When we call the function with the argument ‘John’, it prints out the string “Hello, John!”.

Debugging JavaScript functions – common errors and how to fix them

Debugging functions is a crucial part of any JavaScript developer’s job. Here are some common errors that can occur when working with functions, along with tips on how to fix them:

Syntax errors

Syntax errors occur when the code is not written correctly, such as missing a closing parenthesis or semicolon. To fix this, carefully review your code and look for any syntax errors.

Undefined variables

If you’re getting an error that says a variable is undefined, it could be because you’re trying to use a variable that hasn’t been declared yet. Make sure all the variables you’re using have been declared and initialised.

Incorrect function calls

If you’re getting unexpected results from a function, it could be because you’re not calling it correctly. Double-check the function call and make sure you’re passing in the correct arguments.

Using console.log to debug JavaScript functions

One of the most effective ways to debug JavaScript functions is by using console.log(). This method allows you to print out the values of variables and see how the code is executing.

Here’s an example of using console.log() to debug a function:

function multiplyNumbers(num1, num2) {
  console.log(`num1: ${num1}, num2: ${num2}`);
  return num1 * num2;

In this example, we use console.log() to print out the values of num1 and num2 before returning their product. This can help us identify any issues with the function’s input or output.

Using breakpoints to debug JavaScript functions

Another powerful debugging tool in JavaScript is breakpoints. Breakpoints allow you to pause the execution of your code at a specific point and inspect the state of your variables.

To set a breakpoint in your code, simply click on the line number in your code editor. When you run your code, it will pause at that point, allowing you to step through and inspect the code.

Understanding the “this” keyword in JavaScript functions

The this keyword is a special keyword in JavaScript that refers to the object that the function is a method of.

Here’s an example of using this in a function:

const person = {
  name: 'John',
  greet: function() {
    console.log(`Hello, my name is ${this.name}`);

person.greet(); // Output: Hello, my name is John

In this example, we define an object called person with a name property and a greet method. The greet method uses the this keyword to refer to the person object and print out its name.

Advanced tips and tricks for debugging JavaScript functions

Here are some advanced tips and tricks for debugging JavaScript functions:

Using console.time() and console.timeEnd()

These methods allow you to measure the execution time of a function. Here’s an example:


This will print out the time it took to execute myFunction().

Using the debugger keyword

The debugger keyword is a powerful debugging tool that allows you to pause the execution of your code and inspect the state of your variables. To use it, simply add the debugger keyword to your code where you want to pause execution.

Using try/catch blocks

Try/catch blocks allow you to handle errors gracefully and prevent your code from crashing. Here’s an example:

try {
  // some code that might throw an error
} catch (e) {
  // handle the error

This will catch any errors that occur within the try block and allow you to handle them in the catch block.

Using JavaScript functions for mapping and filtering arrays

JavaScript functions can also be used for mapping and filtering arrays.

The map method allows you to apply a function to each element of an array and return a new array with the results. Here’s an example:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

const doubled = numbers.map(function(num) {
  return num * 2;

console.log(doubled); // Output: [2, 4, 6, 8, 10]

In this example, we use the map method to double each element in the numbers array. The resulting array is stored in the doubled variable and printed to the console.

The filter method allows you to create a new array with all the elements that pass a certain test. Here’s an example:

const numbers = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5];

const evenNumbers = numbers.filter(function(num) {
  return num % 2 === 0;

console.log(evenNumbers); // Output: [2, 4]

In this example, we use the filter method to create a new array with only the even numbers from the numbers array. The resulting array is stored in the evenNumbers variable and printed to the console.

Resources for learning JavaScript functions – tutorials, courses, and free resources

There are many resources available for learning JavaScript functions, from online courses to free tutorials and resources. Here are a few recommended options:

JavaScript Functions for Beginners – a beginner-friendly tutorial on JavaScript functions from W3Schools

MDN Web Docs: Functions – a comprehensive guide to JavaScript functions from the Mozilla Developer Network

JavaScript Functions: Understanding the Basics – a Udemy course that covers the basics of JavaScript functions

FreeCodeCamp – a free online platform with interactive coding challenges and tutorials on JavaScript functions

Conclusion – mastering the art of debugging JavaScript functions

JavaScript functions are a fundamental part of the language and mastering them is essential for any JavaScript developer. By understanding the basics of functions, learning how to debug common errors, and using advanced tips and tricks, you can become a more efficient and effective developer.

Remember to take advantage of the many resources available for learning JavaScript functions, and always be on the lookout for new ways to improve your coding skills. With practice and perseverance, you can master the art of debugging JavaScript functions and create smooth, functional web applications.

The post Mastering the Art of Debugging JavaScript Functions: Tips and Tricks for Smooth Functionality appeared first on ProdSens.live.

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Blog vs. Podcast: Which Is the Best Choice for Your Business? https://prodsens.live/2023/04/14/blog-vs-podcast-which-is-the-best-choice-for-your-business/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=blog-vs-podcast-which-is-the-best-choice-for-your-business https://prodsens.live/2023/04/14/blog-vs-podcast-which-is-the-best-choice-for-your-business/#respond Fri, 14 Apr 2023 11:05:35 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/04/14/blog-vs-podcast-which-is-the-best-choice-for-your-business/ blog-vs.-podcast:-which-is-the-best-choice-for-your-business?

Blogs and podcasts are both powerhouse marketing tools. But when comparing blog vs. podcast, which is the better…

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Blogs and podcasts are both powerhouse marketing tools. But when comparing blog vs. podcast, which is the better bet for your business?

Podcasts and blogs have the power to nurture customer relationships and deepen brand loyalty. Both highlight authority and expertise. And both forms of content can boost traffic and generate leads.

Each format has benefits and drawbacks, and before launch, you’ll want to know which will offer your business the best ROI.

→ Download Now: 6 Free Blog Post Templates

Let’s take a closer look at blogs and podcasts for content marketing and which is the best for your business. Keep reading, or jump ahead to the section you’re searching for:

Blogs and podcasts have a lot of similarities. They’re both evergreen resources that offer education, insights, and storytelling online.

Both a blog and a podcast can offer marketing opportunities for businesses. And it takes time, dedication, and knowledge to make a blog or podcast that people pay attention to.

The main way these two resources differ is in their format. Blogs are for reading or taking in visual information, while podcasts are for listening.

Difference between podcast and blog graphic

These differences make blogs a useful format for step-by-step instructions, data visualizations, and SEO. Users usually read blogs on desktop and mobile devices. Readers often seek out business blogs when they are trying to solve a specific problem.

At the same time, podcasts are great for interviews, networking, and brand engagement. Users often listen to podcasts when they are doing something else, like driving to work or cleaning the house. Listeners look for business podcasts when they are trying to learn about or keep up with an industry or niche.

As a creator, the main differences between podcasts and blogs are the way they’re made. Blogs need writing, and a lot of it. Editing, visual design, and SEO knowledge are also important skills for aspiring bloggers.

Podcasts require an audio skill set. Podcasters need to be able to speak in an engaging way, whether it’s a solo, two-person, or interview podcast. Sound editing skills are also a must.

Blog vs. Podcast: Which Should You Start First?

Some businesses have the bandwidth to start a blog and a podcast at the same time. That said, most will start these channels one at a time because of the scale of this investment.

This is an important decision with long-term impact. If you’re not sure where to begin, start with five key factors — audience, timing, resources, and cost.

Target Audience

Blog readers, podcast listeners, or both? To decide the ideal medium for your content, get clear about who you want to engage with, what they want to know, and how they access their content.

Your target audience is the group of people you want to reach with your blog or podcast. They’re the consumers who are most important to your business, so you want to create the media they need most.

You may not know who your target audience is. According to 2023 HubSpot research only 42% of marketers know basic demographic information about their target audience.

But if you have the data you need, it’s important to avoid assumptions about who’s reading a blog vs. listening to a podcast.

For example, there’s an assumption that most podcast listeners are young, between 18-34 years old. 2023 data from Edison Research and Amazon Music confirms that 55% of people in this age group listen to podcasts monthly. But it also states that 51% of 35-54-year-olds are listening to podcasts too.

On the flip side, some assume that blogs are for older audiences. But more than 25% of 5 to 18-year-olds in the U.K. are reading blogs online.


Another factor to consider is your ideal publishing schedule. To create a big enough audience to impact your business, you’ll need to think about the length of your content and how often you release it.

Per BuzzSprout global stats, the majority of podcasts (32%) last 20-40 minutes, and 40% of podcasts publish episodes every 8-14 days.

In comparison, the ideal length of a blog post is 2,100-2,400 words. And it’s recommended that small blogs should post new content 3-4 times per week.


Both blogs and podcasts need great content and unique branding to stand out.

But if you’re not sure how to start a blog or what it takes to start a podcast, a little research will quickly show you the resources it takes to launch.

For example, a new blog will need a powerful blogging platform, ideally with free hosting.

If you’re starting a podcast you’ll need some equipment to begin, like a quality microphone, headphones, and sound editor. You’ll also need to figure out where you want to host your podcast.

Once that’s all set, the most important resources you’ll need are time and organization. Is organizing your ideas a challenge for you? If the answer is yes, this free editorial calendar template can help you quickly turn your content ideas into a clear plan.


If you go the DIY route, it’s possible to launch a podcast or blog for little or no cost. But quality matters and the costs of running a blog or podcast can quickly add up.

For example, while the cost of launching a blog can be as little as $50, blogging is a long-term strategy. Even if you love writing, publishing 8,000+ words per week is a tough goal for anyone.

To meet this challenge, many business blogs hire full-time or freelance writers to create blog posts. The average cost for a single blog post is between $50-500. The actual cost will vary depending on the experience and rates of the writers in your niche.

Getting professional podcast production can also be expensive. Rates can run from $15-15,000 per episode depending on the experience of your editor.

Launching a blog or podcast is a big step. If you’ve reviewed the key areas and are still not sure which is the best fit for your business, let’s talk about how each of these content formats can impact your business goals.

Blog vs. Podcast Statistics

2022 HubSpot research shows that both blogs and podcasts hold value for business marketing. 33% of surveyed marketers are using blogs, while 28% are using podcasts and other audio content.

Blog vs. podcast statistics, HubSpot 2022

Both channels also hold value for 2023, with 26% of marketers starting a blog for the first time and 24% creating a podcast.

Blog vs. podcast statistics, 2023 projections, HubSpot

The data above confirms that the choice between a blog and a podcast is a business-specific decision. So, which content format is best for your business? To answer this important question, keep reading.

Why You Should Start a Blog First

Blogging is a powerful way to share product innovation, thought leadership, and educational tips. It’s an outlet to share what your team is passionate about and how you want to make an impact on your customers.

Here are a few other reasons you may want to start a blog before jumping into a podcast:

Blog Reach

The internet has over 600 million blogs (and counting). And HubSpot research says that business websites with blogs get 55% more visitors than sites without blogs.

This impressive reach is part of the reason that blogging is one of the top content strategies for businesses.


SEO is the practice of developing content to improve search engine rankings. Simply put, a business website with a blog is more likely to get traffic. These are just a few reasons to add a business blog:

  • New blog posts give customers more reasons to visit your website
  • Blog content can attract people to your site before they become customers
  • Blogs ranking on Google can build brand awareness for your business
  • Including keywords in authoritative and helpful blog posts can drive traffic to your website

Blog SEO can get the word out about your business, but depending on the scale of your operation, it can take time.

You may want to start a blog first because competition, keyword saturation, and other factors can impact how quickly your blog starts bringing in the traffic you’re looking for.

Blog Brand Awareness

Blogging builds trust and visibility for your brand because it highlights what you know. Blogs are also easy to share, quote, and repurpose. This gives your business more opportunities to gain awareness with viral content.

Blogs are also great brand-builders because they make it easy to highlight your authentic brand voice. You can also use blog content to boost paid advertising and brand content on other platforms, like YouTube videos.

Blog Conversions

Blogs also create a direct path to conversions. Whether you’re hoping to generate qualified leads for your sales team or free trial subscriptions for a SaaS product, a blog can be a big boost.

For example, say your business sells fishing supplies, like handmade flies. Then, you write a blog post with fly fishing tips that soars to the top of the search engine results page. Inside that post is an offer for a free PDF with instructions to make a simple fly for bait.

All someone reading that post has to do is click on the offer. That one click can give your business a lead for follow-ups, and you can send that lead emails about upcoming sales, special offers, and more.

Combining the power of SEO to bring in organic traffic with easy conversion opportunities is what makes a blog so useful for any business.

Keep in mind, once you’ve grabbed attention, it’s important to deliver consistent high-value content. This is what will make your blog a destination for knowledge building, not just a one-time find.

Check out this post for more blogging benefits.

Why You Should Start a Podcast First

Podcasting is a great way to broadcast your brand to an enthusiastic audience. You can use podcast content to connect with complementary brands and influencers and build authority and trust.

Let’s talk about how starting a podcast before a blog could boost your brand.

Podcast Reach

Podcasting gets more popular every year, growing from 65 million U.S. listeners in 2017 to over 140 million listeners in 2022.

And according to 2022 Statista research, 79% of adults in the U.S. are aware of podcasting, up from 22% in 2006.


Starting a podcast is a great way for businesses to build a network of complementary influencers, partners, and more. Some of the most popular podcasts feature interviews with industry leaders.

Your podcast host or hosts lend a human voice to your brand. Podcasts put a knowledgeable person from your company in conversation with industry experts to tackle current topics and share advice, often with a touch of lighthearted humor. You can also ask your audience what they want you to cover and whether they have questions you can answer.

The interview format makes it easy for your business to connect with important stakeholders. It gives you something valuable to offer new connections while also creating useful content for your audience.

If you are a great podcaster, this opportunity might also lead other podcasts to feature your talent, further increasing your brand reach.

Podcast Brand Awareness

A podcast creates a consistent voice in your audience’s world. If your listener base is consistent, they won’t just recognize your brand name. Instead, your business will become a trusted voice, offering authoritative ideas. This can lead listeners to spread the word about your brand.

The popularity of podcasting has created a persona that organizations like NCS call a “power subscriber” — consumers who subscribe to six or more podcasts. 68% of these subscribers actively buy and seek out the products they hear about during their podcast listening.

Podcast Conversions

While many listeners actively convert after listening to a podcast, the conversion path for this content channel is less direct. Many brands use podcasts to educate users about new products and offers. Then, they add unique tracking codes or URLs to track conversions from podcast episodes.

But people listening to podcasts in their car or on a walk can’t press the CTA button the moment the inspiration hits. Instead, they must choose to return to your website to explore and fill out a form.

Podcasting can influence conversions by increasing brand awareness. But it offers fewer immediate opportunities for leads and sales.

How to Start Your Podcast or Blog Today

Choosing between the two isn’t always necessary. Some companies benefit from offering both. And the two can build on each other if your team has the budget and the time.

Whether you’re starting a blog, a podcast, or both at the same time, there are some tips that can make the process go more smoothly.

Here are the first steps to lay the groundwork for a successful launch.

1. Come up with a unique angle.

Content without a strategy can sink fast. To create a blog or podcast with staying power, you need a great idea — something unique to your business. And it can’t just be a great idea, it has to be an idea that you can consistently explore over time.

To find your unique angle, start with a broad topic. This topic is usually related to your business products and industry. Then, revisit your mission statement. When you look at your topic through the lens of your business vision, you should have a one-of-a-kind angle for your content.

Featured resource: Mission and Vision Statement Templates

Blog vs. Podcast resource: Mission statement templates

Once you have your angle, make sure your other decisions support that idea. For example, if you’re creating a podcast, use music and sound effects that enhance your distinct vision.

2. Focus on your skills.

Scale matters when it comes to starting a podcast or blog in a saturated market. While some small businesses can create a new team to make their blog or podcast a success, many will need to start with the team they already have, even if it’s a team of one.

This means being honest about your likes, dislikes, and what you can commit to long-term.

For example, say you love chatting with clients and colleagues and have a hard time sitting in front of a computer for too long. It may make more business sense to start a blog, but you’re more likely to create a great podcast and stick with it.

3. Assess your marketing team.

Has someone been pushing your company to create a blog and tossing topic ideas your way for the past year? Maybe they’ve even been writing shorter posts for LinkedIn already.

Is there someone on your team who devours podcasts? Or someone who knows podcasts in your industry and understands what works and what doesn’t?

Before you begin building your podcast or blog, find the knowledgeable and passionate marketers on your team who may want to get involved. This one step can make blogs and podcasts more manageable with a better chance of success.

4. Get to know your competition.

You need to know what’s out there so you don’t churn out content that your audience has already seen. Begin with some competitive analysis to figure out if your idea is enough to stand out.

Featured resource: Competitive Analysis Templates

Blog vs. Podcast resource: Competitive analysis templates

Then, dig into the details of your unique blog or podcast. Research long-tail keywords to help you brainstorm niche topics that separate you from the pack on both platforms.

Podcast enthusiasts: Do some research into podcast SEO to help your podcast surface on popular podcast platforms like Spotify, Apple Podcasts, and more.

5. Find the right tools.

Content is fun to create, but it takes attention to detail for it to make a difference for your business. One way to make the content creation process more effective is by choosing the right tools.

Blogging Tools

Tools for blogging that can help you make it happen include:

These tools can help you add a blog to your website. They make it easier to focus on building a content calendar, targeting the right audience, and creating the best content.

For example, an AI content assistant can also help you quickly create outlines and draft copy to speed up the writing process.

Check out this post for more blogging tools.

Podcasting Tools

Podcast tools can help you streamline production and releases. And audio equipment like microphones and headphones aren’t the only tools you’ll need for podcasting.

Online tools for your new podcast include:

  • Recording software
  • Audio editing software
  • Podcast hosting

As your podcast grows, you may want to look into more advanced tools to promote your podcast and improve lead conversion.

For example, Casted offers a podcast marketing platform that integrates with a company’s existing customer relationship management (CRM) and content management system (CMS) tools.

HubSpot customers: The Casted integration connects podcast listening data to your CRM. This lets you see what your contacts are listening to and what they click.

6. Prepare, prepare, prepare.

There are great resources for how to launch a blog or start a podcast. But once that exciting flurry of activity is complete, the work has only just begun.

For a blog or podcast to make a difference for your business, you need to prepare to make every post and broadcast great. When you’re writing a blog, this might mean drafting a clear outline, doing time-consuming research, or fact-checking. If you’re preparing for a podcast, it might be a warm-up routine, sound checks, or learning about volume levels.

The more you prepare for each blog and podcast, the more likely you are to create a trustworthy resource that your audience loves.

7. Create value.

37% of podcast listeners in the U.S. hear about new podcasts from friends, family, and coworkers.

The best way to get that word-of-mouth endorsement is to create content that people need and want.

This means your content should be both useful and engaging to your audience. As you grow, ask for audience feedback and respond to both positive and negative comments. Set clear expectations and be sure to consistently meet them. Finally, give your audience ways to engage and find ways to reward them for that engagement.

Which is better, a blog or a podcast?

Both blogs and podcasts can increase your marketing reach and nurture customer relationships.

Choose the strategy that makes the most sense for your company, your in-house talent, and your customers, and you’ll see winning results.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in November 2020 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Decoupling Python Code: Implementing the Unit of Work and Repository Pattern https://prodsens.live/2023/02/24/decoupling-python-code-implementing-the-unit-of-work-and-repository-pattern/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=decoupling-python-code-implementing-the-unit-of-work-and-repository-pattern https://prodsens.live/2023/02/24/decoupling-python-code-implementing-the-unit-of-work-and-repository-pattern/#respond Fri, 24 Feb 2023 16:03:17 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/02/24/decoupling-python-code-implementing-the-unit-of-work-and-repository-pattern/ decoupling-python-code:-implementing-the-unit-of-work-and-repository-pattern

The repository and unit of work architectural patterns are utilised to create loosely coupled abstractions between the data…

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The repository and unit of work architectural patterns are utilised to create loosely coupled abstractions between the data access and business logic layers. Implementing these patterns helps insulate your application from changes, facilitates automated unit testing or test-driven development (TDD) and makes it easier to manage and maintain over time.
When introducing an architectural pattern, a cost-benefit analysis should be performed. Repositories are an excellent example of this; they add low-level complexity but reduce high-level complexity, meaning each domain object will need its own repository class. In return, a simple interface over the data access layer is provided. A concrete implementation would look something like this:

Concrete Implementation of the Repository and Unit of Work Architectural Patterns.

Repository Pattern

The repository is a layer that sits between the business logic of the application and the data storage and is responsible for retrieving and storing data. Every repository will have two methods: add()to store an object and get_by_id(id: int) to retrieve a stored object by its ID. I prefer to use generics since implementation logic is mostly the same and prevents code duplication.

Generic Repository Interface.

This implementation uses an Account model class with a username and password field. Since Account is a domain model, it requires a repository. Repositories can have a variety of unique methods to query the backend. For example, IAccountRepository has an additional method: get_all() to return all accounts.

Concrete AccountRepository Implementation.

The AccountRepository is loosely coupled to SQLAlchemy’s Session class through the use of Dependency Injection via its constructor and inherits the IAccountRepository interface. This is important because, let’s say, a future feature requires a NoSQL backend database. It can be easily implemented by passing the NoSQL database context into a repository class and implementing the interface without any change to high-level modules.

Unit of Work Pattern

The unit of work implementation is responsible for managing the changes made to a set of objects. It tracks the changes made to these objects and, when asked, can commit or roll back the changes as a single transaction. Put simply; it ensures that multiple repositories share a single database context. That way, when a unit of work is committed, all related changes will be coordinated and saved.

Interface for the UnitOfWork Pattern.

The IUnitOfWork interface provides access to the AccountsRepository through its public account attribute. The enter magic method retrieves a session, normally from a session factory. For example, SQLAlchemy has sessionmaker. The exit magic method handles rolling back any changes and closing the session.

Concrete UnitOfWork Implementation.

For demonstration purposes, let’s assume there’s a requirement to get the sum of all account balances. This can be easily implemented by using the UnitOfWork class, calling the AccountRepository.get_all() method and adding each account’s balance together.

Implement to get the Sum Of All Account Balances.

In summary, the unit of work and repository design pattern are powerful techniques for decoupling code in Python. These patterns provide a modular, reusable approach to organizing code that promotes maintainability and testability and helps developers build more robust and flexible applications by separating concerns. Thus, these patterns are excellent choices for anyone looking to write clean, decoupled and maintainable code in Python.

Thanks for reading 🙌. You can find me on Linkedin or Github if you want to connect with me.

Architecture Patterns with Python: Enabling Test-Driven Development, Domain-Driven Design, and Event-Driven Microservices
Implementing the Repository and Unit of Work Patterns in an ASP.NET MVC Application

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Google Docs Resume Templates: 10 Best Templates to Land Your Next Job https://prodsens.live/2023/01/18/google-docs-resume-templates-10-best-templates-to-land-your-next-job/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=google-docs-resume-templates-10-best-templates-to-land-your-next-job https://prodsens.live/2023/01/18/google-docs-resume-templates-10-best-templates-to-land-your-next-job/#respond Wed, 18 Jan 2023 12:02:29 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/01/18/google-docs-resume-templates-10-best-templates-to-land-your-next-job/ google-docs-resume-templates:-10-best-templates-to-land-your-next-job

Creating a resume from scratch can be frustrating and tedious, especially when you have limited design experience. If…

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Creating a resume from scratch can be frustrating and tedious, especially when you have limited design experience. If you want a professional but interesting-looking resume, you’re in luck. In this article, we’ll explore different Google Doc resume templates you can use to nab your next job.

10 Google Doc Resume Templates

1. Swiss

2. Serif

3. Coral

4. Spearmint

5. Modern Writer

6. The Muse’s Resume Template

7. ResuStudio’s Google Docs Resume Template

8. Canvas Resume Template

9. Geometric Resume Template

10. ResumeGenius’ Chicago Resume Template

→ Download Now: 12 Resume Templates [Free Download]

10 Google Doc Resume Templates

Google Docs offers five templates with impressive design elements to help you portray professionalism and originality in your resume. These templates are included in this list, as well as five additional templates from other sources that you can easily edit in Google Docs.

Even if you have the design all set, these templates provide formatting inspiration and fill-in-the-blank sections to ensure you don’t forget critical information, like your address or prior awards.

Take a look at these Google Doc resume templates to choose one best suited for your desired role or to get some inspiration before designing your own.

1. Swiss

The Swiss resume template is primarily traditional in style, but the color and bold lines make it appear more modern and impressive. The dark lines above and below each segment organize your sections effectively, and the small lines above each section title add some unique style.

What We Like: The simple color right below your name suggests you’re someone who pays attention to detail. This template is a solid option if you need a resume for a conservative role but also want to showcase some personality.

2. Serif

The colors used for each headline and the two parallel columns with plenty of white space in between suggest that you’re organized and creative. This resume template is a good option for high school or recent college graduates with less work experience since the template provides categories to showcase accolades and accomplishments outside the workplace.

What We Like: This template allows young professionals to make up for their limited experience by highlighting their awards and projects.

3. Coral

The formatting, with all the information left-indented in one column, looks clean and straightforward. This option is ideal if you’re applying for a corporate job but want to seem fresh and unique.

What We Like: The color used in the coral template isn’t overbearing or immature but still spices up an otherwise basic resume.

4. Spearmint

With the bold green line at the top of the page, this template conveys someone who’s spirited and artistic. Spearmint is a fantastic option for anyone applying for a creative role, such as a web designer or creative director.

What We Like: The consistency of the title colors is appealing and polished.

5. Modern Writer

You’ll only want to choose the statement-making Modern Writer as your template if you’ve got a good reason for it — for instance, if you’re applying for a web developer role, the font (which looks a bit like code) makes sense. The bold pink and Source Code Pro font are less ideal for a traditional role, but Modern Writer is a good option if you’re applying for a role that applauds uniqueness.

What We Like: The code-like font is a clever and unique touch that will capture the attention of recruiters.

6. The Muse’s Resume Template

The Muse made its own resume template on Google Docs for users to plug their information into. The template is very straightforward and shows users exactly what information they should plug in and where in the template it should go.

the muse resume

Image source

What We Like: The blue heading font is an eye-catcher.

7. ResuStudio’s Google Docs Resume Template

If you’re willing to pay a few extra dollars for a sleek, classy, and professional resume template, then ResuStudio’s template may be perfect for you. This template is also available in two pages for those further along in their career.

ResuStudio Template (1)

Image source

Pro Tip: Make sure to remove the “References” section — employers know they can ask for references if interested, so a section like that only wastes valuable space.

8. Canvas Resume Template

This template neatly divides each section of your resume, making it easy for a recruiter or employer’s eye to follow along and read. This resume is excellent for anyone applying to a job at an office that is professional but enjoys a bit of creativity.

canva resume template (1)

Image source

What We Like: This template is well-organized and includes a section to highlight any awards you received throughout your career.

9. Geometric Resume Template

This resume is clean, organized, and sure to make you stand out. Its distinct technical look is excellent for job seekers applying for opportunities in tech.

geometric template

Image source

Pro Tip: While the pink and purple font colors combined with the geometric patterns make for a unique resume, it’s important to remember that these features can disrupt ATS scanners.

10. Chicago Resume Template

Sometimes less is more, and choosing to forgo bright colors and unique patterns can make it easier for employers to focus on the actual content of your resume. This resume may be your best option if you’re applying to a traditional office position or a Fortune 500 company.

simple resume

Image source

What We Like:This resume’s simple design gives ample space to flaunt your experience, especially if you’re a seasoned professional with a long career.

You’re ready to create an excellent resume to get your next big gig. Good luck with your job search!

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My favorite JSON Interview Questions for Java Developers https://prodsens.live/2023/01/02/my-favorite-json-interview-questions-for-java-developers/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=my-favorite-json-interview-questions-for-java-developers https://prodsens.live/2023/01/02/my-favorite-json-interview-questions-for-java-developers/#respond Mon, 02 Jan 2023 10:02:40 +0000 https://prodsens.live/2023/01/02/my-favorite-json-interview-questions-for-java-developers/ my-favorite-json-interview-questions-for-java-developers

Hello guys, if you are doing for a web developer interview or a Java web developer interview where…

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Hello guys, if you are doing for a web developer interview or a Java web developer interview where you need to write server-side application or backend code which uses HTTP to send and receive data then you should prepare about JSON.

It’s one of the most popular way to exchange data between two systems or between frontend and backend, client and server and most of the top programming language has API to create and parse JSON like Java has Jackson and JavaScript can by default support JSON because it’s nothing but JavaScript Object Notation. 

JSON is also the default data format for REST API and even GraphQL uses JSON to send request and receive response.

20 JSON Interview Questions for Java Developers

JSON interview is just like any other interview and therefore preparation matters a lot. Preparing, in this case, means being familiar with the questions that are normally asked in a JSON interview. When you get to know the questions and have the answers, you will stand a better chance compared to the other candidates who will be interviewed alongside you.

The top 20 JSON interview questions with answers are as follows:

1. What is JSON?
Answer: JSON is a faster and more accessible data exchange format. JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) is a platform and language-independent data format. JSON is a wire protocol that specifies a data format for data exchange/communication between processes/applications.

Top 20 JSON Interview Questions with Answers for Beginners and Experienced Developers

2. What are the data types supported by JSON?
Answer: Data types supported by JSON include:

  • Number
  • String
  • Boolean
  • Array
  • Object
  • Null

3. What are the uses of JSON?
Answer: Uses of JSON include:

  • When writing application based on JavaScript it uses JSON, which includes browser extension and websites
  • JSON is used for transmitting and serializing structured data over network connection
  • JSON is mainly used to transfer data between server and web application
  • Web service and API’s use JSON format to provide public data
  • JSON can be used with modern programming language

4. What are the drawbacks of JSON?
Answer: The drawbacks of JSON are

  • It does not contain type definition
  • It lacks some sort of DTD

5. What are the rules of JSON syntax?

  • The data in a JSON file is organized into key-value pairs. The key is on the left, while the data on the right represents value. The separation of the key and the value is denoted by a colon “:”
  • A comma is used to separate each set of key-value pairs from the other pair.
  • The JSON objects are defined using curly brackets. The left curly brace “denotes the beginning of an object”, while the right curly brace “denotes the end of an object”.
  • The square brackets “[]” define arrays within a JSON object.

6. What do JSON and XML have in common?
Answer: JSON and XML have a lot of similarities. They are as follows:

  • JSON and XML are both used when transferring data between systems.
  • JSON and XML are both human-readable and have a simple structure.
  • Both are language agnostic.
  • JSON and XML support nested or hierarchical structures.
  • Both of them are simple to parse using a variety of programming languages.
  • Both these structures support Unicode

7. Why is JSON used in Android?

  • It’s a stand-alone data exchange format that’s the most acceptable replacement for XML.
  • To manipulate JSON data, Android supports four distinct classes.

8. What is the difference between Serialization and Deserialization in JSON?
Answer: JSON is a format for encoding objects that is based on strings. Serialization transforms an object into a string, while deserialization converts a string back into an object. When data is transferred or stored in a file, it must be in byte strings, although sophisticated objects are rare in this format.

9. What is the use of NewtonSoft framework Net?

  • It enables the users to parse, create, modify and query JSON using its internal framework objects such as JArray, JValue, JObject, etc.
  • It provides an easier solution for querying JSON with the syntax similar to XPath.
  • It enables the user to serialize or de-serialize any objects in .net with its great JSON serializer.
  • It is faster than contemporary serializers.
  • Easy to use and simple.
  • It also supports conversion from XML to JSON or vice versa.
  • One of the most important features is its free and open-source nature.

10. Can a comment be added inside a JSON file?
Answer: As per the structure, JSON doesn’t support any comments. Although, a Key or data object can be used to hold your comments. We need to just make sure that during the processing of the JSON, your application ignores the given data element.

11. What is JSONP?
Answer: JSONP is also known as JSON with Padding. It is a communication technique used by the JavaScript programs to call data from a server that is present in a domain, which is different than that of the client. JSONP allows the users to share data without the restriction of the cross-domain or same-origin policy of the system and the environment.

12. What are some of the most widely used libraries in .net for JSON?

  • Newtonsoft: It is one of the most widely used frameworks to convert using c#. It is quite famous because of its flexibility and performance. It also supports JSON to XML conversion.
  • DataContractJsonSerializer: This is the built-in library provided by Microsoft for handling JSON objects within the .net environment.

13. What is the use of JSON.parse in JavaScript?
Answer: It is used to parse the data present inside the JSON into objects for using its values.

14. What are the browsers that support JSON format?
Answer: Support for JSON is included in almost all the new versions of the browsers. Internet Explorer, Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, etc. all support JSON format.

15. Who is known as the father of JSON?
Answer: Douglas Crockford is known as the father of JSON. Douglas Crockford was the person who originally defined the JSON format back in 2000.

16. What is the file extension of JSON?
Answer: File extension of JSON is .json

17. How can you convert a string into a JSON Array?
Answer: To convert a string into a JSON array, you need to create a JSONObject object for each of your objects and add those to your JSON array.

18. What is the difference between JSON and JSONP?

  • JSON: JSON is a simple data format used for communication medium between different systems
  • JSONP: It is a methodology for using that format with cross-domain ajax requests while not being affected by the same origin policy issue.

19. What is the MIME type of JSON? **
: MIME type for JSON text is “application/json”

20. Why Is Serialization Necessary? **
: Serialization is important particularly to customers because if objects are not serialized into JSON, they will not be in a format that can be understood by customers. Thus, serializing objects into JSON helps to transform messages into a form that is understandable or makes sense to the system that sends the request.

Lastly, I urge you to be a little bit serious with these questions with answers because they are what will turn around your situation. You will get hired because of answering these questions correctly. Getting hired is something that you really need at this point. Don’t let that chance escape just like that. Grab it as quickly as possible.

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