Caroline Hornby, Author at News for Project Managers - PMI Fri, 31 May 2024 14:20:36 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Caroline Hornby, Author at 32 32 Memory-efficient mass data transfer between Excel and database using Apache POI, Spring Event, Async Threads Fri, 31 May 2024 14:20:36 +0000 memory-efficient-mass-data-transfer-between-excel-and-database-using-apache-poi,-spring-event,-async-threads

Create an Excel file with millions of rows of data from the database with minimal impact on heap…

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  • Create an Excel file with millions of rows of data from the database with minimal impact on heap memory

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Product vs Business Outcomes – An independence Story Fri, 31 May 2024 14:20:13 +0000 product-vs-business-outcomes-–-an-independence-story

In this article, we explore how aligning product, operational, and business outcomes helps machine learning analytics products deliver…

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In this article, we explore how aligning product, operational, and business outcomes helps machine learning analytics products deliver real business value and drive success. Read more »

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Welcome Thread – v262 Wed, 07 Feb 2024 02:20:19 +0000 welcome-thread-–-v262

Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you’re learning,…

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A CGI hand waving

  1. Leave a comment below to introduce yourself! You can talk about what brought you here, what you’re learning, or just a fun fact about yourself.

  2. Reply to someone’s comment, either with a question or just a hello. 👋

  3. Come back next week to greet our new members so you can one day earn our Warm Welcome Badge!

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Top 3 Exceptional Websites for Free Web Development Learning Sun, 04 Feb 2024 02:20:21 +0000 top-3-exceptional-websites-for-free-web-development-learning

Web development skills have become more than just an asset, they are a key to unlocking countless opportunities…

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Web development skills have become more than just an asset, they are a key to unlocking countless opportunities in the tech industry. As businesses, organizations, and individuals continue to establish their online presence, the demand for skilled web developers has increased. From creating responsive and visually appealing websites to developing dynamic web applications, the role of a web developer has become necessary.

The good news is that acquiring these essential web development skills doesn’t necessarily require alot of money and can be learnt for free. Thanks to the internet, a wealth of free resources is readily available to aspiring developers, offering an accessible gateway to the world of coding and programming. Whether you’re a novice eager to explore the fundamentals or an experienced coder seeking to enhance your skills, these free resources are reliable and has helped me developed my skills in different ways.

In this article, we will explore three outstanding websites that not only recognize the increasing demand for web development expertise but also strive to make quality learning accessible to everyone.

Mozilla Developer Network (MDN)

Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) stands out as a reputable and credible resource in the realm of web development. MDN is backed by Mozilla, the organization behind the popular Firefox web browser. What sets MDN apart is its commitment to providing accurate, up-to-date, and comprehensive documentation for web technologies.

The platform is widely recognized for its reliability and trustworthiness within the developer community. Developers frequently turn to MDN for its authoritative information on HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies. The content is not only detailed but is also regularly reviewed and updated by a team of experts and contributors, ensuring that it reflects the latest industry standards and best practices.

The credibility of MDN is further bolstered by its collaborative nature. It serves as a collaborative wiki, allowing developers to contribute their knowledge and insights. This community-driven approach enhances the overall quality and depth of the content available on MDN, making it a go-to resource for developers seeking accurate information and guidance in their web development journey.

Mozilla Developer Network (MDN) distinguishes itself through its extensive and well-crafted documentation and tutorials, providing a rich learning experience for web developers. Here are key highlights of the comprehensive resourses available on MDN:

Detailed Documentation:

  • MDN offers an explainable documentation on web technologies, including HTML, CSS, Javascript, and more.
  • Each documentation page covers the basic concepts to advanced topics, making sure the learners can explore at their own pace.

Interactive Example

  • As you learn on the site MDN allow the learner code directly within the browser.

Tutorials and Guides

  • MDN provides step-by-step tutorials to learners from beginner to seasoned developers.
  • The tutorial are user-friendly, guiding learners through theprocess of building a good website and projects.

** Community Involvement:**
One of the good purpose on learning on MDN is that, a vibrant community of developers are present in the website allowing you ask questions to get your problem solved and increase your learning pace.


freeCodeCamp is a renowned interactive learning platform that empowers individuals to acquire coding and web development skills through a hands-on and community-driven approach. Here’s an overview of key features that define the platform:

Interactive Learning Paths:

  • freeCodeCamp offers structured learning paths that cover a wide array of topics, from basic HTML and CSS to advanced JavaScript, data visualization, and more.
  • The curriculum is designed to be hands-on, with a focus on coding challenges and projects that allow learners to apply their knowledge in real-world scenarios.

Coding Challenges:

  • The platform provides a plethora of coding challenges to reinforce concepts and enhance problem-solving skills.
  • Challenges are often presented in a gamified format, making learning engaging and enjoyable.

Projects and Certifications:

  • freeCodeCamp places a strong emphasis on practical application. Learners work on projects that simulate real-world scenarios, building a portfolio of work that showcases their skills.
  • Completing specific sections and projects earns users certifications, providing tangible proof of their accomplishments.

Responsive Community:

  • The platform boasts a large and active community of learners, offering a supportive environment for collaboration and networking.
  • Users can seek help from peers, participate in forums, and engage with a community that shares a common goal of learning and advancing in web development.

Responsive Web Design Certification:

-One standout feature is the Responsive Web Design Certification, which covers HTML, CSS, applied visual design, and more. This certification is an excellent starting point for beginners.

Full Stack Developer Certification:

  • freeCodeCamp also offers a Full Stack Developer Certification, guiding learners through the entire web development stack, including front-end libraries, back-end development, and database management.

Free and Open Source:

  • As the name suggests, freeCodeCamp is completely free to use. The platform is committed to providing free, quality education to anyone, anywhere in the world.

Hands-on coding challenges and projects.
FreeCodeCamp’s interactive learning platform stands out for its emphasis on hands-on coding challenges and real-world projects, providing learners with practical experience and tangible skills. Here are the key highlights:

Coding Challenges:

  • The platform incorporates a plethora of coding challenges that span various difficulty levels, ensuring a gradual progression in skill development.
  • Challenges are designed to be engaging and interactive, allowing learners to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical coding environment.

Responsive Coding Editor:

  • freeCodeCamp features a built-in coding editor directly on its platform. This eliminates the need for external tools, making it convenient for learners to practice coding concepts in a seamless environment.
  • The responsive editor provides instant feedback, helping learners identify and correct errors in their code efficiently.

Project-Based Learning:

  • One of the standout features of freeCodeCamp is its focus on project-based learning. Learners are encouraged to work on real-world projects that simulate scenarios they may encounter as web developers.
  • Projects range from building simple web pages to more complex full-stack applications, allowing learners to showcase their skills and build a portfolio.

Certifications Through Projects:

  • As learners complete various sections and projects, they earn certifications that validate their proficiency in specific areas, such as Responsive Web Design, JavaScript Algorithms and Data Structures, and more.
  • These certifications serve as tangible achievements that learners can showcase to potential employers.

Community Support:

  • freeCodeCamp fosters a strong community where learners can connect, collaborate, and seek assistance. The platform incorporates a chat system, forums, and group projects, promoting a collaborative learning environment.

Responsive Web Design Projects:

  • The curriculum includes projects that focus specifically on responsive web design. Learners are challenged to create websites that adapt seamlessly to different devices and screen sizes, a crucial skill in today’s mobile-centric world.

By integrating hands-on coding challenges and projects into its curriculum, freeCodeCamp ensures that learners not only grasp theoretical concepts but also develop the practical skills necessary to thrive in the field of web development.


Codecademy is renowned for its interactive and beginner-friendly approach to teaching coding and programming. Here’s an explanation of the key aspects that make Codecademy an accessible platform for learners of all levels:

Hands-On Learning:

Codecademy’s courses are heavily focused on hands-on learning. Learners don’t just passively read or watch tutorials; they actively engage with coding exercises directly within the platform.
The interactive coding interface allows learners to practice writing code in a real coding environment, providing immediate feedback on their progress.
Interactive Code Editor:

Codecademy provides an in-browser code editor, eliminating the need for learners to set up development environments locally. This feature is especially beneficial for beginners who may find the setup process daunting.
The code editor highlights syntax, suggests autocompletions, and checks for errors in real-time, enhancing the learning experience.
Guided Projects and Challenges:

Codecademy’s courses include guided projects and challenges that gradually increase in complexity. This progressive structure ensures a smooth learning curve for beginners.
Challenges are designed to reinforce concepts learned in lessons, allowing learners to immediately apply new knowledge in practical scenarios.
Immediate Feedback:

Learners receive instant feedback on their code submissions. This immediate feedback loop is crucial for reinforcing correct practices and helping learners identify and correct errors promptly.
Mistakes are viewed as learning opportunities, and the platform encourages a trial-and-error approach to foster a deeper understanding of coding concepts.
Gamified Learning Experience:

Codecademy incorporates gamification elements, turning the learning process into a more engaging and enjoyable experience. Learners earn points, badges, and streaks for completing exercises and achieving milestones.
The gamified approach encourages consistent learning and provides a sense of accomplishment as learners progress through the courses.
Varied Course Offerings:

Codecademy covers a wide array of programming languages and technologies, making it a versatile platform for learners interested in different areas of coding.
Courses range from foundational languages like HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to more advanced topics like Python, SQL, and frameworks like React.
Codecademy Pro Features:

While Codecademy offers free access to its courses, it also provides a Codecademy Pro subscription that includes additional features such as personalized learning plans, quizzes, and projects with real-world applications.

Codecademy’s interactive and beginner-friendly approach democratizes coding education, making it accessible to individuals with varying levels of experience. The platform’s emphasis on practical coding, immediate feedback, and gamified elements creates an engaging environment that fosters effective learning for beginners in the world of programming.

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5 Concerns Marketers Have About AI & How Leadership Can Address Them [New Data + Tips] Sat, 16 Dec 2023 09:24:11 +0000 5-concerns-marketers-have-about-ai-&-how-leadership-can-address-them-[new-data-+-tips]

Though generative AI is everywhere, the fear around the state of AI is real. From our survey of…

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Though generative AI is everywhere, the fear around the state of AI is real.

From our survey of 1350+ business professionals in the US, including marketers, we found that 63% of marketers not already using generative AI are not looking to start.

Yet, there are vast amounts of data and use cases to support AI as a productive and efficient tool to support marketing efforts.

In this article, we’re looking at the top fears surrounding AI in marketing and sharing tips from experts to help leadership address them.

The Top Concerns for Using AI

Tips for Addressing AI Fears

Should AI fears stop you?

The Top Concerns for Using AI

Our survey results identified the top five fears around using AI and the potential rationale. Find out what they are so you can better support your team.

1. Threat to Jobs

AI’s supposed threat to marketers’ jobs is a justified fear. But, our survey suggests that employees are overly concerned about this.

We found that marketers using generative AI believe that it can help create marketing content more efficiently (77%) and improve the quality of their marketing content (79%).

From an employee’s perspective, these stats might sound scary!

However, leadership surveyed said AI/automation tools make employees more productive (30%), and AI/automation tools make employees more effective at their jobs (32%).

Even better, 66% of business leaders have hired new employees specifically to help with leveraging/implementing AI/automation tools.

The threat to jobs can leave marketers worried about their jobs’ future. Understandably, a fear like this could prevent someone from embracing AI to its fullest.

With leaders believing that AI is making teams more productive and effective at their jobs, restructuring the narrative is all it could take to reassure your team that their jobs are not under threat and instead that AI is a tool to empower them.

2. Quality and Relevancy

The second biggest concern revolves around the quality and relevancy of AI outputs. Of those surveyed, 30% of marketers believe that content created using generative AI isn’t as good as content made exclusively by humans.

Also, 28% said the content generative AI produces isn’t always relevant to desired goals.

Evidence suggests that AI is suitable and can return high-quality and relevant content. Our survey found that 44% of marketers agree that AI can write better content than humans.

Perhaps the key is using AI to its fullest potential with strong prompts.

Adam Smith, founder of The Content Machine, explores AI content with in-depth experimentation, strong prompts, and a lot of testing. On LinkedIn, he shares how AI content is working for his websites.

ai fears, adam smith post about ai

Image Source

3. Accuracy

AI and accuracy is a well-known fear among marketers. For marketing, accuracy is critical. False information published on a brand’s website can potentially damage brand-consumer relations at best and be catastrophic at worst.

Our survey found that only 23% of marketers are very confident that the information generative AI produces is accurate, and 30% think that generative AI sometimes produces inaccurate information.

Everyone else? Well, they’re under-confident in the accuracy AI provides.

Most AI users have likely come across a questionable statement, and no doubt, fact-checking AI is vital to the AI process.

But does this mean that AI shouldn’t be adopted? We’re not so sure!

Moritz Kremb helps businesses leverage AI for growth. He shares tips and insights on AI. Kremb shares eight strategies to elevate AI and writing in the post below:

ai fears, Moritz Kremb, chatgpt is powerful

Image Source

Ultimately, AI can only ever be as accurate as its input. If you learn to prompt more effectively, you might find accuracy improves.

4. Usefulness

AI tools are less valuable than some marketers would like them to be. When asked, “How important or unimportant is generative AI to your overall content marketing strategy?” 30% of marketers answered, “neither important nor unimportant” or “unimportant.”

Only 27% of respondents answered “very important.”

The usefulness of AI is relatively subjective because a lot of marketers are finding it very useful and claim that:

  • Marketers should use generative AI but avoid becoming overly reliant (67%).
  • Generative AI has had a significant, moderate, or slight change in how they create content in 2023 (83%).
  • AI/automation tools make them more effective at their job (67%).

The truth is that AI is still young, and it can do a lot. Experts such as Greg Brockman, president and co-founder at Open AI, recognize that AI is still in its early days.

ai fears, Greg Brockman, ai is still early

Image Source

Perhaps the key to using AI in a way that serves you is understanding where it’s helpful so you can join the 67% of marketers who find it makes them more effective at their jobs.

5. Over-Reliance

Conscientious marketers don’t want to become overly reliant on AI tools (43%), a perfectly reasonable response to AI adoption. After all, people want to love what they do, and customers will always need that human interaction.

But should over-reliance stop us from using AI? Probably not! Those most concerned about over-reliance on AI are precisely who should be using it. After all, you will figure out how to balance effectiveness and human touch.

Tips for Addressing AI Fears

Now that you understand the top five fears for marketers, you can find the antidote from marketing leaders who share their top tips below.


1. Create empowering processes.

Campbell Tourgis, vice president of sales and marketing at Wainbee, believes the answer is empowering processes.

Tourgis says his team acknowledges concerns that AI may affect content quality. In response, they balance AI utilization with the human touch in sales and marketing campaigns.

“While we use an AI-powered CRM system and other relevant tools, our editorial team carefully checks the final draft to ensure we publish unique, credible content for our website, marketing materials, and sales scripts,” Tourgis says.

What we like: Tourgis’ team has found a way to bring together the human touch and AI. AI-powered CRMs like HubSpot have integrations like Content Assistant and ChatSpot; both are designed to make your day-to-day tasks easier and faster!

How to address AI fears in marketing, HubSpot’s ChatSpot AI tool

2. Stay in control.

While AI is in its early stages, sharing data can feel scary. Carolyn James, consultant and trainer at Website Insights, has a solution.

“AI is in its early stages, which means it is still largely unregulated. This is why I use data encryption for the sensitive client data I possess. Because we’re dealing with datasets that contain private information, my employees are thoroughly trained to be mindful of these data privacy policies,” she says.

James’ team carefully evaluates all AI platforms before use, ensuring they are secure before integrating client data.

“This is one of many measures we take to protect our clients’ data so it doesn’t get misused or compromised,” James says.

What we like: James is looking out for her clients using encryption methods to protect client data. Additionally, James recommends that marketers use tools that are carefully scrutinized. A great place to start is with an AI tool you can trust.

AI fears, HubSpot’s Content Assistant AI tool

3. Involve teams in decision-making.

Melissa Popp, content strategy director at RicketyRoo, recognizes that teams not involved in decision-making are less likely to embrace AI.

Popp recommends you “include the team in decisions about AI implementation by organizing brainstorming sessions. Encouraging our team to contribute ideas and shape how AI is integrated across our strategies is also integral to getting buy-in from our team and our clients.”

What we like: With teams involved in decision-making, there are opportunities for everyone involved in the AI implementation to have their say. It’s an opportunity to air concerns and for leadership to reassure and provide solutions.

4. Maintain open lines of communication.

Similarly, Greg Kozera, performance consultant at ELM Learning, recommends establishing and maintaining open lines of communication regarding AI’s many uses. Consider setting up a channel where team members can share the helpful use cases they’ve discovered and their effects on their productivity.

“This ‘learning from others’ scenario can provide proven tips that come directly from those that they trust — their own team members. The additional plus is that there is no limit to this informal education,” Kozera says.

What we like: Group chats or channels can encourage team learning. It’s also a safe place where teams can find support for their apprehensions and receive encouragement from great ideas! From team channels, leadership can see the main issues and plan to resolve them, resulting in a happier workforce.

5. Test tools.

Ken Paskins, CEO of GCE Consulting, recommends testing AI tools. He says, “As with anything else, the best way to quell your fears surrounding a particular tool or technology is to see it in action.”

Paskins recommends slowly implementing AI into simple situations involving basic automation. From there, employees can see firsthand the time they can save with AI.

“[Time saved] can then be spent on more challenging projects that require a human touch,” Paskins says. “Proceed with a ‘learn by doing’ philosophy, and answer questions after your team has the time to experiment with straightforward tasks.”

What we like: Testing tools is a great way to determine what has a purpose within your organization and what doesn’t. If one tool doesn’t work for you, you can look for something that does instead of avoiding AI entirely.

6. Reassure employees.

Shannon Roxborough, chief marketing officer (CMO), ROCKBlue believes that addressing AI fears starts with communication and reassurance.

Roxborough says, “It’s essential that marketing leaders work with senior leadership to reassure employees and address their concerns by establishing internal standards and guidelines for AI transparency, trust, security, and safety.”

Roxborough notes that leaders should work to inform and educate marketing teams about the benefits of AI. That includes how it can help make them more productive and contribute to their well-being.

What we like: AI fears can only improve if leadership and employees work together to develop trust and security. We like that Roxborough is looking to help educate teams and show how AI is a productivity support.

Should AI fears stop you?

The data from our State of AI survey gives reason for the legitimate fears of marketers. Still, the same survey also discovered cases where marketers are thrilled with their AI adoption.

AI fears needn’t stop you from exploring how AI can support you and your business goals. As the experts show us, with good processes, experimentation, communication, and education, AI can be a helpful marketing tool.

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File-Based vs. Directory-Based Routing: Understanding the Difference Fri, 24 Nov 2023 19:24:02 +0000 file-based-vs.-directory-based-routing:-understanding-the-difference

I don’t know who did it, and why everyone is suddenly confused by this. What you are calling…

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I don’t know who did it, and why everyone is suddenly confused by this. What you are calling file-based routing is not what you claim. I will gladly explain.

I am going to use Next.js as an example:

File Based

This is file-based routing:

└── pages/
    ├── index.js
    ├── about.js
    └── contact.js

In the folder that defines your pages, if you are able to create a file in there and it automatically becomes a page (contact, about, services etc) that is file based routing.

File-based routing is a routing where the entry point to your routes is an index file. What that mean is the same way you can have a contact.jsx , you could also make a contact/index.js and these two would do exactly the same with little to no issues.

Frameworks that employ this:

  • Astro
  • Eleventy
  • Nextjs (with pages)s
  • Vue
  • Svelte

Directory Based

This is directory based routing

└── app/
    ├── page.js
    ├── about/
    │   └── page.js
    └── contact/
        └── page.js

With this way, there is a defined method of creating new pages i.e a folder with the file name and a special file within it.

When using this way, anything that does not follow this pattern is not regarded a page.

Frameworks that use this

  • Nextjs (with app)
  • SvleteKit

A Table To Know What You Are Using

Ask File-Based Routing Directory-Based Routing
Can I make a file name as a route and it works? Yes No
Can I create a folder with an index file and that will become the page? Yes No
Do I have a special naming convention for pages? No Yes

Thank you for reading, let’s connect!

Thank you for visiting this little corner of mine. Let’s connect on Twitter, Discord and LinkedIn

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17 Investors Attending SaaStock who want to fund your SaaS Thu, 14 Sep 2023 17:24:29 +0000 17-investors-attending-saastock-who-want-to-fund-your-saas

It can be difficult to stand out to investors in a crowded marketplace, to secure much-needed funding for…

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It can be difficult to stand out to investors in a crowded marketplace, to secure much-needed funding for continued growth.

But that’s where SaaStock comes in.

Our events break down the barriers between innovative SaaS startups and investors who are looking for their next big investment opportunity. The investors who are attending SaaStock in Dublin this October are actively searching for exciting SaaS companies like yours.

Here are some of the investors and VCs who are attending and want to meet YOU 👇

  1. Oxx

Who are they?

Oxx is a specialist SaaS investor, backing Europe’s most promising B2B SaaS scale-ups from Series A and beyond.

🌟 Success stories – Lightico:

Portfolio company Lightico’s recent acquisition of Vizolution secures the company’s position as a market leader in the digital completion space. Vizolution is Europe’s leading customer journey experience technology provider, and incorporating their technology will enable Lightico to offer clients a unified solution to deliver an end-to-end, seamless, digital and complete solution for the entire customer lifecycle. 

Oxx saw huge potential in Lightico and invested in the company in 2020. Since then, they have worked closely with the company’s leadership team, providing strategic and operational advice, including guidance on the recent meaningful acquisition. 

💼 Current portfolio companies include:

Black Swan Data


2. Susquehanna Growth Equity

Who are they?

Susquehanna has the most flexible capital for software and information services companies in the industry, and lets you decide the timeline and future of your company.

🌟 Success stories – Allocadia:

Portfolio company Allocadia was acquired by Brandmaker in July of 2021. The company provides marketers with planning, budgeting and performance software, collectively known as Marketing Performance Management (MPM), that replaces spreadsheets, email, and many other manual processes used by marketing teams to run their operations.

Allocadia’s exit was supported by the team at Susquehanna.

💼 Current portfolio companies include:

B-Stock Solutions
Field Nation


3. PSG

Who are they?

PSG is a growth equity firm that partners with middle-market software and technology-enabled service companies to help them navigate transformational growth, capitalise on strategic opportunities and build strong teams.

🌟 Success stories – Nalanda:

In May 2023, portfolio company Nalanda acquired Dokify to consolidate its position as the leading Spanish risk and compliance management software platform. The acquisition enhances Nalanda’s growing presence in non-construction sectors and expands its product suite to position the company for international growth. 

The acquisition process was supported by PSG.

💼 Current portfolio companies include:

Rapid Data
Sesame HR
Signaturit Solutions


4. Flashpoint

Who are they?

Flashpoint is an international technology investment firm that manages venture equity, debt and secondary funds. Flashpoint funds invest in software companies launched by teams originating from Eastern Europe and Israel.

🌟 Success stories – Clausematch:

In August 2023, Flashpoint announced its 15th successful exit, with its exit from Clausematch, the global RegTech company pioneering the automation of policy management and compliance for regulated industries. Clausematch was acquired by Corlytics, with the merger creating a platform that manages the entire regulatory risk value chain on a global scale. 

Flashpoint participated in Clausematch’s 2022 US$10.8M strategic investment round via Flashpoint’s Venture Debt Fund I. Flashpoint’s exit from Clausematch marked an important milestone, representing the Group’s 15th exit and the Venture Debt team’s second.

💼 Current portfolio companies include:

Chili Piper
OGO Ship


5. Albion Capital

Who are they?

Albion Capital is an independent investment firm providing investors with access to entrepreneurs who build enduring businesses. Albion focuses on the technology and healthcare sectors, and believes in offering “patient capital” and strategic support, giving portfolio companies time to flourish, thereby maximising returns for investors.

🌟 Success stories – Seldon:

In March 2023, Seldon, a data-centric machine learning operations (MLOps) platform, secured £16.5m in Series B funding with significant participation from existing investors including Albion. As a category leader in the MLOps space, the funding will be used to continue to pioneer a data-centric approach to AI across Seldon’s suite of products.

Seldon has achieved a remarkable 400% YoY growth rate in its open source frameworks since its series A in November 2020. Seldon’s cutting-edge research, in collaboration with teams at Cambridge University, has been key to their innovative product development and is a central focus of the company following the raise. 

💼 Current portfolio companies include:

Anthropics Technology
Black Swan
Clear Review
Credit Kudos
Reg Genome


6. Bessemer Venture Partners

Who are they?

Bessemer Venture Partners is a venture capital and private equity firm headquartered in San Francisco. In 2022, Venture Capital Journal ranked the firm as the 8th largest venture capital firm based on total fundraising over the most recent five-year period.

🌟 Success stories – Render:

In June 2023, Bessemer Venture Partners successfully led Render’s $50 million Series B to empower developers to build anything, anywhere, with no DevOps tedium. Render is on a mission to build the first unified cloud-based platform for full-stack development.

💼 Current portfolio companies include:

Bold Metrics
eEye Digital Security
Papaya Global


7. Capnamic

Who are they?

Capnamic is a Venture Capital firm supporting ambitious founders in the German-speaking regions. Their focus is on the early stages, from (Pre-)Seed to Series A.

🌟 Success stories – Getsafe

Portfolio company Getsafe recently raised a $93 million Series B round. The German company originally started with a digital-first home contents insurance product. It sells its products directly to end customers through its website and app. Over time, Getsafe expanded to new products, such as personal liability, dog liability, drone liability, bike theft protection and car insurance.

💼 Current portfolio companies include:



8. Dawn Capital

Who are they?

Dawn Capital is one of Europe’s leading specialist B2B software investors. Dawn partners with founders building the next generation of global software leaders, supporting them to harness extraordinary teams, exceptional technology and scalable business models to create category-defining global companies.

🌟 Success stories – Cover Genius:

Portfolio company Cover Genius, an insurtech platform that prices and handles claims for virtually any line of insurance or warranty, announced in November 2022 that it raised $70 million in a Series D round led by Dawn Capital with participation from Atlas Merchant Capital, GSquared and King River Capital. Bringing the 420-person company’s total raised to $165 million, which will be used to further expand Cover Genius’ insurance distribution services.

💼 Current portfolio companies include:



9. Eight Roads Ventures

Who are they?

Eight Roads Ventures partners with ambitious technology and healthcare founders from all across the world. They currently have partnerships with over 300 companies and investment teams across Asia, Europe and the US, providing entrepreneurs with access to a global ecosystem, to leverage and learn from.

🌟 Success stories – Thinksurance:

German insurtech firm, and Eight Roads portfolio company, Thinksurance recently raised $24 million enabling it to continue to expand its platform. The platform is a digital insurance consultations solution for commercial and industrial clients, allowing insurance distributors to fully digitalise consultations and policy processes for increased speed and accuracy. 

💼 Current portfolio companies include:

Fuse Universal
Red Points
Threat Stack


10. Elkstone Partners

Who are they?

Elkstone Partners is the leading Irish Investment House focused on Entrepreneurs, Senior Executives, Institutional LPs, the Venture Community and Irish Diaspora. Their mission is to increase the economic value and overall well-being of Ireland by growing their network, enabling deserving investments and delivering superior investment performance.

🌟 Success stories – Protex AI:

Elkstone portfolio company, Protex AI, recently raised $18 million in seed and Series-A funding to help protect workers using AI, and grow their presence in Europe and North America.  

💼 Current portfolio companies include:

Protex AI
Unify Ordering


11. Five Elms Capital

Who are they?

Five Elms Capital is an investment firm specialising in founder-owned, bootstrapped, B2B software companies. They invest $5-75 million in companies with $2-20 million in revenues, working alongside management to accelerate growth. 

🌟 Success stories – Proxyclick:

In January 2022, portfolio company Proxyclick was acquired by Condeco to better address the urgent need for businesses to safely reconnect people in the workplace. Proxyclick is a SaaS provider of visitor management solutions.

💼 Current portfolio companies include:

Crelate Talent


12. Fortino Capital Partners

Who are they?

Fortino is a leading B2B software venture capital and growth equity firm with offices in Antwerp, Amsterdam and Munich. They invest in early- and mid-cycle B2B SaaS businesses to enable their growth. 

🌟 Success stories – BizzMine:

In September 2023, portfolio company BizzMine announced the acquisition of Sercle Software, a UK-based commercial partner of BizzMine. As a result of this acquisition, BizzMine established local presence in the UK, representing an opportunity for further growth.

💼 Current portfolio companies include:

Billy Grace


13. Mosaic Ventures

Who are they?

Mosaic Ventures invests $1-10m in early-stage European companies.

💼 Current portfolio companies include:

Arex Markets


14. Octopus Ventures

Who are they?

Octopus Ventures provides venture capital investment for the people, ideas and industries that will change the world for the better. The teams are sector experts focusing on seven meaningful areas: B2B Software, Bio, Climate, Consumer, Deep Tech, Fintech and Health. They build long-lasting relationships with founders, investing as early as an idea on a page and supporting at every stage of growth.

🌟 Success stories – Natterbox:

In June 2023, Natterbox, an Octopus Ventures portfolio company, announced that it had partnered with PCI Pal to add a fully integrated PCI compliant payment solution. This new integration builds on Natterbox’s existing PCI functionality and offers merchants and their customers an extra level of data security by ensuring no sensitive data reaches the organisation’s environment when processing card payments. With the Natterbox PCI Payments solution, powered by PCI Pal, businesses can securely process credit card information over the phone with full PCI DSS compliance, giving customers peace of mind.

💼 Current portfolio companies include:

Mention Me
HAS Technology


15. Sapphire Ventures

Who are they?

Sapphire Ventures is an enterprise VC firm making direct investments at the growth and expansion stage. Sapphire Ventures specialises in enterprise software, contributing their vast experience to help founders of high-growth B2B companies with their challenges when scaling from expansion stage to IPO. 

🌟 Success stories – AI:

In June 2023, Sapphire Ventures announced that it is deepening its commitment to AI by investing more than $1 billion in AI-powered enterprise technology startups, including those specialising in generative AI. With $2.4B+ deployed across 60 active AI-focused investments, Sapphire builds on over a decade of data, analytics and AI investing experience. Watch this space!

💼 Current portfolio companies include:



16. Senovo

Who are they?

Senovo is an early-stage B2B SaaS-only fund. It makes a handful of high conviction commitments per year to founders who aim to re-define categories.

🌟 Success stories – IP Fabric:

In June 2023, IP Fabric, the market leader in automated network assurance, announced that it had closed a $25m Series B funding round led by One Peak with the participation of Senovo and Presto Ventures. This will fuel IP Fabric’s mission of making network assurance ubiquitous so that people, businesses, and governments can operate without the exponential risk of network failures or outages.

💼 Current portfolio companies include:

Hello Customer
Hive MQ


17. Smedvig Capital

Who are they?

Smedvig Capital is passionate about finding and supporting the best Series A and Series B stage fast-growing businesses. The money they invest remains all their own, principally that of the Smedvig family. They offer a flexible source of capital, supporting and accelerating ambition with a long-term view, often backing companies over multiple rounds all the way to exit.

🌟 Success stories – EdgeTier:

In June 2023, Smedvig Capital announced a €6m Series A investment in EdgeTier to meet growing demand for real-time AI analytics in the contact centre. Episode 1 and Act Venture Capital also participated in the Series A round.

💼 Current portfolio companies include:

Profile Pensions
Whip Media

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