Andrew Hatfield, Author at News for Project Managers - PMI Sat, 11 May 2024 16:20:20 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Andrew Hatfield, Author at 32 32 Curated List of the 500+ Best AI Tools, Ranked by Traffic Sat, 11 May 2024 16:20:20 +0000 curated-list-of-the-500+-best-ai-tools,-ranked-by-traffic

I have come across an amazing resource – a curated list of the 500+ best AI tools from…

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I have come across an amazing resource – a curated list of the 500+ best AI tools from around the world, carefully ranked by traffic data on the website

This extensive compilation presents the most popular and trending AI solutions currently available globally. The tools cover a wide range of applications from computer vision and natural language processing to machine learning, chatbots, and more.

I was delighted to see major industry leaders feature prominently on the list such as OpenAI, IBM Watson, Google AI, and Microsoft Azure. The ranking provides a sense of each tool’s market standing and popularity based on quantitative traffic analytics.

Scanning through the detailed descriptions of each tool, I realized there are so many innovative functions and uses of AI that I was not previously aware of. I’m sure I will find many problem-solving tools to help enhance my work and productivity.

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]]> 0 and GitHub usage pl Syntax Highlighter Sun, 17 Mar 2024 09:20:06 +0000

Prettylights Syntax Highlighting Notice the pl – Use inspection tool on Code Blocks on About GitHub Source…

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Prettylights Syntax Highlighting

Image description

Notice the pl – Use inspection tool on Code Blocks on

About GitHub
Source –

Try Here


Try Using This CDN :-

on the HTML

 class="highlight highlight-text-html-basic">
< class="pl-ent">pre  class="pl-e">class= class="pl-s"> class="pl-pds">"hljs language-js class="pl-pds">">< class="pl-ent">code>< class="pl-ent">span  class="pl-e">class= class="pl-s"> class="pl-pds">"hljs-keyword class="pl-pds">">var</ class="pl-ent">span> foo = < class="pl-ent">span  class="pl-e">class= class="pl-s"> class="pl-pds">"hljs-function class="pl-pds">">< class="pl-ent">span  class="pl-e">class= class="pl-s"> class="pl-pds">"hljs-keyword class="pl-pds">">function</ class="pl-ent">span> (< class="pl-ent">span  class="pl-e">class= class="pl-s"> class="pl-pds">"hljs-params class="pl-pds">">bar</ class="pl-ent">span>) </ class="pl-ent">span>{
  < class="pl-ent">span  class="pl-e">class= class="pl-s"> class="pl-pds">"hljs-keyword class="pl-pds">">return</ class="pl-ent">span> bar++;

< class="pl-ent">span  class="pl-e">class= class="pl-s"> class="pl-pds">"hljs-built_in class="pl-pds">">console</ class="pl-ent">span>.log(foo(< class="pl-ent">span  class="pl-e">class= class="pl-s"> class="pl-pds">"hljs-number class="pl-pds">">5</ class="pl-ent">span>));
</ class="pl-ent">code></ class="pl-ent">pre>

See on Codepen :-

Or Use API

    const api = ``;
    const res = await fetch(api);
    const data = await res.json();
    let html= await data.body_html;

and Use This CSS CDN then all the codes will be highlighted.

 rel="stylesheet" href="" />

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The Future of Partnerships: Celebrities Working For Major Brands Wed, 27 Sep 2023 13:24:23 +0000 the-future-of-partnerships:-celebrities-working-for-major-brands

Celebrity brand partnerships are evolving beyond endorsements and #sponcon. A growing number of brands are finding new ways…

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Celebrity brand partnerships are evolving beyond endorsements and #sponcon.

A growing number of brands are finding new ways to work with celebrities and public figures including having them come on board as advisors or employees and exchanging equity as payment for collaborations.

Celebrity New Hires

Recently, Delta Air Lines announced Tom Brady would be brought on as a strategic adviser. Per Delta’s official statement, Brady would be involved in strategic initiatives involving Delta’s employees and customers.

What does that mean exactly? Delta hopes some of Brady’s teamwork and leadership skills will rub off on their employees. According to Fast Company, Brady will take on a consultant-type role working with Delta to develop training and team-building materials for employees and support some marketing initiatives.

Only time will tell if the ROI is fruitful for Delta, though it makes sense that Brady would be seeking long-term partnerships to keep him busy now that he’s no longer playing in the NFL.

Similarly, Sofia Richie Grainge joined the Nudestix team as the brand’s first Beauty Director in 2022. In this role, Grainge supports the development of new products, brand growth, and community-building. Graine has also invested in the brand.

Recent figures suggest the partnership with Grainge has been fruitful for Nudestix. Earlier this year, when Grainge quickly gained popularity on TikTok after the extensive coverage of her wedding, the Nudestix products used by Grainge’s makeup artist on her wedding day saw a 2,849% spike in sales.

Pay Me in Equity

Some celebrities are opting out of cash payments in favor of equity in the companies they work with. In 2015 Beyoncé famously turned down $6M cash from Uber to perform at a corporate event, instead taking the payment in equity which was valued at $300M in 2019.

Ryan Reynolds made a similar move in 2018, acquiring a stake in Aviation Gin. By 2020, Aviation Gin sold for $610M and Reynolds has since stayed on board as a spokesperson.

As the entertainment industry becomes increasingly precarious for entertainers given labor strikes and constraints on monetizing their work and advertisers who may not have as many opportunities for placement, evolved brand-celebrity partnerships could be an appealing way to supplement lost income and opportunities.

New call-to-action

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Laravel routes: apiResource vs resource Mon, 18 Sep 2023 16:25:46 +0000 laravel-routes:-apiresource-vs-resource

Laravel routes application: using apiResource and resource. These methods help you create routes for a resource controller, following…

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Laravel routes application: using apiResource and resource. These methods help you create routes for a resource controller, following the RESTful conventions.

apiResource Function:

Route::apiResource('users', 'PostController');
GET           /users                      index   users.index
POST          /users                      store
GET           /users/{user}               show
PUT|PATCH     /users/{user}               update  users.update
DELETE        /users/{user}               destroy users.destroy

resource Function

Route::resource('users', 'PostController');
GET           /users                      index   users.index
GET           /users/create               create  users.create
POST          /users                      store
GET           /users/{user}               show
GET           /users/{user}/edit          edit    users.edit
PUT|PATCH     /users/{user}               update  users.update
DELETE        /users/{user}               destroy users.destroy

In summary

When using apiResource in Laravel, the routes are typically associated with the api middleware group by default. The api middleware group often excludes unnecessary middleware that is typically used for web requests, which can result in slightly faster performance compared to using the web middleware group.

The api middleware group usually includes middleware like throttle (for rate limiting) and auth:api (for API authentication). These are tailored for API routes, focusing on efficient handling of API requests.

On the other hand, the web middleware group includes middleware that are more suited for traditional web application routes, which might not be necessary or optimal for API routes.

So, if you’re building an API and want to optimize for speed and efficiency, using apiResource with the api middleware group is a good choice. It ensures that the routes are handled with middleware optimized for API requests

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The Latest Updates on Next.js in 2023 Mon, 24 Jul 2023 16:24:42 +0000 the-latest-updates-on-next.js-in-2023

Next.js, the popular React framework, has been making waves in the web development community with its continuous updates…

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Next.js, the popular React framework, has been making waves in the web development community with its continuous updates and improvements. In 2023, the team behind Next.js has been focusing on several key areas to enhance the performance, stability, and developer experience of the framework. Here’s a rundown of the latest news and updates on Next.js in 2023.

Next.js App Router Update

The App Router in Next.js represents a new foundation for the future of the framework. The team has been working on improving the performance, stability, and developer education around the App Router. The App Router was designed to align with modern React features, like Server Components, Suspense, and more, which have been designed for streaming architectures.

The team has been focusing on three aspects of performance: local iteration speed, production build times, and serverless performance. They have been replacing pieces of its underlying architecture with faster, more scalable tools. For instance, they started by replacing Babel (compilation) and Terser (minification) with SWC to improve local iteration speeds and production build times.

Next.js 13.4

Next.js 13.4 marked stability for the App Router. This release included the App Router (Stable), Turbopack (Beta), and Server Actions (Alpha). The marking of stability signaled to the community that the core API was settled and would not go through major breaking changes that would require rewrites.

Next.js 13.3

Next.js 13.3 added popular community-requested features and was the last release before the App Router became stable. This release included the File-Based Metadata API, Dynamic Open Graph Images, Static Export for App Router, and Parallel Routes and Interception.

Next.js 13.2

Next.js 13.2 included major improvements to the App Router in preparation for stability. This release brought Built-in SEO Support, Route Handlers, MDX for Server Components, Rust MDX Parser, Improved Error Overlay, Statically Typed Links (Beta), Turbopack Improvements (Alpha), and Next.js Cache (Beta).

The Future of Next.js

The team behind Next.js is continuously working on improving the framework. They are exploring further opportunities to make incremental adoption even easier. They are also working on improving the performance and reliability of the existing webpack architecture.

In conclusion, the team behind Next.js is committed to providing the best developer experience. They are continuously working on improving the framework and are open to feedback from the community. With these updates and improvements, Next.js continues to be a powerful tool for web developers.

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How to harness the power of message-market fit Fri, 07 Jul 2023 11:24:34 +0000 how-to-harness-the-power-of-message-market-fit

Ever wondered why some companies hit the mark with their messaging while others seem to miss the target…

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How to harness the power of message-market fit

Ever wondered why some companies hit the mark with their messaging while others seem to miss the target altogether?

The answer is message-market fit, a principle whose power I’ve seen firsthand in my role as Founder and Marketing Strategist at Deepstar Strategic.

In this article, we’re going to dive into the world of message-market fit and explore why it’s crucial for the success of any business. We’ll unravel the mysteries behind aligning your message with your market, share practical insights on measuring message-market fit, and discuss when it’s time to reassess and fine-tune your messaging strategy.

So, buckle up and get ready to discover how to unlock the true potential of your messaging and captivate your audience like never before.

What is message-market fit?

You’ve almost certainly heard of product-market fit – people are always throwing around that Marc Andreessen quote about customers buying the product just as fast as you can make it (although there’s more nuance to it than that).

However, people don’t always attribute the same level of importance to message-market fit – and that’s a huge mistake. Product-market fit is kind of irrelevant if you don’t get message-market fit right first. After all, it doesn’t matter how great your product is if no one sees it.

So, what is message-market fit? Well, it’s all about making sure your message is hitting the mark. How do you know if you’re delivering the right message? Clarity, relevance, value, and differentiation are key factors. Does your audience understand what you’re offering? Is it tailored to their needs? And crucially, what sets it apart? Even today, marketers still strive to show that their product is better than its competitors. Forget being better – what counts is being different.

In my experience, great messaging can compensate for some product gaps. It’s not a silver bullet; you still need a good product. However, if your messaging is aspirational and presents a compelling vision, people can overlook minor product flaws. If your product delivers nine out of ten desired features, but your messaging resonates, you’ll be forgiven.

Improving your messaging by 20% can have a more significant impact on your ROI than a 20% improvement in your product. When your messaging resonates, more people will see your product, giving you the opportunity to showcase all its strengths.

Why is message-market fit so important?

We’ve seen two major shifts that have changed the game and made message-market fit more important than ever before. The first change is customers’ increased access to information. We used to rely on libraries and encyclopedias, but now we can gather multiple viewpoints from an unlimited number of sources thanks to the internet.

The second shift is the emergence of the buying committee, which has fundamentally altered the way customers make purchasing decisions. Nowadays, committees evaluate and disqualify companies before even officially engaging with them. In fact, customers are typically only actively considering options for about 12% of their buying journey. Once they start actively considering options, it’s like there’s blood in the water – it’s super competitive.

Herein lies the challenge. With such an abundance of information and offerings, how can customers decide if one product is truly better than another? They both look good on paper.

This is where investing time in crafting the right message and achieving message-market fit becomes crucial. By focusing on category awareness and generating demand, you position yourself as the trusted source of education for the customer.

And you don’t want to focus all your efforts on that short window of time when prospective customers are actively weighing up their options. You’ll have a much better shot at success if you make sure customers are aware of you during the 79% of their buying journey where they’re aware of their needs but not ready to take action. That way, when customers eventually reach the decision-making stage, you’ll be top of their list.

Take the CRM industry as an example. There are countless options available, but when people are evaluating CRM systems, they tend to go straight to HubSpot and Salesforce.

How to measure your message-market fit

When I’m helping clients to assess whether they’ve found message-market fit, there’s a process we typically go through, which involves applying some of the most foundational product marketing skills and tasks.

First, we examine historical metrics, conduct interviews, and perform sales analysis. Next, we evaluate competitors and alternatives (competitors are who you perceive as competition, while alternatives are what the buyer considers comparable options – and sometimes the alternative can be as simple as an intern armed with a spreadsheet). Then it’s time to collaborate with product, marketing, and sales to assess how value and differentiation are being communicated.

I also highly recommend conducting a specific message test with a cohort that the client believes represents their ideal customer profile (ICP). Surprisingly, it often turns out that the client’s perception of their ICP doesn’t align with their actual buyers.

We often find that companies are managing to reach buyers in spite of their messaging and not because of it. That might not sound great, but it’s good to know. It provides an opportunity to expand the serviceable market or to narrow the focus and concentrate on specific segments.

All this evaluation often leads us to a storytelling and narrative design process. Typically, it involves a lot of prep followed by a half-day to a day-long workshop, which is ideally held off-site to foster collaboration, even if remote work is the norm. The objective is to align all the different units, not just marketing. We want the core business identity, brand, the purpose for existing, the solution offering, and the go-to-market strategy to line up.

Once all the components are aligned, we conduct message testing using the updated ICP and the new narrative. We put a lot of emphasis on message testing because getting answers from a target customer cohort within a week is way more efficient than spending six to twelve months in the market, wasting resources on campaigns and creatives.

One of the most rewarding experiences I’ve had going through this process came when I was working with a small startup that had just raised seed funds. They were profitable, had a great product, and were getting good MRR (monthly recurring revenue). However, they realized they had reached their limit and needed outside help. That’s when they reached out to me.

It was interesting because the head of engineering initially didn’t fully grasp the value of marketing. But as we guided them through a storytelling framework and narrative design, they had a realization. They discovered that they were not actually solving the problem they initially thought. Instead, they were addressing a different problem for a different user. That clarity sparked a huge change in their approach.

Whether you refer to it as business strategy, marketing, or messaging, the key was bringing all the teams together and crafting a clear, concise, and coherent message around some fundamental questions: Why are we here? What problem are we solving? Why is that problem worth solving? And who are we solving it for?

Now, that startup isn’t just winging it anymore. They’ve hired 15 new people and the team is incredibly excited. Their growth trajectory is inspiring, and it’s a testament to the power of aligning their message and purpose.

When to reassess your message-market fit

Finding message-market fit isn’t a one-and-done activity. Every now and then, it’s going to need an update. Working closely with your product team and demand team, you want to keep an eye on both leading and lagging indicators so you can see when your messaging is no longer hitting the mark.

Sometimes, the signs are pretty obvious, like when customer acquisition costs start rising or there’s a drop in trial signups or other easy entry points to conversion. Take a close look at the different stages of your adoption journey. See where things change or where you have room to make iterative changes that can have a big impact.

If you’re making significant changes to your product, that’s a strong signal that your messaging may need an update too. And if you’re having interviews with prospects who fit your ICP and they consistently feel that the product isn’t for them, that’s another sure sign that your messaging is off.

I highly recommend regularly testing your messaging. You can do this through focus groups, targeted test campaigns, and, of course, ongoing conversations with customers and ideal prospects.

Key takeaways

In conclusion, understanding and achieving message-market fit can make all the difference in how your business communicates with its audience. Let’s recap the key takeaways from our exploration:

🎯 Message-market fit is just as important (if not more so!) as product-market fit in ensuring the success of your business.

🌟 Clarity, relevance, value, and differentiation are the cornerstones of effective messaging.

💡 Compelling storytelling and great messaging can compensate for certain product limitations.

💻 Customers now have more access to information than ever before, making it vital to be the source of education and stand out in a sea of options.

🚀 Aligning all teams and having a clear, concise, and coherent message creates a strong business identity and brand.

📊 Regularly measuring and testing your messaging helps you stay aligned with your customers’ needs and adapt to market changes.

Keep these key takeaways in mind as you fine-tune your messaging strategy and embark on a journey to captivate your audience and propel your business to new heights – and good luck!

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