Amy Higgins, Author at News for Project Managers - PMI Mon, 27 May 2024 11:20:13 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Amy Higgins, Author at 32 32 50 Marketing Buzzwords to Know and Some to Avoid Mon, 27 May 2024 11:20:13 +0000 50-marketing-buzzwords-to-know-and-some-to-avoid

At the beginning of my marketing career, I was hit with a bunch of acronyms that sounded more…

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At the beginning of my marketing career, I was hit with a bunch of acronyms that sounded more like dog names than business terms: ROI, ROA, ROAS… 🥲I could even imagine fluffy Chow Chow named “ROAS” chasing after a Shih Tzu named “ROI.”

Years later, I catch myself using those terms even in everyday life. “Expensive climbing shoe? Well, they would probably be good for my cliff climbing season, so the ROI is worth it.”

If you’re planning to start with marketing and have no idea what these people are talking about, I’m bringing you the list of 50 marketing buzzwords you simply need to know. And those you need to avoid if you don’t want to sound, well… “cringe” (am I supposed to use that word? 😏) Anyways, let’s get started.Access Now: Free Copywriting Crash Course

What is a marketing buzzword?

A marketing buzzword is a catchy word or phrase that is often used in marketing. It can be technical or describe strategies, tactics, or consumer behaviors.

Marketers love using them because:

  • Buzzwords catch people’s attention.
  • They make things sound new and cool.
  • They simplify complex stuff.
  • Using them shows you know your stuff.
  • They make people feel something.
  • Helps brands be different.
  • They can go viral online.
  • Buzzwords stick in your mind.
  • They encourage discussion.
  • Helps with search engines.

Buzzwords can pop up anywhere marketing is discussed — presentations, meetings, articles, social media. They might seem complex, but understanding the basic idea behind them is usually easy.


“Brand loyalty” means customers consistently prefer and trust one brand over others. For instance, I always buy Sea to Summit down sleeping bags because I trust its second-to-none quality in ultralight equipment — that’s brand loyalty in action.

50 Marketing Buzzwords to Know

Brand Awareness & Identity 

  1. Brand Awareness: Making sure people know your brand → Ex: Seeing your logo and instantly recognizing it.
  2. Brand Identity: The special look and feel that makes your brand different → Ex: The unique design of your product packaging.
  3. Brand Storytelling: Connecting with customers through stories about your brand → Ex: Sharing real-life experiences of your previous customers on SM.
  4. Brand Personality: The human-like qualities people see in your brand → Ex: Being seen as trustworthy and reliable.
  5. Brand Positioning: Figuring out where your brand fits in the market compared to others → Ex: Emphasize the best customer service you have.
  6. Brand Advocacy: Happy customers who tell others about your brand → Ex: Someone buys your product thanks to the recommendation of your loyal customer.
  7. Brand Voice: The personality your brand always uses in communication with the audience → Ex: Friendly tone and humor in all social media posts

    Customer Focus

  8. Customer Experience (CX): Every interaction with your brand → Ex: A website visit, a phone call, or a store visit.
  9. Customer Lifetime Value (CLV): How much money a customer spends with you over time → Ex: If a loyal customer consistently spends $100 every month for five years, their CLV would be $6,000
  10. Frictionless Experience: Making things easy for customers → Ex: One-click checkout on a website.
  11. Personalization: Treating customers like individuals → Ex: Product recommendations based on browsing history.
  12. Customer Effort Score (CES): How hard customers work to get your help → Ex: Use surveys after service interactions to calculate it.
  13. Voice of the Customer (VOC): Listening to what customers say → Ex: Google reviews and social media comments.
  14. Customer Journey: The path a customer takes to buy your stuff → Ex: A customer sees an ad online, visits your website, adds items to their cart, and then buys them.

    Exuding luxury in client's customer journey

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    Marketing Channels

  15. Direct Marketing: Sending messages straight to people who might want to buy from you → Ex: Reach out via email or social media to connect directly.
  16. Social Media Marketing (SMM): All social media-related things you do to show off your brand and speak to your audience → Ex: Run contests on Facebook. share what happy customers say, chat with them through the comments, etc.
  17. Search Engine Marketing (SEM): Getting your website to the top of search engine results → Ex: Use online ads (PPC) and SEO to make your website easy to find.
  18. Email Marketing: Sending emails to potential and current customers → Ex: Share news, deals, or helpful info to keep people interested in your offer.
  19. Mobile Marketing: Making your marketing work great on phones and tablets → Ex: Send text message offers or create a mobile app to reach people more easily.
  20. Content Marketing: Making cool stuff to share online that gets people interested in you → Ex: Create blog posts, infographics, or SM content to grab attention.

    Marketing buzzwords in X post by Marc Schenker

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    Engagement & Acquisition

  21. Call to Action (CTA): Inspiring people to take action → Ex: “Book your free spot now!”
  22. Lead Generation: Attracting, identifying & nurturing customers → Ex: Offer a free guide in exchange for an email address.
  23. Demand Generation: Getting people excited about what you offer → Ex: Run online ads to show off your new product.
  24. Conversion Rate: How many people actually convert → Ex: Track how many website visitors become paying customers.

    X post about conversion rate by Marc Lou

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  25. Attribution Modeling: Figuring out what made someone buy something → Ex: Check if a customer bought something because of your SM ad or your website.
  26. Sentiment Analysis: Knowing if your customers are satisfied → Ex: Analyze the feeling behind customer reviews.
  27. A/B Testing: Trying two options to see which one wins → Ex: Send two different email titles to see which one gets more people to open it.
  28. Actionable Analytics: Turning data into the right ways to improve your strategy → Ex: Use website info to see which blog posts are most popular, then write more like them.
  29. Metrics: Numbers that track how well your marketing is doing → Ex: Track how many people click on your ads or like your social media posts.
  30. Return on Investment (ROI): Money you make back vs. money you spend → Ex: Track how much money a campaign brings in to see if it’s worth it.

    LI post about infinite ROI by Jasmin Alić

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    Marketing Techniques

  31. Influencer Marketing: Partnering with SM influencers to promote your brand → Ex: Fitness instructor wearing your new gym collection.
  32. Cause Marketing: Partnering with a social cause to promote your brand → Ex: Donate a portion of proceeds to charity.
  33. Growth Hacking: Using creative marketing methods for quick expansion → Ex: Launch a viral TikTok campaign and start some new trend there.
  34. User-Generated Content (UGC): Content made by creators rather than by the brand itself → Ex: You can pay UGC creators to create content for your site or use real customers’ videos which is always the best option.

    X post about influencer marketing by Brooklin Nash

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    Advanced Marketing Concepts

  35. Artificial Intelligence (AI): Machines handling tasks and giving marketing insights → Ex: Use AI to help you write interesting emails and offers for higher engagement.
  36. Big Data: Huge datasets studied to find marketing trends → Ex: Analyze customer purchase data to identify popular product combinations for upselling opportunities.
  37. Cloud Marketing: Using cloud software for marketing and data storage → Ex: Use HubSpot for easier campaign management and team collaboration.
  38. Conversational Marketing: Talking with customers through chat → Ex: Implement a chatbot on your site to answer common customer questions and qualify leads 24/7.
  39. Disruptive Marketing: Bold ads that break norms and get people talking → Ex: Launch an SM campaign with a surprising video ad to grab attention and increase brand awareness.
  40. Earned Media: Free positive press coverage → Ex: Partner with relevant magazines and portals to generate positive reviews.
  41. Employee Advocacy: Staff promoting your brand → Ex: Encourage your employees to share company news on their SM.
  42. Freemium: Offering a free basic service with paid upgrades → Ex: Give your software a free trial to show its value and convert users to paying customers.

    Ars Technica shares news about Google Photos’ AI going freemium

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    Competitive Analysis

  43. Competitive Analysis: Knowing your competition and market → Ex: Identify main competitors and their strengths/weaknesses.
  44. Competitive Landscape: The market with all players → Ex: Identify main competitors and their attributes.
  45. Competitive Advantage: Standing out from competitors → Ex: Emphasize superior customer service.
  46. Competitive Benchmarking: Comparing your brand to competitors → Ex: Track market share and brand awareness.

    Stormforce Gamins’s post on X

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    Marketing Attribution

  47. Multi-Touch Attribution: Recognizing customers interact with various channels before buying → Ex: Use software to track customer journeys and channel influence.
  48. First Touch Attribution: Crediting the initial channel a customer engaged with → Ex: Give credit to the first social media ad that caught attention.
  49. Last Touch Attribution: Giving all credit to the final touchpoint before purchase → Ex: Credit the email with the discount code that sealed the deal.
  50. Position-Based Attribution: Splitting credit between first and last touchpoints, weighting closer to purchase → Ex: Divide credit between the initial product introduction and reminder email.
  51. Data-Driven Attribution: Using data to find the best attribution model. → Ex: Analyze which channels consistently drive conversions.

Charles Farina’s post about attribution models

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15 Marketing Buzzwords to Avoid

  1. Disruptive: Vague and doesn‘t tell customers what’s actually new or better.
  2. Best-in-class: Subjective and doesn’t tell why your product is the best choice.
  3. Paradigm shift: Overused and doesn’t explain how your product changes things.
  4. Actionable insights: It’s corporate jargon and doesn’t tell customers what kind of useful information you have.
  5. Thought leader: Sounds arrogant and doesn’t let your accomplishments speak for themselves.
  6. Low-hanging fruit: Downplays the value you deliver and might not be easy to achieve anyway.
  7. Growth hacking: It can imply unethical tactics and doesn’t focus on building trust with customers.
  8. Agile: It’s meaningless without explaining how you actually adapt to customer needs.
  9. Synergy: It‘s fluffy and doesn’t tell customers the specific benefits of a partnership.
  10. Guru: It sounds self-important and doesn’t position you as a helpful resource.
  11. Game-changer: It’s overhyped.
  12. Dominate (the market): It sounds aggressive and pushy.
  13. Futureproof Your Business: It uses fear tactics and doesn’t highlight how your product helps businesses thrive.
  14. Content is King: It’s an exaggeration and too overused. Only high-quality content that resonates with customers is king–not any type of content.
  15. Innovative: No one trusts this word anymore. Everyone calls themselves “innovative” nowadays.

Buzzwords meme

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16 ChatGPT-ish words & Phrases to Avoid

The special category goes to ChatGPT-ish words that every single marketer needs to avoid because they scream AI😱:

  1. Explore
  2. Captivate
  3. Tapestry
  4. Leverage
  5. Resonate
  6. Dynamic
  7. Testament
  8. Delve
  9. Elevate
  10. Embrace
  11. Navigate
  12. Realm
  13. Transformation
  14. Unlock
  15. Uncover
  16. And the Oscar goes to“In today’s fast-paced digital world” 🤡

Funny X post about overused ChatGPT words

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After going through this list, you might feel there are a lot of “restricted” words to use but worry not. If you know how to incorporate the word properly, it’s okay to slip in some of the prohibited words in your copy.

Just remember to be human and yourself in writing. Don’t be a robotic, boring machine that won’t sell anything to anyone. And that’s it. That’s how you’ll be a good marketer.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in January 2012 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.


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How Clickbait Works: The Psychology Behind Clickbait Mon, 27 May 2024 11:20:12 +0000 how-clickbait-works:-the-psychology-behind-clickbait

In this online era, it’s hard — if not impossible — to surf the web without coming across…

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In this online era, it’s hard — if not impossible — to surf the web without coming across clickbait. I remember an era when all I could find were clickbait titles that lured me, such as “10 Tips to Help You Lose Weight in a Week.” What I’d find in these articles was little to no information about the topic; rather, the page would be filled with ads.

It’s becoming increasingly difficult to get people to pay attention in the age of social media, especially with the amount of online content. Thus, content writers increasingly turn to clickbait to stand out and achieve those valuable clicks.

Although some titles might surprise you, it’s gotten easier to identify what clickbait is and isn’t. But have you ever wondered why/how the clickbait works? What’s the psychology behind it that makes it nearly impossible to resist the click?

Let’s look at the science behind clickbait and how you can understand the common tricks used.Download Now: 150+ Content Creation Templates [Free Kit]

What’s considered clickbait?

To define the term, clickbait is content that “draws in interest and drives visitors to click a link that leads to a particular web page,” which all content marketers hope to achieve with their work.

The promise of amazing, thought-provoking, or startling information lies in clickbait, enticing us to click on the link. This includes every kind of content on the web, such as blogs, videos, infographics, news stories, interviews, etc., with a dramatic headline.

It’s important to remember that the key difference between clickbait and engaging material is that the former is typically low-quality. Thus, clickbait has a bad reputation in the world of content marketing. That explains why it’s now more important to focus on content that your readers want.

Looking for more guidance on building great content? You can check out our blog post templates to help elevate your content.

Common Clickbait Techniques

One of the more popular clickbait strategies is using controversial headlines. These attention-grabbing headlines frequently use dramatic language or exaggerated claims to encourage readers to click the link. Here are some examples:

  • “X Things You Won’t Believe About…”
  • “X Beauty Secrets that’ll Change Your Life”
  • “Ultimate Guide to Ranking Your Article in a Week”

clickbait headline example from buzzfeed that reads, “18 insider secrets from 18 different jobs that employees only wanted to share anonymously”

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Apart from these sensationalized headlines, other clickbait tactics include emotive language and imagery. Also, clickbait headlines frequently include strong emotional terms like “shocking,” “amazing,” and “heartbreaking” to pique the user’s interest. Additionally, you can expect the header images to be visually appealing and emotionally engaging.

Let’s check out a few common samples:

  • “Shocking Things You Didn’t Know About X Celebrity”
  • “X Heartbreaking Stories About These Disney Stars You Should Know About”
  • “You’ll Never Guess These Amazing Techniques for Getting Clearer Skin”

clickbait headline example from buzzfeed that reads, “30 hilarious tweets by women that will have every male comedian quaking in his little boots.”

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Another popular clickbait strategy is instilling a sense of urgency in us, making us want to click the link immediately to avoid missing out on something significant. Headlines with a sense of urgency, such as “Breaking news” or “You won’t believe what happened next,” intrigue readers to learn more.

Such headlines frequently take advantage of our anxiety over missing something significant, such as:

  • “You Won’t Believe How You Can Double Your Income in X Days”
  • “Breaking News: Why Were These Celebrities Shunned from the Oscars”
  • “The Secret to Understanding Your Sleeping Habits”

Considering these tactics, it’s easy to understand why clickbait content successfully grabs readers’ attention and encourages interaction. In fact, having a deeper understanding of these clickbait methods allows you to use clickbait responsibly to produce interesting content that genuinely informs and educates the user rather than deceives them.

Why Clickbait Works

A recent BuzzSumo study on the most shared headlines examined over 100 million stories and found that the phrases that generated the most engagement were “for the first time!” “you need to,” and “…of all time.”

Now, let’s come to why clickbait still grabs readers’ attention. How a headline is worded or presented can significantly impact how readers view the story. If it is made more memorable and engaging, the reader is more likely to notice, process, retain, and interact with certain information.

According to that theory, clickbait titles are effective because they appeal to our curiosity and need for immediate satisfaction. This brings us to our next point, which better explains the theory.

The Curiosity Gap

Although the idea behind the curiosity gap has existed for centuries, it wasn’t until recently that it was given a formal introduction/definition and name. The curiosity gap has gained popularity in the marketing and advertising industries to attract more customers and boost engagement.

Here’s where your content strategy can truly benefit from the psychology of curiosity gaps. If you have something that prompts readers to wonder about something they don’t know or seek more information about, they’ll click immediately to find the answers.

People succumb to clickbait for the same reason — curiosity. One could find it alluring to adopt a more sinister and deceitful strategy to capitalize on curiosity.

However, the curiosity gap works differently.

When creating content, it’s necessary to keep things open-ended since this provides you with a wonderful opportunity to employ creativity to satisfy your audience’s curiosity.

If you give them an unknown and then withhold the answer, you will lose their trust completely, eventually leading to lost followers.

Example of the Curiosity Gap

How clickbait works, example of leveraging the curiosity gap for marketing.

Here’s an example headline: “The ‘March Madness’ Effect on Company Culture — Win or Bust?” Now, let’s consider how this will pique readers’ interest.

Every American has at least heard of March Madness. My knowledge of the term piques my interest. How does basketball apply to business? Have I seen this at my workplace? I want to know more so I can understand the connection.

Numbers & Lists

Organization appeals to people, so numbers and lists are useful icons for quickly classifying information.

One simple and efficient technique to play the numbers game is to use headlines with numerals and list items. Generally, you must always use precise numbers to look confident and present yourself as an authority to users, leads, and clients.

Example of Using Numbers in the Headline

How clickbait works, example of leveraging the numbers in the headline.

Let’s take this article, “5 Steps to Create an Outstanding Marketing Plan [Free Templates]” as an example. Notice how the headline clearly states the number and shows the readers a step-by-step process, which plays well into the psychology of organizing with numbers.

My Chrome browser is almost always a mess. I have so many tabs open with tasks to do and articles to read. Seeing a number helps me make a guess of how long it’ll take me to read the piece. Beyond that, I’ll be able to see how far along I am in the article as I read.

Finding How to Use ClickBait Best

A catchy and clickbaity headline may intrigue readers to visit a website. Nevertheless, clickbait typically does very little to encourage conversions and only succeeds in increasing visitors.

When a user clicks on a headline and believes that the content doesn’t provide the answer they want, they will quickly leave the website — increasing the website’s bounce rate.

You can guarantee more genuine engagement by understanding how to leverage curiosity better and understand unique concerns. Clickbait serves the same purpose by generating a psychological gap in curiosity or the urge to learn more.

So, without question, clickbait headlines are effective in drawing readers in and encouraging clicks when used correctly. Ultimately, providing true value in your content is more ethical and provides more significant results for your business than merely employing a misleading headline to drive traffic to your website.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in June 2014 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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30 Hidden Messages In Logos of Notable Brands Mon, 27 May 2024 11:20:11 +0000 30-hidden-messages-in-logos-of-notable-brands

You know those instantly recognizable logos like Nike’s swoosh? Even though we’ve all seen them hundreds of times,…

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You know those instantly recognizable logos like Nike’s swoosh? Even though we’ve all seen them hundreds of times, most people don’t truly grasp the full meaning of these designs.

There’s often more to them than meets the eye, and those little details make them even more special.

In this post, I’ll share 30 hidden messages in the logos of well-known brands. Each example will introduce you to a fresh perspective on the artistry and ingenuity behind these iconic symbols. But more importantly, you’ll learn different approaches to thinking about and designing meaningful logos.

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Here are some of the most thoughtfully crafted logo designs that convey hidden messages about the brand’s history, values, and vision.

1. FedEx


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FedEx started in 1973 as a package delivery company called Federal Express. Fast forward to 1991, and the company underwent its first significant rebranding, where it introduced a new logo and shortened its name to FedEx. Then, just three short years later, there was another rebrand where the company introduced the iconic FedEx logo we all know and love today.

But what makes FedEx’s current logo so special?

If you look closely between the “E” and the “X,” you‘ll spot a hidden arrow in the negative space. And that little arrow isn’t just a cool design trick.

It symbolizes FedEx’s relentless drive to move forward, commitment to speed, and the promise of efficiency in every delivery.

What I like: The ingenious use of whitespace proves that sometimes, less really is more. Instead of relying on flashy design elements, the designers capitalized on the negative space between the letters to embed a hidden message — a testament to their creativity and attention to detail.

2. Amazon

Image of Amazon Logo

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Since its founding in 1994, Amazon has transformed from a humble online bookstore into a retail powerhouse. Similarly, the logo has undergone multiple transformations over the years and come a long way from the original combination mark design.

Today, Amazon’s logo features the company name boldly written in a sleek, black font with an arrow/swoosh underneath the text. While this logo may appear simple at first glance, cleverly hidden meanings are embedded within the design.

The connection between the letters “A” and “Z” in the logo is a nod to Amazon’s vast product catalog, suggesting they‘ve got everything “from A to Z”. It implies that whatever you’re looking for, Amazon is the place to find it.

The swoosh also doubles as a subtle representation of a satisfied customer’s smile and a reminder of Amazon’s commitment to delivering those positive shopping experiences.

What I like: Amazon’s logo is centered around the customer. Whether showcasing the breadth of Amazon’s product catalog or the company’s dedication to customer satisfaction, the logo is a visual embodiment of a commitment to meeting customers’ needs.

3. Baskin Robbins

Baskin Robbins Logo

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Baskin-Robbins was created in 1953 through a merger between Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins. At the time, the company offered 31 ice cream flavors cleverly marketed as “one for each day of the month.” This concept became integral to their brand and featured in the brand logo.

The first three logo iterations saw the number “31” featured as a standalone element. However, in a 2006 brand refresh, this number was integrated into the letters B and R. Subsequent iterations have maintained this design, including a recent 2022 redesign.

While the number 31 may be less prominent in more recent logos, it remains a subtle tribute to the company’s roots.

What I like: Despite changes across various iterations, the logo pays homage to its heritage. But what’s most impressive is how it does it.

Maintaining the number “31” is a simple yet powerful tribute to where and how they started. However, integrating the number into the letters B and R reflects the company’s evolution.

4. Toyota

Toyota LogoImage Source

Toyota began as Toyota Motor Sales in 1957. However, the current logo wasn’t introduced until 1989 as part of its 50th anniversary celebration. This logo, which took five years to develop, features three ovals, each with its own meaning.

The two interlocking ovals represent the trust and mutual benefit shared between Toyota and its customers, while the outer oval represents the brand’s global reach and impact. Additionally, the the ovals also form a letter “T,” which symbolizes trust or Toyota — depending on who you ask.

The background of the logo holds significance too. The space signifies Toyota’s values, which include a commitment to excellence, value beyond expectation, and the joy of driving.

What I like: Toyota’s logo manages to convey so much meaning with such simplicity. At first glance, it’s just three circles, but each one tells a story. The logo speaks to Toyota’s values and identity without overcomplicating itself.

5. Toblerone

Toblerone Logo

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Toblerone’s logo is a tribute to its Swiss origins.

The company was founded in 1908 however in 1970, the Matterhorn mountain was added to the packaging as a nod to Switzerland. But what makes this logo unique is the hidden silhouette of a bear on the side of the mountain.

The bear, a symbol synonymous with Bern, also known as the “City of Bears,” is a subtle tribute to the company’s birthplace. Its inclusion is a testament to Toblerone’s dedication to honoring its roots and preserving the traditions that have shaped its identity.

What I like: This is another interesting example of how a logo can be used to preserve and honor a brand’s history. In this case, it’s interesting how Toblerone uses visual elements to depict its Swiss origins.

6. Hyundai

Hyundai Logo

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Hyundai Motor Company was established in 1967 as part of the Hyundai Group. Since then, it has become a leading automobile manufacturer with one of the most recognizable logos worldwide.

But the Hyundai logo is much more than a sleek design.

At first glance, it looks like a simple slanted “H” inside an oval, but if you take a closer look, you might see two silhouettes shaking hands. These silhouettes represent Hyundai and its customers, symbolizing trust, reliability, and partnership.

The oval shape around the “H” also has a meaning. It is representative of the globe and symbolizes the company’s status as an automotive manufacturer with a strong global presence.

What I like: Recognizing the hidden message in the Hyundai logo requires a bit of imagination. This ambiguity sparks curiosity and invites viewers to engage with the logo on a deeper level.

As a marketer, I like how this provides a unique storytelling opportunity where the logo can become more than just a visual symbol.

7. Cisco


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This logo currently features a wordmark of the company name alongside a stylized graphical element. But what makes this logo unique is the significance behind its graphics.

The blue stripes in the logo are not just design elements; they represent magnetic waves reflecting Cisco’s business in networking and routing technologies.

But what’s even more interesting is that they also pay homage to the pillars of the Golden Gate Bridge. This landmark inspired Cisco’s first logo and has been consistently used as a central visual motif.

What I like: It‘s interesting to see how a structure has played such a significant role in shaping the design of a global technology company’s logo. The fact that the bridge has remained a central element in the logo‘s design across different iterations over the years speaks volumes about its influence on Cisco’s brand identity.

8. Vaio


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VAIO is a personal computer manufacturer that was introduced in the late 90s. It’s also one of the most well-known computer brands recognized for its distinctive logo. But, while the logo may appear to be a simple wordmark spelling out the business name, it actually holds a deeper meaning.

Consider the logo as two distinct parts rather than a single word.

“VA” is designed to resemble a sine wave, symbolizing analog technology. In contrast, “IO” represents digital technology, with its shape resembling the binary code “10.” Then, put together, this logo symbolizes the transition from analog to digital technology.

What I like: Vaio’s logo is more than just a design — it’s a narrative. It cleverly presents two concepts and seamlessly combines them to tell a story — all within the confines of a single wordmark.

9. Beats by Dre

Beat by Dre Logo

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Beats by Dre is the brainchild of music legend Dr. Dre and music industry executive Jimmy Iovine. The company has been incredibly successful since its launch in 2006, making it one of the most prominent audio brands on the market.

The company logo, which incorporates a unique graphic element and a bold wordmark, is also one of the most recognizable brands in the world.

But, what many people don’t know is that there’s more to the logo than a “b in a red circle.”

Upon closer inspection, the Beats by Dre logo looks remarkably similar to a person wearing headphones. The red circle in the logo cleverly doubles as the head, while the lowercase b forms the shape of the earphones.

What I like: I find the logo‘s simplicity and directness in representing the brand’s core product refreshing. It‘s also quite obvious, to the point that users who don’t notice it often find it amusing when someone finally points it out to them.

10. Hershey’s Kisses


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Hershey’s was established in 1890 as the “National Chocolate Tablets.” However, the company was renamed after the founder in 1989. This was also when the “Hershey” name began featuring in the brand’s logo.

The Hershey’s Kisses chocolate line was first introduced in 1907 with a logo that featured the full product name and images of chocolate “kisses”. Over the years, the logo has undergone several changes, with the most recent version introduced in 2010.

Now, while there hasn’t been any official confirmation about the hidden message within this logo, several fans strongly believe that there is a hidden chocolate between the “K” and “I” in the word “KISSES” in the Hershey’s Kisses logo.

Whether this was deliberate or a coincidence of typography, no one can say for certain except the company itself. However, it is a fun detail that adds to the charm of the Hershey’s Kisses brand.

What I like: The hidden meaning behind the Hershey’s Kisses logo is mostly a fun and engaging fan theory — like several on this list. While there might not be an official confirmation from the company, I believe they’re still highly effective because they turn potentially mundane details into opportunities for discovery and intrigue.

11. Unilever


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Unilever was founded nearly a century ago in 1929. In 2004, the company refreshed its brand and introduced a new logo designed by Wolff Olins.

But this wasn’t just any logo. Instead, it featured 24 icons intricately woven to form the letter “U,” which represents Unilever. Each icon symbolizes a different aspect of Unilever‘s values and embodies various elements of the company’s ethos.

For instance, the chili pepper icon signifies Unilever‘s dedication to sourcing agricultural materials sustainably. And this is just one of the icons representing Unilever’s efforts to “make sustainable living commonplace.”

What I like: Unilever has an incredibly diverse portfolio that spans a range of industries. Creating a cohesive brand image through a single logo is no easy feat.

That’s why this logo is such a great demonstration of how thoughtful design choices can be used to communicate the essence of multifaceted brands.

12. Carrefour


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Carrefour is a French supermarket chain established in 1958. The first iteration of the company’s logo was introduced in 1960 and featured a graphical representation of Crossroads. This logo’s design was rooted in the brand’s name, which translates to “crossroads” in English.

This concept has continued as a central motif of Carrefour’s logo through every iteration since then, with the current design featuring two arrows pointing in opposing directions.

Besides embodying this idea, these arrows also contain a hidden message within the negative space they create. Upon closer inspection, one can see that the space between the two arrows forms a subtle yet unmistakable “C,” representing the brand’s initial.

What I like: I appreciate brands that can creatively use negative space in their logos.

Carrefour is a great example of how to do this right without overcomplicating things. This element adds a subtle touch that reinforces the brand’s identity without being overt or flashy.

13. Pittsburgh Zoo

Image of Pittsburgh Zoo

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Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium opened to the public in 1898. Since then the zoo has gone from an “animal menagerie” to a conservation-focused institution.

The zoo’s logo currently features the image of a tree above a wordmark of the institution’s name. And while the tree might seem like the focal point of this design, there’s more to it than meets the eye.

On closer look, you can see four animals within the logo — the most obvious being the birds flying above the tree. But, what makes it truly interesting is examining the whitespace in the design.

The spaces to the left and right of the tree form the profiles of a gorilla and a lion. At the base of the tree, you can also see two fishes that appear to be jumping out of water.

These four images symbolize the wildlife found at the Pittsburgh Zoo & Aquarium.

What I like: You don’t get to see white space used this creatively often. I really enjoy how this logo pulls several complex images into a single design without visually overwhelming the viewer.

14. Roxy



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Roxy was launched as a female clothing line under the Quicksilver brand, and the company’s logo was designed to reflect its connection, albeit subtly.

At first glance, the logo depicts two hands cupped together to form a heart shape. However, upon closer inspection, eagle-eyed viewers will notice that the logo is two rotated Quicksilver emblems facing each other, creating the illusion of a heart shape.

It’s also interesting to note that the inspiration for the Quicksilver logo, and subsequently Roxy’s, comes from the famous Japanese artwork “The Great Wave off Kanagawa” by Katsushika Hokusai. This iconic image features a towering, cresting wave with Mount Fuji in the background.

Both logos are simply modern interpretations of this artwork.

What I like: Roxy’s logo pays homage to its parent company in an exciting way. That said, how the emblems were incorporated into the logo allows the brand to maintain a unique identity separate from Quicksilver.

15. Tostitos


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Tostitos debuted under the Frito-Lay brand in 1979 and quickly became popular as the snack of choice for many social gatherings and parties. The branding has remained consistent since its inception, with the earliest version featuring a wordmark of the company name “Tostitos.”

Now, while the Tostitos logo has maintained its wordmark style, a redesign in 2003 added an intriguing element to enhance its visual storytelling.

At first glance, the logo appears as a simple wordmark featuring the brand name in a bold, modern font. However, a closer look reveals a clever visual trick embedded within the typography.

The “tit” in the typography forms an image of two people sharing chips and salsa. The two “t’s” represent the people, the “i” likely symbolizes a table, the yellow shape signifies the chips, and the red oval represents the salsa.

What I like: This design cleverly captures how Tostitos is typically enjoyed – within social settings. As the brand describes, “Tostitos are more than just tortilla chips and dips — they’re an invitation to catch up with friends.”

16. Tour De France

Image of Tour De France Logo

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The Tour de France has come a long way since its inaugural race in a Parisian suburb in 1903. Likewise, the logo has undergone significant changes, transitioning into a more vibrant design that reflects the race’s energy and excitement.

The current Tour de France logo was designed by Joel Guenoun in 2002. While seemingly simple at first glance, the logo features hidden imagery that adds depth to its design. The letter “R” in the logo, combined with the yellow circle, cleverly resembles a cyclist leaning over a bike.

This subtle yet effective design element not only captures the essence of the Tour de France but also celebrates the spirit of its participants.

What I like: The Tour de France logo incorporates elements of the event and the sport. Adding this creative detail not only represents the race but also captures the excitement and spirit of cycling.

17. NBC

Image of NBC Logo

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NBC was founded in 1926 as America’s first permanent radio network. By the 1930s, the company had started a regularly programmed television service and introduced the country’s first experimental compatible color broadcasts in 1953.

In 1956, NBC debuted the colored peacock design, which has inspired the most recent iterations of the company’s logo.

The current logo features “feathers” arranged in a semi-circle. However, unlike earlier versions, the peacock outline is cleverly hidden within the white space between the two central colors.

While the logo might look like a simple rainbow of colors to unknowing viewers, this stylized peacock represents NBC’s history and legacy.

Fun fact: The peacock was originally chosen as NBC’s logo in 1956 because the network was one of the first to broadcast in color. The peacock symbolizes this transition.

What I like: NBC has experimented with various logo designs. The original peacock logo and its recent iterations stand out to me as some of the most authentic representations of the brand and its legacy.

The modern redesign has allowed the brand to add more visual interest without losing the essence of this iconic design.

18. Audi


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Auto Union AG was formed in 1932 and renamed Audi in 1985. Upon its inception, the company introduced a logo featuring four rings, which have since become a fundamental part of the brand identity.

But what exactly do these rings represent?

Most people, except for automobile history buffs, might assume that the rings were simply an elegant design choice. However, they have a much deeper, historic meaning.

Audi was just one of four companies merged to form Auto Union AG. The four rings represent the four automobile manufacturers and the partnership between the four founder companies.

What I like: Audi’s logo is a tribute to the legacy of all the founder companies. It reflects their contributions to the automotive industry and, more importantly, their lasting impact on Audi’s identity.

19. Spartan Golf


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The Spartan golf logo was created by a designer called Richard Fonteneau.

At first glance, the logo appears to be a depiction of a golfer mid-swing. However, closer inspection also reveals a hidden image.

If you look closely at the logo, you‘ll notice that the image creates the appearance of a Spartan warrior’s side profile. The golfer‘s body forms the warrior’s face, and the trajectory of the swing mimics the shape of a Spartan helmet.

This logo cleverly integrates the hidden image in a manner that may not be immediately apparent to viewers. However, it becomes a brilliant addition that enhances the overall design once noticed.

What I like: What stands out to me about the hidden image in the Spartan Golf logo is how it beautifully represents the brand’s identity and team spirit. The image is a nod to the brand name “Spartan” and a visual representation that evokes strength, resilience, and the warrior ethos.

20. Goodwill


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Goodwill was established in 1902 by Rev. Edgar J. Helms. In 1968 the company began hunting for a new logo — an updated visual to reflect the institution’s evolution after over 50 years of operation.

The current logo, created by graphic designer Joseph Selam, was designed to “symbolize the many faces of self-sustaining people within Goodwill.” This redesign marked the introduction of the iconic “Smiling G.”

At first glance, Goodwill’s logo is the company name below a stylized ‘g’ graphic representing the brand.

While that is correct, there’s also a hidden image — both lowercase ‘g’s’ double as smiley faces. Joseph deliberately designed the logo to depict “the smile of self-respect and independence” of people who have successfully participated in Goodwill initiatives.

What I like: The logo reflects the organization’s core mission and the transformative effect of Goodwill’s work. It‘s a powerful visual cue that shows that it’s not just about providing jobs or skills but also restoring hope and self-confidence.

21. London Symphony Orchestra

London symphony orchestra

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The London Symphony Orchestra (LSO) has a long and rich history, dating back to its formation more than a century ago in 1904.

A design agency called The Partners created the current version of the orchestra’s logo in 2004. This design features a stylized depiction of the company’s Acronyms, LSO, and a hidden image.

If you look hard enough, you’ll see that the graphic also doubles as an image of an orchestra conductor’s silhouette. The letters “L” and “O” form the conductor’s left and right hands, while the intersection of the “S” and “O” creates the head and shoulders.

What I like: The hidden image and overall design beautifully reflect the elegance and sophistication synonymous with the brand. The flowing lines of the logo also create a sense of movement and harmony which is a great visual representation of the orchestra’s music.

22. Pinterest

Image of Pinterest Logo

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Pinterest’s logo has significantly changed since the platform’s creation in 2010. Initially, the company used a black cursive wordmark. However, a few months later, it introduced the now-iconic “P” as part of a refreshed, colored wordmark.

This design element goes beyond simply representing the company name but also references the platform’s core functionality.

If you’ve ever noticed how the tail of the p looks sharpened well, it’s because the “p” in the logo doubles as a map pin. Essentially, by incorporating a visual element reminiscent of a pin, Pinterest directly references the concept of pinning on the platform.

What I like: As a visual platform, it‘s only fitting that Pinterest’s logo is a cleverly designed visual representation of its core functionality. I think this makes the logo memorable and reflects the company’s essence.

23. Adidas

Image of Adidas Logo

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Adidas is a unique example of a company that uses several logos for its various sub-brands. However, the “performance logo” is currently its main brand mark.

The signature three stripes on this logo have been a prominent feature since the first Adidas logo design in 1949. Interestingly, there wasn’t any specific reason behind choosing three stripes, other than the fact that three showed up most prominently (amongst contenders) in photography.

The current version of this logo is an element of the “equipment logo,” which reimagined the three stripes as a three-bar arrangement. This design was inspired by sketching how the stripes appeared inside the shoe.

Today, the performance logo is fondly called the “Mountain Logo” due to its resemblance to a mountain peak, which represents the challenges athletes face and the goals they strive to achieve.

What I like: The history behind the logo, with its origins in the three stripes that have been a part of Adidas since its inception, adds depth and heritage to its design.

24. Coca-Cola

Coca-Cola Logo

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Throughout its existence, Coca-Cola‘s logo has consistently featured a wordmark of the company’s name. The current iteration of this design doesn’t deviate from this principle, albeit with adjustments to the script and styling.

But what secret message is hidden in this simplistic logo?

Well, if you look closely at the space between the “O” and “L” in Cola, you’ll see the flag of Denmark. Or at least that’s what people have chosen to believe.

This theory is often debunked as a happy accident rather than an intentional design decision. That said, the company has embraced the association with the “happiest country on earth” through marketing stunts like an interactive airport ad in Denmark some years ago.

What I like: It’s fascinating to see how a logo can take on new meanings and associations through the imagination of its audience. The company’s willingness to lean into this “theory” also demonstrates a responsiveness to the sentiments of its audience.

25. LG

LG Logo

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According to LG, the company’s logo visualizes five concepts — World, Future, Youth, Human, and Technology. The design, which features the letters “L” and “G” within a circle, also visually signifies that the people “form the center of corporate management.”

Official interpretations aside, LG’s logo also contains a hidden image that some may not have noticed yet: it doubles as a stylized depiction of a human face.

The “G” forms the frame of a winking face, while the “L” represents the nose. The face also appears to be winking and smiling.

What I like: Incorporating a stylized human face adds an unexpected touch of warmth to the design. Additionally, it serves as a reminder of the humanity behind a large corporate entity like LG.

26. Hartford Whalers

Image of Hartford Whalers Logo

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The Hartford Whalers were a professional ice hockey team based in Hartford, Connecticut, that competed in the National Hockey League (NHL) from 1979 to 1997.

The original logo of the Hartford Whalers was created by graphic designer Peter Good when the team changed its name in 1979. The logo featured a blue whale tail positioned above a green, stylized “W” representing the word “Whalers.” Peter also included a hidden element in the space between the whale’s tail and the “W.”

The negative space takes the shape of the letter “H,” symbolizing Hartford, the city where the team was located. Combined with the “W,” this hidden “H” completes the full team name, Hartford Whalers.

What I like: Typically, I see whitespace used to reveal distinct elements in a design — a great example being the FedEx wordmark, where an arrow is hidden within the negative space. But here, the logo uses one letter to reveal the other.

27. Museum of London

Image of the Museum of London Logo

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The Museum of London introduced a new logo during a 2008 rebranding project — a colorful and innovative design by a UK agency called Coley Porter Bell.

This logo, still used today, features several layers stacked atop each other. But, while visually engaging, the true brilliance lies in the significance behind these layers.

The logo uses each layer as a representation of London‘s ever-changing geography. This hidden image reflects London’s evolution and dynamic nature making it the perfect emblem for the Museum of London‘s mission to safeguard and celebrate the city’s past.

What I like: The logo mirrors the essence of the museum. Much like the museum, the logo serves as an invitation to explore history. Essentially, the logo is a perfect introduction to the Museum of London.

28. Wendy’s

Image of Wendy’s Logo

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Wendy’s was founded by Dave Thomas in 1969 as a quick-service food chain. The company’s first logo featured the likeness of Melinda Lou, Dave’s daughter, and has continued in that tradition ever since.

While this fact alone makes the logo incredibly intriguing, the hidden message within the design adds an extra layer of interest.

For several years, it has been widely believed that the collar on the little girl in the most recent iteration of the logo spells out the word “mom.” However, this has never been officially confirmed.

Like Coca-Cola, Wendy’s is another example of an ‘audience-led’ logo theory.

What I like: Despite the absence of official confirmation, the continued acceptance of this interpretation demonstrates the power of an audience’s perception in shaping the meaning of a logo. It also highlights how viewers can engage with and imbue logos with personal significance.

29. Chick-fil-A

Image of the Chick-fil-A Logo

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Chick-fil-A’s origins date back to 1946, when it started as a restaurant named The Dwarf Grill. Over time, the business rebranded, with the first Chick-fil-A restaurant opening in 1967.

Now, while the hidden meaning in this logo may not be as discreet as some others, it’s still worth noting.

The design of the “C” in Chick is a subtle yet clever nod to the brand’s main offering. Simply put, it’s intentionally shaped to resemble the head of a chicken, the company’s core product.

What I like: While the hidden message may be more obvious than most other logos on this list, its simplicity makes it easy for viewers to spot and quickly associate the imagery with the brand. This immediate recognition strengthens brand association and reinforces the brand‘s identity in consumers’ minds.

30. Kolner Zoo

Image of Kolner Zoo Logo

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The Kölner Zoo was founded in 1860. The primary visual element in the organization’s current logo is the image of an elephant walking forward.

What makes this logo interesting is how, similar to Pittsburgh Zoo, the design also hides the silhouettes of other animals within the image.

In this case, you can see a giraffe between the elephant’s trunk and front leg, a rhino between its front and back legs, and finally, what appears to be a rabbit’s ears between its hind legs.

What I like: The logo uses negative space concentrated at the bottom of a single image to create three separate images. The designer’s ability to achieve this without compromising the integrity or form of the original image is quite impressive.

Designing a multilayered visual experience

Subtle elements not only add depth to designs but also invite viewers to engage in a deeper understanding of the brand’s identity. Whether it’s the clever integration of icons or the strategic use of whitespace, each logo in this post is a testament to the thoughtfulness and creativity behind effective visual communication.

Editor’s note: This post was originally published in November 2014 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

brand consistency


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