Swiftide 0.12 – Hybrid Search, search filters, parquet loader, and a giant speed bump


Excited to announce Swiftide 0.12 🚀 A Rust library for building AI applications using retrieval augmented generation.

Retrieving the most relevant information for a given query is the key challenge in when building AI applications. Research and our own experience shows that similarity search on vectors is not enough. The idea behind hybrid search is fairly simple:

  1. Retrieve n documents with similarity search

  2. Retrieve n documents with another kind of search (ie full text, sparse vectors)

  3. Rerank the documents for relevancy

  4. Take the top k documents

Swiftide can now do hybrid search with #Qdrant, supports filters in search, load parquet files for indexing (i.e. from #HuggingFace) and is a lot faster!

Trumpets and a big thanks to @ephraimkunz for his first contribution! Read the full release post here, check us out on github

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