ReactJS vs. Angular: Which is better?




In the fast-paced world of frontend development, selecting the right framework or library can significantly impact your project’s success. This article compares ReactJS and Angular, two popular choices, highlighting their differences, strengths, and some of the benefits.

Also,have you heard of the HNG internship program?. I’ll share my expectations and experiences in the HNG Internship program, where ReactJS plays a pivotal role.


What is React?

React is a front-end JavaScript library used to build both reusable UI components and user interfaces. React offers flexibility and performance-based solutions due to its use of server-side rendering. It helps developers create seamless UX and complex UI.

_What does React have over Angular?

  1. Building Blocks Flexibility
  2. Isomorphic JavaScript
  3. Single Data Binding

_Advantages of React JS

React JS provides plenty of brilliant benefits at the front-end for users and developers. Here are some of the advantages of React JS;

  1. React enables an easy debugging process. The code is reusable.
  2. Easy to learn due to its design, which is easy and simple.
  3. It makes it very easy for developers to migrate an app in React.
  4. Supports both android and iOS platforms.
  5. ReactJS is view-oriented.


What is Angular?

Angular is an open-source web application framework developed by Google and is used to build dynamic, robust, single-page, and enterprise-grade applications. This really has an embedded library and features like client-server communication, routing, and RxJS, among many others.

_What does Angular have over React?

  1. Among the very special features for which Angular stands foremost are the following:
  2. Two-way data binding
  3. MVC Model
  4. Dependency Injection
  5. Opinionated architecture

_Benefits of Angular

  1. It has a single option for routing. Moreover, it has highly interactive UIs because of data binding features.
  2. Angular extends HTML Syntax. With directives, Angular empowers to devise reusable UI components.
  3. Data in the model view and the component should be synchronized.
  4. Ease in building, maintaining, testing and updating with fewer foot guns


Key Difference Between Angular and React JS

_1. Architecture and Learning Curve

ReactJS: It focuses on the view aspect of the MVC pattern. For a developer already knowing JavaScript and JSX, the learning curve of ReactJS is much easier.
Angular: It is a full-fledged MVC framework with TypeScript, so it requires a much steeper learning curve but provides more out-of-the-box structure.

_2. Community and Support

ReactJS: Has a very huge and active community. Furthermore, it has extensive third-party libraries and resources.
Angular: It is supported by Google, with its updates being regular and its documentation exhaustive.

_3. Rendering and Performance

ReactJS: This library uses a virtual real DOM for its efficient updates and rendering.
Angular: It uses two-way data binding and change detection. It may cause performance problems for larger applications.

I look forward to working a great deal with ReactJS as a participant of this HNG Internship. Here’s what I expect:

  1. I look forward to improving my skills in building dynamic and responsive user interfaces.
  2. Mastering the best practices of state management and performance optimization.
  3. Building real-world projects solving problems collaboratively with peers and mentors.

Also, if you are looking to find and Hire Elite Freelance Talent, go to HNG Hire. They’ll offer you the best Talents in any tech field!

Have you tried integrating ReactJS or Angular into your projects? Share your experiences and insights!

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