Jotai Tips


Learn Jotai with handy tips!


I’ve been sharing tips about Jotai on Twitter, calling them “Jotai tips.” As tweets tend to get lost over time, I thought it would be good to have all these tips in one place.

So, here we go.

Tip 1: Primitive-like atoms

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1694494217379459573-419’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 2: Early return

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1694876971367555217-269’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 3: Promise value

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1695745037194436939-591’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 4: Store API

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1695966656563196044-963’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 5: useAtom

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1696317745426747625-150’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 6: Derived-like atoms

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1697051518976114798-172’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 7: Atom depending on props

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1697396138578759985-440’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 8: Atom with local storage

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1697797840796635393-492’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 9: Swap atom

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1699032814128443658-724’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 10: Write chain

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1699391498985595310-543’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 11: Promise.all in async atoms

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1699553010245067022-318’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 12: Toggle atom

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1699970779373592963-887’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 13: Two args

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1700295758325682522-580’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 14: Selected item atom

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1700500246143660300-460’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 15: Optimize rendering with two atoms

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1701133210212831674-756’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 16: Use atom conditionally

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1701955150724690192-231’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 17: Atom creator

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1702511436373872783-619’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 18: Refresh atom

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1713395849454395741-993’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 19: Default atom

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1714126922542964899-547’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Tip 20: Async only initially

// Detect dark theme
var iframe = document.getElementById(‘tweet-1722543472874594334-490’);
if (document.body.className.includes(‘dark-theme’)) {
iframe.src = “”

Closing notes

How was it? Did you enjoy the Jotai puzzle?

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