“The PMM Scholar Program has been a transformative experience.” Case study with Johnathan Butler


“The PMM Scholar Program has been a transformative experience.”  Case study with Johnathan Butler

Johnathan Butler is a Senior Marketing Strategist with a successful track record of merging creativity and data-driven insights to produce captivating campaigns for both B2C and B2B audiences. 

His expertise lies in generating dynamic content, strategically positioning and promoting products on social media, and achieving remarkable results – from heightened engagement to increased ROI and conversions. He is proficient in strategic brand management, content, social media, and inbound marketing strategies.

Johnathan discovered the PMM Scholar Program through LinkedIn. When he realized he could use it to strengthen his skills and get certified, he jumped at the opportunity. Read on to discover his experience getting through the program and how it has benefited his career. 

What was your motivation for enrolling in this program?

Despite my extensive experience in social media and brand strategy, I recognized the value of expanding my skill set and exploring the exciting field of product marketing. The PMM Scholar Program, with its comprehensive curriculum and strong industry reputation, presented the perfect opportunity for this growth.

What did you enjoy most about the PMM Scholar Program?

The PMM Scholar Program offered several enriching experiences, but two aspects stand out:

The diverse and knowledgeable community

The program connected me with a cohort of passionate and experienced individuals transitioning into product marketing. Learning from their diverse backgrounds and perspectives broadened my understanding of the field and fostered valuable peer-to-peer learning.

The practical application of knowledge

The program went beyond theoretical concepts and offered practical exercises, allowing me to apply newly acquired skills and knowledge to real-world scenarios. This hands-on approach solidified my learning and increased my confidence in applying these skills in my future work.

Which topic have you found the most insightful and useful?

While the entire program was valuable, the “Product Positioning and Messaging” module proved to be particularly insightful. It delved deeper into creating messaging that resonates with target audiences, which aligns perfectly with my existing brand strategy expertise. Learning how to effectively position products within their competitive landscape has equipped me to contribute significantly to a product’s market success.

What type of resources/activities have you found the most helpful?

The program offered a variety of resources that contributed significantly to my learning journey including webinars and community discussions. The interactive webinars led by industry experts provided invaluable insights and facilitated deeper understanding of complex topics. 

The community discussions have allowed me to engage in online discussions with peers and experts, foster knowledge sharing and critical thinking, and enrich my understanding beyond the curriculum itself.

How have you utilized the resources or your learnings in your work?

The PMM Scholar Program’s resources have already begun to impact my work in several ways:

Developing product messaging

I’m actively applying the framework learned in the “Product Positioning and Messaging” module to refine our existing product messaging, ensuring it resonates effectively with our target audience.

Collaborating with cross-functional teams

My understanding of the product marketing landscape has facilitated smoother collaboration with product development and sales teams, allowing for a more unified approach to product strategy and go-to-market initiatives.

Identifying competitive landscape

The program’s emphasis on competitive analysis has equipped me to better understand our competitive landscape, allowing me to support the creation of data-driven marketing strategies.

Has this program helped you to network? 

I’ve built strong connections with fellow scholars, creating a supportive network of individuals with shared career aspirations. We regularly connect to share insights, resources, and job opportunities.

Has there been a specific instance where the PMM scholar program has helped you overcome a professional challenge?

The program’s emphasis on go-to-market strategy and customer journey mapping allowed me to:

Identify key customer segments

By applying the learned customer segmentation techniques, I effectively identified and targeted our ideal customer base.

Craft a compelling value proposition

The program’s guidance on crafting compelling messaging helped me develop a clear and differentiated value proposition for the new product.

Develop a comprehensive go-to-market plan

The program’s framework for creating go-to-market plans provided a structured approach to outlining marketing activities and achieving launch success.

How do you see the value of this program in comparison to other professional programs you’re part of?

While I haven’t participated in other similar programs, the PMM Scholar Program stands out for its unique blend that covers all essential aspects of product marketing, providing solid foundational knowledge. 

In addition, the emphasis on applying knowledge through workshops and case studies sets it apart from purely theoretical programs. Finally, the program fosters a supportive and collaborative learning environment through peer-to-peer interaction.

What would you say to fellow product marketing professionals considering enrolling in PMA’s PMM scholar program?

To fellow product marketing professionals considering the PMM Scholar Program, I would strongly recommend it. Regardless of your current experience level, the program offers valuable insights, practical tools, and a supportive community to accelerate your career growth. It’s an excellent investment in your professional development and future success in the dynamic field of product marketing.

Any final thoughts or comments you’d like to share about your experience?

The PMM Scholar Program has been a transformative experience, equipping me with the necessary skills and confidence to excel in my product marketing journey. I highly recommend this program to anyone seeking to advance their career in product marketing.

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Twice a year, we open the doors to 25 new or aspiring product marketers and put them through a part-time, 12-week program. By the end, you’ll have all the knowledge, tools, and training needed to start a successful career in product marketing.

But it doesn’t stop there. By being part of our Scholar Program, you’ll automatically be put in front of leading hiring companies, primed to kickstart your career in style.

What you get when you’re accepted: 

🔖 Product marketing certification (providing you pass the exams)

👩‍💻 Live, weekly workshops with industry leaders

✅ Marked, practical tasks to test your learning

👣 A platform to build your personal portfolio

🌎 Exposure to some of the world’s biggest brands

🔥 Official accreditation from the industry’s go-to association (aka, us!)

🆓 All of the above for free (worth $3,500 RRP)

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